Dr. Shawn Talbott holds an MS in Exercise Science from the University of ...... In
this third edition of Sexual Healing, author Barbara Keesling has combined the.
HUNTER HOUSE | 2011 Rights catalog ~ Candace Groskreutz ~
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NEW TITLES Cue Cards for Life: Gentle Reminders for Better Relationships By Christina Steinorth, MA, MFT In her private practice, Christina Steinorth noticed that many patients came in with the same problems. Couples neglected their partners, parents talked at their teens, even adults didn’t know how to interact with aging parents. Something always seemed to be wrong - but they didn’t know exactly what. Almost without thinking, Steinorth found herself writing Cue Cards to help her patients deal with these issues. Each Card contains simple, down-to-earth advice and is accompanied by a clear explanation of the psychological principles behind it. Many of us underestimate the power that common courtesy and kindness have to improve all relationships, and all of us encounter situations in life where we stumble a little. Sometimes we need a gentle reminder -- a cue card, a clue card - to steer us back in the right direction. Christina Steinorth is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Board Certified in Professional Counseling. She holds a Master’s Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy and has a private practice as a psychotherapist specializing in relationship issues. Spring 2012…168pp….5 1/4x 6 ½…. May 2012 RIGHTS: WORLD
The IBD Healing Plan and Recipe Book: Using Whole Foods to Relieve Crohn's Disease and Colitis By Christie A. Korth, CHC Nearly 1.4 million Americans suffer from inflammatory bowel disease. Christie Korth, a nutrition expert who helps those with Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis, lays out a holistic approach to dealing with IBD. Korth herself suffered IBD and writes with insight, supplementing nutritional and lifestyle information with her own account of achieving wellness. She also discusses the possibility of emotional involvement in the disease onset, making this the first book to address both nutritional and emotional factors in the disease. The book contains 100 recipes suitable for those with IBD. All are free of the top eight common allergens. There are recipes for those having a flare up, and lists of foods they should eat and foods they should avoid. Korth includes shopping substitution cards and daily ideas for healthy lunches “on the go.” Christie Korth is a Crohn's disease survivor, author, certified health coach and holistic nutritionist who found her way back to health and wellness after nearly succumbing to a severe case of Crohn’s disease. Spring 2012…264p…5 1/2 x 8 ½…April 2012 WORLD RIGHTS
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HUNTER HOUSE | 2011 Rights catalog ~ Candace Groskreutz ~
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The Second Anti-Inflammation Diet and Recipe Book By Jessica Black, ND In The Anti-Inflammation Diet & Recipe Book, published in 2006, Jessie Black offered specifics on what to eat and how to cook for people who wanted a natural, anti-inflammatory diet. Her diet eliminates common allergenic foods, reduces intake of pesticides, hormones, and antibiotic residues, and encourages ample vegetable intake for essential nutrients. It promotes simpler and easier digestion and facilitates cellular regeneration. Her new book completely updates the research supporting the benefits of anti-inflammatory foods. It also discusses how stress and emotional issues are connected to inflammation, developing an approach that Black calls the Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle (AIL). The second half of the book contains 150 delicious recipes for everything from breakfast to dessert. Jessica Black, ND, obtained her medical training from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine. She is the author of The Anti-Inflammation Diet and Recipe Book (2006) and co-author of Living with Crohn’s and Colitis (2010). Spring 2012…264pp, 6 x9…30 B&W photos…August 2012 WORLD RIGHTS
Writing From Within: The Next Generation 25th Anniversary Edition By Bernard Selling In the earlier editions of Writing from Within, Selling developed the idea that personal writing is a means to personal understanding. Learning to write well starts with the subjects we know best — ourselves. He teaches writers to explore early memories and reconnect with the perspectives of their younger selves, to harness the inner critic and to deal with past trauma and fear. Writers find creative inspiration in recalling details from significant memories and discover that life story writing is as much about self-discovery as it is about self-expression Bernard Selling has an MA in English literature and art history from the University of Michigan, an MA in film and theater from UCLA, and studied acting, directing, and writing with Lee Strasberg and Jack Garfein. Selling has taught "Writing From Within" workshops to teachers, students, writers, older adults, adults in recovery and those seeking greater self-awareness in the US and Europe. Spring 2012…408pp…7 1/4 x 9 1/4… May 2012 WORLD RIGHTS
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HUNTER HOUSE | 2011 Rights catalog ~ Candace Groskreutz ~
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303 Kid-Approved Exercises and Active Games SmartFun Activity Books By Kimberly Wechsler Kids spend as much time watching TV, using computers, and playing video games as they spend in school each week. Half of all children are not physically active enough for the development of a healthy cardiovascular system and the number one concern that parents ask pediatricians about is keeping kids fit. 303 Kid-Approved Exercises and Active Games helps 6-8 year old kids become active with fun and age-appropriate exercises. Children have specific physiological differences that make them unique. 6-8-years-old kids have achieved a basic fitness level and are ready to advance to more complex moves. Kimberly Wechsler has a BS from Texas Christian University and has received nine certifications in fitness instruction and personal training. Spring 2012…144pp…6 x 9…45 B&W illustrations…June 2012 WORLD RIGHTS
303 Preschooler-Approved Exercises and Active Games SmartFun Activity Books By Kimberly Wechsler
Think of fitness in terms of building a pyramid. In order to have a strong foundation, preschoolers must start with the basic building blocks of fitness. Each year, as kids grow older, they can build on these foundations and move on to more complex movements and skills. Moving from hitting a stationary ball to one that is thrown, bouncing a ball with two hands to bouncing it with one, and progressing from a bike with training wheels to one without are all milestones that are accomplished during childhood. 303 Preschooler-Approved Exercises and Active Games is written for children ages 2-5. These preschool years are filled with major physical changes: children become more aware of their bodily functions, increase energy expenditure, strengthen muscles and bones, and improve cardiovascular endurance. They also develop intellectually, emotionally, and socially. Building healthy habits is key during these years. Kimberly Wechsler has a BS from Texas Christian University and has received nine certifications in fitness instruction and personal training. Spring 2012…168pp…6 x 9…45 B&W illustrations…June 2012 WORLD RIGHTS
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HUNTER HOUSE | 2011 Rights catalog ~ Candace Groskreutz ~
