Natural Gas Pipeline Leaks Across Washington, DC - Dr. Kaiguang ...

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Jan 16, 2014 - Stanford University, School of Earth Sciences, Stanford, California 94305 United States. §. Boston University, Department of Earth and Environment, 675 Commonwealth Avenue, ..... carbon fee or a cap-and-trade system).14.

Natural Gas Pipeline Leaks Across Washington, DC Robert B. Jackson,†,‡,* Adrian Down,† Nathan G. Phillips,§ Robert C. Ackley,∥ Charles W. Cook,† Desiree L. Plata,⊥ and Kaiguang Zhao† †

Duke University, Nicholas School of the Environment and Center on Global Change, Durham, North Carolina 27708 United States Stanford University, School of Earth Sciences, Stanford, California 94305 United States § Boston University, Department of Earth and Environment, 675 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston Massachusetts 02215 United States ∥ Gas Safety, Inc., Southborough, Massachusetts 01772 United States ⊥ Duke University, Pratt School of Engineering, Durham, North Carolina 27708 United States ‡

ABSTRACT: Pipeline safety in the United States has increased in recent decades, but incidents involving natural gas pipelines still cause an average of 17 fatalities and $133 M in property damage annually. Natural gas leaks are also the largest anthropogenic source of the greenhouse gas methane (CH4) in the U.S. To reduce pipeline leakage and increase consumer safety, we deployed a Picarro G2301 Cavity Ring-Down Spectrometer in a car, mapping 5893 natural gas leaks (2.5 to 88.6 ppm CH4) across 1500 road miles of Washington, DC. The δ13C-isotopic signatures of the methane (−38.2‰ ± 3.9‰ s.d.) and ethane (−36.5 ± 1.1 s.d.) and the CH4:C2H6 ratios (25.5 ± 8.9 s.d.) closely matched the pipeline gas (−39.0‰ and −36.2‰ for methane and ethane; 19.0 for CH4/C2H6). Emissions from four street leaks ranged from 9200 to 38 200 L CH4 day−1 each, comparable to natural gas used by 1.7 to 7.0 homes, respectively. At 19 tested locations, 12 potentially explosive (Grade 1) methane concentrations of 50 000 to 500 000 ppm were detected in manholes. Financial incentives and targeted programs among companies, public utility commissions, and scientists to reduce leaks and replace old cast-iron pipes will improve consumer safety and air quality, save money, and lower greenhouse gas emissions.

substantially higher than previously suggested.5,15−17 In the Uintah Basin of Utah, for instance, Karion et al.17 estimated that CH4 emissions from a natural gas and oil production field were 55 000 ± 15 000 kg hr−1, a rate corresponding to 6.2%− 11.7% of total natural gas production in the sampling region. Peischl et al.16 ascribed 31.9 ± 6.5Gg/yr of CH4 emissions to leaks of local, unprocessed natural gas in the greater Los Angeles (LA) basin, an amount that is ∼17% of local production; however, such estimates are especially complicated in LA because of the presence of natural geological seeps and extensive natural gas pipelines. Methane losses from the pipelines that distribute natural gas are also uncertain.14 Decades ago, Mitchell et al.18 estimated that natural gas leakage from the natural gas distribution system in the United Kingdom in 1990 was between 1.9% and 10.8% (median estimate of 5.3%), compared to the estimate of 1% supplied by British Gas at the time. Lelieveld et al.19 estimated that methane losses from natural gas transport systems in Russia were much smaller than the British estimate, ∼1.4%, with a range of 1.0−2.5%. Recently, Phillips et al.20 published

INTRODUCTION Fugitive emissions of methane (CH4) from oil and gas extraction and pipeline transmission are the largest anthropogenic source of methane in the United States and the second largest source globally.1 Methane is a far more potent greenhouse gas (GHG), molecule for molecule, than CO2,2−6 with an estimated global warming potential 86 times greater than CO2 on a 20-year basis and 34 times greater on a 100-year basis.7 Considerable controversy surrounds the estimates of methane emissions from the extraction, distribution, and consumption of natural gas.3,4,8−11 In 2009, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimated that 2.4% (151 Tg CO2-equivalents of CH4) of total natural gas production in the United States leaked or was released to the atmosphere, with the estimate for 2011 being slightly smaller (145 Tg CO2equivalents).1 New ground-based measurements from 150 natural gas production sites across the U.S. suggested that methane emissions during production are only 0.42% of gross gas production.12 Estimates of methane losses during the production and transmission of natural gas in Russia were also relatively low, and comparable to U.S. networks.13,14 In contrast to these lower estimates, new top-down measurements from the air over oil and gas fields in Colorado, Utah, and California suggest that leakage rates there may be © 2014 American Chemical Society

