NEW Catalogue Corpus Christianorum - Brepols Publishers

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2017 - 2018





Table of Contents

Corpus Christianorum – Series Latina


Corpus Christianorum – Continuatio Mediaevalis


Corpus Christianorum – Series Graeca


Corpus Christianorum – Series Apocryphorum


Corpus Christianorum – Autographa Medii Aevi


Corpus Christianorum – Conciliorum Oecumenicorum Generaliumque Decreta


Corpus Christianorum – Lingua Patrum


Corpus Christianorum – Claves


Corpus Christianorum – Claves – Subsidia


Corpus Christianorum – Hagiographies


Corpus Christianorum in Translation


Scholars Version


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This catalogue includes new and forthcoming titles from January 2017 to March 2018, together with reminders of titles that had not yet been printed at the time of the foregoing catalogue. An up-to-date overview of all published volumes of Corpus Christianorum can be consulted on B



SERIES LATINA The Series Latina comprises critical editions of all the Latin texts from the first eight centuries of the Christian era. Taking into account the most recent patristic research and studies, each critical edition is provided with full critical and source apparatus and preceded by an introduction, the most important part of which is the description of the manuscript tradition.

Sulpicius Severus


Piergiorgio Parroni (ed.) xxxix + 193 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56819-5 Hardback: € 140 Series: CCSL, vol. 63 Available

Una nuova edizione critica dei Chronica di Sulpicio Severo.

La presente edizione dei 'Chronica' di Sulpicio Severo, un’opera fondamentale, tra l’altro, per la conoscenza della storia delle eresie del IV sec., segna un progresso rispetto a quella di Karl Halm (1866), non solo per una rinnovata

Vigilius Thapsensis

Contra Arrianos, Sabellianos, Photinianos dialogus Pierre-Marie Hombert (ed.) 492 p., 4 col. ills, 155 x 245 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56580-4 Hardback: € 295 Series: CCSL, vol. 90B Available


ne édition remarquable pour la soigneuse analyse de la vaste tradition manuscrite et pour la nouvelle organisation du texte de Vigile qu’elle propose.


ispezione autoptica del 'codex unicus' (Vat. Pal. lat. 825 = P) che li tramanda, ma anche per un riesame del secolare travaglio critico esercitato a partire dall’'editio princeps' (Basilea 1556 = b), che ha portato a significativi miglioramenti del testo. L’apparato critico negativo, estremamente sintetico, registra le lezioni di P, di b e degli ultimi due editori (Halm e de Senneville-Grave), ma rinvia alle 'Note complementari' ogni volta che la scelta effettuata necessiti di giustificazioni. All’apparato critico si affiancano altri due apparati, delle fonti bibliche e degli autori classici e cristiani, elencate poi in due distinti indici alla fine del volume. La prefazione illustra, in modo succinto ma esauriente, i caratteri di questa singolare opera (la prima storia universale cristiana), le sue peculiarità linguistiche e stilistiche che, come è noto, hanno valso all’autore l’appellativo di 'Sallustio cristiano', la storia del testo attraverso un vaglio accurato delle

principali edizioni e del loro apporto all’esegesi e alla costituzione del testo, infine i criteri che hanno presieduto all’edizione dell’opera.

Le 'Contra Arianos, Sabellianos, Photinianos dialogus' de Vigile de Tapse (PL 62) se présente comme un débat entre Athanase, Arius, Sabellius, Photinus et le juge Probus. Ce texte de la Patrologia Latina, qui est aussi le 'textus receptus' est précédé d’un autre texte, intitulé 'Contra Arianos dialogus', qui se présente comme une version courte du 'textus receptus'. Cette double édition de Migne, habituellement dénommée version 'longue' et 'courte', reproduit celle publiée à Dijon en 1664 par J.-B. Chifflet. Les raisons données jusqu’à ce jour pour expliquer ce double état du texte se révèlent fausses ou incomplètes. La tradition manuscrite actuelle comporte 82 mss repérés. Tous ont été soigneusement examinés. La présente édition explique la double rédaction du 'Contra Arianos', due à Vigile

lui-même, et offre une vision d’ensemble de sa transmission très complexe. Elle propose une organisation du texte totalement nouvelle, mais scrupuleusement justifiée.

Piergiorgio Parroni è professore emerito di Filologia classica presso l’Università 'La Sapienza' di Roma. I suoi studi hanno privilegiato i geografi latini (Vibio Sequestre e Pomponio Mela) e la scienza romana in rapporto a quella greca ('Naturales quaestiones' di Seneca), ma riguardano anche altri settori della letteratura latina, dall’età arcaica a quella post-classica (in particolare Marziale) e tarda ('Anthologia Latina', Massimiano, Tertulliano, Ammiano). È direttore della rivista internazionale di studi classici "Res publica litterarum".


Pierre-Marie Hombert enseigne au Collège des Bernardins (Paris) et au Grand Séminaire de Lille. Spécialiste de saint Augustin et membre du Comité scientifique de la 'Bibliothèque Augustinienne', il a publié en 2009 dans la collection du 'Corpus Christianorum' le volume 87A dédié aux écrits d’Augustin sur l’arianisme.

Athanasius Alexandrinus, Evagrius Antiochenus, Anonymus

Vitae Antonii Versiones latinae Pascal P.H.E. Bertrand, Lois Gandt (eds)

approx. 400 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57748-7 Hardback: approx. € 205 Series: CCSL, vol. 170 In production


he two ancient Latin translations of the Life of Antony.

Hieronymus Stridonensis

In Habacuc prophetam S. Mantelli (ed.) approx. 220 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57955-9 Hardback: approx. € 130 Series: CCSL, vol. 76A bis Publication scheduled for March 2018

Victorinus Poetovionensis

Opera quae supersunt: Explanatio in Apocalypsin una cum recensione Hieronymi. Tractatus de fabrica mundi. Fragmentum de vita Christi Roger Gryson (ed.)

314 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57122-5 Hardback: € 180 Series: CCSL, vol. 5 Available

É dition critique des œuvres conservées de Victorin de Poetovio (Pettau).

Shortly after the death of Egypt’s most famous hermit in 356, Athanasius of Alexandria wrote the Life of Antony, a text that had an immediate as well as enduring influence on monastic life and thought. While Athanasius’s vivid description of the life of Antony the Great initiated the genre of the saint’s life in Christian literature, his inclusion of many of his own theological ideas also provides insight into the turbulent doctrinal disputes of the fourth century. The significance of the Life of Antony is demonstrated by its having been translated into Latin twice within two decades of its composition. The first version, prepared by an anonymous translator shortly after Athanasius completed his Greek text, provides a literal translation that is extant in only one complete manuscript. The literary translation prepared by Evagrius of Antioch in 373 was rapidly and widely transmitted throughout the Latin West. New editions of both translations are presented in this volume,


with the edition of Evagrius’s translation based on 28 manuscripts dating from the ninth to the eleventh century. Pascal Bertrand studied Dutch Language and Literature and Medieval Studies at Utrecht University. In 2005 he completed a Ph.D-thesis focused on the manuscript tradition of the Latin Vita Antonii and the reception of this text from the fourth until the eleventh century. His research interests include hagiography (latin and medieval Dutch) and church history. Lois Gandt completed her Ph.D. in Theology at Fordham University in 2008, with a specialization in Patristics. Her research interests include the development of early asceticism and monasticism, and the transmission of the spirituality of the desert elders to the West.

’opportunità di un nuovo testo critico del Commentario al profeta Abacuc di Girolamo è dettata non solo dal fatto che le antiche edizioni a stampa risultano inadeguate rispetto alle esigenze critiche attuali, ma che anche la più recente, pubblicata da Marc Adriaen (CCSL 76A, 1969), non offre un testo sufficientemente sicuro. La recensio dei manoscritti selezionati per il presente volume, pur non avendo consentito la completa ricostruzione della diramazione della tradizione manoscritta, ha tuttavia permesso significativi progressi nella costituzi-

one del testo. Il presente lavoro, poi, così come auspicava Yves-Marie Duval nell’introduzione alla sua edizione dell’In Ionam, può diventare un utile tassello per una vera e complessiva edizione critica dei commenti di Girolamo ai dodici profeti minori e per lo studio dell'esegesi geronimiana. Il lavoro di edizione ha permesso, inoltre, di evidenziare con più precisione le fonti che ispirarono il commento scritturistico di Girolamo e di confermare il suo spirito eclettico nel riprendere i commentatori che lo avevano preceduto, in modo particolare Origene.

De l’œuvre de Victorin de Poetovio, qui, d’après ce qu’en dit Jérôme, était considérable, peu de chose nous est parvenu. Mis à part un court traité sur la semaine primordiale (CPL 79) et une note sur la chronologie de la vie du Christ prise dans les archives d’Alexandre de Jérusalem, l’essentiel de son héritage littéraire est constitué par un commentaire de l’Apocalypse composé vraisemblablement sous Gallien, dans les années 260 (CPL 80). Jusqu’il y a un siècle, ce commentaire était connu seulement à travers une édition revue et corrigée par Jérôme. Encore lisait-on le plus souvent cette édition sous une forme profondément remaniée durant le haut moyen âge, car c’est celle-là qui est reproduite par Migne. En 1916, Johannes Haussleiter a publié dans le Corpus de Vienne une édition critique où le texte original, redécouvert par lui dans un manuscrit du Vatican, et le texte hiéronymien étaient présentés en parallèle. Cette édition mérite aujourd’hui d’être refaite. Des manuscrits importants étaient inconnus de Haussleiter. Il a également commis diverses erreurs de jugement, qui s’expliquent par la connaissance imparfaite

qu’on avait alors des anciens commentaires latins de l’Apocalypse. Plus récemment, Martine Dulaey a sorti la figure attachante de l’évêque martyr de Poetovio de l’ombre dans laquelle l’avait relégué la perte de la plupart de ses écrits, en publiant une étude exhaustive sur sa vie, son œuvre, sa doctrine. La présente édition critique, qui prend en considération l’ensemble de la tradition, se veut le complément et, d’une certaine façon, la justification de l’édition du texte original de Victorin qu’elle a donnée dans la collection des Sources chrétiennes. Elle rendra justice à un auteur trop peu connu, dont l’influence fut considérable à la fin de l’antiquité et jusqu’à l’époque carolingienne.