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303 Tween-Approved Exercises and Active Games SmartFun Activity Books By Kimberly Wechsler Tweens spend as much time sitting down using electronics as they spend in school. Half of them are not active enough to develop a healthy cardiovascular system, they are particularly susceptible to overweight issues, and the drop-out rate from structured sports programs is highest for this age group. The exercises and games in this book are adapted to the developmental emotional, social, and physical levels of tweens. They can think abstractly, make decisions, and understand rules, so the games and physical challenges reflect this. Muscle strengthening and sport performance building exercises become very important. Activities involving mind-body awareness, like balance and meditation, can be introduced. Kimberly Wechsler has a BS from Texas Christian University and has received nine certifications in fitness instruction and personal training. Spring 2012…144pp…6 x 9…45 B&W illustrations…June 2012 WORLD RIGHTS
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The Secret of Vigor: How to Overcome Burnout, Restore Metabolic Balance, and Reclaim Your Natural Energy By Shawn M. Talbott, PhD, LDN, FACSM The Secret of Vigor is a proven and powerful, cutting-edge, 7-day program that can counter the effects of chronic stress to help people: restore balance in the body• improve mental/physical energy…• reduce fatigue…• alleviate depression…• sharpen mental focus…• lose weight People complain of feeling tired, stressed, or depressed. Their daily routine is hectic and stressful, they suffer from constant fatigue, rarely sleep well, continue to gain weight, and at least occasionally are moody. In short, they are lacking in something that psychology researchers call “Vigor.” Vigor is defined as “a 3-tiered sustained mood state characterized by physical energy, mental acuity, and emotional well-being.” Vigor is a true measure of wellness because it encompasses much more than simply feeling energetic or being in a good mood or having a sharp mind. People with high levels of vigor are those cando individuals who get things done – they’re motivated. For many people, however, vigor is a state that they have not experienced in many years. The "Four Pillars of Health” — Oxidation balance, Glycation balance, Inflammation balance and Metabolic balance — are closely linked and affect each other. The program in this book addresses each in turn and also describes how to monitor them all and keep them working together. Dr. Shawn Talbott holds an MS in Exercise Science from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and a PhD in Nutritional Biochemistry from Rutgers. Spring 2011 … 264pp … 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 …
July 2011
101 Questions and Answers about Hypertension Second Edition By William Manger, M.D., Ph.D. and Norman Kaplan, M.D. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, affects an estimated 50 million Americans and is a major contributor to cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death in the United States. 101 Questions & Answers About Hypertension answers all the most important questions about hypertension and its relationship to other diseases, from hypothyroidism and Alzheimer's to arteriosclerosis and preeclampsia, among others. It also has suggestions for positive lifestyle changes as well as information on alternative and traditional treatment options and questions related to change of life and the effectiveness of blood pressure machines in pharmacies, shopping malls, etc. Dr. Manger has served in the Department of Medicine as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York University Medical Center since 1983. He is a Lecturer in Medicine (Emeritus) at Columbia Medical School. Dr. Kaplan is Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas where he has been on the faculty for more than forty years. For the last twenty, his teaching, writing and research have focused primarily upon clinical aspects of hyper-tension. Page 5/25 … Health – Diet – Fitness & Body care - Lifestyle
HUNTER HOUSE | 2011 Rights catalog ~ Candace Groskreutz ~
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Are Your Meds Making You Sick? A Pharmacist's Guide to Avoiding Dangerous Drug Interactions, Reactions and SideEffects By Robert S. Gold: Robert Gold R.Ph., MBA Are Your Meds Making You Sick? A Pharmacist's Guide to Avoiding Dangerous Drug Interactions, Reactions and Side-Effects is highly accessible and formatted for quick reference by any layperson. As the U.S. population ages and there is a steady increase in the number of prescribed and OTC medications and alternative remedies, this book will only become more important.When pharmacist Robert Gold's father began suffering side effects from medication, his expertise in the field was a quick resource. As a pharmacist for over 27 years, however, he realized most people don't have the experience and knowledge to identify adverse drug reactions or common drug-induced illness. Are Your Meds Making You Sick? A Pharmacist's Guide to Avoiding Dangerous Drug Interactions, Reactions and Side-Effects is a highly accessible tool formatted for quick reference that any layperson can use to protect themselves and their loved ones against adverse drug interactions, reactions, and harmful--even lethal-side-effects. Robert Gold R.Ph.,MBA, has been a practicing hospital pharmacist for over twenty-seven years at a large midwestern hospital and is an affiliate instructor of clinical pharmacy at Purdue University. When he started noticing recurring problems with several common medications, he began collecting the data which became the basis for his book titled Avoiding Dangerous Drug Interactions. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 x ½, Spring 2011: June 2011, 240pp
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The Barefoot Book: 50 Great Reasons to Kick Off Your Shoes by Daniel Howell, Ph.D. Research shows that going barefoot strengthens our feet, makes them more flexible and improves body alignment. Why, then, are we buying shoes for infants who can’t yet walk? Wearing high heels that hurt with every step? An expert on human anatomy, he explains how shoes can upset natural weight distribution ~ overload joints ~ decrease foot flexibility ~ reduce shock absorption of the arch ~ cause bunions and in-grown toenails. This leaves feet weak and causes knee, back and joint pain. Daniel Howell has a doctoral degree in biochemistry and teaches courses on human anatomy and physiology at Liberty University. He is particularly interested in the anatomy, physiology, and health of the foot. Howell is an avid runner and leads a barefoot hiking group. To date, he’s logged over 2,000 barefoot miles. PUBLICATION DATE: 2010 July … PAGES: 168 … SIZE: 5 1/2 x 8 ½ RIGHTS SOLD: Italian, Korean
The Better Bladder Book: A Holistic Approach to Healing Interstitial Cystitis and Chronic Pelvic Pain by Wendy Cohan RN Bladder problems affect millions of people, yet few are comfortable publicly or openly discussing their symptoms. The Better Bladder Book guides readers to bladder wellness by emphasizing lifestyle changes and self-treatment. Exercises and assessments help readers track their recovery progress. A week-by-week approach begins with an understanding of the diagnosis, leads to discovering the factors that cause or exacerbate symptoms, and ends with implementing the changes needed to recover bladder health. Wendy Cohan, RN, is a registered nurse who specializes in bladder wellness and emphasizes diet and lifestyle as part of a holistic approach to treating health problems. PUBLICATION DATE: 2010 August, PAGES: 288, SIZE: 5 1/2 x 8 ½ RIGHTS SOLD:
