NATIONAL RETAIL SUMMIT 2013 "Winning the ... -

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“Winning in Volatile Times”. PRE SUMMIT MASTER CLASSES. 11 June 2013: Hyatt Regency: Mumbai. 0900-1300 Hrs. 1400-1700 Hrs. Master Class by the ...
NATIONAL RETAIL SUMMIT 2013 "Winning the Consumer in a Multichannel World" & NATIONAL FMCG SUMMIT 2013 “Winning in Volatile Times” PRE SUMMIT MASTER CLASSES 11 June 2013: Hyatt Regency: Mumbai

0900-1300 Hrs 1400-1700 Hrs Master Class by the Boston Consulting Group on Master Class by GS1 India “Connecting Brands “Retail: Managing the Multichannel” with Consumers and Increasing Operational efficiency” Master Class by Hindustan Unilever Ltd “Developing Master Class by ITC Ltd“Innovative Packaging and and Managing Innovative Distribution Channels” Waste Management” Master Class by AT Kearney India “Supply Chain Master Class by Accenture India “ Perfect Management Strategies in Volatile times” Execution in FMCG: Using cloud and Big Data”


“Retail : Managing the Multichannel”

Mr Abheek Singhi Partner & Director India is at the cusp of a retail revolution. Today's The Boston Consulting Group shoppers are not satisfied by a 'one-size-fits-all' approach and are demanding more from their retailers. While some want convenience others are looking for the range and depth of assortment. Deep discount appeals to a few while the luxury shopper is more willing than ever to pay a premium for exclusivity. To fully capture this opportunity, retailers must evaluate an array of formats while keeping a firm eye on the economic implications of diversification. 'Winning multi-format retail' will take CEOs and top managers through the journey of exploring multiple formats for retailers in India. Participants will see how global firms designed their multi-format strategy and learn from select Indian experiences. BCG will lead breakout sessions where participants will have an opportunity to understand and discuss the nuances of creating a multiformat strategy unique to their context. The master-class will be led by Abheek Singhi, head of Consumer and Retail Practice - India and Asia Pacific. Participating companies will have the option to fill an online survey on multi-format before the master-class. We would urge participants to fill this survey to ensure they get the most out of the breakout sessions. Data collected from this survey will not be shared with any other companies and will remain confidential. Only collated results across participating companies will be shared with the group. Please ensure there are at least 3 delegates per company in order to derive the most benefit out of this workshop.


“Supply Chain Volatile times”



in Mr Debashish Mukherjee, Partner &

Organizations today operate in a complex environment – rapidly evolving customer needs/ expectations, enhanced consumer activism, diversity in customer tastes, preferences, affordability, shopping location etc., thereby increasing complexity in product & customer portfolio, higher level of commodity price volatility, continuing inflation and a sluggish economy. In addition, talent shortage constrains organizations in India further. The Master Class session on ‘Supply Chain Management Strategies in Volatile Time’ will share key practices that leading organizations are deploying across the value chain to address these challenges. The format of the session would be a presentation by A.T. Kearney of practices that leading organizations deploy to effectively manage and grow in a volatile environment. This will be followed by a facilitated discussion amongst participants to share their experience. The participants are encouraged think how their respective organization are answering the following questions - to enable a lively dialogue: - How is your organization handling demand volatility? What are the steps that you are taking to address increased complexity across the value chain (proliferating products/ customers/ specifications/ etc.) - What are the steps you are taking to manage production volatility ? - What are the steps you are taking to manage commodity price volatility? - How are you addressing talent shortage? Who should attend: Winning in volatile times is every functions problem / challenge: hence business and functional leaders in Sales, Marketing, Manufacturing and Sourcing are encouraged to attend.

Mr Kaushik Madhavan, Partner AT Kearney India


0900-1300 Hrs

“Developing and Managing Distribution Channels”

