Jul 1, 2018 - down to the present day and the burgeoning of ... Series: Environmental Histories of the North Atlantic Wo
Table of Contents Medieval Studies
Languages & Literature
Book History & Manuscript Studies
Art History
History of Architecture
Renaissance & Early Modern Studies
Philosophy & Religion
History of Science
Music History
Ancient Near East & Classics
Corpvs Christianorvm
Scope of this catalogue: July 1st 2018 - November 30th 2018
As a rule, publications already mentioned in previous Forthcoming Titles Catalogues are not repeated.
The Fourth Lateran Council and the Crusade Movement Emotion and Medieval Textual Media
Mary C. Flannery (ed.)
Text is one of the most valuable and plentiful sources of information available to scholars interested in medieval emotion. The medieval world may have vanished centuries ago, and its human subjects with it, but a wealth of textual traces remains: sermons, romances, poems, plays, treatises, songs, inscriptions, graffiti, and much more. But how is emotion communicated and shaped by these different textual forms? That is the question at the heart of this collection of essays, which aims to open up our sense of what texts can contribute to the history of emotions by considering the variety of ways that texts can function as vehicles — media — for emotion. The essays in this volume examine how literary and dramatic texts, chant, manuscript annotations, and material inscriptions mediate emotion — how they bring it about, communicate it, process it, and shape it via forms that act on various senses. Ranging between the eighth and fifteenth centuries and comprising contributions from scholars of musicology, Old English and Old Norse studies, material culture, Middle English literature, drama, and manuscript studies, the essays contained in this volume serve as a window onto the complex relationship between emotions and different textual forms.
The Impact of the Council of 1215 on Latin Christendom and the East Jessalynn Bird, Damian Smith (eds)
Donner sens au nom de personne dans le royaume anglo-saxon (Xe-XIe siècles) Essai d’histoire sociale Arnaud Lestremau
The Fourth Lateran Council of 1215 is often considered as the high water-mark for the Medieval Church with its decisions affecting the cultural, social, religious and intellectual history of the Later Medieval World. This book, is the first to deal with Fourth Lateran and the crusades in entirety and argues for the centrality of the council in the history of the crusades. It will be of interest not only to scholars of the history of the crusades but also to those interested in the history of the religious life of the Middle Ages as well to students of the particular areas and themes under discussion.
À rebours d’une tradition anglo-saxonne qui tendait à réduire l’attention des linguistes, l’auteur s’attache à écrire l’histoire sociale du royaume insulaire, en empruntant aux méthodes de l’anthropologie, de l’histoire quantitative et de l’histoire des représentations. En s’appuyant sur une documentation extrêmement variée et presque exhaustive, il montre l’ambiguïté des noms et la fluidité des usages sociaux, à mi-chemin entre enjeux individuels et structurations des groupes auxquels les habitants de l’Angleterre médiévale appartenaient.
approx. 328 p., 5 b/w ills, 178 x 254 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58088-3 Hardback: approx. € 84 Series: Outremer. Studies in the Crusades and the Latin East, vol. 7 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
approx. 346 p., 71 b/w ills, 1 col. ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57933-7 Paperback: approx. € 80 Série: Haut Moyen Âge, vol. 35 Publication prévue pour l’automne 2018
Confraternity, Mendicant Orders, and Salvation in the Middle Ages
La construction sociale du sujet exclu (IVe-XIe siècle)
The Contribution of the Hungarian Sources (c.1270-c.1530)
Sylvie Joye, Maria Cristina La Rocca, Stéphane Gioanni (éd.)
Marie-Madeleine de Cevins
L’exclusion sociale apparaît comme un sujet dramatique dans les sociétés anciennes. Les quatorze contributions rassemblées dans ce volume interrogent les traces et les conséquences de l’exclusion aussi bien dans les sources textuelles qu’archéologiques, du IVe au XIe siècle. Elles montrent en particulier comment discours et pratiques de la justice ou des institutions chrétiennes peuvent marquer le statut ou le corps du sujet, et comment celui-ci réagit face à l’exclusion, quitte à faire de celleci un élément revendiqué de son identité.
Mary C. Flannery is a lecturer in medieval English at the University of Lausanne. Table of Contents: www.brepols.net
By the late Middle Ages, mendicant spiritual confraternities had developed a poor reputation. Their spiritual status was ill-identified. This volume draws on the abundant number of letters of confraternity available from Hungarian sources in order to provide a more nuanced picture of mendicant spiritual confraternities. It sheds new light on the links between the mendicants and their supports among the laity, and emphasises the broader significance of the confraternity movement in late medieval piety in Central Europe and beyond. approx. 315 p., 14 b/w ills, 1 col. ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57781-4 Hardback: € 80 Series: Early European Research, vol. 13 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
approx. 375 p., 22 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57871-2 Hardback: € 100 Series: Europa Sacra, vol. 23 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
Discours, lieux et individus
approx. 283 p., 9 b/w ills, 7 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57605-3 Paperback: approx. € 75 Série: Haut Moyen Âge, vol. 33 Publication prévue pour l’automne 2018
Château Gaillard 28
L’environnement du château Peter Ettel, Anne-Marie Flambard Héricher, Kieran O’Conor
Une histoire du sensible
La perception des victimes de catastrophe du XIIe au XVIIIe siècle Thomas Labbé (éd.)
Cet ouvrage se propose de réfléchir à la construction historique de la condition de victime, en relation avec les événements traumatiques dans l’Europe médiévale et moderne. Dans le contexte contemporain, le discours et la gestion des situations de catastrophe ou de mort de masse s’organisent en priorité autour de la place des victimes dans la fabrique événementielle. Cette attitude de la société contemporaine face à la dévastation, qualifiée tantôt de « compassionnelle », tantôt « d’humanitaire », ou bien encore de « tragique », reflète une forme de sensibilité qui définit en premier lieu la réalité catastrophique comme un drame. Une telle approche de la souffrance possède-telle cependant une histoire ou constitue-t-elle une constante anthropologique de la société occidentale ? Quel regard les sociétés médiévales et modernes ont-elles posé sur cet aspect autant éthique que social du réel ? Les essais réunis dans ce volume proposent d’offrir quelques pistes de réflexion. À la lecture ambiguë de la victime au Moyen Âge, entre souffrance et responsabilité, la Renaissance semble commencer à proposer une vision plus « tragique » des individus souffrants. Les victimes peuvent dès lors entrer progressivement dans une politique des émotions qui triomphe au XVIIIe siècle. Thomas Labbé est chercheur associé à l’UMR CNRS 6298 ARTeHIS, Université de Bourgogne. Gerrit J. Schenk est professeur d’histoire médiévale à l’université de Darmstadt. Table des matières: www.brepols.net
Regards croisés sur le monument médiéval Mélanges offerts à Claude Andrault-Schmitt
Marcel Angheben, Pierre Martin, Éric Sparhubert (éd.)
Ce livre de mélanges rassemble trente-cinq contributions consacrées principalement à l’architecture du quart sud-ouest de la France offertes en hommage à Claude-Andrault-Schmitt. Claude Andrault-Schmitt a consacré la majeure partie de sa carrière d’enseignant-chercheur à l’étude des arts de l’ancien duché d’Aquitaine, en accordant un intérêt particulier à l’architecture religieuse. Dans sa démarche intellectuelle, elle s’est constamment interrogée sur les questions d’historiographie, de méthodologie et d’épistémologie, ce qui l’a amenée à défendre plusieurs principes qui lui sont chers : appliquer à l’architecture un vocabulaire adapté aux réalités et aux usages médiévaux, se méfier des idées reçues héritées de l’historiographie et des étiquettes – à commencer par le traditionnel clivage entre le roman et le gothique –, aborder les rapports entre les formes et les différentes fonctions d’une église et rassembler le plus grand nombres de disciplines autour d’un même édifice pour en comprendre toutes les facettes : historiens, archéologues, spécialistes des matériaux, de l’épigraphie, de l’iconographie, musicologues. À l’occasion de son départ à la retraite, ses collègues et ses élèves ont souhaité lui rendre hommage en lui dédiant trente-cinq contributions reflétant ces différentes préoccupations, regroupées dans trois parties complémentaires : l’Aquitaine médiévale – Limousin, Poitou, Sud-Ouest –, les ordres réformés – Cîteaux, Grandmont, Fontevrault – et les arts roman et gothique. Ces contributions forment ensemble un panorama très représentatif de l’état de la recherche actuelle dans ces différents domaines et des orientations encouragées par Claude AndraultSchmitt, que ce soit dans ses publications ou dans son enseignement. Table des matières: www.brepols.net
approx. 236 p., 5 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57494-3 Paperback: approx. € 65 Série: Culture et société médiévales, vol. 35 Publication prévue pour l’automne 2018
approx. 524 p., 210 b/w ills, 45 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-55574-4 Paperback: approx. € 95 Série: Culture et société médiévales, vol. 33 Publication prévue pour l’automne 2018
Le XXVIIIe colloque Château Gaillard s’est tenu au mois d’août 2016 à Roscommon (Irlande). Les contributions confirment les grandes avancées de la recherche européenne dans le domaine de l’archéologie du milieu. Reprenant et dépassant les études récentes qui ont montré comment la seigneurie a pu construire, avec des objectifs bien précis de valorisation du pouvoir, le paysage qui entoure le château, les études qui composent cet ouvrage s’attachent également à l’implantation initiale de la forteresse dans un paysage choisi.
364 p., 220 x 280 mm, Centre de Recherches Archéologiques et Historiques Médiévales, 2018, ISBN 978-2-84133-891-7 Hardback: € 42,45 Série: Château Gaillard. Etudes de castellologie médiévale, vol. 28 Disponible
The Lands of Saint Ambrose Monks and Society in Early Medieval Milan Ross Balzaretti
This book is a history of Milan in the early medieval period. It investigates the political, social, and economic aspects of the transformation of the Roman world in one of its major centres. Its main theme is the role of monastic communities in this transformation.The book shows how successive generations of monks helped to change the social organisation of the city and much of its hinterland. This thesis challenges the views of earlier generations of scholars who downplayed the role of the monastery in the mechanisms of social change, in favour of a ‘new’ mercantile class.
approx. x + 650 p., 17 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-50977-8 Hardback: € 125 Series: Studies in the Early Middle Ages, vol. 44 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
The Pre-Christian Religions of the North
Research and Reception,Volume II: From c. 1830 to the present Margaret Clunies Ross
This book reveals the various ways people have understood or reacted to Scandinavian paganism from the Middle Ages to today. It establishes a definitive survey of the current and historical uses and interpretations of pre-Christian mythology and religious material, tracing the many ways in which people both within and outside Scandinavia have understood and been influenced by these religions, from the Christian Middle Ages to contemporary media of all kinds. It takes up the story from c. 1830 down to the present day and the burgeoning of interest across a diversity of new and old media. approx. 650 p., 8 b/w ills, 11 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-56880-5 Hardback: approx. € 130 Series: The Pre-Christian Religions of the North Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
Spazio pubblico e spazio privato
Tra storia e archeologia (secoli VI-XI) Giovanna Bianchi, Tiziana Lazzari, Maria Cristina La Rocca (eds)
Environment, Colonisation, and the Baltic Crusader States Terra Sacra I
Aleksander Plukowski (ed.)
In the thirteenth century, crusading armies unleashed a relentless holy war against the pagan tribal groups of the Eastern Baltic, whose territories were conquered and reorganized into Christian states run by the Teutonic Order, bishops, and their cathedral chapters. Castles were built, towns established, and colonists encouraged to settle under the leadership of the new Christian theocracy. But the changes introduced alongside Christianity not only transformed the culture of eastern Baltic societies, but also had a profound and — for the Baltic tribes, who saw many aspects of the natural world as sacred — deeply significant impact on the local environment. This seminal period in the environmental history of north-eastern Europe has been the focus of the ERC-funded research programme, ‘The Ecology of Crusading’, which explored the physical and conceptual ecological transformations associated with warfare, colonization, and religious conversion. This is the first of two Terra Sacra volumes, which share the aim of changing our understanding of the environmental impact of crusading and colonization in northeastern Europe. The present volume provides a detailed inter-disciplinary comparison of the environmental transformations associated with the emergence of the crusader states of Livonia and Prussia. It draws on and integrates a range of archaeological, paleoenvironmental, historical, and cartographic sources in order to highlight the diverse impact of colonization and landscape reorganization that followed in the wake of the Baltic Crusades. The companion Terra Sacra volume complements this survey by presenting a number of case studies from across the eastern Baltic region.
The contributions to the present volume tackle the issue of material and symbolic spaces in the public and private sphere during the Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages through specific studies focused on written and material sources. Texts in Italian, French and English.
383 p., 26 b/wills, 16 col. ills, 160 x 240 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58104-0 Paperback: € 75 Series: Seminari del Centro interuniversitario per la storia e l’archeologia dell’alto medioevo, vol. 7 Available
approx. 450 p., 234 b/w ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-55132-6 Hardback: approx. € 100 Series: Environmental Histories of the North Atlantic World, vol. 2 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
Ecologies of Crusading, Colonization, and Religious Conversion in the Medieval Baltic Terra Sacra II
Aleksander Plukowski (ed.)
