D.A. Siqueiros Beltrones & H. Morzaria Luna Departamento de Biologfa Marina. Universidad Aut6noma de Baja California Sur. Apdo. postal 19-B, La Paz, B.C.S. 23081, Mexico. e-mail
[email protected] ABSTRACT: The taxonomic analysis of epipelic benthic diatoms from the mangrove area EI Conchalito in Baja California Sur yielded 59 new records forthe NW Mexican region. Although conditions are hypersaline a rich diatom flora is observed in the sediments. The new records and several other taxa are included in the newly formed Diatom Collection of the Museo de Historia Natural of the Universidad Aut6noma de Baja California Sur.
Key words: Benthic diatoms, New records, North-western Mexico, Diatom Collection, Mangrove. Nuevos registros de diatomeas bentonicas marinas para la region Noroeste de Mexico RESUMEN: EI analisis taxon6mico de diatomeas bent6nicas epipelicas en EI Conchalito, Baja California Sur, reditu6 59 nuevos raqistros para la regi6n noroeste de Mexico. Aun cuando las condiciones son hipersalinas, se observe una flora diatomol6gica rica en los sedimentos. Los nuevos registros y muchos otros taxa fueron depositados en la Colecci6n de Diatomeas del Museo de Historia Natural de la Universidad Aut6noma de Baja California Sur.
Palabras clave: Diatomeas bent6nicas, Nuevos registros, Noroeste de Mexico, Colecci6n de Diatomeas, Manglar. Siqueiros Beltrones, D.A. & H. Morzaria Luna. 1999. New records of marine benthic diatom species for the Northwestern Mexican region. Ocean/des, 14(2):89-95.
Precise taxonomic determination is the basis for many ecological and biogeographi cal studies, but progress in ecological (and ecophysiological) research on benthic diatoms has been based mainly on the classical litera ture on diatom taxonomy. Recent work by Lan ge-Bertalott (1998) has shown that taxonomic inventories of benthic diatoms are far from be ing comprehensive. The scarcity of basic stu dies on taxonomy of marine benthic diatoms, including floristics, can be explained in part by the high diversity of coastal habitats all over the world. In particular, very little information exists for tropical and subtropical zones. For the Me xican coasts few studies on benthic diatoms have been carried out, all in the Baja California Peninsula (Brown et al., 1985; Siqueiros Bel trones & Ibarra Obando, 1985; Siqueiros Bel trones, 1988; 1990; Siqueiros Beltrones et al., 1991; Siqueiros Beltrones & Sanchez CastreFecha de aceptaci6n: 15 de junio, 1999.
jon, 1999), although incidental records of benthic diatoms in phytoplankton surveys el sewhere are available (Licea-Duran, 1974; Moreno et al., 1996). Because of the latitudinal gradient in which it extends, the Baja California Peninsula exhibits a great variety of coastal habitats, from harsh environments with high salinities and temperatures to productive ones, charac terized by seagrasses in the northern West coast and by mangroves in the southern part of the peninsula. In particular, the latter harbor a rich benthic diatom flora (Siqueiros Beltro nes, 1994 ; Siqueiros Beltrones & Sanchez Castrejon, 1999). In this work new records of benthic dia tom taxa are provided. Our objective is to es tablish a reliable reference based on curatorial records within a formal collection, by determi ning all taxa not previously reported and to continue the species list of benthic diatoms for the Mexican NW region. As a result of this pro-
ject over 700 taxa have been recorded for the Baja California Peninsula, but many environ ments remain to be surveyed.
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This study was carried out in the mangro ve area EI Conchalito in Bahia de La Paz, which represents the last mangrove area in the south portion of the Ensenada de La Paz (Gonzalez Acosta, 1998). EI Conchalito is lo cated between 24 8' 34" and 24 01' 40" t\1 and 110 21' 04" and 110 20' 35"W (Fig. 1). The mangrove covers a total area of 39.3 ha., com posed of Avicennia germinans in the front area, Rhizophora mangle towards the central part and along the border of the channels, and Laguncularia racemosa towards the back. The adjacent sea forms a lagoon that floods the mangrove periodically by a main tidal channel with small branches, the tidal amplitude has an average of 1.94 m (Maldonado Dfaz & San chez Solis, 1994; Gonzalez Acosta, 1998).
