A 21st Century Immersion Environment • Natural Advanced Learning Accelerated Healing
AquaDios Corp • Natural • Learning Healing • Immunotherapy Maximize Immune System Function Cancer • Management • Cure
National Health • Education Curricula
Hospitals • Medicine
Innovative • Proprietary • ProActive Protocol(s) Created By Dr. Alan Jensen
[email protected] P.O. Box 2228 Malibu, CA 90265 310-897-5055 Dr. Alan Jensen • Founder • CEO • Creator • • AquaDios-Med™ • Copyright © 1985 - 2008 - 2016 AquaDios Corp;/AquaDiosTM / AquaDios-MedTM • Natural Immunotherapy • All Rights Reserved
Eradicate Iatrogenic Disease Medicine
A 21stCentury Immersion Environment • Natural Advanced Learning • Accelerated Healing
AquaDios Corp • Natural Immunotherapy NeuroBioLogical •Learning •Healing • Research By Dr. Alan Jensen •
Over View • Obama • Biden • Immunotherapy • Cancer Cure MoonShot Zeitgeist Pitfalls • Corrupt HealthCare Practices High Probability Failure Profit Centered Invasive Vs Patient Centered NonInvasive Natural Maximized Immune System Management Patient Centered • Non-Invasive • Safe VS
BioEngineering • Infusion • Immune System • Surgery • Pharmaceuticals Profit Centered • Invasive • Dangerous • 50% Death Iatrogenic Disease Medicine Fallacy Cancer Cells Omniscient
Decades of Medical Research: All Cancer Type • Stage • Survived By Natural • Visual Imagery • Treatment
Syndrome X Homeostatic Interference • Immune System Negative PsychoNeuroPhysioLogical Ideations Absence Sustained Vigorous Exercise Inadequate Nourishment • Digestion Impoverished Self-Actualization
310-897-5055 www.AquaDios.com
[email protected] P.O. Box 2228 Malibu, CA 90265 Dr. Alan Jensen • Founder • CEO • Creator • • AquaDios-Med™ • Copyright © 1985 - 2016 AquaDios Corp • AquaDiosTM / AquaDios-MedTM • All Rights Reserved
Exterminate • HealthCare • Education Crisis Eradicate Iatrogenic Disease Medicine
A 21st Century Immersion Environment for Advanced Fitness & Accelerated Healing
Overview • Obama • Biden • MoonShot • Cancer Cure • Immunotherapy Zeitgeist Pitfalls • Corrupt HealthCare Practices Profit • Centered Vs Patient • Centered Most educated American’s know Biden’s son died of Cancer in 2015. In 2016, Obama • Biden have initiated a “MoonShot Zeitgeist” to spearhead Immunotherapy Cancer Cure; to be successful this type of National Motivation is essential to unite the many divergent views into a common “American Teamwork” that will prevail over Cancer devastation. Obama-Biden MoonShot Zeitgeist Logic is intended to motivate ALL American Resources to the highest level of teamwork, cooperation, to produce a synergy common to 3 American Historical Facts: American Affairs that gave birth to the Inspirational MoonShot Zeitgeist Theory; The American Way; Emblematic of ingenuity, innovation, determination, teamwork, captured by historians; ALL say the 3 most significant historical moments over 140 years of America’s Life are: Paul Revere: Midnight Ride, April 18, 1775, “one if by land two if by sea”; American Identity! Franklin D. Roosevelt: Pearl Harbor Infamy World War II, December 8, 1941; Americanism! John F. Kennedy: We Choose to Go To the Moon, September 12, 1962; American Innovation! Significantly below the MoonShot Synergy is that of a “Super Bowl” Championship Team, well deserved, where ALL people associated with the team, its members, including the fans genuinely work together. Unfortunately the MoonShot Immunotherapy Zeitgeist, though doable, has little to no chance of success for two basic fundamental reasons: Profit•Centered mentality will NEVER agree to Patient•Centered Proactive Proprietary Preventive Medicine because Pharmaceuticals will give up hundreds of billions of dollars; Research Grant Money is ear marked for the Invasive BioEngineering • Infusion Process Dependent on the Fallacy of False Logic wherein theoretical constructs NEGATE scientific fact(s): Cancer Cells are Omniscient with Powerful Stealth Capacity; Invisible to Immune System; Recent Biomedical Research Science based on decades of Syndrome X fact(s) reveals that Microbiota, the many thousands of microorganisms in the digestive tract; responsible for accurate Immune System Communications; has a “failure to communicate” caused by a “malnourishment syndrome” that prevent the proper “flora” needed to communicate “cancer cell - destroy”, thus the Cancer is not omniscient nor with stealth; thereby, corrective nourishment may allow the necessary “flora” to develop and return communication capacity to the Immune System; Metaphorically, this is similar to a “working cell phone” failing to receive signals from the “Functioning Cell Tower”; Thus, ProActive Nutritional Change may be absolutely necessary; A second known, well researched fact is “Cancer is not stealth equipped”; P.O. Box 2228 • Malibu California 90265 310.897.5055 Natural Immunotherapy
Dr. Alan Jensen • Founder • CEO • Creator • AquaDios-Med™ •
[email protected] www.aquadios.com
AquaDios Corp • Proprietary Protocols
AquaDios-Med™ AquaDios Corp; Copyright © 1999 – 2016 • Natural Immunotherapy • All Right Reserved
The Immune System is not tricked or outsmarted by the superior foe Cancer. Decades of Medical Research Reveals: All Cancer Type • Stage • Survived By • Natural • Visual Imagery • Alternative Treatment. There is substantial evidence to corroborate the CANCER PATIENT immune system is not faulty; Medical Research Science confirms most CANCER IS CAUSED by patient behavior: Negative Subconscious Preverbal Cognition; Microbiota; malnourished digestive microorganisms [possibly incorrect food grouping and or digestive inabilities]; Poor Nourishment; Little or no Exercise; Smoking; drinking alcohol; Distress: Psychoneuroimmunoligical Homeostasis Disturbance Psychoneuroimmunology research science reveals the human mind; known to have “subconscious psychoneuroengrams”; an automatic synaptic phenomenon; produces “subconscious memory” that causes Negative Immune System Reaction. PsychoNeuroImmunology Research has brought forth Mind Body Communication Medicine wherein AquaDios Corp has designed innovative Proprietary Proactive Preventive Natural Immunotherapy which includes a Four Pronged Evidence Based Treatment Approach: First, teaching patient(s) to Learn Natural Positive Memory; to Identify, overcome; control “Negative Subconscious Memory”, a Proprietary Deconditioning Procedure [Empowerment]; Second, teaching patient(s) to Learn Proprietary Sustained Intense Deep Water Running Immersion Therapy; a process rated highest, safest, fastest, most natural rejuvenation • rehabilitation • healing • “physical fitness”; Third, teaching patient(s) to Learn Proprietary Nutritional Food Combinations as well as a complete Evaluation of the Patient Microbiota, Microorganisms to determine whether the digestive tract is capable of healthy nutritional digestion to accurately communicate with the immune System Function; Fourth, teaching patient(s) to Learn ALL Combined Proprietary Proactive Preventive Medicine with knowledge these Combinations of mental, physical activities, known to Maximize Immune System Function MUST BECOME A LIFESTYLE to insure lasting results; this includes continued daily applications of nutritional eating together with knowledgeable food groups; AquaDios Corp Evidence Based Research Confirms how we humans use our mind, every day, our unconscious brain activity is directly involved in manifesting crippling negative dysfunctional medical disorders such as cancer; Positive Mind Body Communication(s) Can Reverse this etiology. Prior research verifies Congress, the FDA, the AMA are controlled by Pharmaceutical(s) therefore American HealthCare is driven by Profit•Centered Iatrogenic Disease Medicine Motivation(s) not Patient•Centered enthusiasm whereby pain, suffering are minimized by teaching Proactive Preventive Medicine. Legitimate Hospital Research has proven to be very difficult because Hospital Medicine is Iatrogenic Disease Medicine; responsible for a minimum of a Million or more uncalled hospital deaths; However getting to the hard core statistical facts is most difficult as “Modern Medicine” obfuscates it’s patient death toll(s); Clearly, hospital medicine is the nations “biggest killer”; the most dangerous place in America is the hospital due to medical, surgical, drug errors; the over use, abuse of drugs and surgeries. 2
AquaDios-Med™ •AquaDios Corp • Copyright © 1999 – 2016 • Natural Immunotherapy • All Right Reserved
Hospitals are the biggest “cash cows” in America, with more than $750 Billion annual cash flow that could be substantially reduced with proven Proactive Preventive Medicine Protocols. Therein is why the MoonShot Zeitgeist Immunotherapy Cancer Cure is destined for failure. The attached research and other AquaDios Corp research found at Academia Edu validates American HealthCare must abandon the rigid usurious Profit•Centered mentality for a more sensible, fair Profit by blending in Patient•Centered Proactive Preventive Medicine to establish legitimate Immunotherapy. Current Immunotherapy Cancer Cure is regulated by the 1939 Cancer Act which essentially it a crime to utter Cancer Cure to be plausible, even possible with anything other than pharmaceuticals, surgeries and other Iatrogenic Disease Medicine wherein the treatment may be more deadly than the disease, in this case Cancer. Please tolerate the “rough unedited” work presented to you; but I feel getting feedback on this research as presented, can be very helpful toward legitimatizing Proprietary Proactive Preventive Medicine Protocols as presented in the AquaDios Corp research.
Respectfully, Dr. Alan Jensen (Alan), AquaDios Corp.
June 24, 2016
Natural Healing • Learning Immunotherapy • Maximize Immune System Function
Founder • CEO • Creator, AquaDios-Med™ http://www.aquadios.com/
A 21st Century Immersion Environment for Advanced Fitness & Accelerated Healing AquaDios-Med™ Philosophy: EXERCISE IS MEDICINE! THE IMPAIRED BECOME REPAIRED! YOU DON'T STOP EXERCISING BECAUSE YOU GROW OLD; YOU GROW OLD BECAUSE YOU STOP EXERCISING! Phone 310-897-5055; - Email:
[email protected] - P.O. Box 2228 Malibu, Ca. 90265 Nearly all men die of their medicines not their diseases • Moliere 1673 The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination - Albert Einstein Perfecting of Knowing • Positive Self-Efficacy • Belief in one's effectiveness Exercise Physiologists Rate • Deep-Water Running • Safest • Best • Cardiovascular Exercise
AquaDios-Med™ •AquaDios Corp • Copyright © 1999 – 2016 • Natural Immunotherapy • All Right Reserved
A 21stCentury Immersion Environment • Natural Advanced Learning • Accelerated Healing
AquaDios Corp • Natural Immunotherapy NeuroBioLogical •Learning •Healing
Maximize •Immune System •Function • Communication(s) Proactive •Proprietary • Evidence Based • NonInvasive Patient • Centered • Natural • Positive Cognitive ReConditioning Proprietary •Safe • Sustained Exercise • Microbiota • Nutrition • Research By Dr. Alan Jensen •
Natural Maximized Immune System Management Patient Centered • Non-Invasive • Safe VS
BioEngineering • Infusion • Immune System • Surgery • Pharmaceuticals Profit Centered • Invasive • Dangerous Iatrogenic Disease Medicine Decades of Medical Research: All Cancer Type • Stage • Survived By Natural • Visual Imagery • Treatment Fundamental Origin(s) Cancer • Disease(s): Normal Cell Activity Absent • Homeostatic Interference • Immune System Disease • Cancer Syndrome Negative PsychoNeuroPhysioLogical Ideations Absence Sustained Vigorous Exercise Inadequate Nourishment • Digestion Impoverished Self-Actualization 310-897-5055 www.AquaDios.com
[email protected] P.O. Box 2228 Malibu, CA 90265 Dr. Alan Jensen • Founder • CEO • Creator • • AquaDios-Med™ • Copyright © 1985 - 2016 AquaDios Corp • AquaDiosTM / AquaDios-MedTM • All Rights Reserved
Exterminate • HealthCare • Education Crisis Eradicate Iatrogenic Disease Medicine
A 21st Century Immersion Environment for Advanced Fitness & Accelerated Healing
Cure Cancer • 60 Minutes • BioEngineering • Surgery • Infusion Profit Centered • Invasive • 50% Death Rate • Duke University
6/29/16 - 0_1
AquaDios Corp decades of medical research has led to Evidence Based Innovative Proprietary ProActive Patient-Centered Immunotherapy Treatment Protocols for most ALL Medical Conditions, including Cancer. The recent Obama – Biden “MoonShot Zeitgeist” is A Cancer Cure Immunotherapy Funding Project to Stimulate Donations from ALL sources; Two Billionaires, Sean Parker and Larry Ellison donated a combined $450 Million in May 2016. The hope is to stimulate Foundation(s) seeking to “Support Research Committed to Treatment of Longterm Cure of Cancer” and other Disease. Research reveals Pharmaceutical Companies Control reaches to Congress, FDA, AMA the probability is very high that the preponderance of all funding dollars will be directed to the Profit Centered • Invasive • BioEngineering • Surgery • Infusion Trial with a • 50% Death Rate. This high tech approach is factually ingenious, and by all means must continue; BUT, being Profit-Centered most all ethical, compassionate patient care is not a priority. Thus, patients suffering Cancer have become “Guinea Pigs” the “test rats” for highly dangerous, untried lethal procedures; the basis of Iatrogenic Disease Medicne wherein the treatment can be as treacherous as, even more treacherous than the Cancer. Thereby, this treatment approach does not consider proactive patient capacities to alter lifestyle while research repeatedly reveals Cancer is a “lifestyle” disease. Proactive Preventive Measures include: Healthy Nutrition with Healthy Digestion; Safe Sustained Exercise; Moderate Alcohol Intake; No Smoking; Mind Body Communication. For hundreds of years “Healers” have proven the “thought process” of the “patient” together with proven healing methods that include relaxation, corrective breathing, hot-cold baths, Yoga, Safe Sustained Exercise; methods of “self-empowerment’, “Self-Confidence” can eliminate most all “symptoms” to the point of management, control, remission, cure. Four Decades of PsychoNeuroImmunoLogical Research has proven the popular notion the human paradox to be known as “Mind the Healer, Mind the Slayer”. Dr. Robert Ader, et.al studies scientifically proved the mind, alone, including “unconscious” perceptions can and often are the “root cause” of serious lethal syndromes, disease, medical conditions. This landmark research confirmed that mice given sweetened water alone compromised their immune system; a conditioning paradigm wherein the initial “Sweetened Water” was laced together with a “powerful immune suppressant”; But, Then the “immune suppressant” was removed AND the “Sweetened Water” [alone] caused the identical “immune suppression” as did the “drug” which had been removed! Therefore, TASTE OF SWEET WATER CAUSED a negative effect on the Immune System! Thus, the human mind; known to have “subconscious psychoneuroengrams”; a synaptic phenomenon; like the “sweet water”, produces “subconscious memory” that causes Negative Immune System Reaction. PsychoNeuroImmunology Research has brought forth Mind Body Communication Medicine wherein AquaDios Corp has designed innovative Proprietary Proactive Preventive Natural Immunotherapy which includes a Four Pronged Evidence Based Treatment Approach: P.O. Box 2228 • Malibu California 90265 310.897.5055 Natural Immunotherapy
Dr. Alan Jensen • Founder • CEO • Creator • AquaDios-Med™ •
[email protected] www.aquadios.com
AquaDios Corp • Proprietary ProtRcols
AquaDios-Med™ •AquaDios Corp • Copyright © 1999 – 2016; Proprietary Natural Immunotherapy • All Right Reserved
First, teaching patient(s) to Learn Natural Positive Memory; to Identify, overcome; control “Negative Subconscious Memory”, a Proprietary Deconditioning Procedure [Empowerment]; Second, teaching patient(s) to Learn Proprietary Sustained Intense Deep Water Running Immersion Therapy; a process rated highest, safest, fastest, most natural rejuvenation • rehabilitation • healing • “physical fitness”; Third, teaching patient(s) to Learn Proprietary Nutritional Food Combinations as well as a complete Evaluation of the Patient Microbiota, Microorganisms to determine whether the digestive tract is capable of healthy nutritional digestion to accurately communicate with the immune System Function; Fourth, teaching patient(s) to Learn ALL Combined Proprietary Proactive Preventive Medicine with knowledge these Combinations of mental, physical activities, known to Maximize Immune System Function MUST BECOME A LIFESTYLE to insure lasting results; this includes continued daily applications of nutritional eating together with knowledgeable food groups; AquaDios Corp Evidence Based Research Confirms how we humans use our mind, every day, our unconscious brain activity is directly involved in manifesting crippling negative dysfunctional medical disorders such as cancer; Positive Mind Body Communication(s) Can Reverse this etiology. Cure Cancer • 60 Minutes • Killing Cancer • Bio-Re-Engineering Science A 60 Minutes report on March 29, 2015 titled “Killing Cancer” elaborated on the medical science of bio-re-engineering immunotherapy; a biological re-engineering of a known deadly virus to make it benign. The Re-Engineered benign virus is by invasive dangerous surgery the “once deadly virus” is infused into cancer tumors to cause the immune system to destroy the cancer tumor. The AMA identifies this procedure as immunotherapy; researchers say surgical infusion of the benign reengineered deadly virus … “simply alerts … the immune system to attack the … infected tumor … a better target for the immune system to recognize." These researchers state … “Cancer(s) develop a … protective shield … that make them invisible to the immune system … by infecting the tumor … we … enable the immune system to … attack ... this is the strength of science” … Analysis of this medical science immunotherapy research is based on a false science premise to presuppose cancer(s) have “stealth” qualities to make CANCER undetectable by the human immune system CONCLUDING [the immune system is OK]; this allows the deadly cancer cells to produce “cancer tumor(s)” which lead to death unless the Immune System is Awakened [Cinderella Story] by the severely invasive, dangerous, even deadly, ingenious immunotherapy method: Biologically Re-Engineer Deadly Virus making them Benign; Surgically Infuse the Once Powerfully-Lethal, but now Benign Virus into the Cancer(s) Tumor; The “Snoozing Dysfunctional,” Immune System: • Recognizes • “Re-Engineered Benign Virus” is Attacked • Destroy(s) Cancer; The Once Labile, Unstable Immune System Recognizes the Infused Benign Virus; • Destroys it and the Cancer(s)”; *** [50% of the patients in this study died from the infusion procedure] *** Natural Learned Immunotherapy • Mind Body Communication research does not agree that Cancer(s) disguise make Cancer Cells Invisible to the Immune System allowing the production of Dangerous, Deadly Cancer Tumors. Substantial evidence shows “patients” are capable of learning to Maximize Immune System Function with combination of Mind Body Communication(s) to ReCognize Cancer Cells; Stop Cancer Tumors; Destroy Cancer Cells; Tumors • Without • Lethal Invasive Surgical Infusion of Benign Re-Engineered Virus. 2
