NaviScan Setup Module Manual - Eiva

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NaviScan Set-up Utility

NaviScan Setup Utility

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INTRODUCTION TO NAVISCAN............................................................................................................4


GUI ................................................................................................................................................................ 5 2.1 FILE MENU ..................................................................................................................................................5 2.1.1 New...................................................................................................................................................6 2.1.2 Open .................................................................................................................................................6 2.1.3 Save ..................................................................................................................................................6 2.1.4 Save As .............................................................................................................................................6 2.1.5 Print .................................................................................................................................................6 2.1.6 Recent files .......................................................................................................................................6 2.1.7 Exit ...................................................................................................................................................6 2.2 EQUIPMENT MENU ......................................................................................................................................7 2.2.1 Free setup .........................................................................................................................................9 2.2.2 Echosounder ................................................................................................................................... 10 2.2.3 Position .......................................................................................................................................... 11

2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6

Age of data ................................................................................................................................................11 String layout ..............................................................................................................................................12 Projection, Ellipsoid and Datum shift ........................................................................................................12

Gyro ............................................................................................................................................... 12 Motion ............................................................................................................................................ 13 Bathy .............................................................................................................................................. 14

String Layout .............................................................................................................................................14 Pressure -> Depth calculation ....................................................................................................................15 Vessel mounted..........................................................................................................................................15

2.2.7 Pipetracker ..................................................................................................................................... 15 2.2.8 Doppler log .................................................................................................................................... 16 2.2.9 Sidescan.......................................................................................................................................... 16 2.2.10 Logging control ......................................................................................................................... 17 2.2.11 GPS Time ................................................................................................................................... 17 2.2.12 Aux input.................................................................................................................................... 18 2.2.13 Raw Data ................................................................................................................................... 18 2.2.14 Theoretical profile ..................................................................................................................... 19 2.2.15 Position filter ............................................................................................................................. 19 2.3 OPTIONS ................................................................................................................................................... 21 2.3.1 Global Parameters ......................................................................................................................... 21 Real-time Export........................................................................................................................................21 DTM ................................................................................................................................................22 Centre depth ....................................................................................................................................22 Touchdown markings ......................................................................................................................22 MBE ..........................................................................................................................................................22 EM3002...........................................................................................................................................23 SeaBat 7K .......................................................................................................................................23 SeaBat 8000 series ..........................................................................................................................23 Instrument Details ......................................................................................................................................23 RDI DVL ........................................................................................................................................23 Applanix POSMV ...........................................................................................................................23 Digiquartz .......................................................................................................................................24 Heave ..............................................................................................................................................24 Height reference ........................................................................................................................................24 Height reduction ..............................................................................................................................24 Speed Corrected Displacement .......................................................................................................25 NaviScan....................................................................................................................................................25

2.3.2 2.3.3

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Fansweep and Hydrosweep port setup ........................................................................................... 26 Error trace log ............................................................................................................................... 27

Document: Manual Author: OKR/AFA

Release: 11 January 2011 Approved by: AFA

NaviScan Setup Utility

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2.4 THE HELP MENU ....................................................................................................................................... 27 2.5 DEFINITION............................................................................................................................................... 29 2.5.1 Offsets............................................................................................................................................. 29 2.5.2 Mount angles .................................................................................................................................. 30 2.6 THE TREE-VIEW ........................................................................................................................................ 31 2.6.1 File level ......................................................................................................................................... 32



Right click menus ......................................................................................................................................33

Individual sensors .......................................................................................................................... 34

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Right click menus ......................................................................................................................................32

Sensor types .................................................................................................................................... 33 Right click menus ......................................................................................................................................34

