NEW MEDIA - OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES OF MODERN BUSINESS ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT Yanica Petkova Dimitrova Assistant Professor, University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Bulgaria e-mail:
[email protected] Abstract The trends in modern business environment are influenced by globalization and the rapid development of technology. They predetermine the changes occurring in organizations - the traditional organization with a hierarchical structure gives way to "flat" organization, virtual organizations becoming increasingly popular, offering flexibility and opportunity to rent freelancers and teleworkers. The changes in the nature of the organization require the introduction of new approaches to their management - emphasis on communication - internal, external and communication practices of management - in order to determine and support the adoption of "Corporate us" by members of the organization which are no longer connected by hierarchical structures and strict rules, the physical presence, the traditional top-down approaches for the realization of communication. All this increases the role of new media for communication of the organization with its key stakeholders to assist the successful implementation of the new organizational strategies, emphasizing the importance of communication to increase the sensitivity of employees and customers, to be motivated and loyal to the brand of the company, to remodel the nature and importance of corporate culture, leadership, corporate identity and reputation in terms of the perception of the idea of constant change. Key words: new media, business organization, leadership, corporate communication, corporate culture.
Center for Legal and Political Research, Faculty of Law, Goce Delcev University, Shtip, Republic of Macedonia
The contemporary business environment is extremely variable, marked by trends of globalization and the growing demands of stakeholders, which requires searching and adoption of new approaches for the realization of competitive advantages. This dynamics affecting both the external and the internal organization environment requires changes in strategy, structure, existing policies, corporate culture which support adaptability and flexibility of the organization. Employee relationship with the organization also changed – Increasing the number of teleworkers, freelancers. Rise in the tendency to add flexibility working hours, which also requires a change in the strategies and policies of the organization. The increasing relationship between technological and social aspects of the environment require the transformation of organization to learning organization, the perception of orientation to innovation, to initiate change - in the management of the organization, new practices for development of the competence of human capital. This requires transforming the organization in the so-called. boundaryless organization1. Proponent of this change is the famous CEO of GE Jack Welch, who insisted on the abolition of restrictions between the different departments, employees of the company. The traditional organizational structure is characterized by vertical and horizontal hierarchical boundaries that determine the flow of the formal organizational communication. Organization without limitations is characterized by minimizing restrictions, free flow of communication process, without restrictions on access to information and the free exchange of ideas through which generate creative solutions that convert into basis of innovation. In fact, the communication is realized interactively between all stakeholders of the company - internal and external - and facilitates the adoption and appropriate response to the changing demands of the business environment. Examples of organizations without boundaries are: network and virtual organizations.
strategic alliances,
The characteristics of the organization without borders are adaptability and flexibility, leadership and more informal style of management. Among the main challenges facing the organization without limitations are the consolidation of its members / holding various cultural, social, national, ethnic characteristics, commonly located in different regions of the world /, that are not covered by traditional management methods of the hierarchical organization
We accept the definition of boundaryless organization as general for the new type of organization, united by the corporate culture, communication, identity, rather than strict hierarchical rules.