AquaDios-Med™ Copyright © 1999 – 2016 • Natural Immunotherapy • All Right Reserved
AquaDios Corp Immunotherapy Research concludes BioEngineering Immunotherapy [BEI] is fundamentally flawed in that Cancer is not Devious as presupposed by the [BEI] false logic; A fallacy that simply justifies questionable, dangerous, invasive, sadomasochistic procedures to, in effect, allows the [self proclaimed] clever [BEI] to deceive the Immune System, presumptively, previously “fooled” by CANCER. [BEI], postulates, hypothesizes CANCER successfully “outsmarts” the pedestrian immune system. This “fairytale” gives cause to feel that the [BEI] re-engineering is an “intelligent source” that efficiently “outsmarts cancer” to put the, less than intelligent Human Immune System, back to work. This “fairytale” permits a disguised malevolent Pharmaeucital Company to appear as a savior of the suffering patient, the knight in shining amour that saves the damsel in distress. HOWEVER, scientific facts show the CANCER PATIENT life style is the biggest contributing Cancer factor: little or no physical exercise; alcohol consumption; smoking, poor nourishment; inadequate Microbiota, impoverished microorganisms; impoverished digestive system; psychoneuroengrams actively engaged in dis-ease. Furthermore there is substantial evidence to corroborate the CANCER PATIENT immune system is not faulty AND Cancer is not “stealth equipped”; Therefore, the Immune System is not tricked or outsmarted by the superior foe Cancer. Science shows Decades of Medical Research Reveals: All Cancer Type • Stage • Survived By • Natural • Visual Imagery • Alternative Treatment. Moreover, medical research confirms most CANCER IS CAUSED by patient behavior: Negative Subconscious Preverbal Cognition; Microbiota; malnourished digestive microorganisms [possibly incorrect food grouping and or digestive inabilities]; Poor Nourishment; Little or no Exercise; Smoking, drinking alcohol; Distress Medical research DOES NOT SUPPORT [BEI] Immunotherapy Cancer Cure! BUT Research does support Mind Body Communication Medicine wherein the Proactive Patient Learns Proven Preventive Cancer Methods: Positive Mind Body Communication; Safe Sustained Deer-Water Running; Microbiota: Nutritional Foods; Food Grouping to enhance healthy digestion; Both research groups “agree” the “Immune System” of Cancer(s) Patient(s) needs Re-Training to Destroy Cancer(s) Cells • Tumors; Mind Body Communication(s) [MBC] Research does not include lethal outcomes by the treatment as is inherent in the AMA Approved Re-Engineering Approach. [MBC] Research confirms with substantial evidence the Immune System of these “Cancer Patients” may be labile, dysfunctional; But governed by the unconscious; Thus, Mind Body science mediation can ingeniously instruct the immune system to attack the cancer without the surgery, infusion process. Medical science also demonstrates the human body's response to traumatic injury, or the insult of surgery, is automatic and governed by each individual's immune system. 3
AquaDios-Med™ Copyright © 1999 – 2016 • Natural Immunotherapy • All Right Reserved
Winston Churchill • Sir Alexander Fleming • Penicillin Discovery • Historical Perspective His name, Fleming; a poor Scottish farmer; One day, while trying to make a living for his family, he heard a cry for help coming from a nearby bog. He dropped his tools, ran to the bog. There, mired to his waist in black muck, was a terrified boy, screaming and struggling to free himself. Farmer Fleming saved the lad from what could have been a slow, terrifying death. The next day, a fancy carriage pulled up to the Scotsman's sparse surroundings. An elegantly dressed nobleman stepped out and introduced himself as the father of the boy Farmer Fleming had saved. 'I want to repay you,' said the Nobleman. “You saved my son's life.' 'No, I can't accept payment for what I did,' the Scottish farmer replied waving off the offer. At that moment, the farmer's own son came to the door of the family hovel. 'Is that your son?' the nobleman asked. 'Yes,' the farmer replied proudly. 'I'll make you a deal, said the Nobleman. Let me provide him with the level of education my own son will enjoy. If the lad is anything like his father, he'll no doubt grow to be a man we both will be proud of.' And that he did. Farmer Fleming's son attended the very best schools and in time, graduated from St. Mary's Hospital Medical School in London, went on to become known throughout the world as the noted Sir Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of Penicillin. Years afterward, the same nobleman's son who was saved from the bog was stricken with pneumonia. What saved his life this time? Penicillin! The name of the Nobleman • Lord Randolph Churchill • His son's name • Sir Winston Churchill Someone once said: What goes around comes around; Work like you don't need the money; Love like you've never been hurt; Dance like nobody's watching; Sing like nobody's listening; The ethics, morals of a Farmer named Fleming saved Sir Winston Churchill from accidental death; for his heroism Churchill’s father donated a prearranged University Education for his son Alexander Fleming who went on to discover Penicillin! Unexpectedness prevails in the fate of Churchill and Fleming lives; certainly there is no clear path leading to the discovery penicillin; It is clearly unambiguous that profound positive Ethics • Morals • Respect • Conduct are present on the penicillin discovery path. Cancer Treatment • Innovative Evidence Based Proprietary Patient-Centered Proactive Cancer Research • Treatment Protocols Developed by AquaDios Corp have been funded with my own personal finances leaving great debt; These treatments must be included with ALL Immunotherapy! Ethics • Morals • Life • Death • Cancer Farmer Fleming was not motivated to save Winston Churchill’s life for a reward. Fleming’s spontaneous heroic, unselfish, morally ethical act earned his son, Alexander Fleming, a higher education path that led him to discover Penicillin; A drug, which paradoxically, saved not only Winston Churchill’s life, again; also many thousands of lives. Published Books; BioFeedBack StressCards and our other Cancer Research Material reveals the Immune System is capable of destroying cancer cells and lethal tumors with Proprietary Professional Intervention. AquaDios corp has developed and designed Evidence Based proactive innovative proprietary immunotherapy treatment protocols which include cancer management; a natural to improve Cancer Survival; we need help to Nationalize the Protocol(s). 4
AquaDios-Med™ Copyright © 1999 – 2016 • Natural Immunotherapy • All Right Reserved
Winston Churchill - Alexander Fleming Metaphor Metaphorically the young Winston Churchill faced unexpected accidental death; an equivalent opportunity, similar to the saving of Churchill and the sanctioned education of Alexander Fleming to discover Penicillin! Farmer Fleming did not premeditate saving the life of Churchill to acquire a University Education for his son Alexander. Likewise AquaDios Corp and I did not successfully solicit Research Funding to save cancer patients to become cancer survivors [see Cancer Act 1939]. In the instant matter it is important to mention AquaDios Corp proprietary proactive treatment protocols utilize the AquaDios Corp Barrios Book “Greater Freedom & Happiness” • StressCards. We strive to help to extend research benefits to create opportunities for cancer patients to become cancer survivors. We need a Foundation, a Cancer Charity; vigorously involved and actively engaged with facilitating Grant money to advance funding for innovative research projects in immunotherapy, such as the AquaDios Corp evidence based proprietary research demonstrating how cancer patients can maximize immune system function and become cancer survivors; The supporting and teaching “nutritional genius” play an important, vital role in the innovative proprietary “cancer survival” [MBC] protocols. Cancer Research – 60 Minutes Immunotherapy Misnomer Duke University The AMA and Pharmaceutical Giants “Profit Centered” Cancer Research focus is the blueprint for the Duke University Medical Department seen on 60 Minutes “Killing Cancer” Sunday March 29, 2015, with Scott Pelley correspondent. It is important to document that this Cancer research is a Profit-Centered Allopathic Medicine, a method that has created Iatrogenic Disease Medicine; 50 % of the patients died in these trial studies. It is a common AMA practice to deliberately mislabel invasive dangerous, lethal medical procedures as Immunotherapy Trials leading to a Cancer Cure; often resulting in 50 % death of patients. The AMA deliberately conceals the lethality of new research with terms like Immunotherapy causing the public to form false-beliefs such as identifying Radical Mastectomy in the Angelia Jolie surgery as Preventive Medicine. Legitimate Immunotherapy is • Re-Learning • Re-Education • Positive Proactive Preventive Medicine • Mind Body Communication • Innovative • Proprietary • Evidence Based • NeuroBiological Mind Body Protocols help patients Empower Natural Immunotherapy; Objectively Maximize Immune System Function; a procedure with no negatives or dangers; a process that improves quality of life across the board and an 80%. decrease in the need for dangerous drugs. Nutritional “Games”; “Food Grouping” along with Microbiota Evaluation is included to bring AquaDios Corp Proprietary Immunotherapy Protocols to the forefront; this, patient-centered practice must precede and be included with ALL BioReEngineering Infusion procedures; become a combined effort with ALL Immunotherapy research. The Duke University Killing Cancer immunotherapy approach is an ingenious method based on a bio-tech re-designed virus, such as Polio or HIV, which is surgically infused into the cancer tumor in turn causing the immune system to attack the virus; killing the cancer. These AMA approved approaches NEVER include Legitimate Mind Body Communication Immunotherapy • Re-learning • Re-Education; Research confirms this to be a travesty for patinets and must be changed! Research Foundation Grants can help to humanize these radical procedures; decrease the high rate of death; while increasing a higher rate of successful treatment. The 60 Minute Killing Cancer Program Hails this AMA research …”as the 21st Century way to awaken the power of the body's immune system”…; the AMA dishonestly precludes Evidence Based Natural Mind Body Communication(s), methods proven to Naturally Stimulate • Maximize Immune System Function to Aggressively destroy; kill; cancer cells and tumors. 5
AquaDios-Med™ Copyright © 1999 – 2016 • Natural Immunotherapy • All Right Reserved
In the invasive dangerous lethal Profit-Centered AMA approach to Cancer Cure Dr. Henry Friedman states … “This is the most promising therapy I've seen in my career, period” … Scott Pelley says … “A turning point in cancer care?” Ironically, these statements completely disregard more than many decades of Mind Body Communication therapy which validate “safe”, Natural Proactive “Cancer Cure” an Immunotherapy proven to “maximize the immune system & destroy Cancer”. For 25 years Dr. Matthias Gromeier, a molecular biologist developed “Bio-Re-Engineering therapy. Through Bio-Tech re-engineering Gromeier removed a key genetic sequence in the polio virus. The virus can't survive this way; he repaired the damage with a harmless bit of cold virus. This modified virus can't cause paralysis or death because it can't reproduce in normal cells. But in cancer cells it does and in the process of replicating, it releases toxins that poison the cell and cause the immune system to attack. Gromeier Drips the re-engineered polio virus “into the cancer tumor site”. Gromeier states this stimulates the immune system to once again recognize and identify cancer cells as the enemy which maximizes the immune system to destroy the cancer cells. Of the 22 patients in the program 11 died; thus 50% of the patients die from the treatment, in this case releasing the polio virus into the cancer tumor sight. Scott Pelley asks … “Why didn't the immune system react to the cancer to begin with? Dr. Gromeier states … Cancers develop a shield or shroud of protective measures that make them invisible to the immune system … by infecting the tumor … we … remove the protective shield ... enabling the immune system to come in and attack ... Thus, in Caner Patients, the Immune System is not Disabled by Cancer cells. This presumptive science regards the Immune System comparable to a metaphorical “sleeping beauty”, Thus, Cancer can be Destroyed by Visual Imagery; other treatments within Proprietary Mind Body Communication Protocols to Maximize Immune System Function. For decades Cancer research revealed some Patient Immune Systems Failed to identify dangerous cancer cells. Many researchers falsely concluded, as has Gromeier’s supposition, that the immune system failure to attack cancer cells – tumors was due to the “Cunning CANCER Stealth”; This False Logic permits researcher error to imagine Cancer is the by-product of a dysfunctional immune system; Research proves Microbiota and or subconscious psychoneuroengrams cause “dysfunctional immune system communications” resulting in failure to alert Cancer Cell Dangers. Logical compassionate empathy suggests there may be a “small percentage” of patients whose immune system is dysfunctional; For this small group bio-reengineering, infusion may be most valuable, BUT FOR A HIGH PERCENTAGE OF CANCER PATIENTS THE AquaDios Corp Protocols are mandatory. Research reveals Cancer Cells exist in most all people; not by disguised infiltration or deceitful falsification of identity to become accepted into the Host body. Thus, cancer is not invisible; its danger is simply not being communicated. However, possibly Cancer may fool, deceive dysfunctional immune system(s). It is difficult to identify [a Wolf in Sheep’s clothing], referred to as Psychopaths in Sheep’s clothing. In biblical terms, one must keep this in mind when dealing with a suspected wolf in sheep's clothing. The Healthy Immune System Always seeks and obtains specific, confirmable information to avert the Covert Dangers of Cancer. Evidence Based Natural Proactive Immunotherapy reveals a Neurobiological Aspect; Mind Body Communication; corrective, re-learning, psycho-physiological re-education procedures can and do maximize immune system function; correct immune communication dysfunction; the Maximized Immune System Identifies, Attack(s) Cancer Cells – Tumors. 6
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Dr. Gromeier fails to acknowledge this; suggesting bio-tech virus infusion is the only method to stimulate • arouse patient immune system; awaken it to the presence of the dangerous cancer to go to war; But, it is not! In Proactive Natural Learning to Maximize Immune System Function there is no invasive surgery or infusion of virus into the cancer tumor; rather the dysfunctional aberration within the Immune System NeuroCommunications is re-educated, an un-learning • re-learning maximize(s) immune system strength against cancer tumor cells. Dr. Gromeier continues … the “polio starts the killing but it's the immune system that does most all of the damage to the cancer tumor”. One patient’s tumor decreased for 21 months until it was gone as shown by repeated MRI’s. In Proactive Natural Learning to Maximize Immune System Function the patient mind body communication re-establishes; re-learns dangers of Cancer Cells, Tumors; the maximized immune system furious attack does all of the damage to the cancer tumor without infusion of virus cells. Allopathic Medicine must discover the precise dose of the virus. The first two patients saw their tumors remarkably melt away with small doses; researchers tragically increased the potency of the virus in the next patients, who died; discovering “less is more”. Dr. Friedman hypothesizes … commonly in chemotherapy “more is better” … we increased the dosage … in succeeding patients, in search of the best result, this dosage was lethal and killed patients … Doctors at Duke theorize that … a combination of the advanced state of disease and the resultant ferocious immune response brought on by the “increased dosage” was fatal. Here, less is more. With Evidence Based Corrective Mind Body Communication there can be no fatality by “overdose of medication”; only when the patient fails to maximize immune system function is there a legitimate need for Allopathic Medicine, such as infusion of virus into cancer tumors. When Allopathic Medicine combines, integrates Mind Body Medicine into ALL treatment, far less bio-tech re-designed virus medicine is needed while the percentage of death and suffering will decline. Dr. Friedman’s hypothesis, common to Allopathic Medicine, even when medicine or surgery is fatal, is regarded as a worthwhile, successful, medical procedure; the procedure was a success -- the patient died. Following the death of patients Dr. Desjardins cut the potency of the engineered polio virus infusion by 85 percent - a lower dose than ever intended; but it produced a big immune response that cured the cancer in the next patient. Of the Eleven patients that died; Most had the higher dose; Four are past six months which Duke calls "remission." These Duke researchers hypothesize the virus latches onto cancer cells to activate the body's immune system to attack the tumor. These researchers theorize and imply it is only these dangerous – lethal treatments that are capable to harness a patient’s immune system to fight the cancer. These researchers state … "We are simply alerting the immune system to the presence of the tumor, so the infected tumor is a much better target for the immune system to recognize. It shows you the strength of science. I believe we have done some very high-quality science." Other researchers say this Disney Land Fairy Tale Logic veils the “sadomasochist” as “necissity” to “Jolt” the Immune System; akin to draconian “Electroconvulsive Shock Therapy”. 7
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Evidence Based Mind Body Science research reveals dysfunctionality of the immune system is the result of PsychoNeuroBiological Aspects:
Microbiota [malnourished microorganism’s flora]; Subconscious Psychoneuroengrams; “dysfunctional immune system communications” result in failure to alert Cancer Cell Dangers.