Anywhere, Anytime, Any Body Yoga by Emily Slonina Yoga was never meant to be intimidating, exclusive or a fashion trend. Yoga has endured for five thousand years because everyone – no matter what their age or condition – can practice it. Each of us can experience its benefits for body, mind, and spirit. In this getyou-going guide, gentle teacher Emily Slonina shares simple exercises and ideas that you can incorporate into your daily life right away while sitting in a chair, lying on a bed, working at the office, traveling, or doing housework. Emily Slonina is a yoga practitioner, teacher, and facilitator in Phoenix, AZ. She is a registered Yoga Alliance Instructor, a certified Trager Neuromuscular Re-Education Practitioner, and a Reiki Master/Teacher. PUBLICATION DATE: 2010 January, PAGES: 144, SIZE: 7-1/4 x 9-1/4 RIGHTS SOLD: Page 7/25 … Health – Diet – Fitness & Body care - Lifestyle
HUNTER HOUSE | 2011 Rights catalog ~ Candace Groskreutz ~
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Prescription or Poison? : The Benefits and Dangers of Herbal Remedies by Amitava Dasgupta PhD Many believe that if it’s herbal, "natural" or for sale at a health-food store, it must be safe. But while dozens of medicines (including codeine and Sudafed) are plant-derived, so is the poison strychnine. As more and more of us take daily medication to treat our mood, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc., it is more important than ever to understand the interactions that can hurt us. Written in clear language, based on up-todate science and filled with quick-consult tables and charts. Amitava Dasgupta, PhD, is Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Texas-Houston Medical School. He holds a Master’s Degree in analytic chemistry from U. of Georgia, and a PhD from Stanford. PUBLICATION DATE: May 2010, PAGES: 272, SIZE: 7 1/4 x 9 ¼, INDEXED: No, BIBLIOGRAPY: No RIGHTS SOLD:
The TMJ Healing Plan: Ten Steps to Relieving Headaches, Neck Pain, and Jaw Disorders by Cynthia Peterson P.T. It’s not all in your head. One in 25 of us suffer from symptoms of what is usually called TMJ but can also be termed TMD, TMJD, orofacial or craniofacial pain. These symptoms can include headaches; painful jaw joints; difficulty opening or closing the mouth; clicking or locking jaws; ear pain, stuffiness, or neck pain. Peterson has developed a 10-step process that addresses the root causes and contributing factors of TMJ disorders. Her simple practices and exercises allow you to replace hurtful habits with the healthy ones for long-term relief. Cynthia Peterson, PT, is the Educational Director and clinical PT at Canyon Rim Physical Therapy, which specializes in treating head, neck and jaw disorders. She currently lives and practices in Salt Lake City, Utah. PUBLICATION DATE: 2010 March, PAGES: 288, SIZE: 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 x ½ RIGHTS SOLD:
Positive Options for Living with COPD by Teri Allen The diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) can be devastating. It’s important to note, though, that while COPD is debilitating, it is not a death sentence. With proper disease management, people with COPD can expect to live a full and happy life. Teri Allen is a registered respiratory therapist who has worked in respiratory care for more than 16 years. She has a BA in health administration and has taught at medical clinics, hospitals and long term care facilities. PUBLICATION DATE: 2010 March, PAGES: 144, SIZE: 5 1/2 x 8 ½, ILLUSTRATIONS: B&W illustrations RIGHTS SOLD:
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Positive Options for Colorectal Cancer: Self-Help and Treatment by Carol Ann Larson Approximately 80–90 million Americans are considered at risk for developing colorectal cancer, the second leading cancer killer of adults in America. Colorectal cancer develops over a period of several years. It is preventable, and treatable if caught in time, yet most people know little about it or are unwilling to have the tests required for a diagnosis. This concise book tells new patients everything they need to know about the disease and its diagnosis and treatment, including the latest information about virtual colonoscopy, a non-invasive test for colon cancer that is revolutionizing diagnosis. Also included are the stories of 12 colorectal cancer survivors Carol Ann Larson, educator and newspaper columnist, gives presentations about colorectal cancer through the Advocates for Colorectal Education (ACE). PUBLICATION DATE: 2005 January, DATE AVAILABLE: 9/28/2006, PAGES: 168, SIZE: 5-1/2 x 8-1/2 RIGHTS SOLD:
Positive Options for Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy: Self-Help and Treatment by Elena Juris RSD also called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, is a debilitating, multi-system illness that affects 6 to 8 million Americans. It is characterized by severe nerve pain, changes in bone and skin, swelling, and extreme sensitivity to touch. In 65 percent of cases, simple conditions such as sprains or carpal tunnel syndrome escalate into RSD.Interspersed with the author’s own experience and other patient testimonies, this book combines medical information, practical advice and support — a critical component for readers contending with what can be a mysterious, excruciating illness. Elena Juris is a health communications expert and a recovering RSD patient. She develops patient and professional education campaigns for clients ranging from the American Cancer Society to Pfizer. PUBLICATION DATE: 2004 November, DATE AVAILABLE: 9/28/2006, PAGES: 224, SIZE: 5-1/2 x 8-1/2, ILLUSTRATIONS: 2 illus RIGHTS SOLD:
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HUNTER HOUSE | 2011 Rights catalog ~ Candace Groskreutz ~
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Look Great, Live Green: Choosing Beauty Solutions That Are PlanetSafe and Budget-Smart by Deborah Burnes With infectious enthusiasm and no-nonsense practicality, Burnes shares her secrets, shortcuts and even recipes. You learn to: de-mystify label claims and ingredients in everything from soaps, lotions, and toothpaste to deodorant, shampoo and makeup, detox skincare at every age and stage — baby, kid, teen, adult, enjoy natural and organic products on any budget. You’ll also be inspired by the contributions of Oscar-winning actress Marcia Gay Harden, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition carpenter Didiayer Snyder, Golden-Globe winner Kyra Sedgwick and former model Keisha Whitaker. Deborah Burnes is a former model, and is the CEO and co-founder of the Sumbody skin-care company. PUBLICATION DATE: 2009 October,PAGES: 352,SIZE: 5 1/2 x 8 ½, INDEXED: Yes, BIBLIOGRAPY: Yes RIGHTS SOLD: Polish
Life After Cigarettes: Why Women Smoke and How to Quit, Look Great, and Manage Your Weight by Cynthia S. Pomerleau PhD If you’ve tried to quit before and experienced weight gain, sadness, or other distressing symptoms, you may have decided to quit quitting. Pomerleau empowers you to manage your weight and mood without cigarettes, replace the comfort of cigarettes with true self-care, create your own personal quitting style, look better and feel more confident than ever. Cynthia S. Pomerleau, Ph.D., worked in the U. of Michigan Department of Psychiatry from 1985 to 2009 as a research professor and director of the Nicotine Research Laboratory. PUBLICATION DATE: 2009 November, PAGES: 168, SIZE: 5 1/2 x 8 ½, INDEXED: Yes, BIBLIOGRAPY: Yes RIGHTS SOLD:
Your High-Risk Pregnancy: A Practical and Supportive Guide by Diana Raab B.S., R.N. , Errol Norwitz MD More pregnancies are considered high-risk than ever before. As many as 30 percent fall into this category due to complicating factors that include difficulty conceiving, pregnancy after age 35, multiple pregnancies, hypertension or diabetes . For this twentiethanniversary revision and update of her pioneering work, Getting Pregnant, Staying Pregnant, Diana Raab partnered with a physician who has devoted his career to high-risk pregnancy care. Together, they provide the straightforward knowledge that will build confidence, minimize stress, and maximize good decision-making. Diana Raab, MFA, RN is a nursing consultant and award-winning writer. She is an active member of The American Medical Writers Association, Poets & Writers and the Authors Guild. Errol Norwitz, MD, is an obstetrical physician practicing and teaching at YaleNew Haven Hospital. PUBLICATION DATE: 2009 October, PAGES: 360, SIZE: 5-1/2 x 8-1/2, INDEXED: Yes, BIBLIOGRAPY: Yes RIGHTS SOLD: Page 10/25 … Health – Diet – Fitness & Body care - Lifestyle