Received: Revised: Accepted: Published: 2051

October 8, 2013 December 6, 2013 December 31, 2013 January 16, 2014 | Environ. Sci. Technol. 2014, 48, 2051−2058

Environmental Science & Technology


the first comprehensive map of natural gas leaks for a city, documenting ∼3400 pipeline leaks across the 785 road miles (1263 km) of Boston. The leaks had δ13CH4 signatures consistent with the fossil-fuel gas from the pipelines rather than with a biogenic source of methane.20 Along with reducing greenhouse gas emissions, repairing production and pipeline leaks would improve consumer health and safety and save money. Hydrocarbons lost to the atmosphere can react with NOx to catalyze ozone formation in urban areas.21 Furthermore, incidents involving natural gas transmission and distribution pipelines in the U.S. cause an average of 17 fatalities, 68 injuries, and $133 M in property damage annually.22 In this study, we measured methane concentrations along each of the 1500 road miles (2,415 km) of Washington, DC to assess the frequency and extent of leakage from natural gas pipelines. To confirm the source of the natural gas, we measured the carbon isotope composition (δ13CH4 and δ13C2H6) of leaks and the abundance of ethane (C2H6) and propane (C3H8), two gases that have no biological sources in this environment and that are not generated in wetlands or sewer systems.20,23 We also measured methane emission rates from street leaks and quantified the concentrations of methane in manholes associated with 19 leaks, determining the number with potentially explosive (Grade 1) concentrations. Finally, we analyzed data for national lost-and-unaccounted-for gas and cast-iron pipelines to place our observations in a broader scientific context. Such studies can help increase consumer safety and reduce fugitive methane emissions associated with the use of natural gas.

measured for any given leak depends on both wind dispersion and the leak rate. To examine the source of the methane, we measured methane, ethane, and propane concentrations, as well as the isotopic signatures of methane and ethane (δ13CH4 and δ13C2H6) in the air from 19 street leaks across the city. After mapping the leaks using the mobile methane analyzer, we first identified the location of the leak and the concentration of gases leaking directly from it (e.g., a curb or manhole). We then collected samples of each leak in 150-mL stainless steel canisters (Swagelok, Solon OH) and 1-L Tedlar bags with valve and septa fittings (Environmental Supply, Inc., Durham NC) in January and February 2013. Pipeline gas was collected in February 2013 at George Washington University. A Gas Sentry CGO-321 hand-held gas detector (Bascom-Turner, Norwood, MA) was first used to identify the area of highest ambient [CH4] at each leak location sampled for δ13CH4 and, separately, to measure CH4 concentrations of air in the manholes sampled at 19 locations. Evacuated sample bags were then filled at each leak location using a hand pump. The samples were analyzed for δ13CH4, usually within two days and always within two weeks, using a Picarro G2112i Cavity Ring-Down Spectrometer25 (CRDS) at the Duke Environmental Stable Isotope Laboratory (DEVIL). The CRDS was calibrated with a set of three known gas standards for concentration (Airgas Inc., Radnor, PA) and δ13C (Isometrics Canada Inc., Victoria, BC) and was checked at least daily to ensure analyzer output was within 1‰ of a tank of CH4 with δ13CH4 measured by a private lab (Isotech Laboratories, Inc., Champaign, IL; published precision ±0.1‰). In cases where the concentrations in the samples exceeded the calibrated range of the instrument, a dilution with zero air was created using a glass in-line dilution vessel. The concentrations and isotopic signatures of ethane and propane in air and their ratio to methane provide independent ways to identify biogenic and thermogenic methane sources.26 Because microbes do not produce ethane or propane in the soil or shallow subsurface,23,27 lower ratios of methane to higherchain hydrocarbons ( 0.99 and a mean slope of 0.92 for the Picarro (i.e., our measurements of methane in air slightly underestimated actual values). We defined a “leak” or other source as a separate, spatially contiguous set of [CH4] observations exceeding a concentration threshold of 2.50 ppm at >5-m spacing. This threshold was used by Phillips et al.20 and corresponds to the 90th percentile of the distribution of data from all road miles driven. The background air in Washington, DC varied between 1.9 and 2.0 ppm. Relative to the global background, the 2.5-ppm threshold is ∼37% above 2012 mean mixing ratios observed at Mauna Loa (∼1.82 ppm).24 The precise concentration 2052 | Environ. Sci. Technol. 2014, 48, 2051−2058

