Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, Vol. 4, 2014
New Neutrosophic Crisp Topological Concepts A. A. Salama1, Florentin Smarandache2 and S. A. Alblowi3 1
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences, Port Said University, Egypt. E mail:
[email protected] 2 Department of Mathematics, University of New Mexico Gallup, NM, USA. E mail:
[email protected] 3 Department of Mathematics, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudia Arabia.E mail:
[email protected]
Abstract In this paper, we introduce the concept of ""neutrosophic crisp neighborhoods system for the neutrosophic crisp point ". Added to, we introduce and study the concept of neutrosophic crisp local function, and construct a new type of neutrosophic crisp topological space via neutrosophic crisp ideals. Possible application to GIS topology rules are touched upon. Keywords: Neutrosophic Crisp Point, Neutrosophic Crisp Ideal; Neutrosophic Crisp Topology; Neutrosophic Crisp Neighborhoods 2.1 Definition [13]
1 INTRODUCTION The idea of "neutrosophic set" was first given by Smarandache [14, 15]. In 2012 neutrosophic operations have been investigated by Salama et al. [4-13]. The fuzzy set was introduced by Zadeh [17]. The intuitionstic fuzzy set was introduced by Atanassov [1, 2, 3]. Salama et al. [11]defined intuitionistic fuzzy ideal for a set and generalized the concept of fuzzy ideal concepts, first initiated by Sarker [16]. Neutrosophy
has laid the
foundation for a whole family of new mathematical theories,
counterparts. Here we shall present the neutrosophic crisp version of these concepts. In this paper, we introduce the concept of "neutrosophic crisp points "and "neutrosophic crisp neigbourhoods systems". Added to we define the new concept of neutrosophic crisp local function, and construct new type of neutrosophic crisp topological space via neutrosophic crisp ideals. 2 TERMINOLOGIES
Let X be a non-empty fixed set. A neutrosophic crisp set (NCS for short) A is an object having the form A A1, A2 , A3 where A1 , A2 and A3 are subsets of X satisfying A1 A2 , A1 A3 and A2 A3 . 2.2 Definition [13].
Let X be a nonempty set and p X Then the neutrosophic crisp point p N defined by p N p, , pc is called a neutrosophic crisp point (NCP for short) in X, where NCP is a triple ({only one element in X}, the empty set,{the complement of the same element in X}). 2.3 Definition [13]
Let X be a nonempty set, and p X a fixed element
in X. Then the neutrosophic crisp set p N , p, pc N is called “vanishing neutrosophic crisp point“ (VNCP for short) in X, where VNCP is a triple (the empty set,{only one element in X},{the complement of the same element in X}). 2.4 Definition [13]
Let p N
A A1 , A 2 , A3
p, , pc
be a NCP in X and
a neutrosophic crisp set in X.
(a) p N is said to be contained in A ( p N A for short) iff p A1 .
We recollect some relevant basic preliminaries, and in particular the work of Smarandache in [14, 15], and
(b) Let p N N be a VNCP in X, and A A1 , A2 , A3
Salama et al. [4 -13].
neutrosophic crisp set in X. Then p N N is said to be
A.A. Salama, Florentin Smarandache and S. A. Alblowi, New Neutrosophic Crisp Topological Concepts
Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, Vol. 4, 2014
(b) Let p N N be a VNCP in X, and A A1 , A2 , A3
neutrosophic crisp set in X. Then p N N is said to be contained in A ( p N N A for short ) iff p A3 . 2.5 Definition [13].
A j1 , A j2 , A j3 .
2,2 Remark [13]
The neutrosophic crisp ideal defined by the single neutrosophic set N is the smallest element of the ordered set of all neutrosophic crisp ideals on X.
Let X be non-empty set, and L a non–empty family of NCSs. We call L a neutrosophic crisp ideal (NCL for short) on X if
ii. A L and B L A B L [Finite additivity].