In the thirteenth century, crusading armies unleashed a relentless holy war against the pagan tribal groups of the Eastern Baltic, whose territories were conquered and reorganized into Christian states run by the Teutonic Order, bishops, and their cathedral chapters. Castles were built, towns established, and colonists encouraged to settle under the leadership of the new Christian theocracy. But the changes introduced alongside Christianity not only transformed the culture of eastern Baltic societies, but also had a profound and — for the Baltic tribes, who saw many aspects of the natural world as sacred — deeply significant impact on the local environment. This seminal period in the environmental history of north-eastern Europe has been the focus of the ERC-funded research programme, ‘The Ecology of Crusading’, which explored the physical and conceptual ecological transformations associated with warfare, colonization, and religious conversion. This second Terra Sacra volume draws together a series of case-studies on Livonia and Prussia that provide a unique snapshot of recent research into environmental change during the Baltic Crusades and also explore long-term trends in landscape organization and environmental exploitation. The volume covers six key themes: building-construction in the conquered territories; food supply to the houses of the Teutonic Order; life in the multi-cultural towns of the eastern Baltic; transforming the physical landscape; transforming the spiritual landscape; and the Baltic Ordensland in its regional context. It forms a companion to Environment, Colonization, and the Baltic Crusader States: Terra Sacra I.
approx. 500 p., 299 b/w ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-55133-3 Hardback: approx. € 110 Series: Environmental Histories of the North Atlantic World, vol. 3 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
Origines et essor de la vue figurée entre Rhône et Alpes (XIVe-XVe siècle) Paul Fermon
Au croisement de l’histoire de l’art, du droit et de la cartographie, cet ouvrage propose d’observer le développement des usages de la carte locale et dAu croisement de l’histoire de l’art, du droit et de la cartographie, cet ouvrage propose d’observer le développement des usages de la carte locale et du plan au cours des derniers siècles du Moyen Age et d’en analyser les causes. L’étude s’appuie sur une centaine de cas de figuration de territoires, de lieux ou d’édifices à partir d’observations et de relevés effectués entre les années 1320 et 1514 par des peintres ou des agents députés par l’autorité en Provence, dans le Dauphiné et dans la cité pontificale d’Avignon. Le dossier formé par ce corpus iconographique et textuel permet de repenser la définition de la pratique picturale de la vue à l’époque de sa gestation et de son premier essor dans la peinture comme dans la cartographie. Par le prisme de la vue figurée, l’ouvrage propose aussi d’interroger les transformations qui furent provoquées par l’accroissement de la place de l’image dans les sociétés de la fin du Moyen Age, notamment dans la conduite à distance du pouvoir. L’avènement de nouvelles pratiques de la vue doit en effet être relié à celui de l’enquête qui lui est contemporain. Ils traduisent ensemble un changement de hiérarchie dans les sources légitimes, ou non, de la connaissance et de l’information territoriale qui caractérise certaines des conceptions de la justice et du bon gouvernement des XIVe-XVe siècles. Agrégé d’histoire et docteur en histoire de l’École pratique des hautes études, Paul Fermon consacre ses recherches à l’histoire de la cartographie, de la peinture et des connaissances territoriales aux derniers siècles du Moyen Age.
Trust, Authority, and the Written Word in the Royal Towns of Medieval Hungary
Ancient works On Kingship have received a great deal of attention in recent scholarship, where the focus is usually on the classic texts. In this volume, we deliberately turn to the periphery, to authors who deal with analogous problems in other contexts, authors who also address powerful rulers or developed ideals of right rulership but who choose very different literary genres to do so, or works on kingship that have almost been forgotten. The selection of peripheral texts from Antiquity to the Renaissance also reveals patterns in the long evolution of the tradition.
This book is the first comprehensive overview of how written administration was established in the royal towns of medieval Hungary. Using the conceptual framework of trust and authority, the volume sheds light on the growing complexity of urban society and the impact that the various uses of writing had on managing this society, both by the king and by the local magistrates. The present survey and analysis of a broad range of surviving sources reveals that trust in administrative literacy was built up gradually, through a series of decisive and chronologically distinct steps.
approx. 350 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58077-7 Hardback: approx. € 105 Series: Lectio, vol. 7 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
approx. 400 p., 55 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57881-1 Hardback: € 100 Series: Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy, vol. 41 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
Geert Roskam, Stefan Schorn (eds)
Le peintre et la carte
Concepts of Ideal Rulership from Antiquity to the Renaissance
Publications du Centre Européen d’Etudes Bourguignonnes (XIVe-XVIe s.) vol. 58 (2018) Autour des Chalon et de la noblesse en pays bourguignons (XIVe-XVIe siècles) Table des matières
approx. 500 p., 44 b/w ills, 76 col. ills, 210 x 270 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58035-7 Hardback: approx. € 125 Série: Terrarum Orbis, vol. 14 Publication prévue pour l’automne 2018
Statuts du Centre européen d’études bourguignonnes (XIVe-XVIe s.) / Liste des membres au 1er juillet 2018 / Allocution inaugurale, par S.A.S. le DUC D’ARENBERG / Rapport d’activités pour 2016-2017, par Alain MARCHANDISSE Sylvie LESTRAT-LELONG, S’opposer ou s’intégrer. La noblesse comtoise et le pouvoir ducal au temps de la première union bourguignonne (1330-1361) / Jean-Baptiste SANTAMARIA, L’entourage noble de Marguerite de France, comtesse de Flandre, d’Artois et de Bourgogne (v. 1312-1382) / Laurent OLIVIER, Au service du prince. Jean de Vienne face aux grandes compagnies, des contreforts occidentaux du Jura aux côtes orientales de la Turquie (1364-1366) / Sébastien DAMOISEAUX, Noblesse oblige ! La noblesse bourguignonne au service de la diplomatie de Philippe le Hardi / Rudi BEAULANT, La représentation de la noblesse au sein des lettres de rémission des ducs de Bourgogne / Jacky THEUROT,
Katalin Szende
La famille Laigu dite de Champvans, un destin nobiliaire à Rochefort (Jura) entre XIVe et XVe siècles / Gérard PELOT, Guillaume de Vienne le Grant, le saige, seigneur de Saint-Georges et de Sainte-Croix (1362-1437) / Sylvie BÉPOIX, Les Chalon et la cité de Besançon au XVe siècle. Les derniers feux d’une relation mouvementée / JeanMarie YANTE, Les Chalon-Arlay et le contrôle du trafic comtois (XIIIe-XVIe siècles) / Laurence DELOBETTEDELSALLE, Trois femmes du XVe siècle au château de Nozeroy : Jeanne de Montfaucon-Montbéliard, Éléonore d’Armagnac et Catherine de Bretagne, princesses d’Orange et dames de Chalon-Arlay / Jacques PAVIOT, Louis de Chalon et la marche vers Anthon / Alain MARCHANDISSE et Bertrand SCHNERB, Philibert de Mollans et la confrérie de Saint-Georges (v. 1440) / Georges BISCHOFF, Claude de Vaudrey, le meilleur chevalier du monde / Michael DEPRETER, Autour de l’Intercursus magnus (24 février 1496). Le rôle de la noblesse « bourguignonne » dans les négociations avec l’Angleterre / Christiane RAYNAUD, Gouvernement de soi, stratégie familiale et service du prince : nouveaux modèles pour la noblesse bourguignonne dans le dernier quart du XVe siècle / Séverine PÉGEOT, L’importance des commanditaires dans la diffusion du gothique flamboyant comtois (XVe-XVIe siècles). L’exemple des Chalon : la création au service du prestige familial / Matthieu LE BRECH, La chapelle funéraire de l’abbé Amé de Chalon († 1432) à Baume-les-Messieurs (Jura) / Nicolas BOFFY, Gothique de la Renaissance et première Renaissance en Franche-Comté. La personnalité singulière de Ferry Carondelet (1473-1528) / Patricia GUYARD, Le chartrier d’Arlay et les archives de la Maison de Chalon. Esquisse d’un guide des sources en Franche-Comté pour l’historien des États bourguignons 150 x 230 mm, 2018, Ref. 04011015 Paperback Publication prévue pour l’automne 2018 Multiple subscription options available. Contact:
[email protected]
Postérités européennes de Quinte-Curce
MEDIEVAL NARRATIVES IN TRANSMISSION This series investigates the development, transmission, and use of narratives and narrative motifs in secular and vernacular contexts. It aims to consider the movement of stories and ideas, and how these narratives are reshaped in different media and in different languages and cultures throughout medieval Europe.
The Fifteenth-Century Translations
De l’humanisme aux Lumières (XIVe-XVIIIe siècle)
Tamás Karáth
This book explores the fifteenth-century translations of Richard Rolle’s Latin and English writings into English and Latin, respectively, raising questions about the impact of translation on an author’s legacy through the editorial activity of his translators. The volume also discusses Rolle’s sensory mysticism whilst looking into the ways in which translations of his work create a fifteenth-century version of Rolle. The volume asks if alternative and perhaps controversial portraits of the same author arise from the translations.
Catherine Gaullier-Bougassas (éd.)
Le présent ouvrage se donne pour objet d’étude leurs réceptions multiples du XIVe au XVIIIe siècle, c’est-à-dire durant les siècles de leur plus grand succès, il étudie les modalités de leur transmission et ses acteurs, ainsi que leurs exploitations politiques, historiques, linguistiques, littéraires et esthétiques. Au-delà de ses usages scolaires, l’œuvre de QuinteCurce a en effet suscité des jugements divers et des adaptions variées, qui interrogent le statut que les auteurs et les peintres lui ont donné, ainsi que les finalités de leurs appropriations.
Richard Rolle
Medieval Romances Across European Borders Miriam Edlich-Muth (ed.)
628 p., 15 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57825-5 Paperback: € 120 Série: Alexander redivivus, vol. 11 Disponible
Etymology and Wordplay in Medieval Literature Mikael Males (ed.)
Opening with a background chapter describing classical and medieval developments of etymology and wordplay, this book presents case studies of the uses of etymology and wordplay in a number of medieval literatures. The articles expand their discussions beyond strictly etymological discourse to various aspects of medieval literature, and thereby highlight the functions of etymological devices in various contexts, with significance ranging from the specific to the openended, from the bawdy to the sublime.
approx. 300 p., 10 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57575-9 Hardback: € 80 Series: Disputatio, vol. 30 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
This is an international essay collection offering unique insights into how popular romances were adapted into different linguistic and cultural communities of late medieval Europe. They were the bestsellers of their time; in the late medieval period, a umber of shorter romances and tales, such as Floire et Blancheflor, Partonopeus de Blois, Valentine and Orson and many others, enjoyed striking popularity across different regions of Europe. This essay collection gathers together contributions from across Europe, to examine the complex processes by which medieval romances were adapted across European borders. By examining how the content, form and broader contextualisation of individual romances were altered by the transition from one region to another, the essays address the role translators, narrators, editors and compilers played in adapting the tales to different cultural and codicological settings. In this context, they discuss not only the shifting plotlines of the tales, but also the points at which the generic features of the texts shift in response to changing cultural codes. In doing so, they raise wider questions concerning the links between genre, manuscript form, cultural assimilation and the popularity of certain romance texts in different cultural communities. Table of Contents: www.brepols.net
approx. 250 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57716-6 Hardback: € 75 Series: Medieval Narratives in Transmission, vol. 1 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
approx. 375 p., 8 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57769-2 Hardback: € 90 Series: Medieval Church Studies, vol. 40 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
Richard Rolle’s Melody of Love
A Study and Translation with Manuscript and Musical Contexts Andrew Albin
This work stands as the most daring literary achievement of medieval England’s most influential mystic, Richard Rolle. It contains Rolle’s first public account of his profoundly sensory mystical experience and provides the first full translation of this unstudied masterpiece into English, in alliterative prose that mirrors the original. Conceived with student and scholar alike in mind, this multidisciplinary, multimedia project holds rewards for researchers not only of medieval literature, but also of medieval music, embodiment, theology, popular spirituality, and cultural history. 488 p., 150 x 230 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-0-88844-212-3 Hardback: € 85 Series: Studies and Texts, vol. 212 Available North American customers are advised to order through University of Toronto Press
Fifteen Medieval Latin Parodies Martha Bayless (ed.)
The fifteen short texts edited here offer vivid examples of the wit and irreverence of medieval Latin parody, a tradition whose humour—sometimes bookish, sometimes ribald, and often both—was never far from the cultures of monastery, school, and court. Mock sermons, prayers, Gospel-texts, and scholastic exercises all bear witness to the wry sensibilities indulged by scholars and clerics alike in their off hours.
130 p., 140 x 215 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-0-88844-485-1 Paperback: € 17.50 Series: Toronto Medieval Latin Texts, vol. 35 Available
Bertrand Boysset. Chronique
Marie-Rose Bonnet, Patrick Gautier Dalché, Philippe Rigaud (éd.)
La chronique de Bertran Boysset, de la moyenne bourgeoisie d’Arles (v. 1350-1415), est un texte difficile à classer. C’est un témoignage exceptionnel sur la vie quotidienne et sur la perception du monde d’un laïc de culture moyenne, qui veut par ses écrits se situer dans le cadre plus large d’une cité autrefois prestigieuse. Rédigée en provençal avec quelques passages en latin, elle est transmise en trois versions, dont deux autographes. On édite ici la deuxième version (Paris, BnF 5728), accompagnée d’une traduction française et d’une introduction.
North American customers are advised to order through University of Toronto Press
approx. 200 p., 7 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58053-1 Paperback: € 75 Série: Textes vernaculaires du moyen âge, vol. 20 Publication prévue pour l’automne 2018
Middle and Late Byzantine Poetry
Un inquisiteur non sanguinaire
Texts and Contexts
Andreas Rhoby, Nikolaos Zagklas (eds)
Les vies inédites de saint Pierre Martyr en français médiéval
This book aims at a better understanding of middle and late Byzantine poetry. It presents editions of completely unknown texts, such as a twelfth-century cycle of epigrams on John Klimax. It includes studies on various types of poetry, including didactic, occasional, and even poetry written for liturgical purposes. By analysing these works and placing them within their literary and socio-cultural context, we can draw conclusions about the cultural tastes of the Byzantines and acquire a more nuanced picture of middle and late Byzantine poetry.
