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arXiv:0704.0130v1 [math.RT] 2 Apr 2007

SOFIANE BOUARROUDJ1 , PAVEL GROZMAN2 , DIMITRY LEITES3 Abstract. Over algebraically closed fields of characteristic p > 2, prolongations of the simple finite dimensional Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras with Cartan matrix are studied for certain simplest gradings of these algebras. Several new simple Lie superalgebras are discovered, serial and exceptional, including superBrown and superMelikyan superalgebras. Simple Lie superalgebras with Cartan matrix of rank 2 are classified.

1. Introduction 1.1. Setting. We use standard notations of [FH, S]; for the precise definition (algorithm) of generalized Cartan-Tanaka–Shchepochkina (CTS) complete and partial prolongations, and algorithms of their construction, see [Shch]. Hereafter K is an algebraically closed field of characteristic p > 2, unless specified. Let g′ = [g, g], and c(g) = g ⊕ center, where dim center = 1. Let n) g denote the incarnation of the Lie (super)algebra g with the n)th Cartan matrix, cf. [GL4, BGL1]. On classification of simple vectorial Lie superalgebras with polynomial coefficients (in what follows referred to as vectorial Lie superalgebras of polynomial vector fields over C, see [LSh, K3]). ` Cartan, now classical, completed classification over C The works of S. Lie, Killing and E. of (1)

simple Lie algebras of finite dimension and of polynomial vector fields.

Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras over fields in characteristic p > 0, a.k.a. modular Lie (super)algebras, were first recognized and defined in topology, in the 1930s. The simple Lie algebras drew attention (over finite fields K) as a step towards classification of simple finite groups, cf. [St]. Lie superalgebras, even simple ones and even over C or R, did not draw much attention of mathematicians until their (outstanding) usefulness was observed by physicists in the 1970s. Meanwhile mathematicians kept discovering new and new examples of simple modular Lie algebras until Kostrikin and Shafarevich ([KS]) formulated a conjecture embracing all previously found examples for p > 7. Its generalization reads: select a Z-form gZ of every g of type 1) (1), take gK := gZ ⊗Z K and its simple finite dimensional subquotient si(gK ) (there can be several such si(gK )). Together with deformations 2) of these examples we get in this way all simple finite dimensional Lie algebras over algebraically closed fields if p > 5. If p = 5, we should add to the above list Melikyan’s examples. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 17B50, 70F25. Key words and phrases. Cartan prolongation, nonholonomic manifold, Lie superalgebra. We are thankful to I. Shchepochkina for help; DL is thankful to MPIMiS, Leipzig, for financial support and most creative environment. 1) Observe that the algebra of divided powers (the analog of the polynomial algebra for p > 0) and hence all prolongs (Lie algebras of vector fields) acquire one more — shearing — parameter: N , see [S]. 2) It is not clear, actually, if the conventional notion of deformation can always be applied if p > 0 (for the arguments, see [LL]; cf. [Vi]); to give the correct (better say, universal) notion is an open problem, but in some cases it is applicable, see [BGL4].


Sofiane Bouarroudj, Pavel Grozman, Dimitry Leites

Having built upon ca 30 years of work of several teams of researchers, and having added new ideas and lots of effort, Block, Wilson, Premet and Strade proved the generalized KSh conjecture for p > 3, see [S]. For p ≤ 5, the above KSh-procedure does not produce all simple finite dimensional Lie algebras; there are other examples. In [GL4], we returned to ´ Cartan’s description of Z-graded Lie algebras as CTS prolongs, i.e., as subalgebras of E. vectorial Lie algebras preserving certain distributions; we thus interpreted the “mysterious” at that moment exceptional examples of simple Lie algebras for p = 3 (the Brown, Frank, Ermolaev and Skryabin algebras), further elucidated Kuznetsov’s interpretation [Ku1] of Melikyan’s algebras (as prolongs of the nonpositive part of the Lie algebra g(2) in one of its Z-gradings) and discovered three new series of simple Lie algebras. In [BjL], the same approach yielded bj, a simple super versions of g(2), and Bj(1; N|7), a simple p = 3 super Melikyan algebra. Both bj and Bj(1; N|7) are indigenous to p = 3, the case where g(2) is not simple. 1.2. Classification: Conjectures and results. Recently, Elduque considered super analogs of the exceptional simple Lie algebras; his method leads to a discovery of 10 new simple (presumably, exceptional) Lie superalgebras for p = 3. For a description of the Elduque superalgebras, see [CE, El1, CE2, El2]; for their description in terms of Cartan matrices and analogs of Chevalley relations and notations we use in what follows, see [BGL1, BGL2]. In [L], a super analog of the KSh conjecture embracing all types of simple (finite dimensional) Lie superalgebras is formulated based on an entirely different idea in which the CTS prolongs play the main role: Fo r e v e r y s i m p l e fi n i t e d i m e n s i o n a l L i e ( s u p e r ) a l g e b r a o f t h e f o r m g(A) , t a k e i t s n o n - p o s i t i v e p a r t w i t h r e s p e c t t o a c e r t a i n simplest Z-grading, consider its complete and partial prolongs and take their simple subquotients. The new examples of simple modular Lie superalgebras (BRJ, Bj(3; N|3), Bj(3; N|5)) support this conjecture. (This is how Cartan got all simple Z-graded Lie algebras of polynomial growth and finite depth — the Lie algebras of type (1) — at the time when the root technique was not discovered yet.) 1.2.1. Yamaguchi’s theorem ([Y]). This theorem, reproduced in [GL4, BjL], states that for almost all simple finite dimensional Lie algebras g over C and their Z-gradings g = ⊕ gi −d≤i

of finite depth d, the CTS prolong of g≤ =


gi is isomorphic to g, the rare exceptions

being two of the four series of simple vectorial algebras (the other two series being partial prolongs). 1.2.2. Conjecture. In the following theorems, we present the results of SuperLie-assisted ([Gr]) computations of the CTS-prolongs of the non-positive parts of the simple finite dimensional Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras g(A); we have only considered Z-grading corresponding to each (or, for larger ranks, even certain selected) of the simplest gradings r = (r1 , . . . , rrk g), where all but one coordinates of r are equal to 0 and only one — selected — is equal to 1, and where we set deg Xi± = ±ri for the Chevalley generators Xi± of g(A), see [BGL1]. O t h e r g r a d i n g s ( a s w e l l a s a l g e b r a s g(A) o f h i g h e r r a n k s ) d o not yield new simple Lie (super)algebras as prolongs of the nonp o s i t i v e p a r t s.

New simple modular Lie superalgebras


1.3. Theorem. The CTS prolong of the nonpositive part of g returns g in the following cases: p = 3 and g = f(4), e(6), e(7) and e(8) considered with the Z-grading with one selected root corresponding to the endpoint of the Dynkin diagram. 1.3.1. Conjecture. [The computer got stuck here, after weeks of computations] To the cases of Theorem 1.3, one can add the case for p = 5 and g = el(5) (see [BGL2]) in its Z-grading with only one odd simple root and with one selected root corresponding to any endpoint of the Dynkin diagram. 1.4. Theorem. Let p = 3. For the previously known (we found more, see Theorems 1.6, 1.7) simple finite dimensional Lie superalgebras g of rank ≤ 3 with Cartan matrix and for their simplest gradings r, the CTS prolongs (of the non-positive part of g) different from g are given in the following table elucidated below. 1.5. Melikyan superalgebras for p = 3. There are known the two constructions of the Melikyan algebra Me(5; N) = ⊕ Me(5; N)i , defined for p = 5: i≥−2

1) as the CTS prolong of the triple Me0 = cvect(1; 1), Me−1 = O(1; 1)/const and the trivial module Me−2 , see [S]; this construction would be a counterexample to our conjecture were there no alternative: 2) as the complete CTS prolong of the non-negative part of g(2) in its grading r = (01), with g(2) obtained now as a partial prolong, see [Ku1, GL4]. In [BjL], we have singled out Bj(1; N|7) as a p = 3 simple analog of Me(5; N) as a partial CTS prolongs of the pair (the negative part of k(1; N|7), Bj(1; N|7)0 = pgl(3)), and bj as a p = 3 simple analog of g(2) whose non-positive part is the same as that of Bj(1; N|7), i.e., bj and Bj(1; N|7) are analogs of the construction 2). The original Melikyan’s construction 1) also has its super analog for p = 3 (only in the situation described in Theorem 1.6) and it yields a new series of simple Lie superalgebras as the complete prolongs, with another simple analog of g(2) as a partial prolong. Recall ([BGL1]) that we normalize the Cartan matrix A so that Aii = 1 or 0 if the ith root is odd, whereas if the ith root is even, we set Aii = 2 or 0 in which case we write ¯0 instead of 0 in order not to confuse with the case of odd roots. 1.6. Theorem. A p = 3 analog of the construction 1) of the Melikyan algebra is given by setting g0 = ck(1; 1|1), g−1 = O(1; 1|1)/const and g−2 being the trivial module. It yields a simple super Melikyan algebra that we denote by Me(3; N|3), non-isomorphic to a superMelikyan algebra Bj(1; N|7). The partial prolong of the non-positive part of Me(3; N|3) is a new (exceptional) simple Liesuperalgebra matrices:  that we  denote by brj(2; 3). This brj(2; 3) has the three Cartan  0 −1 0 −1 1 −1 1) and 2) joined by an odd reflection, and . It is a super −2 1 −1 ¯0 −1 ¯0 analog of the Brown algebra br(2) = brj(2; 3)¯0 , its even part. The CTS prolongs for the simplest gradings r of 1) brj(2; 3) returns known simple Lie superalgebras, whereas the CTS prolong for a simplest grading r of 2) brj(2; 3) returns, as a partial prolong, a new simple Lie superalgebra we denote BRJ. Unlike br(2), the Lie superalgebra brj(2; 3) has analogs for p 6= 3, e.g., for p = 5, we get a new simple Lie superalgebra    brj(2; 5)  such that brj(2; 5)¯0 = sp(4) with the two Cartan 0 −1 0 −4 matrices 1) and 2) . The CTS prolongs of brj(2; 5) for all its Cartan −2 1 −3 2 matrices and the simplest r return brj(2; 5).