Monseigneur Roger Gryson, professeur émérite à l’Université catholique de Louvain, est connu notamment par ses travaux sur l’histoire des institutions ecclésiastiques dans l’antiquité, l’arianisme latin et la critique textuelle de la Bible latine.




he Continuatio Mediaevalis assembles Christian texts from the Carolingian era to the end of the Middle Ages. It also includes works absent from Migne’s Patrologia Latina or published elsewhere in a deficient way.

Aelredus Rievallensis

Opera omnia VI: Opera historica et hagiographica Domenico Pezzini (ed.)

cclxxviii + 194 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-55278-1 Hardback: € 260 Series: CCCM, vol. 3 Available

The first critical edition of Aelred of

Rievaulx’s historical and hagiographical works: Vita Dauid regis; Genealogia regum Anglorum; Relatio de standardo; De sanctis

Aelredus Rievallensis

Opera omnia VII: Vita sancti Aedwardi Regis et Confessoris Francesco Marzella (ed.) 399 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-55182-1 Hardback: € 225 Series: CCCM, vol. 3A Available

The first critical edition of the most popu-

lar biography of St Edward the Confessor together with the editio princeps of a versification of the Vita written by an anonymous poet a few years later.


ecclesie Haugustaldensis et eorum miraculis; Vita sancti Niniani; De quodam miraculo mirabili. Aelred’s historical and hagiographical production, which makes him a rather unique figure in the Cistercian panorama of the first generation, is the subject of increasing attention, hampered thus far by the lack of a reliable critical edition of these works. These texts are edited here for the first time on the basis of a collation of the earlier and best manuscripts. Each text is accompanied by a biblical and critical apparatus and by a concise introduction, devoted to the illustration of the manuscript tradition and to the historical and rhetorical background of these texts..

Aelred of Rievaulx’s Vita sancti Ædwardi Regis et Confessoris was written on request of Laurence, abbot of Westminster, soon after the canonization of King Edward in 1161, and was presented to King Henry II on the occasion of the translation of the body of the saint on the 13th of October 1163. Preceded by a biography written by an anonymous author for Edward’s wife, Queen Edith, and by the clearly hagiographical biography written by the prior of Westminster, Osbert of Clare, in 1138, Aelred’s Vita enriched the hagiographical dossier of the saint with new miraculous episodes and was also endowed with strong political messages. It soon became the official biography of the saint and its fortune is witnessed not only by the number of manuscripts that contain the text, but also by the

Domenico Pezzini is Professor of English Linguistics (History of English) at the University of Verona. His work focuses on the translation of medieval Latin works (in particular Aelred’s four ascetical treatises and a group of his liturgical sermons, plus a number of essays on his spirituality and his historical works) as well as research on translational practices in the Middle Ages. He is also the editor of a group of Middle English texts translated from St. Birgitta’s Revelationes.

fact that all the successive biographies of the saint were directly or indirectly dependent on it.

Francesco Marzella obtained his PhD from the Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane (SUM, Florence) and was postdoctoral fellow at the Università degli Studi dell’Aquila. His main research field is Anglo-Latin literature (12 th and 13 th century).


Anonymus, Petrus Abaelardus

Glossae super Peri hermeneias II: Glossae "Doctrinae sermonum"; De propositionibus modalibus Peter King, Klaus Jacobi, Christian Strub (eds)

lxxiv + 274 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-55468-6 Hardback: € 195 Series: CCCM, vol. 206A Available

The twelfth-century anonymous Glossae

"Doctrinae sermonum" presents a commentary on Aristotle’s Peri hermeneias that makes extensive use of Peter Abaelard’s own commentary, as well as drawing on other contemporary

Raimundus Lullus

Opera latina XXXVIII (142-153) in Montepessulano anno MCCCIX conscripta, quibus epistolae tres loco et tempore incerto adnectuntur

Fernando Domínguez Reboiras (ed.) approx. 300 p., 2 col. ills, 155 x 245 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-55703-8 Hardback: approx. € 160 Series: CCCM, vol. 266 In production

C ritical edition of Ramon Llull’s op. 142-153.

sources. In addition to its historical value – the author apparently made use of an earlier version of Abaelard’s commentary than we now possess – it is of philosophical interest in its own right. The author offers his own theory of true and false understandings, criticizing the theory put forward by Abaelard, and offers his own analysis of modal logic. The text is a 'mixed commentary' since it combines careful exegesis of Aristotle with independent self-contained analyses of philosophical issues raised by Aristotle’s text. In covering the Peri hermeneias, the Glossae 'Doctrinae sermonum' deals with issues in philosophical semantics, the philosophy of mind, and logic in both its assertoric and modal forms. The text of Peter Abelard's Glossae super Peri hermeneias (see CCCM, 206) is transmitted completely only in manuscript B (Berlin, Staats­bibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz, lat. fol 624). In manuscript A (Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana M 63 sup.) the scribe breaks off in the middle of the extended analysis of

modal propositions, which precedes the commentary to Chapter XII. After a few empty lines there follows an independent short treatise on modalities, which certainly is not a work of Abelard. The text shows that the theory of modal propositions was of great interest not only for Abelard, but for a wider circle of philosophers in the twelfth century as well.

This volume contains nine treatises composed in Montpellier in the spring of 1309. At this time Llull was over 75 years of age. Several of the treatises are clearly meant to show how the principles and the method of proof presented in the Ars generalis ultima may be applied to the theological problems of the time. They are part of Llull’s effort to make his work known to the theologians in Paris, where he was planning to travel later that year. Llull apparently wanted to address the principal problem he would face in Paris, that is, the demonstration of the Christian doctrines of the Trinity and the Incarnation. He argued that the Saracens pay no attention to Christian theology because Christian theologians maintain that faith is not demonstrable. This is because they only recognize the two Aristotelian modes of demonstratio quia and propter quid, ignoring both Llull’s demonstratio per aequiparantiam (explained in his op. 121 written in 1305) and his demonstratio per hypothesim (outlined in several works from 1308 and 1309). The treatises edited in this volume

represent an attempt to propagate the knowledge of Llull’s Art, while at the same time providing an example of how the demonstratio per hypothesim may be applied in divinis. In op. 146, after fresh experience and in the light of the changed political situation, Llull once more revised his ideas about the conversion of nonChristians and the conquest of the Holy Land.

Klaus Jacobi is Professor emeritus of Philosophy, Freiburg i. Br. His main field of research is ancient and medieval philosophy. Peter King is Professor of Philosophy and of Medieval Studies at the University of Toronto. His research has primarily been in medieval philosophy.

Fernando Domínguez Reboiras, now retired, worked at the Raimundus-Lullus-Institut (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg) from 1970 till 2008. As editorial manager of the ROL series, member of the editorial board and editor of several ROL volumes he has contributed substantially to the Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis series. Presently he teaches at the Spanish Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED).



Iohannes Hus

This volume comprises treatises that were written in the last months of the life of the Bohemian reformer Jan Hus. These treatises were written shortly before his departure for Constance as well as during his stay and im-

prisonment there. While still in Bohemia, Hus wrote the following treatises for his anticipated appearance before the council: the Sermo de pace, dealing with his concept of peace and emphasizing the peace of God, the De sufficiencia legis Cristi on the superiority of the law of Christ, and the De fidei sue elucidacione explaining the foundations of his faith. Shortly before his imprisonment in Constance, he composed the De sanguine Cristi sub specie vini, in which he gave his opinion on the problem of the communion of the laity under both species. The treatises Deposiciones testium, Responsiones ad articulos Wiclef, and Responsiones ad articulos Palecz contain Hus’s answers to the accusations raised by the prosecution in Constance. For those who imprisoned him, Hus wrote seven shorter tracts of catechetical nature (De mandatis Domini, De peccato mortali, De cognicione

Hugo de Sancto Victore

É dition critique de deux œuvres hugoni-


Helena Krmíčková et alii (ed.) xcii + 350 p., 15 col. ills, 155 x 245 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-55469-3 Hardback: € 255 Series: CCCM, vol. 274 Available


ritical edition of Jan Hus’s Latin Writings from Constance (1414-1415).

De oratione dominica, De septem donis Spiritus sancti Francesco Siri (ed.)

228 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56451-7 Hardback: € 135 Series: CCCM, vol. 276 In production

Herbertus Turritanus

Liber visionum et miraculorum Clarevallensium

Giancarlo Zichi, Graziano Fois, Stefano Mula (eds) cxxv + 476 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56723-5 Hardback: € 325 Series: CCCM, vol. 277 Available

Il Liber visionum et miraculorum Clarevallen-

sium è stato scritto a Clairvaux, intorno al 1178, dal monaco Herbertus, in seguito arcivescovo a Torres in Sardegna. Si tratta di una delle prime raccolte di exempla cistercensi, preceduto dal solo Collectaneum cistercense, rispetto al quale ha goduto di una molto più ampia diffusione.


ennes : l’une sur le « Pater noster », l’autre sur les sept dons du Saint-Esprit.

et dileccione Dei, De tribus hostibus hominis, De penitencia, De matrimonio, De sacramento corporis et sanguinis Domini), generally referred to as the Constance tracts. His last treatise, the Responsum ultimum, brings Hus’s answers to the articles excerpted from his pivotal treatise De ecclesia.

Ediderunt Helena Krmíčková, Jana Nechutová, Dušan Coufal, Jana Fuksová, Lucie Mazalová, Petra Mutlová, Libor Švanda, Soňa Žákovská, Amedeo Molnár (†).

« De septem donis Spiritus sancti », ouvrage qui aborde la question de l’action de l’Esprit sur l’homme.

Dans ce volume, on présente d’abord l’édition d’un ouvrage qu’Hugues de Saint-Victor rédigea autour du « Pater noster » probablement pour la communauté de ses confrères. Parcours de réforme spirituelle, le rythme de l’œuvre hugonienne se déploie d’après plusieurs septénaires, afin de dévoiler le contenu de l’oraison dominicale. Suit l’édition du

Docteur en histoire de la philosophie et histoire des idées de l’Université de Rome La Sapienza, Francesco Siri est membre associé de l’I.R.H.T. de Paris. Ses travaux portent sur les maîtres en sacra pagina du XIIe siècle et l’édition des textes médiolatins.