A neutrosophic crisp set A A1 , A 2 , A3
in the
3. Neutrosophic Crisp Neigborhoods System 3.1 Definition.
A neutrosophic crisp ideal L is called a
- neutrosophic crisp ideal if
2.1 Proposition [13]
neutrosophic crisp ideal L on X is a base of L iff every member of L is contained in A.
i. A L and B A B L [heredity],
M j L (countable jJ
M j j
L , implies
Let A A1 , A 2 , A3 , be a neutrosophic crisp set on a
set X, then p p1, p2 , p3 , p1 p2 p3 X is called a neutrosophic crisp point An NCP p p1, p2 , p3 , is said to be belong to a
neutrosophic crisp set A A1 , A 2 , A3 , of X, denoted The smallest and largest neutrosophic crisp ideals on a non-empty set X are N and the NSs on X. Also,
NCL f , NCL c are denoting the neutrosophic crisp ideals (NCL for short) of neutrosophic subsets having finite and countable support of X respectively. Moreover, if A is a nonempty NS in X, then B NCS : B A is an NCL on X. This is called the principal NCL of all NCSs, denoted by NCL A . 2.1 Proposition [13]
Let L j : j J be any non - empty family of neutrosophic crisp ideals on a set X. Then L j and jJ
L j are neutrosophic crisp ideals on X, where
A j1 , A j2 , A j3 or
A j1 , A j2 , A j3
A j1 , A j2 , A j3 or
by p A , if may be defined by two types i) Type 1: { p1} A1,{ p2} A2 and { p3} A3 ii) Type 2: { p1} A1,{ p2} A2 and { p3} A3 3.1 Theorem Let A A1, A2 , A3 , and B B1, B2 , B3 , be neutrosophic crisp subsets of X. Then A B iff p A implies p B for any neutrosophic crisp point p in X. Proof Let A B and p A . Then two types Type 1: { p1} A1,{ p2} A2 and { p3} A3 or Type 2: { p1} A1,{ p2} A2 and { p3} A3 . Thus p B . Conversely, take any x in X. Let p1 A1 and p 2 A2 and p 3 A3 . Then p is a neutrosophic crisp point in X. and p A . By the hypothesis p B . Thus p1 B1 , or Type 1: { p1} B1,{ p2} B2 and { p3} B3 or Type 2: { p1} B1,{ p2} B2 and { p3} B3 . Hence. A B. 3.2 Theorem Let A A1 , A2 , A3 , be a neutrosophic crisp
subset of X. Then A p : p A. Proof Since p : p A. may be two types
A. A. Salama, Florentin Smarandache and S. A. Alblowi, New Neutrosophic Crisp Topological Concepts
Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, Vol. 4, 2014
Type 1:
{ p1 : p1 A1}, p2 : p2 A2 ,p3 : p3 A3 or
Type 2:
{ p1 : p1 A1}, p2 : p2 A2 ,p3 : p3 A3 . Hence
A A1 , A2 , A3 3.1 Proposition
Let A j : j J is a family of NCSs in X. Then
( a1 )
p1, p2 , p3
Aj jJ
iff p A j for each
jJ . (a 2 ) p A j jJ
j J such that p A j .
