made at three sites along a flow line within George VI Ice Shelf reveal that: .... 2: Bishop and Walton ( 198 1); 3: S. N. Stephenson (personal communication). 290.
JournaL of GLacioLogy, Vol. 30, No.
106, 1984
ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY OF ICE FROM THE ANTARCTIC PENINSULA, ANTARCTICA By JOHN M. REYNOLDS* and J. G. PAREN (British Antarctic Survey, Natural Environment Research Council, High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 OET, England) ABSTRACT. Georesistivity soundings have been carried out at four sites in
regions polaires montre que le domaine des resistivites est tres reduit
the Antarctic Peninsula. The objective of the work was to investigate the
(0,4-2,0) x 10' n m entre -2 et -29°C, quelles que soient la situation
electrical behaviour af iee from a n area where substantial melting occurs in
physique et I'histoire de la glace. Particulierement, la resistivite est proche
20oe avec une energie d'activation
summer and from contrasting thermal regimes. Electrical measurements
a un facteur deux pres de80 k!1 m a
made at three sites along a flow line within George VI Ice Shelf reveal that:
de 0,22 eV. Par contre, la resistivite de l a glace de surface sur le Wormald
(a) the resistivity of deep ice is similar to that of other Antarctic ice shelves,
Ice Piedmont, ou la glace est a ooe parlout, est de deux ordres de grandeur
(b) the resistivity of the ice-shelf surface, which is affected by the per-
plus elevee ct se situe a la limite inferieure du domaine des resistivites de la
colation and refreezing of melt water, is similar to that of deep ice and
glace temperec.
hence the ice is polar in character. A compilation of published resistivities of deep ice from polar regions shows that the range of resistivities is very narrow (0.4-2.0)
between -2 and -29°C, irrespective of the physical setting and history of the ice. Typically, resistivity is within a factor of two of80 kn m at -20°C with an activation energy of 0.22 e V . In contrast, the resistivity of surface ice at Wormald Ice Piedmont, where the ice is at ooe throughout, is two orders of magnitude higher and falls at the lower end of the range of resistivities for temperate ice. RESUME. RtsisliviU eleclrique de la glace d l'Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctique. Des
ZUSAMMENFASSUNG. Elektrischer Widerstand von Eis der Antarctic Peninsula, Antarktika. An vier Stellen auf der Antarctic Peninsula wurden elektrische "Viderstandssondierungen vorgenommen. Das Zicl dieser Arbeit war die Untersuchung des c1ektrischen Verhaltens von Eis aus einem Gebiet, wo im Sommer wesentliche Abschmelzung auftritt, und aus Bereichen mit un terschiedlichen Warmehaushalten. Elektrische Messungen an drei Stellen langs einer Stromlinie innerhalb des George VI Ice Shelf ziegen, dass (a) der Widerstand tiefen Eises ahnlich dem auf anderen antarktischen Schelfeisen ist,
sondages de resistivite ont ete effectues en quatre sites de l'Antarctic Pen
(b) der Widerstand der Schelfeisoberfiiiche, auf der sich Sickervorgiinge
insula. L'objectif de ce travail ftait de determiner le comportement elec
und \Viedergefricren van Schmelzwasser auswirken, ahnlich dem des
trique de la glace dans une zone DU ex iSle une {ante estivale substantielle ainsi que
regimes thermiques contrastes. Des mesures electriques
tiefen Eises ist und folglich das Eis dort polaren Charakter besitzl. Eine Zusammenstcllung veroffentlichter "Viderstandswerte fur tiefes Eis
efe f ctuees
trois sites lesehr longnahe d'une ligneBereich de courant sur le George VI Ic aus Polargebielen zei t, dass sich die en \Viderstande an den
Shelf montrent que:
von (0,4-2,0) x
(a) la resistivite de la glace en profondeur est semblablc it celle des autres
vom Setzungszustand und von der Vorgeschichte des Eises. Typisch rur den
shelf'i antarctiqucs, (b) la resistivite de la glace it la surface de la glace du shelf, qui est soumise
n m zwischen -2 und -29°C halten, unabhiingig
Widerstand ist eine Schwankung von80 kO m bei -20°C und einer A.kti vationsenergie von 0,22 cV mit dcm Faktor 2. Im Gegensatz dazu iSl der
a la percolation et au regel de I'cau de fusion, est semblable a celIe de
Widerstand von OberOacheneis im \Vormald Ice Piedmont, wo die Eistem
la glace en profondeur et donc la glace a un caractere polaire.