HUNTER HOUSE | 2011 Rights catalog ~ Candace Groskreutz ~
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The Journey to Pain Relief: A Hands On Guide to Breakthroughs in Pain Treatment By Phyllis Berger The Journey to Pain Relief is both a complete handbook of pain-management options and a detailed introduction to specific cutting-edge techniques. It explains the physiology of pain; the effects of fear, stress and worry; and the importance of cultivating attitudes that will help you tap into the body's ability to heal. The book presents detailed information on pain-relief modalities including: exercise, breathing, laughter, relaxation and distraction ; and alternative techniques. Phyllis Berger, a physiotherapist and acupuncturist, has developed innovative approaches to chronic pain management. PUBLICATION DATE: 2007 April, PAGES: 264, SIZE: 7-1/4 x 9-1/4, ILLUSTRATIONS: 138 RIGHTS SOLD:
Treat Your Own Knees First Edition, by Jim Johnson P.T. Treat Your Own Knees is a handy, easy-to-use book written by a physical therapist who has reviewed hundreds of scientific journal articles and studied their practical applications to find simple and effective do-it-yourself treatments for knee pain. Using drawings and illustrations that clearly depict the correct way to perform the exercises, and the exact muscles responsible for knee pain, author Jim Johnson shows readers how to improve and maintain knee function Jim Johnson, P.T., is a physical therapist at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia. The author of The Multifidus Back Pain Solution, he has over a decade of experience treating musculoskeletal problems. PUBLICATION DATE: 2003 October, DATE AVAILABLE: 9/28/2006, PAGES: 128, SIZE: 5-1/2 x 8-1/2, ILLUSTRATIONS: 21 illus RIGHTS SOLD: UKC
Total Knee Replacement and Rehabilitation: The Knee Owner’s Manual by Daniel J. Brugioni M.D. , Jeff Falkel Ph.D., P.T At last, the first book to focus solely on knee replacement surgery, something over a million people in the United States are facing at any given time. Each year, over 250,000 people decide to have knee replacement surgery — and that number is growing quickly. Here is “required reading” for everyone undergoing or contemplating this surgery, their family members and their health-care professionals. Daniel J. Brugioni, M.D., is an orthopaedic surgeon in private practice who performs over 400 surgical procedures a year, with special expertise in total joint replacement. Jeff Falkel, Ph.D., P.T., is a physical therapist who has treated hundreds of patients with total knee replacements over the past 25 years. In 2000, he underwent TKA for both his knees. He is the coauthor of Sports-Vision: Training for Better Performance. PUBLICATION DATE: 2004 July, DATE AVAILABLE: 9/28/2006, PAGES: 288, SIZE: 7-1/4 x 9-1/4, ILLUSTRATIONS: 165 photo and 30 RIGHTS SOLD: Page 11/25 … Health – Diet – Fitness & Body care - Lifestyle
HUNTER HOUSE | 2011 Rights catalog ~ Candace Groskreutz ~
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The Anti-Inflammation Diet and Recipe Book : Protect Yourself and Your Family from Heart Disease, Arthritis, Diabetes, Allergies — and More by Jessica K. Black N.D. Today's research clearly shows that our health is very dependent on the food we eat. Poor nutrition choices and hidden food allergies can cause inflammation in the body, which slows healing and can lead to a number of serious, chronic diseases. Dr. Black wrote this book because many of her patients, who were trying to follow a naturopathic, anti-inflammatory diet, couldn't find any recipes to use. Dr. Jessica Black graduated from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine where she obtained her medical training. Dr. Jessica attended Cardinal Stritch University prior to her medical studies and graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts. PUBLICATION DATE: 2006 October, PAGES: 256, SIZE: 6 x 9, INDEXED: Yes RIGHTS SOLD: Spanish
Alzheimer’s Early Stages: First Steps for Family, Friends and Caregivers …2nd Edition by Daniel Kuhn MSW The early stages of Alzheimer’s can be the most difficult time for relatives and friends because they often don’t know much about the disease, or how they can be of help. This highly practical book fills the information gap. It is divided into three sections: how Alzheimer’s begins—causes and early symptoms, how to help a loved one with the disease, and how families & caregivers can help themselves. Daniel Kuhn is the Director of the Professional Training Institute for the Greater Illinois Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association, master’s degree in social work, licensed clinical social worker.. His previous positions include Director of Education at both Mather LifeWays Institute on Aging and the Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Center. PUBLICATION DATE: March 2003, PAGES: 288, SIZE: 5-1/2 x 8-1/2, ILLUSTRATIONS: 12 tables, INDEXED: Yes, RIGHTS SOLD: Hebrew, Polish, Japanese, Brazil
The Art of Getting Well: A Five-Step Plan for Maximizing Health When You Have a Chronic Illness by David Spero R.N. The Art of Getting Well is a practical guide to overcoming illness and improving our quality of life. This book brings the medical, psychological and spiritual issues involved in recovery down to a practical level through an empowering five-step approach to selfcare and recovery that is applicable to any chronic condition—or even to those without an illness who find themselves frustrated and unhappy with their lives. David Spero, R.N., is a nurse, journalist and health educator who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis over twelve years ago. He has 26 years of experience as a RN/Health Coach, and is a trained self-management group leader who works successfully with chronically ill PUBLICATION DATE: 2002 February, PAGES: 256, SIZE: 7-1/4 x 9-1/4, INDEXED: Yes, BIBLIOGRAPY: Yes RIGHTS SOLD: Complex Chinese, Korean, Polish, Japanese, Brazil Page 12/25 … Health – Diet – Fitness & Body care - Lifestyle
HUNTER HOUSE | 2011 Rights catalog ~ Candace Groskreutz ~
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The Cortisol Connection: Why Stress Makes You Fat And Ruins Your Health — And What You Can Do About It, Second Edition by Shawn Talbott Ph.D. Cortisol is the body's main stress hormone, prompting our fight or flight mechanism when dealing with a highly stressful situation, like being chased by a lion. However, the human body was made to deal with short bursts of stress, not prolonged, continuous levels of stress. This kind of stress causes the body's cortisol levels to rise, and scientific research has shown that high cortisol levels are associated with obesity, diabetes, fatigue, and even Alzheimer's disease. Shawn Talbott, Ph.D., trained in sports medicine, health management, and nutritional biochemistry. He is on the faculty of the University of Utah Department of Nutrition, serves on editorial boards for health-oriented websites and journals, and conducts seminars on health/fitness supplements. PUBLICATION DATE: 2007 June, EDITION: Second, PAGES: 268, SIZE: 5-1/2 x 8-1/2, ILLUSTRATIONS: 11, RIGHTS SOLD: Complex and Simplified Chinese, Romanian, Hebrew, French, Korean