. 3.2 Proposition Let A A1 , A2 , A3
and B B1 , B 2 , B 3
be two
neutrosophic crisp sets in X. Then a)
A B iff for each p we have p A p B and for each p we have
p A p B. b)
A B iff for each p we have p A p B and for each p we
have p A p B . 3.3 Proposition Let A A1 , A2 , A3
4.1 Definition Let p be a neutrosophic crisp point of a neutrosophic crisp topological space X , . A neutrosophic crisp neighbourhood ( NCNBD for short) of a neutrosophic crisp point p if there is a neutrosophic crisp open set( NCOS for short) B in X such that p B A. 4.1 Theorem Let X , be a neutrosophic crisp topological space (NCTS for short) of X. Then the neutrosophic crisp set A of X is NCOS iff A is a NCNBD of p for every neutrosophic crisp set p A. Proof Let A be NCOS of X . Clearly A is a NCBD of any p A. Conversely, let p A. Since A is a NCBD of p, there is a NCOS B in X such that p B A. So we have A p : p A B : p A A and hence A B : p A . Since each B is NCOS. 4.2 Definition Let X , be a neutrosophic crisp topological spaces (NCTS for short) and L be neutrsophic crisp ideal (NCL, for short) on X. Let A be any NCS of X. Then the neutrosophic crisp local function NCA L, of A is the union of all neutrosophic crisp points( NCP, for short) P p1, p2 , p3 , such that if U N ( p) and NA* ( L, ) p X : A U L for every U nbd of N(P) NCA ( L, )
, is called a neutrosophic crisp local function
of A with respect to be a neutrosophic crisp set in X.
Then A p1 : p1 A1 , p 2 : p 2 A2 , p 3 : p 3 A3 .
3.2 Definition Let f : X Y be a function and p be a nutrosophic crisp point in X. Then the image of p under f , denoted by f ( p) , is defined by f ( p ) q1 , q 2 , q3 ,where q1 f ( p1 ), q 2 f ( p 2 ) .and q3 f ( p3 ) .
It is easy to see that f ( p ) is indeed a NCP in Y, namely f ( p) q , where q f ( p) , and it is exactly the same meaning of the image of a NCP under the function f . 4 4. Neutrosophic Crisp Local functions
and L which it will be denoted by
NCA ( L, ) , or simply NCA L .
4.1 Example One may easily verify that. If L= {N }, then N CA ( L, ) NCcl( A) , for any neutrosophic crisp set A NCSs on X. If L all NCSs on X then any A NCSs on X .
NCA ( L, ) N , for
4.2 Theorem Let X , be a NCTS and L1 , L2 be two topological neutrosophic crisp ideals on X. Then for any neutrosophic crisp sets A, B of X. then the following statements are verified i) A B NCA ( L, ) NCB ( L, ), ii) L1 L2 NCA ( L2 , ) NCA ( L1, ) .
iii) NCA NCcl( A ) NCcl( A) .
A. A. Salama, Florentin Smarandache and S. A. Alblowi, New Neutrosophic Crisp Topological Concepts
Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, Vol. 4, 2014
iv) NCA ** NCA .
NCcl ( A) A NC( A ) for any NCS A of X. Clearly, let
v) NC A B NCA NCB .,
NCcl (A) is a neutrosophic crisp operator. Let
vi) NC( A B) ( L) NCA ( L) NCB ( L).
NC (L) be NCT generated by NCcl
vii) viii)
NCA ( L, ) is neutrosophic crisp closed set .