Innovative Mr Ashish Rai

Head- Rural Operations As the Indian economy continues its long term march from Hindustan Unilever Ltd a developing to a developed economy over the next few decades, we are likely to witness broad societal and macro economic trends that can change the complete landscape of consumer behavior, consumption and shopping patterns, as the world around our consumers will evolve and transform. We will live through this change; hence, for some of us it is possible that we don’t acknowledge or feel the extent and the speed of change as we will be consumers ourselves at the forefront driving this change. As part of the FMCG and Retail industry, we are uniquely placed with the advantage of having amongst the highest consumer penetration and distribution reach of our products, compared to other sectors like finance, insurance, white goods or even telecom. However, with the growing disposable incomes in both Rural and Urban India, we are already witnessing proliferation of these products and services into people’s lives. With different consumer touch points like internet (and social media) attracting the young, higher amount of time spent outside the house by people and with larger number of women joining the work force, development of public transport (metro rail, airports, highways connecting rural market with Urban centers, etc) and consumers putting premium to time and convenience, public – government – self help groups stepping up actions on “Inclusive Growth”, the coming years will reward the organizations that are able to drive innovation in distribution channels and forge “Win Win” partnerships that can reduce the time and / or cost reaching the end consumers. Innovative Distribution Channels will become the USP for products and services, and they have the potential to be game changing in terms of driving traction amongst channel partners and most importantly for the Indian consumers. Come and join me for the Master Class on “Developing and Managing Innovative Distribution Channels” on 11th June, and we will together go through some successful case studies that will act as thought starters and will hopefully open our minds to possibilities that can be created.


1400-1700 Hrs

“Connecting Brands with Consumers and Increasing Mr S. Swaminathan Operational efficiency” General Manager GS1 India 1. Connecting consumers with products & brands With increasing consumer focus on health & wellness, sustainability and product safety, there is demand for providing information on the same before consumers decide their purchases. Mobile phones, which are becoming ubiquitous, provide an important communication channel to brand owners and retailers to communicate authentic and trusted product information to their existing and prospective consumers. A simple scan of the barcode on a product or a magazine can today connect consumers to such information which could include on new product introductions and product promotions as well. Adoption of global standards enable such innovative applications and are changing the way consumers shop. Key takeaways • Importance of standards in digital/on line retailing • Building cost effective interoperable infrastructure for connecting businesses with consumers • Meeting the growing needs of today’s tech savvy consumers • Building trusted sources of data • Brand protection & authentication 2. Product data quality and its impact on retailing Good quality product master data is at the core of digital/online retailing & efficient brick & mortar retailing operations as it is connected with ordering, invoicing, receipt/dispatch operations, payment, shelf-space planning in stores/distribution centres etc. Its role is poorly understood leading to additional costs, inefficiencies in supply chain processes in retailing which affect overall profitability and productivity. This is a major focus area of retailers worldwide with learnings/findings which the Indian retail sector can adopt and implement to their benefit. Key takeaways • Importance of Standards in enhancing operational efficiency • Building efficient online and physical supply chains • Creating robust infrastructure to stay competitive in Brick & Mortar & online business • Building resilient businesses meeting the existing and emerging requirements of consumers, regulators & industry.


1400-1700 Hrs

“Innovative Packaging and Waste Management” Innovations in Paperboard Packaging Key Areas  Overview of the global and domestic packaging market, Key drivers for innovations, Converting technologies that help deliver the packaging, some of the innovations around us Takeaways for the participants will be:  Insights into the key trends in the paper board packaging, Innovation - a tool for differentiation The converting technologies that facilitate Manufacturing and delivering of innovative Requirements. ITC WOW-Wealth Waste Program ITC, through its WOW-Wealth out of Waste program started working on the critical issue of waste management since 2007,which focused on propagating the idea of source segregation among the households, school children, corporate executives and staff, commercial establishments, etc. While working on the above project, ITC has also covered the aspect of EPR – Extended Producers Responsibility and today, they are collecting a decent quantity of post consumer FMCG packaging waste through WOW program by source segregation of dry waste. As a leading corporate and producer of FMCG, ITC wants to intensifythis activity and collect more and more post consumer packagingwaste and put the same to eco-friendly end use, thereby helpingin improving the environment.

Mr. B. Jogarao Divisional Head - Commercial ITC Limited Mr. Amit Shah Head of Marketing ITC Limited

MASTERCLASS BY Accenture India

1400-1700 Hrs

Perfect execution in FMCG: using cloud and big data

Mr Anurag Mathur Partner In a fragmented market like India with over a million retail Accenture India outlets serviced directly by CG companies, technology interventions for sales & distribution have been a key area of business focus over the last decade. Given the increasingly dynamic consumer & competitive environment companies are now faced with a multitude of technology choices and the challenge of quick decision making based on the vast quantum of data generated every day by the technology systems. This session will equip participants with techniques to make technology & information work together in order enable better business decisions. Participants will be provided an opportunity to discuss issues and challenges that restrain “perfect execution” in today’s organizations and then be guided on mechanisms to enable use of technology & data for improving the quality of execution to drive better business results.