Sofiane Bouarroudj, Pavel Grozman, Dimitry Leites


Having got this far, it was impossible not to try to get classification of simple g(A)’s. Here is its beginning part, see [BGL5].

1.7. Theorem. If p > 5, every finite dimensional simple Lie superalgebra with a 2 × 2 Cartan matrix is isomorphic to osp(1|4), osp(3|2), or sl(1|2). If p = 5, we should add brj(2; 5). If p = 3, we should add brj(2; 3).

Remark. For details of description of the new simple Lie superalgebras of types Bj and Me and their subalgebras, in particular, presentations of brj(2; 3) and brj(2; 5), and proof of Theorem 1.7 and its generalization for higher ranks, see [BGL4, BGL5].

The new simple Lie superalgebras obtained are described in the next subsections.

Cartan matrix   0 −1   −2 2  osp(3|2)  0 −1   −1 1   0 −1   sl(1|2) −1 2   0 1   −1 0   2 −1  osp(1|4)  −1 1   0 −1   −2 1  brj(2; 3)  ¯ 0 −1   −1 0   ¯ 0 −1  brj(2; 3)  −1 1   0 −1   −2 1  brj(2; 5)  0 1   −3 2 g






k(1|3; 1)

(10) osp(3|2) (01)

k(1|3; 1)

(10) vect(0|2) (01) vect(1|1) (10) (01) (10)

vect(1|1) k(3|1)

(01) osp(1|4) (10) (01) (10)

Me(3; N |3) Brj(4|3) Brj(4; N |3)

(01) Brj(3; N |4) ⊃ BRJ (10)

Brj(3; N |3)

(01) Brj(3; N |4) ⊃ BRJ (10) brj(2; 5) (01) brj(2; 5) (10) brj(2; 5) (01) brj(2; 5)

New simple modular Lie superalgebras

g sl(1|3)


Cartan matrix   0 −1 0   −1 2 −1   0 −1 2   0 −1 0   −1 0 −2   0 −1 2

















any matrix





2 −1 0   −1 2 −1   0 −1 1   2 −1 0      −1 0 −1       0 −2 2    osp(3|4) 0 −1 0       −1 0 1        0 −1 1   0 −1 0   −1 2 −1   0 −1 1   2 −1 0      −1 0 1       0 −1 1    osp(5|2) 0 −1 0       −1 0 1       0 −2 2   0 −1 0   −1 2 −1   0 −2 2   2 −1 0    1)  α 0 −1 − α osp(4|2; α) 0 −1 2   α generic 0 1 −1 − α   2)  0 −α    −1 −1 − α α 0 osp(1|6)


1) The simple part of


osp(4|2; α) is sl(2|2);

osp(4|2; α)

for the CTS of psl(2|2), see above

α = 0, −1

2) 2) osp(4|2; α) ≃ sl(2|2);

for the CTS of sl(2|2), see above













(100) (010)



(100) (010)



 (100) osp(5|2) (010) k(1|5) (001)

(100) (010) (001)

osp(4|2; α)

Sofiane Bouarroudj, Pavel Grozman, Dimitry Leites


Cartan matrix  0 1  1)  −1 2 0 −1  0 1   osp(2|4) 2) −1 0 0 −1  0 −2  3)  −2 0 −1 −1  0 0  g(2|3) 3)  0 0 −1 −2




 −2  2  0  2  2  1  1  2  −1  −2  2

 (100)   (010)    (001)  (100)   (010)    (001)  (100)   (010)    (001)


prolong  osp(2|4)   (   osp(2|4) if  Bj(3; N |3) if    osp(2|4)  k(3|2)   (   osp(2|4) if  Bj(3; N |3) if    osp(2|4)   osp(2|4) osp(2|4)   k(3|2) Bj(3|5)


bj 1)

p>3 p=3



1.8. A description of Bj(3; N |3). For g = following realization of the non-positive part:

p>3 p=3

osp(2|4) and r = (0, 1, 0), we have the

(2) gi

the generators (even | odd)


Y6 = ∂1 | Y8 = ∂4

Y2 = ∂2 , Y5 = x2 ∂1 + x5 ∂4 + ∂3 , | Y4 = ∂5 , Y7 = 2 x2 ∂4 + ∂6 ,


Y3 = x2 2 ∂1 + x2 x5 ∂4 + x2 ∂3 + 2x5 ∂6 , Z3 = x3 2 ∂1 + 2x3 x6 ∂4 + x3 ∂2 + 2x6 ∂5

g0 ≃

sl(1|1) ⊕ sl(2) ⊕ K H2 = 2 x1 ∂1 + 2 x2 ∂2 + x4 ∂4 + x5 ∂5 + 2 x6 ∂6 , H1 = [Z1 , Y1 ], H3 = [Z3 , Y3 ] | Y1 = x1 ∂4 + 2 x2 ∂5 + x3 ∂6 , Z1 = 2 x4 ∂1 + 2 x5 ∂2 + x6 ∂3

The g0 -module g−1 is irreducible, having one highest weight vector Y2 . Let p = 3. The CTS prolong gives sdim(g1 ) = 4|4. The g0 -module g1 has the following two lowest weight vectors: V1′

x1 x2 ∂4 + 2 x1 ∂6 + 2 x2 2 ∂5 + x2 x3 ∂6

V1′′ x1 x2 ∂1 + x1 x5 ∂4 + 2 x2 x4 ∂4 + x1 ∂3 + x2 2 ∂2 + 2 x2 x5 ∂5 + x2 x6 ∂6 + x3 x5 ∂6 + x4 ∂6

Since g1 generates the positive part of the CTS prolong, [g−1 , g1 ] = g0 , and [g−1 , g−1 ] = g−2 , the standard criteria of simplicity ensures that the CTS prolong is simple. Since none of the Z-graded Lie superalgebras over C of polynomial growth and finite depth has grading of this form (with g0 ≃ sl(1|1) ⊕ sl(2) ⊕ K), we conclude that this Lie superalgebra is new. We denote it by Bj(3; N|3), where N is the shearing parameter of the even indeterminates. Our calculations show that N2 = N3 = 1 always. For N1 = 1, 2, the super dimensions of the positive components of Bj(3; N|3) are given in the following tables: N = (1, 1, 1)



4|4 5|5 4|4 4|4 2|2 0|3

N = (2, 1, 1)



4|4 5|5 4|4 5|5 4|4 5|5 · · · 2|2 0|3

g2 g2

g3 g3

g4 g4

g5 g5

g6 g6

· · · g11 g12

New simple modular Lie superalgebras


Let Vi′ , Vi′′ and Vi′′′ be the lowest height vectors of gi with respect to g0 . For N = (1, 1, 1), these vectors are as follows: gi

lowest weight vectors


x1 2 ∂4 + 2 x1 x2 ∂5 + x1 x3 ∂6 + x2 x3 2 ∂6


x1 x2 2 ∂1 + x1 x2 x5 ∂4 + x1 x2 ∂3 + 2 x1 x5 ∂6 + x2 2 x3 ∂3 + 2 x2 2 x5 ∂5 + x2 x3 x5 ∂6


x1 2 ∂1 + x2 2 x3 2 ∂1 + x2 2 x3 ∂2 + 2 x2 2 x6 ∂5 + 2 x1 x2 ∂2 + 2 x1 x3 ∂3 + 2 x1 x4 ∂4 +x2 x3 2 ∂3 + x2 x4 ∂5 + 2 x3 x4 ∂6 + 2 x2 2 x3 x6 ∂4 + 2 x2 x3 x6 ∂6


x1 2 x2 ∂4 + 2 x1 2 ∂6 + 2 x1 x2 2 ∂5 + x1 x2 x3 ∂6 + x2 2 x3 2 ∂6


x1 2 x2 ∂1 + x1 2 x5 ∂4 + x1 2 ∂3 + x1 x2 x3 ∂3 + 2 x1 x2 x5 ∂5 + x1 x3 x5 ∂6 +x2 x3 2 x5 ∂6 + x1 x2 x4 ∂4 + 2 x1 x2 2 ∂2 + x1 x2 x3 ∂3 + 2 x1 x2 x6 ∂6 +2 x1 x4 ∂6 + 2 x2 2 x3 2 ∂3 + 2 x2 2 x3 x6 ∂6 + 2 x2 2 x4 ∂5 + x2 x3 x4 ∂6


x1 2 x2 2 ∂1 + x1 2 x2 x5 ∂4 + x1 2 x2 ∂3 + 2 x1 2 x5 ∂6 + x1 x2 2 x3 ∂3 + 2 x1 x2 2 x5 ∂5 +x1 x2 x3 x5 ∂6 + x2 2 x3 2 x5 ∂6


x1 2 x4 ∂4 + x1 2 x5 ∂5 + x1 2 x6 ∂6 + x2 2 x3 2 x6 ∂6 + x1 x2 2 x3 2 ∂1 + x1 x2 2 x3 ∂2 + 2 x1 x2 2 x6 ∂5 +2 x1 x3 2 x5 ∂6 + 2 x1 x2 x3 2 ∂3 + 2 x1 x2 x4 ∂5 + x1 x3 x4 ∂6 + x2 x3 2 x4 ∂6 + 2 x1 x2 2 x3 x6 ∂4


x1 2 x2 2 ∂2 + x1 2 x4 ∂6 + 2 x1 2 x2 x3 ∂3 + 2 x1 2 x2 x4 ∂4 + x1 2 x2 x6 ∂6 + 2 x2 2 x3 2 x4 ∂6 +x1 x2 2 x3 2 ∂3 + x1 x2 2 x4 ∂5 + x1 x2 2 x3 x6 ∂6 + 2 x1 x2 x3 x4 ∂6


x1 2 x2 2 x4 ∂1 + x1 2 x2 2 x5 ∂2 + 2 x1 2 x2 2 x6 ∂3 + x1 2 x2 x4 ∂3 + 2 x1 2 x4 x5 ∂6 +2 x1 2 x2 x3 x5 ∂3 + x1 2 x2 x4 x5 ∂4 + x1 2 x2 x5 x6 ∂6 + x2 2 x3 2 x4 x5 ∂6 +x1 x2 2 x3 2 x5 ∂3 + x1 x2 2 x3 x4 ∂3 + 2 x1 x2 2 x4 x5 ∂5 + x1 x2 2 x3 x5 x6 ∂6 + x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 ∂6

