Feb 12, 2018 - Membership [Renewal] required by end of February to vote in March BCNA board elections b. President's rep
Neighborhood Meeting Agenda Date: Time: Place:
Clark Elementary, Library, 1000 Belmont Avenue, Enter from Belmont Ave, Proceed Upstairs, Library located on the right
OPEN FORUM, 6:30-7pm. 1. 2.
February 12, 2018 7pm
Board Members will be available for discussion and to hear your concerns. The BCNA will be selling T-Shirts, totes, and copies of the Historic Belmont Plat during the Open Forum. Available unisex sizes are: S, M L & XL, each shirt is $10. Totes are $15 each and copies of the Plat are $10 each. We can accept cash, credit card, or check.
REGULAR MEETING, starts at 7pm. 1. Welcome 2. Approval of previous Minutes 3. Reports of Officers a. b.
Old Business. a. b. c. d. e. f.
c. d. e. f. g. h.
Opinions on Planning Commissions’ Feb 13 agenda items, see attached and list below Requests / Deadline for Permit Parking Petitions http://www.charlottesville.org/departments-andservices/departments-h-z/neighborhood-development-services/traffic-engineering/permit-parking Public Input request for Five-Year Housing and Community Development Plan, see attached. The BIG EVENT via Madison House at UVA, request for project sites, see attached. Neighborhood Sign Criteria Discussion Special Events Permitting Process & Application Belmont Bash 2018 Fundraising and Planning Other Neighborhood Concerns
Reminders 1. Next regular BCNA Meeting a. b. c.
Date: March 12th, 2018 Time: 7:00 pm Place: Clark Elementary School
Planning Commission Meeting a. b. c. d.
Nat’l Register of Historic Places, Historic District Nomin. for North Belmont: Nomination approved. Snows/Dettor Property Development by Riverbend Development – Ashley Davies, WilliamsMullen Q&A: Druid Avenue, Hogwaller Farm, and 1206 Carlton Ave. - Justin Shimp, Shimp Engineering Q&A: 0 Carlton Road – Josh Batman, Stony Point Design / Build Comprehensive Plan Update: http://www.charlottesville.org/departments-andservices/departments-h-z/neighborhood-development-services/comprehensive-plan City Budget: Citizen feed back. http://www.charlottesville.org/budget
New Business. a. b.
Treasurer’s report 1. Membership [Renewal] required by end of February to vote in March BCNA board elections President’s report. 1. March board elections. 2. Board Member Roles & Responsibilities, see attached.
Date: February 13th, 2018 Time: 6:00 pm Place: City Council Chambers Agenda Items: 1. 0 Carlton Road Rezoning / SUP (deferred to a later date) 2. 0 Monticello Road Rezoning 3. 1206 Carlton Avenue Rezoning / SUP
Expected March BCNA Agenda Items 1.
2018 Board Elections
P. O. BOX 1126
[email protected]
ELECTED POSITIONS BCNA BOARD MEMBER DESCRIPTIONS All Board Members Roles and Responsibilities: 1) Attends Monthly BCNA meetings and board meetings. 2) Plans and implements policies, goals, and priorities for the BCNA. 3) Provides input on monthly agendas. 4) Fundraises, as necessary, to support mission. 5) Actively recruits members 6) Understands the bylaws of the BCNA 7) Jointly appoints one board member as the Belmont Bash Committee Chair. 8) Communicates in a timely manner.
President Qualities required: 1) Leadership Skills 2) Strong Verbal Communication Skills 3) Professionalism 4) Ability to represent the beliefs and opinions of the entire BCNA membership in lieu of personal or individual preferences. 5) Willingness to be actively connected to the city and other neighborhood organizations 6) Ability to abide by and manage BCNA meetings through basic parliamentary procedures and protocols to efficiently accomplish the tasks of the BCNA – example: knowing and using Robert’s Rule of Order during monthly meetings 7) Ability to understand and operate within the purpose of the BCNA as it pertains to the city.
Roles and Responsibilities:
P. O. BOX 1126
[email protected]
February 2018
1) Presides over all BCNA Meetings 2) Serves as the representative for: a) The quarterly ‘Neighborhood Leaders’ meetings with the City Manager’s Office. i)
Is the point of contact for the city manager and other neighborhood associations.
b) BCNA at Planning Commission or City Council Meetings as necessary. c) Project Based Steering Committees, example: The Strategic Initiative Area (SIA) Task Force. (Friendship Court / Ix Building Site) d) Stakeholder Outreach Meetings 3) Monitors the BCNA email account which is utilized for: a) Email announcements from the city / Neighborhood Development Services (NDS), including Planning Commission (PC) agendas. b) City manager’s email list c) Contact with other neighborhood associations d) Contact with the BCNA members 4) Writes drafts of position letters, circulates to Board for input, signs and distributes 5) Appoints Special Committees 6) Counter Signs Checks 7) Coordinates agenda with the Vice President 8) Secondary monitor for the P.O. Box
Vice President Qualities required: 1) Same as the president.
Roles and Responsibilities: 1) Presides over BCNA meetings in the absence of the president. 2) Creates and coordinates the monthly BCNA meeting agendas, with input / suggestions from the rest of the Board. 3) Acts as the liason for agenda items / presenters, prepping them as necessary for the meeting. a) Assigns another Board member, as necessary. 4) Acts as the primary contact with NDS, specifically with the neighborhood planner. a) Engages NDS and coordinates quarterly (at a minimum) updates at BCNA meetings by the neighborhood planner. 5) Serves as the BCNA representative at Planning Commission, City Council, or Board of Architectural Review (BAR) meetings, as necessary.
P. O. BOX 1126
[email protected]
February 2018
Secretary Qualities required: 1) Organization 2) Accuracy 3) Timliness 4) Neutrality
Roles and Responsibilities: 1) Keeps Minutes at meetings, records votes, and transcribes them in a timely manner following each meeting. (Within 1 week). 2) Circulates / distributes a draft of the minutes to the board for review, once prepared, revising / amending as necessary and then distributing them to the BCNA membership with the next month's agenda. (The minutes will be voted on, to be accepted as written or with modification, at the next month's meeting. If modified as part of acceptance, then would require another final revision.) 3) Updates BCNA By-Laws as required. 4) Writes draft of grants for city monies, circulates to Board for input, finalizes and submits final version. 5) Inputs incoming memberships or email list-serves requests into the BCNA email list [relocated to Secretary from President]. [Migrate this to website signup]. 6) Documents and archives Bylaws and Conflict of Interest statements signed by board members on annual basis.