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curves were run daily during the measurement period (0.993 ≤ r2 ≤ 1.000 for each individual curve). To determine the δ13C2H6 signatures of street leaks and pipeline gas, sample gases were delivered by continuous flow via open split in the GC-C (GC-combustion) unit to a ThermoFinnigan Delta+XL IRMS (Thermo Finnigan, Bremen, Germany). Raw δ13C data were normalized to Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite (V-PDB) using tank ethane, as well as headspace gas in septum bottles, with known δ 13 C values (Isotech Laboratories, Inc., Champaign IL). Samples were frequently measured with duplicate analyses, and results for each sample were averaged. The standard deviation of replicates of sample and standard gases ranged from 0.1 to 0.5‰ δ13C relative to VPDB. Statistical differences between air sampled from leaks and natural gas pipeline gas for methane and ethane concentrations and isotopic ratios were assessed by t test. To quantify methane emissions from individual street leaks, we used the Picarro “Plume Scanner” technology in June of 2013. The Plume Scanner technique is a direct emission measurement that utilizes (1) a mobile Picarro cavity ringdown spectrometer and a gas sampling system based on AirCore technology for recording short plume events, replaying them more slowly for improved isotope accuracy;28 (2) a GPS tracker (Hemisphere GNSS, Scottsdale, AZ; Model R100); and (3) a 2-D sonic anemometer (Climatronics Corp. Bohemia, NY). As the Plume Scanner vehicle drives downwind across the plume, the air is simultaneously sampled at four heights (0.43, 1.09, 1.75, and 2.44 m) above the road surface on a mast mounted on the vehicle. When a plume is detected, the AirCore System’s valves are triggered into playback mode, in which the analyzer is connected in sequence to each of the four tube lengths. The emission estimate, E(t), is determined by integrating over the concentration in the y-axis (i.e., the direction of the car motion) and the z-axis (height), after the background concentration has been subtracted (i.e., (C(y,z) − C0) is the density of the vector field of CH4 gas) and after multiplying the integrated values by the lateral wind speed u as measured by the anemometer mounted on the vehicle roof: E(t) = ∫ ∫ (C(y,z,t) − C0 × u(x,y,z) dy dz. In this way, the methane spatial distribution can be reconstructed as an intensity map or plume image and fugitive emission rates of localized sources such as street leaks or natural gas production pads can be made quickly (∼7 min per measurement). Verification using controlled methane releases of 15 L min−1 under stable atmospheric conditions (Pasquill29 atmospheric stability class C or D with strong and steady winds) gave a mean Plume Scanner measurement of 15.3 L min−1 (±2.3 L min−1 s.d.); under somewhat less stable atmospheric conditions (Pasquill stability class A or B), 16 L min−1 controlled releases gave a mean measurement of 14.9 L min−1 (±8.7 L min−1 s.d.). Weather conditions on measurement days in June of 2013 were overcast with wind speeds that ranged from 1 to 3 m/s, conditions consistent with Pasquill stability classes B and C.

Figure 1. Methane leaks (5893 spikes >2.5 ppm) mapped across the ∼1500 road miles of Washington, DC (upper panel: white = roads driven) and in planimetric view (middle panel). A close-up of leaks near the U.S. Capitol Building (lower panel) showing high leak densities east of the building but few leaks over the National Mall, where very few natural gas pipelines exist.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Washington, DC had 5893 pipeline leaks across 1500 road miles of the city (Figures 1 and 2). There were 1122 street leaks >5 ppm CH4, roughly 2.5-times the background concentration of ∼2 ppm CH4 in the city (Figure 2). Additionally, there were 334 leaks >10 ppm CH4 and 67 leaks >25 ppm CH4 (Figure 2). The mean leak concentration observed was 4.6 ppm CH4 (median value of 3.1 ppm CH4), and the maximum leak

concentration was 88.6 ppm CH4, ∼45-times higher than background CH4 concentrations in air. The isotopic signatures of the methane and ethane sampled from 19 street leaks in Washington, DC closely matched the signature of the pipeline gas in the city (Figure 3). The δ13CH4 of the leaks had a mean value of −38.2‰ (±3.9‰ s.d.), statistically indistinguishable from the value of −39.0‰ (s.d. = 0.6‰) for the pipeline natural gas (P = 0.42 by t test). In

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Methane concentrations assessed by GC analysis in air from the 19 leaks sampled from the sources at street level ranged from 2530 ppm to 258 000 ppm CH4, with average and median CH4 concentrations of 77 000 and 69 000 ppm, respectively. Ethane concentrations in the same air samples ranged from 39 to 9960 ppm C2H6, with propane values between 6 and 1120 ppm C3H8. The average CH4/(C2H6 + C3H8) ratio across 19 street leaks in Washington, DC. was 25.5 (±8.9 s.d.), characteristic of a fossil fuel source and consistent with our pipeline samples (19.0 ± 0.84 s.d.). Pipeline distribution companies grade leaks based on the hazards that the leaks pose, often using the criteria set by the Gas Pipeline Technology Committee of the American Gas Association.33 A grade 1 leak represents “an existing or probable hazard to persons or property, and requires immediate repair or continuous action until the conditions are no longer hazardous.”34 A grade 1 leak is often assessed in the field using a portable combustible gas analyzer (CGA) and, when measured in a manhole or other confined space, is defined with a lower limit of 40 000 ppm methane or 4% gas, which corresponds to a threshold of least 80% of the lower explosion limit (LEL) of methane in air (∼5% methane or 50 000 ppm). In January and February of 2013, we used a CGA in the field to measure the gas concentrations in manholes at 19 highconcentration leak locations. At that time, 12 of the 19 locations had manholes with air categorized as grade 1 leaks (Table 1). The values were as high as 50% methane (500 000

Figure 2. A histogram of methane concentrations for the 5893 leaks observed across the roads of Washington, DC.

