Neutrino escape from Black Hole

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Jan 25, 2012 - Hawking calculated, demonstrating through the area theorem, that all types ..... of that event is zero, or the chronology protection conjecture of.
The neutrinos escape from black holes

By Alfonso León Guillén Gómez Independent scientific researcher Colombia [email protected] All rights reserved Wednesday, January 25, 2012 1:07: SafeCreative # 1201250966392 This paper is the development of my thesis proposal in Universe Today, Disqus, on November 17, 2011 ( Neutrino still breaking speed limits. Guillen)

Table of Contents Abstract 1. Introduction 2. Black holes 3. Evaporation of black holes 4. The neutrinos whether escape of black-holes 5. Conclusions Bibliography

Abstract There are virtual particles with speed > c, as the virtual photon and the virtual graviton, that due to its kinetic energy pass beyond the barriers of electric potential or gravitational potential, particularly of an event horizon of a black hole, according to Newtonian mechanics, because its kinetic energy is greater than the potential energy of the barrier. This phenomenon is not a quantum tunneling effect as was supposed. And in relativity the speed can not be greater than c, since in that case it travels in the past, which violates the principle of Novikov and the law of causality. Therefore, the event horizon does not exist for the neutrinos as neither for the virtual photon and vitual graviton because its speed is greater than c, the threshold of the escape velocity, in which the kinetic energy is equal to the gravitational potential.

PACS: 01.65. + G History of science 03.30. + P Special relativity 04.20.-q Classical General Relativity Singularities and cosmic censorship 04.20.Dw Numerical studies of 04.25.dg black holes and black-hole binaries 04.60.-m Quantum gravity Classical black holes 04.70.Bw Aspects of Quantum 04.70.Dy black holes, evaporation, thermodynamics 05.20.Gg Classical ensemble theory 05.60.Cd Classical transport 05.60.Gg Quantum transport 13.15. + G Neutrino Interactions

1. Introduction In the research laboratory "Gran Sasso", Italy, in the "Oscillation Project with Emulsion-Tracking Apparatus" (OPERA), a group of scientists discovered accidentally that the muon neutrino travels in a vacuum with a velocity greater than c, in about .25 ten thousandth. This result was obtained according to the relation (muon neutrino velocity - c) / c = (2.37 ± 0.32 (statistical uncertainty) + (0.34, -0.24) (total systematic uncertainty)) x 10⁵ [1]. These scientists investigated experimentally the first direct evidence of the oscillation between the neutrinos, muon and tau [2], which is the conversion of one in another due to changes in their quantity of mass, therefore, a phenomenon that only occurs in the particles with mass. However, in February 2012 were found flaws in the infrastructure of the experiment, that obligate repeat it. Such failures were, according to a spokesman of OPERA, different to the official, a faulty connection of a glass fiber cable which is connected to a small box, which converts the optical signal in an electronics and the other is the correction for the master clock of OPERA. Thus, it is not confirmed the superluminal speed of the neutrino. However, it is strange that the failures may have been hidden during the period when the experiment was repeated, before that OPERA reported on his findings, in addition to the results obtained in different repetitions were consistent, when the failure of the cable depends on its inclination and its torsion, highly probable that vary with time. Furthermore, while it hoped that OPERA repeat the experiment, after making the corrections of the failure, was ICARUS, a group rival of OPERA who repeated the experiment, and in June 2012 the spokesman of CERN said that really the speed of neutrinos is lower than c, previously the spokesman of ICARUS said that OPERA did not know makes the experiment. More worrying is that a few weeks before, a group, almost half of the members of OPERA, rebelled against their leader, Dr. Antonio Ereditato, and forced him to resign. Thus, Ereditato is added to Tom Van Flandern and Paul Marmet that for his disagreement with Einstein's relativity were relentlessly persecuted. The new result about the speed of the neutrino has had a low coverage by the science magazines. The experiment of direct observation of neutrino oscillation is of great complexity. At CERN in Geneva, in the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS), protons are accelerated to the maximum possible energy for this type of experiment, to 400 GeV / c, with a cycle of 6 s. These protons, in the target chamber (TC), are addressed by two magnetic dipoles (magnets) against targets of graphite 2 m long, through two extractions, one takes place in room B and the other in the room C, separated by 50 ms, each extraction has a duration of 10.5 µ s [3]. The signal used for the release of protons is Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), and the length of each launch is 524 ± 5 ns. The two extraction system generates two distributions of protons, which in turn produces, in time, two distributions of