Le présent livre contient neuf versions de sa légende, rédigées en français ancien par des auteurs anonymes. Les textes, qui procèdent du chapitre 61 de la Légenda aurea de Jacques de Voragine, n’ont jusqu’à présent jamais été édités. Dans la majorité des cas, on a affaire à des adaptations libres, parfois très libres, de la vita contenue dans la Legenda aurea, pour lesquelles celle-ci n’est qu’un point de départ. Il s’agit de textes autonomes : chacun des auteurs a exploité sa source à sa propre façon ; ce sont des jeux de la variante, tellement caractéristiques de la littérature médiévale.
approx. 400 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57886-6 Paperback: approx. € 85 Series: Byzantioς. Studies in Byzantine History and Civilization, vol. 14 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
164 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58110-1 Paperback: € 70 Série: Textes vernaculaires du moyen âge, vol. 21 Disponible
Quand les Ottomans firent le point
Histoire graphique, technique et linguistique de la ponctuation ottomane Olivier Bouquet
La ponctuation ottomane : l’aventure des écritures turques, de l’Empire de Soliman le Magnifique à la Turquie de Recep T. Erdoğan. À en croire les spécialistes, le turc ottoman aurait de commun avec l’arabe de n’être doté d’aucun système de ponctuation. Tardive, l’apparition de la ponctuation serait le résultat de la modernisation des Tanzimat (1839-1878) et le produit technologique de l’imprimerie. Sa diffusion serait d’inspiration étrangère et sa généralisation serait liée à l’adoption des caractères latins à l’époque républicaine. L’ouvrage remet en question ces idées reçues, au moyen de l’exploitation d’un vaste corpus de sources manuscrites et imprimées produites du XVe siècle à aujourd’hui. Il identifie des signes de ponctuation au sein d’une variété de mises en forme artistiques (calligraphie, musique) et scientifiques (algèbre, géométrie). Il les repère sur des supports de l’époque impériales (registres administratifs, inscriptions funéraires, chroniques) comme du temps présent (partitions musicales, caricature, bande-dessinée). Il étudie le turc ottoman à la lumière de comparaisons avec des systèmes de ponctuation en usage dans l’empire (judéo-espagnol, turc-arménien, grec et syriaque). Plutôt que d’opposer imprimé et manuscrit, calligraphie et typographie, il les aborde comme formes complémentaires d’une « aventure des écritures ». Au terme d’une enquête originale en histoire ottomane qui croise belles lettres, sciences et arts, l’ouvrage établit les conclusions suivantes : une ponctuation ottomane existait avant l’apparition de l’imprimerie ; son devenir accompagna la transformation de la langue turque ottomane ; hors du seul domaine des langues européennes, les Ottomans eurent une manière bien à eux de faire le point ; la ponctuation est le produit d’une histoire graphique, technique et linguistique riche et complexe ; son étude éclaire le passé des sociétés impériales, le présent de la République turque et le devenir du Moyen-Orient contemporain. Professeur à l’Université de Paris Diderot, Olivier Bouquet est historien de l’Empire ottoman et de la Turquie contemporaine.
approx. 410 p., 100 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58173-6 Paperback: approx. € 85 Series: Miroir de l’Orient Musulman, vol. 8 Publication prévue pour l’automne 2018
L’iconographie du Roman d’Alexandre en prose Maud Pérez-Simon
Women and Jews in the Sachsenspiegel Picture-Books
Madeline H. Caviness, Charles G. Nelson
Contextual analysis of the representation of women and Jews in the fourteenth-century manuscripts of the German law book known as the Sachsenspiegel. A Germanist and an art historian examine the pictures and text in the four densely illustrated manuscripts of the Sachsenspiegel that were produced in the century following its composition by Eike von Repgow. This is the first extensive study of these famous picture books in English. Using critical frameworks based on performative and feminist theory, the authors give detailed consideration to the social differences reshaped and maintained by text and image. Although Eike’s project, realized in the early 1220s, was concerned with peaceful interaction between diverse groups, including Slavic Wends as well as Germans, and with the provision of guardians for the young, the handicapped and the judicially impaired, his text is open to subversion by the images. Changing emphases in the pictures accord with changing attitudes to women and Jews in the period of production of these works, between c. 1300 and 1360. A burgeoning book culture in the fourteenth century carried Eike’s law into the town halls at a time when the German cities were increasingly Christianized; market churches were constructed in the judicial and economic hub even as Synagogues disappeared from town centres during the pogroms. The market complex became part of the material culture of the law.
Les hommes du Moyen Âge avaient une grande admiration pour Alexandre le Grand, roi de Macédoine. Le Roman d’Alexandre en prose, écrit au XIIIe siècle, retrace l’épopée du conquérant, entre vérité historique et imaginaire romanesque et merveilleux. Parmi les seize manuscrits qui nous sont parvenus, onze sont illustrés d’un programme iconographique variant entre 80 et 100 miniatures. Le manuscrit Royal 20Bxx, conservé à la British Library, témoigne de l’engouement persistant pour Alexandre au XVe siècle et de la façon dont le héros était perçu comme un chevalier médiéval, qui, au fil de sa conquête de l’Orient, a dû affronter différents peuples inconnus et des monstres farouches.
approx. 200 p., 48 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58004-3 Paperback: approx. € 75 Série: Répertoire Iconographique de la Littérature du Moyen Age, vol. 8 Publication prévue pour l’automne 2018
Looking Back from the Invention of Printing Mothers and the Teaching of Reading in the Middle Ages Michael Clanchy
Michael Clanchy’s From Memory to Written Record, first published in 1979, has shaped the study of medieval literacy. Apart from continuing to work on ‘pragmatic literacy’, he has also turned his attention to other forms of making, keeping, and using written texts. This book collates six articles since published, showing new directions in the field of medieval literacy and communication. Table of Contents: www.brepols.net
approx. 375 p., 120 b/w ills, 45 col. ills, 225 x 300 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-1-909400-49-8 Hardback: approx. € 150 Series: Studies in Medieval and Early Renaissance Art History Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
approx. 200 p., 49 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58083-8 Hardback: approx. € 65 Series: Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy, vol. 40 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
Manuscripts in the Making Art and Science,Volume Two
Stella Panayotova, Paola Ricciardi (eds)
Table of Contents Vision, Colour and Meaning Vision and Colour in the Works of Giotto and His Contemporaries — Donal Cooper / Robert Grosseteste’s De iride and its Addendum in the Vatican Manuscript Barb. Lat. 165: Transmission, Reception, Meaning — Cecilia Panti and Greti Dinkova-Bruun / Seeing a Pink Elephant: Creating Meaning through Colour in the Medieval Bestiary — Elizabeth Morrison / The Colours of Fortune — Deirdre Jackson Illuminators’ Materials Recipes and Reception: Late Mediaeval English Colour. Recipes and Amateur Illuminators — Mark Clarke / Looking for Lichen, Fooled by Folium and Tricked by Tyrian: A Brief Tour and New Research on Purple in Manuscripts — Cheryl Porter, Maurizio Aceto, Elisa Calà, Angelo Agostino, Gaia Fenoglio, Ambra Idone and Monica Gulmini / Reflecting a Heavenly Light: Gold and other Metals in Medieval and Renaissance Manuscript Illumination — Nancy Turner / Gold or Brass, Silver or Tin: the Analysis of Metals in Medieval Book Illumination — Robert Fuchs, Cologne Institute for Conservation Sciences / Pigmenta: Materials for Writing, Painting and Healing — Lea Olsan / The Use of Copper Sulphates in Sixteenth-Century Flemish Illumination: Simon Bening as a Case Study — Giulia Bertolotti and Paola Ricciardi Analytical Techniques Between Tradition and Innovation: Giving Light to a Visionary Text in the Lorvão Beatus — Maria João Melo, Maria Adelaide Miranda, Rita Castro, João Lopes and Jorge Sarraguça / Scientific Study of Cistercian Illuminated Manuscripts: Techniques, Aesthetics and Religion — Catarina Miguel, Angela Nuñez-Gáitan, Maria Luisa Carvalho and Cristina Barrocas-Diasa / Mapping and identification of the pigments used in two illuminations from the Laudario of Sant’Agnese attributed to the Master of the Dominican Effigies — John K. Delaney, Kathryn Dooley, Damon Conover, Lisha Glinsman, Giorgio Trumpy and Michelle Facini / The Benefits of Scanning Illuminated Manuscripts with MA-XRF and MA-rFTIR — Stijn Legrand, Paola Ricciardi and Koen Janssens Restoration and Forgery The Psalter-Hours of Isabelle of France in the Nineteenth-Century — Stella Panayotova / The Spanish Forger Exposed: an Interdisciplinary Study of Two of His Paintings — Christina Currie, Steven Saverwyns and Dominique Vanwijnsberghe
approx. 300 p., col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-1-912554-13-3 Hardback: approx. € 135 Series: Manuscripts in the Making, vol. 2 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
The Complete Content Cameos Derek J. Content
The present catalogue of the largest collection of ancient cameos in private hands, represents forty years of collecting these historical documents in hardstone. The increased number of published cameos has further allowed studies of the relative popularity of particular subjects at certain periods, of development of style and technique, and of the popularity of some gem materials over time. The development of digital photography has enabled gem photographers to show undreamt-of detail, allowing much closer study of tool marks and even individual artists’ hands.
approx. 650 p., 530 col. ills, 225 x 300 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57896-5 Paperback: approx. € 150 Published outside a Series Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
Salvator Rosa Cimabue and the Franciscans Holly Flora
This book offers a fresh look at the broader question of artistic change in the late thirteenth century by examining the intersection of two histories: that of the artist Cimabue (ca. 1240-1302), and that of the Franciscan Order. While focused on the work of a single artist, this study sheds new light on the religious motives and artistic means that fueled the period’s visual and spiritual transformations. Flora’s study reveals that Cimabue was not just a crucial figure in processes of stylistic change. He and his Franciscan patrons engaged with complicated intellectual and theological ideas about materials, memory, beauty, and experience, creating innovative works of art that celebrated the Order and enabled new modes of Christian devotion. Cimabue’s contributions to the history of art thus can finally be recognized for their wide-ranging scope and impact within the rapidly-evolving religious culture of the late thirteenth century. Holly Flora is Associate Professor of Art History at Tulane University. A specialist in Italian art of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, she is a recent recipient of the Rome Prize (2010-11) and a fellowship at Villa I Tatti (2015-16).
Friendship and the Free Artist in Seventeenth-Century Italy Alexandra Hoare
This book examines the Neapolitan painter and satirist Salvator Rosa (1615-1673) from a new perspective. Preoccupied with a performative brand of selfmanufacture that is everywhere apparent in his work as an artist, satirist and actor, Rosa was a key protagonist in a period of significant social change. A precursor of the modern independent artist, Rosa was also among the first of his generation to actively seek and in many ways achieve the kind of professional autonomy his predecessors desired and his successors fully accomplished. The author argues that the social bond of friendship — its rituals and discourses — was vital to both Rosa’s self-conception and his achievements.
xxxiv +330 p., 210 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-1-912554-04-1 Hardback: approx. € 125 Series: Studies in Baroque Art, vol. 9 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
Table of Contents Introduction: Intersecting Histories
Fra Angelico
Renaissance Painter, Dominican Friar, Mystic Timothy Verdon
Praised by his contemporaries, by later art historians, and by generations of viewers, Fra Angelico’s art is known for its exceptional combination of piety and painterly skill. In this book, Monsignor Verdon explores the spiritual and mystical foundations of the friarpainter’s work, and traces his artistic evolution from his early work, to the frescoes for the covent of San Marco in Florence, his Annunciations, and the chapel for Pope Niccolò V. Lavishly illustrated with over 200 high-quality images, Beato Angelico illuminates Fra Angelico’s art and his faith.
approx. 384 p., 247 col. ills, 280 x 390 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58033-3 Hardback: approx. € 150 Series: Arts and the Sacred, vol. 3 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
Part I: Transformations at Assisi Chapter 1: New Light on Cimabue’s White Chapter 2: Sensory Engagement and Contemplative Transformation: The Assisi Transepts Chapter 3: The Virgin Made Church: The Marian Apse and Evangelists’ Vault at Assisi, Part II: Art, Memory and Experience Chapter 4: Place and Memory: The Franciscan Maestà Chapter 5: Word and Paint Made Flesh: Cimabue’s Santa Croce Crucifix Chapter 6: Pictures, Words, and the Imagination in Cimabue’s Vita Christi, pp. 187-219 Epilogue: Last Transformations in Pisa Appendix – Bibliography – Notes
approx. 280 p., 160 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-1-912554-01-0 Hardback: approx. € 140 Series: Renovatio Artium, vol. 4 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
The Letters of Salvator Rosa (1615-1673)
An Italian Transcription, English Translation and Critical Edition Alexandra Hoare
These two volumes comprise the first English translation and critical edition of the extant letters of the Neapolitan painter and satirist Salvator Rosa (1615-1673). Presented in a revised Italian transcription and a complete English translation, the letters are accompanied by extensive historical notes, a philological apparatus, a comprehensive index, appendices, and photographs of the manuscripts.
2 vols, approx. 375 p., 225 x 300 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-1-905375-88-2 Hardback: approx. € 175 Series: Studies in Baroque Art, vol. 10 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
Velázquez: Anregungen, Vorschläge, Lösungen
Hypnos - Somnus: il demone custode e l’erote dormiente
Suggestions, Proposals, Solutions Sylvia Ferino-Pagden (ed.)
Encompassing a broad spectrum of methodological approaches and aims, the scholars contributing to this volume offer renewed perspectives on the multifaceted oeuvre of Diego Velázquez. Following a close investigation of his works, which also includes the results of recent technological examinations on his paintings, the contributors to this volume offer new, exciting findings and discussions on the inspirations, sources and possible intentions of Velázquez. Contributions in German, English and Italian.
approx. 196 p., 11 b/w ills, 98 col. ills, 210 x 297 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58129-3 Paperback: approx. € 90 Series: Museums at the Crossroads, vol. 32 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
Arrayed in Splendor
Art, Fashion, and Textiles in Medieval and Early Modern Europe Christoph Brachmann (ed.)