Document: Manual Author: OKR/AFA

Release: 11 January 2011 Approved by: AFA

NaviScan Setup Utility

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1. Introduction to NaviScan The basic purpose of NaviScan is to collect data from multibeam sensors and generate a file with exact positions of each scan. To do this navigation information is needed along with roll/pitch/heave, bathy sensor and gyro. Due to time tagging considerations the NaviScan system is split into two sections; an online part which takes care of all data acquisition, and logs the data to raw data files. The off-line part has a number of Windows utilities for setting up the system and handling the raw data files: Set-up Utility - To set-up the on-line system Extractor Utility - To extract information to EXCEL readable files for quality control XTF Converter Utility- To convert the files to XTF format. XYZ Exporter Utility - To export to fixed ASCII and binary XYZ formats. SBD Splitter Utility - To slit a SBD file, by kp or size RawData Utility - To show input values from dataproc to NaviScan Online Translate Utility - To update SBD files to current version SVProf Utility - To read/show sound velocity profiles SVMon Utility - To monitor sound velocity read from ScanFish SW The Set-up utility is an easy way to specify external interfaces for the NaviScan system. All the information is written to the NAVISCAN.BIN file, which is read by the on-line program before the data-acquisition starts. Information in the NAVISCAN.BIN file include interface identification, sensor data format, sensor C-O’s and exact location on the vessel/ROV of each sensor. A number of commonly used sensors are already integrated in NaviScan. A list of these sensors and their data formats are specified in the NaviScan reference manual", additionally NaviScan has a free data format accepting data in any fixed position ASCII string with a known termination.

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Document: Manual Author: OKR/AFA

Release: 11 January 2011 Approved by: AFA

NaviScan Setup Utility

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2. GUI The NaviScan Set-up utility is a part of the off-line Windows packet. To run the set-up program double click at the Setup icon.

or activate Start, NaviScan, Setup. In the following sections all the menus and dialogues of the set-up program are described in detail. 2.1 File menu The file menu is used to open/close/print-out a NaviScan configuration file.

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Document: Manual Author: OKR/AFA

Release: 11 January 2011 Approved by: AFA

NaviScan Setup Utility

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2.1.1 New Creates a new configuration file. The file created will be in the NaviScan Set-up format, but with 0 values for all entries. Normally a new file will be created when configuring the NaviScan system for the first time. 2.1.2 Open Opens an existing configuration file for editing. By selecting this item a standard Windows NT file dialogue is opened to select filename, directory and drive. Note that the file must be a binary file in NaviScan Set-up format in order to make any sense to the set-up program. Usually it will be the NAVISCAN.BIN file from the online catalogue which is opened, since this is the file to be used by the online program. 2.1.3 Save Saves the configuration to the file opened. The filename, drive and directory are shown at the top of the set-up screen. 2.1.4 Save As Saves the configuration file using a standard file dialogue to specify filename, directory, drive for the file to be saved. The Save As command is useful when using two or more set-ups, but note that only the file named NAVISCAN.BIN is used by the online program. 2.1.5 Print Prints out the configuration file shown in the right window, in the same format as shown on screen. If the printer is greyed, please try a click on the right window to obtain focus. When selected, a standard print dialogue is opened to configure printer, select print quality and number of copies. The NaviScan set-up program can print out to any Windows compatible printers. 2.1.6 Recent files If you maintain more files, the recent loaded part shows the last four files. 2.1.7 Exit Terminates the program. Note that the program prompts for saving current settings.

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Document: Manual Author: OKR/AFA

Release: 11 January 2011 Approved by: AFA

NaviScan Setup Utility

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2.2 Equipment menu The equipment menu is used to specify the data format and the serial communication for all used sensors. The data format for each sensor has to be defined. The NaviScan set-up program gives the opportunity to toggle between a set of predefined sensors or to specify a data input format. The data format of the predefined sensors is specified in the "NaviScan reference manual". You can add a new sensor by pressing the “Add sensor” in this menu, which displays a list of available sensor types.

On sensor types, where it’s possible to have more than one, it’s furthermore possible to add by right clicking on the type in the tree window (left window).

After adding this new sensor, dialogs for setting up this sensor, will be displayed. These dialogues will then guide you through the set up of each individual sensor.