Thus, “it is a failure to communicate” that allows cancer cells • production of cancer tumors; Thereby, dysfunctional communication can be corrected by a variety of proactive re-education re-learning PsychoNeuroBiological Aspects. Research shows the Immune System Communication Dysfunction is an aberration, a deviation caused by continual regular stress, abuse, maybe a flaw preventing it from operating correctly – this deviation from normal is disastrous as there is no security from cancer cells. Research shows that 80 % of the time Corrective, ProActive Mind Body Communication will re-establish immune system function to Overcome what has gone wrong and allow immune system function to heal and maximize attack against the cancer cells. Thus, patient-centered immunotherapy re-learning allows the immune system to Conquer what has gone wrong; Eliminating the Aberration, Deviation, Abnormality or Irregularity. Please recognize unique circumstances to benefit cancer management. Please allow the opportunity to bring innovative cancer research treatment directly into the lives of those with cancer while resolving the situation. Nutritional Games • Cancer Cure Featured Nutritional Plans • Cure Disease(s) • Cancer(s) Proper Food At Proper Time • Cancer Cure • George S Gray The information and suggestions presented herein, though evidence based, are controversial, many qualified health practitioner(s) may not agree to alternative methods that avoid the Iatrogenic Disease Medicine found in today’s over-use-abuse of prescribed pharmaceuticals, surgeries, radiation, and more abusive methods. Nutritional food information presented herein is based on enumerable positive outcomes but without scientific studies to control the variables. Scientific Opinion differs from orthodox medical opinion; In his book, “The Most Simple and Easiest Cancer Cure”, George Gray states it’s best to consider his “educated, intelligent opinion about simple methods may be more valuable than most medical practice(s); Some researchers argue Gray’s research is not medical science because comprehensive replicable studies have yet to be competed. Substantial Scientific Evidence confirms how we think, how our subconscious operates; how we eat; All play tremendous roles in Cancer. The 60 Minute Investigative Cancer Research Documents the fact that the Immune System of individuals with Cancer is capable of destroying Cancer; Proven by a dangerous invasive surgery, bio-engineering of dangerous disease; approved by the AMA; YET, is fatal 50 % of the time. Some researchers say the Surgically Invasive Bio-Engineered AMA approach is barbaric; others say it is genius while neither considers the wealth of scientific evidence that confirms: Positive Mind Body Communication; Physiological Self-Regulation; Positive Self-Efficacy; Nutritional food-combining; A Naturally Maximized Immune System Destroys Cancer; without invasive dangerous lethal surgery. Some researchers presuppose Cancer is not a disease but a symptom of “One Disease, Toxaemia of the Bloodstream", an occurrence in an unhealthy acidic body. This “premise” suggests that “All” degenerative diseases of mankind are caused by the eating of cooked food, and all these diseases, are symptoms of the disease “Toxaemia of the Bloodstream”. 8
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Toxaemia is defined as a polluted condition of the body's Microbiota, internal environment of microorganisms due to the absence of enriched “flora” of impurities in the bloodstream. Whether this is derived from improperly constituted cooked food has not been scientifically determined. But, the Microbiota abreaction is a known which can be cured in many cases; some researchers say this nutritional malnourishment can be avoided by eating only organically grown raw food [also not scientifically confirmed]; To a lesser extent other research sources indicate …"In chronic disease, treatment must first get rid of the Microbiota Microorganism Deficiencies [toxemia?] by correcting nutritional intake gradually building up nutritional “food Grouping” to establish a healthy nutritional digestion, assimilation and elimination; The Proper Food At The Proper Time is supported in Proprietary Proactive Nutritional Evaluations. All of the people are not sick all of the time, William Howard Hay, MD agreed with the “ONE” disease claim by H Tilden M.D. In his book: “The New Health Era”, 1933 he said: "Progressive pernicious anemia, asthma, Bright's disease, diabetes, rheumatism, arthritis, neuritis, gastric or duodenal ulcer, every form of digestive disturbance, eczema, psoriasis. pityriasis, goiters of all types, tumors, tuberculosis-any and all of these varied forms of so-called disease fall under one head, chemical imbalance of the body, and all subject to restoration to the normal through correction of the body chemistry and thorough drainage"; this is broadly supported by supported by decades of Syndrome X Research and the more recent Microbiota Microorganisms Research on Nutritional Deficiencies and Inadequate Immune System Communications. Research shows Raw, unprocessed food is very potent in life-giving benefits; but, used as only a small part of the diet, up to ten percent or less; yet, is able to preserve human life and maintain the “low” level of health that mankind experience today. When humans use raw food in greater amounts the results are more noticeable and a greater level of health is achieved. However, Microbiota continues to determine how to best re-establish Microorganism Flora for proper Immune Communications. Some Researchers say that when humans use raw food exclusively it seems like a magic potion, the results are electrifying; the transformation in physiological efficiency throughout the body is something to behold, it is amazing. However, this has not been confirmed by Microbiota Studies. These Cancer Researchers say that “cancer(s) can only live in an unhealthy [acidic] body with an acidic bloodstream; Cancer cannot live in a healthy alkaline body with an alkaline bloodstream. Thus, by combining Innovative Proprietary Mind Body Communication(s) Maximizing Immune System Function together with “proper nourishment and healthy nourishing digestion” most cancer can be put into remission, symptoms managed without the invasive bio-re-engineering infusion. Change your acidic body to an alkaline body; Employ Mind Body Communications(s) Rely on raw fruit, raw vegetables (salad vegetables mainly) and water; some say Cooked food feeds cancer. Certain medication may have to be taken such as blood pressure, heart, diabetes and asthma medication etc., if needed to prolong life. Learn to Apply MBC; this is the easiest least expensive cure for cancer; in some cases, 3 to 6 weeks, all traces of cancer are gone; some cases have taken a little longer. It is presupposed alkaline forming diets will help cure all types of cancer [not confirmed by scientific studies], but worthwhile for research. Some researchers say that Cancer cannot live in a healthy alkaline body. The abscisic acid in raw fruit and vegetables inhibits and destroys the unnatural growth hormone produced by the cancer cells. This stops the growth of tumors’ and allows time for the now very powerful immune system to destroy them. The raw fruit and vegetable diet causes the body to reach good health with a powerful immune system [not confirmed by other research studies]. 9
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Some researchers say Chemotherapy and radiotherapy poison the body and keep it in an unhealthy acidic condition; in most cases this allows the cancer to keep growing or to grow again if it had been temporarily stopped. Gray states the failure rate for chemotherapy is 97%, but the oncologists continue to prescribe it because they earn big money from selling it [profit-centered]. The cancer business is a very big business and a cure would destroy it. Gray continues …”When it comes to cancer treatments, radiotherapy (radiation treatments) have been found to actually be worse than useless…They create new cancer cells that are 30 times more cancerous than the original tumor cells! Yep: Radiation actually breeds deadly cancer stem cells”. Cancer Treatment Protection Racket • Cancer Act 1939 Maintains Ineffective Cancer Treatments • John Smith • May, 2012 The Cancer Act 1939 and similar legislation around the world gives orthodox cancer treatment an undeserved monopoly, ensuring that ineffective but profitable treatments like chemotherapy and radiotherapy can never be challenged by more effective PsychoNeuroImmunoLogical treatments. Glenn A. Warner, M.D., Oncologist, says…"We have a multi-billion dollar industry that is killing people, right and left, just for financial gain. Their idea of research is to see whether two doses of this poison is better than three doses of that poison". Alan Levin, M.D. says…“Most cancer patients in this country die of chemotherapy…Women with breast cancer are likely to die faster with chemo than without it. Considered in its broadest terms, orthodox cancer treatment today is a failure and a disgrace. Contemporary cancer management in a number of respects constitutes professional malpractice”… Dr Brian A Richards, The Topic of Cancer, 1982 says…“Our failure to improve survival rates has been due to clinicians rigidly maintaining obsolete concepts of the nature of the disease” … Dr M Baum, British Medical journal, 1976, says…“There is no evidence that mastectomy affects survival. If women knew that they would probably refuse surgery”. Dr L Cunningham, Lancet, 1980, says “The difference between incidence and mortality suggests that no improvement in survival has occurred as a result of surgery”. Dr J Benjamin, CSIRO scientist, 1993 says …“Success of most chemotherapy is appalling…. There is no scientific evidence for its ability to extend in any appreciable way the lives of patients suffering from the most common organic cancer…chemotherapy for malignancies too advanced for surgery which accounts for 80% of all cancers is a scientific wasteland”.....Dr Ulrich Abel, Hippocrates Verlag, Stuttgart, 1990 states …“My studies have proven conclusively that untreated cancer victims actually live up to four times longer than treated individuals”. For a typical type of cancer, people who refused treatment lived for an average twelve and a half years. Those who accepted surgery and other types of treatment lived an average of three years…” says Dr Hardin Jones of the University of California Department of Medical Physics at the American Cancer Society’s annual Science Writers Conference in New Orleans, 1969. Dr Hardin Jones in a paper titled “Cancer cures more deadly than disease …”It is utter nonsense to claim that catching symptoms early enough will increase the patient’s chances of survival. Not one medical scientist or study has proven that so in any way. Furthermore, untreated breast cancer cases show a life expectancy four times longer than treated ones”... Professor George Mathe, French cancer specialist, medicines Nouvelles, March 1989, says …”Research confirms radical surgery or chemotherapy have minimal positive results and may do nothing to prolong a cancer victim’s life, but that same person will, in most cases, live longer if he or she refuses treatment; radical surgery on cancer patients does more harm than good… 10
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…If I contracted cancer, I would never go to a standard treatment centre. Cancer victims who live far from such centers have a chance”… “The three major killers in modern society, Coronary Heart Disease, Cancer and Strokes, can be linked to what people eat and drink” says Dr B Hetzel, Chief of the CSIRO Division of Human Nutrition and Foundation professor of Social and Preventive Medicine, Monash University. “The major cancers of our time are diet-caused, mainly by fat and cholesterol” says Dr Ernest Wynder, American Health Foundation, addressing the USA Government Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs. In their paper, the Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre, Seattle, USA show chemotherapy helps cancer grow and makes it untreatable. In Britain NICE, a nasty organization masquerading as the “National Institute for Clinical Excellence,” ruthlessly controls and brainwashes doctors, who are not allowed to prescribe anything that is not on their list. It demands £4 million and 9 years to get on it. The medical and pharmaceutical worlds are at least as corrupt as the governmental and political worlds. Chemotherapy is a horror story! The Clinical Oncology medical journal reported in December 2004 that chemotherapy had an average 5 year survival rate of just 2.3% across the 22 major cancers it examined. That’s 97% of chemo patients dead in just 5 years. The results are the same around the world, and, apart from some massaging of statistics, have not improved. In the UK in 2012, where it costs £15 billion a year, and in other countries, cancer has overtaken heart disease to become the leading cause of death. Chemotherapy began its life as World War One mustard gas, 100 years later pharmaceutical corporations and governments still ignore the huge biomedical advances that have been made, and brainwash doctors to prescribe the incredibly expensive, but ancient poison of chemotherapy. When government says it is cutting costs, they are almost always lying. It's your money they are wasting, not theirs. Reportedly, Every doctor who prescribes chemo breaks his Hippocratic oath “to administer no poison.” He also runs the risk of a criminal prosecution, because administering a poison the doctor knows will usually kill is premeditated, so it's worse than manslaughter. It is murder. That is the main reason the medical industry fights so viciously against new discoveries. If discoveries are allowed to succeed, it will be obvious to everyone that doctors should not have been poisoning with chemo, and they could be defending themselves on murder charges for years to come. End of Dr Hardin Jones quotes. Alternative Medicine researchers say that professors; oncologists are worse than tribal witchdoctors, they don't have a clue what they are doing; they keep on killing people who put their trust in them. They follow the medical profession's advice to poison the body and keep it in an unhealthy acidic condition with a weak immune system. In contrast to this they should be making the unhealthy acidic body change to a healthy alkaline body with a powerful immune system, which will destroy the cancer. By their actions the medical profession highlights their ignorance on the subject of cancer. They have no idea what causes cancer or what cures cancer and they hate being exposed for what they are. Oncologists claim they are only following orders, the authorized procedure; war criminals said they were only following orders as well. Reportedly, the medical professions need to own up to the fact that they are ignorant and incompetent in regard to cancer treatment. No more research needs to be carried out looking for a cancer cure, and no more grants need to be paid out to research groups looking for a cancer cure. This information needs to be made known throughout the countries of the world. 11
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Accurate translations are needed to help the people in all the countries of the world understand this information. Nobody should die of cancer any more. The Proper Food At The Proper Time is more powerful than most imagine. Curing the cancer with the natural diet of raw fruit and veggies; take the opportunity to ground yourself each day for some time, the longer the better. Reportedly, walking barefoot outside also presses the Reflexology points on the bottom of the feet and this also results in much better health [not confirmed by research]. “The Cancer Act” introduced in 1939 has Good Intentions? [See History Cancer Legislation] It does appear that not many people know anything about it, yet many thousands of people have, and will continue to suffer from its effects. Basically, The Cancer Act is a particularly restrictive and pernicious piece of legislation which prevents people from writing or speaking about the FACT that it is indeed possible to cure cancer using alternative methods. The Cancer Act may also be the reason why many websites and blogs are now being threatened with fines of up to $2,000, simply for alerting people to the very real dangers associated with conventional treatments. If you do even the most basic research, you will find that among the excuses that have been put forward for the introduction of this act, was to ‘Protect the public from Quackery and Charlatans,’ but it now appears far more likely, to ensure that all types of cancers, were only to be treated by ‘Radium-Based’ methods (Cancer Inducing Radiation); Surgeries; Powerful Letha; Medications. It may have also been seen, as being necessary to introduce such an act to protect the profits of Pharmaceutical companies, as in 1938, there were people only too aware of the risks and were offering people viable alternatives. A brief History of Cancer Legislation beginning with “U.S. Cancer Act” 1939 is presented in an AquaDios Corp companion article that researches the “National Cancer Act” and identifies how the greed of “profit-centered” motives prevents authentic, legitimate “Cancer Victim Research & Treatment”. [See Research: https://independent.academia.edu/DrAlanJensen ; A Psycho-Educational Patient-Centered Natural Learning - Healing Approach For Cancer - Chronic Disease - All Patients ; HealthCare Crisis Is Man Made For Profit & other(s)]. Respectfully, Dr. Alan Jensen (Alan), AquaDios Corp; June 24, 2016
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Immunotherapy Cancer Cure Natural Maximized Immune System Management Patient Centered • Non-Invasive • Safe
June 21, 2016 [0_0_2]
BioEngineering Infusion • Immune System • Pharmaceuticals Profit Centered • Invasive • Dangerous Primary difference(s) exist between • BioEngineering • Infusion Immunotherapy • Natural Proactive Immunotherapy: BioEngineering Infusion [BEIM]: Surgery, Pharmaceutical Drugs; BioEngineering Infusion [Allopathic Medicine Abuses • Iatrogenic Disease Medicine]; Theoretical Construct: Cancer Stealth; Treatment Success Dependent on: Scientific Ability to Fool the Immune System [Re-Engineered Virus]; NOT Patient Motivation; Natural Proactive Immunotherapy [90 days] Surgery • Pharmaceutical Drugs • BioEngineering Infusion • Last Resort; Research Fact: Cancer Cells NOT Stealth; Healthy Immune System(s) Communication(s) Destroy Cancer Cells; Proactive Patient Critical to Cancer Cure, Management, Control; Treatment Success Dependent on Applied PsychoEducational Learning: Proactive Patient(s) Learn [Maximize Immune System]: Prioritize Most Positive Natural Imagery [6 Senses]; Positive Vs Negative Mind Body Communication; Determine Subconscious Aberrations; Safe Sustained Deep-Water Running Immersion [Hot-Warm-Cold]; Microbiota [Digestive Microorganism Evaluation] Nutritional Digestive Efficiency-Deficiency Decades of Medical Research Reveals Patients of All Cancer Type(s) • Stage(s) Cured By Natural • Visual Imagery • Alternative Treatment Patient Centered Logical Compassion Dictates that Proactive Preventive Medicne Is the Treatment of Choice in Cancer Cure Because: Research shows Patients control, reduce, manage, eliminate • Cure about 80% of all disease etiology including Cancer; Research reveals Placebo Effect has about 65% success with most all medical conditions; Clinical Therapeutics dictate Cancer Immunotherapy Must begin with the best agent or first agent to use when treating a particular condition [Cancer]; Certainly Proactive Preventive Medicne has NO toxicity, therefore qualifies as the lowest toxicity and widest therapeutic range of ALL available Cancer Cure agents; Treatments; P.O. Box 2228 • Malibu California 90265 310.897.5055 Natural Immunotherapy
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[email protected] www.aquadios.com