neutrinos on departure at CERN, and on arrival at the Gran Sasso. This redundancy is for to make the estimation of statistical and systematic uncertainties and the statistical adjustment with the maximum likelihood method [4], which allows the calculation of the speed of neutrinos. The product of the collision of protons against graphite, in the TC, are mesons (hadrons composed of a quark and antiquark pair), with electric charge, some positives and other negatives, highly unstable, which decay in: kaon → 2 pions or kaon → 3 pions and 1 pion → 2 gamma rays, 1 electron muon and 1 neutrino, inside a decay rectilinear tunnel (DT), under vacuum, of 1095 m in length. For this tunnel the electron muons and neutrinos go to a hadron stopping (18 ms in length), then to the first muon electron detector (5 m in length), connected, through a pipe 67 meters long, to a second muon electron detector (5 m in length). Of this last detector, the almost pure beam of muon neutrinos leaved with an electron neutrinos contamination of ~ 0.9% [5]. Neutrinos were cleaned by a magnet placed in each detector, which separated the neutrinos from the muon electron who have escaped from the hadron stopping; the muon electron were deflected in the opposite direction to its negative charge, while the neutrinos traveled straight. Neutrinos, through a channel rectilinear underground. of 730 kilometers, traveled at a constant speed until the OPERA detector in the Gran Sasso laboratory. Within the channel (νµ → ντ)) the beam of muon neutrinos, traveled with an average energy of Eν ~ 17 GeV. In this experiment, the energy of the neutrinos depended on the energy of the pions and the energy of these of the energy of the protons at the time of its collision with the graphite; in general, depends on the energy of the triggering event its production process. The detection of the neutrino beam at the Gran Sasso, is produced under the charged weak interaction, ie, via boson W ± (the other way is via the interaction neutral boson Z0), with atomic electrons of the detector at Gran Sasso. The minimum energy required for this interaction is > 11 GeV [6]. The energy distribution of neutrinos in the range (with an average total of ~ 17 GeV) of the experiment, had no effect on its speed, since the speed for higher energy (average ~ 43 GeV) was the same for the lower energy (average of ~ 14 GeV) [7]. The constant speed of neutrinos, in addition to its mass of positive energy, cause that neutrinos are classified in the category of the particles that are not tachyons [7]. In the CERN and the Gran Sasso two identical systems are installed to measure the time in UTC, consisting of a GPS receiver, Septentrio PolaRx2e [8] and an atomic clock, Symmetricom CS4000 [9]. The clocks are synchronized by the GPS, with an error of 2 ns [10]. This experiment, with several modifications, was performed in 2009, 2010 and 2011 and has supplied statistics, high accuracy, for calculate the speed of muon neutrino [1]. In the paper of September 22 and in the review of Nov. 17, 2011, submitted to the "Journal of High Energy Physics", and also stored in the digital database ArXiv, with very high certainty, it is confirms the superluminal speed of the muon neutrino, which is presented by Antonio Ereditato, OPERA spokesman on behalf of 179 scientists, mainly from Europe and Asia, belonging to 48 scientific institutions in Germany, Belgium, North and South Korea, Croatia, Russia, France, Greece, Italy, Israel, Japan, Turkey and Switzerland [1]. In the experiment of November there was a new package beam particles of about 3 nanoseconds in duration separated by up to 524 nanoseconds. That compared to September is narrower and shorter as this was 10 nanoseconds, period considered as a possible source of error. Thereby measuring the speed of the muon neutrino is more accurate, in addition, improved accuracy by obtaining a lower beam intensity, "only 20 neutrino events have been collected by OPERA in this new test, compared to 15,000 analyzed in the former "[11]. The neutrino, which exists in the states of electron, muon and tau, interchangeable during your oscillating, it was postulated by Wolfgang Pauli in 1930 and observed for the first