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training/NaviPac%20Manuals/Appendix/NaviPac%20e-Token.pdf for further information ... Please refer to special install guide: online-.

Last update: 24/10/2016 Version: 3.10

Contents 1

HW/SW Requirements .................................................................................................... 3


Special Requirements .................................................................................................... 3 2.1


Known Challenges .......................................................................................................... 4


Dongle installation procedure ....................................................................................... 5


SW installation procedure ............................................................................................. 6 5.1



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Dual-screen setup ...................................................................................................... 3

Remote NaviPac installation procedure ..................................................................... 6


Online help on remote computers ....................................................................... 7


Object distribution ................................................................................................ 8


Installation of C-Map CM93/3 runtime library ............................................................. 9


Remote installation of CM93/3 runtime library ........................................................... 9


Installation of SevenC’s ECDIS Kernel ...................................................................... 9

Upgrade notes ............................................................................................................... 10 6.1

Upgrade to version 3.10 ........................................................................................... 10


Upgrade to version 3.9 ............................................................................................. 11


Upgrade to version 3.8 ............................................................................................. 19


3.8 Release 2 ..................................................................................................... 19


3.8 Release 4 ..................................................................................................... 21


3.8 Release 5 ..................................................................................................... 24


NaviPac Pro ............................................................................................................. 27


NaviPac Lite ............................................................................................................. 28


NaviPac Single User ................................................................................................ 29


NaviPac User Configurable ...................................................................................... 30


NaviPac Barge ......................................................................................................... 32


NaviPac Tug ............................................................................................................. 33

Specific Notes ............................................................................................................... 35 7.1

Support of CM93v2 ECDIS charts ........................................................................... 35


SW un-installation procedure ................................................................................... 35


Manuals .................................................................................................................... 35


Basic operations ........................................................................................................... 36


Folder overview............................................................................................................. 37

1 HW/SW Requirements            

Windows XPP, Windows 7, Windows 8 or higher (Windows NT 4.0 and Win 2000 not supported anymore!) – all in Pro versions Pentium 2 GHz or higher (Demo can be less) Dongle for parallel port (LPT1) or USB port for NON demo version At least 2 GB of hard disk space 1 GB free RAM – for NaviPac (note that Windows also is using RAM) Recommended display resolution: 1600x900 When using DTM in HD: At least 65k colours More than 2 Gb of memory (the more the better) Running NaviPac without a dongle requires that all instruments must be set to simulated mode in the configuration program (default). Windows installation must include TCP/IP protocol The Windows user must have administrative rights on the pc and we recommend that you disable the use of firewall and UAC. Detailed info can be requested for Win7/8 installation.

2 Special Requirements The NaviPac system uses computer name for process registration. In current version, we do not allow spaces in the name (e.g. “EIVA Demo” should be changed to “EIVA_Demo”). This can be checked using the Network icon in the Control Panel. To allow inter process communication (e.g. between NaviPac and Helmsman’s Display), the computer must be configured with TCP/IP networking. This is used between all programs both internal and through network. This is also needed for stand-alone on e.g. notepad etc.

2.1 Dual-screen setup When setting up a dual-screen system, set the resolution to the same for each monitor, not one big combined resolution for both monitors, e.g. set them 2x1024x768, not 1x2048x768. Otherwise the Helmsman’s Display and other map based programs will “stretch” the display.

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Known Challenges

The following items must be noticed using version 3.10 

   

 

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When the system checks for dongle, a small ping is set on COM1 and COM2. This might disturb sensitive instruments (seen for EPC 4800). If so, you have to go into the Wibu key settings (Control Panel) and disable the use of COM1 etc. NaviPac can handle up to 300 objects/offsets in total, i.e. fixed offsets, USBL/remote etc. Trying to use more could give unexpected results. NaviPac can handle up to 128 instruments in total. Trying to use more could give unexpected results. Do not use the folder $EIVAHOME\log for any data or important stuff. NaviPac removes all files from this at each start. Sub directories will not be touched. Programs running on remote computer will not be shut down automatically. Windows Vista Initial test of NaviPac on Windows Vista have resulted in a few problems – not on all computers but some arbitrary behavior Windows NT is not supported from NP 3.4D patch 10 an onwards. 3.4D patch 10 an onwards: C-Map CM93/v3 now ONLY supported via eToken dongle