All this requires the adoption of communication and practices associated with it as critically important for the existence of the organization, increases the importance of corporate culture, leadership, identity and reputation. Requires the use of appropriate technologies and applications to facilitate flexibility and the possibility of cooperation to support joint activities of employees from different teams, and enhance their ability to make independent decisions regarding the projects they work on, and increasing the responsibility for achieving the objectives and the successful strategies of the organization. One aspect of a the organization's communication without boundaries, which will emphasize the use of new media to promote interactivity of the stakeholders, reaching new markets, increase the value of internal organizational communication, maintaining the corporate culture and identity management and reputation. The new media are characterized by the relationship between technology, image, sound; constantly evolving, making it difficult to define them. As a subsystem of the new media we will look at social media. The definitions of them are also diverse, but we will assume that given by Berger who said they are “new electronic and web-based communication channels as other generating dialogue, media” / Berger, 2008/. One of the biggest advantages of the new media is co-participation of all in offering content, the democratization of the creation, publishing, distribution of the digitized content. The state of the art allows everyone to have constant access to information anywhere, anytime, from different types of devices. This is an opportunity for the organization to encourage employees to stay in touch with each other, collaborate, generate ideas to solve problems, contribute to the overall successful development of the company. The active use of new media in the organization requires an understanding of the management of their importance not only as a communication channel, but also as an opportunity to empower employees to promote and to improve knowledge and skills, to enhance communication competence of all members of the organization, including the management team, strengthening the possibility of exchanging information with different groups of organization’s stakeholders. The new media facilitate boundary spanning functions of leaders. With the increasing use of new media in the organization, it receives an additional opportunity to communicate "clear, relevant and timely manner, which formed perceptions" of the stakeholders regarding the company /Edelman, 2012/ If we have to formulate the main opportunities and associated challenges posed by the use of new media to contemporary organization they are - changing aspects of leadership, empowerment, enhancing the importance of the delegation, 1267
Center for Legal and Political Research, Faculty of Law, Goce Delcev University, Shtip, Republic of Macedonia
communication management, corporate culture, identity and reputation of the company which are interrelated and interdependent. Regardless of the fact that the personality of the leader is important and necessary for the efficient management of the organization, we can state that can be adopted new paradigms of leadership – i.e. distributedеd or shared leadership / Димитрова, 2013/, allowing every employee, in different situations, depending on their competencies, to assume the role of leader, which has a direct link with the empowerment. Thus the organization can be perceived as "leaderful" / Raelin, 2003/ based on collective and equitable leadership nominates process of generating meaning /sensemaking /, and the leader of the company is defined as such based on relations members of the company. These relations largely are determined by communication practices. The communication practices of the leader are aimed primarily inspiring other members of the organization for the successful implementation of the mission and vision of the organization, motivation for qualitative execution of the objectives and tasks set before them. The leaders of modern companies emphasize on communication with and between members of the organization using the tools of the new media. Survey2 indicates that communication with top managers via social media increases the importance of leadership by communicating the mission and values of the brand and increase confidence in the personality of the leader and the company as a whole. The support to the claim for 2012 is 45% of respondents, while in 2013 received confirmation of 75% of respondents. Over 70% of respondents believe that active communication of top managers through social media creates a strong and quality relationship with employees, customers and investors; the company is seen as more open and offering transparency with regard to policies and strategies, as well as the active use of new media to increase the stakeholder’s engagement to the company. Approximately 80% of the respondents use new media as a communication channel which support proactivity of leaders in response to the challenges emerging for the company. Over half of the respondents prefer to be clients of a company whose values and leadership practices are clearly communicated by managers through social media. Much of the respondents / 80% / are of the opinion that the perception and communication of managers via social media helps communicate company values and shaping its reputation and that encourages confidence in it, appears and effective tool for the prevention of potential reputational crisis.
Brandfog Survey, 2014: The Global Social CEO
The leaders understanding of the crucial importance of communication with employees, based on constant two-way characterized by trust program supports the identification of employees with the company, increasing their commitment to the implementation of its strategy, which is reflected in their relations with the rest of the company stakeholders, leading to positive for the reputation and increase overall competitiveness. Of importance for the realization of the communication process within the organization is the ability to use different communication channels - from traditional to use e-mail, intranet, extranet, video conferencing, and social media, wikis, promoting the creation of blogs by employees simultaneously with a corporate blog – it is a powerful tool for increasing motivation and their attachment to the organization, an aspect of empowerment and opportunity for strengthening communication with the rest of the company stakeholders. The importance of social media in the organizational environment allows employees to share ideas and turns them into active participants in the formulation of their business objectives and striving for qualitative performance /Brady, 2012/. Through social media employees have constant access to information related to the performance of their direct duties, and additional, which is necessary in the case of delegation of tasks. Necessary and indispensable is the ability to communicate and if necessary the correction of the manager, who is delegate certain tasks and feedback on performance and execution. According to a survey of Melcrum3 of internal communications for 2014 most used communication channels are intranet / 93% /, email / 90% / and leadership communication/ 84% /. In the next twelve months 46% of respondents plan to develop the tools of social media that used for internal communications and the opportunities it provides intranet / 45% /. More than 60% of respondents plan to invest in improving the applications of social networks for internal organizational communication, followed by intranet / 59% /. Wright and Hinson / 2008 / present advantages of social media used for internal communication in the organization, stating that they are easy to administer and use, they are inexpensive, allow continually update the information, every individual can create and maintain online forum through which to communicate with other stakeholders and receive rapid feedback, which can be indicative of the moods against the company, for stakeholders attitudes, their preferences, needs, etc. In fact, all communication participants through social media, become co-creators of content, which is impossible in the organization, limited by conventions of the hierarchy.