For N = (2, 1, 1), the lowest hight vectors are as in the table above together with the following ones gi

lowest weight vectors


x1 3 ∂4 + 2 x1 2 x2 ∂5 + x1 2 x3 ∂6 + x1 x2 x3 2 ∂6



′ V11

x1 5 x2 2 ∂2 + x1 5 x4 ∂6 + x1 4 x2 2 x3 2 ∂3 + x1 4 x2 2 x4 ∂5 + 2 x1 5 x2 x3 ∂3 + 2 x1 5 x2 x4 ∂4 +x1 5 x2 x6 ∂6 + 2 x1 3 x2 2 x3 2 x4 ∂6 + x1 4 x2 2 x3 x6 ∂6 + 2 x1 4 x2 x3 x4 ∂6

′ V12

x1 5 x2 2 x4 ∂1 + x1 5 x2 2 x5 ∂2 + 2 x1 5 x2 2 x6 ∂3 + x1 5 x2 x4 ∂3 + 2 x1 5 x4 x5 ∂6 + x1 4 x2 2 x3 2 x5 ∂3 +x1 4 x2 2 x3 x4 ∂3 + 2 x1 4 x2 2 x4 x5 ∂5 + 2 x1 5 x2 x3 x5 ∂3 + x1 5 x2 x4 x5 ∂4 + x1 5 x2 x5 x6 ∂6 +x1 3 x2 2 x3 2 x4 x5 ∂6 + x1 4 x2 2 x3 x5 x6 ∂6 + x1 4 x2 x3 x4 x5 ∂6

Let us investigate if Bj(3; N|3) has partial prolongs as subalgebras: (i) Denote by g′1 the g0 -module generated by V1′ . We have sdim(g′1 ) = 2|2. The CTS partial prolong (g− , g0 , g′1 )∗ gives a graded Lie superalgebra with the property that [g−1 , g1 ] ≃ {Y1 , h1 } := aff. From the description of irreducible modules over solvable Lie superalgebras [Ssol], we see that the irreducible aff-modules are 1-dimensional. For irreducible affsubmodules g′−1 in g−1 we have two possibilities: to take g′−1 = {Y4 } or g′−1 = {Y7 }; for both of them, g′−1 is purely odd and we can never get a simple Cartan prolong. (ii) Denote by g′′1 the g0 -module generated by V1′′ . We have sdim(g′′1 ) = 2|2. The CTS partial prolong (g− , g0 , g′′1 )∗ returns osp(2|4). 1.9. A description of Bj(2|4). We consider 3) g(2|3) with r = (1, 0, 0). In this case, sdim(g(2, 3)− ) = 2|4. Since the g(2, 3)0-module action is not faithful, we consider the quotient algebra g0 = g(2, 3)0 /ann(g−1 ) and embed (g(2, 3)− , g0 ) ⊂ vect(2|4). This realization

Sofiane Bouarroudj, Pavel Grozman, Dimitry Leites


is given by the following table: gi

the generators (even | odd)


Y6 = ∂2 , Y8 = ∂1 | Y11 = ∂3 , Y10 = ∂4 , Y4 = ∂5 , Y1 = ∂6

g0 ≃

Y3 = x2 ∂1 + 2 x4 ∂3 + x6 ∂5 , Y9 = [Y2 , [Y3 , Y5 ]], Z3 = x1 ∂2 + 2 x3 ∂4 + x5 ∂6 , Z9 = [Z2 , [Z3 , Z5 ]], H2 = [Z2 , Y2 ], H3 = [Z3 , Y3 ] | Y2 = x1 ∂4 + x5 ∂2 , Y5 = [Y2 , Y3 ],

osp(3|2) Y7 = [Y3 , [Y2 , Y3 ]], Z2 = x2 ∂5 + 2x4 ∂1 , Z5 = [Z2 , Z3 ], Z7 = [Z3 , [Z2 , Z3 ]]

The g0 -module g−1 is irreducible, having one lowest weight vector Y11 and one highest weight vector Y1 . The CTS prolong (g− , g0 )∗ gives a Lie superalgebra of superdimension 13|14. Indeed, sdim(g1 ) = 4|4 and sdim(g2 ) = 1|0. The g0 -module g1 has one lowest vector: V1 = 2 x1 x2 ∂3 + x1 x6 ∂1 + 2 x2 2 ∂4 + x2 x5 ∂1 + 2 x2 x6 ∂2 + x4 x5 ∂3 + 2 x4 x6 ∂4 + x5 x6 ∂5

The g2 is one-dimensional spanned by the following vector 2 x1 2 x2 ∂1 + x1 2 x4 ∂3 + 2 x1 2 x6 ∂5 + x1 x2 2 ∂2 + 2 x1 x2 x3 ∂3 + x1 x2 x4 ∂4 + 2 x1 x2 x5 ∂5 + x1 x2 x6 ∂6 +x1 x3 x6 ∂1 + 2 x1 x4 x5 ∂1 + x1 x4 x6 ∂2 + 2 x2 2 x3 ∂4 + x2 2 x5 ∂6 + x2 x3 x5 ∂1 + 2 x2 x3 x6 ∂2 + x2 x4 x5 ∂2 +x3 x4 x5 ∂3 + 2 x3 x4 x6 ∂4 + x3 x5 x6 ∂5 + 2 x4 x5 x6 ∂6

Besides, if i > 2, then gi = 0 for all values of the sharing parameter N = (N1 , N2 ). A direct computation gives [g1 , g1 ] = g2 and [g−1 , g1 ] = g0 . SuperLie tells us that this Lie superalgebra has three ideals I1 ⊂ I2 ⊂ I3 with the same non-positive part but different positive parts: sdim(I1 ) = 10|14, sdim(I2 ) = 11|14, sdim(I3 ) = 12|14. The ideal I1 is just our bj, see [BjL, CE]. The partial CTS prolong with I1 returns I1 plus an outer derivation given by the vector above (of degree 2). It is clear now that Bj(2|4) is not simple. 1.10. A description of Bj(3|5). We consider 3) g(2|3) and r = (0, 1, 0). In this case, sdim(g(2, 3)− ) = 3|5. Since the g(2, 3)0-module action is again not faithful, we consider the quotient module g0 = g(2, 3)0 /ann(g−1 ) and embed (g(2, 3)− , g0 ) ⊂ vect(3; N|5). This realization is given by the following table: gi

the generators (even | odd)


Y9 = ∂1 | Y10 = ∂3 , Y11 = ∂2

Y8 = ∂4 , Y6 = ∂5 | Y5 = 2 x4 ∂2 + 2 x5 ∂3 + 2 x7 ∂1 + ∂7 , Y2 = x4 ∂3 − 2 x6 ∂1 + ∂8


Y7 = x5 ∂2 + ∂6

g0 ≃ sl(1|2) H1 = [Z1 , Y1 ], H3 = [Z3 , Y3 ], Y3 = 2 x3 ∂2 + 2 x7 x8 ∂1 + x5 ∂4 + 2 x7 ∂6 + x8 ∂7 ,

Z3 = 2 x2 ∂3 + 2 x6 x7 ∂1 + x4 ∂5 + x6 ∂7 + 2 x7 ∂8 | Y4 = [Y1 , Y3 ], Z4 = [Z1 , Z3 ], Y1 = 2 (2 x1 ∂3 + 2 x6 x7 ∂2 + x6 ∂4 + x7 ∂5 )

 Z1 = 2 x3 ∂1 + 2 x4 x5 ∂2 + 2 x5 2 ∂3 + 2 x5 x7 ∂1 + 2 x4 ∂6 + x5 ∂7 ,

The g0 -module g−1 is irreducible, having one highest weight vector Y2 . We have sdim(g1 ) = 6|4. The g0 -module g1 has two lowest weight vectors given by V1′

x1 x5 ∂2 + 2 x5 x6 x8 ∂2 + x5 x7 x8 ∂3 + 2 x1 ∂6 + 2 x3 ∂4 + x5 x7 ∂4 + x5 x8 ∂5 + 2 x7 x8 ∂7

V1′′ x6 x7 x8 ∂2 + 2 x1 ∂4 + x7 x8 ∂5

Now, the g0 -module generated by the the vectors V1′ and V1′′ is not the whole g1 but a g0 module that we denote by g′′1 , of sdim = 4|4. The CTS prolong (g− , g0 , g1 )∗ is not simple, so

New simple modular Lie superalgebras


consider the Lie subsuperalgebra (g− , g0 , g′′1 )∗ ; the superdimensions of its positive part are adig′′1 (g′′1 ) g′′1 sdim


adg′′1 (g′′1 ) ad2g′′1 (g′′1 ) ad3g′′1 (g′′1 ) ad4g′′1 (g′′1 ) 4|4




The lowest weight vectors of the above components are precisely {V2′ , V2′′ , V3 , V4 , V5 } described bellow: adig1 (g1 ) lowest weight vectors V2′

x1 2 ∂2 + 2 x1 x7 ∂4 + 2 x1 x8 ∂5 + x1 x6 x8 ∂2 + 2 x1 x7 x8 ∂3


2 x1 2 ∂1 + x1 x2 ∂2 + x1 x3 ∂3 + x1 x6 ∂6 + x1 x7 ∂7 + x1 x8 ∂8 + 2 x2 x7 ∂4 + 2 x2 x8 ∂5 +2 x3 x6 ∂4 + 2 x3 x7 ∂5 + x2 x6 x8 ∂2 + 2 x2 x7 x8 ∂3 + x3 x6 x7 ∂2 + x6 x7 x8 ∂7


x1 2 ∂4 + 2 x1 x7 x8 ∂5 + 2 x1 x6 x7 x8 ∂2


x1 2 x3 ∂2 + 2 x1 2 x5 ∂4 + x1 2 x7 ∂6 + 2 x1 2 x8 ∂7 + x1 2 x7 x8 ∂1 + 2 x1 x3 x7 ∂4 + 2 x1 x3 x8 ∂5 +x1 x3 x6 x8 ∂2 + 2 x1 x3 x7 x8 ∂3 + x1 x5 x7 x8 ∂5 + x1 x5 x6 x7 x8 ∂2


x1 2 x2 ∂4 + 2 x1 2 x3 ∂5 + 2 x1 2 x6 x7 ∂6 + x1 2 x6 x8 ∂7 + 2 x1 2 x7 x8 ∂8 + 2 x1 2 x6 x7 x8 ∂1 +2 x1 x2 x7 x8 ∂5 + 2 x1 x3 x6 x7 ∂4 + 2 x1 x3 x6 x8 ∂5 + 2 x1 x2 x6 x7 x8 ∂2 + 2 x1 x3 x6 x7 x8 ∂3