Dongle installation procedure

The dongle installation is needed when real sensors should be connected to NaviPac - e.g. one or more instruments are set ON (Non demo mode). Place the software protection key (dongle) on the parallel port (if a printer is attached, just place the dongle between printer cable and port) or the USB port. The NaviPac installer will automatically install the WIBU key driver, if not then you may activate it from the DVD start-up module

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SW installation procedure

To install the NaviPac SW do the following: 1. Make sure a previous release of the NaviPac is not started (use “Stop” button in setup program if started). 2. Make a copy of files from setup catalogue, which you have maintained. E.g. objects.txt will be a typical example. 3. Insert installation CD in drive (D: or whatever). 4. If autorun is activated, select NaviPac in the main installation window upper part.

5. Else - Type D:\NaviPac\Install\Version3.10\NaviPac3.10.exe from Run in Start menu (or click on Setup.exe from Windows Explorer). The set-up program will automatically copy files (More than 100 MB) to a path specified by you ($EIVAHOME) and update Windows registry database and .INI files. 6. NOTE for NON demo version: If you have installed a previous version of NaviPac in same location, the Install will prompt you for reusing existing database or overwriting with demo database. 7. If you are upgrading NaviPac, the installation will automatically upgrade your settings in NaviPac.INI by adding new items if any. 8. If the ‘Jeppesen/C-Map’s CM93/3 ECDIS Kernel’ was checked (default off) the operator will be presented with the CM93/3 installer after reboot of Windows. This is only necessary if use of CM93/3 is planned, otherwise just cancel. The operator may run the CM93/3 install program again later if he regrets the cancel. Applies also for SevenC’s EC2007 ECDIS kernel installation.

5.1 Remote NaviPac installation procedure

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Please, look into ..\NaviPac\Manuals\Appendix\A15_Remote_Helmsman_Installation.doc for further information about remote NaviPac installation of Helmsman’s Display and other module(s).


Online help on remote computers

NaviPac uses more and more compiled HTML documents (*.CHM) files for online help. Display of these files is handled automatically of your favourite browser. We have experienced that some installations using Microsoft iExplorer fails when reading on network (eg. When if a remote Helmsman’s Display tries to read the CHM file on the master disk).

Details on the problem can be found at

To get around it open register editor (Run REGEDIT) and insert:

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[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\HTMLHelp\1.x\ItssRestrictions] "MaxAllowedZone"=dword:00000001


Object distribution

In NP3.4D-P13 the way HD handles object (runline) distribution has been considerably changed. Objects (runlines and now also waypoints, displaylines & models) are now distributed through the use of a network jobfile, ie. all objects are opened through the references listed in the distributed jobfile. To check whether HD is locating a proper net version of the $EIVAHOME folder select menu Options; Directories and evaluate the $EIVAHOME directory as shared net folder (see the screenshot below of the directory setup dialog).

Folders mentioned with green exists OK – if red then please check

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5.2 Installation of C-Map CM93/3 runtime library Please refer to “Add-on installation of ELECTRONIC CHARTS” found at for further information about installation of the CM93v3 runtime library.

5.3 Remote installation of CM93/3 runtime library Please refer to for further information about remote installation of the CM93v3 runtime library.

5.4 Installation of SevenC’s ECDIS Kernel Please refer to “Add-on installation of ELECTRONIC CHARTS” found at for further information about installation of the SevenC runtime library

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Upgrade notes

If you want an overview of bug fixes and new functionality added since you upgraded last a good place to look is in directory: $EIVAHOME\Help directory. Here the individual programs have their own release note files. This document includes all notes in relation to version 3.8 and higher. For earlier versions, please refer to backup copy of specific release notes From version 3.8 and onwards all patches and releases is full installable – and do not require any previous patches

6.1 Upgrade to version 3.10 NaviPac version 3.10 was developed and tested during summer of 2015 and released early September 2015. The release is a minor release following up on the 3.9 family   

 

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A new single user variant introduced as part of the general NaviSuite Kuda for shallow water survey Support of new ACAD library enabling up to AC2016 A new auto detect for NaviPac servers enabling faster up-time for Helmsman’s displays (local and remote)

Custom logging expanded to support super acquisition (20 channels) instruments Bug fixes and minor items

                 