The aim of this volume is to give an insight in the current state of research on art, fashion, and textiles in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Ranging from the twelfth to the seventeenth century, the essays of leading scholars in the field offer a window into the complexity of the textile arts, including as regards the medium itself: from the overpowering splendor of liturgical and princely garments and the luxurious fabrics used for them in the Middle Ages and early modern period to the visual world of monumental room decorations in the form of tapestries.
approx. 250 p., 4 b/w ills, 115 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57965-8 Paperback: approx. € 100 Published outside a Series Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
Visual Typology in Early Modern Europe Continuity and Expansion
Dagmar Eichberger, Shelley Perlove (eds)
Visual Typology in early Modern Europe: Continuity and Expansion is the first study that examines the varied manifestations of typological thinking in diverse media of the visual arts from the Late Middle Ages through the seventeenth century in Germany, The Netherlands, Italy, and France. This study counteracts the underlying misconception that typology was in decline or even ceased to exist in the sixteenth century. The studies within this volume offer new interpretations that redefine what is meant by typological thinking in the early modern period. Typological thinking informs traditional prefigurations, as well as more broadly associative interconnections between the Old Testament, classical texts, and even natural history, in relation to the New Testament. Typological thought permeates religious and secular visual culture during the period under consideration and this collection of essays reveals the continuing relevance and expansion of typological patterns for the visual arts, with particular emphasis on innovations in the sixteenth century. In the course of the sixteenth century typology became more complex and flexible, and came under the influence of the writings of Protestant and Catholic reformers, and also derived new secular and political analogies. Each essay offers a different interpretation of typological thinking. The typological manuals that were written in the course of the Late Middle Ages remain the basis for many artistic projects in illuminated manuscripts, stained glass windows, sculpture, and painting. By the sixteenth century, the notion of type and antitype was so well embedded in thought that artists such as Brueghel and Lucas van Leyden implicitly evoked typological relationships. Before the Council of Trent, more allusive interpretations led to unorthodox pairings of images from secular and religious contexts. In the first half of the sixteenth century new relationships were developed by Protestant commentators. After the Council of Trent the Catholic Church returned to more traditional typological forms and established new guidelines for reading devotional images. Nonetheless, artists continued to pursue unorthodox, innovative pairings. Table of Contents: www.brepols.net
approx. 371 p., 130 b/w ills, 56 col. ills, 178 x 254 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-54550-9 Hardback: € 95 Published outside a Series Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
Studio iconologico del dio del sonno dall’antichità all’epoca moderna Graziella Becatti
Questo studio propone l’analisi, dalla sua genesi antica fino alle epoche moderne, delle effigi ed i contesti del dio Hypnos/Somnus che incarna il tema del sonno materializzandosi in momenti significativi della cultura e della storia dell’arte. Nata come vaga immagine della letteratura nelle prime rappresentazioni greche, l’iconografia di Hypnos trova la sua forma compiuta nel Somnus latino, soprattutto per mezzo di sculture originali di prima epoca imperiale. Lo studio dei contesti letterari e filosofici evidenzia l’identità demonica del dio che diventa un custode dell’umanità.
approx. 220 p., 190 x 255 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-90-74461-91-7 Paperback: approx. € 70 Series: Artes, vol. 9 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
Painting the Page in the Age of Print
Central European Manuscript Illumination of the Fifteenth Century Jeffrey F. Hamburger, Robert Suckale, Gude Suckale-Redlefsen
Gutenberg’s invention of printing did not replace the manuscript book overnight. This book gives an overview of fifteenth-century illumination in central Europe, from the overweening luxury of the manuscripts produced at the court of Wenzel IV in Prague in the late fourteenth century to the classical texts illuminated in the context of northern European humanism in the early sixteenth century.
approx. 364 p., 205 x 255 mm, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2018, ISBN 978-0-88844-208-6 Hardback: € 100 Series: Studies and Texts, vol. 208 Available North American customers are advised to order through University of Toronto Press
ART HISTORY TRECENTO FORUM Series editors: Holly Flora, Sarah Wilkins
Scholars at various stages in their careers discuss a wide range of topics including architecture, materiality, politics, patronage, and devotion, contributing to a new understanding of how art was made and experienced in the nodal trecento century.
Portrait of a Family, Story of a Collection Mark Derez, Soetkin Vanhauwaert, Anne Verbrugge (eds)
Art and Experience in Trecento Italy
Holly Flora, Sarah Wilkins (eds)
The age of Giotto, Dante, and Boccaccio, the fourteenth century in Italy, known as the Trecento, was a pivotal moment in art history and in European culture. The studies in this volume present new approaches to art in this important but often neglected period of the early Renaissance. Scholars at various stages in their careers discuss a wide range of topics including architecture, materiality, politics, patronage, and devotion, contributing to a new understanding of how art was made and experienced in this nodal century.
The Arenberg lineage belongs to the high nobility, whose estates, interests and familial connections have traditionally extended across borders. Through their prominent military role in European conflicts, the Arenbergs derived power, prowess and prestige. Their royal standing was equally reflected in the highly superior quality of their art collection, as they commissioned works from contemporaries such as Rubens, Van Dyck, and later Watteau. In the nineteenth century, the Duke of Arenberg’s newly established gallery in his palace in Brussels was renowned for its Flemish and Dutch masters, such as Brueghel and Jordaens, Rembrandt and Vermeer, and was explicitly recommended as a private museum in travel guides of the time: Vaut le voyage! This exceptional collection is also indicative of the practice of collecting art and promoting artists which has long been an integral part of the culture of nobility. This book is available in an English, French and Dutch edition.
approx. 300 p., 220 x 280 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58195-8 Hardback: approx. € 125 Series: Trecento Forum, vol. 1 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
Iconographie médiévale entre Antiquité et art roman
Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Buchard, vol. XII Allegories and Subjects from Literature Nils Büttner
Rubens had a profound impact on the visual culture of his age. He was admired not only as a painter but also for his learning, for the knowledge of classical literature and imagery which he exploited so brilliantly in arresting and powerful pictures. Rubens was particularly drawn to allegory, to the use of personified figures, sometimes in combination with the gods of the ancient pantheon and certain humans (historical individuals), to express concepts, ideals and even political messages. A contemporary praised him for using in his allegorical compositions ‘only symbols of Antiquity, thus popularising the coins and other monuments of the ancient world’, but Rubens adapted ancient symbolism to new effect, with the aim of creating pictures whose essential meaning would be the more accessible for it. This volume presents works that Ludwig Burchard (1886–1960) planned to include in his catalogue raisonné under the heading ‘Allegories and Subjects from Literature’. It features some of the artist’s most celebrated paintings, as well as some lesser-known or recently discovered items. The themes range from nature’s abundance to the dangers of excess, from human love to political expediency, triumph and the celebration of religion. It includes masterpieces as diverse in tone as the Shivering Venus (Antwerp, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten) and the Horrors of War (Florence, Palazzo Pitti), memorably described by a great historian as ‘the immortal and unforgettable frontispiece to the Thirty Years’ War’. As well as an introduction to the subject, the catalogue provides extensive analyses of each work, revealing Rubens’ literary and visual references. The circumstances surrounding the making and display of every item are investigated and considered alongside the artist’s own creative process, since knowledge of the intended context and the early viewing conditions of Rubens’ works is so important to the understanding of their significance. Thus particular attention is paid to provenance, not only for the works themselves, but for the copies made after them.
D’acanthes et d’écailles. Recueil d’articles de Jacqueline Leclercq-Marx
Brigitte D’Hainaut-Zveny, Alain Dierkens, Constantin Pion (éd.)
Recueil d’articles rédigés par Jacqueline Leclercq-Marx tout au long de sa carrière, ce volume consacré à l’Iconographie médiévale entre Antiquité et art roman est tout à la fois un état de la recherche et un stimulant manuel d’initiation à l’analyse iconographique.
approx. 464 p., 160 col. ills, 210 x 297 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57555-1 Paperback: € 100 Série: Les Études du RILMA, vol. 9 Publication prévue pour l’automne 2018
384 p., 380 col. ills, 225 x 300 mm, 2018, English edition: ISBN 978-2-503-58115-6 French edition: ISBN 978-2-503-58117-0 Dutch edition: ISBN 978-2-503-58116-3 Hardback: € 75 Published outside a Series Available
2 vols, approx. 650 p., 100 col. ills, 200 b/w ills, 180 x 265 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-1-912554-11-9 Hardback: approx. € 250 Series: Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Buchard, vol. 12 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
Le voyage architectural en France (XVe-XVIIe siècles) Entre antiquité et modernité Frédérique Lemerle
Late Gothic Architecture Its Evolution, Extinction, and Reception Robert Bork
In this book, Robert Bork offers a sweeping reassessment of late Gothic architecture and its fate in the Renaissance. In a chronologically organized narrative covering the whole of western and central Europe, he demonstrates that the Gothic design tradition remained inherently vital throughout the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, creating spectacular monuments in a wide variety of national and regional styles. Bork argues that the displacement of this Gothic tradition from its long-standing position of artistic leadership in the years around 1500 reflected the impact of three main external forces: the rise of a rival architectural culture that championed the use of classical forms with a new theoretical sophistication; the appropriation of that architectural language by patrons who wished to associate themselves with papal and imperial Rome; and the chaos of the Reformation, which disrupted the circumstances of church construction on which the Gothic tradition had formerly depended. Bork further argues that art historians have much to gain from considering the character and fate of late Gothic architecture, not only because the monuments in question are intrinsically fascinating, but also because examination of the way their story has been told—and left untold, in many accounts of the “Northern Renaissance”—can reveal a great deal about schemes of categorization and prioritization that continue to shape the discipline even in the twenty-first century. Robert Bork, Professor of Art History at the University of Iowa, specializes in the study of Gothic architecture and medieval design practice. Table of Contents Introduction: The Anti-Gothic Turn Chapter 1: Getting the Point - Antiquity to 1300 / Chapter 2: From Gothic to Late Gothic - 1300 to 1350 / Chapter 3: The Evolution of Late Gothic 1350 to 1400 / Chapter 4: The Antique Mode and its Gothic Context - 1400 to 1450 / Chapter 5: Polarized Modernisms - 1450 to 1500 / Chapter 6: Collision and Hybridity - 1500 to 1525 / Chapter 7: Purge and Extinction - 1525 to 1575 Epilogue: The legacy of the Anti-Gothic Turn approx. x + 513 p., 337 b/w ills, 32 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-56894-2 Paperback: € 119 Series: Architectura Medii Aevi, vol. 10 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
Building the Sacred in a Crusader Kingdom
Gothic Church Architecture in Lusignan Cyprus, c. 1209 - c. 1373 Michalis Olympios
This new study is based on original research on the physical fabric of Cyprus’ Gothic ecclesiastical edifices, on a thorough exploitation of the published archaeological data, and on a new reading of the extant documentary sources to offer a fresh account of the development and place of Cypriot Gothic in the architectural history of medieval Europe and the eastern Mediterranean. It proposes to do so by re-evaluating and re-contextualizing the ambitions of the patrons and the choices (and compromises) of the master masons responsible for this unique monumental heritage.
L’ouvrage est consacré à la réception de l’architecture antique, médiévale et moderne à travers les témoignages textuels et graphiques laissés par les voyageurs français et étrangers, depuis le XVe siècle où apparaissent les premiers témoignages significatifs, jusqu’au chantier de Versailles qui focalise durablement l’attention des visiteurs. L’étude de la réception de ces édifices vus dans le long terme et dans tous leurs états permet d’écrire une histoire du goût et de la curiosité comme de l’art d’habiter en France à l’époque moderne.
approx. 300 p., 29 b/w ills, 8 col. ills, 210 x 270 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58128-6 Paperback: approx. € 80 Série: Études Renaissantes, vol. 26 Publication prévue pour l’automne 2018
approx. 489 p., 216 x 280 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-53606-4 Paperback: € 110 Series: Architectura Medii Aevi, vol. 11 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
The Essence of Art and Architecture in Early Modern Europe
Islamic Elements in the Architecture of Puglia Christiane L. Joost-Gaugier
Puglia is one of the most extraordinary parts of Italy. Inhabited for over 8,000 years, this region has experienced almost every type of civilization known to the European world. This book focuses on the little known but important Islamic contribution to the architecture of Puglia, a contribution which was centered in the once Muslim city of Lucera and subsequently came to be of significance for the building of Christian cathedrals and churches in this beautiful region, little known to the outside world. approx. 280 p., 1 b/w ill., 120 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58031-9 Paperback: approx. € 125 Series: Architectural Crossroads, vol. 7 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
Lorenzo Pericolo, Elisabeth Oy-Marra (eds)
This book aims to define, analyze, and reassess the concept of perfection in the arts and architecture of early modern Europe. What is perfection? What makes a work of art unique, emblematic, or irreplaceable? Does perfection necessarily relate to individuality? Is the perfect work connate with or independent from its author? How do artists react to perfection? How do post-Vasarian models of art history come to terms with perfection? To what extent perfection in early modern Europe is the matter of rhetoric, literary theories, theology, and even scientific observation?
approx. 290 p., 75 b/w ills, 75 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57979-5 Paperback: approx. € 120 Published outside a Series Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
Mythical Ancestry in World Cultures, 1400-1800 Sara Trevisan (ed.)
Luxury and the Ethics of Greed in Early Modern Italy Catherine Kovesi (ed.)
This book unravels the complex interaction of the paradigms of luxury and greed which lie at the origins of modern consumption practices. In the Western world, the phenomenon of luxury and the ethical dilemmas it raised appeared, for the first time since antiquity, in early modern Italy. Here, luxury emerged as a core idea in the conceptualization of consumption. Simultaneously, greed — which manifested in new and unrestrained consumption practices — came under close ethical scrutiny. As the buying power of new classes gained pace, these paradigms evolved as they continued both to influence, and be influenced by, other emerging global cultures through the early modern period. After defining luxury and greed in their historical contexts, the volume’s chapters elucidate new consumptive goods, from chocolate to official robes of state; they examine how ideas about, and objects of, luxury and greed were disseminated through print, diplomacy, and gift-giving; and they reveal how even the most elite of consumers could fake their luxury objects. A group of international scholars from a range of disciplines thereby provide a new appraisal and vision of luxury and the ethics of greed in early modern Italy.