Molti dei suoi capitoli sono stati inseriti da Corrado di Eberbach nel suo Exordium magnum, con modifiche più o meno importanti. Con un ordine stravolto si trova parzialmente alla fine del manoscritto che ci ha conservato la Collectio exemplorum cisterciensis. Una prima edizione del Liber visionum et miraculorum Clarevallensium, riprodotta da Migne nel volume 185 della sua Patrologia Latina, venne stampata nel 1660 dal gesuita Chifflet, che usò come base manoscritti di una seconda redazione, ridotta e non d’autore. Il Liber visionum et miraculorum Clarevallensium è composto da 165 capitoli di lunghezza variabile, contenenti uno o più exempla ciascuno, la cui fonte è principalmente orale. Si tratta di una testimonianza di grande rilievo per la comprensione della vita e della spiritualità monastica della fine del XII secolo, ma anche della società che ruotava attorno all’Ordine. Ѐ qui presentato per la prima volta nella sua redazione originale, accompagnato dall’edizione di alcuni exempla che furono aggiunti posteriormente al corpus principale.

Monsignor Giancarlo Zichi è Direttore dell’Archivio Storico Diocesano di Sassari, esperto di storia religiosa ed editore di testi, tra cui la Passio Sanctorum martyrum Gavini Proti et Januarii e gli Officia propria sanctorum Gavini, Proti et Ianuarii martyrum turritanorum, secc. XV-XX. Graziano Fois, storico del medioevo e esperto di storia della Sardegna, ha pubblicato Il condaghe di Luogosanto (con Mauro Maxia) e ha curato il volume San Basilio e la Sardegna, tra culti, storia e tradizioni. Stefano Mula, professore associato al Middlebury College, in Vermont, studioso della letteratura esemplare cistercense, ha recentemente riscoperto e edito i frammenti del Libellus di Gossuinus di Boulancourt, e ha pubblicato una nuova edizione, completa, del Chronicon Clarevallense di Alberico di Trois-Fontaines.


Glosae in regula Sancti Benedicti abbatis ad usum Smaragdi Sancti Michaelis abbatis Matthieu van der Meer (ed.)

cxxii + 366 p., 4 col. ills, 155 x 245 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57276-5 Hardback: € 275 Series: CCCM, vol. 282 Available


he Glosae de diuersis doctoribus collectae in regula S. Benedicti abbatis is a unique source for analyzing how scholars contextualized and read the text chosen to guide Carolingian monastic reforms. The Glosae consists of two parts, a cate-

Ioannes Duns Scotus

Notabilia super Metaphysicam Giorgio Pini (ed.)

lxxii + 256 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57785-2 Hardback: approx. € 170 Series: CCCM, vol. 287 In production

J ohn Duns Scotus’s Notabilia super Meta-

physicam comprises a series of remarks on Bks. II–X and XII of Aristotle’s Metaphysics. The extant evidence points to their originally being either marginal notes on Duns Scotus’s own copy of the Metaphysics or scrapbook

Chronica Hispana saeculi VIII et IX Juan Gil (ed.)

550 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57481-3 Hardback: € 275 Series: CCCM, vol. 65 In production

L as crónicas hispanas editadas en este volumen se dividen en dos partes bien diferenciadas. La primera parte comprende las dos crónicas escritas en el siglo VIII bajo la dominación árabe (la Crónica del 741 y la Crónica del 754); la segunda, las dos crónicas escritas en el siglo IX para exaltar el nuevo reino astur (la Crónica de

na-glossary of ca. 1100 elementary terms of the Regula Benedicti, and a florilegium of more than 360 extracts from a wide range of biblical and patristic texts. Both the glossary and the florilegium follow closely the chapters of the Regula Benedicti. Especially the glossary indicates that the Regula had a curious double function of a text to be studied and a text that was used as a tool for learning Latin. Moreover, the glossary is one of the earliest witnesses to the popularity of the Liber Glossarum in the early ninth century. Like the Liber Glossarum, the Glosae testifies to that remarkable Carolingian spirit of ordering, correcting, preserving, and renewing ancient wisdom. Both the glossary and the florilegium have been used by Smaragdus of St-Mihiel (d. c. 827), the chief monastic reformer of his generation, for the Expositio in regulam Sancti Benedicti – the oldest and best known commentary to the

Rule. The florilegium of the Glosae is structured in a way that is similar to Benedict of Aniane’s Concordia Regularum, a work that juxtaposes the Regula Benedicti with other monastic rules. The Glosae provides a counter model to the Concordia’s normative understanding of the Regula Benedicti by contextualizing it with ascetical, doctrinal, exegetic and pastoral texts.

entries linked to the relevant portions of Aristotle’s text by caption letters. It appears that Duns Scotus kept adding to those notes in the course of his career. The Notabilia offers a unique perspective on Duns Scotus’s interpretation of Aristotle’s Metaphysics. It also contains several original insights on key philosophical issues. This work disappeared from circulation at Duns Scotus’s death and was consequently thought to have been lost. Several cross-references to and from other writings by Duns Scotus demonstrate both that the Notabilia here edited for the first time is a genuine work by Duns Scotus and that it is his allegedly lost commentary on the Metaphysics. The current edition is based on the two extant witnesses, manuscript M (Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, C 62 Sup., f. 51ra-98rb), which

contains the text in its entirety, and manuscript V (Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. lat. 2182, f. 58vb-60ra), which contains Bks. II–IV in what is probably an older stage of the text.

Alfonso III, en sus dos redacciones, y la Crónica Albeldense). En consecuencia, ambas partes presentan el haz y el envés de una misma realidad contemplada a lo largo del tiempo: por un lado, el fin del reino visigodo y la conquista de Hispania por los musulmanes; por otro, los comienzos de la llamada Reconquista y las primeras victorias de los cristianos sobre los musulmanes. Son, por tanto, obras complementarias que, dentro de su brevedad, resultan indispensables para conocer los hechos acontecidos en aquellos siglos oscuros, dado que las fuentes árabes son mucho más tardías que las mozárabes. Todas las crónicas llevan una extensa introducción en la que, además de la transmisión textual, se abordan los principales problemas que plantean: autoría, fuentes, pervivencia, etc. En sendos apéndices se explican muy brevemente los

criterios seguidos por lo que toca a las grafías y se exponen los principales rasgos lingüísticos de su latinidad.

Matthieu van der Meer received his Ph.D. in philosophy at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Netherlands (2006) and is currently Assistant Professor of Classics at the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics at Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY.

Giorgio Pini (PhD, 1997) is professor of Philosophy at Fordham University, NY. He studied at the Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa, Italy) and was a visiting fellow at the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies (Toronto), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, and All Souls College (Oxford). He has published extensively on later medieval metaphysics and theory of cognition, with a particular focus on the thought of John Duns Scotus.

Juan Gil, catedrático jubilado de Filología Latina de la Universidad de Sevilla (1971), ha hecho ediciones críticas del Económico de Jenofonte (Madrid, 1967), la Apocolocyntosis de Séneca (Madrid, 1971) y la Arte poética de Horacio (Madrid, 2010), así como de diversos textos medievales hispanos (Miscellanea Wisigothica, Sevilla, 1972, Corpus scriptorum Muzarabicorum, Madrid, 1973), a los que ha consagrado numerosos artículos. En el CCCM 71 ha publicado el Poema de Almería (1990).




dalboldus Traiectensis 171 Adelmannus Leodiensis 171 Ademarus Cabannensis 129, 245, 245A Adso Dervensis 45, 198 Aelredus Rievallensis 1, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 3, 3A Agnellus Ravennas 199 Agobardus Lugdunensis 52 Alcuinus Eboracensis 249 Alexander Essebiensis 188, 188A Alexander Neckam 221, 227 Ambrosius Autpertus 27, 27A, 27B Andreas a S. Victore 53, 53A, 53B, 53E, 53F, 53G Anonymus Bonnensis 171 Anonymus Einsiedlensis 171 Anonymus Erfurtensis 171 Anonymus in Matthaeum 159 Anselmus Laudunensis 267 Arnoldus Gheyloven Roterdamus 212 Arnoldus Leodiensis 160 Ars Laureshamensis 40A Ascelinus Carnotensis 171

Glosa super Graecismum Eberhardi Bethuniensis 225 Glossa ordinaria in Canticum Canticorum 170.22 Glossae aeui Carolini in libros I-II Martiani Capellae De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii 237 Glossae biblicae 189A, 189B Glosae in regula Sancti Benedicti abbatis ad usum Smaragdi Sancti Michaelis abbatis 282 Gozechinus 62 Grammatici Hibernici Carolini aevi 40, 40A, 40B, 40C, 40D Magister Gregorius 171 Guibertus Gemblacensis 66, 66A Guibertus Tornacensis 242 Guillelmus Alvernus 230, 230A, 230B, 230C Guillelmus de Conchis 152, 158, 203 Guillelmus Durantus 140, 140A, 140B Guillelmus de Luxi 219 Guillelmus Petrus de Calciata 73 Guillelmus a S. Theodorico 86, 87, 88, 89, 89A, 89B Guitbertus abbas Novigenti 127, 127A, 171


aymo Autissiodorensis 135C, 135E Heiricus Autissiodorensis 116, 116A, 116B Henricus a S. Victore 30 Herbertus Turritanus 277 Herimannus abbas 236 Hermannus de Runa 64 Hermannus Werdinensis 204 Hermes Trismegistus 142, 143A, 144, 144C Hieronymus de Moravia 250 Hieronymus de Praga 222 Hildebertus Cenomanensis 209 Hildegardis Bingensis 43, 43A, 90, 91, 91A, 91B, 92, 226, 226A Historia Compostellana 70 Historia translationis S. Isidori 73 Historia Roderici vel Gesta Roderici Campidocti 71 Homiletica Vadstenensia 229 Homiliarium Veronense 186 Hugo Pictaviensis 42 Hugo de Miromari 234 Hugo de Sancto Victore 176, 176A, 177, 178, 269, 276 Humbertus de Romanis 218 Hieronymus de Moravia 250