Fixed geodetic position error due to bad interpreted nadcon file, e.g. conus.laa – {J-5357} Increase number of items (gyro, motion and data acquisition) in custom logging {J-2248} dUSBL objects are made available in NaviEdit data(new H4 record) {J5515} Coordinate conversion - use data unit in display {J-5556} NaviScan port sharing - allow shadowing to local loop back {J-1208} RDI Driver - disable black-box auto configure feature {J-5122} Custom outputs: Support use of raw transponder objects {J-4087} Definition of custom output interval just possible in one place (inside the definition dialogue) {J-5350} Possible to enter individual offsets on Simrad EA echosounders {J-5386} Potential wrong meridian convergence on Rectified Skew Orthomorphic Kongsberg HiPap - enable use of tp codes above 99 Multiplexer - also recognise NMEA ALIKE {J-5026} Load driver from file failed for motions sensor and dvl Gyro from Sonardyne APS3 in old SS7 format {J-5233} USBL Calibration - compatible with units not being in metric ACAD drawing: always rendered in model space, whether saved in model space layout or not Map view: re-enabled panning by arrow keys See module release notes for full list and details

6.2 Upgrade to version 3.9 Version 3.9 was developed and tested during 2014 – and a.o. presented at the EIVA days in Aberdeen and Kuala Lumpur late 2014. After intensive lab and field test it was finally released as version 3.9.4 in May 2015 

New Helmsman's Display design: The overall performance and design of the Helmsman's Display has been upgraded to meet current requirements and

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   

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New skin with dockable and floating views (similar to NaviModel). Templates for quick startup and user layouts. Fully-threaded 2D engine. Support of new AutoCAD drawing library with dynamic level of detail (LOD), utilising the most recent data formats in 'unlimited' size. AC 2013 compatible.  New range/bearing view, enabling multiple displays in one view.  New data acquisition view (ASCII), enabling multiple data items in one view.  Support of DGN drawings.  New runline gridding (fill area).  Changing of runlines by using a drag-and-drop feature.  Display of mouse pointer projected kp/dcc.  Expanded number of remote slaves (tested at 15+).  Enhanced zoom/panning - ACAD alike  Option for transparent (alpha blended) tiff overlays Other major features  Data logging: The LogData window is improved to give a more clear indication of whether logging is started or stopped.

It is furthermore possible to use more than one custom logging format.

DataMon window The data acquisition display module is now totally replaced by the DataMon, which enables highly configurable data views - even with own I/O.

EPSG database The NaviPac geodesy selection library is expanded with a built-in EPSG selection database. If you are operating in a new area, you can search the database to choose between varieties of standard systems. This is an add-on to the existing flexible solution.

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GPS tide Use the primary GPS signal and compute real-time tide by compensating for antenna height, heave, draught and geoidal separation. The tide file is saved in

simple ASCII format and/or sent out to NaviScan.

GPS Status window New .NET version with up-to-date user interface and a series of new features such as histogram display and PDF export.

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Interfaces  Five extra user-defined data outputs added. (Now 15 in total)  Data output changed to threaded solution. A bad serial port can no longer block the entire navigation cycle.  Drivers for ScanFish III input (gyro, motion sensor and data acquisition) added.  Support Reson RRIO (Reson T20) data - NaviPac ATTU driver is expanded  The following interfaces were modified. Changes have no effect on existing setup, changes only adds additional functionality to each interface.  Option to preserve raw USBL position (similar to GPS).  Winfrog data: Heading is true not grid.  Winfrog input: Expanded to support ids up to 99.

  

User defined Remote Position: Special case allowing GAVIA format. Geco drivers: Allow Q0 as valid fix status. Seapath driver: Roll/pitch swapped for special case string ($PSXN, 10, 014, pitch, roll, heading). Is now changed and will only do so if you use special user id 24.  NMEA Output: RMC. Allows definition of number of digits.  EIVA PipeBundle: Added trailed towhead.  Allow splitted and merged TCP packets - similar to UDP  Wrong Z reading in Kongsberg PSIMSSR reading Bug fixes and minor improvements  RDI DVL: Apply of mount angles could be ignored in special case.  Switch between NADCON and 7-parameter shift: The need for manual intervention avoided.  Height included in short event format.  Active entry boxes in Telemetry, Remote NaviPac, etc made more obvious.  Procinf.db: Automatic erase at startup - avoid frozen start-up.  Added USGG2009 geoidal separation.  Datum shift handling: Better recovery in case of backup database and link to stations.  Added American Polyconic projection.  Possible to define navigation cycle as time (default), input or absolute time.  IOMonitor: Show GPS, gyro and motion sensor priority.  USBL Calibration: Compensate for tide.  Raw recording and replay: Direct integration in NaviPac Configuration and NaviPac Online.