Treasurer Qualities required: 1) Organization 2) Meticulous 3) Legal Knowledge, particularly of non-profit status, insurance
Roles and Responsibilities: 1) Manages money, accounts, bills, taxes. 2) Record keeping of memberships / dues, receipts, and disbursements 3) Creation of yearly budget. 4) Provide monthly treasurer’s reports prior to monthly BCNA meeting. 5) Files any business licenses required with the city and coordinates necessary insurance policies. P. O. BOX 1126
[email protected]
February 2018
6) Monitors the P.O. Box a) Scans and forwards any paper annoucements to the Board 7) Re-evaluate the BCNA membership rates on an annual basis.
Communications Qualities required: 1) Creativity 2) Graphic Design knowledge, specifically with Adobe Creative Suite 3) Technologically knowledgeble 4) Copy Writing skills
Roles and Responsibilities: 1) Creation and maintenance of the BCNA website. 2) Assembly and production of annual newsletters. 3) Design of graphics, templates, branding. 4) Social Media Outreach: a) Facebook b) Instagram c) Nextdoor d) Mailchimp Newsletters 5) Media and Press Liason 6) Creates and distributes a Welcome Packet for new residents
At Large – Resident Liason At Large – Business Liason Qualities required: 1) Willingness to be actively involved
Roles and Responsibilities: 1) Pursues ‘special’ neighborhood projects and issues. 2) Provides assistance to other board members, as requested. 3) Helps coordinate and prep presenters related to meeting agenda items. 4) Acts as the liason for resident(s) or business(es) in dealing with neighborhood issues. 5) ‘Keeps an ear to the ground’ to bring neighborhood issues to the Board. 6) Distributes physical copies of Agendas, Meeting Minutes, Newsletters, etc. at select P. O. BOX 1126
[email protected]
February 2018
locations a) Parks b) Schools c) Downtown d) Belmont Carlton Business ‘Partners’ e) As requested by individual residents that do not have access to digital versions. 7) Business Liason – annually addresses the need for a Downtown Belmont Business Association. 8) Coordinates with & oversees the ‘Block Captains’
POSITIONS APPOINTED BY THE BOARD Special Events Coordinator Plans special events, such as co-sponsership of the TomTom festival, picnics, potlucks, etc. under direction of the Board.
Belmont Bash Committee Co-Chair Plans the Belmont Bash with the Committee Chair, under direction of the Board.
Special Projects Coordinator Plans and coordinates project specific events, such as workshops, roundtables, speakers, etc. under direction of the Board.
‘Block Captains’ Serves as the representative for residents and businesses within specific districts of the BCNA boundary. Brings issues and concerns to the At Large – Resident or Business Liason, as necessary. Reaches out to new residents/businesses within district.
P. O. BOX 1126
[email protected]
Commission Pre-Meeting (Agenda discussion(s)) Beginning: 4:30 p.m. Location: City Hall, 2nd Floor, NDS Conference Commission Regular Meeting Beginning: 5:30 p.m. Location: City Hall, 2nd Floor, Council Chambers A. B. C. D. E.
COMMISSIONERS' REPORTS UNIVERSITY REPORT CHAIR'S REPORT DEPARTMENT OF NDS MATTERS TO BE PRESENTED BY THE PUBLIC NOT ON THE FORMAL AGENDA F. CONSENT AGENDA (Items removed from the consent agenda will be considered at the end of the regular agenda) 1. Minutes – January 9, 2018 – Pre- meeting and Regular meeting 2. Minutes – November 28, 2017 - Work Session 3. Minutes – January 3, 2018 - Work Session III.
JOINT MEETING OF COMMISSION/ COUNCIL Beginning: 6:00 p.m. Continuing: until all public hearings are completed Format: (i) Staff Report, (ii) Applicant, (iii) Hearing
1. ZM17-00003 – 0 Monticello Road- Henningsen Kestner Architects, on behalf of Richard Spurzem, the owner of the property, has submitted a rezoning petition for 0 Monticello Road, also identified on City Real Property Tax Map 61 as Parcel 265.A (“Subject Property”). The petition proposes a change in zoning from M-I Industrial (current zoning) to R1-S Low-Density Residential (proposed zoning). The Subject Property has frontage on Monticello Road, and contains approximately 0.0895 acres or 3,899 square feet. The general usage of the proposed R-1S zoning classification is lowdensity residential areas characterized by small-lot development. The general usage specified in the Comprehensive Plan for the Subject Property is High-Density Residential. The Comprehensive Plan specifies density greater than 15 units per acre. Information pertaining to request may be viewed online at http://www.charlottesville.org/departments-and-services/departments-h-z/neighborhooddevelopment-services or obtained from the Department of Neighborhood Development Services, 2nd Floor of City Hall, 610 East Main Street. Persons interested in this rezoning petition may contact Carrie Rainey by email (
[email protected]) of by telephone (434-970-3453). Defered by Applicant 2. SP17-00003 – 0 Carlton Road – Stony Point Design/Build, LLC, as the owner of the Subject Property, has submitted an application seeking approval of a Special Use Permit (SUP) request to allow for multi-family residential use up to 21 dwelling units per acre per City Code Section 34-480 and a reduction of the minimum required front yard setback from 20-feet to 0-feet per City Code Section 34-162(a) at 0 Carlton Road, also identified on City Real Property Tax Map 57 Parcels 123.69, 123.701, 123.71 and Tax Map 61 Parcel 2.2 (“Subject Property”). The Subject Property
has frontage on Carlton Road and Monticello Road. The site is zoned M-I Industrial. The property is approximately 0.623 acres or 27,138 square feet. A residential density of 19.26 units per acre is proposed (up to 21 DUA by SUP can be requested) for a total of 12 units. The Land Use Plan calls for High-Density Residential. The Comprehensive Plan specifies density greater than 15 units per acre. Information pertaining to request may be viewed online at http://www.charlottesville.org/departmentsand-services/departments-h-z/neighborhood-development-services or obtained from the Department of Neighborhood Development Services, 2nd Floor of City Hall, 610 East Main Street. Persons interested in this rezoning petition may contact Carrie Rainey by email (
[email protected]) of by telephone (434-970-3453). Defered by Applicant
3. ZM-17-00004 - 1206 Carlton Avenue – Justin Shimp (Shimp Engineering) on behalf of Chris Hulett (owners of 1206 Carlton Ave) has submitted a rezoning petition for 1206 Carlton Avenue (Subject Property). The rezoning petition proposes a change in zoning from the existing R-2 Twofamily Residential to R-3 Multi-family with no proffered development conditions. The Subject Property is further identified on City Real Property Tax Map 57 Parcels 127. The Subject Property is approximately 0.26 acres. The Land Use Plan calls for Low Density Residential. The Comprehensive Plan specifies density no greater than 15 units per acre. Information pertaining to request may be viewed online at http://www.charlottesville.org/departments-and-services/departmentsh-z/neighborhood-development-services or obtained from the Department of Neighborhood Development Services, 2nd Floor of City Hall, 610 East Main Street. Persons interested in this rezoning petition my contact Matt Alfele, City Planner by email at (
[email protected]) or by telephone (434-970-3636). 4. SP17-00008 - 1206 Carlton Avenue – Justin Shimp (Shimp Engineering) on behalf of Chris Hulett (owners of 1206 Carlton Ave) has submitted an application seeking approval of a Special Use permit (SUP) for 1206 Carlton Avenue (Subject Property). The SUP application proposes increasing the density from a By-Right 21 Dwelling Units per Acres (DUA) to 24 DUA (per City Code Section 34-420) and adjusting the southeastern side setback from 10’ to 8’ (per City Code Section 34-162(a)). The applicant is requesting a rezoning (see petition ZM-17-00004) and a SUP to build a 6 unit apartment. The Subject Properties are further identified on City Real Property Tax Map 57 Parcels 127. The Subject Property is further identified on City Real Property Tax Map 57 Parcels 127. The Subject Property is approximately 0.26 acres. The Land Use Plan calls for Low Density Residential. The Comprehensive Plan specifies density no greater than 15 units per acre. Information pertaining to request may be viewed online at http://www.charlottesville.org/departmentsand-services/departments-h-z/neighborhood-development-services or obtained from the Department of Neighborhood Development Services, 2nd Floor of City Hall, 610 East Main Street. Persons interested in this rezoning petition my contact Matt Alfele, City Planner by email at (
[email protected]) or by telephone (434-970-3636).