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Document: Manual Author: OKR/AFA

Release: 11 January 2011 Approved by: AFA

NaviScan Setup Utility

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Following the set-up for each type of equipment is described. Most of them are defined by a System Selection or a Free Set-up, and a String Layout: System Selection

Free Format

String Layout

Termination character

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The System Selection gives the opportunity to toggle between predefined sensors, or to select a free format which has to be a fixed position and fixed terminated string. The Free Set-up shows how the input format is defined for the predefined sensors. Only when using the free format these fields can be edited; offsets for the relevant data are specified here. NOTE: The offset is the number of characters skipped before the actual parameter is read. The String Layout shows an ASCII string generated on basis of format defined at Free Set-up. When the free format is selected the String Layout isn't generated before clicking the Generate String button. For the free format, you most enter the binary code for string termination, e.g. 10 for or 13 for

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Release: 11 January 2011 Approved by: AFA

NaviScan Setup Utility

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2.2.1 Free setup Under several sensor types there is a sensor type called Free setup. This is used mainly, if the sensor you wish to interface to is not listed and has an ASCII output. To avoid any confusion, a few examples is shown below, describing how to set offsets. As it is the same for all sensors with a free input, only motion sensor has been described. Ex (Free motion sensor):

Our ASCII data could look like this. (All examples below would work with values set above) 1 2 3 0123456789012345678901234567890 xx-5.345xx+3.234xxxxxxx0.321xxxxxx… xx1.654xxx-2.234421xxxx-1.645xxxxx… xx1.1xxxxx4.21xxxxxxxxx1.23xxxxxxx… As you can see, you only have to set the offset value to the start of where you expect to get the data including the sign. IMPORTANT: As this is a generic driver, there is one thing, which is very important. Just because the “Serial string” in the dialog shows “*rrr.rr…..”, doesn’t it mean, that it will only read 6 characters.. It reads the floating point number, which comes directly after the offset.. Ex (roll offset = 2): File:NS-SETUP.DOCX Date: 11.01.11

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Release: 11 January 2011 Approved by: AFA

NaviScan Setup Utility

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Ad-2.42yuiweryu…  roll = -2.42 122.474272yeuqwi  roll = 2.474272 09+12.6a5252  roll = 12.6

2.2.2 Echosounder When defining the multibeam echosounder (SeaBat, R2Sonic, Atlas, L-3, Kongsberg etc.) the following dialogue is opened. Use arrow keys or mouse to select from the available systems. Please refer to the reference manual for further information.

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Document: Manual Author: OKR/AFA

Release: 11 January 2011 Approved by: AFA

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2.2.3 Position In this dialogue, you can select the positioning system supplying the navigation information:

For the positioning equipment following data has to be defined when free format is selected: Age of data This defines the age of the data from navigation system. The age can either be a constant delay or specified in the serial string. Fixed: Defines a constant delay in milliseconds. Corresponds to the Extra latency. Offset: The string includes the age given as milliseconds and this field points out where NaviScan must read the field by defining the number of chars before it. Absolute: The string include absolute timestamp which is used for determine the latency.

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Document: Manual Author: OKR/AFA

Release: 11 January 2011 Approved by: AFA

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Extra latency: Here you may add an extra age of data String layout This defines (for non fixed systems) where NaviScan reads the various data fields by defining the number of characters before the field: Time (Optional) Where to find time-stamp in the telegram (format "hh:mm:ss") Easting Where to find easting co-ordinate in the telegram (format "EEEEEEEE.EE") Northing Where to find northing co-ordinate in the telegram (format "NNNNNNNN.NN") Projection, Ellipsoid and Datum shift If you are using a position input with geographical coordinates – eg. NMEA GGA or Applanix POSMV, then you need to tell NaviScan how to convert these to easting and northing. This is done via standard definitions similar to NaviPac. Please refer to NaviPac manual for further information 2.2.4 Gyro In the Gyro set-up dialogue, you specify the heading source for ROV or vessel.