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Online 3D upgraded to latest NaviModel source, enabling, among others, use of WMS as background maps.

6.3 Upgrade to version 3.8 The official version 3.8 was generated spring 2012, presented as release candidate at OI in March and finally released as build 2 in May


3.8 Release 2

Released 19.5.2012 

New major features  New overall install Version 3.8 collects all earlier patches and add-ons in one installer. This means that you must use the same install if you upgrade or install for the first time.  General GUI upgrade New icons and toolbars added to all modules. This upgrade gives a more standard look-and-feel inside NaviPac and all over the entire SW suite.

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Lite SW license upgraded NaviPac Lite supports now also interface of one motion sensor.  TSS Pipe & cable tracker Added special record type for TSS cable and Pipetracker for better utilization in NaviEdit.  Threaded loading Improved Helmsman's Display via thread based file loading. Interfaces  Gyro and motion sensor inputs may be attached to multiple objects  MacArtney Triaxus Motion Sensor.  Drivers to EdgeTech 4600 data (position, gyro, motion) received from NaviScan.

NaviPac Science data acquisition sensors: Triaxus, SBE 49, Turner C6 Cyclops-7 and Aanderaa4330.  Generic cable counter supports MacArtney Triaxus.  RDI DVL interface supports PD4 and PD5.  Number of NMEA GPS drivers expanded to 5.  Set-up of data acquisition input�s simplified using wizard.  Generic cable counter TCOUNT expanded to support id 1-9.  User defined output: SMG available as m/s and m/min.  Remote Topcon tracking – support of Bug fixes and minor improvements  Edit Instruments - change I/O type discarded edited offsets (#289)  Save setup gives a warning if GPS and geodesy setup has mismatch (#285)  Signs on USBL offset shown wrong in ASCII headers (#276)  Crash in Edgetech 560 output (#273)  Fixed likely freezing when opening a second Runline Ctrl. view and when already having another one in active mode.  Forced manual start at first level after installing patch.  NaviTag Extract: adapted new ATTU meta data format.  SVY converter updated to latest version  Improved waypoint distribution, i.e. auto. clearing of empty waypoint container (file).

See release notes on various modules for further details 6.3.2 3.8 Release 4 Released 7.1.2013 

New major features  Field and lab test The release of our popular online software suite NaviPac version 3.8.4 follows several months of lab and field tests. This means that we offer you a proven solution in terms of stability and performance, translating into more efficient survey operations, saving you time and money and a solution tested in practice and adjusted accordingly to user needs and requirement, as the field tests were carried out in collaboration with selected clients.  ITRF NaviPac supports the use of time depending datum shift - as a.o. required

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in the US/Canada for NAD83.

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Real-time UNESCO formula The online pressure to depth calculation supports full UNESCO formula based on use of CTD profiles Real-time sensor control You may now control which sensors to use (Gyro & motion sensor) and define C-O while online

Interfaces UDP/IP ports redesigned - must now enter address of source computer in the interfacing

Added high level PHINS driver for aiding, gyro, motion and positioning.

    

New super data acquisition input utilizing up to 20 channels in one driver New generic video overlay driver New user defined driver for surface position (lat/long or east/north) New user defined driver for absolute remote position (lat/long or east/north) New user defined driver for relative remote position (range/bearing or dx/dy/dz)  Added new ATTU monitor for control, access and time-sync via ATTU's on the network  Added Valeport CurrentMeter  The user-defined output has been re-designed to gain more flexibility and efficiency. Please note that existing outputs must be controlled!  The user-defined input of gyro, motion and data acquisition been redesigned to gain more flexibility and efficiency. Please note that existing outputs must be controlled!  New UW/remote Kalman filter with direct operator control  Kongsberg Hain driver - support Emergency Beacons Bug fixes and minor improvements  Position fix calibration: Enable save/load of data file.  Various definition files moved away from Windows system folder

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New SunShot utility module for simplified gyro calibration


Improved Helmsman distribution to remotes: runline, waypoints, dtms and display lines  Improved Helmsman Directory setup dialog: new working folder selection; new color guidance: red=invalid folder, yellow=not distributable folder, darker green=preferred folder, lightgreen=default folder 3.8 Release 5

Released October 2013 Minor revision of version 3.8.4 o

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New Major Items o DVL integration The old black-box DVL integration has been removed and replaced by new Kalman filter o Optimized data handling. Possible to schedule updates of HD independent of cycle time and

user control of HD sockets.