IV. COMMISSION’S ACTION ITEMS Continuing: until all action items are concluded 1. Site Plan – 1011 East Jefferson Street Site Plan 2. Dairy Central - 946 Grady Avenue a. Preliminary Discussion b. ERB – Recommendation on SUP request 3. Comprehensive Plan
Tuesday, February 27, 2018 – 5:00 PM
Work Session
Tuesday, March 13, 2018 – 4:30 PM Tuesday, March 13, 2018 – 5:30 PM
Pre- Meeting Regular Meeting
Comprehensive Plan
Special Permit – 901 River Road, Dairy Central – 946 Grady Avenue, 0 Carlton Road CDBG/HOME Presentation - Ivy Corridor Preliminary Development Plan Preliminary Discussion – 140 Emmet Street North
Anticipated Items on Future Agendas Site Plan - Sunrise Park PUD Phase IV Subdivision - Paynes Mill Entrance Corridor - 916, 920 East High Street, 325 10th Street NE (10th & High), ` Seminole Square shopping center Hydraulic/29 Small Area Plan – April 2018 SUP –MACAA (1021 Park Street), 1233 Cedars Court
Persons with Disabilities may request reasonable accommodations by contacting
[email protected] or (434)970-3182 PLEASE NOTE: THIS AGENDA IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE PRIOR TO THE MEETING. PLEASE NOTE: We are including suggested time frames on Agenda items. These times are subject to change at any time during the meeting.
Maurice Jones, City Manager
One Member of an “Affected Household” in the Block of _____________________________________________ (insert street name and beginning and end of block)
The undersigned, on behalf of the members of the respective affected household listed below, hereby PETITIONS the City Manager, pursuant to Chapter 15 (Motor Vehicles and Traffic) DIVISION 3 (Residential Permit Parking Zones and Restricted Parking Blocks) OF THE CITY CODE OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, 1990, AS AMENDED, to conduct the necessary on street parking surveys, certify the results to City Council, make those recommendations he/she deems appropriate, and to SUPPORT IMPOSITION OF RESTRICTED PERMIT PARKING on the above described block(s). I have signed below because my household WANTS PERMIT PARKING FOR THE ABOVE BLOCK(S).
* * * * * * * * 1.
Signature of Petitioner representing affected household: ______________________________ Printed Name
____________________________________ Signature
_______________ Date
Address of affected household on above block: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Vehicle(s) owned or used by members of affected household: Vehicle #1: Make____________ Model____________ Color___________ License No._______________ Vehicle #2: Make____________ Model____________ Color___________ License No._______________ Vehicle #3: Make____________ Model____________ Color___________ License No._______________
Witnessed By: _____________________________________________________ Block Captain/Petition Organizer
Petition Organizer should return petitions to: Traffic Engineering City of Charlottesville Department of Neighborhood Development Services P.O. Box 911 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
DIVISION 3. - RESIDENTIAL PERMIT PARKING ZONES AND RESTRICTED PARKING BLOCKS[6] Footnotes: --- (6) --- Editor's note— An ordinance adopted May 21, 2001, amended Div. 3, in its entirety to read as herein set out in §§ 15-201—15-211. Prior to inclusion of said ordinance, Div. 3, §§ 15-201—15-206, pertained to similar subject matter. See the Code Comparative Table.
Sec. 15-201. - Purpose and intent of division. The city council hereby finds and declares that this division and its related regulations are and should be enacted to allow imposition of on-street parking restrictions in certain designated areas of the city through the creation of residential parking zones and restricted parking blocks. Such restrictions are needed in order to reduce or prevent congestion and hazardous traffic conditions in residential areas, to protect those areas from polluted air, excessive noise and other adverse environmental impacts of automobile commuting, to protect the residents of these areas from unreasonable burdens in gaining access to their property and to preserve the residential character of such areas and the property values therein.
(5-21-01(1)) Sec. 15-202. - Definitions. For the purposes of this division, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except in those instances where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Affected household shall mean: (i) a single-family dwelling having an address on a public street within an existing or proposed restricted parking area, (ii) where lawful, a two-family dwelling having an address on a public street within an existing or proposed restricted parking area, and (iii) a multi-family dwelling (a structure arranged or designed to be occupied by three (3) or more families) having an address on a public street within an existing or proposed restricted parking area, but only if, in the determination of the city's traffic engineer, such multifamily dwelling does not have sufficient off street parking spaces to meet the city's minimum off street parking requirements for new construction. Where any dwelling referenced within (i)—(iii) is situated on a corner lot having street frontage along an existing or proposed restricted parking area, it will be deemed to have an address on such block; however, under no circumstances shall any corner-lot dwelling be eligible to receive parking permit(s) for more than one (1) restricted parking block. A rental unit without a full kitchen, such as a room and bath, shall not qualify as an individual dwelling unit for purposes of determining whether a dwelling is a single-, two- or multifamily dwelling. Block means: (i) that portion of a city street between two intersecting streets. With respect to a standard city block the distance between two intersecting streets will typically be about four hundred (400) feet; however, when a portion of a city street between two intersecting streets is eight hundred (800) feet or more, a block shall be deemed to be each four hundred-foot increment along such street, beginning at the intersecting street designated by the traffic engineer; or, (ii) in the case of a dead end or cul-de-sac street, that portion of a city street between the end of the dead end or cul-de-sac and an intersecting street, measured in four hundred-foot increments beginning at the intersecting street. Commercial vehicle means a vehicle used in a business and clearly marked with the name of the business permanently affixed to the vehicle. Commuter vehicles means those motor vehicles registered to persons who do not live in existing or proposed restricted parking blocks at the time a traffic engineering survey is being conducted.
