Development, District Development committees, Alternative energy. Promotion centre (AePc). Total Budget: Us$ 4.4 million
Nepal Climate Change Support Programme (NCCSP)
Jumla is one of the 14 districts where NCCSP is working. A settlement in the district is seen here.
Chandra Shekhar Karki / UNDP Nepal
NCCSP helps communities adapt to the effects of climate change and enhances capacities of the Government of Nepal to implement National Climate Change Policy.
Community working to construct retaining wall in Gaam VDC, Rolpa
Background The NCCSP is the first significant government-led initiative to implement Nepal’s National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) priority area 1, which seeks to promote community-based adaptation through integrated management of the agriculture, water, forest and biodiversity sectors. The programme aims to mainstream climate change into Nepal’s national development agenda and contribute to poverty reduction, livelihood diversification and community resilience. This will ensure that the most urgent and immediate adaptation actions are implemented so that the poorest and most vulnerable communities are able to adapt to the effects of climate change.
United Nations Development Programme, Nepal
Pratick Jha/ UNDP Nepal
Quick Facts Duration: 2013 to 2015 Focus Area: Climate Change Adaption Source of Funding: UK Aid and EU through the Government of Nepal and UNDP Implementing Agency: Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (MoSTE) Collaborating Partners: Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development, District Development Committees, Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC) Total Budget: US$ 4.4 million
Updated as of June 2014
Main Achievements so far...
l A total of 649 Local Adaptation Plans for Actions have been implemented benefitting 55,535 people, including 29,681 (53 Percent) women. In addition, 960 people have received training on Climate Change Adaptation, GESI, M/E. l Institutional mechanism at district and VDC/municipality level has been established and capacitated to coordinate, support, and monitor the implementation of the LAPA. District Environment Energy Climate Change Coordinating Committees (DEECCCC); Village Environment Energy Climate Change Coordination Committees (VEECCCC) and Municipality Environment, Energy Climate Change Coordination Committees (MEECCCC) are now fully functional including the monitoring sub-committees established within these committees. l Training package on CCA, GESI and M/E have been designed, piloted and implemented to orient and capacitate the stakeholders. l MIS system has been designed and implemented to track the project progress. l Operational guidelines is drafted for Multi-stakeholder Climate Change Initiative Coordination Committee (MCCICC). l Review of the climate change policies and document from GESI perspective is planned to begin soon. l Preliminary works on fund flow mechanism for climate change activities, establishment of CC fund, and collaborative approach for implementing climate change activities have begun.
Expected Project Results (by the end of project cycle)
100 LAPAs developed and implemented in 14 districts of mid and far western region.
Vulnerability of 550,000 women/girls, and 450,000 men/boys is reduced due to local adaptation and disaster risk reduction actions.
500,000 vulnerable people, 55 Percent of them women, have access to climate resilient adaptation technology practices.
200,000 people have access to adaptation financing.
Community Based Organizations (CBOs) and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) deliver climate change development interventions in 2,500 communities.
190,000 women and 170,000 men have access to clean energy technologies.
500,000 people in Village Development Committees have effective adaptation actions and improved gateways to resilience.
Contact Information of the Project:
Nepal Climate Change Support Programme (NCCSP) Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (MoSTE) Singhadurbar, Kathmandu, Nepal Tel: +977 1 4211894
Gender & Social Inclusion Interventions > 39 Percent of total 44,634 person days employment are women as of June 2014. The target is 50 Percent over the project period. > 53 Percent of total 55,535 women have participated in adaptation activities. > 56 Percent of total 55,535 participants in the programme interventions are from Dalit, disadvantaged Janajati and disadvantaged Madhesi communities.
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