Natural Organic Matter Affects Arsenic Speciation and Sorption onto ...

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AARON D. REDMAN, †. DONALD L. MACALADY, ‡. AND. DIANNE AHMANN* , †. Division of Environmental Science and Engineering and Department of ...
Environ. Sci. Technol. 2002, 36, 2889-2896

Natural Organic Matter Affects Arsenic Speciation and Sorption onto Hematite AARON D. REDMAN,† DONALD L. MACALADY,‡ AND D I A N N E A H M A N N * ,† Division of Environmental Science and Engineering and Department of Chemistry and Geochemistry, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado 80401

Arsenic mobility in natural environments is controlled primarily by sorption onto metal oxide surfaces, and the extent of this sorption may be influenced strongly by the presence of other dissolved substances that interact with surfaces or with arsenic itself. Natural organic matter (NOM), a prevalent constituent of natural waters, is highly reactive toward both metals and surfaces and is thus a clear candidate to influence arsenic mobility. The objectives of this study were therefore to reveal the influences of diverse NOM samples on the sorption of arsenic onto hematite, a model metal oxide, as well as to reveal influences of arsenic on the sorption of NOM, using conditions and concentrations relevant to natural freshwater environments. Of the six NOM samples tested, four formed aqueous complexes with arsenate and arsenite. The extent of complexation varied with the NOM origin and, in particular, increased with the cationic metal (primarily Fe) content of the NOM sample. In addition, every NOM sample showed active redox behavior toward arsenic species, indicating that NOM may greatly influence redox as well as complexation speciation of arsenic in freshwater environments. When NOM and As were incubated together with hematite, NOM dramatically delayed the attainment of sorption equilibrium and diminished the extent of sorption of both arsenate and arsenite. Consistent with this result, when NOM and As were introduced sequentially, all NOM samples displaced sorbed arsenate and arsenite from hematite surfaces, and arsenic species similarly displaced sorbed NOM from hematite in significant quantities. Competition between NOM and As for sorption thus appears to be a potentially important process in natural waters, suggesting that NOM may play a greater role in arsenic mobility than previously recognized. In addition, in all sorption experiments, arsenite was consistently desorbed or prevented from sorbing to a greater extent than arsenate, indicating that interactions with NOM may also partially explain the generally greater mobility of arsenite in natural environments. * Corresponding author phone: (303)273-3402; fax: (303)273-3413; e-mail: [email protected]. † Division of Environmental Science and Engineering, Colorado School of Mines. ‡ Department of Chemistry and Geochemistry, Colorado School of Mines. 10.1021/es0112801 CCC: $22.00 Published on Web 05/29/2002

 2002 American Chemical Society

I. Introduction Arsenic is a toxic trace element of great contemporary concern due to its contamination of ground, surface, and drinking waters throughout the world (1-4). Arsenic exists in natural environments primarily as oxyacids of As(V), or arsenate, and of As(III), or arsenite. Arsenate is predominantly anionic at circumneutral pH, while arsenite is uncharged (5). Arsenic mobility in natural systems is controlled primarily by adsorption onto metal oxide surfaces (6-8), involving surface complexation reactions in which the oxygen moiety of the arsenate or arsenite displaces an hydroxyl group on the metal oxide surface to generate an inner-sphere complex (9, 10). The common oxides of iron, aluminum, and manganese appear to be the most important sorbents of arsenic in natural systems (7, 11-13). Arsenate and arsenite both sorb rapidly and extensively onto a variety of iron and aluminum oxides in clean laboratory systems (11, 14-18), suggesting that the two species might behave similarly in natural systems. However, arsenite is found to be consistently more mobile than arsenate in soils and sediments (19, 20, 61-64), apparently due in part to reduction of sorbent oxides to soluble forms followed by reduction of arsenate to arsenite (1, 8, 19-22). This phenomenon is cause for significant concern given the far greater toxicity of arsenite (23), and additional insight into the underlying mechanisms will be essential to the prediction of risks posed by arsenic and to the design of effective remediation schemes. Natural organic matter (NOM) is a potentially important factor influencing arsenic biogeochemistry. Operationally defined fractions of NOM known as humic and fulvic acids may interfere strongly with arsenic adsorption under some circumstances (24-26), and arsenic mobility may be increased by NOM present in soil amendments (27), but the parameters governing these effects are not well understood. As the structurally complex product of biomass decomposition, NOM molecules possess unique combinations of functional groups, including carboxylic, esteric, phenolic, quinone, amino, nitroso, sulfhydryl, hydroxyl, and other moieties, the majority of which are negatively charged at neutral pH (28). The chemical and physical behavior of NOM species can vary widely among geographical areas, depending on the biomass of origin and locally active transformation processes, but in general NOM readily forms both aqueous and surface inner-sphere complexes with cationic metals and metal oxides (29-31). Aqueous NOM-metal complexes may, in turn, associate strongly with other dissolved anions, presumably by metal-bridging mechanisms (26), diminishing the tendencies of such anions to form surface complexes. Because NOM is not only potentially reactive toward arsenic but also ubiquitous in natural waters, typically found at concentrations between 1 and 50 mg C/L, its potential influences on arsenic sorption and mobility are great. NOM is also known to catalyze both oxidation and reduction reactions among chemical species, in part by the quinone-mediated formation of free radicals (32-35). In this way it may serve as an electron shuttle among otherwise kinetically inert redox species (34) and even between microorganisms and metals (36). Because arsenic speciation appears to be an important factor regulating its mobility, this dimension represents another means by which NOM may influence As transport and toxicity. The purpose of this study was to elucidate NOM influences on As sorption and speciation by examining interactions of six geographically diverse aqueous-phase NOM samples with VOL. 36, NO. 13, 2002 / ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY



arsenate, arsenite, and hematite, a model metal oxide. Because NOM is widespread in soils and sediments (37), NOM is likely to encounter surface sites prior to an influx of contaminating arsenic in many instances. The opposite scenario, in which arsenic-coated metal oxide surfaces are exposed to NOM, may also be important, as in the initiation of passive biotreatment of mine drainage (38, 39). Therefore, NOM was introduced to hematite both before and after arsenic species in sorption experiments. As expected, NOM reactivities toward As and the metal oxide varied with origin, but remarkable consistency was found in their abilities to influence arsenic redox speciation and, in general, to promote arsenic mobility, particularly in the case of arsenite.