At gyro set-up the gyro system is identified; the gyro offset only has to be defined when free format is selected:

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Document: Manual Author: OKR/AFA

Release: 11 January 2011 Approved by: AFA

NaviScan Setup Utility

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String Layout Specifies the where to read the gyro information in the serial string by defining number of characters before the gyro. Gyro value are given as "ggg.g" in degrees Termination character The ASCII number of the last character – eg. 10 for Extra Latency The age of data


2.2.5 Motion At Motion Set-up the interface for the roll, pitch and heave sensor (RPH sensor) is defined:

Use heave Specifies whether the heave from RPH sensor should be used. When mounted on a ROV the heave has to be disabled and a bathy sensor must be defined. Note: The heave will be recorded anyhow so you can reselect this in NaviEdit. String Layout Specifies the offsets to the RPH information in the serial string by defining the number of characters before the field. Roll Roll value "rrr.r" in degrees Pitch Pitch value "ppp.p" in degrees

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Document: Manual Author: OKR/AFA

Release: 11 January 2011 Approved by: AFA

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Heave Heave value "hhhh" in cm Termination character The ASCII number of the last character – eg. 10 for Extra Latency The age of data in ms 2.2.6 Bathy If mounted on a ROV, bathy sensor has to be defined to give the exact depth of the ROV, otherwise "NO BATHY" must be selected at the system selection. String Layout Specifies how NaviScan shall read the data from the string Bathy depth Defines where in the string NaviScan must read the depth by defining the number of characters before the field. Depth value is defined as "ddd.dd" in m Termination character The ASCII number of the last character – eg. 10 for Extra Latency

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Document: Manual Author: OKR/AFA

Release: 11 January 2011 Approved by: AFA

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The age of data in ms Pressure -> Depth calculation For the sensors giving pressure instead of depth (e.g. Digiquartz), you must specify the following three parameters: Water density Pressure at surface Gravity If Water Density, Pressure of surface and Gravity are not greyed, they can be modified by user, and those settings will be used in the depth calculation by applying a simple Saunders and Fofnoff: Depth = (Pressure – PressureAtSurface)/(1000 * Gravity * WaterDensity) Note: When using "HoneywellPPTR20" Remember to set Pressure at surface to 0, because, this sensor internally is connected to the surface pressure, and therefore itself subtracts the surface pressure (outputs the differential pressure) Vessel mounted Please note that the bathy driver also utilises a series of other related inputs Heave correction from NaviPac For vessel mounted solution this inputs gives the GPS based height of the vessel CRP GPS Height For vessel mounted solution this inputs gives the GPS based height of the vessel GPS antenna Altimeter Various drivers with ROV altimeter input – is just treated as secondary input compared to the MBE Barometer Input of surface pressure – will be subtracted from ROV depth 2.2.7 Pipetracker Using the dialog below, you can specify the pipetracker system you are using:

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Document: Manual Author: OKR/AFA

Release: 11 January 2011 Approved by: AFA

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If a pipetracker is selected, you must specify an accurate pipe diameter, as this figure is used for calculating the correct depth. 2.2.8 Doppler log If NaviScan is operated in areas where the raw navigation is outside the specifications for precision, you may improve it by using a Doppler Velocity Log. By combining position, gyro and velocity, you get the best overall result.

Data from Doppler log is assumed to be in real-time, i.e. no time delay can be specified. 2.2.9 Sidescan Here you can select which sidescan sonar you want to interface into NaviScan – it can either be stand alone SideScan or MBE SS systems (eg R2Sonic Snippets).

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Document: Manual Author: OKR/AFA

Release: 11 January 2011 Approved by: AFA

NaviScan Setup Utility

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2.2.10 Logging control Here an input to control start and stop logging in NaviScan Online can be specified.

The free input deals with two strings, one for start logging and one for stop logging. Filename offset Offset to the filename in the start logging string. NaviScan will start logging to a file with the specified name. If no filename is found in the string, NaviScan Online uses default file naming. Start id The start of the string that signals start logging. Stop id The start of the string that signals stop logging.

