Deputy Director General, Resources & Energy, Trade & Investment ... Director,
Mine Safety Operations and Chief Inspector of Mines, ... legislation through the
operation and management of the inspectorate within the Division of Resources.
NEW SOUTH WALES Portfolio Arrangements Minister for Mineral Resources Deputy Director General, Resources & Energy, Trade & Investment Executive Director, Mineral Resources, Trade & Investment Director, Mine Safety Operations and Chief Inspector of Mines, Chief Inspector of Coal Mines Director, Mine Safety Performance
Hon Chris Hartcher Mark Duffy Brad Mullard Rob Regan Jenny Nash
Line Responsibility Director, Mine Safety Operations and Chief Inspector of Coal Mines and Chief Inspector of Mines reports to the Executive Director, Mineral Resources for day to day management. Director, Mine Safety Performance reports to the Deputy Director General, Resources & Energy. Legislative Arrangements Existing Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 2001 Coal Mine Health and Safety Act 2002 Coal Mine Health and Safety Regulation 2006 Mining Act 1992 Mining Regulation 2003 Mine Health and Safety Act 2004 Mine Health and Safety Regulation 2007
Explosives Act 2003 Explosives Regulation 2005 Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 Petroleum (Onshore) Regulation 2002 Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Regulation 2001 *Supplementary legislation to the OHS Act 2000
Coverage Coal: Underground and open-cut mines and associated surface operations. Coverage related to activities, equipment and is influenced by mining lease boundaries. Metalliferous: Underground and open-cut mines and associated surface operations. Coverage related to activities, equipment and is not influenced by mining lease boundaries. Metalliferous includes extractive industries and opal mining. Onshore Petroleum: Exploration and production well drilling for coal seam gas and traditional petroleum. Safety Operations The Director, Mine Safety Operations is responsible for the enforcement of health and safety legislation through the operation and management of the inspectorate within the Division of Resources & Energy of the Department of Trade & Investment. Area Managers Central West, North East and South East Establishes mining operations and safety strategies Focussed mining operations safety campaigns Undertake field operations for mining, mechanical and electrical engineering Assessments for statutory requirements and best practices Enforce Acts and Regulations Set, maintain and improve industry engineering standards and practices Investigate accidents, incidents and complaints Conduct focussed safety campaigns Senior Inspector Petroleum Establishes Petroleum exploration and production well safety strategies Establishes drilling and well management safety strategies Provides technical drilling and well management engineering for field operations Sets, maintains and improves industry petroleum exploration and production well safety standards and practices
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Senior Inspector Electrical Engineering Establishes electrical engineering safety strategies Establishes focussed electrical engineering safety campaigns Provides technical electrical engineering support for field operations Sets, maintains and improves industry electrical engineering standards and practices Senior Inspector Mechanical Engineering Establishes mechanical engineering safety strategies Establishes focussed mechanical engineering safety campaigns Provides technical mechanical engineering support for field operations Sets, maintains and improves industry mechanical engineering standards and practices
Principal Subsidence Engineer Establishes subsidence engineering risk management strategies Assess underground mining applications Inspects proposed mine subsidence sites Approves subsidence monitoring plans Provides technical subsidence engineering support mining engineering geotechnical and field operations, Subsidence Management Plans and the Environment Unit Provides specialist advice to numerous state government committees and agencies, Mine Subsidence Board and Local Council Development Application Rezoning Committees Records and analyses subsidence information Sets, maintains and improves industry subsidence engineering standards and practices
Manager Mine Safety Technology Centre Tests and authorises equipment, substances and materials Test exhaust emissions, escape breathing apparatus and mine gas monitoring systems for compliance Undertake technical research and investigation to address industry issues, supports enforcement actions and regulatory development Supports field operations with technical advice and mobile gas laboratory
Performance Improvement The Director, Mine Safety Performance, has responsibility for administration of statutory authorisations of the Competency Boards, Industry Assistant Unit, Communications Unit and the Investigation Unit and reports to the Deputy Director General, Resources & Energy. The Performance Improvement Group is responsible for delivering education and communication programs, developing a modern regulatory framework, encompassing new legislation, and has established data base systems to enable the Department and in the industry to more accurately monitor and improve safety performance. Investigation Unit The Investigation Unit was formed following the Mine Safety Review Report, March 1997. It commenced operation on 30 July 1999 with the aim of improving the safety performance of mining operations. Its role is to investigate all fatalities and select serious mine events, by gathering quality information for identifying systems failures, inadequate management of risks, contributing human factors and potential non-compliance with legislation. The Unit has responsibility to investigate the role of the Department leading up to a mine event, if applicable. The Unit assists and gives evidence at Coronial Inquests and prosecutions commenced by the Department. To maximise the benefit of investigations, the Unit analyses mine events to derive key lessons learned. This information is developed to industry stakeholders to prevent recurrences and to encourage an improving safety pervasive culture. The Unit also develops and conducts specialist training, provides field support to investigating officers, sets standards for conducting investigations and participating in legal proceedings. The Unit assists Safety Operations with investigations. The Unit operates independently from Safety Operations and reports to the Director General in respect of investigations, Coronial inquests and prosecutions. INT11/60998
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