Decal shall, for the purposes of this division, have the same meaning as the term permit, and the terms may be used interchangeably. Director of neighborhood development services means the head of the department of neighborhood development services or his designee. Family, for the purposes of this division, shall have the meaning set forth within section 34-4 of the City Code. Guest means a person who for a short period of time visits the residents of an affected household and who solely by reason of that visit needs a temporary place to park (including, without limitation a person who is employed and actually at work within such household). The term guest does not mean or include a person who resides, in any capacity, within an affected household. A guest may not use or attempt to use a guest permit to park in a residential parking zone while he or she attends school, college classes or work in or near such zone. Permit means a decal, or "sticker" issued by the city treasurer or her designee(s) in accordance with this division, or, when used as part of the term "guest permit" a tag suitable for hanging from the center (interior) rear view mirror of a vehicle. Permit parking zone means a residential area of the city described in section 15-204 of the city code as being eligible to have blocks within its boundaries restricted as to on-street parking. Residential area shall mean that side of a city street or road: (i) adjacent to property used exclusively as a residence, or (ii) adjacent to property situated within one of the following residential zoning districts: R-1, R-1A, R-2, or R-3. Restricted parking area means one or more blocks within a designated permit parking zone (or within a proposed permit parking zone if that proposed zone has been recommended by the city's traffic engineer and approved by the city manager for council's consideration) which has or have been restricted by city council for on-street parking. Vehicle shall, for the purposes of this division, mean a motor vehicle (i.e., a vehicle which is selfpropelled or designed for self-propulsion), on or by which a person or property is or may be transported on a highway. For the purposes of this division, no trailer or semitrailer, as those terms are defined within Virginia Code section 46.2-100, shall be considered a vehicle for which any permit may be issued, nor shall any trailer or semitrailer be considered a part of any motor vehicle.
(5-21-01(1); 9-4-01(1); 5-20-02(1), § 1) Editor's note— It should be noted that the provisions of Ord. of 5-20-02(1) become effective August 31, 2002. Sec. 15-203. - Establishing restricted parking blocks. Restricted parking areas may be established by city council in accordance with the following procedure: (a)
Once per year the city council will consider proposed restricted parking areas. The director of neighborhood development services shall, during the period from March 1 through April 30 each calendar year, cause an on-street parking survey to be conducted for a proposed restricted parking area: (i) upon the recommendation of the city's traffic engineer, with the concurrence of the city manager, or (ii) upon receipt of a petition, on a form supplied by the city, which petition is signed by one representative (an owner or resident) of at least seventy-five (75) percent of the affected households within the proposed restricted parking area. (1)
Each year petitions shall be submitted to the department of neighborhood development services, between May 1 and the last day of February of the succeeding calendar year and shall include (i) the legible name, address, telephone number and dated signature of each
petitioning resident, one (1) signature per address, and a list of the license plate numbers for each vehicle registered to any person(s) residing at each address; and (ii) a list, by street address, of each of the affected households within the proposed restricted parking block, whether or not a member of such households has signed the petition. With respect to a multi-family dwelling, only the owner or a resident manager/agent of the owner shall be eligible to sign the petition. All such petitions received from members of affected households of a proposed restricted parking block shall be advisory in nature, and defects in such petition, if any exist or are alleged, shall not be grounds for invalidating any restricted parking block that may subsequently be established by city council. (2)
If a proposed restricted parking area, or any block(s) therein, has been the subject of consideration by council pursuant to section 15-203(d), below, within the past year, then the city shall not be required to re-survey any such area or block, or to act on any petition received that includes that proposed restricted parking area or any block(s) therein, unless the traffic engineer, with the concurrence of the city manager, determines that conditions have substantially changed since the date of consideration by council. Any petitions received during such one-year period, or which contain signatures dated within such oneyear period, shall be rejected and returned to the applicant, except where there has been a determination by the city's traffic engineer of a substantial change of condition.
Each on-street parking survey shall consist of counts taken and information gathered on at least three separate days, at time(s) during the hours for which restricted parking is sought. The survey shall seek to determine whether, on each day of the survey: (i) at least seventy-five (75) percent of the total number of on-street parking spaces in the proposed restricted parking area are occupied, and (ii) whether at least fifty (50) percent of those occupied spaces are occupied by commuter vehicles. (1)
Prior to commencing any on-street parking survey for a proposed restricted parking area, the traffic engineer shall determine the total number of on-street parking spaces for the area in question. The traffic engineer shall determine the total number of on-street parking spaces by dividing the total length (linear footage) of the block by twenty-two (22) feet. The resulting number determined by the traffic engineer shall be utilized in conducting the onstreet parking survey.
Upon request, the owner or resident(s) of an affected household within a proposed restricted parking area (or, in the case of a multi-family dwelling, the owner or resident manager/agent) shall provide the city traffic engineer with a list of the license plate number(s) of each vehicle owned by a resident of such affected household, whether or not such household joined in a petition. In the case of a multi-family dwelling, the owner or resident manager/agent shall provide the city traffic engineer with the required list of the license plate number(s) of each vehicle owned by a resident of such multi-family dwelling; however, in the event information provided to the traffic engineer is inaccurate or incomplete, a survey which is otherwise correctly performed shall not be invalidated due to a resulting count of any such residents' vehicles as commuter vehicles.
Upon receipt of confirmation that an on-street parking survey shows that the on-street parking spaces meet both the seventy-five (75) percent and fifty (50) percent occupancy tests described above, then once per calendar year, between May 1 and June 30, the city manager shall certify this fact to the city council along with any recommendation he may have to whether council should implement restricted parking in the proposed restricted parking area, and a date shall be set between May 1 and June 30 for council consideration of the proposed restricted parking area.