Internal Communications: Emerging Trends and the Use of Technology, Survey Repot, 2014, Melcrum
Center for Legal and Political Research, Faculty of Law, Goce Delcev University, Shtip, Republic of Macedonia
The company's presence online through social media provides networking, openness, opportunity for continuing dialogue, does not require significant resources, but minimizes control over the messages, which can have the organization, which in turn might pose a risk. In order to prevent it, organizational reality, policies, and strategies, actions of the organization, products and services must comply with industry best practices in the management of employees in relations with the local community, in line with the requirements of the Concept of the corporate social responsibility. Mandatory is the implementation of the trend of integration of internal and external communications of the organization, i.e. consistency in the character of messages directed at company stakeholders. Particular attention should be given to the management of identity /organizational and corporate/ and reputation online. It is important to note that the adoption and use of social media in organizational conditions do not preclude the presence of a communication strategy based on traditional approaches to managing corporate communications. Necessary is the communication strategy of the organization always being linked to corporate strategy. The transformation of the organization into an organization without boundaries is impossible without a corporate culture that presupposes the existence of such an organization, and the ability of leaders to initiate and implement change in corporate culture in line with the change of the structure and strategies of the organization. One definition of corporate culture presents its connection with the communication of the organization. According to Trice and Beyer / 1993 / sharing corporate ideology is through the collective experience and constant social interaction, cultural forms are used by the organization to communicate and reinforce the impact of sharing postulates. Cultural organization formed in group interactions in search of meaning and mastery of reality. How corporate culture imply a use of new media as a communication channel equivalent to the rest used for purposes of corporate communication? Organization without borders, virtual, network organization are characterized by the perception of the idea of constant change, strategies for balancing on the "edge of chaos" / Brown and Eisenhardt, 1998 / with the generation of creative solutions. Edgar Schein / 1992 /, based on the three-stage model of Kurt Lewin for organizational change - unfreezing-moving-refreezing - creates a model for changing the corporate culture. The last phase of this process – the “refreezing" may be taken in understanding of Weick / 1977 / as "partially unfrozen" Weick (itself offers the term "chronically unfrozen"), which is in line with the fluidity of the organization,
with the its adaptability, with blurring the limits with the idea of implementing the change from "third order" / Argyris and Schon, 1996 / and its existence as a "learning organization" / Senge, 1990 / even some authors define it as "total-learning organization" / Pedler et al. 1991, Vaill 1996 /. We should always have the presumption that at this stage the organization cannot exist "without borders" as they might be conditional. John Kotter / 2012 / believes that the organization has "two faces" hierarchical nature and network nature, corporate culture is also “double face” construct - in essence are enshrined the orientation toward change and the desire to preserve the status quo. It is this dual nature the continuance assist in the processes of change. To be taken to another level of competitiveness, Kotter offers a model for change with the introduction of five principles and so-called “accelerators”. We will mention only those who can relate to the application of new media in the organization: People are able to generate a change that is not necessarily derived from a known focus, i.e. It requires a change of perspective. There must be more "change agents” this is achievable through interactive communication using social media - in a continuing dialogue to generate ideas for change tracking attitudes may in particular find parameters of policy, products, services that require change, encouraging feedback on a particular issue, problem, etc. is also a source of ideas. With regard to internal stakeholders their creativity can be encouraged by involving all employees in online communication - blogs, wiki, wider access to various online seminars, in the form of brainstorming and other online applications of the techniques associated with organizational development. Another principle is the emphasis mainly on leadership, less - management. At the beginning we mentioned a distributed and shared leadership, empowerment and delegation. They are an opportunity to promote the generation of ideas among members of the organization having a different expertise, experience and insight to the organization, prospects for change. Among the accelerators we can note communicating the vision for change aiming aimed at creating a coalition of volunteers to implement it. The main point here is - the realization of a sense of urgency for change. The next accelerator is to promote the achievement of the vision and support the implementation of the action by removing barriers and encouraging "networking." Right here is essential to new media in publishing content without restrictions - everyone is authorized to share opinions without restrictions and
Center for Legal and Political Research, Faculty of Law, Goce Delcev University, Shtip, Republic of Macedonia