2.2.11 GPS Time Here NaviScan can be setup to synchronise the time with a GPS time input.

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Document: Manual Author: OKR/AFA

Release: 11 January 2011 Approved by: AFA

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Use PPS: Interface PPS trigger on the same port by using one of the below pins PPS Ctrl: Select the corresponding pin. You may use the timesync without PPS – NaviScan will then just use the timestamp in the ZDA/UTC message and consider it to be real-time. This is most often not accurate enough for MBE acquisition! Please note that for any network based solution – MBE via UDP or TCP or sensor interface via TimeBox – it is critical that the NaviScan computer is synchronized with the GPS time. This can be via the above direct method or via some network solution (NTP or better) 2.2.12 Aux input NaviScan offers a special aux input for sensors that doesn’t match the other sensors

Aux data will be stored as raw packets in NaviScan without any display or control, but will be available in NaviEdit for further use 2.2.13 Raw Data NaviScan offers a raw data input

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Document: Manual Author: OKR/AFA

Release: 11 January 2011 Approved by: AFA

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A raw input will read into the online program and recorded in the SBD format. There will not be any data display or handling in NaviScan or NaviEdit. 2.2.14 Theoretical profile If a theoretical profile is wanted in the profile window in the Online program it must be specified here.

Please refer to NaviScan online manual for further information. 2.2.15 Position filter If Doppler log is selected, you may include the on-line filtering routine, which allows the system to calculate and output filtered position on the basis of the Salomonsen Lite method.

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Document: Manual Author: OKR/AFA

Release: 11 January 2011 Approved by: AFA

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If selected, you must specify the following parameters: Max acceleration The maximum acceleration allowed in Doppler-log data. Records outside this limit will be dropped. Should be defined according to the observed acceleration and the quality of the Doppler log data. Max position jump The maximum jump in position data before dropping data. Should be set according to the quality of the navigation data. Max time without data The maximum period without accepted data (on basis of the two above criteria) before resetting the filter. Filter gain The gain setting: the closer to one, the more it uses Doppler log (and the result looks-like ordinary Salomonsen). The closer to zero, the closer the result gets to raw position. We recommend a value between 0.9 and 1. If you have collected a data-set with your typical data, you may activate Calculate and select the file. The system will then calculate recommended values for Max acceleration, Max position jump and Filter gain.

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Document: Manual Author: OKR/AFA

Release: 11 January 2011 Approved by: AFA

NaviScan Setup Utility

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2.3 Options

2.3.1 Global Parameters Selecting this menu point, open a dialog where you can setup different online settings. The dialog is shown below.

It is common to all settings that they have influence on the online behaviour and it will not be effective until NaviScan online has been restarted. The dialogue is divided into a series of related groups Real-time Export

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Document: Manual Author: OKR/AFA

Release: 11 January 2011 Approved by: AFA

NaviScan Setup Utility

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NaviScan will besides data recording offer the user various outputs to data QC in a.o. NaviPac DTM NaviScan can generate a Digital Terrain Model similar to what’s displayed inside NaviScan online and send this out on UDP/IP port. This is compatible with the data expected in the NaviPac Helmsman’s Display. The administrator must specify a few parameters on this issue Enable/Disable DTM Turn on/off the DTM calculation and export. Do not enable unless you are using it! Port settings Identify the UDP/IP (network) address and port for the export. Default is port 2310 Enable/Disable SS DTM Turn on/off the SideScan DTM calculation and export. Do not enable unless you are using it! Port settings Identify the UDP/IP (network) address and port for the export. Default is port 2311 Recording only Shall NaviScan send the DTM out only when recording data (selected) or all the time? Cell Size The NaviScan DTM is based on quadratic cells – and the operator must predefine the size of the cells. Cell sizes must be determined carefully. (normally between 100 – 500 cm), normally less or equal to the final cell size used in Helmsman’s Display Centre depth NaviScan can calculate and output the centre depth (the most nadir depth) to external use in eg. NaviPac. The format of the output is in NMEA “style”, see below. “$NBDBT,,,,M,,", where is the centre-beam depth. i.e. “$NBDBT,,,23.43,M,,” The message will when turned on be broadcasted on internal UDP/IP port ( Port 5999). You may furthermore select a serial port for the output. Touchdown markings NaviScan offers a utility where you may mark targets (eg. Pipe touch-down) on the online DTM view and export the position to an external client. In this section you enable this function and define the output settings. Please refer to for details MBE In this section you control some detailed settings for various MBE sonar’s