Cortisol Control and the Beauty Connection: The All-Natural, Inside-Out Approach to Reversing Wrinkles, Preventing Acne and Improving Skin Tone by Shawn Talbott Ph.D. Cortisol Control & The Beauty Connection is the first comprehensive lifestyle program that gives you all the information you need to reverse wrinkles, prevent acne and improve skin tone for a beautiful and youthful complexion. The breakthrough program developed by Shawn M. Talbott, Ph.D., harnesses the latest advances in nutritional biochemistry and physiology to finally make aging optional. Dr. Talbott's easy-to-follow program incorporates diet, exercise, and natural products to control the cellular basis of aging and enable you to prevent and even reverse wrinkles, acne, and other skin problems. PUBLICATION DATE: 2007 January, PAGES: 224, SIZE: 4-1/2 x 7, ILLUSTRATIONS: 6, INDEXED: Yes RIGHTS SOLD:
The Cortisol Connection Diet: The Breakthrough Program to Control Stress and Lose Weight, First Edition by Shawn Talbott Ph.D. So, why do we need another diet book? The answer is cortisol control, a new discovery that is the missing link to effective weight loss. Breakthrough research has shown that the stress hormone cortisol is a key factor in obesity. Higher cortisol levels increase appetite, enhance fat storage, and disrupt blood sugar control. Talbott shows how to: eat for quality and quantity at every meal so you can achieve permanent, healthy weight loss, use food, dietary supplements, and exercise to change your metabolic response to food. PUBLICATION DATE: 2004 September, DATE AVAILABLE: 9/28/2006, PAGES: 160, SIZE: 5-1/2 x 8-1/2, RIGHTS SOLD: Indonesian, French Page 13/25 … Health – Diet – Fitness & Body care - Lifestyle
HUNTER HOUSE | 2011 Rights catalog ~ Candace Groskreutz ~
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The Ultimate Metabolism Diet: Eat Right for Your Metabolic by Scott Rigden M.D. Based on innovations in biochemistry, genetics and nutrition, The Ultimate Metabolism Diet offers new strategies to balance thyroid, adrenal and sex hormones and describes pioneering work on food sensitivities. Dr.Rigden also discusses the importance of the glycemic index, nutrigenomics and too much or too little cortisol, the fact that some prescription medications can result in weight gain (and solutions to that problem!), new research on liver detoxification and why people gain weight after developing a chronic illness. Scott Rigden, M.D. practices medicine in Chandler, Arizona, and specializes in weightloss management (bariatrics), and nutritional approaches to chronic illness. PUBLICATION DATE: 2009 January, PAGES: 288, SIZE: 5-1/2 x 8-1/2, INDEXED: Yes, BIBLIOGRAPY: No RIGHTS SOLD: Bulgarian
Safe Dieting for Teens
2nd Edition… by Linda Ojeda Ph.D. If you are a teen today, what you need is not a ninety-pound role model, but rather information about balancing your nutrition and activity to feel good and gain a positive self-image. This revised edition has new sections including—Why most diets fail and the dangers of yo-yo dieting , How to design your own unique diet, Girls’ special diet dilemma, How to stay motivated and confident, Healthy alternatives for meals, snacks and drinks Linda Ojeda is a respected author and speaker who has studied nonmedical approaches to women’s health issues for more than 25 years. She is the author of several books, including Exclusively Female, Menopause Without Medicine, Safe Dieting for Teens, and Her Healthy Heart. PUBLICATION DATE: 2008 March, PAGES: 144, SIZE: 6 x 9, ILLUSTRATIONS: Charts and Tables Throughout, INDEXED: Yes RIGHTS SOLD: UK, Spanish (LA only), Japanese, Dutch, German (rv)
Treat Your Back Without Surgery: The Best Non-Surgical Alternatives for Eliminating Back Pain by Stephen Hochschuler M.D. , Bob Reznik MBA The authors-experts in the field-present non-surgical options for treating back pain, including: the four steps of first aid (ice, then heat-take anti-inflammatories-rest), an illustrated program of exercises that make the back muscles stronger and more flexible, non-invasive treatments such as manipulation, physical therapy, and chiropractic, alternative therapies like acupuncture, magnetic therapy, and tai chi. Stephen Hochschuler, M.D., and Bob Reznik, MBA, helped develop the Texas Back Institute into one of the largest spine specialty clinics in the country. PUBLICATION DATE: 2002 PAGES: 224, SIZE: 7-1/4 x 9-1/4, ILLUSTRATIONS: 38 b/w photos 5 illus, RIGHTS SOLD: Dutch, Italian, Polish, Brazil
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HUNTER HOUSE | 2011 Rights catalog ~ Candace Groskreutz ~
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The Complete Guide to Joseph H. Pilates' Techniques of Physical Conditioning: With Special Help for Back Pain and Sports Training Second Edition by Allan Menezes This best-selling guide to Pilates’ highly effective program is the most comprehensive available. It has now been revised and expanded to address the needs of athletes and those who suffer from back pain and work-induced problems. The 88 exercises are organized into basic, intermediate and advanced routines, and are focused on producing results. Allan Menezes is the founder of the Body Control Pilates Australia exercise studio franchise, and the founder of the Pilates Institute of Australasia. Menezes lectures internationally on Joseph Pilates' techniques. PUBLICATION DATE: 2004 May, DATE AVAILABLE: 9/28/2006, PAGES: 224, SIZE: 8-1/2 x 11, ILLUSTRATIONS: 194 photos & 53, INDEXED: RIGHTS SOLD: Spanish
The No-Beach, No-Zone, No-Nonsense Weight-Loss Plan: A Pocket Guide to What Works By Jim Johnson P.T. Research and randomized, controlled trials have shown how successful dieters got the weight off and kept it off. This plan will appeal to any audience that respects research: dieters who have tried other plans that haven’t worked, parents who want to start their overweight children early on a non-fad approach, athletes, body builders and healthcare professionals.. Jim Johnson, P.T., is a physical therapist at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia. The author of The Multifidus Back Pain Solution, he has over a decade of experience treating musculoskeletal problems. PUBLICATION DATE: 2004 December, DATE AVAILABLE: 9/28/2006, PAGES: 128, SIZE: 5-1/2 x 8-1/2 Rights Sold: UK/Commonwealth,
Page 15/25 … Health – Diet – Fitness & Body care - Lifestyle
HUNTER HOUSE | 2011 Rights catalog ~ Candace Groskreutz ~
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404 Deskside Activities for Energetic Kids by Barbara Davis M.S., MFA A generation ago children walked to school, rode bicycles to friends’ houses and played outside. Now children are driven everywhere, spend their playtime staring at a screen and have a reduced amount of physical education during school. These changes mean that students either have far too much energy to concentrate or desperately need more exercise in order to stay healthy. The solution? Incorporate movement into daily classroom activities. Barbara Davis, MS, MFA, created a movement program for ADHD children that she has implemented in several gymnastic schools throughout the US. She has been coaching and teaching gymnastics for over 20 years. PUBLICATION DATE: 2008 March,,PAGES: 168, SIZE: 6 x 9, ILLUSTRATIONS: 70, INDEXED: Yes, BIBLIOGRAPY: No RIGHTS SOLD: Spanish
101 Improv Games: For Children and Adults by Bob Bedore Improv comedy has been popularized in the U.S. and U.K. by the hit television show “Who’s Line Is It Anyway?” but improv has been around making people laugh for a long time. This guide introduces the magical art of creating something out of nothing — and bringing an audience to laughter using skills you didn’t even know you possessed. The games in this book include: freeze tag, emotional games, fairy tales, directed, guessing, and narrative games. Bob Bedore has been in theater for the past 24 years as a stand-up comedian, host of a live Saturday morning kids program, and radio disc jockey. In 1994 he founded an improv comedy troupe, Quick Wits, with whom he still performs. PUBLICATION DATE: 2004 January, PAGES: 192, SIZE: 6 x 9, ILLUSTRATIONS: 65 photo, AGE RANGE: 6 and up RIGHTS SOLD: Spanish