alduinus de Forda 99 Bartholomaeus Exoniensis 157 Beatus Liebanensis 58 Benedictus Anianensis 168, 168A Beringerius Turonensis 84, 84A, 171 Bernoldus Constantiensis 171 Bovo Corbeiensis 171 Burchardus abbas Bellevallis 62


aesarius Heisterbacensis 171 Carmen Campidoctoris 71 Christanus Campililiensis 19A, 19B Chronica Adefonsi imperatoris 71 Chronica Hispana 65, 71, 71A, 73 Chronica Naierensis 71A Chronica Latina Regum Castellae 73 Claudius Taurinensis 263 Collectaneum exemplorum et uisionum Clarevallense 208 Collectio canonum in V libris 6 Collectio exemplorum Cisterciensis 243 Commentaria in Ruth 81 Conradus Eberbacensis 138 Conradus de Mure 210 Constitutiones canonicorum regularium ordinis Arroasiensis 20 Consuetudines canonicorum regularium Springiersbacenses-Rodenses 48 Constitutiones quae uocantur Ordinis Praemonstratensis 216


ionysius Cartusiensis 121, 121A Donatus ortigraphus 40D


terius Oxomensis 59 Excerpta isagogarum et categoriarum 120 Excidii Aconis gestorum collectio 202 Explanationes fidei aevi Carolini 254 Expositiones Pauli epistularum ad Romanos, Galathas et Ephesios 151 Expositiones Psalmorum duae sicut in codice Rothomagensi 24 asseruantur 256


lorus Lugdunensis 193, 193A, 193B, 220B, 260 Folchinus de Borfonibus 201 Frechulfus Lexoviensis 169, 169A Frowinus abbas Montis Angelorum 134


albertus notarius Brugensis 131 Galterus a S. Victore 30 Garnerius de Rupeforti 232 Gerardus Cameracensis 270 Gerardus Magnus 172, 192, 235, 235A Gerardus Moresenus seu Csanadensis 49 Gerlacus Peters 155 Germanus Parisiensis episcopus 187 Gesta abbatum Trudonensium 257, 257A Gillebertus 171A Giraldus Floriacensis 171A Gislebertus Trudonensis 257A



acobus de Vitriaco 171, 252, 255 Iohannes Beleth 41, 41A Iohannes de Caulibus 153 Iohannes de Forda 17, 18 Iohannes Duns Scotus 287 Iohannes Hus 205, 211, 222, 238, 239, 239A, 253, 261, 271, 274 Iohannes Rusbrochius 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 107A, 108, 109, 110, 172, 207 Iohannes Saresberiensis 98, 118 Iohannes Scottus (Eriugena) 31, 50, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166 Iohannes Soreth 259 Iohannes Wirziburgensis 139


anfrancus 171 Liber de gratia Noui Testamenti 195 + suppl. Liber ordinis S. Victoris Parisiensis 61 Liber prefigurationum Christi et Ecclesie 195 + suppl. Liber Quare 60 Liber sacramentorum excarsus 47 Liber sacramentorum Romane ecclesiae ordine exscarpsus 47 Liudprandus Cremonensis 156 Logica antiquioris mediae aetatis 120 Lucas Tudensis 74, 74A


agister Cunestabulus 272 Margareta Porete 69 Martianus Capella 237 Metamorphosis Golie 171A Metrum de vita et miraculis et obitu S. Martini 171A Monumenta Arroasiensia 175 Monumenta Vizeliacensia 42 + suppl. Muretach 40


icolaus Maniacoria 262

pera de computo s. XII 272 Oratio S. Brandani 47 Oswaldus de Corda 179 Otfridus Wizemburgensis 200


ascasius Radbertus 16, 56, 56A, 56B, 56C, 85, 94, 96, 97 Paulinus Aquileiensis 95 Petrus Abaelardus 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 190, 206, 206A Petrus de Alliaco 258 Petrus Blesensis 128, 171, 194 Petrus Cantor 196, 196A, 196B Petrus Cellensis 54 Petrus Comestor 191 Petrus Damiani 57 Petrus Iohannis Oliui 233, 275 Petrus Marsilii 273 Petrus Pictaviensis 51 Petrus Pictor 25 Petrus de S. Audemaro 25 Petrus Venerabilis 10, 58, 83 Polythecon 93 Prefatio de Almaria 71 Psalterium adbreviatum Vercellense 47 Psalterium Suthantoniense 240


abanus Maurus 44, 100, 174, 174A Radulfus Ardens 241 Radulfus phisicus 171A Radulphus Cadomensis 231 Raimundus Lullus 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 180A, 180B, 180C, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 213, 214, 215, 246, 247, 248, 264, 265, 266 Rainherus Paderbornensis 272 Ratherius Veronensis 46, 46A Reference Bible – Das Bibelwerk 173 Reimbaldus Leodiensis 4 Remigius Autissiodorensis 136, 171 Reynardus Vulpes 171A Robertus Grosseteste 130, 268 Rodericus Ximenius de Rada 72, 72A, 72B, 72C Rodulfus Trudonensis 257, 257A Rogerus Herefordensis 272 Rudolfus de Liebegg 55 Rupertus Tuitienis 7, 9, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29


aewulf 139 Salimbene de Adam 125, 125A Scripta medii aevi de vita Isidori 281 Scriptores Ordinis Grandimontensis 8 Sedulius Scottus 40B, 40C, 67 + suppl., 117 Sermones anonymi codd. S. Vict. Paris. exarati 30 Sermones in dormitionem Mariae 154 Sicardus Cremonensis 228 Sigo abbas 171 Smaragdus 68 Speculum virginum 5 Stephanus de Borbone 124, 124A, 124B


estimonia orationis christianae antiquioris 47 Teterius Nivernensis 171 Thadeus 202 Theodericus 139 Thiofridus Epternacensis 133 Thomas de Chobham 82, 82A, 82B Thomas Gallus 223, 223A Thomas Migerius 77


incentius Belvacensis 137 Vitae S. Katharinae 119, 119A Vita S. Arnulfi ep. Suessionensis 285 Vita S. Hildegardis 126


alterus Tervanensis 217 Wilhelmus Iordani 207 Willelmus Meldunensis 244 Willelmus Tyrensis 63, 63A




he Series Graeca has been set up with the explicit aim of filling the gaps in the Patrologia Graeca and redoing editions published elsewhere in a deficient way. Priority is given to post-Nicene authors, thus completing the Berlin corpus. The works of Gregory of Nazianzus are published in the subseries Corpus Nazianzenum. Greek translations of and Byzantine commentaries on the works of Thomas Aquinas will be published in the subseries Thomas de Aquino Byzantinus.

Gregorius Nazianzenus

Opera: versio Iberica VII. Orationes XVI et XIV Bernard Coulie (ed.)

xi + 421 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-55523-2 Hardback: € 270 Series: CCSG, vol. 86 (Corpus Nazianzenum, vol. 28) Available

Mercurius Grammaticus

Opera iambica

Theodora Antonopoulou (ed.) lxxii + 118 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56457-9 Hardback: € 130 Series: CCSG, vol. 87 Available

F irst critical edition of the literary dossier

of Merkourios the Grammarian (probably early 14th cent.), including two long unpublished works. This is the first critical edition of the literary corpus of a minor Byzantine poet, the formerly little-known Merkourios the Grammarian (Mercurius Grammaticus). He wrote after AD 1100 and can probably be identified with the homonymous student of Maximos Planoudes. A dating of his dossier to the so-called “early Palaeologan renaissance” is, thus, plausible. Merkourios composed four


ersions géorgiennes des discours 16 et 14 de Grégoire de Nazianze. Les œuvres de Grégoire de Nazianze (ca 330390) ont été traduites dans les différentes langues de l’Orient chrétien. Les versions géorgiennes y occupent une place importante, pour plusieurs raisons : il y a eu plusieurs traductions géorgiennes d’un même texte, et ces versions reflètent des approches très différentes du phénomène de traduction. Ce volume, qui présente l’édition critique des deux versions géorgiennes des discours 16 et 14, clôture la publication des versions géorgiennes de la « collection des 16 discours liturgiques »

dodecasyllabic poems with a total of ca. 2,190 verses. The two longer ones, which are published here for the first time, are hagiographical rewritings (metaphrases) concerning Sts Theodore Teron and Theodore Stratelates. The third poem is a rewriting of a pseudoChrysostomic homily on the Annunciation, whereas the fourth, hymnographic work is an iambic canon on St John Chrysostom. The latter two works were previously published in obscure and inadequate editions. These texts are particularly noteworthy on account of their literary forms and help acquire a more precise picture of the extent of Byzantine hagiographical and homiletic literature in verse on the one hand, and iambic hymnography on the other. The edition also contributes towards the completion of the Greek hagiographical, hymnographic, and homiletic dossiers of Sts Theodore Teron, Theodore Stratelates, and John Chrysostom, and the Annunciation respectively. The present edition is preceded by an original introduction on the poet and the poems, focussing on their contents, models, structure,


du Théologien. Elle contient aussi un index grec- géorgien portant sur l ’ensemble de cette collection (7 volumes).

Bernard Coulie est professeur à l’Université catholique de Louvain. Il est spécialiste du monde byzantin et de l’Orient chrétien, en particulier des mondes arménien et géorgien. Il dirige le projet international d’édition des œuvres de Grégoire de Nazianze, dont il publie les versions arméniennes et géorgiennes.

genres, possible functions and reasons of composition, metre, vocabulary, manuscript tradition and, where applicable, previous editions. The final chapter presents the editorial principles. The establishment of the text is accompanied by detailed apparatuses, mainly the critical apparatus as well as the apparatus of sources and significant parallel passages. A series of indices completes the work.

Theodora Antonopoulou studied at Athens and Oxford and received her DPhil from the University of Oxford (1995). She has taught at the Universities of Cyprus and Patras, Greece, and since 2008 is Professor of Byzantine Literature at the University of Athens. She has published extensively on Byzantine literature. Her major works include a study (1997) and critical edition (2008) of the Homilies of the Byzantine Emperor Leo VI as well as a book on Byzantine homiletics (2013).