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Cancer Immunotherapy • Neuro Engrams • Microbiota • Related Dis-Ease The brain is the most powerful organ in the human body it controls all functions of the body, often, though inadvertently, in error, brain function can have negative impact on the Immun System. Cancer Research reveals there are possible Nourishment Factors, sources that occur in two common ways and may be, to some degree be “self inflicted” by mistake, unintentionally, involuntarily, unconsciously: PsychoNeuro Engrams: “Neuroengram” is cited as specific neurophysiologic cerebrum neural tissue [involuntary subconscious memory]; Permanent Memory trace left by a stimulus in nerve tissue; Through proprietary protocols, this Memory Type is susceptible to manipulation, control by the proactive host [Natural Learning]; Microbiota [Healthy Microorganisms]: Inadequate nourishment caused by poor food choices OR Digestive Deficiencies decrease Healthy Microbiota [Microorganism Flora in the digestive tract]; Poor Nourishment may be A Type of Syndrome X digestive incapacity such as improper insulin digestion; Medical, Cancer Research reveals the Cancer Patient has an inability to adequately communicate the presence of Dangerous Cancer Cells to the Immune System. The millions of microorganisms that make up the Digestive Microbiota must produce flora in the digestive tract that allows capable communication of Cancer Cell(s) to the Immune System. Nourishment is codependent on both the choice of foods eaten as well as healthy nutritional digestion to produce the nourishment capacity for proper Immune System Communication. In either case the “host” will allow cancer cells to develop into “Cancer dis-ease”; as is the case with many “dis-eases”. This Scientific Microbiota Evidence does not completely explain all ways the Immune System may not be notified to eliminate Cancer Cells; But, Science has determined Microbiota Evaluation is a significant part of the arsenal to Cure Cancer and other “dis-ease(s)”. In some cases patients are engaged in proper nourishment selection but their system is not, for what ever reason, able to establish “healthy nutritional digestion” that accurately communicates Cancer Danger to the Immune system. This may have to do with “nutritional food combinations” that have explores the chemical compositions of nourishing foods. Thus, one compelling factor in Cancer Immunotherapy is Nourishment, Healthy Digestion. Mind Body Communication • Positive NeuroPhysioLogical Training Basic PsychoNeuroImmunology Research Reveals Infinite Factors affect the brain including social, physical, biological, psychophysiological, subconscious, autonomic; ALL affect the body thus a persons brain may be “automatically” inadvertently weakening the immune system, making “SELF” susceptible to disease or worsening an already existing disease; Therefore infinite interactions impact the nervous system, endocrine system, immune system to alter how these systems influence one another; emphasis is to understand how the immune system is influenced by socio-behavioral, bio-physiological factors between the central nervous system (CNS), immune system modulation; the three major components are psychological; neurological; immunological which govern certain stress, coping, and health patterns that have the potential to predispose an individuals [Cancer] medical condition. 2 AquaDios Corp • AquaDios-Med™ • Copyright © 1999 - 2016; Natural Immunotherapy Vs Toxic BioEngineering • All Right Reserved
The AquaDios Corp ProActive Proprietary Protocols are PsychoEducational approaches known to Maximize Immun System Function to explore Etiology: The Mind • Cognitive Process • How We Think • Unconscious • Subconscious • [Engrams, NeuroEngrams] ALL play an enormous role in the etiology of the How • Who Develops Cancer: Individual Mind [cognition] unknowingly contributes to Cancer [dis-ease] manifestation. Proprietary Mental Training: Prioritizing Natural PreExisting Memory Imagery • BioFeedBack Breathing PsychPhysioLogical Training • NeuroEngram • Engrams • Detection Proprietary Physical Training: Safe Sustained Exercise • Proprietary Deep-Water Running Immersion Therapy Exercise Physiology Research • Maximize Immune System Function Proprietary Microbiota Determinants: Healthy Nutritional Digestion • Maximize Immune System Research consistently confirms Profit-Centered research is “self-serving”, even corrupt as Pharmaceuticals control the AMA, FDA, Congress, Research Grant Money; NOT to CURE Cancer or serious disease; BUT, for the Billions of Profit(s) Dollars from usurious sales of drugs. Research studies confirm “individual behavior, life style” are the most prominent causes of CANCER; Changing the focus away from the cancer patient as “innocent victim” to a broader sense of being an irresponsible, yet often unknowing contributor to their cancer; Moving focus away from a “bad luck hypothesis” to “bad behavior” cause of Cancer; Many researchers state the…”most effective way to fight cancer is to promote healthful habits that foster cancer prevention… Greater gains than investing in biomedical research to improve cancer vaccines, therapies, strategy embodied in President Obama's…Cancer Moonshot initiative.” Thus, Support For Proprietary AquaDios Corp Natural Proactive Immunotherapy. Respectfully, Dr. Alan Jensen (Alan), AquaDios Corp
Natural Healing • Learning Immunotherapy • Maximize Immune System Function
Founder • CEO • Creator, AquaDios-Med™ http://www.aquadios.com/
Phone 310-897-5055; - Email:
[email protected] - P.O. Box 2228 Malibu, Ca. 90265 Nearly all men die of their medicines not their diseases • Moliere 1673 The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination - Albert Einstein Perfecting of Knowing • Positive Self-Efficacy • Belief in one's effectiveness Exercise Physiologists Rate • Deep-Water Running • Safest • Best • Cardiovascular Exercise
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AquaDios Corp • Natural Learning Immunotherapy • Journal JAMA Oncology Proprietary ProActive Mind Body Medicne Communication • Research Facts
Medical research consistently reveals, "There is no known type or stage of cancer in which some people have not survived by using natural, visual imagery, alternative treatments." For decades research has demonstrated Proactive Preventive Medicne can control, reduce, manage, even eliminate about 80% of all manifesting disease; including Cancer. The Placebo Effect has about 65% success with most all medical aliments. The AquaDios Corp Proprietary ProActive Natural Learning Immunotherapy Protocols to Maximize Immune System Function is based in substantial scientific evidence; research. Proprietary Preventive Medicine evidence reveals 4 Basic Cause(s) of all disease, identified as dis-ease or the absence of normal cell activity, a distress, interference with homeostatic balance to keep the immune system at its healthy best. Mind Body Communication Medicine, derived from PsychoNeuroImmunology • Medical Hypnosis Research; confirm Four Elements Comprise the Disease • Cancer Syndrome: Negative NeuroPhysioLogical Ideations; Lack of Sustained Exercise; Poor Nutrition • Digestion; Impoverished Self-Actualization. AquaDios Corp Proprietary Immunotherapy Maximize Immune System Function: The Mind; Positive NeuroPhysioLogical Training Physical Rejuvenation • Fitness: Safe Sustained Deep-Water Exercise; Microbiota Restoration • Healthy Digestive Nutrition; Hope • Belief • Self-Actualization; The AquaDios Corp ProActive Proprietary Protocols are PsychoEducational approaches known to Maximize Immun System Function to explore Manifest Etiology: Mind Function PsychoPhysiology: Conscious; Unconscious Aberration(s) Management; Safe Sustained Deep-Water Running Immersion Exercise; Microbiota: Nutritional Digestion; Positive Self-Actualization, hope, belief, self-empowerment; The Mind • Cognitive Process • How we think • Unconscious • Subconscious • [Engrams, NeuroEngrams] all play an enormous role in the etiology of the How • Who develops Cancer: Individual Mind [cognition] unknowingly contributes to [dis-ease] manifestation • Cancer Proprietary Mental Training: Prioritizing Natural PreExisting Memory Imagery • BioFeedBack Breathing PsychPhysioLogical Training • NeuroEngram • Engrams • Detection Proprietary Physical Training: Safe Sustained Exercise • Proprietary Deep-Water Running Immersion Therapy Exercise Physiology Research • Maximize Immune System Function P.O. Box 2228 • Malibu California 90265 310 897 5055 Natural Immunotherapy
Dr. Alan Jensen • Founder • CEO • Creator • AquaDios-Med™ •
[email protected] www.aquadios.com
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AquaDios-Med™; AquaDios Corp; Copyright © 1999 – 2016 • Immunotherapy Research • All Right Reserved
Proprietary Microbiota Determinants: Healthy Nutritional Digestion • Maximize Immune System Research consistently confirms Profit-Centered research is “self-serving”, even corrupt as Pharmaceuticals control the AMA, FDA, Congress, Research Grant Money; not for the cure of Cancer or serious disease; BUT, for the Billions of Profits Dollars from usurious sales of drugs. Below is a research study confirms “individual behavior, life style” are the most prominent causes shifting the focus away from the cancer patient as “innocent victim” to a broader sense of being an irresponsible, yet unknowing contributor to cancer; shifting focus away from the “bad luck hypothesis” to “bad behavior” as a cause of cancer. The researchers stated the …”most effective way to fight cancer is to promote healthful habits that foster cancer prevention”…Thus, supporting the Proprietary AquaDios Corp Natural Proactive Immunotherapy, stating …greater gains than investing in biomedical research to improve cancer vaccines, therapies, strategy embodied in President Obama's … “Cancer Moonshot” initiative. The Study Authors, Drs. Mingyang Song, Edward Giovannucci wrote …“Primary prevention should remain a priority for cancer control”… It is important to note that the Proprietary AquaDios Corp Natural Proactive Immunotherapy Treatment Protocols are founded in Primary Preventive Medicine. Dr. Alan Jensen, CEO, AquaDios Corp has developed a Preventive Medicine PsychoEducational Health Education designed for ALL educational populations beginning at the MidSchool or Junior High School, through High School; required for all students and continued as required course work through ALL College, University, Graduate Schools while predicting the approach will all but cure 80% of all common medical disorder, ailments while saving approximately $750 Billion annual HealthCare Costs; Millions of lives and decreasing pain and suffering of Millions of people. Dr. Graham A. Colditz Siobhan Sutcliffe, Washington University School Medicine, St. Louis. wrote, “we must embrace the opportunity to reduce the collective cancer toll by … changing the way we live.” Efforts to promote those changes will be our fastest return on past investments in cancer research over the coming decades; As a society, we need to avoid procrastination induced by thoughts that chance drives all cancer risk or that new medical discoveries are needed to make gains against cancer,” While AquaDios Corp Proprietary ProActive Natural Immunotherapy research agrees with this research, Dr. Alan Jensen believes “mandatory psycho-educational preventive medicine” cited above can reduce cancer deaths by approximately 80% to 86% nationally. The Journal JAMA Oncology findings, were published online this week; On May 21, 2016 Melissa Healy, Los Angeles Times Reporter, wrote an article titled, “Roughly half of cancer deaths in the united states could be prevented; Americans could prevent roughly half of all cancer deaths by doing these four things”. It is not often research studies corroborate the AquaDios Corp Patient-Centered Natural Immunotherapy research, treatments or facts of Mind Body Communications Medicine. That article is copied in its entirety on the page Following Exhibit. Roughly half of cancer deaths in the united states could be prevented Americans could prevent roughly half of all cancer deaths by doing these four things -- Melissa Healy 2 AquaDios-Med™; AquaDios Corp • Copyright © 1999 – 2016 • Natural Immunotherapy Research • All Right Reserved
Roughly half of cancer deaths in the United States could be prevented Americans could prevent roughly half of all cancer deaths by doing these four things -- Melissa Healy Failure to maintain a healthful weight is just one risk factor for many Americans. (Joe Raedle / Getty Images)
Roughly half of cancer deaths in the United States could be prevented or forestalled if all Americans quit smoking, cut back on drinking, maintained a healthful weight and got at least 150 minutes of exercise each week, according to a new report. These same measures would also reduce the number of new cancer diagnoses by 40% to 70%. For men, universal embrace of this lifestyle could avert or delay 67% of cancer deaths and prevent 63% of new malignancies each year, researchers calculated. If all of the nation’s women did the same, their yearly cancer mortality rates would fall by 59% and new cancers would drop 41%. The findings, published online this week in the journal JAMA Oncology, underscore how extensively public health measures aimed at fostering healthful lifestyles could cut into a disease that will claim the lives of 600,000 Americans this year and upend the lives of 1.6 million by turning them into newly diagnosed patients. See the most-read stories in Science this hour >> The new analysis was based on cancer rates and health behaviors in two large and long-running studies of health professionals — the Nurses’ Health Study and the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study. The researchers, from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston, also used data from the National Cancer Institute’s comprehensive Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program. The effect of a healthful lifestyle varied according to gender and cancer type. For instance, women who followed the strictures on smoking, drinking, weight and exercise could reduce their lung cancer risk by 85% and their colorectal cancer risk by 60%. For men, the corresponding figures were 90% and 50%. Exercising drives down risk for 13 cancers, research shows The researchers also calculated that women who took good care of themselves could reduce their risk of pancreatic cancer by 53%, endometrial cancer by 37%, ovarian cancer by 34% and breast cancer by 15%. For men, a healthful lifestyle could mean a 62% reduction in bladder cancer risk, a 40% reduction in prostate cancer risk and a 36% reduction in kidney cancer risk, according to the study. The study’s findings present a significant challenge to research published last year that said as many as 80% of cancers might be attributable to factors beyond the control of individuals — the “bad luck” hypothesis. Instead, the new research offers evidence that bad behavior trumps bad luck as a cause of cancer. 3 AquaDios-Med™; AquaDios Corp • Copyright © 1999 – 2016 • Natural Immunotherapy Research • All Right Reserved
The results suggest the most effective way to fight cancer is to promote healthful habits that foster cancer prevention. Doing so could reap even greater gains than investing in biomedical research to improve cancer vaccines and therapies, the strategy embodied in President Obama's recently announced “Cancer Moonshot” initiative. “Primary prevention should remain a priority for cancer control,” wrote the study authors, Drs. Mingyang Song and Edward Giovannucci. Changing Americans’ unhealthful habits may seem an easier task than inventing new cancerfighting strategies in the lab. But to reap the remarkable gains seen in the study, Americans would need to make remarkable turnarounds. About 17% of adults in the United States — roughly 40 million Americans — continued to smoke cigarettes in 2014, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and at least a fifth of U.S. adults have a history of smoking. We must embrace the opportunity to reduce the collective cancer toll by … changing the way we live. - Dr. Graham A. Colditz and Siobhan Sutcliffe Fully 38% of American adults are obese — with a body mass index above 30 — and close to 33% have a BMI over 25, the cutoff point for being overweight. While Song and Giovannucci allowed a BMI as high as 27.5 in their definition of “healthy lifestyle,” that still leaves more than 80 million American adults who, studies show, are vanishingly unlikely to diet their way to a healthful weight and maintain it for a long period. Nor is regular exercise an easy sell to an increasingly sedentary U.S. public; About 22.5% of American adults report that they participated in no physical activity outside of their job requirements in the last month, and only 1 in 5 meets the government’s recommended guidelines for aerobic physical and muscle-strengthening activity. In the JAMA Oncology study, people who got less than 75 minutes of high-intensity exercise or 150 minutes of medium-intensity physical activity per week were considered to have an unhealthful lifestyle. About half of white Americans — the ones who are the closest match to the doctors and nurses in the study —achieve that. Roughly 60% of American adults consume less than a single alcoholic drink per week, but heavy drinking is a common practice for nearly 20% of them. A quarter of adults acknowledge they have engaged in binge drinking — downing four or five servings on the same occasion — in the last month. And 6.7% reported they were heavy drinkers, binge-drinking on five or more occasions in the last month. In the study, drinking an average of more than one serving of alcohol per day for women or two for men would qualify a participant for the “unhealthy lifestyle” category. Considering the lack of diversity among the study population, the results “may not be generalizable to other ethnic groups,” the authors acknowledged. 4 AquaDios-Med™; AquaDios Corp • Copyright © 1999 – 2016 • Natural Immunotherapy Research • All Right Reserved
Even so, the lessons are clear, according to a commentary that accompanied the study. “As a society, we need to avoid procrastination induced by thoughts that chance drives all cancer risk or that new medical discoveries are needed to make gains against cancer,” wrote Dr. Graham A. Colditz and Siobhan Sutcliffe of Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. Instead, they wrote, “we must embrace the opportunity to reduce the collective cancer toll by … changing the way we live.” Efforts to promote those changes, they added, “will be our fastest return on past investments in cancer research over the coming decades.” Copyright © 2016, Los Angeles Times
[email protected] -- Twitter @LATMelissaHealy "like" Los Angeles Times Science & Health on Facebook. -- MORE IN SCIENCE Exercising drives down risk for 13 cancers, research shows; For loved ones of critically ill patients, hope often trumps understanding of a physician's prognosis; Medical Research -- U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention -- Colon Cancer -Lung Cancer -- Breast Cancer
Respectfully, Dr. Alan Jensen (Alan), AquaDios Corp
June 26, 2016
Natural Healing • Learning Immunotherapy • Maximize Immune System Function
Founder • CEO • Creator, AquaDios-Med™ http://www.aquadios.com/
A 21st Century Immersion Environment for Advanced Fitness & Accelerated Healing AquaDios-Med™ Philosophy: EXERCISE IS MEDICINE! THE IMPAIRED BECOME REPAIRED! YOU DON'T STOP EXERCISING BECAUSE YOU GROW OLD; YOU GROW OLD BECAUSE YOU STOP EXERCISING! Phone 310-897-5055; - Email:
[email protected] - P.O. Box 2228 Malibu, Ca. 90265 Nearly all men die of their medicines not their diseases • Moliere 1673 The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination - Albert Einstein Perfecting of Knowing • Positive Self-Efficacy • Belief in one's effectiveness Exercise Physiologists Rate • Deep-Water Running • Safest • Best • Cardiovascular Exercise
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A 21st Century Immersion Environment for Advanced Fitness & Accelerated Healing
Immunotherapy(s) • Maximize Immun System Function • Cancer Management • Cure Research Scientists • Profit-Centered • Prevents Ethical Team Work [0-4]
***Reviewed 6/20/16
When V. P. Joe Biden’s son died of Cancer “bright lights exposed” how cancer research suffered poor communications, lack of teamwork, political barriers, impartial cronyism, greed; All of these factors and more have prevented honest, ethical, systematic data gathering specific to known parameters that interfere with Immun System Function to Cause Immune System Deficiencies. Independent Immunotherapy Research confirms Legitimate Scientific Cancer Research requires four in-depth areas of investigation to Maximize Immune System Function; these factors [intervening variables] must be addressed simultaneously before Cancer Symptom Management can realistically lead to consistent Remission, Cure.