101 Family Vacation Games: Have Fun While Traveling, Camping or Celebrating at Home by Shando Varda In today’s society where people spend so much of their time in front of the TV or the computer, many families have forgotten the wonderful ways there are of playing together.. This book brings together new and old games from around the world, providing endless opportunities for family fun.. The games are designed for children aged 4 and up. Shando Varda is a storyteller, musician, community artist, teacher, workshop leader and playleader. He lives in Lyme Regis, Wales. PUBLICATION DATE: 2007 September, PAGES: 144, SIZE: 6 x 9, ILLUSTRATIONS: 7 photos and 38 illus, AGE RANGE: 4 years old and up, INDEXED: Yes, BIBLIOGRAPY: Yes RIGHTS SOLD: Spanish
Page 16/25 … SmartFun Children’s Activity books
HUNTER HOUSE | 2011 Rights catalog ~ Candace Groskreutz ~
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101 Cool Pool Games for Children: Fun and Fitness for Swimmers of All Levels by Kim Rodomista Kids love water, and water-play is an enjoyable and social way to keep kids physically fit. The activities and games in this book require running, jumping, balancing, stretching, kicking, catching, swimming, treading water, racing on floats, diving, dodging sponges, pushing and pulling.… Whether your child is a beginner or the next Olympic champion, there are games for everyone in this book. These cool pool games encourage and develop: coordination, muscle tone, flexibility, social skills, self-confidence, and a sense of fun. Kim Rodomista has been a fitness and dance instructor for 20 years. She has received nine certifications in fitness instruction and personal training, specializing in Kid's Fitness. PUBLICATION DATE: 2006 September, PAGES: 128, SIZE: 6 x 9, ILLUSTRATIONS: 40, AGE RANGE: 4 years old and up RIGHTS SOLD: Spanish
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HUNTER HOUSE | 2011 Rights catalog ~ Candace Groskreutz ~
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The Highly Intuitive Child: A Guide to Understanding and Parenting Unusually Sensitive and Empathic Children by Catherine Crawford MFT, ATR Highly intuitive children go by many names—indigo, empath, psychic—but whatever the label, underneath it is a child trying to cope with more emotional and sensory input than they know what to do with. Catherine Crawford, a psychotherapist, has written the book that gives parents, teachers and therapists the advice and techniques they need to help intuitive children thrive. She gives valuable advice on how to help these children process, filter and stay in control of the barrage of emotions and feelings that they are subject to. This book demystifies the world of the intuitive child and their sixth sense in a balanced way. Catherine Crawford, MFT, ATR is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Registered Art Therapist with 18 years of experience providing therapy to children and adults of all ages. PUBLICATION DATE: 2009 January, PAGES: 200, SIZE: 6 X 9, INDEXED: Yes, BIBLIOGRAPY: No RIGHTS SOLD: Dutch, German
The Worried Child: Recognizing Anxiety in Children and Helping Them Heal by Paul Foxman Ph.D. There is hope and healing for the “shell-shocked” child. In this well-documented and deeply felt book Dr. Foxman shows that anxiety is preventable — or can at least be minimized — by raising children’s self-confidence and increasing social and self-control skills. Find out: how anxiety manifests at different ages, how to increase bonding and security, how to communicate effectively and discipline children without creating anxiety, and how to manage the impact of TV and movies, the Internet and video games Paul Foxman, Ph.D., is a psychologist and Director of the Center for Anxiety Disorders in Vermont. PUBLICATION DATE: 2004 January, DATE AVAILABLE: 9/28/2006, PAGES: 304, SIZE: 6 x 9, RIGHTS SOLD: Complex and Simplified Chinese (xx), Romanian
Dancing with Fear: Controlling Stress and Creating a Life Beyond Panic and Anxiety Second Edition by Paul Foxman Ph.D. This is a comprehensive guide to understanding and relieving the many forms of fear, anxiety, and stress. Research shows that teaching people to change their thinking can reduce their anxiety symptoms as much as anti-anxiety medications can. Dr. Foxman explains: the different anxiety disorders and their diagnostic criteria, the negative — and positive — traits of the anxiety personality, and the pros and cons of the drugs used to treat anxiety. PUBLICATION DATE: 2006 December, PAGES: 312, SIZE: 6 x 9, ILLUSTRATIONS: 3 RIGHTS SOLD:
Page 18/25 … Psychology/Self-Help – Family & Relationships
HUNTER HOUSE | 2011 Rights catalog ~ Candace Groskreutz ~
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Loving Your Partner Without Losing Yourself by Martha Baldwin Beveridge Experts agree that the key to lasting relationships is good communication, but the crucial role that boundaries or “personal space” play in discussions, decision-making, fighting, making-up and all other aspects of couples’ lives is not always understood. This book fills an important need by explaining the importance of maintaining a sense of self apart from your partner. Martha Beveridge, MSSW, has been in private practice as a psychotherapist for more than 25 years, gives therapy workshops around the country and for ten years was host of a weekly call-in radio therapy show. PUBLICATION DATE: 2002 January, PAGES: 288, SIZE: 6 x 9, ILLUSTRATIONS: 13 charts, no RIGHTS SOLD: Simplified Chinese, French
How to Love Your Marriage: Making Your Closest Relationship Work By Eve Eschner Hogan M.A. Today, 51% of all marriages in the United States end in a divorce that is often messy, painful and destructive. Long-term studies show that the negative effects of divorce on children often last well into their adult years. Full of practical and sensitive advice, this book offers: Strategies for creating powerful, loving relationships, Love Tips” that you can use immediately, Empowering steps you can take even if your partner is not willing to take them with you, Tools for solving problems and managing your emotions, An eye-opening understanding of the impact of self-esteem Eve Eschner Hogan, who has degrees in cultural anthropology and confluent education, is the founder of Wings to Wisdom, which offers relationship workshops. She is also author of The Way of the Winding Path and co-author of Rings of Truth. She lives with her husband, Steve, on Maui, Hawaii. PUBLICATION DATE: 2006 May, PAGES: 320, SIZE: 5-1/2 x 8-1/2, INDEXED: Yes, BIBLIOGRAPY: Yes RIGHTS SOLD:
Intellectual Foreplay: Questions for Lovers and Lovers-to-Be by Eve Eschner Hogan M.A. , Steven Hogan Intellectual foreplay involves couples asking each other open-ended questions about a wide variety of issues, including: Romance and Sex, Sports and Hobbies, Values and Beliefs, Money, Home and Children, and Past and Future.By asking and answering these questions, couples can get to know each other on both emotional and practical levels. Eve Eschner Hogan, who has degrees in cultural anthropology and confluent education, is the founder of Wings to Wisdom, which offers relationship workshops.She lives with her husband, Steve, on Maui, Hawaii. Steven Hogan is a scuba instructor and underwater cinematographer. PUBLICATION DATE: 2000 January, PAGES: 288, SIZE: 5-1/2 x 8-1/2, ILLUSTRATIONS: 1 table, INDEXED: Yes, BIBLIOGRAPY: Yes RIGHTS SOLD: Simplified Chinese, Nigerian, German Page 19/25 … Psychology/Self-Help – Family & Relationships
HUNTER HOUSE | 2011 Rights catalog ~ Candace Groskreutz ~