peratur durchwegs ooe bctragt, urn zwei Grossenordnungen hoher; er liegt
Une compilation des resistivites publiees pour la glace profonde des
damit an der unteren Grenze des vViderstandsbereiches fur temperiertes Eis.
OB JECT IVES, INS TRUMEN TAT I ON , AN D ANALYS I S The objective o f the work was to investigate the electrical structure of an ice shelf along a flow line in an area where substantial surface melting occurs in summer. Apparent resistivity profiles were obtained at three sites along a flow line of Good enough Glacier which crosses George VI Ice Shelf at lat. 72°S . (Fig. 1). The area is a percolation/ soaked zone with a 10 m ice temperature of - 100e (Reynolds, 1981[aJ). To provide a comparison with the ice shelf, a profile was obtained at an airstrip 5 km west of Rothera station, Adelaide Island (lat. 67°34 'S., long. 68°08 'W .), a flat site at the head of the accumulation tirea of Wormald Ice Piedmont, where the ice is close to its melting point. All re sistivity measurements were carried out in summer with surface conditions given in Table I . A standard Schlumberger four-electrode configura tion was used. Current was provided by a bank of up to six 90 V dry cells. The electrodes were stainless steel tubes 1 m long and 19 mm in outside diameter. The potential and current were monitored by Keithley 602B electrometers and output to a M inigor 520 XY-Yt chart recorder to display the mutual decay of voltage and current. The decay is linear in agreement with Ohm's law and determines a resistance R from which an apparent resistivity Pa of the medium can be com puted. The well-known relationship for the Schlum berger array is *Present address: Department of Environmental Sciences, Plymouth Polytechnic, Drake Circus, Plymouth, Devon PL4 aAA, England.
- ( bZ) b
- - R 4a2
where 2a and b are the separations of the current and voltage electrodes respectively. Full details of the data reduction and analysis are given by Reynolds ( 1982) The apparent-resistivity profiles have been inter preted using a computer program based on Ghosh's con volution method (Ghosh, 1971). The program synthesizes an apparent-resistivity profile for an n-layered model in which the variables are layer thickness and resist ivity. Model profiles were compared with the field data and the variables adjusted by trial and error to obtain an acceptable match. •
R ESIS TIVITY OF G E ORGE VI ICE SHELF Values of apparent resistivity are listen in Table 11 and illustrated in Figure 2. F or each pro fi 1 e the data a re shown with standard deviations. Superimposed are the synthesized curves which fit the data well. At the foot of each figure are the layer models used to generate the appropriate curves. In each model, the bottom layer is chosen to repre sent cold water of oceanic salinity and resistivity 0 . 3 n m. Profiles for R J and RK shown in Figure 2a and b have been publ ished previously and discussed in de tail by Reynolds ( 1982). The small variation of re sistivity found with depth is due to the ice shelf 289
JournaL of GLacioLogy
.... South - America
5 10 ,
1 [f '56 14.0
3 4
I i
p, (0 m)
4. B 4. 5 6
6 . 75 40
f- -i-
-1_ -&-
p, (0 m)
RK2-1 RK2-2 4.9 ____ � 4.9
' UlL
2 10'
Goodenough Glacier GEOAGE VI ICE SHELF 70�W
5 10 20km ......
p, (0 m)
1. Map of the Antarc tic PeninsuLa showing
r esearch sites.
11 i
6 .0 1
1 4. 7
, 10
31 0.00003�
a (m)
Fig. 2. Apparent resistivity profiLes from George V I Ice SheL f . ModeL resistivities are in units of 10 k� m, and pLotted against depth within the ice sheet.