From Europe to the Ottoman Empire, from Mesoamerica to the Mughal dynasty, rulers and peoples in the early modern period put deities and culture heroes in their family trees. The essays in this collection investigate the issues of ancestry, descent, kinship, and kingship that are revealed by this worldwide practice. The authors explore the meaning and role of ‘myth’ in different global cultures, and how the social role of myth defined identity through genealogical discourse. This volume, however, breaks new ground through its unique exploration of the way in which the genealogical use of ‘myth’ was shared by world cultures.
Virgil and Renaissance Culture L.B.T. Houghton, Marco Sgarbi (eds)
This collection of essays presents a variety of case studies of Virgil’s impact on different branches of Renaissance culture, covering the crucial areas of education and court culture, the visual arts, music history, philosophy, and Neo-Latin and vernacular literature. It brings together established scholars and younger researchers from a range of different academic disciplines. The studies included here will be of particular interest to students of Renaissance social, intellectual, and literary history, to art historians, and to those working on the reception of classical literature.
approx. 225 p., 12 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58009-8 Hardback: € 75 Series: Cursor Mundi, vol. 35 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
x + 228 p., 152 x 229 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58190-3 Hardback: approx. € 55 Series: Arizona Studies in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, vol. 42 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
François Ier et l’Italie / L’Italia e Francesco I
Performance and Theatricality in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
Table of Contents Luxury and the Ethics of Greed in Early Modern Italy: An Introduction - CATHERINE KOVESI Section One. Luxury and Greed: Defining the Terms Luxus: How Luxury Acquired Its Lustre - CATHERINE KOVESI / Dante’s She-Wolf: Luxury and Greed in the Divine Comedy - LINO PERTILE / The Language of Luxury in Renaissance Florence - PETER HOWARD Section Two. Consuming Luxury ‘Taste of Luxury’ in Renaissance Italy: In Practice and in the Literary Imagination - LAURA GIANNETTI / Chocolate in the Historical Imagination - Rebecca Earle / Vesti bollate: The Italian Fashion Gazette of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries (shapes, colours, decorations) MARIA GIUSEPPINA MUZZARELLI / The Pressures of Magnificence: Senatorial Dress in SixteenthCentury Venice - JOLA PELLUMBI Section Three. Disseminating Luxury Disseminating Luxury on the Streets of Italian Renaissance Cities - ROSA SALZBERG / Italian Maiolica and Gift-giving Between Women c.1480- 1600 - TIMOTHY WILSON / Luxury, Technology, and the Diplomatic Gift - SEAN ROBERTS Section Four. Faking it: The Pretense of Luxury Material Fictions of Luxury in Sforza Milan - TIMOTHY MCCALL / Cheap Magnificence?: Imitation and LowCost Luxuries in Renaissance Italy - PAULA HOHTI approx. 325 p., 5 b/w ills, 40 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58011-1 Hardback: € 90 Series: Early European Research, vol. 14 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
Échanges, influences, méfiances entre Moyen Âge et Renaissance / Scambi, influenze, diffidenze fra Medioevo e Rinascimento Chiara Lastraioli, Jean-Marie Le Gall (éd.)
Les articles figurant dans ce volume explorent différents aspects de l’épopée guerrière et culturelle de François Ier en Italie, tout en mettant l’accent sur les réactions suscitées outremonts par la politique royale au fil du temps, mais aussi des succès et des déboires diplomatico-militaires.
approx. 300 p., 14 b/w ills, 28 col. ills, 210 x 270 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58127-9 Paperback: approx. € 90 Série: Études Renaissantes, vol. 25 Publication prévue pour l’automne 2018
Mark Cruse (ed.)
This volume is a contribution to the cross-cultural study of theater and performance in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The studies gathered here examine material from Austria, England, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Russia, and Spain from the thirteenth to the eighteenth century. Addressing confession and private devotion, urban theater and pageantry, royal legitimacy and religious debate, and a wide range of genres and media, this volume offers a panoramic mosaic of the worldmaking role of theater and performance in medieval and early modern European societies.
xiii + 207 p., 23 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57987-0 Hardback: € 75 Series: Arizona Studies in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, vol. 41 Available
Agrarian Change and Imperfect Property Emphyteusis in Europe (16th to 19th Centuries)
Maria Rosa Congost, Pablo Luna (eds)
Tome 2: 1533
Jean-Paul Hoyois, Laetitia Gorter-Van Royen (éd.)
L’édition de la correspondance entre Marie de Hongrie et Charles Quint, à partir de 1532, point de départ d’une intensification de leurs contacts épistolaires, permettra de compléter l’information de la relation entre l’empereur et sa soeur pour la période où Marie était gouvernante des PaysBas, et d’accroître par conséquent l’intérêt qu’il y a à poursuivre la publication de ces documents émanant de princes, tant intimement que politiquement fort liés. Cette édition est principalement marquée par les instructions de Marie du mois de février et les réponses y fournies par Charles en avril. Ces documents ont soulevé de nombreuses questions. En plus, d’autres documents, parfois sans dates, sont apparus comme directement liés à ces instructions. Leur provenance fut difficile à démasquer. Grâce à un travail patient et minutieux, une comparaison des écritures a pu apporter plusieurs réponses aux éditeurs comme par exemple, l’attribution des différents documents aux chancelleries respectives de Charles et Marie.
approx. 470 p., 10 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58042-5 Hardback: approx. € 110 Série: La correspondance de Marie de Hongrie, vol. 2 Publication prévue pour l’automne 2018
Également disponible
Tome I: 1532 et années antérieures Jean-Paul Hoyois, Laetitia Gorter-Van Royen (éd.)
xlv + 641 p., 5 b/w ills, 2 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2009, ISBN 978-2-503-51101-6 Hardback: € 85 Série: La correspondance de Marie de Hongrie, vol. 1 Disponible
This book is situated at the crossroads of two recurring themes in rural history: agrarian contracts and property rights. Emphyteusis is at the heart of agrarian history in that it brings together agricultural history and the nature of social relations in traditional societies. Despite this, many such contracts have been blithely ignored, or unjustly dismissed, either because they are hard to identify, given the many variants that existed, or because, as a form of divided property, they are generally perceived in a negative light.
approx. 314 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57923-8 Paperback: € 71 Series: Rural History in Europe, vol. 15 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance The International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance (IBHR) is the international reference bibliography of academic publications on the Renaissance and the early modern period. The IBHR has a wide and ambitious scope. The core of the Bibliography focuses on European history and culture that spans the 16th and 17th centuries, and encompasses a broad spectrum of subjects, ranging from religious history through to philosophy, science and the arts; and from military and political history through to social and gender studies. Both the geographical and the chronological delimitations are not restrictive as the IBHR also includes publications on the European interactions with the wider world through exploration, colonisation, slavery and the Christian mission and extends its coverage to the modern period with the inclusion of modern hermeneutics, reception studies and the 21st-century teaching of texts written in the target period. The IBHR covers publications written in various languages: English, French, German, Greek, Spanish, Italian, Portugese, Hungarian, Romanian, Dutch and Japanese.
Highlights • Over 355.00 searchable entries (March 2018) • 20,000 references added annually • 900 journals regularly checked
Women and Credit in Pre-Industrial Europe Elise M. Dermineur (ed.)
This collection of essays compares and discusses women’s participation and experiences in credit markets in early modern Europe, and highlights the characteristics, common mechanisms, similarities, discrepancies, and differences across various regions in Europe in different time periods, and at all levels of society. The essays focus on the role of women as creditors and debtors (a topic largely ignored in traditional historiography), but also and above all on the development of their roles across time.
• A comprehensive cataloguing and indexing system, using familiar, multilingual terminology • 120,000 index terms • English and French thesaurus • Numerous search fields: author, title, year of publication, subject, etc. • Several export formats (EndNote, Zotero, RefWorks, Microsoft Office Word) • Multi-lingual interface • Compatible with OpenURL, facilitating linkage to full text • DOI links • Email alerts For more information or free trials, contact:
approx. 400 p., 14 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57052-5 Hardback: € 100 Series: Early European Research, vol. 12 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
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Les formes laïques de la philosophie Encounters
Raymond Lulle dans l’histoire de la philosophie médiévale
The Art of Interfaith Dialogue
Dominique de Courcelles (éd.)
Aaron Rosen
Autodidacte, philosophe et théologien, poète, Raymond Lulle invente de nouvelles formes d’écriture de la philosophie, romanesque, poétique, invitant à oublier toute distinction entre philosophie et littérature pour mieux proposer un art dynamique et systématique. Les études ici réunies contribuent à donner à l’œuvre de Raymond Lulle la place qui lui revient dans l’histoire de la philosophie médiévale et de cette philosophie alternative, celle des laïcs, trop souvent méconnue.
The 21st century is a new era for interfaith dialogue. Readers are invited to witness the meetings of faith leaders from across the globe through the eyes of acclaimed artist Nicola Green, accompanied by challenging reflections from leading scholars. The 21st century is a new era for interfaith dialogue. Leaders of many of the world’s faiths have begun, often for the first time, to sit down together and consider the possibilities for cooperation and dialogue between the practitioners of their religions. While in the past such encounters might have been stiff affairs contrived to generate a politically expedient photo-op, what is remarkable today is the depth of relationships being formed across historically deep divides. Acclaimed artist Nicola Green has had a front row seat to many of these encounters, spending years accompanying former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams in meetings with religious leaders across the world. In her wide-ranging project Only through Others, Green presents photographs and paintings inspired by Dr. Williams’ intimate conversations with figures including Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, the Dalai Lama, the Grand Mufti of Egypt, and former British Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks. Green’s works — resulting from unprecedented access yielding thousands of photographs, drawings, and pages of notes — provide a dynamic lens for the authors in this book to analyze what makes for productive and lasting interfaith dialogue. By paying attention to neglected factors in such encounters, from the set up of physical spaces to bodily gestures and even the clothing of participants, this book provides a truly embodied perspective on interfaith dialogue. It refuses to see theology in a vacuum, placing faith fully within the context of visual, material, and sensory culture. Dr. Aaron Rosen is Professor of Religious Thought at Rocky Mountain College and Visiting Professor of Theology at King’s College London. He is the author of Imagining Jewish Art (2009) and Art and Religion in the 21st Century (2015). He is the editor of Religion and Art in the Heart of Modern Manhattan (2015) and co-editor of Visualising a Sacred City: London, Art and Religion (2016). Table of Contents: www.brepols.net approx. 250 p., 120 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58032-6 Hardback: approx. 100 Series: Arts and the Sacred, vol. 2 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
En 500 après Martin Luther Réception et conflits d’interprétation (1517-2017) Stéphane-Marie Morgain (éd.)
Sans négliger l’approche historique, la priorité sera donnée à la réception et à l’interprétation de Martin Luther en luthéranisme et dans la théologie catholique contemporaine. Ainsi, cette publication vise à mettre en lumière les conflits d’interprétation, les points de rupture, mais aussi les points d’intersections avec d’autres confessions chrétiennes dans une perspective œcuménique. Considérer Martin Luther comme point de départ, c’est s’intéresser davantage aux bouleversements auxquels il a conduit et à ses prodromes, qu’à ses origines ou ses inspirations.
approx. 250 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58013-5 Hardback: approx. € 70 Série: Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia, vol. 81 Publication prévue pour l’automne 2018
approx. 350 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57559-9 Paperback: approx. € 59 Série: Bibliothèque de la Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique, vol. 104 Publication prévue pour l’automne 2018
Histoire littéraire des bénédictins de Saint-Maur
Rhetoric and Reckoning in the Ninth Century
Philippe Lenain
Walahfrid Strabo
Pour faire suite à la Refonte de l’Histoire littéraire des Bénédictins de Saint-Maur, réunissant entre autres les travaux de Dom Tassin, d’Ulysse Robert et d’Ursmer Berlière, l’auteur des quatre volumes parus précédemment a décidé d’acquiescer de produire séparément un Index nominum des moines écrivains de la Congrégation de Saint-Maur, permettant un repérage plus aisé des notices les concernant. Ce dernier volume propose également un Catalogue complet des Monastères de la Congrégation d’ancien régime, classés par provinces ecclésiastiques et plusieurs cartes, gravures ou illustrations.
Walahfrid was a fine poet, teacher, abbot, gardener, liturgist, and diplomat. His personal notebook reveals that he loved arithmetic and astronomy. For a decade, he tutored Carolus iunior, youngest son of Judith and Ludwig der Fromme, who became emperor Charles the Bald. On two occasions, Walahfrid found and transcribed formulae and explanations of time series, often correcting them. By identifying Walahfrid’s sources and scripts, Professor Stevens is able to trace his life and scholarship, as they relate to Carolingian politics and schools in the first half of ninth-century Europe.
approx. 212 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-54950-7 Paperback: € 61 Série: Bibliothèque de la Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique, vol. 103 Publication prévue pour l’automne 2018
approx. x + 356 p., 14 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-56553-8 Paperback: € 75 Series: Studia Traditionis Theologiae, vol. 24 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
Tome V : Abbayes - Index Nominum
The ‘Vademecum’ of Walahfrid Strabo
Beyond Spirituality
Christian Mysticism of Power and the Meaning of the Self in the Patristic Era Nikolaos Loudovikos
La destruction de Sodome et de Gomorrhe (Gn 18-19) dans la littérature chrétienne des premiers siècles Rémi Gounelle, Jean-Marc Vercruysse (éd.)