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Virtual Foreplay: Making Your Online Relationship a Real-Life Success by Eve Eschner Hogan M.A. Entering the world of online dating can be intimidating. While guiding you through using online dating successfully for finding dates, friends, a romantic partner, or life mate, this book will help you: weigh the in and outs of online dating, align the virtual you with the actual you, improve your online presentation skills, build confidence and self esteem both online and off Eve Eschner Hogan, who has degrees in cultural anthropology and confluent education, is the founder of Wings to Wisdom, which offers relationship workshops. PUBLICATION DATE: 2001 July, DATE AVAILABLE: 9/28/2006, PAGES: 224 pp, SIZE: 5-1/2 x 8-1/2 RIGHTS SOLD: Complex Chinese
How to Spot a Dangerous Man Before You Get Involved By Sandra L. Brown M.A. What is a dangerous man? Most of us immediately think of someone who is physically violent, but there are other behaviors that are dangerous to a woman’s emotional and spiritual growth, quality of life and long-term fulfillment. Men who want mothers, not partners, men who prey on lonely women, men who are mentally ill, addicted, or emotionally unavailable. The author, a therapist who has treated both victims and perpetrators, uses research and victims’ stories to help women of all ages identify these men—before they become too involved. Sandra Brown, M.A., is a lecturer and consultant in the field of victimology. She holds a Master’s Degree in Counseling , and is the current director of Safe Relationships, an institute for relational harm reduction and public psychopathy education. PUBLICATION DATE: 2005 January, PAGES: 256, SIZE: 5-1/2 x 8-1/2, INDEXED: Yes RIGHTS SOLD: Japanese, Italian
Ditch That Jerk: Dealing With Men Who Control and Hurt Women By Pamela Jayne M.A. This is a women's guide to recognizing different kinds of abusive men-the potentially good, the definitely bad, and the utterly hopeless-and evaluating whether or not they will change. It is based on the author's years of direct clinical experience with both victims and abusers, and written specifically for women who underestimate the dangers of an abusive relationship or overestimate their ability to change the man controlling or hurting them. Pamela Jayne, M.A., is a lecturer, trainer and author who has worked with both victims and perpetrators of abuse over the last 15 years. PUBLICATION DATE: 2000 June, PAGES: 240, SIZE: 5-1/2 x 8-1/2 RIGHTS SOLD: Spanish, Complex Chinese
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HUNTER HOUSE | 2011 Rights catalog ~ Candace Groskreutz ~
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Violent No More: Helping Men End Domestic Abuse 2nd Edition … by Michael S Paymar, M.P.A., LSW Michael Paymar speaks directly to men who batter, offering them guidelines for change. His book helps readers through the process of recognizing abusive behaviors, taking responsibility, finding healthy ways of responding to conflict, and learning to avoid reverting to old patterns. EDITION: 2nd Edition … PAGES: 304 … ILLUSTRATIONS: 2 illus, INDEXED: Yes … BIBLIOGRAPY: Yes RIGHTS SOLD:
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HUNTER HOUSE | 2011 Rights catalog ~ Candace Groskreutz ~
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Tantric Sex for Busy Couples: How to Deepen Your Passion in Just Ten Minutes a Day By Diana Daffner In this wonderfully useable and delightfully candid guide, Diana Daffner draws on ancient wisdom and movement practices to create a fun, fresh and meaningful approach to modern sexuality and relationships. The simple yet powerful exercises she describes – involving eye contact, touch, energy awareness and focused movement are easy to incorporate into even the busiest day. Real-world, down-to-earth and illuminated throughout by her and her husband’s personal experiences, Daffner’s innovative Tantra Tai Chi requires no previous experience of Indian Tantra or Chinese Tai Chi. Diana Daffner has studied and taught meditative principles and practices for more than 30 years. A member of AASECT (American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists), she holds a masters degree in counseling, a black belt in Aikido and certifications as a T’ai Chi Chih instructor and Reiki teacher. PUBLICATION DATE: 2009 February, PAGES: 224, SIZE: 5-1/2 X 6-1/2 RIGHTS SOLD:
Touch Me There!: A Hands-On Guide to Your Orgasmic Hot Spots By Yvonne K. Fulbright, M.S. Ed., Ph.D. Touch Me There! is the first book to focus exclusively on all of the body’s titillating erogenous zones, offering lovers a new realm of sexual exploration and experience. Sexologist Yvonne K. Fulbright gives readers of all sexual orientations a guided tour of the male and female body’s wild attractions and explains how to maximize pleasure from head to toe. Delivered in an informative, but playful, tone, the book beholds the body as full of wonder, to discover or rediscover. Information is delivered thoroughly, helping readers to easily grasp the basics needed to happily engage in “how to” instructions. Yvonne Fulbright, M.S. Ed., Ph.D., is a leading sexuality expert. A human sexuality professor at Argosy University, Yvonne is the author of a number of books. PUBLICATION DATE: 2007 February, PAGES: 240, SIZE: 6 x 9, INDEXED: Yes, BIBLIOGRAPY: No RIGHTS SOLD: Complex Chinese, Spanish, Czech, Portuguese, India
Female Ejaculation and the G-Spot By Deborah Sundahl Sundahl has written the first book on female ejaculation. Known since classical times through the writings of Aristotle and the scared sexual rituals of Tantra, female ejaculation became identified with the G-Spot through the work of Dr. Graffenberg, for whom the GSpot is named. Deborah Sundahl has researched female ejaculation with feedback from numerous women who have taken her workshops. PUBLICATION DATE: 2003 Feburary, PAGES: 288, SIZE: 6 x 9, ILLUSTRATIONS: 11 b/w RIGHTS SOLD: UK (rv), French, Romanian, German, Polish, Korean
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HUNTER HOUSE | 2011 Rights catalog ~ Candace Groskreutz ~
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Extended Massive Orgasm: How You Can Give and Receive Intense Sexual Pleasure by Steve Bodansky Ph.D. , Vera Bodansky Ph.D. In this hands-on guide to doing it right, Steve Bodansky and his wife Vera describe how to give and receive remarkable orgasms, taking the experience of sex to a new level of enjoyment. Extended Massive Orgasm is based on the authors' practice, research, and work with clients. It explains: the nature of orgasm and the capabilities of the human nervous system, detailed training techniques and positions for optimum and extended orgasm, how partners can help each other overcome resistance to deep pleasure, and how both partners benefit from extended massive orgasm. Steve and Vera Bodansky have been students and teachers of sensuality and relationships for a combined total of fifty years. They conduct workshops and demonstrations and have trained hundreds of men and women in the practice of extended massive orgasm. They have been married for over fifteen years. PUBLICATION DATE: 2000 October, DATE AVAILABLE: 9/28/2006, PAGES: 256, SIZE: 6 x 9, ILLUSTRATIONS: 19 b/w photos 6 illus RIGHTS SOLD: UKC, Chinese, Brazil, Spanish, French, Romanian, Greek
To Bed or Not To Bed: What Men Want, What Women Want, How Great Sex Happens by Vera Bodansky Ph.D. , Steve Bodansky Ph.D. In their extensive practice with clients, the authors have found that most men do not know what to do to get a woman to bed, or what to do in bed if and when they do get her there. Women also want to have sex, but they have learned to put up obstacles for men so as not to be considered too “easy”. This book describes, with examples and exercises, what people can do to make getting into bed and having great sex possible, easier, and a whole lot of fun. To Bed or Not to Bed presents specific information on how to use our differences to create more fun in bed and elsewhere. At times it speaks directly to women and at other times to men, but both genders will be able to improve their “game” by reading all parts. Included are over 20 exercises.