Researchers must Study Groups of Human Mechanisms that impede, decrease, destroy Immune System Communications • Capacities • Dysfunctional Causation; By-Products of: Life Events that produce “engrams - neurograms”: spontaneous, subconscious memory, physical alteration of living neural tissue in response to unconscious stimuli; Mind Body Communication Medicine [MBCM] literature reveals most all “distressful negative” life events are elicited, often by a powerful “one trial learning” exposure, possibly multiple exposures, ALL at the unconscious level; Proprietary AquaDios Corp Protocols design is to eliminate the “automaticity” of the stimuli, establish management, control; Nutrition • Digestive Tract Microbiota For decades Stanford University researchers of Syndrome X concluded Robust Immune System Function is dependent on proper Nutrition, thereby evaluating • Digestive Tract • Human Microbiota • Trillion(s) Microorganisms • 2 Million Genes • Communicate • Immune System is critical. Syndrome X Research: specific revelation the human digestive system of average American’s suffering a type of “mal-nutrition” impedes the robust nature of the immune system; Causes a Dysfunction that can be reversed by “re-training”. Proprietary AquaDios Corp Protocols utilize Scientific Based Eating Strategy • Healthy Food Combinations, a Modified Rational Eating Formula • Revolutionized Scientific Food • Selection • Understanding • Metabolic Health Eating • Science • Rational Eating Benefits Immunotherapy • Non Invasive • Decades of scientific bio-physiological research, innovation have gone into AquaDios Corp Proprietary ProActive • Natural Visual Imagery Learning • Healing • Immunotherapy Design • Maximize Immune System Function with A Psycho-Educational • Mind Body Communication Medicine • Positive Self Actualization • Safe Sustained Deep-Water Running Immersion • Rated • Safest • Best Sustained Exercise by Exercise Physiologists. P.O. Box 2228 • Malibu California 90265 310.897.5055 Natural Immunotherapy
Dr. Alan Jensen • Founder • CEO • Creator • AquaDios-Med™ •
[email protected] www.aquadios.com
AquaDios Corp • Proprietary Protocols
AquaDios-Med™ • AquaDios Corp • Copyright © 1999 2016 • ProActive Immunotherapy •All Right Reserved
Immunotherapy • Invasive • High Risk Lethal Bio-Technology advances now include the “re-engineering” or “bioengineering” of known deadly virus to be “benign”; an ingenious bio-physiological-medical approach where the modified, safe virus is infused into “cancer tumor(s)” whereupon the immune attacks the re-engineered “fake” virus, simultaneously destroying, killing the cancer. This form of Immunotherapy is highly political, supported by the AMA, FDA, Pharmaceutical(s) grant money. This Bio-Re-Engineering Infusion [BREI] method is regarded by many researchers whom say the process is dangerous experimentation with a high death rate and low success rate. The invasive dangerous “BREI” immunotherapy scientifically confirms the Immune System of most all Cancer Patients is “Functional” but the cancer cells are invisible to the Immune System. These researchers say …”it is the clever cancer cell, a virtuoso of stealth capable of fooling the immune system”… Other researchers point out that “all cancers have been eliminated naturally by patient determination, visualizations, etc”… Many Cancer researchers say, the “cancer problem is that of a dysfunctional immune system”. The above cited science verifies Distressing Live Events, Nutrition are key factors that interfere with critical immune system function, making the immune system deficient, dysfunctional; BUT, not permanently and therefore the Immune system can be Re-Educated while simultaneously receiving proven “Scientific Nutrition”, and Intense Exercise to “stimulate the natural robust nature of the immune system, at the same time being trained with MBCM. At Obama’s most recent “State of the Union Address, Obama gave profound support to Biden’s Cancer initiative saying…“Make America the country that cures cancer…cancer has …unique manifestations …may never have a single cure …possibility of profound progress … breakthroughs in… immunotherapy….some cancers produce signals that reduce the immune system’s ability to detect and kill tumor(s) cells, or they may have changes that make it harder for the immune system to recognize and target them”… [Factually, caused by Microbiota and or PsychoNeuroEngrams] Many researchers say the biggest determent to “Curing Cancer” is profit-centered motives to keep what research science has confirmed; the Cure of Cancer relies on making “grant money” dependent on “ALL” cancer research participating together including the confirmed elements of cancer to be “equally, consistently” included as “primary control agents” of the study and ths is: All research is to include: Life Event [neurogram determinants]; Nutrition • Digestive Tract Microbiota Factors; Mind Body Communication Medicine; Intense Safe Deep-Water Immersion; Positive Self Actualization; Thus, all cancer immunotherapy research shall include the on-going treatment for the known factors that contribute to cancer production; factors that are known to combine together to affect the health of individual cancer patients. All people have Inherent Natural Learning • Healing Capacities; Proprietary Proactive Natural Learning is overlooked in most all Approved Medical, APA, FDA treatment protocols; AquaDios Corp protocols must be expanded to all forms of treatment; Physiological Self-Regulation Training is essential to symptomatic management • remission; Positive Self-Efficacy Training is essential to Positive Mind Body Communication; Sustained Safe Exercise is essential to health, fitness, rapid rehabilitation and symptomatic management; Exercise Physiologists rate Deep-Water Immersion Running the safest, most beneficial exercise; Accelerates Rejuvenation; Maximizes Immun System function; the only sustained exercise possible while injured or infirmed AquaDios Corp innovative proprietary protocols are designed from scientific research. These evidence-based protocols are created by integrating and modifying long standing research that confirms proven methods to Maximize Learning & Healing. 2 AquaDios-Med™ • AquaDios Corp • Copyright © 1999 – 2016 • ProActive Immunotherapy •All Right Reserved
Poor Metabolic Health • Scientific Based Eating Strategy • Healthy Food Combinations Many socio-medico-research scientists have spent their entire life studying the human digestive system finding the average American suffers from a type of “mal-nutrition” that impedes immune system function stating that a “Syndrome X” may be the root cause of many common medical problems, disease; even Cancer. For decades research scientists have speculated the plausible cause of many “cancer(s)” is the belief that “some” people develop a life style that encourages “dysfunctional immune system response”. This theory presupposes that all living things, humans, animals, carry cancer cells; the healthy immune system recognizes the “cancer cells” and controls, destroys them as they develop” much as one who loves a beautiful garden destroys the spontaneous, unwanted growth of “weeds” while protecting the “body” of the desired delicate plant life. Obviously this process takes time, energy, fortitude, vigilance to protect the desirous plant forms selected for the garden. The metaphorical “gardener” is the “immune system”; a healthy “immune system” is dependent on “rational nutritional eating”, research science says we “humans” must revolutionize our Scientific Understanding of Nutrition demands for the Immune System To Function at a level that Cancer Cells will be recognized, destroyed before tumors are allowed to grow into lethal masses that kill the host; Thus, Food • Selection • Eating must be by a Rational Eating Formula. Mind Body Communication Medicine Research has proven that those who suffer from the labile, pedestrian, dysfunctional immune system can be retrained to identify overwhelming disease, even cancer, while the more invasive surgical Bio-Tech approach of “Bio-RE-Engineering Infusion” of a once lethal Virus, re-engineered to be benign has, scientifically proven that the Immune System of Cancer Patients can be tricked into “attacking cancer cells, destroying cancer tumors, etc. It is a scientific fact that most ALL Cancer patients have “in tact” but dysfunctional immune system function; their immune system has not failed, rather it has “struck out” against Cancer! The “host” [patient] will die without some “at bat hitting practice * coaching” to metaphorically make contact with the “ball” pitched [by cancer]; get a hit or a home run; leads to cancer cure, remission. There are two, indisputable methods available for “cancer remission”; BOTH re-train the dormant, non functioning “obese couch potato” into a fitness program to become strong enough to perceive the presence of “Cancer Danger”; attack; destroy cancer; disease! Some researchers say that “cancer” is “sneaky, clever, devises ways to be “invisible” to the immune system; similar to Hi-TechStealth-Bombers” designs to be invisible to Radar. In this “cancer” scenario the impetus, energy force is within the cancer; while in another scenario the focus is the disabled, dysfunctional immune system. On the one hand “cancer” outsmarts immune system with “stealth” capacities to ravage the body, while on the other the Immune System is Dysfunctional; in need of retraining, education, fitness training. While these combined, somewhat guarded treatment protocols rely on conflicting, differing, contrary theories, practices the one most important fact points to the patient’s ability to “identify and destroy cancer cells, tumors and survive. Researchers’ that have studied how “nutrition” helps to maximize immune system function, thereby, “perceive” the dangerous Cancer Cell(s) tumor(s); is able to destroyed by the Immune system BEFORE tumors are formed. Some of these researchers theorize “ALL” humans have “cancer cells”; BUT, those with strong, robust “immune systems” identify the “stealth” mode of cancer and destroy it regardless of its camouflage or trickery. 3 AquaDios-Med™ • AquaDios Corp • Copyright © 1999 – 2016 • ProActive Immunotherapy •All Right Reserved
Medical science, in general supports the notion that “healthy robust immune systems” are able to defend and eliminate cancer cells on a regular basis; it fails only when “improperly digested nutrition Fails Immune System Communication; And, this seems to apply to many, but not all cancers; thus it may be that regardless of even the most herculean immunes system some cancers may prevail; Medical science may not yet be able to know the etiology of “ALL” cancers, but many, maybe “Most” Cancers are proven to be able to be destroyed by “Healthy, Robust, Immune System Function”; substantial research revealed by decades of Metabolic Syndrome X, Stanford University has opened the “scientific door to more closely evaluate the “GUT” of humans; their digestive tracts; home to trillions of microorganisms called microbiota, the 2 million genes they carry called the microbiome which communicate with our immune system. Researchers have scientifically concluded The human microbiota is the aggregate of microorganisms, a microbiome that resides on the surface, in deep layers of skin, including in mammary glands, in much more; Human Microbiota: The human body is colonized by a vast number of microbes, collectively referred to as the human microbiota. The link between these microbes is a critical homeostasis communication with the immune system is the link between these microbes and our health. This process has become the focus of a growing number of research initiatives, and new insights are emerging rapidly, some of which we are proud to present in this special collection of immunotherapy applications; most of which exclude scientific evaluation of the Human Microbiota as a determinant to Immune System function and Cancer Cell Tumor Growth; A critical relationship that has either not been understood by the scientific community or is just now beginning to be recognized as an inherent causative factor to many cancers. The link between these microbes and our health is the focus of a growing number of research initiatives, and new insights are emerging rapidly, some of which we are proud to present in this special summary. ProActive Immunotherapy • Rational Eating Formula Revolutionized Scientific Understanding • Food • Selection • Combining Foods • On January 29. 2016 Erica Sonnenburg, Justin Sonnenburg NYU senior research coordinator published an article titled “The Extinction Inside Our Guts” revealing nutrition deficiencies contribute to serious medical conditions while caner researchers say poor nutrition, nutritional inadequacy may have such a negative impact on the immune system of some people that cancer cells are invisible. These researchers say The World is facing an extinction event, Hundreds of species are disappearing from their native habitat. This impending extinction is distinct from the plight of the polar bears or frog populations and is not a result of global warming or deforestation. This crisis is happening within the guts, digestive tracts, of many people. The human “gut” or digestive tract is home to trillions of microorganisms called microbiota and the 2 million genes they carry called the microbiome that communicates with our immune system. Microbiota is "the ecological community of commensal, symbiotic and pathogenic microorganisms that literally share our body space; Commensal is a referent to a metaphoric human genetic toolkit to a wide range of bacteria that are important collaborating organisms in the human “gut”, digestive tract. Thus, these micro organisms are living on or within another organism, and deriving benefit without harming or benefiting the host individual. 4 AquaDios-Med™ • AquaDios Corp • Copyright © 1999 – 2016 • ProActive Immunotherapy •All Right Reserved
Microbiota (human) Microbial flora harbored by normal, healthy individuals. A number of microorganisms have become adapted to a particular site or ecologic niche in homeostasis health. The human microbiota is the aggregate of microorganisms, a microbiome that resides on the surface and in deep layers of skin, including in mammary glands. Modified, liberal Vegetarianism has long been proven to have preventive qualities against cancer, cardiovascular disease, obesity, through a variety of activities, Commensal Remember, Human Microbiota, the human body is colonized by a vast number of microbes, collectively referred to as the human microbiota. The link between these microbes and our health is the focus of a growing number of research initiatives, and new insights are emerging rapidly, some of which we are proud to present in this special collection. Research reveals Host–microbe interactions have shaped the genetic architecture of inflammatory bowel disease. Recently researchers demonstrated that microbiota stimulation of innate immune pathways is required for T cell spontaneous proliferation and chronic intestinal inflammation. Humans are composite organisms — ecosystems made up of human cells together with about 3 pounds of bacteria, our forgotten organ. Over the last decade, science has uncovered just how profoundly our microbiota is wired into our immune system, our metabolism and even our central nervous system. When these connections malfunction, serious disease may ensue. “Bio-engineering” immunotherapy approach is medical science proof; the immune system is capable of proper immune system function in patients with deadly cancer; BUT, must be “educated”, stimulated to recognize the lethal cancer cells, and destroys the cancer. Proactive Cancer Immunotherapy • Invasive Deadly Immunotherapy Coordinate • Consolidate • Cancer Immunotherapy Research The most recent prominent Cancer Research confirms the Immune System of most all Cancer Patients is dysfunctional, malfunctioning; it is a “temporary” condition revealed where poor, unhealthy immune behaviors, attitudes allow group(s) of “cancer cell productions”; it is NOT a permanent disability. Some researchers presuppose Cancer is not a disease but a symptom of “One Disease, Toxaemia of the Bloodstream", an occurrence in an unhealthy acidic body. This “premise” suggests that “All” degenerative diseases of m ankind are caused by the eating of cooked food, and all these diseases, are symptoms of the disease “Toxaemia of the Bloodstream”. Other research speculates Toxaemia of the Bloodstream together with “stressed brain function” collaborate to allow cancer cell promulgation in those whose immune systems allow cancer to produce tumors”. Substantial evidence supports the AquaDios Corp Mind body Communication research; it is believed inclusion of the Nutritional Games significantly increase(s) Cancer Cure. Extensive long term research indicates that a metabolic syndrome, tissue dysfunction and insulin resistance impacts the immune system and may be a contributor to immune system deficiencies that contribute to cancer cell invisibility. For the approximately 180,000 years that humans exclusively foraged for food ... their guts [had] up to 50% more bacterial species and twice as many bacterial genes than ours do. The best evidence that our microbiota is facing an extinction event comes from recent studies of modern-day hunter-gatherers, who provide a window into what our microbiota was like for the approximately 180,000 years that humans exclusively foraged for food. Hunter-gatherers from Tanzania, Venezuela and Peru have a microbiota that is remarkably similar to one another and yet very different from ours in the West. 5 AquaDios-Med™ • AquaDios Corp • Copyright © 1999 – 2016 • ProActive Immunotherapy •All Right Reserved
Their guts harbor up to 50% more bacterial species and twice as many bacterial genes than ours do. In comparison, our guts resemble a landscape in decline. Antibiotic use, C-sections, formula feeding and an obsession with hand sanitizer have all been implicated in this decline. But there is one difference that really sticks out: diet. Modern-day hunter-gatherers eat up to 10 times more dietary fiber than most Americans consume each day. The complex carbohydrates found in fiber are what feed gut bacteria. Eat a diet rich in fiber — found in vegetables, nuts, whole grains and legumes — and the richness of your microbiome will increase. People with more diverse microbiomes tend to be leaner and have better metabolic function. Conversely, if your diet is poor in fiber, you are starving your microbial self. Even more upsetting: The growing life-expectancy gap between rich and poor These researchers set out to test whether a lack of dietary fiber could have contributed to the deteriorated microbiota observed in Western people relative to hunter-gatherers. They fed mice a lowfiber diet and “watched” — using DNA sequencing — what happened to their guts. As we had suspected, the number of bacterial species declined precipitously. But when we bred these mice, we were astonished to find that the decline worsened with each subsequent generation. Science shows microbiota is inherited from mothers as we pass through the birth canal. If a mother's microbiota is missing species, it follows that her child's microbiota is also at risk of missing species. Putting the mice back on a high-fiber diet in an attempt to regain these lost species was futile. The damage to the microbiota was irreversible. Westerners with low-fiber diets are missing bacterial species that the higher-fiber consuming hunter-gatherers have in abundance. Westerner’s environments are filled with microbes, But take antibiotics regularly which sterilize their environment for fear of exposing themselves to pathogenic bacteria. These behaviors mean we are reducing the chances of acquiring new beneficial bacteria. Hunter-gatherer populations are relatively free from Western diseases. This difference cannot be easily dismissed by the argument that modern medicine, by extending our life span, has “unmasked” diseases that these traditional populations don't live long enough to experience. Asthma, allergies, Type 2 diabetes and childhood Crohn's disease are just a few examples of diseases for which the age of onset is creeping ever younger. Nor can longer life spans explain why the childhood obesity rate in the United States is approaching 20%. (Obesity among hunter-gatherer children is non-existent.) Something serious is occurring; microbes may be at the central to the problem. Drinking coffee and wine good for microbes in the gut, scientists say Deborah Netburn; Melissa Healy, L. A. Times April 29, 2016 News & Features Scientists in the journal Science say …”Drinking coffee, tea, wine beverages is associated with a healthier and more diverse community of microbes living in the gut”. The opposite is true for consuming sugary drinks, whole milk, eating a lot of carbohydrates, indulging in frequent snacks. Researchers at University Groningen, Netherlands …“found 60 dietary factors that influence diversity," Dr. Alexandra Zhernakova, said …"But there is good correlation between diversity and health: Greater diversity is better." Science shows human microbiome is the community of mostly beneficial bacteria, fungi, viruses that live on, in our bodies. These microscopic organisms help process food, regulate the immune system. Experts believe the makeup of a person's microbial community can play a role in mood disorders, obesity, other diseases including irritable bowel syndrome. 6 AquaDios-Med™ • AquaDios Corp • Copyright © 1999 – 2016 • ProActive Immunotherapy •All Right Reserved
But the study of the microbiome is relatively new, and scientists are still working out exactly what a healthy microbiome looks like. Zhernakova and her colleagues helped fill in that picture by analyzing the microbes inside the guts of more than 1,100 people. They identified 126 factors that were correlated with changes in the makeup of an individual's microbial community. These include 60 related to diet, 12 associated with diseases, 19 linked with drugs and four tied to smoking. "To our knowledge, this is the first study to systematically assess such a broad range of host and environmental factors in relation to gut microbiome and at such a large scale," said Jingyuan Fu, a systems geneticist at the University of Groningen who worked with Zhernakova. The researchers analyzed stool samples of 1,135 Dutch participants in the Lifelines-DEEP study. The participants collected their own stool samples at home and then immediately put them in the freezer. No more than a few days later, the samples were transported to labs at the university, where they remained frozen until they were processed by researchers. This ensured that none of the bacteria had a chance to grow or change from the time the sample was collected. Also, it guaranteed that all samples were treated the same way. "In situations where samples are sent by post at room temperature, the time of the delivery for every sample is different," she said. "That situation can lead to the growth of bacteria during transportation and adds additional 'noise' to the findings." After analyzing the samples and comparing them with other data collected in the LifelinesDEEP study, the scientists found that consuming fruits, vegetables and yogurt positively influenced microbial diversity in the gut. So did drinking tea, wine, coffee and buttermilk. On the flip side, sugary sodas and savory snacks were associated with lower levels of diversity. So was having irritable bowel syndrome and smoking during pregnancy. Women tend to have more microbial diversity than men, and older people have greater microbial diversity than younger people, the researchers found. The study does not address exactly why certain foods and behaviors influence the mix of microbes that populate a person's gut. However, the researchers report that people who eat a lot of yogurt and buttermilk had higher levels of the bacteria that are used in the making of those foods in their guts. In a related study, researchers combed through thousands of human fecal samples to create a catalog of the microorganisms that colonize the human digestive system. They identified species of microorganisms from at least 664 different genera in the guts of close to 4,000 adults from the U.S., the United Kingdom, Belgium and the Netherlands. When they expanded their collection of stool samples to include a small number of people from Papua New Guinea, Peru and Tanzania, the researchers detected a core group of 14 genera of microbes that were just about universally present. These 14 genera were common to 95 percent of the humans sampled, and the species within these groups accounted for about 72 percent of their total gut microbiome. The main difference between individual people was the relative abundance of microbes from these core groups, including species from the Ruminococcaceae family and from the genera Bacteroides and Prevotella. The researchers found several links between the diversity of gut flora and various aspects of biological function. For instance, people who reported looser stools were more likely to have a rich garden of microflora than those whose stools were harder and dryer. The researchers also found significant associations between people's genus abundance and their hip circumference, history of taking the antibiotic amoxicillin, uric acid concentrations (a factor in gout) and their preference for eating dark chocolate. 7 AquaDios-Med™ • AquaDios Corp • Copyright © 1999 – 2016 • ProActive Immunotherapy •All Right Reserved
More than any single factor, the use of a wide range of drugs influenced microbiome variation among the people in this study. The clearest patterns emerged in those who had a recent history of taking antibiotics, osmotic laxatives, medications for inflammatory bowel disease, benzodiazepines, antidepressants, antihistamines or hormones used for birth control or to alleviate symptoms of menopause. But contrary to some expectations, the data did not show that the abundance of microbes in the adult gut was influenced by whether the person was born in a vaginal delivery or by C-section. Nor did researchers find any evidence that those who were breast-fed as babies had more diverse microbiomes when they grew up. Still, both studies underscore that a healthy microbiome is a key component of a healthy body, even if scientists are still working to understand exactly how each influences the other. The day may come when patients routinely provide doctors with stool samples to help better understand their health, Fu said. "It is becoming more and more clear that the gut microbiome serves as a sort of fingerprint that captures all kinds of signals about host health," she said. (c)2016 Los Angeles Times Respectfully, Dr. Alan Jensen (Alan), AquaDios Corp
June 26, 2016
Natural Healing • Learning Immunotherapy • Maximize Immune System Function
Founder • CEO • Creator, AquaDios-Med™ http://www.aquadios.com/
A 21st Century Immersion Environment for Advanced Fitness & Accelerated Healing AquaDios-Med™ Philosophy: EXERCISE IS MEDICINE! THE IMPAIRED BECOME REPAIRED! YOU DON'T STOP EXERCISING BECAUSE YOU GROW OLD; YOU GROW OLD BECAUSE YOU STOP EXERCISING! Phone 310-897-5055; - Email:
[email protected] - P.O. Box 2228 Malibu, Ca. 90265 Nearly all men die of their medicines not their diseases • Moliere 1673 The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination - Albert Einstein Perfecting of Knowing • Positive Self-Efficacy • Belief in one's effectiveness Exercise Physiologists Rate • Deep-Water Running • Safest • Best • Cardiovascular Exercise
8 AquaDios-Med™ • AquaDios Corp • Copyright © 1999 – 2016 • ProActive Immunotherapy •All Right Reserved
A 21st Century Immersion Environment for Advanced Fitness & Accelerated Healing
Aquadios Corp • Dr. Alan Jensen • Dr. Alfred Barrios ProActive Preventive Medicine • Primary Cancer Control Priority Immunotherapy Research Confirms • Preventive Medicine • Highest Priority Cancer • Cure
6/20/15 0_5
New research reported in the Journal JAMA Oncology published May 16, 2016, concludes Fundamental Cancer Cure can be achieved by increasing Proactive Preventive Medicine Research Grant Money. National Scale Cancer Cure can best be developed When Grant Money supports Psycho-Educational Training Programs to be added to ALL National Curricula beginning at Junior High [mid school] through High School graduation; ALL College, University Degrees. Thus, the biggest Bang for the Cancer Cure Buck is National Training from mid-school to graduate school.