Since none of the known simple finite dimensional Lie superalgebra over (algebraically closed) fields of characteristic 0 or > 3 has such a non-positive part in any Z-grading, it follows that Bj(3; N|5) is new. Let us investigate if Bj(3; N|5) has subalgebras — partial prolongs. (i) Denote by g′1 the g0 -module generated by V1′ . We have sdim(g′1 ) = 2|3. The CTS partial prolong (g−1 , g0 , g′1 )∗ gives a graded Lie superalgebra with sdim(g′2 ) = 2|2 and g′i = 0 for i > 3. An easy computation shows that [g−1 , g′1 ] = g0 and [g′1 , g′1 ] ( g′2 . Since we are investigating simple Lie superalgebra, we take the simple part of (g−1 , g0 , g′1 )∗ . This simple Lie superalgebra is isomorphic to g(2, 3)/c = bj. (ii) Denote by g′′1 the g0 -module generated by V1′′ . We just saw that sdim(g′′1 ) = 4|4. The CTS partial prolong (g−1 , g0 , g′′1 )∗ gives also Bj(3|5). r = (0, 0, 1). In this case, sdim(g(2, 3)− ) = 4|5. Since the g(2, 3)0-module action is not faithful, we consider the quotient algebra g0 = g(2, 3)0/ann(g−1 ) and embed (g(2, 3)− , g0 ) ⊂ vect(4; N|5). The CTS prolong returns bj := g(2, 3)/c. 1.11. A description of Me(3; N |3). 1) Our first idea was to try to repeat the above construction with a suitable super version of g(2). There is only one simple super analog of g(2), namely ag(2), but our attempts [BjL] to construct a super analog of Melikyan algebra in the above way as Kuznetsov suggested [Ku1] (reproduced in [GL4]) resulted in something quite distinct from the Melikyan algebra: The Lie superalgebras we obtained, an exceptional one bj (cf. [CE, BGL1]) and a series Bj, are indeed simple but do not resemble either g(2) or Me. 2) Our other idea is based on the following observation. The anti-symmetric form Z Z (3) (f, g) := f dg = f g ′dt, on the quotient space F/const of functions (with compact support) modulo constants on the 1-dimensional manifolds, has its counterpart in 1|1-dimensional case in presence of a contact structure a n d o n l y i n t h i s c a s e as follows from the description of invariant bilinear differential operators, see [KLV]. Indeed, the Lie superalgebra k(1|1) does not distinguish

Sofiane Bouarroudj, Pavel Grozman, Dimitry Leites


between the space of volume forms (let its generator be denoted vol) and the quotient Ω1 /F α, where α = dt + θdθ is the contact form. For any prime p therefore, on the space g−1 := O(1; N|1)/ const of “functions (with compact support) in one even indeterminate u and one odd, θ modulo constants”, the superantisymmetric bilinear form (4)

(f, g) :=


(f dg

mod F α) =


(f0 g0′ − f1 g1 )dt,

where f = f0 (t) + f1 (t)θ and g = g0 (t) + g1 (t)θ and where ′ := dtd , is nondegenerate. Therefore, we may expect that, for p small and N = 1, the Melikyan effect will reappear. Consider p = 5 as the most plausible. We should be careful with parities. The parity of vol is a matter of agreement, let it be even. Then the integral is an odd functional but the factorization modulo F α makes the form (4) even. (Setting p(vol) = ¯1 we make the integral an even functional and the factorization modulo F α makes the form (4) even again.) Since the form (4) is even, we get the following realization of k(1; 1|1) ⊂ osp(5|4) ≃ k(5; 1, ..., 1|5) by generating functions of contact vector fields on the 5|5-dimensional superspace with the contact form, where the coefficients are found from the explicit values of dtˆ +

X i

(ˆ pi dˆ qi − qˆ2 dˆ pi ) +

X j

 ˆ θ. ˆ ξˆj dηj + ηˆj dξˆj − θd

The coordinates on this 5|5-dimensional superspace are hatted in order not to confuse them with generating functions of k(1; 1|1): gi (5)


basis elements ˆ1

g−1 pˆ1 = t, pˆ2 = t2 , qˆ1 = t3 , qˆ2 = t4 , ξˆ1 = θ, ξˆ2 = tθ, θˆ = t2 θ, ηˆ2 = t3 θ, ηˆ1 = t4 θ

We explicitly have: (t, t4 ) =


R 3 t · t dt = 4t4 dtN = 4 = −(t4 , t); N N N R R (t2 , t3 ) = N t2 · t2 dtN = N 6t4 dtN = 1 = −(t3 , t2 ); R (t4 θ, θ) = − N t4 · 1dtN = −1 = (θ, t4 θ); R (t3 θ, tθ) = − N t3 · tdtN = −4 = (tθ, t3 θ); R (t2 θ, t2 θ) = − N t2 · t2 dtN = −6 = −1. R

New simple modular Lie superalgebras


Now, let us realize k(1; 1|1) by contact fields in hatted functions:

gi g−2


basis elements ˆ1

g−1 pˆ1 = t, pˆ2 = t2 , qˆ2 = 4t3 , qˆ1 = t4 , ξ1 = θ, ξ2 = tθ, θˆ = t2 θ, η2 = 4t3 θ, η1 = t4 θ ˆ t = 2 pˆ1 qˆ1 + 4 pˆ2 qˆ2 + 4 ξ1η1 + 2 ξ2 η2 ; g0 1 = 2 pˆ1 ·ˆ q2 + 2ˆ p2 + 3 ξ1 η2 + 3 ξ2θ; 2

ˆ 2 ; t3 = 3 qˆ1 qˆ2 + 4 θη ˆ 1 ; t4 = qˆ2 + η2 η1 ; t = 2 pˆ2qˆ1 + 4 qˆ22 + 4 ξ2 η1 + θη 1 ˆ ˆ θ = pˆ1 η2 + pˆ2 θ + qˆ1 ξ1 + qˆ2 ξ2 ; tθ = pˆ1 η1 + 2 pˆ2η2 + qˆ1 ξ2 + 2 qˆ2 θ; t2 θ = pˆ2 η1 + qˆ1 θˆ + 2 qˆ2 η2 ; t3 θ = 4 qˆ1 η2 + 4 qˆ2 η1 ; t4 θ = qˆ1 η1 2

The CTS prolong gives that g1 = 0. The case where p = 3 is more interesting because it will give us the series Me(3; N|3). The non-positive part is as follows:

gi g−2 (8)

basis elements ˆ1

g−1 pˆ1 = t, qˆ2 = t2 , ξ1 = θ, θˆ = tθ, η1 = t2 θ ˆη1 ; θ = 2 pˆ1 θˆ + qˆ1 ξˆ1 ; g0 1 = pˆ21 + 2ξˆ1ηˆ1 ; t = 2 pˆ1qˆ1 + 2 ξˆ1 ηˆ1 ; t2 = 2 qˆ12 + 2 θˆ ˆ t2 θ = qˆ1 ηˆ1 tθ = pˆ1 ηˆ1 + qˆ1 θ;

The Lie superalgebra g0 is not simple because [g−1 , g1 ] = g0 \{t2 θ = qˆ1 ηˆ1 }. Denote g′0 := [g−1 , g1 ] ≃ osp(1|2). The CTS partial prolong (g− , g′0 )∗ seems to be very interesting. First, our computation shows that the parameter M = (M1 , M2 , M3 ) depends only on the first parameter (relative to t). Namely, M = (M1 , 1, 1). For M1 = 1, 2, the super dimensions of the positive components of Bj(3; M|3) are given in the following table:

M = (1, 1, 1)




2|4 4|2 2|4 3|2 0|1

M = (2, 1, 1)



2|4 4|2 2|4 4|2 2|4 · · · 4|2 2|4 3|2 0|1


g′3 g′3

g′4 g′4

g′5 g′5

· · · g′14 g′15 g′16 g′17

Here we have that [g−1 , g1 ] = g′0 and the g′1 generates the positive part. The standard criteria for simplicity ensures that Me(3; N|3) is simple. For N = (1, a, b), the lowest weight vectors

Sofiane Bouarroudj, Pavel Grozman, Dimitry Leites


are as follows: gi

lowest weight vectors


2p1 (2) η1 + 2 p1 q1 θ + q1 (2) ξ1 + ξ1 θη1


2 p1 q1 η1 + q1 (2) θ + η1 t


2 p1 q1 θη1 + q1 (2) ξ1 η1 + tq1 (2) + tθη1


2 p1 (2) q1 (2) + p1 (2) θη1 + p1 q1 ξ1 η1 + 2q1 (2) ξ1 θ + t(2)