Bar,ia de La Paz
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Along the desiccation gradient five sam pling sites were chosen (Fig. 1). During one year (1996), bimonthly samples were taken at low tide. In each sample site twenty five squa re centimeters of sediments 0.5 em deep were collected using a spatula and stored in Petri dishes. Sediment and water column salinity (site 5) was measured using a hand-held re fractometer (0-100 ppt) with a precision of 0.5. An amount of close to 500 g of sediment was collected for grain size analysis. These data will be used for further studies on temporal and spatial variation of the diatom assemblages. Samples were oxidized using nitric acid and heat to remove the organic contents of diatoms and foreign organic matter. Clean frustules were mounted on permanent slides using Cumar R-9 (Holmes et al., 1981), and observed under phase contrast (100X) and planapochromathic (63X) microscopy. Taxonomic determinations were made on the basis of frustule morphology following the classic reference manuals (Cleve-Euler, 1968; Hendey, 1964; Hustedt, 1930; 1955; 1959; Pe
Figure 1. EI Conchalito mangrove system and sampling sites. Figura 1. Sistema de manglar EI Conchalito y sitios de muestreo.
ragallo, 1891; Peragallo and Peragallo, 1908; Schmidt et el., 1874-1959; van Heurck, 1896) as well as more recent literature (Navarro, 1987; Navarro et el., 1989; Round et al., 1990; Simonsen, 1987). Also, previous studies for the region were used (Brown et aI., 1985; Si queiros Beltrones et al., 1985; Siqueiros Bel trones, 1988; Siqueiros Beltrones, 1990; Si queiros Beltrones et al., 1991; Siqueiros Bel trones, 1994a; Siqueiros Beltrones & Sanchez Castrejon, 1999). Schematic drawings of the specimens were made on curatorial cards. These include taxonomic determination and reference, cata log number, sampling location, slide number, date, morphometric data and location within the slide. All the data were filed in a notebook and into the data base BIOTICA (Microsoft Ac cess format) of CONABIO (Cornision Nacional para el Usa y Conocimiento de la Biodiversi dad).
EI Conchalito can be considered a hyper saline environment since high salinity values were detected in the sediments ranging from 44 to 100 ppt, while for the water column va lues reached up to 45 ppt. The area presents a high variability in its sediment characteris tics, which range from 95% sand (site 5) to 71 % silt (site 3). A high species richness was observed during the survey. A total of 59 new taxa for the Baja California peninsula and NW Mexican re gion were added to the current floristic inven tory of benthic marine diatoms (Table 1). The se, and another 214 curated taxa add up to 786 curatorial records which represent the start of the Diatom Collection incorporated to the Museo de Historia t\latural de la Universi dad Aut6noma de Baja California Sur (MHI\J UABCS) DISCUSSION
The addition of 59 taxa to the regional in ventory simply shows that much work is still to be done. Moreover, very different conditions can be found on both sides of the peninsula. The gulf water mass is characterized by higher temperature and salinity which increase toward the upper gulf, while the west coast of the peninsula shows cool water and lower sali nity conditions determined by the California Current (Alvarez Borrego, 1983). The southernmost part of the peninsula occupies a transitional area located between two biogeographical regions, where changes in marine communities are determined by complex oceanographic variations (Dawson, 1960). On the other hand, inside the gulf a high degree of endemism has been detected (Espinoza Avalos, 1993). Such characteristics most likely ensure the occurrence of many dia tom taxa for the whole area that will further en rich the newly started diatom collection through surveys to follow. For the Gulf of California, Moreno Ruiz et al. (1996) reported several benthic diatom species collected in phytoplankton surveys.