The founder of AquaDios Corp [ADC], Dr. Alan Jensen, together with Dr. Alfred Barrios [SPC], have been Developing, Designing Proprietary ProActive Preventive Medicine Protocols for more than 3 decades; capable of largely eliminating, controlling most common medical ailments, including Cancer. These Proprietary ADC Protocols have been developed by long-term research of Immune System Function to determine that certain specific elements are necessary to Maximize the Human Immune System. The AquaDios Corp Proprietary Cancer Immunotherapy Protocol to Maximize Immune System Function Utilize The Four Basic Immune System Factors Required For Robust Health; Cancer Management, Symptom Control, Cure. ********************** Bio-Re-Engineering Infusion • PsychoNeuroImmunology • ProActive Preventive Medicine Medical Science Research involving independent aspects of both “Bioengineering, Infusion” [BEI] and “Preventive Medicne, PsychoNeuroImmunology” [PNI] reveals the Immune System of Cancer Patients is capable of recognizing, destroying cancer cells, tumors. Thereby, both therapy camps have ONE common agreement, that is, the Cancer Patient Immune System fails to understand, acknowledge or comprehend cancer cell dangers. Both science fields agree the task at hand is HOW to educate or re-educate the Immune System to its Robust Nature to Destroy Cancer Cell(s), Tumors. The AMA, FDA, Pharmaceutical [BEI] model presupposition is hypothetically central to the advent of “bio-re-engineering infusion”, that is, in this conundrum of science, IS CANCER SNEAKY, its cell structure, like a chameleon that communicates “invisibility” camouflage(s) to the Immune System. Therein lays the biggest scientific mistake of the ingenious [BEI] methodology! This “Eyes Wide Shut” phenomenon prevents [BEI] any genuine scientific examination of factors that may cause the Immune System to not recognize cancer cell(s), treat cancer as “invisible”. However, there is a large body of scientific research best known perhaps by Stanford University for its relentless pursuit of Syndrome X and other scientifically valid medical research: Gerald M. Reaven, MD published 760 peer-reviewed articles with 500 coauthors, high, consistent research for 4 decades; cited in over 53,000 publications. Though the Reaven, MD, Stanford University Syndrome X; “lipid triad"; "the metabolic syndrome" research was not specific to Cancer Immunotherapy, indeed, the related Microbiota research; nutritional microorganisms Is Momentous! P.O. Box 2228 • Malibu California 90265 310.897.5055 Natural Immunotherapy
Dr. Alan Jensen • Founder • CEO • Creator • AquaDios-Med™ •
[email protected] www.aquadios.com
AquaDios Corp • Proprietary Protocols
AquaDios-Med™ • AquaDios Corp • Copyright © 1999 - 2016 • Immunotherapy Research •All Right Reserved
Recent research reveals the “invisibility” of “cancer cell(s)” is a physiological byproduct due to an “inability of the digestive microorganisms to communicate” with the immune system; this “failure to communicate” is caused by “nutritional deficiency”; NOT shrewd, sneaky cancer cell(s). Thus, synaptic transmission fails immune system communication of the cancer cell(s) thereby allowing tumors. The fundamental [BEI] “Eyes Wide Shut” is emblematically “Throwing the baby out with the bath water”. While the basis of [BEI] is indeed an ingenious ideology, and must continue there remains a “head in the sand” impediment to rational quality [BEI] immunotherapy research, an arrogance that precludes the inclusion of valuable, existing medical science data. The most glaring supposition is to exclude the “proactive” patient capacity from the medical treatment equation; Medical Research Consistently Reveals "There is no known type or stage of cancer in which people have not survived by using natural • visual imagery • alternative treatments." Fundamental to all Cancer Immunotherapy is the Proactive Patient Capacities of people. This research fact introduces another explanation to the “Cancer Cell Invisibility”, but does not invalidate the nutritionally defective digestive microorganisms as both etiologies may persist simultaneously. PsychoNeuroImmunology research reveals a “neuroengram” cited as neurophysiologic cerebrum neural tissue [involuntary memory]; permanent trace left by a stimulus in nerve tissue; Therefore, through proprietary protocols susceptible to manipulation and control by the proactive host. This [PNI] research has not differentiated between the “neuroengram” and microbiota nutritionally defective digestive microorganisms but the [ADC] proprietary protocols include proactive “nutritional” behaviors that enrich the digestive microorganism flora. The [ADC] proprietary proactive protocols include proprietary sustained deep-water running immersions to naturally maximize immune system function. Clearly the [BEI] presupposition that “cancer makes it self invisible” can be wrong, mistaken, erroneous, some say immoral, unethical; an insult to cancer patients; abuse driven by “Profit-Centered” motivation; not authentic medical science inquiry to Genuine Cancer Immunotherapy. Obviously Proactive Preventive Medicine Must not be excluded from [BEI] Cancer Immunotherapy nor should Microbiota, Microorganism Nutrition research be excluded. It is the uniting of these divergent views into a common “American Teamwork” that will win the Cancer War. The [PNI] ProActive Preventive Medicine basic premise is fundamentally divergent, even contradictory from [BEI]; while both [PNI] and [BEI] agree that Cancer Cells(s) are invisible to the Immune System of Cancer Patients the [PNI] researchers, practioners, clinicians rely on ALL medical science research to establish dependable Cancer Immunotherapy. In general, [PNI] research does not empower cancer as omniscient or with the abilities to make cancer cells invisible; while, indeed, [PNI] agrees the immune system does factually operate, as if the cancer cells are “invisible”, but the invisibility is not due to the omnipotent power of cancer; rather this invisibility has a 2 part science basis in [PNI]: NeuroEngrams Engrams, spontaneous, imagined, subconscious psycho-neurophysiology manifests; maintains negative, deficient immune system action; permanent trace, stimulus in nerve tissue Microbiota, digestive microorganisms’ failure to communicate adequately with the immune system due to Nutritional Deficiencies; Thus, cancer cells are invisible by host psychophysiology learned behavior, not omniscient cancer cells. 2 AquaDios-Med™ • AquaDios Corp • Copyright © 1999 – 2016 • Immunotherapy Research • All Right Reserved
In either or both of the above plausible manifest etiologies non-invasive [PNI] demonstrates natural, visual imagery, alternative survival treatments in ALL known type(s), stage(s) of cancer. Differentiating • Bio-Re-Engineering • PsychoNeuroImmunology ProActive • Preventive Medicine A basic premise that seems to differentiate [BEI] from [PNI] is perception of the person/patient, the host of the aberration, thereby, to some degree, the entity that may or may not have capacity to overcome, control, eliminate the psychophysiology failure; Thus, proactive responsibility for the problem, to some degree is that of the host, patient, person; Thereby, positive proactive preventive measures, responsibly initiated by known, successful Mind Body Comunication(s) may bring symptom management, control remission, even cure. [PNI] posits it is a mistake to placate patients or treat them, as if they are powerless when history, together with medical science reveals the proactive patient may be the most powerful asset in Cancer Immunotherapy! Why Exclude this Power Source? Another [PNI] premise is: the patient knows more about themselves than any living person, thereby, Positive PsychoNeuroEducation aimed at training, re-training can pay big dividends in Cancer Immunotherapy when the patient is considered a primary resource to symptom management, control, remission, cure. This approach also establishes teamwork between doctors, patient to help remove the “ivory tower” omniscience associated with the [BEI] which automatically can help establish complete cooperation, participation in treatment. In this manner the patient is regarded as an “agent of positive change” and not as dependent as the [BEI] process of invasive cellular interactions. Moreover, the [PNI] patient can always enlist in the exclusive [BEI] treatment when, if, adequate progress is not forthwith, but will have the Proactive Preventive Medicine Tools Learned and Integrated which establishes an empowered patient. ******** As cited, Proprietary Preventive Medicine evidence reveals 4 Basic Cause(s) of all disease, identified as dis-ease or the absence of normal cell activity, a distress, interference with robust homeostatic balance to keep the immune system at its healthy, robust best. Mind Body Communication Medicine, derived from PsychoNeuroImmunology • Medical Hypnosis Research; confirms Four Elements Comprise the Disease • Cancer Syndrome: Negative NeuroPhysioLogical Ideations; Lack of Sustained Exercise; Poor Nutrition • Digestion • Impoverished Self-Actualization. AquaDios Corp Proprietary Proactive Immunotherapy Maximize Immune System Function: The Mind • Positive PsychoNeuroPhysioLogical Training; Physical Rejuvenation • Fitness • Safe Sustained Proprietary Deep-Water Immersion Exercise; Microbiota Restoration • Healthy Digestive Nutrition; Positive Self-Actualization Training • Hope • Constructive Positive Belief • Self Empowerment The AquaDios Corp ProActive Proprietary Protocols are PsychoEducational approaches known to Maximize Immun System Function to explore Manifest Etiology: Mind Function PsychoPhysiology: Conscious; Unconscious Aberration(s) Management; Safe Sustained Deep-Water Running Immersion Exercise; Microbiota: Nutritional Digestion; Positive Self-Actualization, hope, belief, self-empowerment; 3 AquaDios-Med™ • AquaDios Corp • Copyright © 1999 – 2016 • Immunotherapy Research • All Right Reserved
The Mind • Cognitive Process • How we think • Unconscious • Subconscious • [Engrams, NeuroEngrams] all play an enormous role in the etiology of the How • Who develops Cancer: Individual Mind [cognition] unknowingly contributes to [dis-ease] manifestation • Cancer Proprietary Mental Training: Prioritizing Natural PreExisting Memory Imagery • BioFeedBack Breathing PsychPhysioLogical Training • NeuroEngram • Engrams • Detection Proprietary Physical Training: Safe Sustained Exercise • Proprietary Deep-Water Running Immersion Therapy Exercise Physiology Research • Maximize Immune System Function Proprietary Microbiota Determinants: Healthy Nutritional Digestion • Maximize Immune System ***/65/16 @ 3:37 PM Research Confirms • Proactive Preventive Medicine • Priority Cancer Immunotherapy • Cure An Overview • Primary Prevention A Priority for Cancer Control On May 16, 2016 the Journal JAMA Oncology published a new research study “Preventable Incidence and Mortality of Carcinoma Associated With Lifestyle Factors Among White Adults in the United States”, Mingyang Song, MD; Edward Giovannucci, MD, are the primary authors. This study concluded research dollars are best spent on Proactive Preventive Immunotherapy; Meaning Primary Proactive Preventive Medicine Is The Priority for cancer control, cure, remission. On May 21, 2016 Melissa Healy, Los Angeles Times Reporter, wrote an article on that study titled, “Roughly half of cancer deaths in the united states could be prevented; Americans could prevent roughly half of all cancer deaths by doing these four things”. May 24, 2016 @ 3;23 pm The authors stated this research reconfirms the Importance of Lifestyle factors in cancer development which refutes another recent study that suggests random mutations during stem cell divisions are the major contributor to human cancer. These studies are most important determinants to how the Obama-Biden Cancer MoonShot Immunotherapy Research Grant Funds are applied! There are two Basic Cancer Immunotherapy Research Camps: InVasive “Profit-Centered” bioengineering, infusion, high mortality [death] rate relies on pharmaceutical development of new high priced drugs that may cost $ 250,000 for a year supply; Non-InVasive “Patient-Centered” ProActive Preventive Medicine PsychoEducational Approach where the patient or person is taught: Positive Mind Body Communication Medicine; Nutritional Digestive Eating Methods; Safe Sustained Deep-Water Exercise Immersion with an annual cost of about $25,000 to learn and ProActively Integrate Life Style Change designed to Maximize Immune System Function. Both Professional researcher-practioners agree on TWO FACTS: In most all Cancer Patient the Immune System is not damaged and can be Re-Trained; Remember: "There is no known type or stage of cancer in which some people have not survived by using natural, visual imagery, improved nutrition, exercise";
4 AquaDios-Med™ • AquaDios Corp • Copyright © 1999 – 2016 • Immunotherapy Research • All Right Reserved
And, may also stipulate most all humans have cancer cells regularly managed effectively by the Immune system; For decades research has demonstrated Proactive Preventive Medicne can help patients to control, reduce, manage, even eliminate about 80% of all manifesting disease; including Cancer, while the Placebo Effect has about 65% success with most all medical aliments including cancer. The cited JAMA Oncology ProActive Preventive Medicine Authors, Mingyang Song, MD; Edward Giovannucci, MD refer to Epidemiologic studies which have a substantial body of medical research knowledge that has established the fact that lifestyle factors increase cancer risk: smoking, alcohol use, obesity, physical inactivity. This evidence supports that Proactive Preventive Medicine can reduce • cancer risk, thereby prevent cancer. Recent biomedical research study challenges this discovery by claiming there is a high correlation between the number of stem cell divisions of a given tissue and the lifetime risk of cancer in that tissue. Some Researchers speculate this “sour grapes” hypothesis leads to a theory that only a third of the variation in cancer risk among tissues is attributable to environmental factors or inherited predispositions, while most is due to random mutations arising during stem cell divisions; a so-called bad luck theory. This cited study was widely covered by the press, it caused public confusion about proactive cancer prevention, symptom management of cancer. Many researchers argue against the “bad luck hypothesis”, including the theory that external environmental factors may influence cancer development through promotion of DNA damage; NOTABLY, none of these reports has original research data to assess prevention of cancer through modification of extraneous, extrinsic factors. Proactive Preventive Medicine Immunotherapy • Cancer Cure • Remission Research Objective of the study was to establish probability estimates of cases, deaths caused by carcinomas capable of prevention by lifestyle modification in a U. S. Caucasian Population [skin, brain, lymphatic, hematologic, nonfatal prostate malignancies were not included in the study] Cancer Research commonly reveals lifestyle is a big contributing factor in the etiology over a broad range of cancer(s); therefore it is logical Proactive Preventive Medicine Factors are the most prolific cures to cancer(s) WHEN and IF Patient-Centered Preventive Medicne considered as “Treatment of Choice” prior to any invasive drug, surgical procedures See Moonshot Cancer therapy “Treatment of Choice” recognition of research evidence based on what treatment works best; clinical guidelines] JAMA Oncology published this research to demonstrate that ProActive Preventive Medicine best serves ALL cancer patients and ALL those who may become patients. Remember, "There is no known type or stage of cancer in which some people have survived by using natural [proactive preventive medicine practices], visual imagery, improved nutrition, exercise"; The lead researchers Drs Song, Giovannucci determined Proactive Preventive Medicine links to how common lifestyle factors contribute to cancer; they compared • analyzed • cancer incidence • mortality • between those with “healthy life style”[low cancer risk] and those who did not [“high cancer risk”] • Statistical extrapolation projects Proactive Preventive Medicine Can Prevent Cancer at the National Level. 5 AquaDios-Med™ • AquaDios Corp • Copyright © 1999 – 2016 • Immunotherapy Research • All Right Reserved
Summary Proactive Preventive Medicine Research JAMA Oncology • May 2016 Authors Mingyang Song, MD; Edward Giovannucci, MD studied, analyzed cancer and lifestyle from Participants data in the Settings of “Nurses’ Health Study”, “Health Professionals Follow-up Study”, “US national cancer statistics” to professionally evaluate dynamic factors in lifestyle, cancer incidence and mortality. Two groups were studied dependent on incidence and mortality between the participants who had a healthy lifestyle: The low-risk group definition is A healthy lifestyle pattern is based on 4 criteria: Never a smoker or past smoking [quit smokin] No alcohol drinking • moderate alcohol drinking Body Mass Index [BMI]: at least 18.5; But, lower than 27.5; Weekly aerobic physical activity: 75 vigorous-intensity or 150 moderate-intensity minutes. Al 4 Healthy Criteria assigned Low-Risk Group; All others; High-Risk group. Further analysis, exploration determined preventive capability of lifestyle modification for cancer prevention at the national scale is inherent in Proactive Preventive Medicine. Cancer Statistics JAMA Oncology Research Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States, with 1.6 million new cancer cases, more than half a million cancer deaths projected in 2016. In general the cancer mortality rate, decreased between 1969 and 2013; A modest decline of (17.9%) compared with the dramatic decrease in heart disease mortality of (67.5%) during the same period which highlights the need to increase Proactive Preventive Medicine for Cancer Prevention, Treatment, Immunotherapy. Key Point • Cancer Immunotherapy • Preventable Cancer Cases • Deaths • Lifestyle This JAMA Oncology published research demonstrates 40% of cancer cases • 70% of cancer deaths can be prevented Proactive Preventive Medicine [lifestyle modification]. Other evidence based research predicts about 80% cancer cases • cancer deaths can be prevented by the Proprietary Proactive Preventive Medicine. AquaDios Corp believes National Proprietary Proactive Natural Learning Natural Healing • Learning Immunotherapy to Maximize Immune System Function will reduce most all Cancer, cancer Deaths by more than 80% when it is a Nation Wide required Curricula at the Junior High through ALL College, University, Graduate Schools. Primary Proactive Prevention Must Be A Priority for Cancer • Control • Cure Is the Obama-Biden MoonShot • Cancer Immunotherapy Cure • Eyes Wide Shut? Decades of Scientific Medical Research continues to reveal one repetitive fact: 6 AquaDios-Med™ • AquaDios Corp • Copyright © 1999 – 2016 • Immunotherapy Research • All Right Reserved
All known • Type(s) • stage • cancer • Survived • Full Remission • Cure • By Proactive • Natural • Visual Imagery • ProActive Alternative Treatments. Therefore, it is incumbent the MoonShot Cancer Immunotherapy Zeitgeist; Grant(s) Research Funding Equally Include Patient-Centered, Non-Invasive ProActive Preventive Medicine Protocols, especially the: AquaDios Corp most complete Robust Proprietary Natural Learning Natural Healing • Learning Immunotherapy to Maximize Immune System Function Protocols. 6/5/16
Respectfully, Dr. Alan Jensen (Alan), AquaDios Corp
June 28, 2016
Natural Healing • Learning Immunotherapy • Maximize Immune System Function
Founder • CEO • Creator, AquaDios-Med™ http://www.aquadios.com/
A 21st Century Immersion Environment for Advanced Fitness & Accelerated Healing AquaDios-Med™ Philosophy: EXERCISE IS MEDICINE! THE IMPAIRED BECOME REPAIRED! YOU DON'T STOP EXERCISING BECAUSE YOU GROW OLD; YOU GROW OLD BECAUSE YOU STOP EXERCISING! Phone 310-897-5055; - Email:
[email protected] - P.O. Box 2228 Malibu, Ca. 90265 Nearly all men die of their medicines not their diseases • Moliere 1673 The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination - Albert Einstein Perfecting of Knowing • Positive Self-Efficacy • Belief in one's effectiveness Exercise Physiologists Rate • Deep-Water Running • Safest • Best • Cardiovascular Exercise
7 AquaDios-Med™ • AquaDios Corp • Copyright © 1999 – 2016 • Immunotherapy Research • All Right Reserved
A 21st Century Immersion Environment for Advanced Fitness & Accelerated Healing
Aquadios Corp • Dr. Alan Jensen • Dr. Alfred Barrios Obama-Biden MoonShot • Cancer Immunotherapy Cure • Eyes Wide Shut? Primary Proactive Prevention Must Be A Priority for Cancer • Control • Cure
Decades of Scientific Medical Research continues to reveal one repetitive fact: All Known • Type(s) • Stage(s) • Cancer • Survived • Full Remission • Cure • By Proactive • Natural • Visual Imagery • ProActive Alternative Treatments. Yet, Patient-Centered, Non-Invasive Mind Body Medicine Protocols are not included with Profit-Centered InVasive Bio-Engineering Immunotherapy Research.