2 tp1 (2) η1 + tp1 q1 θ + 2 tq1 (2) ξ1 + tξ1 θη1


2 p1 (2) q1 (2) η1 + 2 tp1 q1 η1 + 2 q1 (2) ξ1 θη1 + tq1 (2) θ + t(2) η1


2 p1 (2) q1 (2) θη1 + 2 tp1 q1 θη1 + tq1 (2) ξ1 η1 + t(2) q1 (2) + t(2) θη1


p1 (2) q1 (2) ξ1 θη1 + t(2) p1 (2) η1 + t(2) p1 q1 θ + 2 t(2) q1 (2) ξ1 + 2 t(2) ξ1 θη1

For N = (2, a, b), the lowest weight vectors are as above together with: gi

lowest weight vectors


2 tp1 (2) q1 (2) + tp1 (2) θη1 + tp1 q1 ξ1 η1 + 2 tq1 (2) ξ1 θ + t(3)


2 tp1 (2) q1 (2) η1 + 2 t(2) p1 q1 η1 + 2 tq1 (2) ξ1 θη1 + t(2) q1 (2) θ + t(3) η1



′ V15

2 t(5) p1 (2) q1 (2) ξ1 θη1 + 2t(7) p1 (2) η1 + 2 t(7) p1 q1 θ + t(7) q1 (2) ξ1 + t(7) ξ1 θη1 2 t(6) p1 (2) q1 (2) η1 + 2 t(7) p1 q1 η1 + 2 t(6) q1 (2) ξ1 θη1 + t(7) q1 (2) θ + t(8) η1

′′ V16

2 t(6) p1 (2) q1 (2) θη1 + 2 t(7) p1 q1 θη1 + t(7) q1 (2) ξ1 η1 + t(8) q1 (2) + t(8) θη1

′′ V17

2t(6) p1 (2) q1 (2) ξ1 θη1 + 2 t(8) p1 (2) η1 + 2 t(8) p1 q1 θ + t(8) q1 (2) ξ1 + t(8) ξ1 θη1

Let us investigate the subalgebras of Me(3; N|3) — partial prolongs: (i) Denote by g′1 the g0 -module generated by V1′ . We have sdim(g′1 ) = 0|1 and gi = 0 for all i > 1. The CTS partial prolong (g− , g0 , g′1 )∗ gives a graded Lie superalgebra with the property that [g−1 , g1 ] ≃ osp(1|2). The partial CTS prolong (g− , osp(1|2))∗ is not simple (ii) Denote by g′′1 the g0 -module generated by V1′′ . We have sdim(g′′1 ) = 3|2. The CTS partial prolong (g− , g0 , g′′1 )∗ returns brj(2; 3). 1.12. A description of Brj(4|3). We have the following realization of the non-positive part inside vect(4|3):



the generators (even | odd)


Y8 = ∂1 | Y7 = ∂5


Y6 = ∂2 |


Y4 = ∂3 | Y5 = x3 ∂5 + x6 ∂1 + ∂6


Y3 = 2 x2 ∂1 + 2 x3 ∂2 + ∂4 | Y2 = x2 ∂5 + 2 x4 (2) x7 ∂1 + x4 x6 ∂1 + x6 x7 ∂5 + x4 x7 ∂2 + x6 ∂2 + 2 x4 ∂6 + 2 x7 ∂3 + 1∂7 ,

g0 ≃ hei(0|2) ⊕ K

H1 = [Z1 , Y1 ], H2 = 2 x5 ∂5 + x2 ∂2 + 2 x3 ∂3 + 2 x4 ∂4 + x7 ∂7 , | Y1 = 2 x3 (2) ∂5 + 2 x3 x6 ∂1 + 2 x5 ∂1 + 2 x3 ∂6 + x7 ∂4 , Z1 = x4 (2) ∂6 + 2 x4 (2) x6 ∂1 + x4 (2) x7 ∂2 + x4 x7 ∂3 + 2 x4 x6 x7 ∂5 + x1 ∂5 + 2 x4 ∂7 + 2 x6 ∂3

The Lie superalgebra g0 is solvable, and hence the CTS prolong (g− , g0 )∗ is NOT simple since g1 does not generate the positive part. Our calculation shows that the prolong does not depend on N, i.e., N = (1, 1, 1, 1). The simple part of this prolong is brj(2; 3). The sdim

New simple modular Lie superalgebras


of the positive parts are described as follows:











sdim 1|1 2|2 1|2 2|2 1|1 2|2 1|1 1|1 0|1 1|1

and the lowest weight vectors are as follows:


lowest weight vectors


2 x2 x3 ∂5 + 2 x2 x6 ∂1 + x3 x4 ∂6 + 2 x3 x6 ∂2 + x3 x7 ∂3 + x4 x7 ∂4 + x3 x4 (2) x7 ∂1 + 2 x3 x4 x6 ∂1 +2 x3 x4 x7 ∂2 + 2 x3 x6 x7 ∂5 + 2 x2 ∂6 + 2 x3 ∂7 + 2 x5 ∂2 + 2 x6 ∂4


x4 (2) ∂4 + x1 x3 ∂5 + x1 x6 ∂1 + x3 x4 (2) ∂6 + 2 x3 x4 ∂7 + 2 x3 x6 ∂3 + 2 x4 x6 ∂4 + 2 x6 x7 ∂7 +2 x3 x4 (2) x6 ∂1 + x3 x4 (2) x7 ∂2 + x3 x4 x7 ∂3 + 2 x3 x4 x6 x7 ∂5 + x1 ∂6 + 2 x5 ∂3


2 x2 (2) ∂1 + x3 (2) ∂3 + 2 x2 x3 ∂2 + x3 x4 ∂4 + x3 x5 ∂5 + 2 x3 x7 ∂7 + x5 x6 ∂1 + 2 x6 x7 ∂4 + x2 ∂4 + x5 ∂6


2 x1 x2 ∂1 + 2 x1 x3 ∂2 + x2 x3 ∂3 + 2 x2 x4 ∂4 + 2 x2 x5 ∂5 + x2 x6 ∂6 + 2 x2 x7 ∂7 + 2 x3 x6 ∂7 + x4 x5 ∂6 +2 x5 x6 ∂2 + x5 x7 ∂3 + x4 (2) x5 x7 ∂1 + x3 x4 x6 ∂6 + x3 x4 x7 ∂7 + x3 x6 x7 ∂3 + 2 x4 x5 x6 ∂1 + 2 x4 x5 x7 ∂2 +2 x4 x6 x7 ∂4 + 2 x5 x6 x7 ∂5 + x3 x4 (2) x6 x7 ∂1 + 2 x3 x4 x6 x7 ∂2 + x1 ∂4 + 2 x5 ∂7


2 x3 (2) ∂7 + x3 (2) x4 ∂6 + 2 x3 (2) ∂x6 ∂2 + x3 (2) x7 ∂3 + 2 x2 x3 (2) ∂5 + 2 x2 x3 ∂6 + 2 x2 x5 ∂1 + x2 x7 ∂4 +2 x3 x5 ∂2 + 2 x3 x6 ∂4 + x3 (2) x4 (2) x7 ∂1 + 2 x3 (2) x4 x6 ∂1 + 2 x3 (2) x4 x7 ∂2 + 2 x3 (2) x6 x7 ∂5 + 2 x2 x3 x6 ∂1 +x3 x4 x7 ∂4 + x5 ∂4


2 x2 (2) ∂6 + 2 x2 (2) x3 ∂5 + 2 x2 (2) x6 ∂1 + 2 x3 (2) x4 (2) ∂6 + x3 (2) x4 ∂7 + x3 (2) x6 ∂3 + 2 x1 x3 (2) ∂5 +2 x1 x3 ∂6 + 2 x1 x5 ∂1 + x1 x7 ∂4 + 2 x2 x3 ∂7 + 2 x2 x5 ∂2 + 2 x2 x6 ∂4 + 2 x3 x5 ∂3 + x5 x6 ∂6 + x5 x7 ∂7 +x3 (2) x4 (2) x6 ∂1 + 2 x3 (2) x4 (2) x7 ∂2 + 2 x3 (2) x4 x7 ∂3 + 2 x1 x3 x6 ∂1 + x2 x3 x4 ∂6 + 2 x2 x3 x6 ∂2 +x2 x3 x7 ∂3 + x2 x4 x7 ∂4 + x3 x4 (2) x7 ∂4 + 2 x3 x4 x6 ∂4 + x3 (2) x4 x6 x7 ∂5 + x2 x3 x4 (2) x7 ∂1 + 2 x2 x3 x4 x6 ∂1 +2 x2 x3 x4 x7 ∂2 + 2 x2 x3 x6 x7 ∂5


x1 (2) ∂1 + x4 (2) x5 ∂6 + 2 x1 x3 ∂3 + x1 x4 ∂4 + x1 x5 ∂5 + 2 x1 x6 ∂6 + x1 x7 ∂7 + 2 x4 x5 ∂7 + 2 x5 x6 ∂3 +2 x4 (2) x5 x6 ∂1 + x4 (2) x5 x7 ∂2 + 2 x4 (2) x6 x7 ∂4 + x3 x4 (2) x6 ∂6 + x3 x4 (2) x7 ∂7 + 2 x3 x4 x6 ∂7 +x4 x5 x7 ∂3 + x3 x4 (2) x6 x7 ∂2 + x3 x4 x6 x7 ∂3 + 2 x4 x5 x6 x7 ∂5


x1 x2 ∂6 + x1 x3 ∂7 + x1 x5 ∂2 + x1 x6 ∂4 + 2 x2 x5 ∂3 + x5 x6 ∂7 + x1 x2 x3 ∂5 + x1 x2 x6 ∂1 + 2 x1 x3 x4 ∂6 +x1 x3 x6 ∂2 + 2 x1 x3 x7 ∂3 + 2 x1 x4 x7 ∂4 + x2 x4 (2) x7 ∂4 + x2 x3 x4 (2) ∂6 + 2 x2 x3 x4 ∂7 + 2 x2 x3 x6 ∂3 +2 x2 x4 x6 ∂4 + 2 x2 x6 x7 ∂7 + 2 x4 x5 x6 ∂6 + 2 x4 x5 x7 ∂7 + 2 x5 x6 x7 ∂3 + 2 x4 (2) x5 x6 x7 ∂1 +2 x1 x3 x4 (2) x7 ∂1 + x1 x3 x4 x6 ∂1 + x1 x3 x4 x7 ∂2 + x1 x3 x6 x7 ∂5 + 2 x2 x3 x4 (2) x6 ∂1 + x2 x3 x4 (2) x7 ∂2 +x2 x3 x4 x7 ∂3 + 2 x3 x4 x6 x7 ∂7 + x4 x5 x6 x7 ∂2 + 2 x2 x3 x4 x6 x7 ∂5