Their records are not referred to a formal co llection nor to a specific locality on the penin sula coast, but their work may serve to explain the distribution range of benthic diatoms found on the eastern coast. These efforts need not be maintained isolated but may be combined also to further correct the resulting taxonomic inventory for the region. A decrease in diatom taxonomists worldwide has been detected, while a need for formal species inventories is noted (Poulin, 1998). The lack of interest in this type of stu dies is unjustified inasmuch the ecological sig nificance of benthic diatoms is widely recogni zed (Admiraal, 1984; Siqueiros Beltrones, 1996). Research of this sort is intended to support further research in association structu re analysis, distribution, and primary produc tion. This information is relevant to ecological theory, conservation, biodiversity, and biogeo graphy issues. Association structure analysis based on precise taxonomic identification permits a mo re complete description of the assemblages, hence providing a better reference for compa rative studies (Siqueiros Beltrones, 1994b). On the other hand, distribution analysis of pre cisely identified taxa provides an invaluable reference for understanding species plasticity and for assessing the reliability of rnorpholoqi cal species surveys. The contribution of benthic diatoms to the primary production budget of marine systems has been reviewed (Siqueiros Beltrones, 1996). Their annual primary production may surpass that of phytoplankton and seagras ses. Much of this primary production is directly integrated to the food chain. Trophic relations between diatoms and economically important (mollusks) species may be better understood once a sound taxonomic basis is obtained (Si queiros Beltrones, 1996; Siqueiros Beltrones, 1998). Bivalves such as Ostrea spp., Clone spp., Mytilus spp. and Pecten spp., filter large amounts of benthic diatoms. Over forty taxa have been identified from their gut contents (Hendey, 1964). Recent (unpublished) obser vations by the second author show that in the rocky substrate occupied by abalone (Bahia
Table 1. New records of benthic diatoms for the Baja California Peninsula, from the mangrove EI Conchalito in northwestern Mexico. Catalog numbers for curatorial records of specimens deposited in the Diatom Collection are shown in parentheses. Tabla 1. Nuevos registros de diatomeas bent6nicas en la Peninsula de Baja California, del manglar EI Conchalito en el noroeste de Mexico. Entre pare ntesis se muestran los nurneros de catalcqo de los registros curacionales de los espe cimenes depositados en la Colecci6n de Diatomeas.
Actinoptychus vulgaris Schumman (616, 617) Peragallo&PeragaII01897-1908,p.410,111/2;SchmidtA 1874-1959153/1
Gomphonema clevei v. jevenice Hustedt 1938 (465, 516,521,524) Simonsen 1987 p. 237 345/1-5
Achnanthes lanceolata var. minor Schultz (776) Cleve-Euler 1953 4(5), p. 38 f. 12; Schmidt A 408/32-35
Gomphonema lanceo/atum v. genuinum (Gregory) Cle
ve-Euler 1856 (507)
Cleve-Euler 1953 5(4) p. 184 f. 1280 a-e
Amphora crassa v. typica Gregory 1857 (749, Peragallo & Peragallo 1897-1908, p. 208, 44/5
Gomphonema parvulum v. genuinum Mayer 1919 (472,
468, 475, 480)
Cleve-Euler 1953 5(4) p. 177 f. 1269 a-c
Amphora mexicana (778) Peragallo & Peragallo 1897-1908, p. 203, 54/32; 55/1,2,5 Amphora ostrearia v. lineata Cleve 1895 (745)
Hendey 1964, p. 266, 37/18; Navarro et al. 1989 p. 345 f. 25
Grunoviella parva (Grunow) Peragallo 1908 (717, 718,
719) Peragallo & Peragallo 1897-1908 p 327 83/5
Gyrosigma spencerii (Smith) Cleve (779)
Hustedt 1930 p. 225 f. 336
Lyrella hennedyi var. nebulosa (Gregory) Strickle &
Amphora robusta Gregory 1857 (329)
1990 (780)
Peragallo & Peragallo 1908, p. 202, 54/33,34; Cleve-Euler Mann Peragallo & Peragallo 1897-1908 p. 139,25/2,3
1953 p. 92
Amphora sp. ct. ostre aria (765)
Mastogloia angulata Lewis 1861 8740)
Similar to Peragallo & Peragallo 1897-1908 p. 219, 49/13. L. Peragallo & Peragallo 1897-1908 p. 30, 5/16, 17; Hus 60,lm; W. 12.2,um; 15-16 striae in 'l Ourn
tedt 1959 p. 465 f. 885
Amphora sp. (766)
29.6'lm; W. 6.6'lm; 18-20 striae in 'l Ourn
Biremis ambigua (Cleve) Hendey 1964 p. 23 34/5-8
Cocconeis late striata Hustedt 1955 5/1-3
Mastogloia exilis Hustedt 1959 (781)
Hustedt 1959 p. 553 f.