A book about the possibility of retrieving a concept of selfhood from Patristic theology, beyond the dichotomies of mind and body, or person and nature. Patristic theology seems to provide us with an alternative understanding of selfhood, beyond what has been referred to as ‘Christian Platonism’. This book strives to decipher, retrieve, and re-embody the underlying mature Patristic concept of selfhood, beyond the dichotomies of mind and body, or person and nature.
Situé entre l’alliance avec Abraham et la naissance d’Isaac, l’histoire de la destruction de Sodome et de Gomorrhe (Gn 18-19) a marqué l’imaginaire juif et chrétien. Le présent volume étudie la façon dont il a été interprété et réécrit dans les cinq premiers siècles de notre ère. La seconde section examine la grande postérité que ce récit a eue dans la poésie latine des IVe-Ve siècle.
approx. 350 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2019, ISBN 978-2-503-57815-6 Paperback: approx. € 75 Series: Studia Traditionis Theologiae, vol. 28 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
approx. 290 p., 148 x 210 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58176-7 Paperback: approx. € 40 Série: Cahiers de Biblia Patristica, vol. 19 Publication prévue pour l’automne 2018
Bonds and Boundaries among the Early Churches
Femmes de savoir et savoirs des fémmes
Community Maintenance in the Letter of James and the Didache Chun Ling Yu
This book explores the group conflicts within early Christian communities reflected in the letter of James and the Didache, and then analyzes the community maintenance strategies of these two writings. With the tools from social science, it shows that community conflict is an important background for biblical interpretation and the understanding of the early church.
approx. 350 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58073-9 Paperback: approx. € 70 Series: Studia Traditionis Theologiae, vol. 29 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
International Bibliography of Theology, Church History and Religious Studies
The Index Religiosus is an international reference bibliography for academic publications in Theology and Religious Studies. It covers publications written in various European languages (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, etc.) and is the result of collaboration between the Catholic University of Louvain and the KU Leuven, which are both recognized internationally for their excellence in the field of Theology and Religious Studies.
Key features • Approximately 590,000 bibliographic records and 120,000 review references are searchable (January 2015) • More than 20,000 new records every year • Over 1000 journals systematically checked • Multilingual Interface (English, French, Spanish, Italian and German)
Littérature et musique religieuses entre l’Antiquité tardive et le Moyen Âge Gabriella Aragione, Beat Föllmi (éd.)
Consacrées aux femmes de savoir, de l’Antiquité tardive au Moyen Âge, les six contributions ici réunies se proposent d’identifier et de reconstituer, d’une part, les milieux et les contextes où ces femmes pouvaient exprimer leurs convictions religieuses par une prise de parole publique et sans intermédiaires masculins, d’autre part, les formes d’expression choisies, comme la rédaction d’ouvrages et la composition d’hymnes liturgiques, mais aussi les pratiques d’enseignement et la direction spirituelle.
approx. 200 p., 19 b/w ills, 15 col. ills, 148 x 210 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58167-5 Paperback: approx. € 50 Série: Cahiers de Biblia Patristica, vol. 20 Publication prévue pour l’automne 2018
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James of Eltville
An Intellectual Journey from Paris to Vienna at the End of the Fourteenth Century Monica Brinzei, Christopher Schabel (eds)
From Paris to Vienna, from author to authority, this book tells the story of the intellectual journey of the Cistercian James of Eltville, who lectured on the Sentences at Paris in 1369-1370. Contributions in this volume describe how Eltville developed the thought of earlier fourteenth-century theologians, such as John of Mirecourt, Gregory of Rimini,Thomas of Strasbourg, Alfonsus Vargas of Toledo, and John Hiltalingen of Basel, and passed on his synthesis to later generations of scholars. It fills a major gap in the current historiography of a relatively neglected period in intellectual history.
approx. 200 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58188-0 Paperback: approx. € 85 Series: Studia Sententiarum, vol. 3 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
Food & History - 15:1-2
Pour une histoire des cuisiniers et cuisinières / Towards a History of Cooks
Greek Alchemy from Late Antiquity to Early Modernity Efthymios Nicolaïdis (ed.)
What do we really know about Greek alchemy throughout the ages? Certain periods, such as the Byzantine and post-Byzantine, have been somewhat overlooked.This volume engages in the effort to shed light on certain aspects of Greek Alchemy from the 1st century CE to the 18th century, discussing and presenting relative sources, as well as the reception, transformation and use of this ‘art’. The book also examines newly discovered manuscripts and offers a commented translation of Stephanos of Alexandria’s prayers. Furthermore, to better understand the material aspect of alchemy, it addresses the expectations and problems of laboratory replication and chemical explanation of early alchemical processes, and presents educational activities that use historical texts for the reconstruction of apparatuses in the school laboratory in secondary education. Efthymios Nicolaïdis is director of the History, Philosophy and Didactics of Science and Technology Programme of the Institute of Historical Research / National Hellenic Research Foundation. He has published about the relations between science and religion, the history of science in Byzantium and the Ottoman Empire, and the spread of Modern European science. He was president of the International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science (2013-2017), and permanent secretary of the International Academy of History of Science (2017-). Table of Contents E. Nicolaidis, Foreword / M. Martelli, V. Koutalis and G. Merianos, Introduction / A. Touwaide, The Alchemical Manuscript Tradition. An Overview / C.Viano, Olympiodore l’alchimiste et la taricheia. La transformation du minerai d’or : technê, nature, histoire et archéologie / M. Papathanasiou, Stéphanos d’Alexandrie : la tradition patristique dans son œuvre alchimique / M. Martelli, Byzantine Alchemy in Two Recently Discovered Manuscripts in Saint Stephen’s (Meteora) and Olympiotissa (Elassona) Monasteries / G. Katsiampoura, The Relationship between Alchemy and Natural Philosophy in Byzantine Times / R. Franckowiak, Athanasios Rhetor: a Greek in Paris, a Priest in Alchemy / D. Kahn, Alchemical Interpretations of Ancient Mysteries / L. Principe, Texts and Practices: The Promises and Problems of Laboratory Replication and the Chemical Explanation of Early Alchemical Processes / K. Exarchakos, K. Skordoulis, On How History and Philosophy of Science Contribute to Science Teaching and Learning Processes 198 p., 21 col. ills, 200 x 260 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58191-0 Hardback: € 80 Series: De Diversis Artibus, vol. 104 (N.S.67) Available
Astrometeorología en alAndalus y el Magrib entre los siglos VIII y XV El Kitāb al-amṭār wa’l as’ār (“Libro de las lluvias y de los precios”) de Abū ‘Abd Allāh alBaqqār (fl. 1411-1418) Chedli Guesmi, Julio Samsó (eds)
Le Kitāb al-amtār wa’l as’ār est un traité d’astrometeorologie qui décrit des procedés astrologiques pour predire les pluies ainsi que l’influence des périodes de pluie et secheresse sur l’évolution des prix des produits agricoles. Ce ouvrage est, probablement, la source employé par alBaqqār et par les traducteurs de la cour d’Alphonse X de Castille qui ont compilé le Libro de las Cruzes. Il reproduit aussi d’autres sources andalouses comme la Lāmiyya d’Ibn al-Khayyāt et contient des informations importantes sur les ouvrages astrologiques qui circulaient dans al-Andalus et le Maghrib au Moyen Âge.
approx. 331 p., 3 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57025-9 Hardback: approx. € 85 Series: De Diversis Artibus, vol. 103 (N.S. 66) Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
Table of Contents Florent QUELLIER, Pour une histoire majoritaire des cuisiniers et des cuisinières Maria José GARCIA SOLER, Les professionnels de la cuisine dans la Grèce ancienne: de l’abatteur au chef Christophe BADEL, Le cuisinier romain: ars ou ministerium? Nelly LABÈRE, La figure du cuisinier dans les nouvelles du Moyen Âge Limor YUNGMAN, Beyond Cooking: The Roles of Chefs in Medieval Court Kitchens of the Islamic East Yann MOREL, Être cuisinier dans l’hôtel des ducs de Bourgogne au XVe siècle Antonella CAMPANINI, Le cuisinier entre la plume et le fourneau (Italie, XVe-XVIe siècle) Fabienne HENRYOT, Le saint devant ses marmites. Les vertus du cuisinier dans l’hagiographie moderne Anne MONTENACH, Être cuisinier à Lyon aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles: contours et enjeux d’un métier de bouche Charlotte BELLAMY, French Cooks in Sweden (17401820) Patricia VAN DEN EECKHOUT, The Parisian Cooks’ Union and Chefs de Cuisine (1880s-1930s): Archenemies or Allies? Alain DROUARD, Cuisiniers et cuisinières de maison bourgeoise (France, XIXe-XXe siècle) Matthieu AUSSUDRE, André Guillot: cuisinier de maison bourgeoise, précurseur de la Nouvelle Cuisine? Jérémie BRUCKER, En toques! L’apparence des cuisinier-e-s, entre pratiques et représentations en France (XIXe- XXe siècle) Book Reviews / Compte rendus
approx. 200 p.,170 x 244 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57170-6 Paperback Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018 Multiple subscription options available. Contact:
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European Yearbook of the History of Psychology
EYHP is a peer-reviewed international Journal devoted to the history of psychology, and especially to the interconnection between historiographic survey and problems of epistemology. The journal welcomes contributions that offer precise reconstructions of specific moments, topics, and persons in the history of psychology via the recovery and critical analysis of archival as well as published sources. Critical editions of relevant primary texts or archival sources are also welcome. The national traditions in Europe are respected not only in their own right and in their interrelations, but also in their further connection to and confrontation with non-European research traditions. With this focus, the journal aims at uncovering paths to aid the understanding of the common roots of European scientific thought. The journal pays special attention to those common areas between psychological research and its adjacent disciplines, in particular the human and the life sciences. Aimed primarily at historians and philosophers of psychology, epistemologists, historians of philosophy, and historians of human sciences, the journal is also open to contributions from all areas of psychology which address a phenomenon or topic of interest for psychology from a historical perspective.
The journal Almagest considers the history of science both as a history of ideas and as an activity that takes place in institutional and social context. In discussing the history of scientific ideas, the journal addresses the philosophical assumptions underpinning the ideas as well as the scientific developments themselves; it also addresses the influence of the historical context on these ideas.
Sources, Theories, and Models
Dictionarium Latinum Andrologiae, Gynecologiae et Embryologiae / Diccionario Latino de Andrología, Ginecología y Embriología Ab Antiquitate usque ad XVI saeculum | Desde la Antigüedad hasta el siglo XVI
Enrique Montero Cartelle (dir.), Miguel Ángel González Manjarrés (corr.)
Latin / Latin-Spanish dictionary specialized in texts of andrology, gynecology, and embryology of Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance. El DILAGE es un diccionario latino/latino-español especializado en unos campos concretos de la medicina y basado en un corpus muy amplio de autores médicos que van desde el romano Celso (siglo I d.C.) hasta el portugués Rodrigo de Castro (1603). La selección de fuentes ha obedecido a su relevancia y difusión históricas en el campo de trabajo del diccionario, de forma que las más de 150 obras despojadas pueden dar buena cuenta de los objetivos propuestos. El DILAGE es asimismo un diccionario de autoridades, por lo que cada lema está ilustrado con citas de todas las fuentes posibles, sin que se haya recogido solo el sintagma donde se encuentre el término afectado, sino el periodo completo en que aparezca. El DILGAE habrá de ser de suma utilidad para quienes se interesen por los temas concernidos y podrá prestar gran ayuda para la correcta intelección de la literatura médica latina en los ámbitos estudiados.
International Journal for the History of Scientific Ideas
Table of Contents: www.brepols.net
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Table of Contents: www.brepols.net
Claude Clerselier: La correspondance et le contexte intellectuel (1646-1681)
El Grupo de Investigación Speculum medicinae, de la Universidad de Valladolid, ha reunido a 17 filólogos clásicos — más un historiador de la medicina y una arabista — para confeccionar el Diccionario Latino de Andrología, Ginecología y Embriología (DILAGE), léxico especializado y novedoso que trata de colmar un campo poco atendido en los diccionarios existentes. El trabajo, dirigido por Enrique Montero Cartelle, se ha ido realizando a lo largo de más de cuatro lustros y ha merecido la financiación de diferentes Proyectos de Investigación.
A l’origine d’un cartésianisme après Descartes Siegrid Agostini
The volume offers an historical reconstruction of the figure of Claude Clerselier (1614-1684) and of the role he played on the one hand by publishing and translating some works of René Descartes, on the other hand by defending the Cartesian theses on the Eucharist.
Table of Contents: www.brepols.net
approx. 1104 p., 1 col. ill., 210 x 280 mm, FIDEM, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58163-7 Hardback: € 95 Series: Textes et Etudes du Moyen Âge, vol. 74 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
Multiple subscription options available. Contact:
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approx. 350 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018 ISBN 978-2-503-56579-8 Paperback: approx. € 95 Series: The Age of Descartes, vol. 4 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
Le Hainaut et la musique de la Renaissance Camilla Cavicchi, Marie-Alexis Colin, Sandrine Thieffry (éd.)
Le Carnaval des animaux Facsimile Edition of the Autograph Manuscript Marie-Gabrielle Soret
Facsimile Edition of Saint-Saëns’ Carnival of the Animals in true size (30cm x 36,6 cm). Dedicated to the autograph manuscript of Camille Saint-Saëns’ famous Carnival of the Animals (18351921), this volume sheds a distinctive light on the musician’s personality. Completed in February 1886, The Carnival of the Animals was created for friends and performers close to Saint-Saëns and was performed about fifteen times between 1886 and 1894 to a small audience. Because Camille Saint-Saëns feared that his “zoological fantasy” would damage his reputation, the work was published in its entirety only after his death. Since then, its immense popularity has continued to grow, so much so that it is now enjoyed by music lovers and the general public alike. Presented by Marie-Gabrielle Soret, a specialist of Camille Saint-Saëns, who provides a detailed bilingual description (French and English) of the work and the context of its creation, the facsimile includes the fourteen pieces of The Carnival of the Animals. It reveals the composer’s handwriting, all the performance directions as he noted them, but also to the playful animal drawings with which he decorated his score – a fish for “Aquarium”, the skeleton of a dinosaur for “Fossiles”, the pale blue pencil silhouette of a swan to illustrate the famous “Swan”. Marie-Gabrielle Soret est conservateur en chef au Département de la musique à la Bibliothèque nationale de France, responsable de la coordination du traitement des grands fonds d’archives et collections des XIXe et XXe siècles, au Service des collections patrimoniales du Département de la musique (fonds de compositeurs, interprètes, institutions et sociétés musicales).
