Cumhuriyet Science Journal CSJ e-ISSN: 2587-246X ISSN: 2587-2680
Cumhuriyet Sci. J., Vol.39-3(2018) 668-678
New Generalized Inequalities for Functions of Bounded Variation Hüseyin BUDAK*, Mehmet Zeki SARIKAYA Düzce University, Faculty of Science and Arts, Department of Mathematics, Düzce, TURKEY Received: 10.04.2018; Accepted: 11.09.2018
Abstract. In this paper, firstly we obtain some generalized trapezoid and midpoint type inequalities for functions of bounded variation using two new generalized identities for Riemann-Stieltjes integrals. Then quadrature formula is also provided. Keywords: Functions of bounded variation, Ostrowski type inequalities, Riemann-Stieltjes integrals.
Sınırlı Varyasyonlu Fonksiyonlar için Yeni Genelleşmiş Eşitsizlikler Özet. Bu makalede ilk olarak Riemann-Stieltjes integrallleri için genelleşmiş yeni iki eşitlik kullanılarak sınırlı varyasyonlu fonksiyonlar için yamuk (trapezoid) ve orta nokta (midpoint) tipli bazı genelleşmiş eşitsizlikler elde edilmiştir. Daha sonra karesel formül de sağlanmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Sınırlı varyasyonlu fonksiyon, Ostrowski tipli eşitsizlikler, Riemann-Stieltjes integralleri.
1. INTRODUCTION the differentiable mappings. Theorem 1.
f : a , b R be a differentiable mapping on
a, b
whose derivative
f : a , b R is bounded on a , b , i.e. f : sup f (t ) . Then, we have the inequality t a , b
b 1 x a 2 b 2 1 b a f , f ( x) f (t )dt 2 b a a 4 b a
for all x a , b . The constant
1 4
is the best possible.
Ostrowski inequality has applications in numerical integration, probability and optimization theory, stochastic, statistics, information and integral operator theory. During the past few years, many authors have studied on Ostrowski type inequalities for functions of bounded variation, see for example ([1]-[14], [16]-[18]). Until now, a large number of research papers and books have been written on Ostrowski inequalities and their numerous applications.
* Corresponding author. Email address:
[email protected] ©2016 Faculty of Science, Cumhuriyet University
Budak, Sarikaya / Cumhuriyet Sci. J., Vol.39-3 (2018) 668-678
P : a x0 x1 ... xn b
a, b
f ( xi ) f ( xi 1 ) f ( xi ). Then f (x ) is said to be of bounded variation if the sum m
f ( x ) i
i 1
is bounded for all such partitions. Let f be of bounded variation on a, b , and P denotes the sum n
f ( xi ) corresponding to the partition P of a, b . The number
i 1
V f a, b : sup P : P P(a, b), is called the total variation of f on a , b. Here P (a , b) denote the family of partitions of a , b. In [12], Dragomir proved the following Ostrowski type inequalities for functions of bounded variation: Theorem 2. Let f : a , b R be a mapping of bounded variation on a , b. Then
f (t )dt b a f ( x) 2 b a x a
holds for all x a ,b. The constant
1 2
ab V f a, b 2
is the best possible.
Dragomir gave the following trapezoid inequality and midpoint inequality in [9] and [10], respectively: Theorem 3. Let f : a , b R be a mapping of bounded variation on a , b. Then we have the inequality
f ( a ) f ( b) b a f (t )dt 1 b a V f a, b. 2 2 a b
The constant
1 2
is the best possible.
Theorem 4. Let f : a , b R be a mapping of bounded variation on a , b. Then we have the inequality
b a f a b f (t )dt b
The constant
1 2
1 b a V f a, b. 2
is the best possible.
We introduce the notation I n : a x0 x1 ... xn b for a division of the interval a, b with
hi : xi1 xi and v(h) max hi : i 0,1,..., n 1. Then we have
Budak, Sarikaya / Cumhuriyet Sci. J., Vol.39-3 (2018) 668-678
f (t )dt A ( f , I
) RT ( f , I n )
f ( xi ) f ( xi 1 ) hi 2
1 v(h)V f a, b. 2
( f , I n ) RM ( f , I n )
x xi 1 AT ( f , I n ) : f i hi 2 i 0
where n
AT ( f , I n ) : i 0
and the remainder term satisfies
RT ( f , I n ) Similarly, we have b
f (t )dt A
where n
and the remainder term satisfies
RM ( f , I n )
1 v(h)V f a, b. 2
In this work, we obtain some new generalized trapezoid and midpoint type integral inequalities for functions of bounded variation by using the new kernel which is given by Tseng and Hwang in [19]. Then we give some applications for our results. 2.