Prior to the date set for council consideration of a proposed restricted parking area, the city's traffic engineer shall provide written notice to a non-resident owner, and to at least one resident of each of the affected households within the proposed restricted parking area. Each required notice shall be either hand-delivered or mailed, first-class, postage pre-paid, no fewer than ten (10) calendar days prior to the date set for council consideration. The traffic engineer shall make affidavit that the required notices have each been delivered or mailed in accordance with this
section, and such affidavit shall be maintained on file in the department of neighborhood development services, together with the on-street parking survey for the proposed restricted area and other relevant papers. The notice shall provide residents of the affected households with information concerning the nature of the proposal, shall identify the date on which council will consider the proposed restricted parking area, and shall invite comments and attendance by concerned residents of the proposed restricted parking area. The notices required by this section are intended for informational purposes only; failure of the traffic engineer to give the above described written notice or make affidavit thereof or to file the same shall not invalidate a restricted parking area established by council. (d)
In considering a proposed restricted parking area, council shall consider all information it deems relevant to the proposal, including, without limitation, and any recommendations provided by the traffic engineer, the director of neighborhood development services, the city manager, or other individuals. Council shall also consider the following: (1) the purposes and intent of this division; (2) the alternate means of transportation, if any, to and from the restricted parking area being established, (3) the impact, if any, that establishment of a restricted parking area may have on nearby neighborhoods or blocks that do not have permit parking, and (4) the impact, if any, that a restricted parking area may have on persons who do not reside within that area and their ability to find parking near their place of work; (5) the hours, if any, during which the proposed restricted parking area block is affected by commuter vehicles; Council may approve or deny the proposed restricted parking area as submitted, or it may approve or deny permit parking for any one or more blocks within the proposed restricted parking area.
Upon determining that a restricted parking area should be established, the city council shall, by resolution, approve and designate the restricted parking area and shall designate the days and hours during which parking shall be restricted, if different than those listed within section 15-208 of this division. The traffic engineer shall promptly notify the city treasurer of the new designation, and such designation shall take effect no sooner than forty-five (45) calendar days following adoption of the resolution, or on such date as may be specified in the resolution. Prior to the effective date of the restrictions, the traffic engineer shall promptly cause signs to be posted identifying the existence, effect, restricted hours and other limits of the restricted parking area.
In the event that council acts, by resolution, to approve and designate a restricted parking area, then the traffic engineer shall mail written notice, first class, postage pre-paid, to the affected households, giving residents of those households of the effective date and times at which parking will become restricted and information as to how the affected households may obtain permits. The traffic engineer shall also mail written notice of the council action, including the effective date and times at which parking will become restricted, to representatives of all nonresidential properties located within the restricted parking area. permit parking restrictions, where and when established, shall be applicable only to residential frontage, but not to frontage allocable to commercial, public or special (non-residential) uses. Such exempt areas shall, to the extent necessary and practical, be marked with signs or by other means, such as parking meters, marked loading zones, or other restrictions, consistent with current city policies and laws.
In the event that council declines to approve and designate a proposed restricted parking area, then the city shall not accept or reconsider any subsequent petition(s) which include any one or more blocks within such area, until a period of one year has elapsed from the date of the meeting at which council declined to designate such area a restricted parking area.
Once per year, prior to the commencement of a new permit year, the city traffic engineer shall furnish the city treasurer with a report of the following information: a list of restricted parking areas, listed by blocks, the zone number of each; and a list, by street address, of affected households included in each restricted parking area, specifying the number of off-street parking spaces attributable to each such household (if an affected household has no off-street parking spaces, the list shall specify a "zero"). With respect to affected households identified as multifamily dwellings, the list provided to the treasurer shall specify the number of parking spaces by
which the multi-family dwelling falls short of the city's current minimum off-street parking requirements for new construction.
(5-21-01(1); 9-4-01(1); 5-20-02(1), § 1; 6-2-08) Sec. 15-203.1. - Removal of restricted parking blocks. (a)
The director of neighborhood development services shall, during the period from March 1 through April 30 each calendar year, cause an on-street parking survey to be conducted, to determine whether parking restrictions should be discontinued with respect to one or more blocks within a restricted parking area: (i) upon the recommendation of the city's traffic engineer, with the concurrence of the city manager, (ii) upon receipt of a petition, on a form supplied by the city, which petition is signed by at least fifty (50) percent of the affected households or businesses situated along block(s) in question. Any such petition shall include the information specified within city code section 15-203(a)(1).
Once initiated by the director of neighborhood development services pursuant to this section, the on-street parking survey shall consist of counts taken and information gathered on at least three separate days, during restricted parking hours. The survey shall seek to determine whether, on each day of the survey: (i) fifty (50) percent or more of the total number of on-street parking spaces along the block(s) in question are unoccupied; and (ii) whether the use of property adjacent thereto remains primarily (fifty (50) percent or more) residential. The results of such parking survey shall be transmitted to the traffic engineer for review. (1)
Prior to commencing any on-street parking survey, the traffic engineer shall determine the total number of on-street parking spaces for the block(s) in question. The traffic engineer shall determine the total number of on-street parking spaces by dividing the total length (linear footage) of the block by twenty-two (22) feet. The resulting number determined by the traffic engineer shall be the number utilized in conducting the on-street parking survey.
Upon request, the owner or resident(s) of an affected household within a restricted parking area (or, in the case of a multi-family dwelling, the owner or resident manager/agent) shall provide the city traffic engineer with a list of the license plate number(s) of each vehicle owned by a resident of such affected household, whether or not such household joined in a petition.
Upon receipt of confirmation that an on-street parking survey shows that fewer than fifty (50) percent of the total number of on-street parking spaces on one or more blocks within a restricted parking area are occupied, and/or (ii) that the use of property adjacent to one or more blocks within a restricted parking area is less than fifty (50) percent residential, then, once per calendar year, between May 1 and June 30, the city manager shall certify this fact to the city council along with any recommendation he or the traffic engineer may have as to whether council should remove parking restrictions with respect to the restricted parking area or block(s) in question, and a date shall be set between May 1 and June 30 for council consideration of the matter.
Notice of the date of council consideration shall be given to residents and businesses situated along the restricted parking area, in the same manner as provided within section 15-203(3) of this division.
In considering whether to remove the parking restrictions from one or more of the blocks within a restricted parking area, council shall consider all information it deems relevant to the matter, including, without limitation: recommendations provided by the traffic engineer, the director of neighborhood development services, the city manager, or other individuals. Council shall also consider the purposes and intent of this division, and the impact, if any, positive or adverse, that removal of such parking restrictions may have on nearby neighborhoods. Following consideration of the proposal, if it finds such action will serve the public interest and welfare, council may act by resolution to remove the parking restrictions from one or more blocks within a restricted parking area. If council adopts such action, the traffic engineer shall promptly cause all permit parking district signs
to be removed from said block(s), and shall promptly notify the city treasurer of the city council's action.
