Warehouse Artillery/Bunker 120mm artillery AAA (Anti-Aircraft Artillery) Mortar Position Mortar Position
Hadzici Tank Repair Facility
Han Pijesak Artillery Storage and Barracks
Hadzici Millitary Repair Facility
NATO number of rounds
Penetrators NATO Location data removed (highest estimate) 43443.2N 18210.9E
43523.7N 18170.2E
Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Vicinity of Sarajevo Vicinity of Sarajevo Vicinity of Sarajevo Vicinity of Sarajevo Vicinity of Sarajevo Vicinity of Sarajevo
UNEP could not visit this site due to the lack of firm coordinates UNEP could not visit this site due to the lack of firm coordinates UNEP could not visit this site due to the lack of firm coordinates UNEP could not visit this site due to the lack of firm coordinates UNEP could not visit this site due to the lack of firm coordinates UNEP could not visit this site due to the lack of firm coordinates
434932.7N 181122.9E
Target covered two large hard surface areas where a large number of tanks and vehicles were located, and large buildings where repairs were carried out. Site designed for rainwater runoff into nearby stream. UNEP only looked at hard surfaced areas due to mines/UXO, and a few cleared spaces. 233 contamination sites identified and radiation readings up to 100 times background. History of site covered in detail in report. Since UNEP visite EOD programmes and surface decontamination has occurred FBiH authorities continue to monitor site. There was still noticeable surface contamination at the time of ICBUW's visit in 2010
Target was tanks, vehicles, artillery and potentially an anti-aircraft gun. In the 1990s a team from Serbia visited the site and confirmed the use of uranium weapons, but this information was not made public. A stream runs through the site and into a sinkhole. Site is still in use by the military. Contamination was found both inside and outside buildings. At least two buildings were assumed to have been hit, but were not accessed by the team. Republika Srpska authorities are thought to have done some sampling work there, but no decontamination work was undertaken due to the lack of radioactive storage facilities in Republika Srpska. Significant contamination found - one sample contained DU levels 1000 times natural uranium content of the local soil.
See above
See above
See above
Target was ammunition storage bunkers containing a large amount of varied live ammunition, and possibly anti-aircraft guns. Area so heavily mined that UNEP team could only walk on roads. Penetrators found at road crossing near bunker in eastern part of the site. Contamination found.
Hadzici Ammo Storage Depot Hadzici Ammo Storage Depot Hadzici Ammo Storage Depot Hadzici Ammo Storage Depot
Further Information/Comments
16 17 18 19
Rounds accounted for by contamination points
400 400 550 550
4348N 1812E 4348N 1812E 4348N 1812E 4348N 1812E
UNEP could not access this site due to the presence of mines Hill overlooking Sarajevo in a civilian area. Fruit trees growing and animals grazing. Tank no longer present at the time of UNEP's visit, but a local directed them to its location at the time of attack. No significant contamination found.