Maximus Confessor, Pseudo-Maximus Confessor

Capita de duabus Christi naturis necnon Capita gnostica Katrien Levrie (ed.)

279* + 99 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57425-7 Hardback: € 240 Series: CCSG, vol. 89 Available


É dition critique de deux collections de 'capita' attribuées à Maxime le Confesseur.

Ce volume présente la première édition critique de deux collections de 'capita' attribuées à Maxime le Confesseur (580-662). La première œuvre, le De duabus Christi naturis, n’était autrefois disponible que dans l’édition peu fiable de J.-P. Migne. L’autre ouvrage, les Capita gnostica, se trouve parmi une série de textes attribués à Maxime le Confesseur et groupés dans une édition par S. L. Epifanovič en 1917. Cependant, ce savant russe ne s’est appuyé que sur un seul manuscrit. De surcroît, l’édition n’a été imprimée qu’à un nombre très restreint d’exemplaires. Cette nouvelle édition,


précédée d’une introduction et s’appuyant sur tous les manuscrits disponibles, représente donc un progrès considérable dans les recherches sur l’œuvre de Maxime le Confesseur.

Katrien Levrie a obtenu un doctorat en études classiques à la KU Leuven en 2014. Actuellement, elle est chercheuse postdoctorale (financée par le Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique – Flandre) à la même institution, travaillant sur la mythographie byzantine.


SERIES APOCRYPHORVMS In much the same way as the Series Latina and the Series Graeca, a group of scholars from the universities of Geneva, Fribourg, Neuchâtel, Lausanne, and of the École Pratique des Hautes Études of Paris will publish all the pseudepigraphical or anonymous texts of Christian origin attributed to biblical characters or based on events reported or suggested by the Bible. The series’ purpose is to enrich the knowledge of apocryphal Christian literature by supplying editions of often dispersed and even unedited texts. Besides the critical text, each volume contains a complete study of the apocrypha edited, with commentary and translation into a modern language

Apocrypha Armeniaca: Acta Pauli et Theclae, Prodigia Theclae, Martyrium Pauli Valentina Calzolari (ed.)

xliv + 738 p., 2 b/w ills, 155 x 245 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-56986-4 Hardback: € 395 Series: CCSA, vol. 20 Available

This volume comprises an extensive study

of the legend of Thecla in the Armenian tradition, as well as a philological analysis of Armenian sources on Thecla and on the Martyrdom of Paul compared to parallel texts in other languages (Greek, Syriac, Latin, Coptic). In this volume, the critical edition of Armenian texts is combined with a thoroughly commented translation. In addition to a general introduction on the Acts of Paul, the volume also contains an overview of the cycle of Paul

in Armenian, and of the history of the research in the field of the Armenian Christian Apocryphal Literature. When one attempts to piece together the itinerary by which saint Thecla fully established her position in the religious environment of ancient and medieval Armenia, literary and liturgical accounts may be found spanning almost ten centuries, from the fifth to the fourteenth century. To support this research, this monograph takes into consideration the ties between Syriac and Armenian Christianity in the fifth century; the ancient Armenian historiography; the correlation between ancient Byzantine and Armenian literature of the twelfth century; and, finally, the diplomatic and religious relationships between Armenians and the Latin kingdoms of the West in the fourteenth century. Still within the fifth century, at least three works written directly in Armenian presuppose the legend of Thecla. In these writings the paradigms of holiness embodied by the saint have influenced the representation of female figures associated with the origins of Armenian Christianity.

The milestones of this itinerary in place and time are indicators of the established importance of the legend in Armenian tradition. At the same time, they form interesting evidence regarding the way legends and traditions spread through the Christian communities of Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages.


Valentina Calzolari is Professor of Armenian Studies at the University of Geneva. She is currently President of the Association pour l’Etude de la littérature apocryphe chrétienne (AELAC) and of the Association Internationale des Etudes Arméniennes (AIEA). She is the author of "Les apôtres Thaddée et Barthélemy. Aux origines du christianisme arménien" (Collection Apocryphes 13).



AVTOGRAPHA MEDII AEVIS This series proposes to bring to the attention of scholars a range of medieval Latin texts which are preserved in manuscripts written personally by the author (autographs) or directly under his supervision (ideographs), and are of particular significance within their genre.


Ademarus Cabannensis musicus ac cantor J. Grier

approx. 200 p., 36 b/w ills, 8 col. ills, 155 x 245 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-52395-8, Hardback: approx. € 120 Series: CCAMA 7 In production

Adémar de Chabannes (989-1034), monk

at the abbey of Saint Cybard in Angoulême, historian, homilist, polemicist and musician extraordinaire, left behind some 451  folios of music with notation written in his autograph hand. These documents constitute the earliest identifiable musical autographs by several centuries. They provide essential data for musical practices at Saint Martial, where Adémar contributed to their production, and Adémar’s personal and professional

involvement in those practices. They also attest the introduction to the scriptorium at Saint Martial by Adémar of accurately heighting the neumes (symbols of musical notation) above the text to which the melody is sung. Each pitch, therefore, receives a distinct position along the vertical axis of writing. This procedure shows the exact musical interval between notes, and expedites the reading and learning of the melodies. It remains today the standard convention for indicating pitch in modern Western notation. The importance of this technique is impossible to overstate because Western music and its notation place higher importance on pitch than many other elements, such as rhythm and timbre. Therefore, heighting, the device by which notation precisely communicates pitch, holds a central place in the development of the musical language. In contrast, most of the notational dialects that appear in early music manuscripts from the medieval West use, to a greater or lesser degree, the vertical placement of signs to indicate melodic direction rather than pitch. After an overview of

Adémar’s biography and musical activities, the study examines in detail the four surviving manuscripts in which Adémar inscribed musical notation, and then the notation itself. The study closes with a consideration of Adémar’s contributions to musical literacy through his introduction of accurate heighting.

James Grier, Professor of Music History at the University of Western Ontario, is the author of The Critical Editing of Music (Cambridge, 1996), The Musical World of a Medieval Monk: Adémar de Chabannes in Eleventh-Century Aquitaine (Cambridge, 2006), and numerous articles on music and liturgy in medieval Aquitaine, as well as studies of the music of Joseph Haydn, Bob Dylan and Roger McGuinn, and Frank Zappa. His critical edition of the music copied in the hand of Adémar de Chabannes appeared in Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaevalis (2012).


Goffredo di Fontaines aspirante baccelliere sentenziario: le autografe "Notule de scientia theologie" e la cronologia del ms. Paris BnF lat. 16297 A. Aiello, R. Wielockx (eds) 354 p., 7 colour ill., + 7 pl., 155 x 245 mm, 2008, ISBN 978-2-503-52622-5 Hardback: € 190 Series: CCAMA 6


Gli autografi di frate Francesco e di frate Leone A. Bartoli Langeli 137 p. + 28 pl., 155 x 245 mm, 2000, ISBN 978-2-503-50856-6, Hardback: € 80 Series: CCAMA 5,

The Autograph Manuscript of the Liber Floridus. A Key to the Encyclopedia of Lambert of Saint-Omer A. Derolez IV+210 p. + 42 pl., 155 x 245 mm, 1998, ISBN 978-2-503-50792-7, Hardback: € 94 Series: CCAMA 4



CONCILIORVM OECVMENICORVM GENERALIVMQVE DECRETA The series Conciliorum oecumenicorum generaliumque decreta publishes critical editions of the decrees of those church councils which are termed 'ecumenical', as well as those of the main 'general' councils whose authority is recognized by most Christian denominations, or are accorded such status within the Roman tradition.


The Great Councils of the Orthodox Churches: Decisions and Synodika from Constantinople 861 to Moscow 2000 A. Melloni (ed.)

2 vols, xxxii + 1096 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-52529-7 Hardback: € 495 Series: CCCOGD, vol. 4.1-2 Available

The two tomes of this volume comprise

the critical edition – sometimes the very first critical edition – of the Councils of the Eastern Orthodox Churches, namely those sharing the

profession of faith defined in the first seven Ecumenical Councils (COGD 1). Among them one may find the Protodeutera (861), the Council of Constantinople of 879, the Tomos Unionis (920), the Local Synods of Constantinople against the Syro-Jacobites (1030) and against John Italos (1082), the Councils on 'My Father is greater than me' (1166), on the Filioque (1285) and on Palamas (1341-1351), the Synod of 1484, annulling the so-called union of Florence (COGD 2), the Synods about Lucaris, the Panorthodox Synods of Jerusalem (1672) and Constantinople (1872), the Local Synods of Constantinople (1691 and 1755), and additional materials, like the Patriarchal decision of annulment of the Excommunications between Rome and Constantinople (paralleled in COGD 3). It also includes the first publication of five synodika of Orthodoxy: Georgian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Russian and the Greek synodikon with

a new edition of the oldest surviving version of the latter (eleventh century), which was the basis for the subsequent translations. Moreover, the volume represents the Conciliar tradition of the Patriarchate of Moscow and of all Russias, including the Stoglav (1551), and the Councils of Moscow of 1666/7 and 1917/8 and more recent Councils of the 21st century.

Ediderunt S. Garnier, P. Gemeinhardt, V. Kontouma, K. A. Maksimovič, E. Lamberz, F. Lauritzen, B. MartinHisard, N. Papaïliaki, S. Paschalidis, R. Saccenti, T. Subotin Golubović, M. Stavrou, A. M. Totomanova, H. Alfeev, E. V. Beljakova, E. Emčenko, A. Mainardi, adlaborante D. Dainese.

The Great Councils of the Orthodox Churches: Decisions and Synodika. Crete 2016 A. Melloni (ed.)

vi + 354 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57504-9 Hardback: € 250 Series: CCCOGD, vol. 4.3 Available

T he first printed edition of the June 2016 Council of Crete is published as a separate tome.