(5-21-01(1); 9-4-01(1); 5-20-02(1), § 1) Editor's note— It should be noted that the provisions of Ord. of 5-20-02(1) become effective August 31, 2002. Sec. 15-204. - Designation of permit parking zones. The following areas of the city are hereby designated as permit parking zones, and any streets referenced as boundaries shall be deemed included as part of such zones: Zone 1. That area bounded on the north by Ivy Road, from the city limits to Emmett Street, then along Emmett Street to Barracks Road, then along Barracks Road to Rugby Road; bounded on the east by Rugby Road to Cabell Avenue, then along Cabell Avenue to Grady Avenue, then along Grady Avenue to 10th Street, then along 10th Street to West Street, then along West Street in a line extending to the Southern Railroad tracks; bounded on the south by the Southern Railroad tracks; and bounded on the west by the city limits. Zone 4. That area bounded on the north by Perry Drive, Park Lane East, and Poplar Street, on the east by Locust Avenue, on the south by East High Street, and on the west by Altamont Street and McIntire Road and including Altamont Circle and Walker Street. Zone 6. That area bounded on the east by 5th Street, N.W., on the north by the southern property line of the city maintenance yard, on the west by 7½ Street, N.W., on the south by Elsom Street, the 100 block of 7th Street, N.W. and Commerce Street. Zone 7. That area bounded on the north by Grove Street, Estes Street and the CSX Railroad, on the west by Baker Street and North Baker Street, on the south by Forest Hills Avenue, and on the east by 9th Street, S.W. and 5th Street, S.W. Zone 8. That area consisting of South Street from Ridge Street to its terminus at Second Street, S.E. Zone 9. That area bounded on the north by Hazel Street, on the east by Meade Avenue, on the south by East Market Street, and on the west by 10th Street, N.E and Locust Avenue.
(5-21-01(1); 6-4-01(2); 5-20-02(1), § 1; 7-20-09(1); 6-21-10(1)) Editor's note— It should be noted that the provisions of Ord. of 5-20-02(1) become effective August 31, 2002. Sec. 15-205. - Validation of existing zones and blocks. (a)
All permit parking zones or portions thereof listed in section 15-204 which had been in existence for more than seven (7) years as of May 1, 2001, have proven to be and are found by the council to be valid permit parking zones which are appropriate and consistent with the purposes of this division.
All of the restricted parking blocks approved by the city manager as restricted parking blocks or permit parking areas prior to May 1, 2002, (with the exception of North 1st Street, which by court decision must be re-surveyed), have proven to be and are found by the council to be valid restricted parking blocks which are appropriate and consistent with the purposes of this division. Such blocks are and shall be delineated on the official residential permit parking map which shall be kept in the office of the traffic engineer.
(5-21-01(1); 5-20-02(1), § 1) Editor's note— It should be noted that the provisions of Ord. of 5-20-02(1) become effective August 31, 2002. Sec. 15-206. - Creation of new zones. Based on recommendations from the traffic engineer with the concurrence of the city manager, the city council may, from time to time, delineate additional residential areas of the city as permit parking zones, by adopting an ordinance amending section 15-204. All permit parking zones established by council shall be delineated on the official residential permit parking map.
(5-21-01(1)) Sec. 15-207. - Establishment of trial permit parking areas. Notwithstanding any other provision of this division, the city council may, by resolution, establish one or more restricted parking areas on a trial basis, for a temporary period specified in such resolution. During the temporary time period specified, no other petitions for establishment of a restricted parking area for that location shall be acted on by the city staff or city council. Any restricted parking areas established on a trial basis pursuant to this section shall, at the expiration of the trial period established by the city council, continue to be restricted unless and until otherwise declared by the city council.
(5-21-01(1); 9-4-01(1); 5-20-02(1), § 1) Editor's note— It should be noted that the provisions of Ord. of 5-20-02(1) become effective August 31, 2002. Sec. 15-208. - Permit required; hours. (a)
It shall be unlawful for any vehicle to be parked on a public right-of-way or street during specified hours in a restricted parking area except upon display of a valid permit issued pursuant to section 15-210 of this division. (1)
The parking limitations of this division shall not apply to vehicles owned or leased by a public agency, marked service or delivery vehicles which are being used to provide services or make deliveries to dwellings within the restricted parking area, non-motorized vehicles, or to commercial vehicles engaged in business at a residential address within or reasonably near to a restricted parking area.
The parking limitations of this division shall not apply to street frontage along a restricted parking area which is allocable to commercial, public or special uses (other than residential special uses), and parking along such frontage shall be unrestricted under this division; however, parking along such frontage may otherwise be restricted by authority of the city traffic engineer or city manager in accordance with applicable law. Nothing contained within this division shall in any way limit the power of the city manager, the city traffic engineer, the chief of police, or the director of public works to restrict the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles as may be required in the interests of the public safety and convenience.
Unless otherwise specified by city council within a resolution designating a particular restricted parking area, the hours during which the restricted parking regulations authorized by this division shall apply shall be:
6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excepting holidays, for the following areas: (i) for all restricted parking areas designated by City Council prior to May 20, 2002, and (ii) for all restricted parking areas designated within zones 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 on or after May 20, 2002. The specified hours shall be identified on signs erected by the city traffic engineer within a restricted parking area.
Sunday, 12:01 a.m. to 7:00 a.m., Monday through Saturday, 12:01 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. restricted parking areas designated within zone 1 on or after May 20, 2002.
(5-21-01(1); 9-4-01(1); 5-20-02(1), § 1; 3-3-03(2)) Editor's note— It should be noted that the provisions of Ord. of 5-20-02(1) become effective August 31, 2002. Sec. 15-209. - Application. (a)
Any person desiring a parking permit required by this division shall apply for such permit at the office of the city treasurer. Application shall be made as follows: (1)
If the owner or agent of a property within a restricted parking block assumes responsibility for distributing permits to the inhabitants of the property, only the owner or agent may apply for such permit as may be available.
If the owner or agent of a property within a restricted parking block does not assume responsibility for distributing permits, then the inhabitants of the property may apply for such permits as may be available.
The owner or agent of a multifamily dwelling who makes application for any permit(s) shall provide the treasurer with the information and fees required by this division, for each permit issued for that multifamily dwelling. Once delivered to a property owner or agent, parking permits assigned with respect to a specific dwelling shall be delivered by the owner or agent to the inhabitants of such dwelling.
For each permit requested, an applicant shall provide the treasurer with the state vehicle registration of the vehicle for which the residential decal is sought, the make and model of the vehicle, the residence address for which a permit is sought, the name and address of the person to whom the vehicle is registered, and the name and address of the person for whose use the vehicle has been authorized, if different from the person to whom the vehicle is registered.
Each permit issued, including each guest permit, shall be assigned a permit/serial number.
(5-21-01(1); 5-20-02(1), § 1; 8-7-06; 8-19-13) Sec. 15-210. - Administration of permits. (a)
Permits to allow parking during restricted hours within a restricted parking area shall be issued by the city treasurer, block-by-block within a restricted parking area, on a permit year basis.
Permits, in the form of decals, shall be issued for a period of up to twelve (12) months. A new permit year shall begin on August 31 of each calendar year. Only one permit shall be issued per vehicle.