Oimmeregramma maculatum (Cleve) Frenguelli 1945 (355, 742,743,744) Hustedt 1955 p. 134/44-45
Mastogloia lanceolata Thwaites 1856 (328)
Peragallo & Peragallo 1897-1908 p. 366/32,33; H ustedt
1959 p. 497 f. 922
Mastogloia smithii Thwaites 1856 (348)
Peragallo & Peragallo 1897-1908 p. 36 6/39, 40; Hus
tedt 1959 p. 502 f. 928 a
Navicula crypiocepnele v. Exilis Grunow (728) Cleve-Euler19534(5)p.154f.813c-e,k
Oip/oneis sp. (767) L. 20,lm; W. 7.6'lm; 20 striae in 'l Oum Navicu/a digitoradiata v. minima Cleve-Euler 1953 (671) Cleve-Euler 1953 4(5) p. 161. F. 822 g, h Entomoneis a/ata (Ehrenberg) Kutzing 1844 (647, 761,762) Hendey 1964 p. 253 39/14, 16
Navicula galea brunn 1891 (413) Peragallo & Peragallo 1897-1908 p. 89 13/27
Fa/lacia lucens (Hustedt ex Salah) Mann 1990 (695, 696) Hustedt 1959 p. 177 f. 1311; A Schmidt Atlas 400/30-32
Navicula libellus Gregory 1857 (641) Peragallo & Peragallo 1897-1908 p. 645/16, 17
Fallacia nyella (Hustedt ex Simonsen) Mann 1990 (612) Hustedt 1959 p. 536 f. 1571
Navicula rhombica Gregoy 1855 (783) Peragallo & Peragallo 1897-1908 p. 64 8/10
Fragila ria atomus Hustedt Hustedt 1959 p 164 f. 672 B
Navicula sp. (770. 775) L. 15-18.7'lm; W. 5.6-7.2'lm; 19-22 striae in 'l Ourn
Fragilaria vaucheriae var. falax (Grunow) Cleve-Euler 1953 (473,476.481) Cleve-Euler 1953 4(1) p. 42 f. 353 s-x
Frustulia interposita Schmidt Atlas 369/10
Frustulia sp. (768, 774) L. 75-95,lm; 25 to 30+striae in 'l Ourn
Navicula sp. ct. subelliptica (769) Similar to Cleve-Euler's. p. 115 f. 797 A Smaller and with a higher number of striae L. 18,lm; W 7,lm; - 16 striae In tuum Neodelphineis pelagica Takano 1982 (688, 689) Takano 1962 Neodelphineis pelagica Takano 1982 (688, 689)
Takano 1962 ------'------------------
Table 1. Continued. Tabla 1. Continuaci6n.