192 p., 127 col. ills, 300 x 366 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58122-4 Hardback: € 200 Série: De main de maître, vol. 2 Available
The Many Faces of Camille Saint-Saëns Mark Stegemann (ed.)
Table of Contents Preface On Stage – Operas Hugh Macdonald - Saint-Saëns the Dramatist / Erin Brooks - Camille Saint-Saëns and Staging History: Henry VIII and Ascanio at the Opéra / Mara Lacchè Saint-Saëns e l’esotismo ‘ellenico’ di Déjanire / Claire Paolacci - Camille Saint-Saëns et l’Opéra de Paris (1915-1945), un étendard de la musique française Down the Aisle – Church Music Sara Ramos Contioso - Saint-Saëns’s Messe de Requiem: un nuevo modelo religioso en la tradición romántica del género / Megan Sarno - Saint-Saëns, Criticism, and Catholicism In the Concert – Instrumental Music Michael Stegemann - «La chimère de la pureté du style et de la perfection de la forme» : Saint-Saëns und die großen Formen der Instrumentalmusik / Elisabetta Righini - Fossili e rovine: trattamenti metamorfici nel Quartetto per archi e pianoforte in Mi maggiore Op. Post. di Camille Saint-Saëns / Julie Oustinoff Les Deux Trios avec piano de Camille Saint-Saëns (1864-1892): pour une filiation française? / Rohan H. Stewart-MacDonald - Lisztian Approaches in the Instrumental Works of Camille Saint-Saëns: ‘Thematic Transformation’ and the Symphony No. 3 in C Minor, Op. 78 (‘Organ’) / Rémy Campos - Camille SaintSaëns’ Piano Technique: A Retrospectively Constituted Object? / Geoffrey Burleson - Saint-Saëns, ProtoImpressionism, and ‘le jeu perlé ’ / Temina Cadi Sulumuna - Les OEuvres pour harpe de Camille Saint-Saëns et ses relations professionnelles avec les harpistes à la lumière de la correspondance En Route – Travelling through the World Alberto Massarotto - L’esotismo musicale di SaintSaëns come diario di bordo tra vita e opera / Stéphane Leteuré - Camille Saint-Saëns en Égypte: les sens du voyage (1890-1914) / Oreste Palmiero - Camille Saint-Saëns e l’Italia: analisi di un rapporto (attraverso i carteggi) / José Ignacio Suárez García - La primera visita de Saint-Saëns a España en 1880: el descubrimiento del pianista virtuoso / David Cranmer - A Relationship Spanning more than 40 Years: The Case of Portugal / Mitsuya Nakanishi Saint-Saëns et ses oeuvres littéraires sur le Japon / Antonio Ferrara - Saint-Saëns, presidente della Société des instruments anciens Abstracts – Biographies - Index of Names xiii + 405 p., 22 b/w ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58070-8 Hardback: € 110 Series: Speculum musicae, vol. 31 Available
Dans l’histoire européenne de la musique, de nombreux musiciens illustres de la Renaissance sont originaires du Hainaut, formés ou actifs en ces lieux. C’est toute la diversité musicale d’une région, 1430 à 1600, et sa redécouverte au XIXe siècle que l’ouvrage, nourri des recherches les plus récentes menées par des spécialistes internationaux (Belgique, Etats-Unis, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Royaume-Uni), étudie dans une série de chapitres consacrés au mécénat, aux sources, aux répertoires ou encore aux pratiques musicales.
450 p., 300 col. ills, 230 x 280 mm, 2019, ISBN 978-2-503-55538-6 Paperback: approx. € 100 Série: Epitome musical Publication prévue pour l’automne 2018
Les “bandes de violons” en Europe : cinq siècles de transferts culturels Des anciens ménétriers aux Tsiganes d’Europe centrale Luc Charles-Dominique
Les fortes ressemblances entre anciens ensembles ménétriers de violons et actuelles bandes de violons – tsiganes – d’Europe centrale, autorisent l’hypothèse des transferts culturels. L’un des objectifs de cet ouvrage est de révéler le dynamisme et le mouvement des sociétés européennes anciennes, l’autre ambition de cet ouvrage est de proposer une nouvelle approche de la technique et du jeu violonistiques des anciens ménétriers violonistes.
676 p., 67 b/w ills, 37 col. ills, 190 x 290 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58118-7 Paperback: € 80 Série: Epitome musical Disponible
The Production and Reading of Music Sources Mise-en-page in Manuscripts and Printed Books containing Polyphonic Music, 1480-1530 Thomas Schmidt, Christian Thomas Leitmeir (eds)
The present volume combines a number of studies resulting from a research project funded by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) into this question, combining the examination of a number of overarching themes (e.g. luxury codices, printed polyphony, music theory books, illumination) with case studies of individual sources.
approx. 500 p., 339 b/w ills, 58 col. ills, 190 x 290 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57961-0 Paperback: approx. € 125 Series: Epitome musical Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
The Queen Danced Alone Court Ballet in Sweden during the Reign of Queen Christina (1638-1654) Stefano Fogelberg Rota
This book is the first monograph devoted to court ballet during Christina’s reign that offers an in-depth analysis of all the extant libretti of the performances. The Queen’s highly active patronage of this theatre form, and its development in Sweden in the framework of a cultural transmission from France, are elucidated as we follow Christina in her multiple roles of promoter, inventor and dancer of the ballets.
240 p., 22 col. ills, 190 x 290 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57958-0 Paperback: € 65 Series: Epitome musical Available
Music and Power in the Baroque Era Rudolf Rasch (ed.)
The present volume brings together a number of studies that all deal, in one way or another, with the question of how power was implemented in music in what is called the Baroque Era, roughly the seventeenth century and the first half of the eighteenth. The essays can be grouped under four main headings: court opera, ceremonial music, “musicians” and miscellaneous studies. Several essays discuss court opera, one of the most conspicuous musical forms with which a monarch could display his power.
approx. 275 p., 41 b/w ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58071-5 Hardback: approx. € 100 Series: Music, Criticism & Politics, vol. 6 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
Music Criticism 1900-1950
Jordi Ballester, Germán Gan Quesada (eds)
The analysis of music criticism, and by extension music literature, has become over the last few decades one of the most active research fields in musicological studies. This monograph gathers up to 22 contributions that throw light on a broad range of topics and geographical and cultural areas concerning the situation of music criticism throughout the first half of the twentieth century. So, it offers appealing insights into some of the key elements which define the relationship between music and criticism during a pivotal historical period for the discipline.
approx. 400 p., 44 b/w ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58072-2 Hardback: approx. € 125 Series: Music, Criticism & Politics, vol. 7 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
Émergences du Chant Grégorien
Les strates de la branche Neustro-insulaire (687-930) Jean-François Goudesenne
Soucieux de réconcilier l’érudition grégorienne avec les travaux des liturgistes et des philologues, Jean-François Goudesenne étudie la genèse du chant grégorien et offre l’hypothèse d’une première phase franco-insulaire qui était enracinée dans l’ancienne Neustrie mérovingienne, vivifiée par les apports monastiques irlandais et ensuite associée avec des foyers carolingiens piémontais et lombards. Cette hypothèse lui permet de reconstruire la genèse d’un chant grégorien décliné au pluriel, en lien avec d’autres branches. Comme l’écriture caroline, le chant grégorien fut «fabriqué», comme une mosaïque, par étapes progressives, non depuis un centre unique mais à partir de plusieurs matrices. Les multiples interférences de l’oralité sur l’écriture, la nature spécifique des textes chantés, et les fonctions des manuscrits liturgiques permettent à l’auteur de déceler ses réécritures successives et de se dégager des dogmes hérités de la vision néo-lachmanienne de l’historiographie des XIXe et XXe siècles, d’un original unique à deux branches opposées, les types lotharingien et alémano-germanique de la période ottonienne. S’appuyant sur les ressources de l’Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes (Paris) et les programmes de recherche qu’il y mène depuis plus de quinze ans, Jean-François Goudesenne revisite les aires culturelles européennes, en inscrivant « l’émergence grégorienne » comme une acculturation évolutive dans un schéma généalogique qui est bien plus complexe qu’une simple transmission linéaire. L’auteur s’oppose aux méthodes des entreprises bénédictines des années 1930-1960, aux restitutions de l’école post-cardinienne, ou encore à la théorie d’un improbable «antiphonaire de Charlemagne» de Levy. Il s’inscrit plus volontiers dans la lignée des travaux de Treitler, Van der Werf, Bernard, Saulnier ou Jeffery. L’abandon du «mythe grégorien» ainsi que des notions équivoques d’auteur et de texte ouvre donc de nouvelles perspectives – des répertoires «en transition» entre les modèles romains, insulaires, francs et italiques et des usages locaux plus différenciés – qu’une nouvelle histoire du chant grégorien ne peut plus ignorer. 2 vols, approx. 530 p., 44 b/w ills, 42 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57978-8 Paperback: € 140 Prix de lancement: € 115 valable jusqu’au 30 octobre 2018 Série: Musicalia Antiquitatis & Medii Aevi, vol. 1 Publication prévue pour l’automne 2018
Les incrustations en coquille de Mari Barbara Couturaud
Language, Government, and Religion in the World of the Turks Festschrift for Larry Clark at Seventy-Five Zsuzsanna Gulácsi (ed.)
Many of the world’s leading authorities on Central Eurasia delve into facets of the history of its languages, government institutions, and religions.
Cet ouvrage porte sur les incrustations retrouvées à Mari, datées du deuxième tiers du IIIe millénaire. À ce jour, Mari est la cité qui a fourni le plus grand nombre de fragments et sa production doit être envisagée comme faisant partie intégrante de la culture matérielle et visuelle du Proche-Orient à cette époque. Cette étude propose une analyse archéologique des incrustations et de leur contexte de découverte ainsi qu’une analyse iconographique, permettant d’aborder la nature et la fonction de ces objets, ainsi que les modalités de représentation de cette époque et de ce type de support.
Zsuzsanna Gulacsi is Professor of Asian Art History and Religious Studies at Northern Arizona University.
Introduction Zsuzsanna Gulacsi, Johan Elvesrkog, and Geoff Childs, “Larry Clark as a Teacher and Mentor” / Marcel Erdal and Jason BeDuhn, “The Scholarship of Larry Clark” / Jason BeDuhn, “Chapters of this Book” Chapter 1: Language Chris Beckwith,“Ethnolinguistic identity of the Hsiung- nu” / Simone-Christiane Raschmann, “A previously unpublished Old Uyghur document” / Elisabetta Ragagnin, “The puzzling Tuha of East khövsgöl Aimag” / Mehmet Ölmez, “What language is Manichaean Uighur?” / Klaus Röhrborn, A topic of Turkic linguistics / Jens Wilkens, A topic of Turkic linguistics / Talant Mawkanuli, A topic of Uygur linguistics Chapter 2: Government Michael Drompp “The Xin Tang shu account of the Qïrqïz”/ Peter Zieme, Bägräk Tutuŋ and his family. Notes on an Old Uigur colophon / Geoff Childs, “Tibetan Civil Documents in Nubri, Nepal: Continuity amidst Political Change / Johan Elvesrkog, “The Uygurs in Mongol Historiography,”/ Sam Lieu, “Between Byzantium and the Turks – Kallipolis / Gallipoli / Gelibolu (1307-1402) / Kemal Silay, A topic of Ottoman history Chapter 3: Religion Zsuzsanna Gulacsi, “Mani’s Book of Pictures in late Antiquity” / Yutaka Yoshida, “Some aspects of the latest phase of Central Asian Manichaeism” / Nick Sims-Williams, “A multilingual Manichaean calendar from Turfan” / Marcel Erdal, “The versions of the Treatise on the Eight Aggregates of Light” / Jason BeDuhn, “Manichaean / antheism in its Uygur Setting” Bibliography combined from all contributions.
approx. 280 p., 30 b/w ills, 17 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58029-6 Paperback: approx. € 100 Series: Silk Road Studies, vol. 19 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
approx. 246 p., 45 b/w ills, 210 x 297 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57964-1 Paperback: approx. € 85 Série: Subartu, vol. 40 Publication prévue pour l’automne 2018
From the Roman Empire to Contemporary Imperialism Wouter Bracke, Jan Nelis, Jan De Maeyer (eds)
The present book is the result of the conference ‘Renovatio, inventio, absentia imperii’. This book touches as much on the nature of the Roman Empire as it does on its historical legacy and, more importantly so, on who claims the latter inheritance throughout the most diverse epochs. By discussing some highly contrasting views upon this topic, contributors explore issues that are of fundamental importance to the writing, not only of cultural history, but also of history itself.
vi + 331 p., 160 x 240 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-90-74461-92-4 Paperback: € 37 Series: Etudes (Institut Historique belge de Rome) Available
Table of Contents
Renovatio, inventio, absentia imperii
Matronae equestres
La parenté féminine des chevaliers romains originaires des provinces occidentales sous le Haut-Empire romain (Ier-IIIe siècles) Anthony Alvarez Melero
Les travaux consacrés aux élites à Rome n’ont pas toujours accordé à la parenté féminine des membres des ordines supérieurs toute l’attention qu’elle mérite. Le but de cet ouvrage est de combler cette lacune en analysant sur la base d’une documentation principalement épigraphique, les alliances matrimoniales, les pratiques religieuses et la mobilité géographique de ces dames sur trois siècles. Ce livre entend donc contribuer à l’histoire sociale d’un groupe, hétérogène quant à son extraction, situé juridiquement aux marges de la société, comme l’étaient les femmes dans le monde romain. approx. 250 p., 160 x 240 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-90-74461-88-7 Paperback: approx. € 40 Série: Etudes (Institut Historique belge de Rome), vol. 5 Publication prévue pour l’automne 2018
Funerary Representations of Palmyrene Women From the First Century BC to the Third Century AD Signe Krag
This volume offers a study and catalogue of the funerary portraits of Palmyrene women from the first century BC to the third century AD. It explores both the visual qualities of the portraits themselves, and the complexities of the space in which they were originally situated. By analysing the civic and religious activities of women within Palmyra, this book also situates these portraits in a broader context.
ii +422 p., 409 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-56965-9 Paperback: € 100 Series: Studies in Classical Archaeology, vol. 3 Available
Florilegium Coislinianum A Tomás Fernández (ed.)
