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NEBOSH International Technical. Certificate in Oil and Gas. Operational Safety. KBAT was among the selected few appointed to be the first to conduct this.

KBA T rai n in g Ce n tr e P t e L t d (KBA T) is n ow o ff e ri ng th e N E W NE BOS H I n t er na t io nal T ec h nic al C er t ifi ca t e in Oi l an d Gas Op e ra ti o nal S a f et y. KBAT was among the selected few appointed to be the first to conduct this certification, worldwide. The course has been professionally structured as a competency development course for personnel working in the safety industry to equip you with vital specialized safety training and knowhow. The training will be delivered over a 5-day period with examinations on the final day. The NEBOSH International Technical Certificate in Oil and Gas Operational Safety has been developed to meet the growing requirements for formal training and certification. The course is a professional Business Address qualification that allows Primary individuals to gain a good grounding in the operational safety requirements in Your Address Line 2 the oil and gas environment and satisfy employers that they have formal training and certification with Your Address Line 3 in the area of employment. Your Address Line 4

NEBOSH International Technical Certificate in Oil and Gas Operational S a f e t y – Course Syllabus Element 1:-Health, Safety and environmental management in context 1. Learning from Incidents 2. Hazards inherent in oil and gas 3. Risk Management Techniques used in the oil and gas industries 4. Safety cases and safety reports

Element 2:-Hydrocarbon process safety 1 1. Contractor management 2. Process Safety Management (PSM) 3. Role and Purpose of a permit-to-work system 4. Key principles of shift handover 5. Plant operations and maintenance

Element 3:-Hydrocarbon process safety 2 1. Failure modes 2. Safety critical equipment controls 3. Safe storage of hydrocarbons 4. Furnace and boiler operations

Element 4:-Fire protection and emergency response 1. Fire and explosion risk in the oil and gas industries 2. Emergency Response

Element 5:-Logistics and Transport operations 1. Marine Transport 2. Land Transport The course consists of over 34 hours tuition. For further information regarding course fees and scheduled dates, please contact us at: No 26 Changi North Crescent, 3rd Floor, Diethelm Keller Building, Singapore 499637 Tel: +65 6542 4984 Fax: +65 6542 5584 E -ma il : sa fetya dmi n @ kba s so cia t es. org OR [email protected] To download an application form visit our website at NBCRS/107/08-10 RC:200602439G