LINGVA PATRVM L ingua Patrum is a series of monographs on linguistic and stylistic phenomena in the writings of early Christian and medieval authors. T he first edition with introduction, trans-

Disticha sancti Ambrosii. Introduzione, testo criticamente riveduto, traduzione e commento

lation and commentary of the 21 Disticha attributed to Ambrose of Milan.

and a detailed philological, textual, exegetical and iconographic commentary to the Disticha. Francesco Lubian is a Doctor Europaeus in "Poetry and Culture of the Latin and Greek Late Antiquity" and currently an OeADs "Ernst Mach" Post-Doc Stipendiat at the University of Vienna; his studies are mainly devoted to prose (Arnobius, Sulpicius Severus) and poetic production (Prudentius, Sedulius, Cyprianus Gallus, Rusticus Helpidius, Arator) from the Latin Late Antiquity. His work on the Disticha Ambrosii was awarded the 2017 "Premio delle Pontificie Accademie".

This book represents the first monographic work dedicated to the Disticha attributed to Ambrose of Milan, a cycle of twenty-one hexametrical distichs whose aim is the description and explanation of pictured narratives from the Old and the New Testament. After an introduction which enlightens all aspects of the epigrammatic cycle (transmission, paternity, debts towards previous Latin poetry, Fortleben, hypothesis of reconstruction), the author provides a revised text, a new Italian translation,

F. Lubian

264 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57124-9 Hardback: € 110 Series: CCLP, vol. 10 Available

Genèse du supplétisme verbal: du latin aux langues romanes Marie-Ange Julia

481 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2016, ISBN 978-2-503-56720-4, Hardback: € 195 Series: CCLP, vol. 9 Available

L’ouvrage décrit le processus du supplétisme

verbal et l’illustre dans quatre grands champs sémantiques : 'aller', 'porter', 'manger', 'guérir'.

Grâce aux bases de données développées par Brepols, l’auteur établit des statistiques de fréquence sur toute la littérature latine, depuis le latin archaïque jusqu’au latin très tardif, et parvient à montrer l’évolution de plusieurs supplétismes des langues romanes, prenant leur source dans le latin. Il apparaît ainsi que certaines formes d’un même paradigme cèdent alors que d’autres se montrent plus résistantes. La genèse de quatre supplétismes fait apparaître un même processus d’évolution, qui tient en partie à la phonétique, à la sémantique et aux usages de la langue parlée au quotidien. Il s’agit d’une étude inédite dans le domaine de la linguistique latine qui s’attache à l’exhaustivité.

Marie-Ange Julia est professeur agrégé de grammaire, enseignant en Première supérieure et Lettres supérieures au Lycée Henri IV de Paris, docteur en linguistique grecque (EPHE IVème section) et en linguistique latine (Paris IV-Sorbonne). Ses recherches ont été récompensées par le prix de la Fondation Bolkestein en 2009. L’auteur a soutenu son Habilitation à diriger des recherches en décembre 2015.


The Latin of the Grammarians. Reflections about Language in the Roman World Rolando Ferri, Anna Zago (eds) 453 p., 3 b/w ills, 155 x 245 mm, 2016, ISBN 978-2-503-56627-6, Hardback: € 185 Series: CCLP, vol. 8


À l’école de Cassiodore. Les figures « extravagantes » dans la tradition occidentale A. Grondeux 388 p., 1 colour ill., 155 x 245 mm, 2013, ISBN 978-2-503-54901-9, Hardback: € 170 Series: CCLP, vol. 7


Accentus, distinctio, apex. L’accentazione grafica tra Grammatici Latini e papiri virgiliani M. C. Scappaticcio VIII+354 p., 14 colour ill., 155 x 245 mm, 2012, ISBN 978-2-503-54438-0, Hardback: € 145 Series: CCLP, vol. 6



Clavis Litterarum Hibernensium: Medieval Irish Books & Texts (c. 400 – c. 1600) Donnchadh Ó Corráin

3 vols, clxiv + 1932 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-54857-9 Hardback: € 875, € 695 for subscribers to the Corpus Christianorum Series: Corpus Christianorum. Claves Available

T his three-volume ground-breaking and

comprehensive bibliography of Irish texts and manuscripts is the first study of its kind to describe the entire historical and literary output of Irish writers, at home and abroad, throughout the middle ages (4th to 17th centuries). It

surveys writers in Latin and the vernaculars, ranging through biblica, liturgica, computistica, hagiographica and grammatica, as well as all the genres of Irish and the other vernacular writings of Ireland The focus is on both individual manuscripts and textual transmission. In the case of manuscripts it succinctly lists all the salient information (origin, provenance and date, foliation, pagination and dimensions), accompanied by a detailed chronologically arranged bibliography for every codex. For individual texts it lists the manuscripts in which they occur, or, when relevant, where such a list can be found, together with a comprehensive bibliography of relevant publications. For both manucripts and texts, there are running cross-references to the standard works of reference. The Index Manuscriptorum is the most comprehensive of its type ever provided for this subject. Moreover, the chapters on manuscripts and texts written in Irish provide the first full treatment of several


areas, including annals, genealogies, vernacular law, early poetry, bardic poetry and metrics.

Donnchadh Ó Corráin († 2017) was emeritus professor of medieval history at University College-National University of Ireland, Cork. He was a member of the Royal Irish Academy; visiting Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, 1978-9; and Senior Visiting Research Fellow at Balliol College Oxford, 1993-4. He was founder-editor of Peritia, 1982-2014 (25 volumes) and established the CELT on-line corpus of Irish texts ( He has published widely on medieval Irish literature, text history, vernacular law, church history, canon law, genealogy, politics, kingship, social history, the Vikings, and other topics.




Supplément au Répertoire des bibliothèques et des catalogues de manuscrits grecs Jean-Marie Olivier

2 vols, approx. 1550 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57720-3 Hardback: € 350

Launch price: € 290 until 31 March 2018, € 240 for subscribers to the Corpus Christianorum In production


omplément indispensable au Répertoire des bibliothèques et des catalogues de manuscrits grecs de Marcel Richard (Brepols, 1995; toujours disponible), cet ouvrage analyse les publications consacrées aux manuscrits grecs au cours de vingt dernières années et signale quelques publications antérieures qui avaient en 1995 échappé à l’auteur. On trouvera en outre dans ce Supplément les références permettant de retrouver les très nombreuses publications signalées dans l’ouvrage publié en 1995 qui ont été mises à la disposition des lecteurs sur internet.

Cet ouvrage trouvera sa place dans toutes les bibliothèques publiques et universitaires hébergeant des manuscrits et sera un outil indispensable à tous ceux qui s’intéressent aux manuscrits grecs.

Jean-Marie Olivier est philologue, spécialiste des manuscrits grecs, auteur lui-même de catalogues de manuscrits grecs et de nombreux articles.


Répertoire des bibliothèques et des catalogues de manuscrits grecs de Marcel Richard Jean-Marie Olivier

xvi + 952 p., 155 x 245 mm, 1995, ISBN 978-2-503-50445-2 Hardback: € 188,

Now € 90 until 31 March 2018



I l est inutile de présenter aux hellénistes,

aux spécialistes des textes chrétiens en langue grecque, aux byzantinistes, aux bibliothécaires, bref à tous ceux qui s’intéressent à un titre ou à un autre aux manuscrits grecs, le célèbre Répertoire de Marcel Richard. La seconde édition de cet indispensable outil, parue en 1958, est depuis longtemps épuisée, de même que le Supplément I, paru en 1963. Depuis 30 ans, notre connaissance des collections de manuscrits grecs a tellement progressé, qu’à l’évidence une nouvelle édition s’imposait pour tenter de rendre compte de leur état présent. Cette troisième édition, due à un disciple de Marcel Richard, compte plus


de 2.500 unités bibliographiques (alors que la seconde édition et le Supplément I en portaient 950). L’auteur a fait un effort particulier de dépouillement des publications signalées afin d’éviter à l’utilisateur d’inutiles pertes de temps. On trouvera –notamment– dans cet ouvrage de nombreuses informations inédites sur les collections, jusqu’à présent mal connues, d’Europe de l’Est. Une table de concordance permettra de retrouver aisément les numéros affectés aux publications dans la seconde édition et le Supplément I. Le volume s’achève sur un index entièrement consacré aux bibliothèques, possesseurs et manuscrits cités.


HAGIOGRAPHIES H istoire internationale de la littérature hagiographique latine et vernaculaire en Occident des origines à 1550 # International History of

the Latin and Vernacular Hagiographical Literature in the West from its Origins to 1550 # Internationale Geschichte der lateinischen und einheimischen hagiographischen Literatur im Abendland von den Anfängen bis 1550 # Storia internazionale della letteratura agiografica latina e volgare in Occidente dalle origine a 1550.

Hagiographies, 7

C. Pérez Gonzalez, La producción hagiográfica latina del Reino de Navarra y Aragón entre el 711 y 1350

970 p., 1 col. ill., 155 x 245 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57612-1, Hardback: € 325 Série: CCHAG, vol. 7 In production

M. Cerno, La più antica agiografia latina della Slovenia (IX-XV secolo)

Monique Goullet (éd.)

V. Vermassen, Latin hagiography in the Dutchspeaking parts of the Southern Low Countries (1350-1550) W. Verbeke, La littérature hagiographique en moyen néerlandais (vers 1170-1550): Les légendes rimées

S. Boesch Gajano, Gregorio Magno agiografo G. Vocino, L’Agiografia dell’Italia centrale (750-950) E. D’Angelo, Bibliotheca Hagiographica Umbriae – pars altera – (314-1130)

L. Jiroušková, Å. Ommundsen, H. Antonsson, Latin Hagiography in Medieval Norway (c. 1050-1500)

S. Efthymiadis, L’hagiographie grecque de l’Italie (VIIe-XIVe siècle)

G. Jensson, Latin Hagiography in Medieval Iceland


Hagiographies, 6

Hagiographies, 4

Hagiographies, 2

917 p., 1 col. ill., 155 x 245 mm, 2014, ISBN 978-2-503-54747-3, Hardback: € 315 Série: CCHAG, vol. 6 Available

796 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2006, ISBN 978-2-503-51826-8, Hardback: € 188 Série: CCHAG, vol. 4 Available

557 p., 155 x 245 mm, 1996, ISBN 978-2-503-50471-1, Hardback: € 190 Série: CCHAG, vol. 2 Available

Hagiographies, 5

Hagiographies, 3

Hagiographies, 1

462 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2001, ISBN 978-2-503-51249-5, Hardback: € 170 Série: CCHAG, vol. 3 Available

512 p., 155 x 245 mm, 1994, ISBN 978-2-503-50408-7, Hardback: € 190 Série: CCHAG, vol. 1 Available

Monique Goullet (éd.)