Dynamic object selection of Z It is now possible to select a bathy sensor as the Z part of the object position. All further calculations will hereafter refer to this

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Added support for VORF Geoid NaviPac supports the UK Vertical Offshore Reference Frame

ADCP Added new module for handling data from RDI ADCP - including recording and display on HD Interfaces o 5 additional free data acquisition inputs o Special MiniCon 30 plough interface o PS-30 pressure sensor o Seabird driver - support of IPS format o Sonardyne Fusion $PSONALL supported o Added support for dual HiPap Transceiver o Added new circular average user defined offset - two tug's polling one object o The following interfaces were modified. Changes have no effect on existing setup, changes only adds additional functionality to each interface. o GPS 1/2 changed to support for Leica $PSBGO o The Trimble CB460 (former 430) is expanded to include angle information o Possible to change driver type from instrument details (NMEA vs CRLF vs ..) o Data input of UDP - improved sharing with other clients o Output to 3D - include Kalman objects o



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Bug fixes and minor improvements o HD: Problems in handling of DP waypoints solved o HD: Fixed bad interpretation of single segmented runlines going due N,S,E,W.

o o o o o o o

HD: Buffer used for Openfile dialog increased to guarantee selection of at least 100 files. Phins interface - finetuning after field tests Improved concurrent multiload of files, e.g. dragging of several files onto Helmsman Copy/paste position using Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V respectively in focused map view. Installer now handles C-Map CM93v3 RTE installation on Windows 7 64 bit (x64). Input monitor expanded to include data latency and layout is fine-tuned Configure interface towards HD. Buffersize, delay and frequency

6.4 NaviPac Pro A standard NaviPac licenses includes unlimited number of interfaces and remote computers. A full dongle can be recognised by the Full keyword in the Help, About:

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It may also be determined by monitoring the Wibu key in the Control Panel where the field number two (=10) indicates a full version

6.5 NaviPac Lite The NaviPac Lite is limited in the number of instruments used at the same time. You may select free by any instrument but can only use the following numbers at any time:      

2 Surface navigation instruments (e.g. GPS) 1 Gyro 1 Motion Sensor 1 Echosounder or data acquisition unit. 1 data output 40 user defined offsets

A lite dongle can be recognised by the Lite keyword in the Help, About:

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It may also be determined by monitoring the Wibu key in the Control Panel where the field number two (=1) indicates a Lite version

6.6 NaviPac Single User In NaviPac version 3.10 and onwards, we have introduced a new variant. It is designed to suit the needs of a small vessel operation in shallow water with the philosophy on ‘one man, one boat’. The software is a part of the NaviSuite Kuda solution. The single user NaviPac variant is slightly limited in features compared to the NaviPac Pro variant:   

No remote instances allowed: There is no support for remote Helmsman’s Displays Only one dynamic object: The system allows the use of a single towed vehicle or small ROV positioned via USBL, cable counter or similar No rig move: The system cannot be combined with the NaviPac TMS for rig moves

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A single user dongle can be recognized by the keyword Single User in the About NPConfig window, which is opened by clicking the Help menu and then clicking About

A summary may be found in NaviPac Config: Help, About and double click at the dongle text:

6.7 NaviPac User Configurable A NaviPac special – or a NaviPac user is a special defined dongle which suites exact the needs in a special configuration. It allows the user to buy exact the number of instruments that he requires (typical between Lite and Full – but also less than Lite!).

A special dongle can be recognised by the User keyword in the Help, About:

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It may also be determined by monitoring the Wibu key in the Control Panel where the field number two (=2) indicates a user configured version. The number of supported instruments is defined in the fields 3-9. A summary may be found in NaviPac Config: Help, About and double click at the dongle text:

The configuration program NPConfig displays only the instrument groups that are available

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in the dongle.