R Jl-3 R Jl-4
George V I
RK2- 1
Ice Shelf
Rothera airstri p Adelaide Island References: 1: Smith
11 1* 11 or
11 11
M 15- 1
RA- 1
( 1972);
M aximum
a m
Ice thickness Radar sounding
from Reference
Surface hard and dry
3 16
400 432
20 10
1 2
Surface hard and dry
Surface dry; ice temperature O° C
2: Bishop and Walton
( 198 1);
Sl ushy surface overlying thin (2-5 cm) crust of frozen firn Warm weather, surface temperatures O° C with frequent flurries of wet snow
3: S. N. Stephenson ( personal communication)
refer to the orientation of the array either parallel or perpendicular to the local ice flow line. M aximum a is the maximum current-electrode half-separation. 290
Re ynolds and Paren:
Electrical resistivity of ice from Antarctica
a m 10 14 20 28 39 54 74 100 140 200 280 390 470 560 625 640 800 1000
Apparent resistivities ( 10 kn m) with standard deviations R Jl- 3 15.68 15.00 1 3.4 5 1 1.90 8.6 3 7.8 2 6.5 5 5.54 5.18 4.50 4.6 1 4. 31 3.62 2.4 3 2. 10 2.1 3 1.91
± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±
R Jl-4
0.90 0.1 0.4 1 2.8 6 1.96 0.74 0.98 1.04 0.21 0.27 0. 1 1 0. 18 0. 39 0. 12 0.0 9 0. 36 0. 38
1 3.62 12.02 12.60 1 1.1 5 7.74 6.42 5.79 4.7 3 4.71 4.76 4. 17 3.92 3.04 2.61 2.29 1.82 1.87
± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±
RK2 -1
0.12 0.27 0.5 3 0. 37 0.50 0.97 0. 5 1 0.27 0. 14 0.15 0. 12 0.28 0. 35 0.12
7.26 7.6 1 7.35 7.21 6.80 5.9 5 5.24 5.07 5. 1 1 4.72 4. 38 4.17 3.7 3 5.4 3
0.25 0.46 0.42
3. 12
having only a narrow range of temperature and nearly constant density. The percolation and refreezing of melt water ensured high densities near the surface. In addition, ice of the same density, whether formed by compaction or percolation and refreezing, has the same resi sti vity ( Reynolds and Paren, 1980). The essential difference between the model for M15 ( Fig. 2c) and those for R J and R K is that the bulk of the ice shelf has a resistivity val ue of 7 1.5 kn m compared to 48 kn m further dowll-stream along the flow line. Within an ice shelf near its grounding line, ice may be found at a colder temperature than at the glacier surface, but this cold sink will be progressively eliminated whilst the ice is afloat and warmed by the air and the sea ( Paterson, 198 1). M 15 is only 10 km from the grounding line and has been afloat for just 14 years (based on data from B i shop and Walton, 198 1). In such a short period of time, only the lowermost portion of the total ice column reflects changes in basal conditions since passing the grounding line. For MI5, the characteristic thickness Z affected by heat flow at the base of the ice shelf is around 45 m as calculated from heat-flow theory (where Z 21K it, t being the time since crossing the grounding line and K. the thermal diffusivity 36 m2a-I). Thus, excep t in the basal region, M 1 5 has a temperature structure determined by its previ ous history when grounded. Changes in temperature within the ice shelf seem the most likely explanation for the lateral trend in resistivity while the ice flows from M 15 to R J in 155 years. However, an unrealistically high degree of warming (9 deg) is needed to convert ice of resistivity 72 kn m to 50 kn m if the activation energy for the resistivity of ice is 0.22 eV as is suggested later. It is not known how so much warming could occur or by what other mechanism the 72 kn m resistivity could decrease to 50 kn m as the ice flows westwards. The temperature regime of an ice shelf is strongly influenced by the rate of melting (or freezing) m at its base. For M 15, 8ishop and Walton (198 1) estimated m to be 6 m a -I. A temperature gradient in the basal region can be accommodated in the model for M 15 by introducing a 20 m thick layer with a resistivity of 5 1 kn m at the ice-shelf base. The introduction of thin basal layers of lower resistivity ice would n ot seriously perturb the fitting of profiles RK and R J. A more sophisticated analysis for site RK has been provided by S . Shabtaie based on a computer program developed by Bentley ( 1977). The analysis permits re sistivity to vary continuously with depth through an =