.i.e NC L A : NCcl ( Ac ) Ac . now L N NCcl A A NCA A NCcl A for eve-
ry neutrosophic crisp set A. So, N ( N ) . Again
i) Since A B , let p p1, p2 , p3 NCA* L1 then
A U L for every U N p . By hypothesis we get
B U L , then p p1, p2 , p3 NB* L1 . ii) Clearly. L1 L2 implies NCA ( L2 , ) NCA ( L1, ) as there may be other IFSs which belong to L2 so that for GIFP p p1, p2 , p3 NCA* L1 but P may not be contained in NCA L2 . iii) Since N L for any NCL on X, therefore by (ii) and Example 3.1, NCA L NCA O N NCcl(A) for any NCS A on X. Suppose P1 p1, p2 , p3 NCcl( A* L1 ) . So for every U NC P1 , NC( A ) U N , there exists
P2 q1, q2 , q3 NCA* L1 U such that for every V
NCNBD of P2 N P2 , A U L. Since U V N p 2 then A U V L which leads to A U L , for every
U N ( P1 ) therefore P1 NC( A* L ) and so
While, the other inclusion follows di-
rectly. Hence NCA NCcl( NCA ) .But the inequality NCA Ncl( NCA ) . iv) The inclusion NCA NCB NC A B follows directly by (i). To show the other implication, let p NC A B then for every U NC ( p ), A B U L, i.e, A U B U L. then, we have two cases A U L and B U L or the converse, this means that exist U 1 , U 2 N P such that A U1 L , B U1 L, A U 2 L and B U 2 L . Then A U1 U 2 L and B U 1 U 2 L this gives A B U1 U 2 L, U1 U 2 N C ( P) which contradicts the hypothesis. Hence the equality holds in various cases. vi) By (iii), we have
Let X , be a NCTS and L be NCL on X . Let us define the neutrosophic crisp closure operator
L all NCSs on X
NCcl A A,
cause NCA N , for every neutrosophic crisp set A so NC * L is the neutrosophic crisp discrete topology on X. So we can conclude by Theorem 4.1.(ii). NC (N ) NC * L i.e. NC NC * , for any neutrosophic ideal L1 on X. In particular, we have for two topological neutrosophic ideals L1 , and L 2 on X, L1 L2 NC * L1 NC * L2 . 4.3 Theorem Let 1 , 2 be two neutrosophic crisp topologies on X. Then for any topological neutrosophic crisp ideal L on X, 1 2 implies NA ( L, 2 ) NA ( L,1) , for every A L then *
NC NC 2 1
Proof Clear. A basis NC L, for NC (L) can be described as follows: NC L, A B : A , B L . Then we have the following theorem 4.4 Theorem NC L, A B : A , B L Forms a basis for the generated NT of the NCT X , with topological neutrosophic crisp ideal L on X. Proof Straight forward. The relationship between NC and NC (L) established throughout the following result which have an immediately proof . 4.5 Theorem Let 1 , 2 be two neutrosophic crisp topologies on X. Then for any topological neutrosophic ideal L on X, 1 2 implies NC NC 2 . 1
4.6 Theorem Let , be a NCTS and L1, L2 be two neutrosophic crisp ideals on X . Then for any neutrosophic crisp set A in X, we have
A. A. Salama, Florentin Smarandache and S. A. Alblowi, New Neutrosophic Crisp Topological Concepts
Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, Vol. 4, 2014
NC ( L1 L2 ) NC ( L1) ( L2 ) NC ( L2 ( L1)
NCA L1 L2 , NCA L1, NC ( L1) NCA L2 , NC ( L2 ) .
Proof Let p L1 L2 , , this means that there exists U NC P such that A U p L1 L2 i.e. There exists 1 L1
and 2 L2 such that A U 1 2 because of
the heredity of L 1 , and assuming 1 2 ON .Thus we
have A U
and A U p 2 1 there-
1 2
fore U 1 A 2 L2 and U 2 A 1 L1 . Hence
or 2 but not to both. This gives
p NCA L2 , NC L1 ,
NCA L1 L2 , NCA L1, NC ( L1 ) NCA L2 , NC ( L2 ) .
To show the second inclusion, let us assume P NCA L1, NC L2 , . This implies that there exist
U N P and
2 L2 such that U p 2 A L1 . By the
heredity of L 2 , if we assume that 2 A and define 1 U 2 A . Then we have A U 1 2 L1 L2 . Thus,
NCA L1 L2 , NCA L1, NC ( L1) NCA L2 , NC ( L2 ) .
and similarly, we can get
NCA L1 L2 , NCA L2 , ( L1 ) . .
This gives the other inclusion, which complete the proof. 4.1 Corollary .Let , be a NCTS with topological neutrosophic crisp ideal L on X. Then i) NCA ( L, ) NCA ( L, ) and NC ( L) NC( NC ( L)) ( L)
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Received: June 10, 2014. Accepted: June 25, 2014.
A. A. Salama, Florentin Smarandache and S. A. Alblowi, New Neutrosophic Crisp Topological Concepts