Nitzschia fonticola v. capitata Cleve-Euler 1953 (678) Cleve-Euler 1953 3(3) p. 89 f. 1500 1
Nitzschia fonticola v. pelagica Grunow (401, Hustedt 1930 p. 415 f. 800 a
Pinnularia trevelyana (Don kin) Rabenhorst 1864 (533)
Hendey 1964 p. 232 34/11
Nitzschia habirshawii Febiger ex Cleve & Moller 1882 (404) Plagiotropis vitrea (Smith) Cleve (787)
Hendey 1946 p. 282; Peragallo & Peragallo 1897-1908 p. Peragallo & Peragallo 1897-1908 p. 191 41/7-10; Cleve
Euler 1953, p. 28
290,74/5 Nitzschia navicularis Brebisson (633)
Peragallo & Peragallo 1897-1908 p. 26769/21
Stauroneis legleri Hustedt 1959 (354, 383, 723, 724,
725) Hustedt 1959 p. 793 f 1138
Nitzschia salinarum Grunow (321, 331, 431, 447)
Cleve-Euler 19523(3) p. 81 f. 1483 f
Surire//a armoricana Peragallo 1908 (638)
Peragallo & Peragalto 1897-1908 p. 249 60/10; Hendey
1964 p. 289 40/6
Nitzschia sigma v. diminuta Grunow Cleve-Euler 1953 3(3) p. 75 f. 1470 i
Surirella fastuosa var. genuina Cleve-Euler 1952 (788)
Cleve-Euler 1952 3(3) p. 125 f. 1571
(438, 448, 458)
Nitzschia sp. Cf. dubia (771) Similar to Hustedt 1930 p. 404. L 56pm; 8 keel puncta in t Oum
Surirella preclara Schmidt (789) Hustedt 1955 3/1; Schmidt A. 21/2
Nitzschia sp (772) L. 74~lm; W. 7.2pm; 14 striae in t Ourn
Synedra fame/ica Kutzing Hustedt 1959 p. 211 f. 701
Nitzschia vitrea Norman (784)
Cleve-Euler 1897-1908p. 80f 1483
Thal/asionema nitzschioides (Grunow) Grunow ex Hus tedt 1932 (699, 700,701)
Nitzschia vivax Smith 1856 (785)
Peragallo & Peragallo 1897-1908 p. 277 21/2-7
Trachysphenia acuminata Hustedt 1955 (339, 340, 724) Hustedt 1955 p. 144/50-54
Opephoropsis schwartzii (Grunow ex Petit) Frenguelli 1945 (345,346,463,720,721,722) Peragallo & Peragallo 1897 1908 p. 327 83/1, 2
Tryblionella limicola (Grunow) Mann 1990 (632) Peragallo & Peragallo 1897-1908 75/16
Pinnularia molaris (Grunow) Cleve Cleve-Euler 1953 5(4) p. 18 f. 1005
Magdalena, B.C.S.) highly silicified forms of diatoms may be abundant, although it has been considered that these could not be inges ted by abalone post-larvae or small juveniles, In another case, it was observed that diatoms that are fed to abalone during their early sta ges of development consist mainly of epipelic forms (Siqueiros Beltrones, 1999) like the ones recorded in this study. Problems such as these can only be properly treated by resorting to formal taxonomic basis. The above shows that the support provi ded by reliable inventories and formal (scienti fic) collections of diatoms, either benthic or planktonic should help improve further re search focused on ecological theory, as well as conservation, biodiversity, aquacultural and biogeographical issues.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study was funded through the pro ject CONABIO-U.A.B.C.S. FB273/H031/96. We wish to thank Erika Rodriguez Morales and Veronica Garcia Hernandez for contribu ting with sample processing and data base construction, and Francisco Constantino Fran co, who processed the curatorial cards to their present form. Reviews by two anonymous re ferees improved the manuscript. REFERENCES Admiraal, W. 1984. The ecology of estuarine sediment inhabiting diatoms. 269-314. In: Round, R. & E. Chapman (eds.). Pro gr. Phycol. Res. 3, Biopress Ltd.
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