0.26 0. 7 7 0.1 6 0. 18 0.7 3 0.9 3 0.04 0.6 5 0.18 0.20 0.22 0. 1 2 0.62 1.09
± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±
6.07 6. 12 5.96 5.86 5. 52 5. 32 5.19 5.05 4.77 4.90 4.6 3 4. 32 3.96 3.40
± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±
M 15 -1
0. 30 0.22 0. 10 0.08 0.28 0.09 0. 3 1 0.06 0.18 0.08 0.20 0.1 1 0.07 0.08
12. 11 10.60 7.51 6.77 5.92 5.6 3 5.60 5.57 6. 32 5.91 5.71 4.7 1 5.60
± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±
0. 59 0.28 0.40 0.11 0.22 0. 1 1 0.25 0.51 0.10 0. 36 0.48 0.19 0.16
5. 34 ± 0.74 4.2 3 :i: 0.7 3
assumed dependence of resistivity on density and on temperature. In principle a temperature profile and hence the heat flow at the base may be verified from the resistivities. Shabtaie deduced a basal melt rate of 1 m a-I at RK. An independent calculation based on similar assumptions gave minimum melting rates of 1 m a -I at RK and 2 m a-I at R J ( R eynolds, 1982). Aspects of the sites are far from i deal for either calculation. 8y necessity, horizontal advection has been disregarded and the temperature dependence of resistivity, although poorly known above - 10°C was given an activation energy of 0.15 e V . Both factors militate against a reliable determination of melt rate, although other evidence suggests 1 -2 m a-I is the norm for the ice shelf ( Potter and others, 1984) . Figure 3 shows t h e structure of the ice shelf using data from the georesistivity profiles, radio echo -sounding, and ground survey. The surface layers at R J and M15 are consistent with a top layer with a resistivity of 140 - 1 56 kn m, underlain by a layer common to the three sites with a resistivity in the range 60-78 kn m. The higher resistivity layer is thought to be firn through which some melt-water per colation has occurred. The lower layer probably has a higher density and on the evidence from site RK appears to be associated with firn which has been w o
RK 14'0-156 675-78
] � ili o
4·65 -48
M15 2-78
- - - - -,47 . 60
52 100
E O(m)
Time afloat:(170yr) (75Vr)
Fig. 3. Resistivity structure through George VI Ice She Lf along a fLow Line. Resistivit ies are in units of 10 kn m, and pLotted against depth within the ice sheet.
JournaL of GLacioLogy
order of 1 -100 til m ( T elford and others, 1976), span saturated by melt water and refrozen. At RK the pre ning the range deduced for the bedrock. The resist sumed drier firn layer is absent, and the second layer is appreciably thicker than elsewhere. The ivity of the surface ice layer ( 3. 5 Mn m) is a factor three sites lie along a flow line parallel to long of twenty higher than that of any surface layer on George VI Ice Shelf. It lies within the range of re undulations formed as a result of ice movement, and it was intended to locate all resistivity arrays on sistivities for the surface layers of temperate glac iers (0.3-14 Mn m) reported by Rothlisberger (1967) the crest of one undulation. However, RK was inad vertently located to one side, closer to an ad jacent and Rothlisberger and Vogtli (1967). Thus the sur trough. In such troughs the firn becomes saturated face resistivity is compatible with the thermal reg by melt water and the ice layers are thicker because ime of an accumulation region of a temperate glacier. The resistivity of the lower ice layers (0.07 to melt-water lakes tend to form there (Reynolds, 1981[b]). 