x1 (2) ∂6 + x1 (2) x3 ∂5 + x1 (2) x6 ∂1 + 2 x1 x5 ∂3 + x4 (2) x5 x6 ∂6 + x4 (2) x5 x7 ∂7 + x1 x4 (2) x7 ∂4 +x1 x3 x4 (2) ∂6 + 2 x1 x3 x4 ∂7 + 2 x1 x3 x6 ∂3 + 2 x1 x4 x6 ∂4 + 2 x1 x6 x7 ∂7 + 2 x4 x5 x6 ∂7 +x4 (2) x5 x6 x7 ∂2 + 2 x1 x3 x4 (2) x6 ∂1 + x1 x3 x4 (2) x7 ∂2 + x1 x3 x4 x7 ∂3 + x3 x4 (2) x6 x7 ∂7 +x4 x5 x6 x7 ∂3 + 2 x1 x3 x4 x6 x7 ∂5


x2 (2) x3 ∂3 + 2 x2 (2) x4 ∂4 + 2 x2 (2) x5 ∂5 + x2 (2) x6 ∂6 + 2 x2 (2) x7 ∂7 + 2 x1 x2 (2) ∂1 + x1 x3 (2) ∂3 +x1 x2 ∂4 + x1 x5 ∂6 + 2 x2 x5 ∂7 + 2 x3 (2) x4 (2) x6 ∂6 + 2 x3 (2) x4 (2) x7 ∂7 + x3 (2) x4 x6 ∂7 + 2 x1 x2 x3 ∂2 +x1 x3 x4 ∂4 + x1 x3 x5 ∂5 + 2 x1 x3 x7 ∂7 + x1 x5 x6 ∂1 + 2 x1 x6 x7 ∂4 + 2 x2 x3 x6 ∂7 + x2 x4 x5 ∂6 +2 x2 x5 x6 ∂2 + x2 x5 x7 ∂3 + x3 x4 (2) x5 ∂6 + 2 x3 x4 x5 ∂7 + 2 x3 x5 x6 ∂3 + x5 x6 x7 ∂7 +2 x3 (2) x4 (2) x6 x7 ∂2 + 2 x3 (2) x4 x6 x7 ∂3 + x2 x4 (2) x5 x7 ∂1 + x2 x3 x4 x6 ∂6 + x2 x3 x4 x7 ∂7 + x2 x3 x6 x7 ∂3 +2 x2 x4 x5 x6 ∂1 + 2 x2 x4 x5 x7 ∂2 + 2 x2 x4 x6 x7 ∂4 + 2 x2 x5 x6 x7 ∂5 + 2 x3 x4 (2) x5 x6 ∂1 + x3 x4 (2) x5 x7 ∂2 +2 x3 x4 (2) x6 x7 ∂4 + x3 x4 x5 x7 ∂3 + x2 x3 x4 (2) x6 x7 ∂1 + 2 x2 x3 x4 x6 x7 ∂2 + 2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 ∂5

Sofiane Bouarroudj, Pavel Grozman, Dimitry Leites



x1 (2) ∂4 + 2 x1 (2) x2 ∂1 + 2 x1 (2) x3 ∂2 + 2 x1 x5 ∂7 + x1 x2 x3 ∂3 + 2 x1 x2 x4 ∂4 + 2 x1 x2 x5 ∂5 + x1 x2 x6 ∂6 +2 x1 x2 x7 ∂7 + 2 x1 x3 x6 ∂7 + x1 x4 x5 ∂6 + 2 x1 x5 x6 ∂2 + x1 x5 x7 ∂3 + 2 x2 x4 (2) x5 ∂6 + x2 x4 x5 ∂7 +x2 x5 x6 ∂3 + x1 x4 (2) x5 x7 ∂1 + x1 x3 x4 x6 ∂6 + x1 x3 x4 x7 ∂7 + x1 x3 x6 x7 ∂3 + 2 x1 x4 x5 x6 ∂1 + 2 x1 x4 x5 x7 ∂2 +2 x1 x4 x6 x7 ∂4 + 2 x1 x5 x6 x7 ∂5 + x2 x4 (2) x5 x6 ∂1 + 2 x2 x4 (2) x5 x7 ∂2 + x2 x4 (2) x6 x7 ∂4 + 2 x2 x3 x4 (2) x6 ∂6 +2 x2 x3 x4 (2) x7 ∂7 + x2 x3 x4 x6 ∂7 + 2 x2 x4 x5 x7 ∂3 + x4 x5 x6 x7 ∂7 + x1 x3 x4 (2) x6 x7 ∂1 + 2 x1 x3 x4 x6 x7 ∂2 +2 x2 x3 x4 (2) x6 x7 ∂2 + 2 x2 x3 x4 x6 x7 ∂3 + x2 x4 x5 x6 x7 ∂5


x1 (2) x3 (2) ∂5 + x1 (2) x3 ∂6 + x1 (2) x5 ∂1 + 2 x1 (2) x7 ∂4 + 2 x2 (2) x5 ∂3 + x1 x2 (2) ∂6 + x1 (2) x3 x6 ∂1 +x2 (2) x4 (2) x7 ∂4 + x2 (2) x3 x4 (2) ∂6 + 2 x2 (2) x3 x4 ∂7 + 2 x2 (2) x3 x6 ∂3 + 2 x2 (2) x4 x6 ∂4 + 2 x2 (2) x6 x7 ∂7 +x1 x2 (2) x3 ∂5 + x1 x2 (2) x6 ∂1 + x1 x3 (2) x4 (2) ∂6 + 2 x1 x3 (2) x4 ∂7 + 2 x1 x3 (2) x6 ∂3 + x1 x2 x3 ∂7 + x1 x2 x5 ∂2 +x1 x2 x6 ∂4 + x1 x3 x5 ∂3 + 2 x1 x5 x6 ∂6 + 2 x1 x5 x7 ∂7 + x2 x5 x6 ∂7 + 2 x2 (2) x3 x4 (2) x6 ∂1 + x2 (2) x3 x4 (2) x7 ∂2 +x2 (2) x3 x4 x7 ∂3 + x3 (2) x4 (2) x6 x7 ∂7 + 2 x1 x3 (2) x4 (2) x6 ∂1 + x1 x3 (2) x4 (2) x7 ∂2 + x1 x3 (2) x4 x7 ∂3 +2 x1 x2 x3 x4 ∂6 + x1 x2 x3 x6 ∂2 + 2 x1 x2 x3 x7 ∂3 + 2 x1 x2 x4 x7 ∂4 + 2 x1 x3 x4 (2) x7 ∂4 + x1 x3 x4 x6 ∂4 +2 x2 x4 x5 x6 ∂6 + 2 x2 x4 x5 x7 ∂7 + 2 x2 x5 x6 x7 ∂3 + 2 x3 x4 (2) x5 x6 ∂6 + 2 x3 x4 (2) x5 x7 ∂7 + x3 x4 x5 x6 ∂7 +2 x2 (2) x3 x4 x6 x7 ∂5 + 2 x1 x3 (2) x4 x6 x7 ∂5 + 2 x1 x2 x3 x4 (2) x7 ∂1 + x1 x2 x3 x4 x6 ∂1 + x1 x2 x3 x4 x7 ∂2 +x1 x2 x3 x6 x7 ∂5 + 2 x2 x4 (2) x5 x6 x7 ∂1 + 2 x2 x3 x4 x6 x7 ∂7 + x2 x4 x5 x6 x7 ∂2 + 2 x3 x4 (2) x5 x6 x7 ∂2 + 2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 ∂3


x1 (2) x2 x3 ∂5 + x1 (2) x2 x6 ∂1 + 2 x1 (2) x3 x4 (2) x7 ∂1 + x1 (2) x3 x4 x6 ∂1 + x1 (2) x3 x6 x7 ∂5 + 2 x1 x2 x3 x4 (2) x6 ∂1 +2 x1 x2 x3 x4 x6 x7 ∂5 + 2 x1 x4 (2) x5 x6 x7 ∂1 + x1 (2) x3 x4 x7 ∂2 + x1 (2) x3 x6 ∂2 + x1 (2) x5 ∂2 +x1 x2 x3 x4 (2) x7 ∂2 + x1 x4 x5 x6 x7 ∂2 + x2 x4 (2) x5 x6 x7 ∂2 + x1 (2) x2 ∂6 + 2 x1 (2) x3 x4 ∂6 + 2 x1 (2) x3 x7 ∂3 +x1 x2 x3 x4 (2) ∂6 + x1 x2 x3 x4 x7 ∂3 + 2 x1 x2 x3 x6 ∂3 + 2 x1 x2 x5 ∂3 + 2 x1 x4 x5 x6 ∂6 + 2 x1 x5 x6 x7 ∂3 +x2 x4 (2) x5 x6 ∂6 + x2 x4 x5 x6 x7 ∂3 + x1 (2) x3 ∂7 + 2 x1 (2) x4 x7 ∂4 + x1 (2) x6 ∂4 + 2 x1 x2 x3 x4 ∂7 +x1 x2 x4 (2) x7 ∂4 + 2 x1 x2 x4 x6 ∂4 + 2 x1 x2 x6 x7 ∂7 + 2 x1 x3 x4 x6 x7 ∂7 + 2 x1 x4 x5 x7 ∂7 + x1 x5 x6 ∂7 +x2 x3 x4 (2) x6 x7 ∂7 + x2 x4 (2) x5 x7 ∂7 + 2 x2 x4 x5 x6 ∂7