time in 1956. The neutrino oscillation was proposed in 1950 and observed in 1998. The neutrino is a lepton, an elementary particle together quarks constituent of the matter, without charge, which only experiences the weak interaction and the gravitational force generated in the decay of the proton. The neutrino has mass, according to the four-momentum vector, which is equivalent in energy to (= 0.24 eV, c, because he produced virtual photons through of the technique of dielectric photonic barriers that are of two types: the first type of barrier is constituted by the central part of the wave guide, which is a section sufficiently narrow, less than half the wavelength in both directions, perpendicular to the propagation, which only pass the lower wavelengths; the other barrier is the double prisms where microwaves suffer total reflection inside of the prism of input and the residue that it refracting, passes through an air gap to the prism of exit [28]. Nimtz said that the evanescent waves, that it produces, is made up of virtual photons that have superluminal speed, to which the author adds, that such virtual photons does not exceed the electrical potential due to tunneling but whether to its speed. Petar Anastasovski found as a result of his outstanding research in nuclear physics, a better understanding of nuclear phenomena if it supports in speeds greater than c. And the author underlines, in general, a better understanding of quantum phenomena. Moreover, Anastasovski solves the mathematical problem of the Lorentz transformation for v > c, which maintain c as constant of the nature, for all inertial observers, in his Superluminal Relativity theory [28]. The scene where the radiation process occurs is the space-time taken as the union of three subspaces: internal stationary spacetime of the event horizon + internal nonstationary spacetime of the black hole + external stationary spacetime of the event horizon. The internal spacetime is associated with the internal vacuum and the external spacetime is associated with the external vacuum [26]. A stationary spacetime "is a space-time where it can find a natural coordinate system in which none of the components of the metric tensor depends on the time coordinate" [29]. The real radiation mechanism according to the author, is that on the boundary of the event horizon, within the internal vacuum, due to the uncertainty principle, it creates a pair of virtual particles. The virtual antiparticle (negative energy) due to the extreme brevity of its existence, decays rapidly as a real particle, but also in terms of the stochastic process closed to the value of the maximum probability (p = 1), when it creates closed to limit of the horizon, it might escapes, when passes the horizon like yet virtual particle. While the virtual particle (positive energy) passes to the external vacuum, due its greater lapse of existence, but also stochastically with a probability proportional to increasing the distance from the point of internal vacuum, where is created, with respect to the limit of the event horizon and until the point of the singularity (p = (0,1)), in the internal vacuum, maybe the virtual particle it becomes real particle. The escape of particles from black holes is always due to superluminal speed, which have virtual particles, and not to the quantum tunnel effect. The superluminal speed of the virtual photon was tested in experiments with evanescent waves made, since 1992, in Cologne, Germany by Professor Günter Nimtz [28, 30, 31] and confirmed in the experiments of William Walker, in 1998, of preformation of the electromagnetic wave in the near field [28, 32]. The black hole loses energy-mass, due to the emission, that causes the contraction of the event horizon. The change of particle between virtual-real, according to the author, occurs inside or outside of the event horizon due to the high density of the gravitational potential energy as a result of the stream to a fabulous scale of virtual gravitons, of the external vacuum, when it is very close to the edge of the event horizon, or of the internal vacuum ( in Orthodoxy is said, to the immense gravity). This virtual-real change of course is not a deterministic