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Document: Manual Author: OKR/AFA

Release: 11 January 2011 Approved by: AFA

NaviScan Setup Utility

Page 23 EM3002 EM3002 Port S/N To identify the port and the starboard head in a 2 head Em3000 setup, enter the port head serial number (system serial no) here SeaBat 7K Snippets length For older Reson 7K systems you must identify the exact length of the snippets (defined as number of snippets per beam). Make sure that beams * sniplen < 30000 Snippets min length Snippets max length For newer snippets packets (id 7028) the snippets length is floating but you must specify the minimum and maximum limits SeaBat 8000 series Use custom beam spacing Custom beam spacing Overrule Seabat 81xx packet beam spacing with a fixed value. This will only have influence on the online display and must also be defined when processing in NaviEdit. Output UTC telegram UTC Port NaviScan will, if selected, send a special UTC telegram out on serial port. This will enable the Reson system to synchronize with the NaviScan pc time. This or similar is required if the Reson 8xxx is interfaced via LAN. Instrument Details Some instruments require special setting that aren’t handled in the general instrument setup, RDI DVL NaviScan expects that the DVL is mounted correctly (or compensated as such inside the DVL). We have seen some scenarios where it has been rotated 180 degree. To get an optimal behaviour you may compensate for this (negating the readings) Applanix POSMV This relates purely to the network interface towards Applanix POSMV Attitude NaviScan reads as default attitude (gyro and roll/pitch/heave) from the 102 packet. You may change this to use packet 103 instead. Position The position is as default taken from the special position packet (1). You may alternatively use the attitude packet (102(103)

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Document: Manual Author: OKR/AFA

Release: 11 January 2011 Approved by: AFA

NaviScan Setup Utility

Page 24 Digiquartz NaviScan expects that the Digiquartz data is given in PSI. If this isn't the case then you may enter a scale divider here. Pressure PSI = Pressure Observed / Divider Eg. If data is in MBAR then enter 68.94757 Heave The selected unit has been observed sending heave in both upwards and downwards reference (positive up or positive down) coordinate system. NaviScan have no way of detecting this - so you may have to tell NaviScan to change sign of the heave. This has so far been observed for the following units Seapath Ixsea GC2 Ixsea RB To evaluate the heave please note that NaviScan expects the heave to be positive below datum – i.e. a value added to the measured depth. Height reference Define the height reference for vessel mounted systems Height reduction If NaviScan is used together with a GPS based position system (eg NMEA or POSMV input) then you may control the height reference and thus change from WGS84 to local zero Method: How do we get from GPS ellipsoidal height to local datum (e.g. DVR90) o NONE: Use the height as it is – perhaps reduced manually o EIVA/KMS Should NaviScan use a EIVA geoidal file with distance between GPS height and local zero? This format is identical to the GRI files supplied by KMS – sample file found at \eiva\navipac\setup if using NaviPac o EGG 97: Use the European Gravimetric Geoid model for the separation. This requires a license from e.g. IAG ( - University of Copenhagen). o GCG05: Use the German Quasigeoid model for the separation. This requires a license from the supplier. See . Geoid File: If the operator has selected EIVA geoid, GCG05 or EGG97 files, the actual file can be

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Document: Manual Author: OKR/AFA