Success of MoonShot Cancer Immunotherapy Zeitgeist to Cure Cancer is dependent on all Grant(s) • Research Funding • Equally Include • Patient-Centered • Non-Invasive • ProActive Preventive Medicine Protocols. Medical Research reveals proprietary, proactive AquaDios Corp [ADC] protocol(s) are the most comprehensive Robust Natural Learning • Healing Immunotherapy to Maximize Immune System Function. PsychoNeuroImmunology [PNI] research science confirms that four common Fundamental Essential ProActive Factors Comprise the Disease • Cancer Syndrome: Negative NeuroPhysioLogical Ideations [NeuroEngrams Engrams]; Poor Nutrition • Digestion [Microbiota: digestive microorganisms Nutritional Deficiency]; Lack of Sustained Daily Exercise; Impoverished Self-Actualization [lack of self-confidence]; AquaDios Corp ProActive Proprietary Protocols • PsychoEducational • Natural Imagery Based • PsychoPhysiology known to Maximize Immun System Function • Explore Manifest Etiology: Mind Function PsychoPhysiology: Management Conscious; Unconscious Aberration(s) Safe Sustained Deep-Water Running Immersion Exercise; Microbiota: Nutritional Digestion: Analysis; Modification; Positive Self-Actualization, hope, belief, self-empowerment; Zeitgeist • Moonshot Logic • American Resource • Capacity • Fortitude New Cancer Immunotherapy • Research • Federal Funding • Billionaires Donations Note: Black Op • Resistant to honest Immunotherapy The Obama-Biden MoonShot logic is indeed intended to motivate ALL American Resources to the highest level of teamwork, cooperation, to produce a synergy common to 3 American Historical Facts; American Affairs that gave birth to the Inspirational MoonShot Zeitgeist Theory: The American Way; emblematic of ingenuity, innovation, determination, teamwork, captured by historians, ALL say the 3 most significant historical moments over 140 years of America’s Life: Paul Revere: Midnight Ride, April 18, 1775, “one if by land two if by sea”; American Identity! Franklin D. Roosevelt: Pearl Harbor Infamy World War II, December 8, 1941; Americanism! John F. Kennedy: We Choose to Go To the Moon, September 12, 1962; American Innovation! P.O. Box 2228 • Malibu California 90265 310.897.5055 Natural Immunotherapy
Dr. Alan Jensen • Founder • CEO • Creator • AquaDios-Med™ •
[email protected] www.aquadios.com
AquaDios Corp • Proprietary Protocols
AquaDios-Med™ • AquaDios Corp • Copyright © 1999 – 2016 • Immunotherapy • Cancer Cure Research • All Right Reserved
The Obama-Biden Moonshot Zeitgeist • New Immunotherapy • Cure Cancer Research hope is to establish the Known, but Absent American Teamwork Synergy: Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has; But this altruistic nobility is unlikely given our Current Diabolical Fractionated American Political Climate; The reality is: “Profit-Centered • InVasive • Lethal” BioEngineering Infusion Immunotherapy, though Ingenious, research reveals it is InVasive, highly lethal, allopathic medicine with known abuses of surgeries, pharmaceuticals and cause of Iatrogenic Disease Medicne that rides roughshod over legitimate “Patient-Centered NonInvasive Immunotherapy”. American teamwork between Invasive BioEngineering • NonInvasive Preventive Medicine is the only conceivable engine capacity source to achieve cancer cure. While it is a worldwide fact we American’s developed the knowhow to travel to the Moon and Back; we accomplished this with the quality of united teamwork, ostensibly no longer available to America. The essence of legitimate American teamwork is to: share a common ideal, embrace a common goal. Regardless of our differences, we strive shoulder to shoulder, confident in one another's faith, trust, commitment. In the end, teamwork is summed up in five short words..."we believe in each other”. In order for Cancer Immunotherapy Researchers to establish Legitimate Team Work, share common ideals, goals, the “common good”, patient welfare must carry more power than “profit”; only then will there be a pathway for the required trust, confidence, believe in each other as equal team mates. This is highly unlikely when “Profit” is the “Motive”. Thus, motivation cannot be allowed to splinter form “cure” to “profit”; “genuine immunotherapy research must combine all resources”. To successfully produce a Cancer Cure Immunotherapy demands A Full Professional Diversity Cadre to work together; History shows Great Achievements are not born from a single vision but from the combination of many distinctive viewpoints. Diversity challenges assumptions, opens minds and unlocks potential to solve any problem we may face in the advancement of Cancer Immunotherapy; Profit-centered, Patient-Centered schisms must be eliminated for Cancer Cure success to flourish. Obama-Biden must be wise enough to know the difference between “catchy” euphemisms; intentionally bridge the gap between profit motives in pursuit of disease, cancer immunotherapy leading to cancer cure; and the noble humanitarian pursuit intended by the concept MoonShot! On the one hand, Obama-Biden must be diligent enough to know “profit” medicine and “preventive medicine” have incompatible motives. On the other hand, Obama-Biden must establish a “co-opetition”; a mixture of cooperation • competition. An obvious divisive nature can, however be managed if and when it is identified more as a Need to Collaborate, thus a “diversity bridge” to meet, “people halfway • the most significant trip to establish • We don’t work for each other • we work with each other”. A focus on Change: “in the waves of change we find our true direction”. Wherein the Opportunity to Contribute is unveiled as ALL Americans know: Great achievements are nurtured with the cooperation of many minds with a common vision working toward a common goal • Cancer Cure! All American’s know how powerful Teamwork Can Be and Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, American’s know it is the only thing that ever has. It is this willingness to develop Teamwork; to be the Bridge to perceive Problems as opportunities, as can be accomplished when the right people join together in Teamwork; 2 AquaDios-Med™ • AquaDios Corp • Copyright © 1999 - 2016 • Natural Immunotherapy Research • All Right Reserved
to strive shoulder to shoulder, confident in one another's faith, trust, commitment, “believe in each other”. We all know, deep down, Change is life giving. It helps us grow into someone greater than we already are; each participant must know to fully contribute toward the Great Achievement of Cancer Cure. This lofty MoonShot Goal of Obama-Biden [all Americans] relies on spontaneous Creativity: An organized mentality, a commitment to creative collaboration to ride the wave of the future for ALL American’s. Professionals going beyond the realm of assumptive thinking to the welcome dawn of innovation …there is nothing more empowering than an idea whose time has come. All American’s will benefit from “teamwork” to establish a “Cancer Cure”; But, Obama-Biden must be aware of the many impediments to this “American Dream”. “MoonShot: logic demands their attention to the Essence of Initiative Resourcefulness with purpose and direction that the only Upper Hand be against “Cancer” not Team Members; with this thought: …The future doesn’t just happen, it is created…Our destiny is not in the stars, but in ourselves. We may need to follow in the wake of those who have gone before, but what we do and where we go is ultimately up to us. The attitude of initiative is an on-going state of exploration that is never finished…a journey that never ends New Zeitgeist • Cancer Immunotherapy • 2016 • Problematic This 2016 Spirit of Time articulates a “NOW Zeitgeist • 2016 • “Cancer Cure” Time! The passion of Joe Biden created a 2016 Zeitgeist • characteristic expansive • generalized positive thought • Feeling • Political Underpinning • Design • Liberate Federal • Private Grant Money; stimulate politically motivated “tax’ protection [loopholes] for Billionaires to donate the big money necessary for Legitimate Cancer Immunotherapy Research • Immediate Allocation Federal Research Funds. Cancer Immunotherapy Zeitgeist • Liberating Research Grant • Donation Money “Cancer MoonShot Endorsement” is to create New “Cancer Immunotherapy Zeitgeist” meant to attach itself to the fabric of America dating back to: Paul Revere's Midnight Ride, April 18, 1775, “one if by land two if by sea”; Pearl Harbor, World War II”, December 8, 1941; American Vigilance, Fortitude found in “Moon Shot Mentality”; The essence of achievement for Moonshot Cancer Immunotherapy may be illusive without perception of the true issues cited and existing in Medical Research Funding; In a Profit Culture Achievement means Money, Profit; but in the Obama-Biden “Moonshot Mentality”; best stated in a Theodore Roosevelt quote…”The credit belongs to those people who are actually in the arena...who know the great enthusiasms, the great devotions to a worthy cause; who at best, know the triumph of high achievement; and who, at worst, fail while daring greatly...so that their place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat”... Obama-Biden “Moonshot Mentality” is dependent on the Courage of Integrity when it seems our nation has lost truthfulness; it seems they are asking all researchers to have the highest courage, to dare yourself to be in the face of adversity. To Choose right over wrong, ethics over convenience, patient welfare over profit, and truth over popularity…these are the choices that “used to measure your life”. To Travel the path of integrity without looking back, believing there is never a wrong time to do the right thing has become more difficult than ever. Thus, the task to employ these virtues is most difficult and cannot be accomplished with “Eyes Wide Shut”. 3 AquaDios-Med™ • AquaDios Corp • Copyright © 1999 - 2016 • Natural Immunotherapy Research • All Right Reserved
To accomplish the Obama-Biden “Moonshot Mentality The Essence of Imagination is Critical for it is with Imagination that we must realize that what we can easily see is only a small percentage of what is possible. Imagination is having the vision to see what is just below the surface; to picture that which is essential, but invisible to the eye. Albert Einstein said, quote The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination; While this is true for innovative development, Honest Applied Knowledge of the Problems to enlist the Cadre for such a promising Noble Goal is for leadership to be completely cognizant of the inherent problems initiated by “Profit” seekers; power of the Pharmaceutical Companies. Sadly, the Goal [Cancer Immunotherapy Research to Cure Cancer] is lacking Collective United Logic inherent in “MoonShot Logic”; the cited examples wherein ALL American Individual(s) Identify with Goals independent of individual success • failure • Join Organizational American Teamwork to Create Legitimate Authentic Synergy • Greater • Higher Energy Source(s) Synonymous with “Championship Winners” • Trust • Accountability • Truth • Problem Solving • Honest • Unbiased; For the Sake • the right • committed • “Immunotherapy Research Treatment” • To Cure Cancer. Grant Money Research Funding • Dominated by “Profit-Centered” Pharmaceuticals Otherwise stated • Bi-Partisan Cancer Immunotherapy Research Must Become United Profit-Centered • Invasive [Bio-RE-Engineering – Infusion; High Mortality] 5/30/16 @ 6:04 pm [AMA, FDA, Congress Approved] Supported by Pharmaceuticals Patient-Centered • Non-Invasive [Proactive Preventive Medicine; No Mortality] Mind Body Communication Medicine; Proactive Preventive Protocols [Tolerated by AMA, FDA, Congress; not supported by Pharmaceuticals, antagonistic By definition, in order for “MoonShot Cancer Immunotherapy Research” to manifest legitimate Synergy capacity; results; ALL Bio-Engineering Research Funding MUST simultaneously include direct participation with the Proactive Preventive Protocols otherwise Funding Will reach less than half the medical professionals available tantamount to utilizing only half the scientists for “Moonshot” Therefore, the Two Research Methods must have equal representation to avoid bias, and to assure ALL immunotherapy research funding includes proactive preventive medicine. “Profit-Centered Immunotherapy” is a bioengineering; infusion process; based in Allopathic Medicine which, according to reliable medical research, has caused “Iatrogenic Disease Medicine” by its abuse, overuse of surgeries, pharmaceuticals; to produce unnecessary pain, suffering, death; yet approved by the AMA, FDA, Congress because Pharmaceutical Giants unethical inducement(s); “Patient-Centered Immunotherapy” is: Proactive Preventive Medicine; Psycho-Education Learning; Re-Training; psycho-physiological self-regulation to incorporate known human capacities for positive mind body communications; safe sustained exercise known to maximize immune system function; Microbiota Microorganism nutritional analysis to Maximize Immun System Function; Positive Self Actualization; ALL Proactive Preventive Medicine Procedures can easily be included with ALL Bio-Engineering Methods; Win-Win Unless these Cited Problematic, yet very solvable deterrence’s are resolved it is highly unlikely the MoonShot Cancer Immunotherapy will come close to accomplishing the Goal to Cure Cancer. This is unfortunately demonstrated by the $450 Million two separate BillionAires recently donated. 4 AquaDios-Med™ • AquaDios Corp • Copyright © 1999 - 2016 • Natural Immunotherapy Research • All Right Reserved
$250 Million by Sean Parker to build the Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy, six academic institutions will coordinate immunotherapy efforts: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Stanford Medicine, UCLA, UC San Francisco, the University of Pennsylvania, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center; $200 Million by Larry Ellison wherein engineering and medicine, will lead the institute, which will also employ physics, biology, math, engineering experts engaged in research to prevent, detect and treat cancer; Sadly, the $ 450 Million donated funds do not articulate Mind Body Proactive Preventive Medicine [But it could, until it does these funds are representative of what this research has cited. Proof Biden, Obama Immunotherapy Zeitgeist exists is the $ 450 Million for Cancer Immunotherapy from the private sector in May 2016 in less than a month; all Funds Committed to “Immunotherapy Research • Cure Cancer Treatment” for once and for all cure cancer. Medical History Predicts there has been serious interference to prevent “Patient-Centered” Immunotherapy to Advance while funneling Grant Money to “Profit-Centered” Research; comparable to Covert Operation(s) [“Black Ops”] by government, quasi-private companies, groups such as AMA, FDA, Pharmaceuticals veiled interaction with Congress to control Medical Research. [See: https://independent.academia.edu/DrAlanJensen ] **** ****** ******* ***** **** Long-standing Media Reports, Exposés, Books demonstrate corrupt practices exist throughout the AMA, FDA, Congress; ALL controlled by Pharmaceuticals. Thus, ProActive AquaDios Corp Proprietary Natural Immunotherapy may be excluded “grant money” eligibility, even with the “Cancer Cure Zeitgeist” [Why Medical Bills Are Killing Us; Steve Brill, TIME Magazine February 27, 2013]. Through AquaDios Corp Dr. Jensen spent more than $ 1 Million, of his own money Designing, Building the Medical Prototype he invented while following a JFK inspirational quote for the “greater good” …“Ask not what your country can do for you, Ask what you can do for your country”… The “New Zeitgeist MoonShot Cancer Immunotherapy” founders are likely completely unaware that, this noble dignified approach to Cancer Cure Immunotherapy, may never succeed unless the Profit-Centered; Patient-Centered therapies are united to reduce the incidence and death of Cancer. This Cancer Immunotherapy MoonShot Zeitgeist has the capacity to be capable of divine intervention, timely established to eliminate the many Decade(s) Blockade(s) to hinder “ProActive Patient-Centered” innovative proprietary preventive proactive protocols, known to maximize immune system function naturally. However, the “founding fathers of Cancer Immunotherapy MoonShot Four Decades of research based evidence reveals profit-centered Iatrogenic Disease Medicine [IDM] is an abuse of Allopathic Medicine: a known exploitation, manipulation of unnecessary pharmaceuticals, surgeries, hospital stays, usurious Hospital, Pharmaeucital Billing; unnecessary, preventable pain, suffering, death • Utter Draconian Practices • A complete deceitful, degenerate process, with no moral fiber, respect or honor, only fear] • IDM accounts for as many or more than 1 Million Hospital Deaths Annually. [See: https://independent.academia.edu/DrAlanJensen ] This Cancer Immunotherapy Zeitgeist relies on motivational persuasion for American people, Congress, to support a national effort to Expand Immunotherapy Research Grant Money to apply beyond the AMA, FDA, Pharmaeucital tentacles of Profit-Centered Greed; demanding that all Immunotherapy Research be composed of “Patient-Centered” Proactive Preventive Medicine Protocols together with scientific medical bioengineering. ****** ******* ********* ****** ***** 5 AquaDios-Med™ • AquaDios Corp • Copyright © 1999 - 2016 • Natural Immunotherapy Research • All Right Reserved
Proof the Biden, Obama Cancer Immunotherapy Zeitgeist is functionally alive is a most recent $ 450 Million Billionaire’s Donation for Cancer Immunotherapy; all committed to “Immunotherapy Research Treatment” for once and for all to cure cancer. Media, Medical Research consistently reports that confirm Profit-Centered Medical Research is “self-serving”, even corrupt as Pharmaceuticals control the AMA, FDA, Congress, Research Grant Money; not for the cure of Cancer or serious disease; BUT, for the Billions of Profit Dollars from usurious sales of drugs and surgeries. Thus, the Cancer MoonShot manifests one serious flaw, a metaphorical AMA, FDA, Pharmaceuticals; Congress “Black Op”! Media, Investigative reports, reveal on-going corrupt practices of the AMA, FDA, Congress; ALL controlled by Pharmaceuticals; Thereby, it is believed AquaDios Corp Proprietary Proactive Preventive Natural Immunotherapy will not been included in “MoonShot grant money” eligibility even though “new research” boldly reveals “Cancer Cure Zeitgeist” Grant Money is best spent in “PREVENTIVE MEDICNE”! Further analysis, exploration determined preventive capability of lifestyle modification for cancer prevention at the national scale is inherent in Proactive Preventive Medicine. Definition of FIRST–LINE being the preferred, standard, or first choice — compare second-line See first–line defined for English-language learners ESSENCE OF IMAGINATION: What we can easily see is only a small percentage of what is possible. Imagination is having the vision to see what is just below the surface; to picture that which is essential, but invisible to the eye. Respectfully, Dr. Alan Jensen (Alan) AquaDios Corp
June 28, 2016
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Research Grants • Corrupt Research • Recent Media Report Op-Ed • In Science • Follow The Money • If You Can Monsanto logo • Farm Progress Show • Decatur, Ill. Aug. 31, 2015. (Seth Perlman / A P); Paul D. Thacker and Curt Furberg
In science as in politics, most people agree that transparency is essential. Top journals now require authors to disclose their funding sources so that readers can judge the possibility of bias, and the British Medical Journal recently required authors to disclose their data as well so that experts can run independent analyses of the results. But as transparency becomes the standard, many academics are resisting the trend without pushback from their universities. After researcher Wei-Hock Soon of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics was caught taking money from fossil fuel companies while claiming that climate change is not happening, the Smithsonian Institution revised its disclosure rules this April. Days later, Soon received $65,000 from Donors Trust, an organization that funnels anonymous contributions to conservative causes. According to the Guardian newspaper, Donors Trust has dispensed nearly $120 million to more than 100 groups casting doubt on climate science. Harvard-Smithsonian declined to explain why Soon received the money, and said that simply acknowledging his ties to Donors Trust allows Soon to meet ethical standards. The limitations and perils of scientific studies It's not hard to find examples of scientists accepting grants from sources that have a financial stake in their field of study — while failing to make clear the nature of the relationship. In 2014, Coca-Cola donated more than $1 million to the University of Colorado School of Medicine to create the Global Energy Balance Network. Initially, involved parties claimed the researchers would work independently of the company. Yet as the university's internal emails later revealed, Coca-Cola had direct influence on the group's missions and activities, forcing Coke's chief executive to admit that “there was not a sufficient level of transparency with regard to the company's involvement with the Global Energy Balance Network.” Further complaints led the university to return $1 million to Coca-Cola, and the Global Energy Balance Network later shut down. No loss there: Public health experts accused the group of “scientific nonsense” designed to deflect attention from the role sugary drinks play in the obesity epidemic. One name that often comes up in these transparency scandals is the agrochemical company Monsanto. Chicago public radio recently ran a story on the University of Illinois, where professor Bruce Chassy helped Monsanto route gifts for him through a university's foundation. Chassy then accessed this money to pay expenses for biotechnology outreach to scientists, policymakers and the public, but never disclosed Monsanto's involvement. P.O. Box 2228 • Malibu California 90265 310.897.5055 Natural Immunotherapy