II. Materials and Methods Materials. Water samples containing NOM, chosen to represent a variety of geographic origins, were collected from the Rio Negro 80 km NW of Manaus, Brazil (July 2000), the South Fork of the Forty Mile River in Alaska, 141° 45′14.3 W by 64° 14′48.3 N (April 2001), a stream in the Michigan Upper Peninsula near Republic, MI (March 1999), Monitoring Well 6 (MW-6) in the Tennessee Park wetland near Leadville, CO (March 1993), the Suwannee River near the Okefenokee Swamp, GA (July, 1995), and the Inangahua River near Lewis Pass, New Zealand (February 1997). Samples were stored for up to 5 years in sealed polyethylene bottles in darkness at 4 °C. Each sample was filtered (0.45 µm), diluted to 10 mg C/L to represent a consistent concentration within the range found in many natural waters (40), and brought to 10 mM ionic strength with NaCl prior to use except where specified. The 10 mg C/L concentration corresponded to a 0.14 mM concentration of carboxylic acid functional groups, assuming an average of 1 carboxylic acid group in every six carbon atoms (40). Other than dilution and pH and ionic strength adjustments, NOM samples were used without intentional modification. No NOM isolation or fractionation procedures were used, and no specific efforts were made to alter the NOM redox state. Colloidal hematite (R-Fe2O3) was synthesized by acidic hydrolysis of FeCl3 followed by collection, washing, and sonication (41), yielding particles 0.2-0.3 µm in diameter with a pHpzc near 8.6. Sorption site density was estimated at 2.31 sites/nm2 (41), corresponding to 6.67 × 10-5 mol sites/g hematite or, in a suspension of 300 mg/L hematite, a site concentration of 2 × 10-5 M. This concentration is similar to higher sediment loads found in natural waters (42). X-ray diffraction analysis (Scintag XDS 2000) using Cu-R radiation confirmed the identity of the solid as hematite, and rounding of the baseline spectra indicated the presence of trace amounts of amorphous iron oxides. All chemicals were of reagent grade or higher (Sigma-Aldrich, Fisher Scientific), and ultrapure HCl (GFS Chemicals) was used in all acidifications. Arsenic Analyses. Total arsenic was determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (GF-AAS) (Perkin-Elmer Aanalyst 800). Arsenic speciation was determined by a continuous HPLC-ICP-MS system in which aqueous arsenate and arsenite were separated by HPLC (Waters 600) using LC-SAX anion-exchange resin (SigmaAldrich) with 12.5 mM ammonium malonate/1% methanol eluent, pH 4.7. Subsequent inline hydride generation (PerkinElmer FIAS Chemifold) with cysteine and sodium borohydride reductants and ICP-MS detection (Perkin-Elmer Sciex 6100) (43) allowed detection of arsenic species with a limit of 0.2 ppb and variability of < (5%. Organically complexed arsenic was retained on the resin, allowing passage of only “free” arsenic. All samples were stored at 4 °C in darkness and were analyzed within 1 week of sampling. Computations were performed using MassLynx software. 2890



NOM Characterization. Prior to dilution, NOM samples were analyzed for metal content by ICP-AES (Perkin-Elmer Optima 4300DV) and for total arsenic by GF-AAS. Total organic carbon was determined by combustion at pH 2 (Shimadzu TOC-5000A) or at pH 3 (OI Corp. Model 1010) for the MW-6 sample to avoid precipitation. FTIR spectra were also collected of all NOM samples, both as liquids concentrated by rotary evaporation and as freeze-dried samples, and are available upon request. Following dilution, acidity of NOM samples was measured by titrating N2-purged samples from pH 2.0 to 6.0 with NaOH (0.0954 N) that had been standardized with potassium hydrogen phthalate. Absorption of 254 nm UV radiation was measured spectrophotometrically (Perkin-Elmer Lambda 11), and ionic strength was measured by conductivity with respect to NaCl using a YSI Model 35 conductance meter. Nitrate, phosphate, and sulfate were measured by ion chromatography (Dionex DX600, AS14A column). Aqueous Complexation. Arsenic species were diluted from stock solutions to reach 1 µM final concentrations in 10 mL of diluted NOM (10 mg C/L, pH 6.0). Duplicate solutions were shaken gently (100 osc/min) for 90 h in darkness to prevent photooxidation (44) at 22 ( 1 °C and stored at 4 °C until analysis. Arsenic Sorption onto Hematite. Colloidal hematite and colloidal hematite with presorbed NOM (described below) were suspended using sonication in 10 mL Milli-Q water, pH 6.00 ( 0.05, I ) 10 mM NaCl, to reach a final hematite concentration of 300 mg/L in acid-washed 50 mL Oak Ridge tubes. After a 30 min equilibration, arsenic species were diluted from stock solutions into hematite suspensions to reach 1 µM final concentrations, and suspensions were shaken gently in darkness. For kinetic experiments, tubes were capped loosely to allow gas exchange with the atmosphere, and