Release: 11 January 2011 Approved by: AFA

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selected here. The data will be pre-parsed and the result shown in dialogue. Compiled Geoid File: NaviScan uses a compiled binary version of the source file. It’s saved at same location with a .BIN extension. Additional reduction: A fixed correction value that can be subtracted from the height. Can be used sole or in cooperation with goide model Speed Corrected Displacement Apply a file containing speed correction values for the Displacement sensor. Special application implemented for FRV NaviScan This section defines various settings related to NaviScan performance. Very rarely changed! o Update rate How often must NaviScan update the graphical views. Use with care o Buffer size Here you can set how many samples, you want to be displayed in the YT-based windows in the online program. NOTE: The bigger the amounts of samples, the more CPU load!! o ScanFish SVMon When using NaviScan together with a ScanFish you may get online updated sound velocity profiles (via the SVMon program) and apply that to the data for improved online QC

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Document: Manual Author: OKR/AFA

Release: 11 January 2011 Approved by: AFA

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2.3.2 Fansweep and Hydrosweep port setup

Selecting this item open a notepad, where you can set the individual (multiple) ports for the fansweep scan ( bathymetry) and sidescan. The IP address is set in the normal way using NS setup (where dummy but unique ports also are entered). The IP address can also be overwritten for a specific item in the StnAtlas.ini file. Normal procedure for setting up fansweep: 1. Select the fansweep echosounder, and setup interface, setting ip-adr and port. This port is in this case only a virtual port and will only be used by NaviScan internally. 2. Select sidescan if needed, , and setup interface, setting ip-adr and port. This port is in this case only a virtual port and will only be used by NaviScan internally. 3. If using fansweep motion sensor, the port setup in the interface setup will be actual used. 4. Now you can click on this menu item (Fansweep port setup. StnAtlas.ini file). There are 6 types or packages to define port for. a. fs20_lot: Standard parameters for echosounder b. fs20_depth_1  fs20_depth_8: Bathymetry packages containing depth. The number of port needed depend on number of beams. c. fs20_angle_1  fs20_angle_5: Bathymetry packages containing depth. The number of port needed depend on number of beams. File:NS-SETUP.DOCX Date: 11.01.11

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d. fs20_sidescan_1  fs20_sidescan_4: Sidescan packages containing sidescan image data. e. fs20_tpe  Total Propagated Error telegram for online eg: fs20_tpe=3159 f. fs20_offset  A port offset will bee added to all the port numbers if this line is present anywhere in the StnAtlas.ini file eg. fs20_offset=25000 g. To change the IP address for the TPE telegram, which seems to be required for fs20 (or to change the IP address for a specific item in general) just write the IP address behind the item, separated by a space: fs20_tpe=3159 For more description of these ports and packages, check Fansweep documentation. For Hydrosweep inbound server, these setup items are used (here with default settings): hmsystemid=9 hmasddatatype=8 hmmbechannel=es_targets_port hmmotionchannel=fs20_motion_1 For the SVP to Fansweep program these items are used: XDR Port=3070 z-keel=0.050

2.3.3 Error trace log Enable trace logging inside NaviScan. The online program will hereafter generate dump files on the NaviScan\bin folder which could help EIVA tracking down problems. Please send these files to [email protected] Dataproc_trace.log Naviscan_trace.log 2.4 The Help menu The Help menu gives two small help functions:

Help Topics: This document.

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Document: Manual Author: OKR/AFA

Release: 11 January 2011 Approved by: AFA

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General NaviScan Course Shows some general slides used in basic NaviScan Training Course Ask a question Open your default mail program and pass us a mail Search for help Open your default web browser and search on the EIVA homepage for help About NaviScan Setup… This gives the standard about menu including version number and release data. This information should be noted down if observations are to be given to EIVA.

File:NS-SETUP.DOCX Date: 11.01.11

Document: Manual Author: OKR/AFA

Release: 11 January 2011 Approved by: AFA

NaviScan Setup Utility

Page 29

2.5 Definition All depending on the type of sensor offset and mount angles can be set. Below is described how these are defined. 2.5.1 Offsets The offset is defined as the (X,Y,Z) distance [m], from the primary Position/Navigation sensor, and to the sensor, where X is positive starboard, Y is positive front and Z is positive up, as shown in figure below.