Throughout this paper, let a c d b in R with a b c d . Now, we give our main results: Theorem 5. Let f : a , b R be a mapping of bounded variation on a , b. following generalized inequality
Then, we have the
Budak, Sarikaya / Cumhuriyet Sci. J., Vol.39-3 (2018) 668-678
a b c f c f d c a f a f b 2
f (t )dt a
a b a b max c a , c , d , b d V f a , b . 2 2
Proof. Consider the kernel P1 ( x ) as follows:
c x , P1 ( x ) a 2 b x, d x,
x a , c x c, d x d , b.
Integration by parts gives us b
P ( x )df ( x ) 1
a b
a b f (t )dt c f c f d c a f a f b . 2
It is well known that if g , f : a , b R are such that g is continuous on a, b and f is of bounded b
variation on a, b, then g (t )df (t ) exists and a
g (t ) V a, b. g (t )df (t ) sup t a , b
On the other hand, by using (2.3), we get b
P ( x )df ( x ) 1
a b c x df ( x ) x df ( x ) 2 a c c
d x df ( x ) d
Budak, Sarikaya / Cumhuriyet Sci. J., Vol.39-3 (2018) 668-678
ab x V f c, d sup d x V f d , b 2 xc , d xd , b
sup c x V f a , c sup xa , c
a b a b c a V f a , c max c , d V f c, d b d V f d , b 2 2 a b ab max c a , c , d , b d V f a , b . 2 2 This completes the proof. Remark 1. If we choose c a and d b in Theorem 5, then the inequality (2.1) reduces to the trapezoid inequality (1.3). Corollary 1. Under the assumption of Theorem 5, let c (1 )a b and d a (1 )b with
0 12 , then we have the following inequality
f (t )dt b a 2 f (1 )a b f a (1 )b a
b a f a f b
1 1 b a V f a , b . 4 4 Remark 2. If we choose 0 in Corollary 1, then the inequality (2.4) reduces to the trapezoid inequality (1.3). Corollary 2. If we choose b
f (t )dt a
1 3
in Corollary 1, we have the inequality
b a 2a b f 6 3
a 2b f 2 f a f b 3
1 b a V f a, b . 3
Corollary 3. If we choose
1 4
in Corollary 1, we have the inequality
Budak, Sarikaya / Cumhuriyet Sci. J., Vol.39-3 (2018) 668-678
f (t )dt a
b a 3a b a 3b f f a f b f 4 4 4
1 b a V f a, b. 4
Corollary 4. Under the assumption of Theorem 5, suppose that f C1 a, b. Then we have b
a b c f c f d c a f a f b 2
f (t )dt a
a b a b max c a , c , d , b d f 1 , 2 2 where . 1 is the L1 -norm defined by b
f 1 : f (t )dt. a
Corollary 5. Under the assumption of Theorem 5, let f : a , b R be a Lipschitzian with the constant
L 0. Then
a b c f c f d c a f a f b 2
f (t )dt a
a b ab max c a , c , d , b d b a L. 2 2 Theorem 6. Let f : a , b R be a mapping of bounded variation on a , b. Then, we have the following generalized inequality b
a b c a f a f b 2
f (t )dt d c f a
a b ab max c a , c , d , b d V f a , b . 2 2 Proof. Integration by parts gives us
Budak, Sarikaya / Cumhuriyet Sci. J., Vol.39-3 (2018) 668-678
P ( x )df ( x ) 2
a b c a f a f b . 2
f (t )dt d c f a
where the kernel P2 ( x ) is defined by
a x , c x , P2 ( x ) d x , b x,
x a , c x c, a 2 b x a 2 b , d x d , b.