process, since as a quantum process is always stochastic, then the virtual particle that escapes may also remain in the virtual state within the external vacuum and act to distance as a Lorentz force. - The escape of static electromagnetic field (electric and magnetic fields uncoupled) or radiation of Carlip-Wiener is produced by the virtual photons escape from a charged black hole, always in front of other charged star, which may be another black hole, especially a black hole binary, which produce repelling, discovered in 1996, by Steve Carlip, Matthew P Wiener who under the standard assumptions that c is the cosmic speed limit and "event horizon of black holes is where normal matter (and forces) must exceed the speed of light for escape, and therefore they are trapped". However, Carlip-Wiener implicitly distinguish and introduce forces whose transmitters are virtual particles with velocity between ( c. For this force, of course: "The horizon does not have sense for a virtual particle with enough speed. In particular, a charged black hole is a source of virtual photons " [33]. Although they do not demonstrate or provide evidence of the superluminal speed of the virtual photon for me is clear that they are based and recognize the experimental discovery of Günter Nimtz, at 1992, since no there is other antecedent known within the scientific community for support this declaration. For FAQ, before this statement of Carlip-Wiener, and of Matt McIrvin [34], in 1994, in the same tone, ie. devoid of evidence althought, referring generally to virtual particles, the speed of all virtual particles could not exceed c. - The gravitational escape or radiation of Van Flandern is produced by the virtual gravitons escape from all types of black hole, that in the distance behaves as the gravitational field of a spherical star with a mass equal to the of the radiating black hole, was discovered, in 1998, by Tom van Flandern, who showed that virtual graviton travels at least 2x10 10 c and, therefore, it escapes the event horizon of the black hole. Tom first reflects about how the black hole has gravity? As long as its source of gravity is behind the event horizon, exactly at the singularity, where it has gone throughout its substance. "If nothing can escape the event horizon because nothing can propagate faster than light, how exists a gravity field out of a black hole?. The answer always is that the gravity field around of a black hole, it froze in the surrounding space-time before of the collapse of the star behind of the event horizon, and has remained in that state ever since." Tom rejects this response due to lack of causal agents and is unable to respond in front of the black hole's binary, whose orbital connection requires them. "suppose we have a black hole binary, with the two stars that collapsed in an elliptical orbit around each other. In this way, each field must be continuously updated by the change of orbital field contribution from the other. How does each field know what to do if it no longer communicating with its mass, its gravity source, hidden behind the event horizon? "." if the mass of each source when interacts with the other obligates to the two black holes to accelerate, why each point of the field with a certain curvature suffers exactly the same acceleration as the source of gravity, along the entire field (infinitely?) "." Without communication, how can the system remain intact and coherent? ". Tom concludes that the external gravitational fields must continually regenerate and, therefore, the connection of them, with singularities, use a causal link. Thus, the propagation speed of these causal entities, virtual gravitons, "largely exceed the speed of light." Tom with this reflection on the binary black hole, along with other of astronomical character, lead him to justify a model of quantum gravity regardless of whether exists or not a theory adequate. And under such circumstances, he find a formula to measure the speed of virtual gravitons; in fact, he shows the superluminal speed of virtual graviton [35]. Because the event horizon does not exist for virtual graviton then it escapes into space, producing the black hole's gravitational field.