Except as otherwise provided, upon proof of vehicle ownership, proof of an applicant's residence on a block within a restricted parking area and payment of applicable fee(s), the treasurer shall issue permits authorizing the parking of a vehicle in a restricted parking area, as follows: (1)
To a person who resides within an affected household, for a vehicle owned by such person, or for a vehicle not owned by such person if the vehicle is used exclusively by such person ("residential decal"). A two-family dwelling and a multi-family dwelling each constitute a single
affected household. The maximum number of permits issued with respect to any single- or twofamily dwelling shall be four (4). The number of permits which may be issued to a multi-family dwelling shall be the lesser of: (a) a number equal to the city's minimum off street parking requirements for new construction of such dwelling, minus the number of actual off-street parking spaces available for that dwelling, as determined by the city's traffic engineer, or (b) a number determined by applying a certain percentage to the total number of on-street parking spaces available on the block where such dwelling is located, such percentage to be calculated by dividing the linear street frontage allocable to the multi-family dwelling along such block by the total linear street frontage subject to permit parking restrictions along such block. Notwithstanding the foregoing, for the permit years beginning on and after August 1, 2001, the following dwellings shall be entitled only to the number of permits specified below:
101 Bollingwood Road:
five (5) permits; two (2) guest permits
1600 Grady Avenue:
thirty (30) permits; five (5) guest permits
423 and 425 1st Street North (together):
five (5) permits; five (5) guest permits
415 2nd Street, N.E.:
ten (10) permits; two (2) guest permits
432 3rd Street, N.E.
eight (8) permits; two (2) guest permits
1709 Jefferson Park Avenue
five(5) permits; two (2) guest permits
1814 Stadium Road
five (5) permits; two (2) guest permits
1917, 1918 and 1919 Lewis Mountain Road (together)
four (4) permits; two (2) guest permits
101 Chelsea Drive
five (5) permits; two(2) guest permits
114 Chelsea Drive
eight (8) permits; two(2) guest permits
116 Chelsea Drive
eight (8) permits; two(2) guest permits
921 Cherry Avenue
five (5) permits; two (2) guest permits
104 Dunova Court
eight (8) permits; two(2) guest permits
116 Dunova Court
four (4) permits; two(2) guest permits
120 Dunova Court
five (5) permits; two(2) guest permits
204 Montebello Circle
four (4) permits; two(2) guest permits
205 Montebello Circle
two (2) permits; two(2) guest permits
210 Montebello Circle
three (3) permits; two(2) guest permits
221 Montebello Circle
four (4) permits; two(2) guest permits
233, 235 and 239 Montebello Circle (together)
five (5) permits; one (1) guest permit
107 Piedmont Avenue
six (6) permits; one (1) guest permit
107-B Piedmont Avenue
two (2) permits; zero (0) guest permits
123 Piedmont Avenue
five (5) permits; two (2) guest permits
104 Oakhurst Circle
five (5) permits; five (5) guest permits
120 Oakhurst Circle
five (5) permits; five (5) guest permits
122 Oakhurst Circle
five (5) permits; five (5) guest permits
524 Valley Road
five (5) permits; five (5) guest permits
505 Valley Road
five (5) permits; two (2) guest permits
506 Valley Road
zero (0) permits; one (1) guest permit
507 Valley Road
four (4) permits; two (2) guest permits
510 Valley Road
three (3) permits; two (2) guest permits
513 Valley Road
five (5) permits; two (2) guest permits
514 Valley Road
three (3) permits; two (2) guest permits
515 Valley Road
two (2) permits; two (2) guest permits
516 Valley Road
two (2) permits; three (3) guest permits
520 Valley Road
four (4) permits; four (4) guest permits
521 Valley Road
four (4) permits; two (2) guest permits
523 Valley Road
zero (0) permits; one (1) guest permit
524 Valley Road
five (5) permits; two (2) guest permits
525 Valley Road
one (1) permit; one (1) guest permit
526 Valley Road
four (4) permits; one (1) guest permit
528 Valley Road
three (3) permits; two (2) guest permits
712 Nalle Street
five (5) permits; five (5) guest permits
1113 East Jefferson Street
five (5) permits; five (5) guest permits
10 University Circle:
fifty (50) permits; ten (10) guest permits
14 University Circle:
twelve (12) permits; ten (10) guest permits
27 University Circle:
ten (10) permits; five (5) guest permits
32 University Circle:
thirty (30) permits; five (5) guest permits
33 University Circle:
twelve (12) permits; five (5) guest permits
37 University Circle:
four (4) permits; two (2) guest permits
41 University Circle:
seven (7) permits; four (4) guest permits
44 University Circle:
nine (9) permits; four (4) guest permits
68 University Way:
fifty-two (52) permits; ten (10) guest permits
Under no circumstances shall any affected household, for the permit year beginning on August 1, 2001, receive fewer permits than those to which it was entitled under this ordinance in effect on August 1, 2001. (2)
To a person who resides within an affected household, to authorize parking by persons who are guests in that affected household ("guest permit"). No more than two (2) guest permits shall
be issued to any affected household which is a single- or two-family dwelling. No more than four (4) guest permits shall be issued with respect to any affected household which is a multi-family dwelling. Notwithstanding the foregoing, for the permit years beginning on and after August 1, 2001 the dwellings listed in section 15-210(C)(2) shall be entitled only to the number of guest permits identified in that section. On request by the owner of a multi-family dwelling who does not reside within such dwelling, the treasurer may issue one (1) additional guest permit for use by the owner when visiting the property. (3)
Proof of vehicle ownership shall consist of one (1) of the following: registration for the vehicle in question, or a City of Charlottesville property tax return for such vehicle, either of which must indicate that the vehicle is registered at an address within the restricted parking block for which a permit is sought.
Proof of residency shall be made as follows, provided all such proof shows an address within the restricted parking block for which a permit is sought:
Any one (1) of the following: a Virginia driver's license or Virginia state identification card, or presentation of City of Charlottesville personal property tax return; and
Proof of ownership of the property at the address within the restricted parking block for which a permit is sought or a signed agreement establishing occupancy thereof.
For students of the University of Virginia or Piedmont Virginia Community College, the following documents are required if the requirements in subsections (3) and (4) of section 15-210 cannot be met: (i)
Current driver's license; and
Current student identification card; and
Vehicle registration for the vehicle for which a permit is sought; and
(iv) (d)
Signed agreement establishing occupancy at the address within the restricted parking block for which a permit is sought.
The treasurer shall charge an annual administrative fee for each permit issued under this division. The fee shall be as follows: (1)
For each permit issued pursuant to paragraph (c)(1), above, twenty-five dollars per permit. There shall be no charge for the first two permits issued to an affected household which has no off-street parking, as determined by the traffic engineer, and there shall be no charge for the first permit issued to an affected household which has only a single off-street parking space. For each permit issued pursuant to paragraph (c)(2), above, twenty-five dollars per permit;
For the first two permits issued pursuant to paragraph (c)(1) and (c)(2), respectively, where the applicant is a person who has been qualified to receive rent relief under city code chapter 25, article III, or to receive real estate tax relief under city code chapter 30, article IV, one dollar ($1.00) per permit; however, there shall be no charge for the first two permits issued pursuant to paragraph (c)(1), above to an affected household which has no off-street parking.