Using the inequalities (2.3), we have b
P ( x )df ( x ) 2
a b 2
a b 2
a x df ( x ) c x df ( x ) d x df ( x ) b x df ( x )
a b sup a x V f a , c sup c x V f c, 2 xa , c a b x c ,
a b sup d x V f , d sup b x V f d , b 2 a b xb, d x ,d 2
a b a b ab a b c a V f a , c c V f c, , d b d V f d , b ) d V f 2 2 2 2 a b ab max c a , c , d , b d V f a , b . 2 2 Thus the proof is completed. Remark 3. If we choose c a and d b in Theorem 6, then the inequality (2.5) reduces to the midpoint inequality (1.4). Corollary 6. Under the assumption of Theorem 6, let c (1 )a b and d a (1 )b with
0 12 , then we have the following inequality
Budak, Sarikaya / Cumhuriyet Sci. J., Vol.39-3 (2018) 668-678
f (t )dt b a f (1 )a b f a (1 )b a
a b b a 1 2 f 2 1 1 b a V f a , b . 4 4 Remark 4. If we choose 0 in Corollary 6, then the inequality (2.6) reduces to the midpoint inequality (1.4). Corollary 7. If we choose
1 3
f (t )dt a
b a 2a b f 3 3
a 2b f 3
a b f 2
1 b a V f a, b . 3
Corollary 8. If we choose b
1 4
f (t )dt a
in Corollary 6, we have the inequality
in Corollary 6, we have the inequality
b a 3a b a 3b a b f 2f f 4 4 4 2
1 b a V f a, b . 4
Corollary 9. Under the assumption of Theorem 6, suppose that f C1 a, b. Then we have b
a b c a f a f b 2
f (t )dt d c f a
a b ab max c a , c , d , b d f 1. 2 2 Corollary 10. Under the assumption of Theorem 6, let f : a , b R be a Lipschitzian with the constant L 0. Then
Budak, Sarikaya / Cumhuriyet Sci. J., Vol.39-3 (2018) 668-678
a b c a f a f b 2
f (t )dt d c f a
a b ab max c a , c , d , b d b a L. 2 2 3.
Now we introduce the intermediate points ci and d i , xi ci di xi 1 ,
i 0,1,..., n 1
in the
division I n : a x0 x1 ... xn b . Let hi : xi 1 xi and v(h) max hi : i 0,1,..., n 1 and define the sum
AT ( f , I n , ci , d i ) (3.1) n x xi 1 : i ci f ci f d i ci xi f xi f xi 1 . 2 i 0
Then the following theorem holds: Theorem 7. Let f be as in Theorem 5. Then b
f (t )dt A ( f , I T
, ci , d i ) RT ( f , I n , ci , d i )
where AT ( f , I n , ci , d i ) is defined as above and the remainder term R( f , I n ) satisfies
RT ( f , I n , ci , d i ) (3.3)
x xi 1 x xi 1 max max ci xi , i ci , d i i , xi 1 d i V f a , b . i0 ,1,..., n 1 2 2
Proof. Applying Theorem 5 with the interval xi , xi 1 i 0,1,..., n 1 , we have
xi 1
x xi 1 f (t )dt i ci f ci f d i ci xi f xi f xi 1 2
x xi 1 x xi 1 max ci xi , i ci , d i i , xi 1 d i V f xi , xi 1 . 2 2
Budak, Sarikaya / Cumhuriyet Sci. J., Vol.39-3 (2018) 668-678
for all i 0, 1,..., n 1. Summing the inequality (3.4) over i from 0 to n 1 and using the generalized triangle inequality, we have
RT ( f , I n , ci , d i )
max c i 0
x xi 1 x xi 1 xi , i ci , d i i , xi 1 d i V f xi , xi 1 2 2
n x xi 1 x xi 1 max max ci xi , i ci , d i i , x d i 1 i V f xi , xi 1 i0 ,1,..., n 1 2 2 i 0 x xi 1 x xi 1 max max ci xi , i ci , d i i , xi 1 d i V f a , b 2 2
i0 ,1,..., n 1
which completes the proof. Remark 5. If we choose ci xi and di xi 1 in Theorem 7, then we have (1.5) with (1.6) and (1.7). By using Theorem 6 and following similar steps of Theorem 5, we have the following theorem. Theorem 8. Let f be as in Theorem 6. Then b
f (t )dt A
( f , I n , ci , d i ) RM ( f , I n , ci , d i )
where AM ( f , I n , ci , d i ) is defined as n x xi 1 AM ( f , I n , ci , d i ) : d i ci f i ci xi f xi f xi 1 . 2 i 0
and the remainder term RM ( f , I n , ci , d i ) satisfies
RM ( f , I n , ci , d i )
b xi xi 1 xi xi 1 max c x , c , d , x d i 1 i i i i i ( f ). i0 , 1,..., n 1 2 2 a max
Remark 6. If we choose ci xi and di xi 1 in Theorem 8, then we get (1.10) with (1.8) and (1.9).
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