Guy Philippart (éd.)

Hagiographie d’Italie (300-550) 808 p., 1 col. ill., 155 x 245 mm, 2010, ISBN 978-2-503-52583-9, Hardback: € 275 Série: CCHAG, vol. 5 Available

Guy Philippart (éd.)

Guy Philippart (éd.)


Guy Philippart (éd.)

Guy Philippart (éd.)




rimarily intended to make the texts edited in Corpus Christianorum accessible to those who do not have the opportunity to read them in the original language, Corpus Christianorum in Translation can also serve as a tool for quick reference and as an aid in interpreting the Greek or Latin text for those familiar with the source language.

Escritos medievales en honor del obispo Isidoro de Sevilla José Carlos Martín-Iglesias 359 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57609-1 Paperback: € 60 Series: CCT, vol. 29 Available

= Spanish translation of texts published in CCSL 113B and CCCM 281


e volume comporte la traduction de plusieurs œuvres hagiographiques, homilétiques et liturgiques d’origine hispanique rédigées entre le VIIe et le XVe siècle en l’honneur de saint Isidore de Séville.

Pietro Comestore

La Genesi

Gaia Lazzarini approx. 450 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57596-4 Paperback: € 65 Series: CCT, vol. 30 In production = Italian translation of texts published in CCCM 191

I l commento alla Genesi di Pietro Comesto-

re è parte di un’opera ben più vasta, composta intorno al 1170 e nota in epoca successiva con


Isidoro de Sevilla es el escritor más destacado de la Hispania visigoda. Aunque es conocido, sobre todo, como autor de la enciclopedia de las Etymologiae, se interesó igualmente por la exégesis bíblica, la historia, la biografía, la astronomía y la geografía, la liturgia, la teología, la espiritualidad, las herejías, la numerología y el monacato. A su muerte, dejó fama de hombre sabio y santo. En consecuencia, a lo largo de la Edad Media se compusieron numerosas obras en su honor en Hispania. Este volumen recoge la traducción de la mayor parte de esos escritos, desde los más antiguos, fechados en el año 636, hasta varias piezas litúrgicas del s. XV. Las primeras composiciones surgieron en Sevilla y Zaragoza, pero, después del traslado de los restos de Isidoro a León en 1063, su culto conoció un gran desarrollo en esta ciudad y los canónigos del monasterio de San Isidoro de León quisieron exaltar la memoria del santo consagrando varias obras a su figura. A continuación, en la segunda mitad del s. XIII, otra

relevante leyenda hagiográfica sobre Isidoro de Sevilla y sus hermanos fue compuesta en Zaragoza. Se conservan, además, algunos pequeños escritos litúrgicos redactados entre los siglos XIII y XV.

il titolo, pressoché intraducibile nelle lingue moderne, di Historia Scholastica. Il termine historia ne individua l’oggetto: è la storia sacra —la «storia» per eccellenza secondo la mentalità medievale— che, a partire dal libro della Genesi fino ai Vangeli, è narrata in stretta aderenza alla traccia biblica e, al contempo, puntualmente commentata sotto il profilo esegetico, con privilegio (quasi esclusivo) accordato all’esegesi storico-letterale. L’appellativo scholastica è suggello postumo ad indicare la generale adozione «scolastica» dell’opera, quale imprescindibile manuale di riferimento, almeno per l’intera epoca tardomedievale, nelle facoltà di teologia delle università europee. Un’opera, dunque, di assoluta rilevanza,

ma la cui sterminata estensione nonché vastità della tradizione manoscritta sono state, e sono tuttora, di ostacolo a qualsivoglia progetto di edizione critica integrale e di studio analitico d’insieme.


Jose Carlos Martín-Iglesias es Profesor Titular de latín en la Universidad de Salamanca. Es autor de once libros y de más de un centenar de artículos científicos, dedicados, en especial, a la literatura latina de la Hispania tardoantigua y medieval. Sus intereses abarcan la hagiografía, la historiografía, la epistolografía, la exégesis bíblica, los tratados de polémica religiosa, las herejías, los tratados de cómputo pascual y las enciclopedias medievales. Ha editado y traducido un gran número de obras medievales, muchas de ellas inéditas hasta entonces.

Gaia Lazzarini si è laureata nel 2016 presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano con una tesi in Filologia Mediolatina dal titolo «La Genesi secondo Pietro Comestore: saggio di traduzione e analisi».


Theodore Metochites


Ioannis D. Polemis 377 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-57039-6 Paperback: € 50 Series: CCT, vol. 26 Available

= English translation of the texts published in CCSG 83


heodore Metochites (c.1270-1332), an important writer of Late Byzantium, composed twenty long Poems in dactylic verse, which



The Gothic Missal Els Rose

373 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2017, ISBN 978-2-503-53397-1 Paperback: € 50 Series: CCT, vol. 27 Available = English translation of the text published in CCSL 159D

constitute an unicum in Byzantine Literature. Some of them are clearly autobiographic, offering important details about their author’s career, while others are devoted to some saints of the Byzantine church (St Athanasius of Alexandria and the three prelates Basil of Caesarea, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom). Some of them are addressed to close friends of Metochites (like the polymath Nikephoros Gregoras, or the church historian Nikephoros Xanthopoulos), asking for their advice or complaining about his own difficulties. Three of them are funerary Poems, extolling the virtues and mourning the death of persons close to the emperor Andronikos II Palaiologos, who was the protector and benefactor of Metochites. The last seven Poems are written in a more reflective mood, discussing the precariousness of human happiness


he Missale Gothicum provides unique evidence relating to the liturgy of early medieval Gaul around 700 AD and its reception in later centuries, and offers insight into the development of the Latin language in this key period of Latinity. Its significance may therefore not be underestimated. The codex in which the text is transmitted, now preserved in the Vatican Library (Vat. reg. lat. 317), comprises the prayers for Mass for the entire liturgical year as recited by the celebrant, most probably the bishop of Autun. The Gothic Missal is the only surviving source of many rites and commemorations that characterise the specific liturgical

and the inevitability of man’s fall due to the adverse circumstances of his life. All those Poems are preserved in MS. Parisinus graecus 1776, which was written in all probability under Metochites’ supervision. The translation is accompanied by notes clarifying the sense of difficult passages and giving references to the texts that inspired Metochites directly or to parallel passages in the works of Metochites himself, or other Greek and Byzantine authors.

Ioannis Polemis is full Professor of Byzantine Literature at the University of Athens (Department of Philology). He specializes in Byzantine and theological literature of the fourteenth century.

tradition of late antique and early medieval (Merovingian) Gaul. At the same time, the codex is the earliest known source of a number of liturgical texts still in use in the liturgy of the Western Church, such as the Easter hymn Exultet and prayers featuring in Baptismal rites. This first integral English translation of the text is intended to make its sometimes rather obscure Latin more accessible to scholars of medieval liturgy (musicologists, religious and social historians) and of medieval Latin, as well as to new generations of students interested in the history and religious culture of the Middle Ages. Moreover, it is the hope of the author of the present volume to address a broad audience of interested readers, academic and otherwise, by opening up to them the unique and colourful world of late antique and early medieval liturgical life and its reception until the present day.

Els Rose is senior lecturer in medieval Latin at Utrecht University, where she took her PhD in medieval studies in 2001 with a thesis on liturgical language and commemoration in the Gothic Missal. Her edition of the Latin text was published in 2005.



PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED IN THIS SERIES. These and other titles available. Translations from SERIES LATINA

Girolamo di Stridone

Commento alla Epistola ai Galati G. Raspanti (trad.)

396 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2011, CCT 1, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-53153-3, € 60


Commentaire de l’Apocalypse R. Gryson (trad.)

220 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2011, CCT 10, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54068-9, € 50


Contro gli Acefali  S. Petri (trad.)

252 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, CCT 17, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-55107-4, € 50

Himnodia hispánica

José Castro Sánchez (trad.) 604 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2014, CCT 19, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-55274-3, € 90


On the Trinity, Letters to Cyprian of Carthage, Ethical Treatises J. L. Papandrea (trans.)

216 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2015, CCT 22, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54491-5, € 50

Translations from


Peter Abelard

An Exposition on the Six-day Work

W. Zemler-Cizewski (trans.) 130 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2011, CCT 8, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-53511-1, € 35

Sicard von Cremona

Summe der kirchlichen Offizien  L. Weinrich (Übers.)

336 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2012, CCT 11, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54334-5, € 60

John of Salisbury


J. B. Hall (trans.), J. Haseldine (intro.) 369 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, CCT 12, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-53398-8, € 60

Guiberto di Nogent

Le reliquie dei santi Matteo Salaroli (trad.)

178 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2015, CCT 24, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-55584-3, € 35

Hermann de Reun


Pierre-Yves Emery (trad.) 757 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2015, CCT 25, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-55145-6, € 90

William of Malmesbury

On Lamentations 

M. Winterbottom (trans.) 410 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, CCT 13, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54849-4, € 60

William Durand

Rationale IV. On the Mass and Each Action Pertaining to it T. M. Thibodeau (trans.)

525 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, CCT 14, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54879-1, € 70

Jakob von Vitry

Das Leben der Maria von Oignies  I. Geyer (Übers.)

223 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2014, CCT 18, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-55108-1, € 50

Aelred de Rievaulx

Sermons. La collection de Reading (sermons 85-182) Gaëtane de Briey, Gaetano Raciti (trad.), Xavier Morales (intro.)

2 vol., 886 p., 156 x 234 mm., 2015, CCT 20, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-55206-4, € 90

Mitralis. Der Gottesdienst der Kirche

William Durand

810 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2011, CCT 9, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-53400-8, € 90

228 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2015, CCT 23, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-55550-8, € 50

L. Weinrich (Übers.)


Johannes Beleth

Rationale V. On the Divine Offices T. M. Thibodeau (trans.)