0 .4 til m) of Wormald Ice Piedmont is more difficult to interpret. According to R-oth 1 i sberger and Vogt 1 i RES IS T IV ITY OF WORMAL D ICE PIE DMONT (1967) the range 10-120 M1 m is characteristic of Values of apparent resistivity are listed in Table the resistivity of deep ice in temperate glaciers. III and illustrated in Figure 4. The profile confirms Having collected together data from many georesistthat the glacier is land-b ased and has a lower re i vi ty surveys they noted "a certain tendency seems sistivity than the underlying bedrock. Three layer to exist in the distribution of resistivities, so models generated nearly identical profiles. Two models that the highest values occur in the oldest ice, the (A and B) were develope d independently of other data, lowest in young ice and below ice falls". Glen and and provided a total ice thickness of 150 ± 10 m. The others (1977) saw this as the result of a reduction third model C ( ) was constrained to an ice thickness of impurities down-glacier by recrystallization pro of 170 m obtained from radio echo-sounding. The re c esses and by melt water purging and washing out im purities. On Wormald Ice Piedmont, the resistivity sistivities of the surface ice layer and of the bed p rofile seems to indicate that the concentration of rock were common to all three models, 3.5 Mn m and 10 til m respectively. The 1 ithology of nunataks close impurities increases with depth with the older ice by is known: Andean intrusives such as gabbro b eing less resistive than the surface. However, this granodiorite predominate along with uncorrelated (?) explanation is conjectural in the absence of deep ice Upper Jurassic volcanic and sedimentary rocks ( Dewar, cores and precise temperature measurements. Wormald 1970 ). Rocks such as these have resistivities of the Ice Piedmont, if temperate, is the least resistive of any temperate glaciers so far studied electrically. TAB LE Ill. A P PAREN T RESISTIVI T IES AT ROTHERA A IRSTRI P ON WORMALD ICE P IEDMONT ELectrode spacing
Apparent resistivities with standard deviations
a m
M1 m
10 14 20 28 39 54 74 100 140 200 280 390
3.38 ± 3.15 ± 2.92 ± 2.25 ± 1.19 ± 0.60 ± 0.32 ± 0.28 ± 0.33 ± 0.35 ± 0.47 ± 0.65-±
0.26 0.21 0.3 7 0.18 0.04 0.06 0.0 3 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.04
C OM PAR ISON OF ICE RES IS TIVIT IES IN POLAR REGIONS Georesistivity investigations at 27 sites on glaciers in the Arctic and Antarctic have been com p iled in Table I V. From this compilation, measure ments of the resistivity of ice from depths greater t han 100 m have been plotted in Figure 5 against the estimated in situ temperature. Thi s updates two earlier presentations of the then available data (fig. 2 of Paren, 1973 and fig. 4 of Glen and Paren, 1 9 7 5). Three lines are superimposed on Figure 5. The first is the regression 1ine for the field data ( dashed). This line has an activation energy of 0.22 ± 0.03 eV and gives an average reSistivity of 55 k m at -10°C , 8 0 kn m at -20°C, and 350 kn m at -52°C. The regression line is unaltered even if the
4 10
p (0 m)
P. (0 m)6 4 -10
4 0
2 105 6
0·215 0·33 0-32
40 60 100 aIm)
10 10
Fig. 4. Apparent resistivity profiLe for W o rmaLd Ice Piedmont. The curves A and B are computed profiLes derived from the respective modeLs (depicted in units of MJ III beneath the g raphs). Curve C is not pLotted. It cLoseLy coincides with A and B.
1000/T (K-')
Fig. 5. Resistivity of ice. M e a n va Lues from geo resistivity sounding of ice at 100 m or deeper are p Lotted with estimated uncertainties against the estimated Layer temperature. Source of data is TabLe IV. Laboratory measurements on ice cores examined over a range of temperatures are shoz.m by continuous Lines. The regression Line for the data is given by a dashed Line.
