Examination of Error Types by Brita Elvevåg, Daniel R. Weinberger, and .... Peter J. Snyder, Joseph C. Cappelleri, Catherine J. Archibald, and John D. Fisk.
January 2001, Volume 15, Number 1 Articles Is the Dissociability of Working Memory Systems for Name Identity, Visual-Object Identity, and Spatial Location Maintained in Old Age? by Alan A. Hartley, Nicole K. Speer, John Jonides, Patti A. Reuter-Lorenz, and Edward E. Smith Olfactory-Evoked Regional Cerebral Blood Flow in Alzheimer's Disease by David A. Kareken, Richard L. Doty, Paul J. Moberg, Diane Mosnik, Shen Hsing Chen, Martin R. Farlow, and Gary D. Hutchins Impaired Perception of Facial Emotions Following Bilateral Damage to the Anterior Temporal Lobe by Heike Schmolck and Larry R. Squire Differences Between Nouns and Verbs After Anterior Temporal Lobectomy by Guila Glosser and Nancy Donofrio Memory for Content and Source in Temporal Lobe Patients by Pamela Rae Schwerdt and Stephen Dopkins Short-Term Memory for Duration and Distance in Humans: Role of the Hippocampus by Raymond P. Kesner and Ramona O. Hopkins H.M. Revisits the Tower of Hanoi Puzzle by Yaoda Xu and Suzanne Corkin Reflective and Reflexive Action Control in Patients With Frontal Brain Lesions by Angelika Lengfelder and Peter M. Gollwitzer Semantic Knowledge and Episodic Memory for Faces in Semantic Dementia by Jon S. Simons, Kim S. Graham, Clare J. Galton, Karalyn Patterson, and John R. Hodges Neural Substrates of Mathematical Reasoning: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of Neocortical Activation During Performance of the Necessary Arithmetic Operations Test by Vivek Prabhakaran, Bart Rypma, and John D. E. Gabrieli Short-Term Memory for Serial Order in chizophrenia: A Detailed Examination of Error Types by Brita Elvevåg, Daniel R. Weinberger, and Terry E. Goldberg The Development of a Quantitative Electroencephalographic Scanning Process for Attention Deficit–Hyperactivity Disorder: Reliability and Validity Studies by Vincent J. Monastra, Joel F. Lubar, and Michael Linden
April 2001, Volume 15, Number 2 Heterogeneity of Semantic and Visuospatial Deficits in Early Alzheimer's Disease by Diana Caine and John R. Hodges Sex Differences Favoring Women in Verbal But Not in Visuospatial Episodic Memory by Catharina Lewin, Gerhard Wolgers, and Agneta Herlitz Material-Specific Memory in Traumatic Brain Injury: Differential Effects During Acquisition, Recall, and Retention by Rodney D. Vanderploeg, Glenn Curtiss, John A. Schinka, and Richard A. Lanham Jr. Attention Processes in Children With Shunted Hydrocephalus Versus Attention Deficit–Hyperactivity Disorder by Vickie R. Brewer, Jack M. Fletcher, Merrill Hiscock, and Kevin C. Davidson Effectiveness of Attention Rehabilitation After an Acquired Brain Injury: A Meta-Analysis by Norman W. Park and Janet L. Ingles Executive Functioning and Olfactory Identification in Young Adults With Attention Deficit–Hyperactivity Disorder by Kevin R. Murphy, Russell A. Barkley, and Tracie Bush Deficits in Memory Strategy Use Related to Prefrontal Dysfunction During Early Development: Evidence From Children With Phenylketonuria by Desirée A. White, Marsha J. Nortz, Tammy Mandernach, Kathleen Huntington, and Robert D. Steiner Perceptual False Recognition in Alzheimer's Disease by Andrew E. Budson, Rahul Desikan, Kirk R. Daffner, and Daniel L. Schacter Latent Inhibition With a Response Time Measure From a WithinSubject Design: Effects of Number of Preexposures, Masking Task, Context Change, and Delay by L. G. De la Casa and R. E. Lubow Semantic, Phonological, and Hybrid Veridical and False Memories in Healthy Older Adults and in Individuals With Dementia of the Alzheimer Type by Jason M. Watson, David A. Balota, and Susan D. SergentMarshall Recognizing Identical Versus Similar Categorically Related Common Objects: Further Evidence for Degraded Gist Representations in Amnesia by Wilma Koutstaal, Mieke Verfaellie, and Daniel L. Schacter Profile of Cognitive Functioning in Women With the Fragile X Mutation by Loisa Bennetto, Bruce F. Pennington, Deborah Porter, Annette K. Taylor, and Randi J. Hagerman
July 2001, Volume 15, Number 3