Translations from


An Anonymous Dialogue with a Jew  L. Fields (trans.)

238 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2012, CCT 6, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-53445-9, € 50

Anastasios of Sinai

Questions and Answers J. A. Munitiz (trans.)

264 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2011, CCT 7, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-53512-8, € 50

Mönch Markos

Asketische Schriften  Florilegium und drei Traktate P. Roelli (Übers.)

229 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, CCT 15, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-53396-4, € 50



J. A. Munitiz (trans.) 310 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, CCT 16, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-55106-7, € 50

Titus de Bostra

Contre les manichéens Paul-Hubert Poirier, Agathe Roman, Thomas Schmidt (trad.) 483 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2015, CCT 21, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-55017-6, € 60


SCHOLARS VERSIONS This series aims to make available editions of complete texts for researchers and students in a handy and affordable format. Texts chosen for this series are reprints of the complete Corpus Christianorum volume(s) in question.

The Complete Ruusbroec. English Translation with the Original Middle Dutch Text G. de Baere, T. Mertens (eds) G. de Baere, T. Mertens (eds) 2 vols., 1631 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2014 ISBN 978-2-503-54954-5 Hardback: € 98 Series: CCSV Available


Hildegardis Bingensis

Enarrationes in Psalmos


2 vols., 2279 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2014 ISBN 978-2-503-54955-2, € 98 Hardback: € 98 Series: CCSV Available

lx + 917 p., 130 x 205 mm, 2003 ISBN 978-2-503-51475-8 Paperback: € 50 Series: CCSV Available

De civitate dei

Gregorius Magnus

lxvii + 892 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2014 ISBN 978-2-503-55211-8 Hardback: € 50 Series: CCSV Available

M. Adriaen (ed.)

E. Dekkers, J. Fraipont (eds)

B. Dombart, A. Kalb (eds)

Itineraria et alia geographica

P. Geyer, O. Cuntz, A. Francheschini, R. Weber, L. Bieler, J. Fraipont, F. Glorie (eds) xxii + 870 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2014 ISBN 978-2-503-54951-4 Hardback: € 65 Series: CCSV Available

Willelmus Tyrensis


R. Huygens (ed.) xviii + 1171 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2014 ISBN 978-2-503-54952-1 Hardback: € 65 Series: CCSV Available

A. Führkötter, A. Carlevaris (eds)

Moralia in Iob 2 vol., xxxvi + 1892 p., 130 x 205 mm, 2005 ISBN 978-2-503-51842-8 Paperback: € 80 Series: CCSV Available

Petrus Abaelardus

Opera theologica

E. M. Buytaert, D. E. Luscombe, J. Barrow, Ch. Burnett, K. S. B. Keats-Rohan, C. J. Mews, M. Romig (eds) 2 vols., 2301 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2014 ISBN 978-2-503-54956-9 Hardback: € 130 Series: CCSV Available

Beda Venerabilis

Opera didascalica

C.W. Jones, C.B. Kendall, M.H. King, F. Lipp (eds) xxvi + 808 p., 130 x 205 mm, 2003 ISBN 978-2-503-51474-1 Paperback: € 50 Series: CCSV Available

Claves apocryphorum Veteris et Novi Testamenti J.-C. Haelewyck, M. Geerard 547 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2014 ISBN 978-2-503-54953-8 Hardback: € 65 Series: CCSV Available

Lexicon latinitatis medii aevi − Le vocabulaire latin des principaux thèmes liturgiques A. Blaise

2 vols., 1886 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2014 ISBN 978-2-503-54957-6 Hardback: € 98 Series: CCSV Available



Library of Latin Texts The world’s leading database for Latin texts. Library of Latin Texts – Series A (LLT-A)

Library of Latin Texts – Series B (LLT-B)

The Library of Latin Texts – Series A is the world’s leading database for Latin texts. In total, the present version of the LLT-A contains over 74 million Latin words, drawn from more than 3625 works that are attributed to approximately 1150 authors.

In 2009, Brepols Publishers launched a new Latin text database, the Library of Latin Texts – Series B, LLT-B for short. The objective of LLT-B is to put a large number of Latin texts into electronic form, at a rapid pace, in order to meet the needs of students and researchers. The material, which makes up the Library of Latin Texts – Series B is drawn from existing scholarly editions whereas the Library of Latin Texts – Series A benefits from the additional intensive research work undertaken by the Centre ‘Traditio Litterarum Occidentalium’ (CTLO).

The texts which are incorporated are selected by virtue of their having been edited according to best contemporary scholarly practice. Independent research is undertaken to verify facts relating to the text, such as the veracity of the authorial attribution or the dating. In addition, errors in word-forms from the printed version are corrected.

Key Features LLT-A & LLT-B • LLT-A contains more than 3625 texts, under the auspices of the academic partner Centre ‘Traditio Litterarum Occidentalium’ • LLT-B contains more than 800 texts • Updated yearly with new material • The interface is the same as Brepols full-text databases (Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Archive of Celtic-Latin Literature and Aristoteles Latinus Database) • By using the Cross Database Searchtool, LLT-A and LLT-B can be searched online together with the Monumenta Germaniae Historica, the Archive of Celtic-Latin Literature and the Aristoteles Latinus Database • Interface in English, French, German and Italian • The powerful search-software enables the users to undertake enhanced search possibilities: by using wildcards and Booleans operators, the user can construct complex search queries • Filters are used when, instead of searching through the entire data set, one wishes to restrict the search to a particular Author or group of Authors, a particular Work, a particular Period or Century • Live links to the Database of Latin Dictionaries (a user can select a word found in a text of LLT-A or LLT-B and automatically find entries on the word in the constituent dictionaries of the Database of Latin Dictionaries)

Brepols Online Databases 22

Sacris erudiri A Journal of Late Antique and Medieval Christianity

ISSN: 0771-7776 Editor: Johan Leemans (University of Leuven)

M. DelCogliano, Basil of Caesarea’s Homily On Psalm 115 (CPG 2910): Origen and Anti-Eunomian Polemic L. J. Salés, Can These Bones Live? Gregory of Nyssa’s Appropriation of Aristotelian Psychology in On the Soul and the Resurrection F. Dolbeau, Deux sermons d’Augustin pour des fêtes de martyrs.Édition critique des s. 285 et 306 R. W. Bishop & N. Rambault, Severian of Gabala, In ascensionem et in principium Actorum (CPG 4187). Introduction and Critical Edition J.-M. Olivier, À propos du « Grand commentaire » d’Hésychius de Jérusalem (CPG 6554) au Psaume 71 R. W. Strickler, A Dispute in Dispute: Revisiting the Disputatio cum Pyrrho Attributed to Maximus the Confessor (CPG 7698) P. Podolak, Per una futura edizione di Ugo Eteriano: censimento della tradizione manoscritta e problemi di cronologia. Con un’appendice di Alessandra Bucossi P. Acosta-García, "Notez bien, bonnes pucelles": A Complete Transcription of the French and Continental Latin Annotations of The Mirror of Simple Souls

Sacris Erudiri is an international journal of religious sciences in its broadest sense. Studies published refer mainly to the history of the Church, the history of liturgy and patristics. Whilst excluding nothing, the topics addressed refer more to factual and institutional history than to doctrinal history. These articles often represent preliminary analyses for later critical editions of patristic and medieval texts to be published in various series of the Corpus Christianorum.

Techniques of Compilation in Late Ancient and Medieval Historiography Edited by P. Van Nuffelen, E. Delacenserie, P. Manafis A. Meeus, Compilation or Tradition? Some Thoughts on the Methods of Historians and Other Scholars in Antiquity E. Delacenserie, Beyond the Compilation. The Two Historiae Tripartitae of Theodore Lector and Cassiodorus M. Mazzola, A "Woven-Texture" Narration: On the Compilation Method of the Syriac Renaissance Chronicles (Twelfth-Thirteenth Centuries) S. H. Rapp Jr., The Making of K'art'lis c'xovreba, the So-Called Georgian Chronicles

Table of Contents of Sacris Erudiri 56 (2017)

Highlights: Religious sciences in its broadest sense Multilingual Online archive available Discipline(s): Patristics, Religious History Language(s): English - French - German - Italian - Spanish

Related book series: Corpus Christianorum Instrumenta patristica et medievalia Abstracting & Indexing Services: L’année philologique IBR / IBZ Internationale Bibliographie der Zeitschriftenliteratur aus allen Gebieten des Wissens (IBZ) International Medieval Bibliography Iter MLA International Bibliography Medioevo Latino New Testament Abstracts Old Testament Abstracts Répertoire international de littérature musicale (RILM)


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Call for Translations T

he series Corpus Christianorum in Translation provides modern translations of patristic and Medieval Greek and Latin texts that have been edited in one of the Corpus Christianorum series (Series Latina, Series Graeca, and Continuatio Mediaevalis). These translations, which are published independently from the critical editions, want to make the texts edited in Corpus Christianorum accessible to those who do not have the opportunity to read them in the original language. For those conversant with the original language, the translations can serve as a tool for quick reference and an aid in interpreting the Greek or Latin text. Each volume is equipped with an introduction explaining the context, content, and historical meaning of the work in question. Furthermore, translation volumes are furnished with a bibliography, concise annotation, in some instances a commentary on the text, and indexes.

Brepols is seeking new projects for the series Corpus Christianorum in Translation: - All texts published in Corpus Christianorum (Series Latina, Series Graeca, and Continuatio Mediaevalis) for which no academic, recent, modern-language translation is available, are eligible. - Target languages are English, French, German, Spanish, and Italian and should preferably be the translator’s mother tongue. - Volumes in Corpus Christianorum in Translation comprise an introduction, bibliography, (annotated) translation, and indexes. - All translations are subject to an independent, professional, peer review process.

To respond to this call, please contact the publishing manager Loes Diercken directly [email protected] – Tel: +32 14 44 80 29


CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM Sint-Annaconvent Begijnhof 39 B-2300 Turnhout – Belgium tel. +32 14 71 10 50 fax +32 14 71 10 59 [email protected] –

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Begijnhof 67 – 2300 Turnhout – Belgium – Tel: + 32 14 44 80 30 – Fax: + 32 14 42 89 19 [email protected] –