hierarchical dependencies, legitimated by the other participants in online communication is perceived as equal to others. In the social networks is possible to form communities of like-minded persons, receptive to the idea of organizational change which may include "external" organizational audiences. As already noted, the members of the organization without borders is not necessarily linked by hierarchical relationships, they are often in a different geographical location, their formal relations with the organization are related to the execution of a specific project, their work is at a distance, with flexible working time. This requires new strategies for creating and management of identity – both organizational and corporate. We will look at vision of identity as the overall expression of the company /Cornelissen and Harris, 2001: 55/ because this perspective is defined as rhetorical. According to this perspective identity is understood as a presentation of the organization self /Goffman, 1959/ as a process that "occurs in enactment and in social interaction" /Cornelissen and Harris, 2001: 6/. The management of the organization can encourage members of the organization to discuss among themselves its characteristics that distinguish them join its entirety. On the other hand, can be used the electronic newsletters of the company as opportunities to promote identification with the organization / Cheney, 1983 /, and to offer activities / by members of the organization / which have impact on the increasing the identification with the organization and enhance organizational identity - corporate events, socially responsible actions, practices associated with the internal marketing, "employee voice" and so on. Organizations do not have one single identity; they possessed a set of identities. The identity of the organization is understood as actual, communicated, conceived, ideal, desired / Balmer, 2001 /. Ideally, all these identities must be in harmony with each other. It is necessary to respect the fact that they are influenced by perceptions of the different groups of company stakeholders. The communicated identity is represented by corporate controlled communications - on the one hand, but on the other - from uncontrolled - these are within the scope of social media by sharing information about the company, comments, feedback, rumors. As the company has no influence on them, then its policies and actions should not imply negative publicity, and the behavior and communication of its employees, including social media should not provoke such. Organizations that have multiple identities / Pratt, M. and Foreman, P., 2000 / are more adaptable, more attractive for internal and external stakeholders, provided more opportunities for creativity and acquire of new knowledge, are more successful when they make strategic choice. Accordingly, their management requires
bidirectional perspective - to the internal stakeholders and against the influences that come from the external environment. Here are essential and communication skills of leaders - their ability to realize their boundary spanning functions thanks to online communication to redefine strategies for management of identity and encourage debate around it. The positive reputation of the organization is a necessary condition for successful performance in the environment in which organization implements its activity. Generally – the corporate reputation represents the aggregate pictures that have different groups of stakeholders toward the company. Therefore, the management of corporate culture, identity and image of the organization by means of communications is critical for the construct of reputation. Online reputation management is both opportunity and risk. Online reputation is formulated by the stories presented in the networks by the stakeholders and other shared meanings from them regarding the company / Aula, 2010 /. Many of the company stakeholders have no direct contact with it and form their impressions as a result of online communication. According to Walsh /2002 / online reputation is characterized by constant change, multidirections - different messages evoke comments that give rise to new comments, interactivity, irrationality and uncertainty. How can be managed the reputation online? This is achievable through the application of comprehensive, competently designed and implemented accordingly program management of corporate reputation, helped by the company's presence online - via the Internet, intranet sites, if necessary, extranet, and social networks - the purpose of which is to support the trust that the company has created to yourself, encourage loyalty and commitment to it. It can be done through its overall performance - both offline and online, its actions, its strategies, products and services offered. Measuring online reputation can be done by the number of visitors, feedback and various comments, through the communities that are formed in its support, qualitative and quantitative publications in social media for her. At the opening of the negative aspects of them is necessary to clearly identify the problems, taking corrective action / not only online /, respectively presentation of the changed reality. The function of online communication via new / social media in the organization is to increase the commitment of the organization in the interactive communication with the stakeholders. Communicating via social media offers an opportunity to encourage creativity, innovation, knowledge management and bringing the organization to a new level of competitiveness.
Center for Legal and Political Research, Faculty of Law, Goce Delcev University, Shtip, Republic of Macedonia
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