ReynoLds and Paren:
ELectricaL resistivity of ice from Antarctica
Location Arctic sites
1 Andrieux (1970) 2 Andrieux (1970) 3 Andrieux (1970) 4 Andrieux (1970) 5 Clark and others (1969) 6 Hochstein (1965) 7 Hochstein (1965) 8 Meyer & Rothlisberger (1962) 25 Thyssen & Shabtaie (1983) 26 T hyssen & Shabtaie (1983) 27 Thyssen & Shabtaie (1983) 9 Vogtl i (1967) 10 Vogtli (1967)
Observatory Glacier, Baffin Island Penny Ice Cap, Baffin I s land Meighen Island ice cap T UTO, Greenland Paris Gletscher, Greenland Station Centrale, Greenland Point Nord, Greenland Camp Century, Greenland Camp V I, Greenland Tll, Greenland Crete, Greenland Sverdrup Glacier, Devon Island Ice cap station, Devon Island Antarctic sites
11 Hochstein (1967) 12 Hochstein (1967) 13 Bentl ey (1977) 14+ Bentley (1979) 15* Shabtaie & Bentley 1 979 ) 16* Shabtaie & Bentley 1979) 17* Shabtaie & Bentley (1979) 18* Shabtaie & Bentley (1979) 19* Shabtaie & Bentley (1979) 20 Hochstein & Risk (1967)
21 22 23 24 +
Thyssen & Shabtaie Reynolds (1982) Thi s paper This paper
Ross Ice Shelf Roosevelt Island Ross Ice Shelf (Base Camp) Ross Ice Shelf ( J9) Ross Ice Shelf Q13) Ross Ice Shelf C16) Ross Ice Shelf (MI4) Ross Ice Shelf (019) Ross Ice Shelf (Oll) McMurdo Ice Shelf, bore-h ole log (site 2070) Dome C Ge orge VI Ice Shel f (RJ and RK) George V I Ice Shel f (MI5) Worrnald Ice Piedmont
Data taken from figs 7 and 9 of Bentley (1979 ). N.B. the absolute value of resistivity may be in error by a factor of two or more.
* Resistivity value computed by J.M. Reynolds from apparent resistivity profil es. xx Not plotted in Fig. 5. Dome C has a resistivity of 350 kn m at -52° C .
Dome C data o f Thyssen and Shabtaie (1983) are exclu ded from the analysis. Reviewing data from just six sites, Thyssen and Shabtaie (1983) suggest that the resistivity of ice is constrained in an even narrower band: 67 ± 7 kn m at -20 ° C and activation energy 0.25 eV. Three results have been omitted from the present regression; results 14a and 14b since they may be in error by a factor of two or more (Bentley, 1979) and result 24 from Wormald Ice Piedmont since its thermal regime is temperate. The other lines are the deduced d.c. resistivity for two deep ice cores measured in the laboratory over a wide temperature and frequency range using a simple guarded-electrode dielectric cell. In such an arrangement electrode interface effects dominate the low-frequency response and the assessment of a true d.c. reSistivity from a.c. measurements is difficult. Nevertheless, Figure 5 shows that the ice-core data are in accord with the field measurements. The more resistive ice core is from Byrd S tation, Antarctica ( F itzgerald and P aren, 1975) which was incorrectly plotted in figure 4 of Glen and Paren (1975). The other is the mean from four sets of data from C amp Century, Greenland (Paren, 1973). The Camp Century data indicate that resist ivity is independent of temperature above -10° C . At lower temperatures it has an activation energy of 0.21 eV, similar to the value of 0.22 eV for the re gression line and 0.23 eV for the Byrd Station data. The most reliable data in Figure 5 should be those determined by field measurements over ice shelves of known thickness due to their simple geometry and known
sub-ice environment. There is particularly close nu merical agreement between the resistivities of ice from George VI Ice Shelf (Results 22-23 and Fig. 2) and from Ross Ice Shelf R ( esults 1 3, 15-19), even though the upper 1 ayers of George VI Ice Shelf are formed principally by local percol�tion and refreez ing of melt water rather than by compaction, the usual process at lower surface temper�tures. In contrast a major modification to the electrical behaviour of part of the Byrd ice core was found by Fitzgerald and Paren (1975) after melting it and refreezing it in the laboratory. However, they examined the samples only hours after refreezing them, whereas the ice lay e r s near the surface o f George V I Ice Shelf are much older. It is clear that experiments are required to investigate time-d ependent processes in natural ice. The sites at which the resistivity soundings have b een carried out vary greatly in their physical set ting. Total impurity