For permits applied for and acquired after February 1 of each permit year, the fee will be onehalf of the applicable rate(s) set forth in paragraphs (c)(1)—(3), above.
A person who continues to reside at the same address, upon disposing of a vehicle for which a permit has been issued, may obtain a new permit for a replacement vehicle upon surrender of the previous permit and application for a new permit for the replacement vehicle. This transaction shall be deemed a "transfer" of the permit. The transfer fee is two dollars ($2.00).
A person who moves from a block or disposes of a vehicle without replacement within a restricted parking area must surrender his permit. Any person who surrenders a permit in the months of August through January of a permit year shall be entitled to a partial fifty (50) percent refund of the fee paid pursuant to this section for such permit. When a permit is not surrendered as required, no new permit(s) for the permit year in question shall be issued to a person having
the same residence address, unless an applicant can show convincing proof that the residence address of the person to whom the non-surrendered permit was issued has changed to a location which is at least seventy-five (75) miles from the city limits.
(5-21-01(1); 9-4-01(1); 5-20-02(1), § 1; 6-7-10(1); 8-19-13; 9-15-14(2)) Sec. 15-211. - Proper display and use of decals. Decals and permits shall be properly displayed, in accordance with the following: (a)
A residential decal shall be displayed in the lower left corner of the rear window of the vehicle for which the permit has been issued. The decal must be adhered to the window and may not be taped or affixed in any manner which may allow the transfer of the decal to another vehicle. If the vehicle does not have a rear window or the rear window is legally obscured (i.e., louvers), the decal may be displayed on the driver's side of the vehicle, adhered to the lower right corner of the window furthest to the rear of the vehicle. If a convertible has no permanent rear window, the decal may be adhered to the driver's side of the windshield. A decal issued with respect to a motorcycle shall be displayed beside the state inspection sticker and the City license on the motorcycle front fork. (1)
A person to whom a residential decal has been issued shall not loan, assign, sell or otherwise convey such decal to any other person or vehicle, except as specifically provided by the regulations set forth within this division.
Residential decals, if destroyed or lost, may be re-issued within the same permit year, upon written explanation, satisfactory to the city treasurer, and upon payment of an additional twenty-five dollar ($25.00) fee.
A guest permit shall be displayed by hanging from the center (interior) rear view mirror so that the printing on the guest permit faces the front windshield. Any alteration(s) to a guest permit, or obscuring of information printed on a guest permit (e.g., folding such permit so any printed information is not visible), including, without limitation, any changes to the address to which the guest permit is issued, shall deem the guest permit invalid. (1)
Guest permits shall be displayed within a vehicle only while the owner or operator of such vehicle is a guest at the affected household to which the permit has been issued.
Guest permits may be temporarily loaned by the member(s) of one affected household to another within the same restricted parking block, for the purpose of accommodating a large gathering of guests at a particular household. Otherwise, an applicant to whom a guest permit is issued may not loan, assign, sell or otherwise convey a guest permit to a person who is not a guest in his household.
(3) (c)
Any alteration of a residential decal shall deem the decal invalid.
Guest permits, if lost or misplaced, shall not be re-issued within the same permit year.
In addition to any other remedy which may be available to the city, upon receipt of information indicating that any regulation set forth within this section has been violated, the treasurer may revoke a permit, and deny any issuance of a replacement, for a period of up to three (3) full permit years.
(5-21-01(1)) Secs. 15-212—15-235. - Reserved.
We invite anyone living or working in the City of Charlottesville or the Counties of Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa or Nelson to complete the survey.
The City of Charlottesville and the Thomas Jefferson HOME Consortium is making a new plan for its federal housing resources. We need your help to identify the most pressing housing and community needs to prioritize limited federal funding for the next five years.
Survey open until
March 13th
English Version: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/housingsurveyenglish
Spanish Version: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/housingsurveyspanish Paper surveys are available upon request Please contact us with any questions or requests for assistance at
[email protected] (434) 970-3093 or
[email protected] (434) 422-4822. For more information, visit: www.charlottesville.org/HUDplans or http://tjpdc.org/housing/
(Comisión para la Planificación del Distrito de Thomas Jefferson)
Le invitamos a completar esta encuesta a cualquiera que vive o trabaja en la Ciudad de Charlottesville o en los Condados de Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa o Nelson
La Ciudad de Charlottesville y el HOME Consortium de Thomas Jefferson estamos desarrollando un nuevo plan que tiene que ver con sus recursos federales para viviendas. Necesitamos su ayuda en identificar las necesidades más urgentes tocantes a viviendas y comunidades para que podamos establecer las prioridades referentes al uso de fondos federales limitados durante los siguientes cinco años.
Encuesta abierta hasta el
13 de marzo
Versión en inglés: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/housingsurveyenglish
Versión en español: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/housingsurveyspanish Se puede pedir una copia de la encuesta en papel Favor de comunicarse con nosotros si usted tiene alguna pregunta o necesita ayuda
[email protected] (434) 970-3093 o
[email protected] (434) 422-4822. Para más información, visite: www.charlottesville.org/HUDplans o http://tjpdc.org/housing/
Dear Charlottesville community member, Adopt a Grandparent Animals and Environment Athletics Big Siblings Bridging the Gap Cavs in the Classroom Creating Assets, Savings and Hope Daycare English Speakers of Other Languages HELP Line Holiday Sharing Hoos Assisting With Life Obstacles Housing Improvement Program Medical Services Migrant Aid PLAY: After-school Activities
Interested in having some work done around your house? Does your company need help with some busy work? Do you know of anybody, any place, or any activity that is in need of volunteers? Look no further! Madison House is hosting its 4th annual BIG EVENT on Saturday, April 7th, 2018. The BIG EVENT is when UVA students come together to give back to the greater Charlottesville community through volunteering. The last couple of years, we have had close to 300 students volunteer at nearly 50 job sites, and we’re hoping to increase those numbers this year! If you have a place in mind that could use a couple of hours of volunteering on April 7th, you can register your jobsite at http://bigeventmadisonhouse.herokuapp.com/jobrequester/signup/. There you can find more information about sites that qualify as a job site and what type of volunteering you can request! If you would like to learn more about the BIG EVENT, you can visit http://bigevent-madisonhouse.herokuapp.com/.
Recreational Therapy Tutoring Youth Mentoring
170 Rugby Road Charlottesville, VA 22903
Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any other questions at
[email protected]. Sincerely The BIG EVENT Team
ph 434.977.7051 fax 434.977.7339 www.madisonhouse.org