File:NS-SETUP.DOCX Date: 11.01.11

Document: Manual Author: OKR/AFA

Release: 11 January 2011 Approved by: AFA

NaviScan Setup Utility

Page 30

2.5.2 Mount angles The mount angle, defines the exact alignment of the sensor. The mounting is specified by roll angle, pitch angle and heading angle; the roll angle is measured positive starboard down, the pitch angle positive bow up and the heading angle zero front and positive clock-wise as shown in the figure below:

File:NS-SETUP.DOCX Date: 11.01.11

Document: Manual Author: OKR/AFA

Release: 11 January 2011 Approved by: AFA

NaviScan Setup Utility

Page 31

2.6 The Tree-view The tree view consists of three levels. The upper level, being the file loaded, the second level, the sensor types, and finally the third level, the individual sensors. The functionality is mostly like a standard explorer, but some features have not been added yet. See below for illustration:

File:NS-SETUP.DOCX Date: 11.01.11

Document: Manual Author: OKR/AFA

Release: 11 January 2011 Approved by: AFA

NaviScan Setup Utility

Page 32

2.6.1 File level This represents the top level of the setup. Right click menus

Edit note: The Info gives the below dialogue:

It gives name and date of the current set-up and it allows the operator to type relevant information, e.g. who-am-I etc. It’s recommended that this information is filled, as it’s stored together with all configuration data. Expand tree: Expands or collapses the entire tree.

File:NS-SETUP.DOCX Date: 11.01.11

Document: Manual Author: OKR/AFA

Release: 11 January 2011 Approved by: AFA

NaviScan Setup Utility

Page 33

2.6.2 Sensor types This represents the sensor types used in this set up. Right click menus On sensor types that support multiple sensors of same type, a menu as show below appears.

Add New: Add a new sensor of the “folder type”, in this case Navigation/Position sensor. It will lead you through all steps of adding the sensor, include fx. Sensor type, port and offsets.

File:NS-SETUP.DOCX Date: 11.01.11

Document: Manual Author: OKR/AFA

Release: 11 January 2011 Approved by: AFA

NaviScan Setup Utility

Page 34

2.6.3 Individual sensors This represents the actual sensors. Right click menus This menu differs from type to type. All different menus will be described below.

Change sensor: This calls the set up dialog, where you can select a specific sensor. Change Port: This calls the Port dialog, where it’s possible to set up the interface to the sensor. See below.

File:NS-SETUP.DOCX Date: 11.01.11

Document: Manual Author: OKR/AFA

Release: 11 January 2011 Approved by: AFA

NaviScan Setup Utility

Page 35

For network based inputs please note that the address is defined to be the unit sending the data out (eg. The TimeBox network address in the above) Change offsets: This calls a dialog, where you can setup offsets and C_O values. See below. The layout of the dialog may vary, depending on the type of sensor.

File:NS-SETUP.DOCX Date: 11.01.11

Document: Manual Author: OKR/AFA

Release: 11 January 2011 Approved by: AFA

NaviScan Setup Utility

Page 36

Change Name: For Multiple Sensor Types (Position, Gyro, Motion and Bathy) the preconfigured system name can be changed to a user defined name to discern between multiple same type sensors. The name can be shown in the NaviScan views.

Move up/Move down: Move the sensor up and down in priority. The sensor that in the top is the “primary”, and is the one, used in NaviScan Online. The rest is just logged and can be used at a later stage in eg NaviEdit. Delete: Delete the sensor from the setup. This can also be achieved by pressing “Delete” on keyboard or in the toolbar.

File:NS-SETUP.DOCX Date: 11.01.11

Document: Manual Author: OKR/AFA

Release: 11 January 2011 Approved by: AFA