6.8 NaviPac Barge NaviPac barge is an add-on to a full NaviPac, which allows the user to use the TMS and RigMove options in RigSetup, RigMon and HD. A Barge option is typically related to one or more tug licenses. A Barge option can be defined as a special flag on your full NaviPac dongle – or as a special dongle so you are using two. A barge dongle can be recognised by the TMS keyword in the Help, About:

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It may also be determined by monitoring the Wibu key in the Control Panel where the field number three (=1) indicates a barge version Please note that a barge option dongle is not usable without at NaviPac Pro license

6.9 NaviPac Tug NaviPac tug is a downgrade of a full NaviPac, which allows the user to use it as simple tug boats in association with a NaviPac barge. A tug dongle can be recognised by the Tug keyword in the Help, About:

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It may also be determined by monitoring the Wibu key in the Control Panel where the field number three (=2) indicates a tug version. A TUG dongle is not to be used for acquisition, recording or system integration!

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Specific Notes

7.1 Support of CM93v2 ECDIS charts It is possible to load (demo) electronic charts in the Helmsman’s Display from C-Map by selecting drive and path under menu-item Options/Directories... and enter password under menu-item New C-Map zones... The password can be obtained by mailing to EIVA at [email protected].

7.2 SW un-installation procedure If you want to un-install NaviPac, it's simply done by the standard Add/Remove program icon in the Windows Control Panel. Please note that it will NOT remove your database files.

7.3 Manuals Manuals and other documents can be found at

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Basic operations

1. Start NaviPac Configuration module (NPConfig.exe) from the Start, Programs, NaviPac: NaviPac Config. 2. Display current setup (e.g. View, Display NaviPac setup). 3. If changes have been made, please remember to save them. 4. Start navigation by activating Navigation, Restart Navigation or Start Navigation manual (by manual you must select LOPs to use for navigation). Note: if you have just updated the SW or made changes to existing setup: then make a manual start and thereby generate a new online database ($EIVAHOME\DB\onlsetup.DB). 5. Demo version: In simulated mode, you can set speed and gyro of the vessel to simulate movements. 6. In the online application, you can start new windows by the View menu entry. E.g. start Helmsman’s Display with run-lines, etc. See also

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Folder overview

The following directories/files will be created during a NaviPac installation, where WIVAHOME refers to the selected folder (preferably \EIVA\Navipac): $EIVAHOME\bin and $EIVAHOME\bin\Program EXE files and DLL’s for entire NaviPac. $EIVAHOME\bin\dll *.dll, one file per supported instrument, e.g. Inst043.dll equals Ashtech GPS no 2. $EIVAHOME\Cm93attr C-Map electronic chart related files $EIVAHOME\Cm93 Demo charts for C-Map. Covers the area around Aarhus bay (E= 576100, N = N=6224400) in UTM 32/Bessel. $EIVAHOME\Db

(Setup databases)


onlsetup.DB, procinf.DB

$EIVAHOME\Db\bak (Setup databases) Backup copies of databases (and demo version) $EIVAHOME\Displaylines Some demo Displayline files for Helmsman’s Display $EIVAHOME\help (Online help) Catalogues with help files (HTML format) $EIVAHOME\log log-files from all programs (TRACE>=1 in NaviPac.INI) Also sub-directories (named with current day) from data logging program: logdata. $EIVAHOME\log\bak bakup of log-files when NaviPac-NT is restarted

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$EIVAHOME\log\ NaviPac log data for day identified by Julian day . $EIVAHOME\Runlines Some demo Runline files for Helmsman’s Display $EIVAHOME\setup (default program/system setup) default.shp,, Geoide.bin, Geoide.txt, objects.txt, gps043.gps, *.gps, etc. $EIVAHOME\Waypoints Waypoint and target files for Helmsman’s Display $EIVAHOME\Custom files Contains client specific files – must be copied manually! $EIVAHOME\Testdata Sample data delivered by EIVA - e.g. USBL Calibration. $EIVAHOME\Data: Results from Gyro and motion calibration is stored here. $EIVAHOME\CM93v3 CM93/3 display pages. $EIVAHOME\Databases S57 -> CM93/3 converted cells will be placed here. $EIVAHOME\Release notes: ASCII files with release notes for each module.

Windows system directory (e.g. \Windows) NaviPac.INI Main parameters SIMULATE.INI Simulate USBL and LBL

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Module version numbers – DO NOT CHANGE!

\DB \ AsciiFileTemplates

Common geodesy files used by all EIVA products Common data import definition sets

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