The Florilegium Coislinianum is a Byzantine anthology dated to the ninth or tenth century. It deals with subjects ranging from the creation of angels to sin and virtues. Although it is an important document, it has only recently received full attention from the scholarly community. The present edition is the editio princeps of the first book of the Florilegium Coislinianum. It is part of a much larger collaborative project, in the context of which a research team, based at the KU Leuven, is currently studying and editing diverse sections of this florilegium.
Las palabras del paisaje y el paisaje en las palabras de la Edad Media Estudios de lexicografía latina medieval hispana
Estrella Perez Rodriguez (ed.)
Collective work of contrastive lexicography that brings together thirteen essays by outstanding mediaeval scholars from the Iberian peninsula which study the landscape (in a broad sense) and the words – mainly Latin, but also Romance –, that describe it from different mediaeval Latin sources from Spain. The 13 contributions focus on a common subject: the landscape and the words — mainly Latin, but also Romance — referring to it, studying it from different points of view and from different Spanish medieval Latin sources: the charters from AsturiasLeón, Navarre, Catalonia... or the Papal Bulls for Spanish institutions, as well as some particular works. The term ‘landscape’ is used here in a broad sense: it is the territory, which can be a political area, but also a natural or geographical space; it is a place that may be someone’s property and which may have been enclosed or defined in some way; it might be a rural area or an urban space; there, the labour, economic activities, constructions or destructive practices of man may be present, moulding and transforming it; besides, it may be the space perceived or felt subjectively by those who live there or who look at it. What is more, the term ‘landscape’ implies observation, which is what all the contributors have done: they have examined, in detail, the space that has been drawn with words in the medieval Latin sources from Spain, as well as the very words which describe it. The work intends to contribute to a better knowledge of the valuable mediaeval Latin (and Romance) vocabulary and a closer approach to the medieval landscape through the words and concepts, sometimes evasive, they name. Estrella Perez Rodriguez is Professor at the University of Valladolid (Spain) and director of the research project ‘Lexicon Latinitatis Medii Aevi Castellae et Legionis’. She has published different works on Medieval Latin, such as the critical editions of the Verbiginale, a grammar poem writen in the 13th century for the old University of Palencia, and the Vita Didaci, a poem about the founder of the Santa María de Benevivere cloister.
approx. 450 p., 8 b/w ills, 155 x 245 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58097-5 Hardback: approx. € 185 Series: Corpus Christianorum, Lingua Patrum, vol. 11 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
approx. 400 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-40661-9 Hardback: approx. € 205 Series: Corpus Christianorum Series Graeca, vol. 66 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
Epistulae et orationes Theodoros Prodromos Michiel Op de Coul (ed.)
The present work collects all of the historicalbiographical prose of the important twelfth century poet and polygraph Theodore Prodromus, active as a teacher and a lettré during the reign of the Comnene emperors John II and Manuel I. This critical edition of the collected letters – the first of its kind – appears together with ten elaborate speeches (four of these are monodies or funerary speeches), originating in the same learned milieu and stylistically close to the leters. Both sections of this volume display the refinements of twelfth century Byzantine literary art and rhetoric.
approx. 300 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-54413-7 Hardback: approx. € 180 Series: Corpus Christianorum Series Graeca, vol. 81 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
Epitome explanationum in Isaiam beati Hieronymi presbyteri Iosephus Scottus Roger Gryson (ed.)
Le prestige de saint Jérôme et l’érudition dont il fait preuve dans ses commentaires des prophètes a découragé toute concurrence. Avec beaucoup d’intelligence, l’auteur sait aller à l’essentiel et condenser en peu de mots le propos de son modèle, en élaguant les considérations purement techniques et en mettant en valeur, à côté de l’interprétation historique, les enseignements d’ordre spirituel que l’on peut tirer du texte. La langue souple et élégante témoigne de la maîtrise du latin qu’avaient acquise les érudits formés à l’école anglo-saxonne. 492 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57592-6 Hardback: € 265 Series: Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis, vol. 284 Disponible
Clavis Patrum Graecorum, volumen IV: Concilia. Catenae
2eme édition, revue et mise à jour Maurice Geerard (†), Jacques Noret
The Greek Clavis, much in the same way as its Latin equivalent, aims to inform the user on the whole range of Greek patristic texts, their editions, and their authenticity. Trente-sept ans après la première édition, et 19 ans après la parution d’un supplément à l’ensemble de la Clavis qui a relativement peu enrichi le t. IV, ce tome est ici mis à jour. La section sur les Conciles a intégré les volumes de la deuxième série des ACO, mais elle a aussi pris en compte les études des dernières décennies, lesquelles ont notamment amélioré la chronologie, perfectionné les listes de participants et progressé dans l’intelligence du genre littéraire des Actes conciliaires. Quant à la partie sur les chaînes exégétiques, elle a été considérablement modifiée. Les études des chaînes, notamment pour la Genèse et l’Exode, pour les psaumes, pour Job, pour le Cantique, les Proverbes et l’Ecclésiaste, ont obligé à une refonte complète des sections correspondantes. Les traductions de chaînes en copte, en arabe, en arménien, en slavon, ont continué à être découvertes et étudiées. L’étude d’un caténiste très érudit des environs de 1100, Nicétas d’Héraclée, auteur de chaînes sur les psaumes, Job, Matthieu, Luc, Jean et l’épître aux Hébreux, a nettement progressé. Deux index nouveaux enrichissent aussi le volume. Le premier reprend les numéros des textes répertoriés dans les t. I à III dont la notice a reçu quelque complément dans la section sur les conciles du présent volume. Le second reprend les auteurs utilisés dans les chaînes ; pour chaque Père, sont indiquées les chaînes qui les citent et, si possible, même l’oeuvre citée (au moyen du numéro que porte celle-ci dans les autres tomes de la Clavis). Maurice Geerard (Zomergem, 1919 – Bruges, 1999) élabora en 14 ans (1969-1983) un répertoire complet, numéroté, des oeuvres patristiques grecques du Ier au VIIIe siècle, avec les références de base sur leurs éditions, traductions anciennes, datation, authenticité, etc.; le 4e tome en est ici mis à jour. Dès 1974, M. Geerard avait en effet demandé son aide à Jacques Noret pour tenir le répertoire à jour, et en 1998, ils produisirent ensemble un Supplementum.
xxxx + 430., 155 x 245 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57963-4 Hardback:€ 180 Series: Corpus Christianorum. Clavis Patrum Graecorum, vol. 4 bis Disponible
CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM - SCHOLARS VERSION The ‘Scholars Version’ series of Corpus Christianorum aims to make available editions of complete texts for researchers and students in a handy format and handily priced.Texts chosen for this series are reprints of the complete Corpus Christianorum volume(s) in question.
LL T Library of Latin Texts
Opera selecta
Quaestiones ad Thalassium
This set of two volumes includes a large selection of works by Raimundus Lullus, as published in fifteen different volumes of Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaevalis.
The volume includes the complete text of Maximus the Confessor’s Quaestiones ad Thalassium, as published in Corpus Christianorum, Series Graeca, volumes 7 and 22.
2 vols, cxl + 1584 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58045-6 Hardback: € 110 Series: Corpus Christianorum, Scholars Version Available
1100 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58049-4 Hardback: € 95 Series: Corpus Christianorum, Scholars Version Available
Rationale divinorum officiorum
Retractationum libri II Confessionum libri XV Augustinus
• Academic partner: Centre ‘Traditio Litterarum Occidentalium’
This set of two volumes includes the complete text of Guillelmus Durantus’s Rationale divinorum officiorum as published in Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaevalis, volumes 140, 140A and 140B.
The volume includes the complete text of Augustine’s works Retractationum libri II and Confessionum libri XV, as published in Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina, volumes 57 and 27 respectively.
• Updated yearly with new material
2 vols, 1715 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018,
674 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018,
ISBN 978-2-503-58048-7 Hardback: € 110 Series: Corpus Christianorum, Scholars Version Available
ISBN 978-2-503-58051-7 Hardback: € 70 Series: Corpus Christianorum, Scholars Version Available
De trinitate libri XV
Variarum libri XII De anima
Raimundus Lullus
Guillelmus Durantus
The volume includes the complete text of Augustine’s De trinitate libri XV, as published in Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina, volumes 50 and 50A.
886 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58050-0 Hardback: € 70 Series: Corpus Christianorum, Scholars Version Available
Maximus Confessor
The volume includes the text of Cassiodorus’s Variarum libri XII. De anima, as published in Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina, volume 96.
641 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58052-4 Hardback: € 70 Series: Corpus Christianorum, Scholars Version Available
The LLT-A is the world’s leading database for Latin texts, offering texts from the beginnings of Latin literature down to the present day. Since 2009 the Library of Latin Texts consists of two parts, each of which can be subscribed to separately. Now, with the byname Series A, the Library of Latin Texts steps forward together with its companion database, the Library of Latin Texts – Series B, LLT-B for short, which serves as a supplement to the LLT-A. This database often integrates huge corpora of texts and so develops at a faster pace than the LLT-A. The latter benefits from the additional intensive research work undertaken by the Centre ‘Traditio Litterarum Occidentalium’ (CTLO).
Key features • LLT-A contains 3,800 texts, LLT-B contains 900 texts
• By using the Cross Database Searchtool, LLT-A and LLT-B can be searched online together with the Monumenta Germaniae Historica, the Archive of Celtic-Latin Literature and the Aristoteles Latinus Database • Interface in English, French, German and Italian • The powerful search engine enables the users to undertake enhanced search possibilities: • By using wildcards and Boolean operators, the user can construct complex search queries Please contact Brepols Publishers for: * a detailed leaflet * a 30-day free trial period for institutional users * a price quotation * details on, or a specimen of, the licence agreement
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A complete list of available eBooks and a detailed leaflet are available on our website: www.brepols.net The following books, featured in the Autumn 2018 issue of the Catalogue Forthcoming Titles, and scheduled to be published before December 2018, will also be available as eBook: Short Title
ISBN (eBook)
eBook Collection
Emotion and Medieval Textual Media
Medieval Miscellanea Collection
Cat. page 3
Confraternity, Mendicant Orders, and Salvation in the Middle Ages
Medieval Monographs Collection
La construction sociale du sujet exclu (IVe-XIe siècle)
Medieval Miscellanea Collection
The Fourth Lateran Council and the Crusade Movement
Medieval Miscellanea Collection
Regards croisés sur le monument médiéval
Medieval Miscellanea Collection
Une histoire du sensible : la perception des victimes de catastrophe du XIIe au XVIIIe siècle
Medieval Miscellanea Collection
The Lands of Saint Ambrose
Medieval Monographs Collection
The Pre-Christian Religions of the North
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DICCIONARIO LATINO DE ANDROLOGÍA, GINECOLOGÍA Y EMBRIOLOGÍA Desde la Antigüedad hasta el siglo XVI Enrique Montero Cartelle (dir.) Miguel Ángel González Manjarrés (corr.)
Latin / Latin-Spanish dictionary specialized in texts of andrology, gynecology, and embryology of Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance. Diccionario latino/latino-español especializado en textos de andrología, ginecología y embriología de la Antigüedad, la Edad Media y el Renacimiento. 1104 p., 1 col. ill., 210 x 280 mm, FIDEM, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-58163-7 Hardback: € 95 Series: Textes et Études du Moyen Âge, vol. 74
El DILAGE es un diccionario latino/latino-español temas concernidos y podrá prestar gran ayuda para la especializado en unos campos concretos de la medicina y correcta intelección de la literatura médica latina en los basado en un corpus muy amplio de autores médicos que ámbitos estudiados. van desde el romano Celso (siglo I d.C.) hasta el portugués Rodrigo de Castro (1603). La selección de fuentes ha El Grupo de Investigación Speculum medicinae, de la obedecido a su relevancia y difusión históricas en el campo Universidad de Valladolid, ha reunido a 17 filólogos clásicos de trabajo del diccionario, de forma que las más de 150 −más un historiador de la medicina y una arabista− para obras despojadas pueden dar buena cuenta de los objetivos confeccionar el Diccionario Latino de Andrología, Ginepropuestos. El DILAGE es asimismo un diccionario de cología y Embriología (DILAGE), léxico especializado autoridades, por lo que cada lema está ilustrado con citas y novedoso que trata de colmar un campo poco atendido en de todas las fuentes posibles, sin que se haya recogido solo los diccionarios existentes. El trabajo, dirigido por Enrique el sintagma donde se encuentre el término afectado, sino el Montero Cartelle, se ha ido realizando a lo largo de más de periodo completo en que aparezca. El DILAGE habrá cuatro lustros y ha merecido la financiación de diferentes Follow us on : de ser de suma utilidad para quienes se interesen por los Proyectos de Investigación.
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