4. The neutrinos whether escape of black holes According to General Relativity, inside of the event horizon all geodesy carries the particle near to the singularity until it falls, except for the charged black hole where the geodesy, inside of the Cauchy horizon [19] it curves back, toward the event horizon, causing the particle does not end up swallowed by the singularity, but this hole is very unlikely to exist. Therefore, the absence of geodesy leading to outside, does impossible that the particle, while travels spacelike or lightlike, escapes. Both the real particle with mass, according the four-vector momentum, as the real photon are swallowed by the singularity. Also, the virtual particles, with speed ≤ c, fall into the singularity, althought, before it become real particles. Relativity was formulated, in the absence of the distinction between real and virtual particles, therefore all particles in nature have a speed ≤ c. And even when quantum mechanics introduced the division between real and virtual particles, from the principle of Heisenberg's uncertainty, and when, in 1929, virtual particle was discovered by Paul Dirac, this restriction is maintained. For this

reason, black hole evaporation is presented in Hawking's theories like only apparent, and in the alternative theory through of the quantum tunneling effect. In no case from that virtual particles have a velocity > c. From the field of science, recognized by the scientific community, only Nimtz, Carlip-Wiener and Walker, have said that the virtual photon has a velocity > c, and Van Flandern and Walker that the virtual graviton their speed is superluminal. But Carlip after he said on behalf of FAQ, where, in 1994, was first formulated by Matt McIrvin, in his later papers, he assumes the defense of orthodox relativistic thinking and Van Flandern, vexed in life, after his death, it is simply ignored. Only like theoretical solutions of the equations we have: In General Relativity, if the speed of the particle > c then the particle travels timelike, exactly in a geodesy in the past light cone, that under the intense gravitational field of a black hole is a geodesy in a closed liketime curve, found by Kurt Gödel in 1949. And, in Special Relativity the tachyon always with speed > c, found independently by Arnold Sommerfeld, George Sudarshan, Olexa-Myron Bilaniuk, Vijay Deshpande and Gerald Feinberg in the 1960s. A particle in a closed timelike curve violates the principle of consistency of Novikov which postulates that if an event exists and causes a paradox, or any changes to the past than the cause, then the probability of that event is zero, or the chronology protection conjecture of Hawking and, in general, causality law. And the tachyon in quantum field theory, due to its imaginary mass, is too unstable as to that it consideres real, additionally, it violates the causality law. The only consistent solution of the equations of General Relativity, about a superluminal speed is the that Hawking presents in wormholes, at 2010, which only allows time travel into the future, to through of a shortcut in the spacetime (How to build a time machine. Published by Mail online). As in the case of Hawking's radiation this superluminal speed are apparent effects. Due to that locally (inside wormhole) only is possible subluminal speeds. Now, with the experimental discovery of the superluminal speed of the neutrino, as Gödel solution also applies in the spacetime inside the event horizon, therefore the neutrinos coming from the exterior that are trapped by the gravity of the black hole and the neutrinos produced inside of the black hole when the mass falls into of the singularity, travel in the past light cone, inside a closed geodesy, just in the past. The neutrino, that is a real particle with mass according to the four-vector momentum, is a totally new phenomenon of particle with a superluminal speed. What means physically that neutrinos travel in the past?. Can the neutrino violate the principle of Novikov?. Can the neutrino breaking the law of causality?. In reality there is no physically acceptable solution in General Relativity. The speed > c of a particle, not cause that escapes of the event horizon, therefore, is not really possible in General Relativity. And the solution of Anastasovski, in the Superluminal Relativity, is not known within the scientific community, less accepted. According to the mechanic of Newton the escape speed is the speed neccesary for be released of the gravity of a body. Exactly, at that speed in which the kinetic energy is greater than the gravitational potential energy. For a spherical-symmetric body, such as black hole, the escape speed is: G > √ 2GM / r. Where G is the gravitational constant (G = 6.67 × 10 -11 - m 3 kg -1 -1 s -2), M the black hole mass and r is the distance from the singularity extended to the event horizon. This escape speed is > c. The neutrino as the virtual photon and the graviton virtual meet this condition, then for the neutrino, the event horizon does not exist and the neutrino escapes beyond of event horizon into the exterior spacetime.

5. Conclusions The experimental discovery of the speed > c of the neutrino has no place in Relativity. This brings us back to the mechanics of Newton. Therefore, if we apply the concept of escape speed to a black hole we find that the neutrino will escape of the event horizon. On the other hand, the Relative limits the causal link between events to actions that can communicate with a velocity = c. For now, the OPERA experiment this limit the remplace by the superluminal speed of the neutrino.

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