Table 1. Location and Concentration of CH4 Measured in 12 Grade 1 Leaks Across Washington, DC, in an Initial Sampling (January and February, 2013) and in Follow-up Sampling in June of 2013a

Figure 3. The δ13CH4 (upper panel, n = 19) and δ13C2H6 (lower panel, n = 14) values of gas samples collected from street leaks in Washington, DC. The mean δ13C values for methane and ethane were −38.2‰ (±3.9‰ s.d.) and −36.5‰ (±1.1‰ s.d.), respectively, relative to Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite. The dotted lines within the distributions are the values measured for pipeline natural gas in the city (−39.0‰ and −36.2‰ for CH4 and C2H6, respectively). The dotted line to the left in the upper panel is a typical δ13CH4 value for biogenic methane sources from landfills, sewers, and wetlands (−57.8‰; Phillips et al.20). Fourteen of 19 samples had sufficient [C2H6] to measure δ13C2H6 accurately.




38.90306 38.90375

−77.002068 −77.00589





38.912621 38.921077

−77.015438 −76.96647

38.924723 38.929994 38.938177

−77.038229 −77.034788 −77.101682

38.955283 38.959218

−77.080354 −77.024337



1003 Third Street NE First Street NE at L Street NE M Street NW at New Hampshire Ave NW O Street NE by North Capitol Street R Street at 3st NW 2401 30th Street NE at Adams Street 1630 Fuller Street NW 3221 Hiatt Place NW 5074 Sedgwick Street NW at Tilden Street NW 5028 41st Street NW 5720 Eighth Street NW on Marietta Place NW 16th Street NW at Jonquil Street NW

% CH4 Jan/Feb 2013

% CH4 June 2013

6 11

9 12




3%, including a maximum of 11% LAU gas. LAU for the primary service provider in Washington, DC was substantially higher than the average across companies, 4% in 2011 and ∼3.5% averaged across the previous decade. PHMSA data22,35 also shed light on the potential cause of the high LAU term and leak rate observed in Washington, DC, particularly the prevalence of older cast-iron piping (Table 2). Table 2. Length (In Miles) For States with >400 Miles of Cast-Iron Mains and the Percentage of Cast-Iron Distribution Mains by State and for the District of Columbia (PHMSA35) location

miles cast-iron mains

% cast-iron mains

New Jersey New York Massachusetts Pennsylvania Michigan Illinois Connecticut Maryland Alabama Missouri Texas Rhode Island Ohio Nebraska Louisiana District Of Columbia Virginia

5044 4417 3792 3221 3101 1744 1467 1399 1383 1113 934 859 582 503 470 419 406

15 9 18 7 5 3 19 10 5 4 1 27 1 4 2 35 2 2056 | Environ. Sci. Technol. 2014, 48, 2051−2058

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formation in urban areas can be catalyzed by CH4 reacting with NOx,21 and reducing hydrocarbon concentrations in urban areas could reduce rates of respiratory and cardiopulmonary disease associated with tropospheric ozone production.2,21 The greenhouse gas and public health benefits of reducing natural gas leaks would be in addition to other benefits of natural gas compared to coal, such as fewer SO2, mercury, and particulate matter emissions2 and lower CO2 emissions per unit energy. Through bottom-up surveys, such as this one, and complementary top-down approaches,5,15,16 fugitive emissions of methane and other hydrocarbons in natural gas can be reduced, to the economic and environmental benefit of gas companies, municipalities, and consumers. Further campaigns to map and repair urban pipeline leaks around the world are critical for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving air quality and consumer safety, and saving consumers money.2,4,20,21,39,40


Corresponding Author

*Phone: 1-919-660-7408; fax 1-919-660-7425; e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment and Center on Global Change funded this research. We thank Tracy Tsai of Picarro, Inc., for scientific assistance, Jon Karr of the Duke Environmental Isotope Laboratory (DEVIL) for assistance with isotope analyses, and William Chameides, Dean of the Nicholas School, for his scientific input and support. The Jackson lab and anonymous reviewers provided helpful comments on the manuscript.


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