′ V10

x1 (2) x2 (2) ∂1 + 2 x1 (2) x3 (2) ∂3 + 2 x1 (2) x2 ∂4 + 2 x1 (2) x5 ∂6 + x1 (2) x2 x3 ∂2 + 2 x1 (2) x3 x4 ∂4 +2 x1 (2) x3 x5 ∂5 + x1 (2) x3 x7 ∂7 + 2 x1 (2) x5 x6 ∂1 + x1 (2) x6 x7 ∂4 + x2 (2) x4 (2) x5 ∂6 + 2 x2 (2) x4 x5 ∂7 +2 x2 (2) x5 x6 ∂3 + 2 x1 x2 (2) x3 ∂3 + x1 x2 (2) x4 ∂4 + x1 x2 (2) x5 ∂5 + 2 x1 x2 (2) x6 ∂6 + x1 x2 (2) x7 ∂7 +x1 x2 x5 ∂7 + 2 x2 (2) x4 (2) x5 x6 ∂1 + x2 (2) x4 (2) x5 x7 ∂2 + 2 x2 (2) x4 (2) x6 x7 ∂4 + x2 (2) x3 x4 (2) x6 ∂6 +x2 (2) x3 x4 (2) x7 ∂7 + 2 x2 (2) x3 x4 x6 ∂7 + x2 (2) x4 x5 x7 ∂3 + x1 x3 (2) x4 (2) x6 ∂6 + x1 x3 (2) x4 (2) x7 ∂7 +2 x1 x3 (2) x4 x6 ∂7 + x1 x2 x3 x6 ∂7 + 2 x1 x2 x4 x5 ∂6 + x1 x2 x5 x6 ∂2 + 2 x1 x2 x5 x7 ∂3 + 2 x1 x3 x4 (2) x5 ∂6 +x1 x3 x4 x5 ∂7 + x1 x3 x5 x6 ∂3 + 2 x1 x5 x6 x7 ∂7 + x2 (2) x3 x4 (2) x6 x7 ∂2 + x2 (2) x3 x4 x6 x7 ∂3 +2 x2 (2) x4 x5 x6 x7 ∂5 + x1 x3 (2) x4 (2) x6 x7 ∂2 + x1 x3 (2) x4 x6 x7 ∂3 + 2 x1 x2 x4 (2) x5 x7 ∂1 + 2 x1 x2 x3 x4 x6 ∂6 +2 x1 x2 x3 x4 x7 ∂7 + 2 x1 x2 x3 x6 x7 ∂3 + x1 x2 x4 x5 x6 ∂1 + x1 x2 x4 x5 x7 ∂2 + x1 x2 x4 x6 x7 ∂4 + x1 x2 x5 x6 x7 ∂5 +x1 x3 x4 (2) x5 x6 ∂1 + 2 x1 x3 x4 (2) x5 x7 ∂2 + x1 x3 x4 (2) x6 x7 ∂4 + 2 x1 x3 x4 x5 x7 ∂3 + 2 x2 x4 x5 x6 x7 ∂7 +2 x3 x4 (2) x5 x6 x7 ∂7 + 2 x1 x2 x3 x4 (2) x6 x7 ∂1 + x1 x2 x3 x4 x6 x7 ∂2 + x1 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 ∂5

New simple modular Lie superalgebras


1.13. A description of Brj(3; N |4). We have the following realization of the non-positive part inside vect(3; N|4): (10) gi

the generators (even | odd)


| Y6 = ∂4

Y5 = ∂1 , Y6 = ∂2 , Y7 = ∂3 |


| Y2 = 2 x3 ∂4 + ∂5 , Y3 = x2 ∂4 + x6 ∂1 + ∂6


Y4 = 2 x1 ∂4 + 2 x5 x7 ∂4 + x5 ∂1 + x6 ∂2 + 2 x7 ∂3 + ∂7 g0 ≃ hei(2|0) + ⊂ KH2 H1 = [Z1 , Y1 ], H2 = 2 x1 ∂1 + x3 ∂3 + x4 ∂4 + x6 ∂6 + 2 x7 ∂7

Y1 = 2 x5 x6 x7 ∂4 + 2 x1 ∂2 + 2 x2 ∂3 + 2 x5 x6 ∂1 + x6 x7 ∂3 + 2 x5 ∂6 + 2 x6 ∂7 , Z1 = 2 x2 ∂1 + 2 x3 ∂2 + x6 x7 ∂1 + 2 x6 ∂5 + x7 ∂6 |

The Lie superalgebra g0 is solvable with the property that [g0 , g0 ] = hei(2|0). The CTS prolong (g− , g0 )∗ is NOT simple since g1 does not generate the positive part. Our calculation shows that the prolong does not depend on N, i.e., N = (1, 1, 1, 1). The simple part of this prolong is brj. The sdim of the positive parts are described as follows: g1



sdim 0|3 3|0 0|2 and the lowest weight vectors are V1′

2 x1 (2) ∂4 + 2 x1 x5 x7 ∂4 + x1 x5 ∂1 + x1 x6 ∂2 + 2 x1 x7 ∂3 + x4 ∂3 + x1 ∂7 + 2 x5 x6 ∂6 + x5 x7 ∂7


2 x1 x4 ∂4 + x2 x5 x6 x7 ∂4 + 2 x4 x5 x7 ∂4 + 2 x1 (2) ∂1 + x1 x2 ∂2 + x2 (2) ∂3 + x2 x5 x6 ∂1 + 2 x2 x6 x7 ∂3 +x4 x5 ∂1 + x4 x6 ∂2 + 2 x4 x7 ∂3 + 2 x1 x5 ∂5 + x1 x6 ∂6 + x2 x5 ∂6 + x2 x6 ∂7 + x4 ∂7 + x5 x6 x7 ∂6


x1 (2) x2 ∂4 + x1 x2 x5 x7 ∂4 + 2 x4 x5 x6 x7 ∂4 + x1 (2) x6 ∂1 + 2 x1 x2 x5 ∂1 + 2 x1 x2 x6 ∂2 + x1 x2 x7 ∂3 +2 x1 x4 ∂2 + 2 x1 x5 x6 x7 ∂1 + 2 x2 x4 ∂3 + 2 x4 x5 x6 ∂1 + x4 x6 x7 ∂3 + x1 (2) ∂6 + 2 x1 x2 ∂7 +x1 x5 x6 ∂5 + 2 x1 x5 x7 ∂6 + x2 x5 x6 ∂6 + 2 x2 x5 x7 ∂7 + 2 x4 x5 ∂6 + 2 x4 x6 ∂7


x1 (2) x3 ∂4 + x1 x2 (2) ∂4 + x1 x3 x5 x7 ∂4 + x2 (2) x5 x7 ∂4 + x1 x2 x6 ∂1 + 2 x1 x3 x5 ∂1 + 2 x1 x3 x6 ∂2 +x1 x3 x7 ∂3 + 2 x1 x4 ∂1 + 2 x2 (2) x5 ∂1 + 2 x2 (2) x6 ∂2 + x2 (2) x7 ∂3 + 2 x2 x4 ∂2 + 2 x2 x5 x6 x7 ∂1 +2 x3 x4 ∂3 + 2 x1 (2) ∂5 + x1 x2 ∂6 + 2 x1 x3 ∂7 + x1 x6 x7 ∂6 + 2 x2 (2) ∂7 + x2 x5 x6 ∂5 + 2 x2 x5 x7 ∂6 +x3 x5 x6 ∂6 + 2 x3 x5 x7 ∂7 + x4 x5 ∂5 + x4 x6 ∂6 + x4 x7 ∂7

Let us study now the case where g′0 = der0 (g− ). Our calculation shows that g′0 is generated by the vectors Y1 , Z1, H1 , H2 above together with V = 2x3 ∂1 + x7 ∂5 . The Lie algebra g′0 is solvable of sdim = 5|0. The CTS prolong (g− , g′0 )∗ gives a Lie superalgebra that is not simple because g′1 does not generate the positive part. Its simple part is a new Lie superalgebra that we denote by BRJ, described as follows (here also N = (1, 1, 1): g′1 sdim 0|6

adg′1 (g′1 ) ad2g′1 (g′1 ) ad3g′1 (g′1 ) ad4g′1 (g′1 ) ad5g′1 (g′1 ) 6|0





Sofiane Bouarroudj, Pavel Grozman, Dimitry Leites


1.14. A description of Brj(3; N |3). We have the following realization of the non-positive part inside vect(3; N|3): gi

the generators (even | odd)

g−2 Y7 = ∂1 | Y5 = ∂4 , Y8 = ∂5 (11)

g−1 Y1 = ∂2 , Y6 = 2 x2 ∂1 + ∂3 | Y3 = x2 ∂4 + x3 ∂5 + 2 x6 ∂1 + ∂6 g0

H2 = [X2 , Y2 ], H1 = x1 ∂1 + x3 ∂3 + 2 x4 ∂4 + 2 x6 ∂6 , X4 = [X2 , X2 ], Y4 = [Y2 , Y2 ] | (2)

Y2 = x2 ∂4 + x2 x3 ∂5 + 2 x2 x6 ∂1 + x1 ∂5 + x2 ∂6 + x4 ∂1 + x6 ∂3 (2)

X2 = x3 ∂5 + 2 x1 ∂4 + x3 ∂6 + x5 ∂1 + 2 x6 ∂2

The Lie superalgebra g0 is isomorphic to osp(1|2) ⊕ K. The CTS prolong (g− , g0 )∗ is NOT simple since it gives back brj(2; 3) + an outer derivation. The sdim of the positive parts are described as follows: g1



sdim 2|1 1|2 0|1 and the lowest weight vectors are V1′

2 x1 x2 ∂1 + x2 x4 ∂4 + x3 x4 ∂5 + 2 x4 x6 ∂1 + x1 ∂3 + 2 x2 x3 ∂3 + x2 x6 ∂6 + x4 ∂6


x1 ∂5 + x1 x2 ∂4 + x1 x2 x3 ∂5 + 2 x1 x2 x6 ∂1 + x1 x4 ∂1 + 2 x2 x3 ∂5 + 2 x2 x5 ∂1 + 2 x4 x5 ∂5 + x1 x2 ∂6








