Natural Resources and Sustainable Development In Mongolian Plateau

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Geography department, Mongolian State University of Education e-mail:[email protected]. GEOGRAPHY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT:.
“Natural Resources and Sustainable Development In Mongolian Plateau” 11th International Conference Ulaanbaatar, Aug 8-9, 2016


Batchuluun Yembuu, PhD, Professor Geography department, Mongolian State University of Education e-mail:[email protected]

Climate change issues in Mongolia Reasons of most vulnerability on CC are: -Location (Mongolian plateau, landlocked) -Arid continental (water scarcity, desert area, desertification) -Great temperature amplitudes (annual and daily) -Pastoral livestock -Nature depends -Rural-urban migration

Related policies/legal documents: Convention on CC Laws: Air laws, Water laws, Soil, Minerals and Deposits National programmes: CC, Combat Desertification, Green development, SDNP International and domestic projects: Integrated water resource management, Coping with desertification, Ecosystem based adaptation etc. Scientific researches: model based trends of air temperatures, precipitations etc. Research based books and other materials: “CC mitigation”; “CC adaptation” books, booklets etc. GOs and NGOs: research institutions, consultants, project implemetators,

But , public awareness is still very low. (Problem is implementation) Education is best tool fighting climate change

Climate change educationGlobal agenda • UNESCO: Education and awareness-raising play an essential role in increasing the climate change adaptation and mitigation • UNESCO Global Action Programme (GAP) on ESD: to generate and scale up action in all levels and areas of education and learning to accelerate progress towards sustainable development.

Climate change education for all • CC is everywhere: not depends on development, location, hot and cold, dry and wet, from tropics to the pole • CC affects to everyone: especially women and children, poor and developing countries are most vulnerability for CC • CC affects to everything: natural and human process, food security, economy, natural hazards, tourism etc. • • • •

Climate literacy Geo literacy CC awareness initiative UNESCO course for secondary teachers on CCE for SD • ‘Climate Change in the classroom’ • Youth Xchange: CC and life style

CCE : New pradigm of geography education Action themes of UN Decade ESD

-Environment -Water -Climate change -Disaster reduction -Rural development -Sustainable consumption -Sustainable tourism -intercultural understanding…

International chartert on GE (IGU 2016) • Geography is a vital subject for 21st century global citizens, enabling us to face questions of what it means to live sustainably in an interdependent world. - • Geographically educated citizens understand human relationships in the world and their responsibilities to both the natural environment and to others. • Geography education helps young people learn how to exist harmoniously with all creatures, including human beings.

Lucerne Declaration on Geographical Education for Sustainable Developmen (2007)

The contribution of Geography to CCE • Sustainable development of the “Human-Earth” ecosystem as a paradigm for the 21st century • From early child to University: • Relevant curriculum to age, local eeds and education • Competences, skills and attitude changes oriented teaching/learning materials are more important than academic knowledge about the CC

Developed by Geography department, MSUE: • “The Blue Planet” - for children • “Desertification watch” -for secondary school • Curriculum on “Climate change adaptation” -for University students

Stages 1. Baseline and needs assessment survey

2. Content and curriculum development

3. Training material development

4. Teacher training

5. Used for teaching/learning practice

Needs relavant

Inquiry based


Application oriented


Gender sensetive

Surveys Утсаар мессеж бага бичих Цаасны 2 талд хэвлэх Малын тоог бууруулах Усны хэрэглээг багасгах Комьпютер, гар утас бага… Унадаг дугуй унах Нийтийн тээврээр зорчих Гэр, өрөө, тасалгааг…

0 Маш их

Бусад Машинаа өөрөө… Машин угаахдаа… Өвлийн цагт…


Нэг удаагийн…

Дунд зэрэг


20 Бага




30 25 20 15 10 5 0


Цаасны 2 талд…


Худалдан авалт…


Хогийг ялгаж…

Ашиглаагүй… Цахилгаан… 0




Байгальд задардаг


Indirect factors to CC: Traditional knowledge and local wisdom •

• • • •

Traditional way of nomads’ daily life and their basic needs are changing: food, clothing, fuel, transportation and traditional tools. traditional transportation: nomads are using cars for carrying their Ger instead of a caravan; using motorcycles for herding the animals instead of horse riding; using refrigerators for keeping meats instead of drying meat; Bags for keeping foods (animal skin bags by plastic bags) generating more waste than before etc. all these changes are getting closer to the western living style but losing the sustainable traditional nomadic way of living.

MAST -Methodology The Desertification watch methodology consists of the following four main steps, adopted from UNESCO Sandwatch methodology: • • • •

Monitoring, Analysing, Sharing the findings, Taking Action (MAST)

• Booklet • 27 minutes video • Website

Pilot areas: Tumentsogt, Uulbayan soums, Sukhbaatar aimag Involved 27 teachers and 226 students

Desertification watch booklet content (9 chapters, 30 activities)

Activities Background Inquiry based activities on the soil, rocks and minerals, the weather measurements, water quiality, biological

What you need? Tools for measurements

How to measure?

Information development

What the measurements Discuss the findings


• Student’s data record • Precipitation changes in August 2015 (Tumentsogt)

Precipitation (August 2015) 12 10 8

6 Тунадас /мм/

4 2 0 1




9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29

Monitoring of soil analysis Soil moisture determination , students Tumentsogt soum


Нийт жин

70 см


30 см


33 см


1мм гр toC 102 ,3 98, 6 103 ,9

26, 5 24, 3 26, 2

% 36 38 34

3мм гр toC 75, 2 88, 1 95, 2

22, 1 26, 3 24, 1

% 26 28 32

5 мм гр to C 92, 26 3 ,2 93, 22 5 ,9 87, 24 6 ,5


7 мм гр















Monitoring, measurements by students

The Blue Planet-curriculum and booklet Case study based Three chapters:

1. Air pollution 2. Climate change 3. Environmental sustainability

Curriculum on CC adaptation Curriculum, and 56 slides of PPT • Ecosystem based CC adaptation • Self learning oriented • Module based structure 1. CC and ecosystem 2. CC and society 3. Adaptation and mitigation of CC