What is Netnography? Netnography is a qualitative research solution that applies
tried and true ethnographic techniques within the online social world.
Netnography Applying ethnographic research online to reveal authentic behavior Companies have always relied on traditional market research techniques to understand customer needs and behaviors. But, today’s customers form opinions and make decisions within a complex online framework of social interactions. Given this trend, it makes sense to strip out the artificial qualities of the typical research transaction to gain a holistic view of consumer behavior in a more natural context.
Why should I use Netnography? > To capture real behavior, not customers’ reports of their perceived behavior
> To reveal how customers
What is Netnography? Netnography is a qualitative research solution that applies tried and true ethnographic techniques within the online social world.
How does Netnography work? Unlike other research firms that only listen to online conversations, Market Strategies International goes one step further by immersing a trained netnographer in the online social world to gain insider knowledge for deeper, more accurate research. Netnography, also known as virtual ethnography, typically lasts from one to three weeks and begins by identifying relevant online communities. The netnographer settles into the communities to understand how they function and what topics members are discussing. By carefully observing and participating, the netnographer builds rapport and trust, making it acceptable to ask direct research-related questions.
Why does Netnography work? When companies ask questions using traditional research, respondents often give the most socially acceptable answers. By contrast, Netnography is an inherently natural way to study social groups, eliciting deeply genuine opinions. Netnography also yields large amounts of information in less time than traditional surveys.
view, internalize, talk about and shape your products by influencing others
In analysis, the netnographer identifies patterns, connections and contrasting points. Analysis typically takes place throughout data collection to build on insights gained while in the field. After the fieldwork is complete, all data are triangulated to understand the “native” point of view and its meaning for your larger research issues.
What are the results? Through notes, entrenched experience and a deep understanding of the online community, the netnographer emerges from the field with rich observations and data. The results from this social media market research capitalize on the human experience and transcend traditional qualitative methods by revealing: • Consumer insights • Product identity • Values and attitudes • Motivations • Consumer networks • Underlying meaning Not only do we learn about a specific research topic, but we also build an understanding of consumer communities and networks of influence missed by other research methods. For more information, contact:
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www.marketstrategies.com Copyright © 2010 Market Strategies International. All rights reserved. Netnography Ver 1.0
Case Study: Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) Issue: A company wanted to know how consumer investors use ETFs and what tools they use to make financial purchase decisions. The goal was to identify ways to expand the company’s existing product line to fill investing gaps. Process: Our netnographer “lived” in four online retail and professional investment communities for one month. By observing and interacting with thousands of user forums, blogs and comment postings, she gathered interrelated ideas, themes, attitudes and perceptions. Result: Market Strategies identified confusion among investors and advisors about the terms used to describe ETFs. The original focus was on consumer investors, but the Netnography discovered that financial advisors are extremely active online and would be a desirable market for new investment decision tools. The results also revealed new markets and the relevant issues and language necessary to reach a wider audience.
About Us Market Strategies International is a market research and consulting firm specializing in communications, energy, financial services, healthcare and technology. Our social media market research tools include: Conversation Posts to monitor and interpret online conversations, Netnography to reveal authentic consumer behavior online, and Online Communities to unite customers online to capture market insight.