Articles Effects of Left Frontal Lesions on the Selection of Context-Appropriate Meanings by Claudia Metzler Sex-Related Differences in Event-Related Potentials, Face Recognition, and Facial Affect Processing in Prepubertal Children by D. Erik Everhart, Janet L. Shucard, Teresa Quatrin, and David W. Shucard Motor Sequencing Deficits in Schizophrenia: A Comparison With Parkinson's Disease by Edith V. Sullivan, Rosemary Fama, Paula K. Shear, Deborah A. Cahn-Weiner, Maria Stein, Robert B. Zipursky, and Adolf Pfefferbaum Time Perception and Reproduction in Young Adults With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder by Russell A. Barkley, Kevin R. Murphy, and Tracie Bush Attentional Asymmetry in Schizophrenia: Disengagement and Inhibition of Return Deficits by Ayelet Sapir, Avishai Henik, Michael Dobrusin, and Eldad Yitzhak Hochman The Spectrum of Category Effects in Object and Action Knowledge in Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type by T. Dion Fung, Howard Chertkow, Susan Murtha, Christine Whatmough, Laurence Péloquin, Victor Whitehead, and F. David Templeman Are Hemispheric Strategy Differences Independent of the Level of Performance? by Joseph B. Hellige and N. Lee Marks Emotion Recognition From Faces and Prosody Following Temporal Lobectomy by Ralph Adolphs, Daniel Tranel, and Hanna Damasio Determinants of Benton Facial Recognition Test Performance in Normal Adults by David J. Schretlen, Godfrey D. Pearlson, James C. Anthony, and Khara O. Yates Neonatal Hypoxic Risk in Preterm Birth Infants: The Influence of Sex and Severity of Respiratory Distress on Cognitive Recovery by Mary D. Lauterbach, Sarah Raz, and Craig J. Sander
October 2001, Volume 15, Number 4
ARTICLES Effects of Worry and Evaluation Stress on Interhemispheric Interaction by Rebecca J. Compton and David A. Mintzer Object Naming and Semantic Knowledge in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy by Brian D. Bell, Bruce P. Hermann, Austin R. Woodard, Jana E. Jones, Paul A. Rutecki, Raj Sheth, Christian C. Dow, and Michael Seidenberg The Relationship Between Recall and Recognition in Amnesia: Effects of Matching Recognition Between Patients With Amnesia and Controls by Kelly Sullivan Giovanello and Mieke Verfaellie Selective Attentional Processing and the Right Hemisphere: Effects of Aging and Alcoholism by Denise L. Evert and Marlene Oscar-Berman Interpreting Stroop Interference: An Analysis of Differences Between Task Versions by Ruth Salo, Avishai Henik, and Lynn C. Robertson Midlife Aging, Open-Ended Planning, and Laboratory Measures of Executive Function by Sharin E. Garden, Louise H. Phillips, and Sarah E. MacPherson Conceptual Implicit Memory Performance in Alzheimer's Disease by Michele M. Lazzara, Andrew P. Yonelinas, and Beth A. Ober Neuropsychological Differences Among Empirically Derived Clinical Subtypes of Schizophrenia by S. Kristian Hill, J. Daniel Ragland, Ruben C. Gur, and Raquel E. Gur Controlled and Automatic Processing During Animal Word List Generation in Schizophrenia by Stephen T. Moelter, S. Kristian Hill, J. Daniel Ragland, Alberta Lunardelli, Ruben C. Gur, Raquel E. Gur, and Paul J. Moberg Evidence for the Pathological Right-Handedness Hypothesis by Hongkeun Kim, Sangdoe Yi, Eun Ik Son, and Jieun Kim Hemispheric Perception of Emotional Valence From Facial Expressions by Ralph Adolphs, Ashok Jansari, and Daniel Tranel Face Learning and Memory: The Twins Test by Lauren A. Dade and M. Jones-Gotman Modal Attention Asymmetry in Patients With Schizophrenia and Bipolar
Disorder by Jeffrey P. Baerwald, Warren W. Tryon, and Joseph Sandford Learning Disabilities and Executive Dysfunction in Boys With AttentionDeficit/Hyperactivity Disorder by Larry J. Seidman, Joseph Biederman, Michael C. Monuteaux, Alysa E. Doyle, and Stephen V. Faraone Porteus Maze Performance Following Traumatic Brain Injury in Children by Harvey S. Levin, James Song, Linda Ewing-Cobbs, and Garland Roberson Neural Activation During Frequency-Memory Performance by Marc W. Haut, Robert G. Arias, Maria T. Moran, Sharon Leach, Michael W. Parsons, and Hiroto Kuwabara Automatic Hypermnesia and Impaired Recollection in Schizophrenia by Richard J. Linscott and Robert G. Knight Names and Words Without Meaning: Incidental Postmorbid Semantic Learning in a Person With Extensive Bilateral Medial Temporal Damage by Robyn Westmacott and Morris Moscovitch Left and Right Hemisphere Contributions to Physiognomic and Verbal Discrimination by Henry A. Buchtel Superior Episodic Memory Is Associated With Interhemispheric Processing by Stephen D. Christman and Ruth E. Propper Improved Detection of Differential Information-Processing Speed Deficits Between Two Disease-Course Types of Multiple Sclerosis by Peter J. Snyder, Joseph C. Cappelleri, Catherine J. Archibald, and John D. Fisk Building Episodic Connections: Changes in Episodic Priming With Age and Dementia by Mark E. Faust, David A. Balota, and Daniel H. Spieler