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And last year, the New York Times revealed that Monsanto had enlisted academics in a public relations campaign against tightening regulations on genetically modified organism crops. One researcher at the University of Florida, Kevin Folta, received $25,000 from Monsanto to educate voters and fellow scientists about GMOs. In his proposal, Folta explained how Monsanto should fund the project so that “it is not in a ‘conflict-of-interest' account” and would not have to be publicly reported. Disclosure matters because when a special interest sponsors research, that research is likely to produce results in favor of the sponsor. This is not an opinion but a scientific conclusion based on studies of published research on drugs and devices, tobacco and chemicals. For instance, in 2006, a study in the American Journal of Psychiatry examined every publicly available trial funded by the pharmaceutical industry for five antipsychotic drugs. The paper found that nine out of 10 published studies concluded that the best drug was the one sold by the company funding the trial. Back in 2007, the U.S. Senate Finance Committee began a multiyear investigation into the ties between the pharmaceutical industry and academic researchers. The committee found that companies were trying to influence doctors by paying bonuses, providing free meals and trips, sponsoring their research and supporting their professional societies. In response, the Senate passed the Physician Payments Sunshine Act, which requires companies to report money and gifts they give to physicians. The federal government has now reported that, in 2014, companies paid $6.49 billion to more than 600,000 doctors and 1,100 teaching hospitals, for meals and gifts, consulting fees, research support, and honorariums to promote drugs. Those numbers may sound alarming, but at least we know the scope of the problem — and that's not the case outside of medicine. As public funding for research falls and more academics have trouble obtaining government grants, they will turn increasingly to the private sector. An obvious remedy is to extend a law like the Physician Payments Sunshine Act to other areas of science, requiring all industries to report when they fund academics. In fact, a leading scholar has suggested that failing to disclose funding should be considered research misconduct. But disclosure is only a first step. Universities need to put the public interest first and exclude some academic-corporate relationships. The University of California tightened funding standards in 2007, requiring further scrutiny for grants paid for by tobacco companies. Since we now have evidence suggesting that fossil fuel companies create disinformation on climate change and that the pharmaceutical and medical device industries create disinformation in medicine, perhaps similar restrictions should be considered on their funding. Disclosure and restrictions do not harm academic freedom. These policies still allow scientists to pursue research, while ensuring that public health is not put at risk in service of corporate profit. Paul D. Thacker is a journalist and writer living in Spain. Curt Furberg is a retired professor of public health sciences at Wake Forest School of Medicine. Follow the Opinion section on Twitter @latimesopinion and Facebook Copyright © 2016, Los Angeles Times -- Opinion - Commentary - Scientific Research - Drugs and Medicines -
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Napster Cofounder Sean Parker Gives Cancer Immunotherapy Development A Boost Billionaire tech entrepreneur Sean Parker, shown at a gala in Beverly Hills this year, has pledged $250 million to fund coordinated research on cancer immunotherapies.- (Jordan Strauss / Invision) >>Melissa
HealyContact Reporter
Fueled by a $250-million commitment of funds by Napster cofounder Sean Parker, researchers from more than 40 laboratories and six of the nation's leading cancer research centers have entered into a first-of-its-kind collaboration to accelerate the development of cancer immunotherapies. Under the aegis of the Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy, which launches Wednesday, researchers working in this once-obscure field will share their research findings, coordinate their clinical trials, establish common tissue banks and strike licensing deals with pharmaceutical companies to bring new cancer treatments to the market. A 'moonshot' to cure cancer: Realistic hope or a search for green cheese? After decades of false starts, harnessing the human immune system to prevent, disrupt and overwhelm cancer has become one of the most promising fronts in the war against the disease. That progress has been greatly accelerated by advances in genetic sequencing and cellular engineering, as well as by a growing understanding of the immune system's power and complexity. Several "checkpoint inhibitor" drugs, which release the immune system's natural brakes so that it can attack cancers, have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration and are showing early successes in treating melanoma and cancers of the lungs and kidneys. But more than 1,500 additional cancer immunotherapy drugs are in the research-and-development pipeline, making this field the second-largest incubator of drug development. For all the emerging evidence of its promise, Parker said in an interview Tuesday night, "this is a classic example of where the funding system around medical research was really slow to adapt" -and where academic and commercial secrecy has impeded progress. Funded by his philanthropy and guided by a board of directors and scientific steering committee devoted to making progress in this field, Parker said that worthy research on cancer immunotherapies will no longer die for lack of funding, recognition or academic commitment. Why Jimmy Carter's melanoma diagnosis would have been much worse 5 years ago "Academic science sometimes needs a bit of help" translating basic science into therapies that can be developed, tested and brought to market, said Parker, who will announce the launch of the Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy on Wednesday morning in Los Angeles. "Our mission is actually to get treatments to patients. We’re operating as a clearinghouse to make sure all these get breakthroughs get to patients." The six academic institutions that will coordinate their efforts on immunotherapies are: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Stanford Medicine, UCLA, UC San Francisco, the University of Pennsylvania, and the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. 3 AquaDios-Med™ • AquaDios Corp • Copyright © 1999 - 2016; Immunotherapy Research Grants • All Right Reserved
Specifically, Parker said his institute will place its initial bets on three broad areas of research: developing a new generation of T-cell therapies; investigating new uses for, and effective new combinations of, the kinds of "checkpoint inhibitor" drugs that have already proved effective for skin, lung and kidney cancers; and improving the effectiveness and potential uses for vaccines and cellular therapies in fighting a wider array of cancers. "I have a great belief in focus," said Parker, a former Facebook president. "We can't do everything well." But, he added, by focusing on one broad swath of research--and breaking down barriers to researchers' cooperation--"we want to just do one thing well." Parker's $250-million commitment of funds to the project is the largest philanthropic underwriting of research in this field. In an interview, Parker said he had "done a deep dive" on immunotherapy (in 2014, he donated $24 million to Stanford University Medical School for allergy research), and found the field "a good intellectual challenge." Parker said he was also "galvanized" by the commitment of Hollywood producer Laura Ziskin ("Pretty Woman," "Spider-Man"), who cofounded Stand Up to Cancer and died in 2011. Follow me on Twitter @LATMelissaHealy and "like" Los Angeles Times Science & Health on Facebook. Copyright © 2016, Los Angeles Times -- Medical Research - Cancer - Sean Parker Stanford University - University of Pennsylvania Oracle Founder Donates $200 Million To Create USC Cancer Research Center Larry Ellison's gift will establish the Lawrence J. Ellison Institute for Transformative Medicine of USC.(Eric Risberg / (AP) Jason SongContact Reporter Oracle founder Larry Ellison has donated $200 million to USC to fund a cancer research center, the university announced Wednesday. The gift matched the largest single donation ever received by the school. In 2011, alumnus David Dornsife, the chairman of a large steel fabricating company, and his wife, Dana, also donated $200 million to USC's College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, the university's largest academic unit, without restrictions on how it should be spent. Ellison's gift will establish the Lawrence J. Ellison Institute for Transformative Medicine of USC, which will be built in West Los Angeles, away from the school's main campus south of downtown. David B. Agus, a professor of engineering and medicine, will lead the institute, which will also employ physics, biology, math and engineering experts engaged in research to prevent, detect and treat cancer. The gift "will serve as a dynamic force for change in how we approach cancer treatment and prevention,” USC President C. L. Max Nikias said in a statement. Ellison was named the world's second-richest man by Forbes last year with a $50-billion net worth, trailing Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates. 4 AquaDios-Med™ • AquaDios Corp • Copyright © 1999 - 2016; Immunotherapy Research Grants • All Right Reserved
Ellison dropped out of college and never attended USC, although his son, David, did attend the film school. Ellison will be USC's commencement speaker Friday. But Ellison and Agus have known each other for some time, and the tech mogul expressed interest in funding cancer research, Nikias said in an interview. Nikias and Ellison have been discussing the donation for nearly 15 months. "From the very first meeting he came across as being very motivated to do this," Nikias said. "He is a strong believer in interdisciplinary research." Nikias said the center's Westside location is part of the university's growth plans. "its part of our strategy to reach out to larger patient populations," he said. The gift comes as USC officials are engaged in a $6-billion fundraising campaign. The school recently passed $5 billion in donations. Ellison canceled a planned $115-million donation to Harvard University in 2006. The gift would have been Harvard's largest donation at that time and was intended to create a global health foundation. Ellison reneged on the gift after then-Harvard President Lawrence H. Summers stepped down, he said. "I lost confidence that that money would be well spent," he said at the time. Taking OTC Meds For Heartburn, Acid Reflux May Just Lead To Other Problems Common over-the-counter acid reflux and heartburn medications may be causing kidney failure in its users. Main Causes Of Heartburn | Heartburn.itoprank.com Heartburn.itoprank.com | Sponsored Taking OTC Meds For Heartburn, Acid Reflux May Just Lead To Other Problems 18 / 25 -- Medical Daily -- Samantha Olson Using Some Heartburn Drugs May Increase Your Risk Of Kidney Problems Common over-the-counter acid reflux heartburn medications causing kidney failure Every year, doctors prescribe medications to patients who complain of heartburn, acid reflux, or ulcers, roughly 15 million Americans are given a class of drugs that can cause some serious, longterm damage to their kidneys. Researchers at the Clinical Epidemiology Center at the VA Saint Louis Health Care System and Washington University in Saint Louis zeroed in on proton pump inhibitors (PPI), one of the most widely sold and over-prescribed drugs in the world, to not only confirm from previous findings that it leads to kidney disease, but that it also led to renal failure at an alarming rate. "The results emphasize the importance of limiting PPI use only when it is medically necessary, and also limiting the duration of use to the shortest duration possible," said the study’s lead author Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly, a professor of medicine at Washington University School of Medicine, in a statement. "A lot of patients start taking PPIs for a medical condition, and they continue much longer than necessary." For the study, researchers selected 173,321 new users of PPIs, 20,270 new users of histamine H2 receptor blockers, which are in another class of medications that are also used as an acid suppressing regimen. They spent five years following up with the patients, who were selected from the Department of Veterans Affairs national databases. 5 AquaDios-Med™ • AquaDios Corp • Copyright © 1999 - 2016; Immunotherapy Research Grants • All Right Reserved
Their findings, published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, reveal PPIs have the propensity to increase the risk of chronic kidney disease by 28 percent and developing kidney failure by 96 percent. They found the longer the patients took the drugs, the greater they put themselves at risk for kidney damage. Recently, researchers from Johns Hopkins University published a study in JAMA ’s February 2016 edition that found the same risk exists between PPI use and chronic kidney disease. Not only do the results from Al-Aly and his team confirm the cause-and-effect between PPI use and chronic kidney disease, but they took their study a step further and found the medication also drastically increases the risk of developing kidney failure. To make matters worse, PPIs also available over the counter. “You or I could go to Walgreens or CVS and get Prilosec or other PPI medication over the counter and it has the same risks as prescription,” Al-Aly told Medical Daily. “We all assume that what we get over the counter is absolutely safe, I don’t have to worry about it because the FDA must have done their due diligence. But we’re finding with these medicines there is quite a negative effect and it should not be ignored, cannot be ignored.” Images Medications like Prilosec put users at an elevated risk for developing kidney disease and renal failure. PPIs are a relatively new class of drug with highly limited long-term studies until now. Previously, patients with acid reflux relied on H2 blockers for acid reflux, however PPI drugs were seen as the more powerful and effective option for treating acid reflux. PPI drugs can be both prescribed and purchased over the counter — in strengths that both cause the same level of damage to the kidneys. Researchers recommend PPIs should be avoided, especially when acid reflux or the like can easily be treated with kidney-safe H2 blockers. “Since PPI inhibitors are associated with this effect but the H2 blockers are not, I think that’s a useful control and gives legitimacy to the finding,” Dr. David Goldfarb, the clinical chief of nephrology and professor of medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center, told Medical Daily. “When they are able to look at another group of drugs used for similar indication and see that they don’t demonstrate an effect on kidney function; that makes their findings incredible.” Researchers aren’t quite sure why PPIs have such a negative effect on the user’s kidneys. Al-Aly and his research team can only speculate it may have to do with patients who were at a higher level of risk because they had acute kidney injury or interstitial nephritis, which is inflammation of the kidney tubules, both of which could lead to renal failure. “This is really the subject of ongoing investigation now so I cannot determine definitively. We’re just scratching the surface here,” Al-Aly said. “Next, we need to determine if there are any genetic markers that could predispose a patient to kidney disease progression with PPI use.” Source: Al-Aly Z, Xie Y, Li T, and Balasubramanian S. Proton Pump Inhibitors; Risk of Incident, Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease; ESRD; Journal American Society Nephrology; 2016 Op-Ed - There's No Place For Rampant Capitalism In Treating The Sick Michael Jones, MD,LA Times May 6, 2016 An increasing number of Americans, even healthy ones, are drastically altering their lives simply to hold on to their insurance. (Illustration by Brian Stauffer / For The Times) Michael Jones A good friend of mine recently found herself between jobs, with a gap in her health insurance and a recurrence of her kidney stones. What she needed were fluids and pain relief, fast. I'm a gastroenterologist, and hoping to minimize the financial impact, I went with her to our local ER and had a conversation with the attending physician. Maybe we could pass on the CT scan and extraneous lab work? 6 AquaDios-Med™ • AquaDios Corp • Copyright © 1999 - 2016; Immunotherapy Research Grants • All Right Reserved
The attending was in her room for less than two minutes and never examined her. But the CT scan and blood work were ordered. My friend received intravenous fluids (about $1 worth), pain meds (about $5 worth of dilaudid), and a $10,000 bill from the hospital. To add insult to injury, the bill from the ER attending was for service at the highest billable level. My friend had the good sense and gumption to call the ER group's practice manager to point out that billing at that level was fraudulent. The ER group had the good sense to reduce the bill by half. Shortly after that, I received a call from a patient on whom I had performed an upper endoscopy to remove a small gastric polyp. Because removing stomach polyps can be complicated by bleeding, I did the procedure in the hospital rather than an outpatient center. The whole thing took 15 minutes. Anesthesia wasn't required, just routine conscious sedation. So, my patient wanted to know, what had I done that warranted an $18,000 bill from the hospital? I had absolutely no explanation. For $18,000, you can just about buy your own endoscope. Amortized costs for an upper endoscopy at this hospital, including the use of the endoscopy unit, salaries for the whole staff, medication and equipment expenses is probably not more than $200 for 15 minutes. By the way, the doctor doing the procedure — in that case, me — typically gets about $175 for an upper endoscopy. And then there are the costly procedures you could probably do without. Recently, a surgical group owned by the same hospital hired a surgeon with an interest in esophageal disorders, particularly surgery for acid reflux — heartburn. He's a good guy and capable. So the hospital decided to create a “center of excellence” for esophageal diseases. A hurdle quickly became apparent. My town isn't flush with esophageal experts. The hospital has excellent generalists who could contribute, but just one specialist surgeon who was retiring (hence the new hire). Still, the Joint Commission, an independent healthcare accreditation outfit, would certify the hospital's new center if certain standards were met and a fee was paid. That's not exactly the same as excellence. American healthcare • selling you things you probably don't need at a ridiculous price A marketing plan was developed to get the word out. But really, far fewer than 1% of frequent heartburn sufferers will benefit from surgery. Most people with heartburn would be best served by getting help modifying their lifestyle. That's particularly true because the behaviors associated with reflux (overeating, obesity, alcohol consumption and smoking, to name a few) are also risk factors for heart disease, diabetes and a variety of cancers. However, lifestyle modifications are not profitable and surgery is very profitable. The surgeon (and his colleagues who agreed to work with the center) doesn't want to perform surgery that's inappropriate or not indicated. He's not like that. But he's employed by the hospital. You can see where this is going. The center is up and running. The American healthcare system is capable of many wonderful things, but not all of them are about health or care. It is just as often about selling you things you probably don't need at a ridiculous price, or finding ways to charge you a ridiculous price even for what you do need. The folks driving it aren't generally physicians, nurses or other “healthcare providers” (to use the parlance of the times). They are business people; executives that run hospitals, pharmaceutical concerns and insurance companies; using healthcare as their instrument to make money. And sadly, the average physician doesn't have a lot of choice about lashing his raft to these organizations if he wants to practice his trade. 7 AquaDios-Med™ • AquaDios Corp • Copyright © 19999 - 2016; Immunotherapy Research Grants • All Right Reserved
As a nation, we spend far more than other developed countries for healthcare, and our outcomes are not as good. Those other countries generally have some form of a single-payer system. Here, we're told single-payer horror stories: People are dying in Canada and England waiting for care. I've got news from the front lines of the U.S. system. People are dying here, too, in large numbers, and at the same time they're going broke paying the bills. Medical expenses, even now that many more people have some form of insurance, are a prime cause of bankruptcy and financial insecurity in the U.S . No healthcare system is perfect, but here's what the rest of the civilized world understands: Healthcare is a right. There is no place for rampant capitalism in treating the sick. This advice is harsh but true: When it comes to your healthcare, buyer beware! Michael Jones is in private practice on the Eastern seaboard. SEE: Steve Brill Expose on Hospital Medicne Charge Master System? “Why Medical Bills Are Killing Us” By Steven Brill, TIME Magazine 27 February 2013; Longest article ever published by Time Magazine. Respectfully, Dr. Alan Jensen (Alan), Aqua Dios Corp
>> May 12, 2016