+x1 x6 ∂3 + 2 x2 x3 ∂6 + x2 x6 ∂2 + x2 x3 x6 ∂3 + x2 x4 ∂2 + x2 x5 ∂3 + 2 x4 x6 ∂6 V3′

(2) x1

x2 ∂4 +

(2) x1

x3 ∂5 +

(2) 2 x1



x6 ∂1 + 2 x1 x2 x3 ∂5 + 2 x1 x2 x5 ∂1 + x2 x3 x4 ∂1 + 2 x2 x4 x5 ∂4 + 2 x3 x4 x5 ∂5



+x4 x5 x6 ∂1 + x1 ∂6 + 2 x1 x2 x3 ∂6 + x1 x2 x6 ∂2 + x1 x3 x6 ∂3 + x1 x4 ∂2 + x1 x5 ∂3 + 2 x2 x3 x6 ∂3 + 2 x2 x3 x4 ∂2 +2 x2 x3 x5 ∂3 + x2 x5 x6 ∂6 + 2 x3 x4 x6 ∂6 + 2 x4 x5 ∂6

1.15. A description of Brj(3; N |4). We have the following realization of the non-positive part inside vect(3; N|4): (12) gi

the generators (even | odd)


| Y8 = ∂4

g−2 g−1

Y4 = ∂1 , Y6 = ∂2 , Y7 = ∂3 |

| Y2 = x3 ∂4 + 2x5 ∂1 + ∂5 , Y3 = ∂6 + x5 x6 ∂4 + x2 ∂4 + x5 ∂2 + 2 x6 ∂3 Y5 = x1 ∂4 + x5 ∂3 + ∂7

g0 ≃ hei(2|0) + ⊂ KH2 H1 = [Z1 , Y1 ], H2 = 2 x1 ∂1 + x2 ∂2 + x4 ∂4 + x5 ∂5 + 2 x7 ∂7 Y1 = x1 ∂2 + x2 ∂3 + x5 x6 ∂3 + 2 x5 ∂6 + 2 x6 ∂7

Z1 = 2 x5 x6 x7 ∂4 + 2 x2 ∂1 + x3 ∂2 + x5 x6 ∂1 + 2 x6 x7 ∂3 + 2 x6 ∂5 + x7 ∂6 |

The Lie superalgebra g0 is solvable with the property that [g0 , g0 ] = hei(2|0). The CTS prolong (g− , g0 )∗ is NOT simple since g1 does not generate the positive part. Our calculation shows that the prolong does not depend on N, i.e., N = (1, 1, 1, 1). The simple part of this prolong is 3) brj(2; 3). The sdim of the positive parts are described as follows: g1



sdim 0|3 3|0 0|2

New simple modular Lie superalgebras


and the lowest weight vectors are (2)


2x1 x3 ∂4 + x2 ∂4 + x2 x5 x6 ∂4 + x1 x5 ∂1 + x2 x5 ∂2 + 2 x2 x6 ∂3 + 2 x3 x5 ∂3 + x4 ∂3 + 2 x1 ∂5 + x2 ∂6 + 2 x3 ∂7 + 2 x5 x7 ∂7


2 x1 x4 ∂4 + x1 ∂1 + 2 x1 x2 ∂2 + 2 x2 ∂3 + 2 x2 x5 x6 ∂3 + 2 x4 x5 ∂3 + 2 x1 x5 ∂5 + x1 x7 ∂7 + x2 x5 ∂6 + x2 x6 ∂7 + 2 x4 ∂7


(2) x1 x3 ∂4




(2) 2 x2


x3 ∂4 + 2 x2 x3 x5 x6 ∂4 + 2 x1 x3 x5 ∂1 + 2 x1 x4 ∂1 + x2 x5 ∂1 + 2 x2 x3 x5 ∂2 + x2 x3 x6 ∂3 + 2 x2 x4 ∂2 (2)


+2 x2 x5 x6 x7 ∂3 + x3 x5 ∂3 + 2 x3 x4 ∂3 + x1 x3 ∂5 + x1 x6 x7 ∂6 + 2 x2 ∂5 + 2 x2 x3 ∂6 + 2 x2 x5 x6 ∂5 + x2 x5 x7 ∂6 +2 x2 x6 x7 ∂7 +

(2) x3 ∂7

+ x3 x5 x7 ∂7 + x4 x5 ∂5 + x4 x6 ∂6 + x4 x7 ∂7

Let us study now the case where g′0 = der0 (g− ). The Lie algebra g′0 is solvable of sdim = 5|0. The CTS prolong (g− , g′0 )∗ gives a Lie superalgebra that is not simple because g′1 does not generate the positive part. Its simple part is a new Lie superalgebra that we had denoted by BRJ, described as follows (here also N = (1, 1, 1): g′1

adg′1 (g′1 ) ad2g′1 (g′1 ) ad3g′1 (g′1 ) ad4g′1 (g′1 ) ad5g′1 (g′1 )

sdim 0|6






√ 1.16. Constructing Melikyan superalgebras. Denote by F1/2 := O(1; 1) dx the space of semi-densities (weighted densities of weight 12 ). For p = 3, the CTS prolong of the triple (K, Π(F1/2 ), cvect(1; 1))∗ gives the whole k(1; N|3). For p = 5, let us realize the non-positive part in k(1; N|5): (13) gi

the generators

g−2 1 g−1 Π(F1/2 ) g0



∂1 ←→ 4 ξ1 η2 + ξ2 θ, x1 ∂1 ←→ 2 ξ1 η1 + ξ2 η2 , x1 ∂1 ←→ 2 ξ2 η1 + 3 θη2 , x1 ∂1 ←→ 2 θη1 (4)

x1 ∂1 ←→ 2 η2 η1 ,


The CTS prolong gives that gi =0 for all i > 0. Consider now the case of (K, Π(F1/2 ), cvect(2; 1))∗ , where p = 3. The non-positive part is realized in k(1; N|9) as follows: (14) gi

the generators

g−2 1 g−1 Π(F1/2 ) g0

∂1 ←→ 2 ξ1 η3 + x2 θ + 2 ξ3 η4 , x1 ∂1 ←→ ξ1 η1 + ξ2 η2 + 2 ξ4 η4 , x21 ∂1 ←→ ξ3 η1 + ξ4 η3 + θη2 , ∂2 ←→ 2 ξ1 η2 + ξ2 ξ4 + ξ3 θ, x2 ∂2 ←→ ξ1 η1 + ξ3 η3 + ξ4 η4 , x22 ∂2 ←→ ξ2 η1 + θη3 + 2 η4 η2 ,

x1 x2 ∂1 ←→ ξ2 η1 + η4 η2 , x1 x2 ∂2 ←→ ξ3 η1 + 2 ξ4 η3 , x21 x2 ∂1 ←→ θη1 + 2 η3 η2 ,

x21 x2 ∂2 ←→ ξ4 η1 , x1 x22 ∂1 ←→ 2 η4 η1 , x1 x22 ∂2 ←→ θη1 + η3 η2 , x21 x22 ∂1 ←→ η3 η1 , x21 x22 ∂2 ←→ η2 η1 ,


The CTS prolong (g− , g0 )∗ gives a Lie superalgebra that is not simple with the property that sdim(g1 ) = 0|4 and gi = 0 for all i > 1. The generating functions of g1 are ξ2 η2 η1 + 2 ξ3 η3 η1 + ξ4 η4 η1 + θη3 η2 ,

2 ξ4η3 η1 + θη2 η1 ,

θη3 η1 + η4 η2 η1 ,

η3 η2 η1 .

1.17. Defining relations of the positive parts of brj(2; 3) and brj(2; 5). For the presentations of the Lie superalgebras with Cartan matrix, see [GL1, BGL1]. The only nontrivial part of these relations are analogs of the Serre relations (both the straightforward

Sofiane Bouarroudj, Pavel Grozman, Dimitry Leites


ones and the ones different in shape). Here they are: brj(2; 3); sdim brj(2; 3) = 10|8. 1) [[x1 , x2 ] , [x2 , [x1 , x2 ]]] = 0, [[x2 , x2 ] , [[x1 , x2 ] , [x2 , x2 ]]] = 0. 2) ad3x2 (x1 ) = 0, [[x1 , x2 ] , [[x1 , x2 ] , [x1 , x2 ]]] = 0, [[x2 , [x1 , x2 ]] , [[x1 , x2 ] , [x2 , [x1 , x2 ]]]] = 0. 3) ad3x1 (x2 ) = 0, [x2 , [x1 , [x1 , x2 ]]] − [[x1 , x2 ], [x1 , x2 ]] = 0, [[x1 , x2 ], [x2 , x2 ]] = 0. brj(2; 5); sdim brj(2; 5) = 10|12. 1) [[x2 , [x1 , x2 ]] , [[x2 , x2 ] , [[x1 , [[x2 , [x1 , x2 ]] , 2 )ad4x2 (x1 ) = 0, [[x2 , [x1 , x2 ]] , [[[x1 , x2 ] , [x1 ,

[x2 , [x1 , x2 ]]] = 2 [[x1 , x2 ] , [[x1 , x2 ] , [x2 , x2 ]]], x2 ] , [x2 , x2 ]]] = 0, [[x1 , x2 ] , [x2 , [x1 , x2 ]]]] = 0. [x2 , [x2 , [x1 , x2 ]]]] = 0, x2 ]] , [[x1 , x2 ] , [x2 , [x1 , x2 ]]]] = 0.

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Sofiane Bouarroudj, Pavel Grozman, Dimitry Leites



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Department of Mathematics, United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, PO. Box: 17551; [email protected], 2 Equa Simulation AB, Stockholm, Sweden; [email protected], 3 MPIMiS, Inselstr. 22, DE-04103 Leipzig, Germany, on leave from Department of Mathe¨ftriket hus 6, SE-106 91 Stockholm, matics, University of Stockholm, Roslagsv. 101, Kra Sweden; [email protected], [email protected]