NBA Accreditation 2016 - 2018 - PIPR.pdf - Google Drive

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Page 1 of 2. /. NATIONAL BOARD OF ACCREDITATION. NBCC Place, East Tower, 4'" Floor, Bhisham Pilamah Marg. Pragati Vihar,
/ NATIONAL BOARD OF ACCREDITATION NBCC Place, East Tower, 4'" Floor, Bhisham Pilamah Marg.

Pragati Vihar, New DelhiĀ·l10 003


Tel: +91 11 2436 0620-22 , 2436 0654 Telefax: +91 11 24360682 Website: www,nbaiod ,org

F. No. 20-69/2010-NBA


September 21, 2016




The Principal, Parullnstitute of Pharmacy & Research,

Inward No.: 29/]g

Parul Group of Institutes,

Date: 21/ 0 3 J20;;..6

P.O. limda, Tal. Waghodia, Dist . Vadodara-391 760, Gujarat.

Subject: Accreditation status of programme a pplied by Parullnstitute of Pharmacy a nd Resea rch, Parul Group of Institutes, P.O. l imd a, Tal. Waghodia, Dist . Vadodara, Gujarat . Sir, This ha s reference to your application dated 08-07-2014 in Tier-II format seeki ng accreditation by National Board of Accreditation to the UG Pharmacy program me offered by Parul Institute of Pharmacy and Research, Parul Group of Institutes, P.O . Umda, Tal. Waghodia, Dist . Vadoda ra - 391 760, Gujarat .

2. An Expert Team conducted an on-site evaluation of the program during 22d to 23'd August , 2015. The report submitted by the Expert Team was considered by t he concerned Committees constituted for the purpose in NBA. The competent au thori ty has approved the following accreditation stat us to the program as given in the table below:


Name of the Programme (UG)

Basis of Evaluation

Accreditation Status

Period of validity

Rema rks








Academic Years



Tier II Document

Provisionally Accredited

2016-2017 and 2017-2018 i.e. upto 30-06-2018


Accreditation stat us gran ted is valid for t he period indicated in Col.5 or till the program has the approval of t he competent authority, whichever is earlier.

3. It may be noted that only students who graduate during the validity period of accredit ation, w ill be deemed to have graduated with an NBA accredited degree . 4. The accreditation status awarded to the program as indicated in the above table does not imply that the accreditation ha s been grant ed to Parul Institute of Ph armacy and Research, Paru l Group of Institutes, P.O. Umda, Tal. Waghodia, Dist . Vadodara, Gujarat as a whole. As such the Institute shou ld nowhere along with its name including on its letter head etc. write t hat it is accredited by NBA because it is programme accreditation and not Institution accreditation . If such an instance comes to NBA's notice, this will be viewed seriously. Complete name of the programme(s) accredited, level of program and the period of validity of accred itation, as well as the date from which t he accreditation is effective, should be menti oned unambiguously whenever and w herever it is required t o indi cate the statu s of accred itation by NBA . Contd ../-



5. The accreditation st atus of the above program is subject t o change on period ic review, if needed by the NBA. It is desired that the rele va nt informa t':lon in respect of accredited program as indicated in the Table in paragraph 2, appears on th e website Jnd information bulletin of yo ur Institution. 6. The accreditation statu s awarded to the program as indicated in Tabl e in paragraph 2 above is subject to maintenance of the current standard s during the period of accreditation. If there are any change s in the st at us (major changes of faculty strength, organizationa l structure etc.), the same are required to be co mmun ica t ed to the NBA, with an appropriate explanatory note . 7. Copy of Report of Cha irman of the Visiting Team and Eval uators' report in respect of the above program are also enclosed.


If the Institute is not satisfied with the deci sio n of NBA, it may appeal within thirty days of receipt of t his communication givi ng reasons for the same and by paying the requ isite fee .

Yours faithfully,


(D r. Ani! Kumar Nassa) Member Secretary

Encls: 1. Copy of Report of Chairman of the Visiting Team. 2. Copy of Expert Report of the Visiting Team .

Copy to:

1. The Vice Chancellor Gujarat Technological University nd 2 Floor, ACPC Building LD College of Engineeri ng Campus Navrangpura, Ahmedabad - 380 015, Gujarat 2. The Secreta ry, Department of Technical Education Government of Gujarat 1h Block NO.5, 7 Floor, New Sachivalya Complex Gandhi Nagar, Guj arat 3.

Accreditation File


Master Accreditation file of the State.