concentration, altitude, grain size, crystal fabric, accumulation rate, incidence of melting, age, and strain history can all be diff erent. We suggest that these factors cannot be strong ly linked to resistivity. Maccagnan ( unpublished) b e lieves that in the polar regions the narrow range of resistivity is a result of the fairly uniform depo sition of Aitken nuclei which consist of hydrated sulphuric acid. The sulphate ion, SO 2- is a major impurity within continental ice sheets, though ni trate (N0 -) may al so be important. The level of 3 background "excess sulphate" is determined by the accumulation rate. The range is probably 15 to 5 0 293
JournaL of GLacioLogy
p.p.b. at the Arctic sites and 2 5 to 50 p.p.b. at the Antarctic sites of Table IV ( Herron, 1982). In fact, it is difficult to estimate the sulphate con centration for deep ice from any of the ice-shelf sites, because the snow will have been deposited far away. No resistivity-sulphate dependence is discern ible from within the scatter of Figure 5. However, in polar ice sheets, internal reflections have been de tected by radio echo -sounding ( Robin and others, 1969) and are thought to be due to elevated concentrations of vo1canogenic sulphate (Millar, 1982). Such sul �hate-rich layers have also been associated with peaks 1n the stat1c electrical conductivity as measured in polar ice cores (Hammer, 1 980). Some of the scatter in Figure 5 may result from inaccurate i�terpretation of profiles in ambiguous terra1n and 1ncorrect estimates of the relevant tem perature. In the temperature range - 10°C to -25°C the true resistivity of deep polar ice averaged over many years of deposition varies by less than a factor of two from the regression line of Figure 5. The varia tion at a given temperature is small by comparison w1th the three orders of magnitude that separate the most resistive temperate ice from the non- t emperate ice of the polar regions. CONCLUSION Georesistivity measurements made along a flow line on George V I Ice Shelf have estab1ished that through out the thickness of the ice shelf the ice behaves in a comparable way to that formed in co1der polar en vironments. This is an important finding since the flow line is in a transitional percolation-soaked zone and melt water percolates and refreezes in the firn a process which is absent at similar in situ tempera tures deep in dry polar glaciers where similar re sistivities are measured. A compilation of all avail able data show that pola" ice has a well defined re sistivity irrespective of the physical setting and h1story of the ice. Typically the resistivity is with1n a factor of two of 80 krl m at -20° C with an acti v ation energy of 0.22 eV. In polar regions, only tem perate glac1ers �uch as Worma1d Ice Piedmont and Glacier �ook on Iles Kerguelen (Andrieux, 1 9 70) have res1st1v1ties which deviate from the now we11documented values for polar ice. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to S.J. Artis and J.A. Jewell who assisted with field work on George VI Ice Shelf, and to J.L. Wade who helped with computing. REFERENCES Andrieux, P. 19 70. Les methodes electriques de pros pection app1iq uees a 1 'etude de la glace et des glaciers. Resu1tats obtenus de 1962 a 1965. CNFRA (Comite NationaL Franyais des Recherches Antarctiques) , No. 24.
Bentley, C.R. 19 7 7. Electrical resistivity measure ments on the Ross Ice Shelf. JournaL of GLacioLogy, Vo 1. 18, No. 78, p. 15- 35. Bentley, C.R. 19 79. In-situ measurements of the activation energy for d.c. conduction in polar ice. JournaL of GLacioLogy, Vol. 22, No. 8 7, p. 23 7-46. l3ishop, J.F., and Walton, J.L.W. 198 1. Bottom melting under George V I Ice Shelf, Antarctica. JournaL of GLacioLogy, Vol. 2 7, No. 9 7, p. 429-4 7. C1ark, M.C., and others . 1969. Ice-resistivity measure ments on P a ris G1etscher, East Greenland, by M.C. C1ark, M.H. Key, and G.J. Pert. JournaL of GLacioLogy, Vol. 8, No. 54, p. 369- 73. Oewar, G.J. 19 70. The geology of Adelaide I sland. British Antarctic Survey. Scientific Reports, No. 5 7. Fitzgera1d, W.J., and Paren, J.G. 19 75. The dielectric properties of Antarctic ice. JournaL of GLacioLogy, Vol. 15, No. 73, p. 39-48. 294
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