Networking aspirations gathered from NHS England's ... - NHS Networks

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National, regional and local policies and priorities provide/ support the network focus. • The network supports genera
Networking aspirations gathered from NHS England’s regional rehabilitation stakeholder events April 2016 Summary of emergent themes in response to: It is April 2017. I am part of an effective network that supports the development of rehabilitation services…  What does the network look like/do  What am I doing – feeling  What am I getting out of it  What will enable participation 1.          

The network has focus and purpose The network provides a regional focus on rehabilitation It is focused upon patient need and experience across a patient pathway The network assembles around shared purpose/ interest. It is active and outcomes-focused and is able to evidence that outcomes are being achieved There is a focus on sharing and expanding up to date knowledge/ ideas/ experiences There is a focus on sustained improvement, innovation and being creative The network can act as a platform for benchmarking, reviewing and feedback on local services The network can be a repository of information for local providers, service users and commissioners National, regional and local policies and priorities provide/ support the network focus The network supports generation of research

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Network structure The structure of the network makes participation easy Names and contact information of those active/ interested in networking are openly shared It models and enables participants to perform within good practice guidelines and policies for networking The network is properly led/ facilitated by someone/ an organisation that both provides back-office support and has a ‘helicopter view’- not top down but can see bigger picture Participants feel that they are part of a well-established network that has the resources to sustain itself

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3. The network connects  The network connects regionally, locally and nationally  It is an informal ‘open’, autonomous network which also connects with other formal and informal networks  The network models/ encourages collaboration to break through boundaries 4. The network has influence  The network both attracts participants holding positional influence and enables others to become influential either as individuals or as a collective voice  It has credibility and profile and therefore supports participants in their networking


5. The network encourages fluid and inclusive participation  The network has open, inclusive and diverse participation across all stakeholders including all sectors, professions and service users  Participants are active in connecting / facilitating connections across diverse individuals / groups  The network allows and enables participants to engage, disengage and re-engage according to capacity, energy, motivation, enthusiasm and choice  People are free to choose different roles within the network according to knowledge, skills and preferences  Smaller groups may emerge from the wider network to cluster around specific themes/ projects (eg locality/ condition/ profession…) 6. Behaviour and values of the network  The network values and enables open and honest dialogue between participants who are supportive towards one another  People demonstrate that they value and offer active feedback to contributions including frustrations, opinion and challenges  People are willing to share how they have overcome barriers to change  Networking is valued as an enabler for clinical professional and organisational responsibilities and becomes integral to individuals/ people’s roles  Individuals take responsibility for their networking  The network gives confidence/ validates services, ideas, approaches or innovations  People use the network for information, problem solving, feedback and learning  Participants are inspired to collaborate with energy and enthusiasm 7.     

Networking benefits participants People observe/ experience outcomes from their participation People experience greater support, collaboration and connectivity from involvement in the network People have greater understanding of others in the system including individuals, patient groups, professions, commissioners or services The network offers opportunities/opportunity-seeking to participants Participating brings professional, personal and job satisfaction

8. The network provides a choice of networking modalities  The network offers a variety of easy and cost-effective ways to engage* and people are free to choose *(eg social media, apps, online site, tele/video-conferencing, face to face, named/non-attributable)  Any on line platform should offer options for: - service-only access - service-user only access - joint service provider-user access to discussions  The network offers timely and accessible opportunities to meet face to face  People can access learning/resources to increase their IT and social media skills and/or to facilitate their interaction within the network