Instant Orgasm: Excitement at the First Touch! by Steve Bodansky Ph.D. , Vera Bodansky Ph.D. The Bodanskys have written another groundbreaking book that will change the way couples approach sex. In Extended Massive Orgasm and The Illustrated Guide to Extended Massive Orgasm they taught readers how to increase the length and intensity of their orgasms. Now they describe techniques that help sexual partners get turned on and orgasmic quicker than ever before. PUBLICATION DATE: June 2008, PAGES: 228, SIZE: 6 x 9, ILLUSTRATIONS: B&W Throughout RIGHTS SOLD: India
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HUNTER HOUSE | 2011 Rights catalog ~ Candace Groskreutz ~
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Sexual Healing: The Complete Guide to Overcoming Common Sexual Problems 3rd Edition… by Barbara Keesling Ph.D In this third edition of Sexual Healing, author Barbara Keesling has combined the original material from the first two editions with over 25 percent new research and updates to create a definitive work in the field of sexual self-help. The book offers more than 125 exercises to help treat a wide range of sexual problems, including premature ejaculation, male orgasm disorder, female sexual arousal disorder, low sexual desire, sexual aversion, sexual anxiety and sexual pain. Barbara Keesling, Ph.D., received her doctorate in Health and Social Psychology from the University of California at Riverside in 1988. PUBLICATION DATE: 2006 February, PAGES: 400, SIZE: 6 x 9, ILLUSTRATIONS: 4 RIGHTS SOLD: Brazil, Spanish (Castillian), India, Thai, Russian (xx), Polish (xx)
Sexual Pleasure: Reaching New Heights of Sexual Arousal. Second Edition…by Barbara Keesling Ph.D Focusing on touch and sexual desire leads to greater passion, greater sensitivity and ecstatic fulfillment for both partners. Dr. Keesling has updated this classic best-seller with the latest relevant sexuality research, adding two new chapters on intercourse and oral sex and introducing 20 new exercises that have never been published before. Barbara Keesling, Ph.D., received her doctorate in Health and Social Psychology from the University of California at Riverside in 1988. PUBLICATION DATE: 2004 PAGES: 264, SIZE: 6 x 9 RIGHTS SOLD: German, French, Hebrew, Romanian, Brazil, Spanish (xx), Polish (xx), Russian (xx), UK (rv), SE Asia (rv), Chinese, Singapore (rv) PUBLICATION DATE: 2005 April, DATE AVAILABLE: 9/28/2006, PAGES: 224, SIZE: 6 x 9, ILLUSTRATIONS: 12 illus RIGHTS SOLD: India
Sensual Sex: Arousing Your Senses and Deepening the Passion in Your Relationship by Beverly Engel MFCC Life is a sensual experience that asks us to stop and listen, smell, taste, touch-and enjoy. Sensual Sex brings that dimension to lovemaking. It is about slow, sensuous, artful loving that feels good to both partners.Sensitively written and beautifully designed, this is a book to share, enjoy, and keep for a long time. Beverly Engel, MFCC, has worked more than 25 years as a sex educator, sex therapist, and marriage, family, and child counselor. PUBLICATION DATE: 2000 January, DATE AVAILABLE: 9/28/2006, PAGES: 256, SIZE: 6 x 9 RIGHTS SOLD: German, Hebrew, India, Complex Chinese, Greek
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HUNTER HOUSE | 2011 Rights catalog ~ Candace Groskreutz ~
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Simultaneous Orgasm and Other Joys of Sexual Intimacy by Michael Riskin Ph.D. , Anita Banker Riskin MA Based on techniques developed at the Human Sexuality Institute, this guide shows couples how they can achieve the special, intimate experience of simultaneous orgasm. Michael Riskin, Ph.D., and Anita-Banker-Riskin, M.A., are a married couple who are board-certified sex therapists and former sexual surrogates. Co-directors of the Human Sexuality Center, they consult for hospitals and colleges in the area of sexuality and are well known for their innovative concepts and treatment methods. They live in Southern California. PUBLICATION DATE: PAGES: 240, SIZE: 6 x 9, ILLUSTRATIONS: 10 b/w photos 5 RIGHTS SOLD: French, Italian, Spanish, Brazil, India, SE Asia, Greek
Sex Secrets of an American Geisha: How to Attract, Satisfy and Keep Your Man by Py Kim Conant With practicality and warmth, Py invites you, the reader, to become her "Younger Sister" - a geisha-in-training. Always frank, she shows you how to explore your femininity and sexuality while connecting with your "Good Man." She shares sex tips and techniques to bond your man to you and explains how, once you're married, you can continue to use the wisdom of the Geisha to keep your relationship passionate and happy. Sharing some of her own love struggles and successes, Py guides you on a journey toward fulfilling love relationships as you, too, become an American Geisha. Py Kim Conant has published three books in Korean and has written a bi-weekly column for the KOREA DAILY in Southern California. She has appeared on radio shows nationally. She also teaches a “Get Married in a Year" class for the Learning Annex and lives in Los Angeles with her husband, Richard. PUBLICATION DATE: 2006 November, PAGES: 240, SIZE: 6 x 9, ILLUSTRATIONS: 12, INDEXED: Yes, RIGHTS SOLD:
Your Orgasmic Pregnancy: Little Sex Secrets Every Hot Mama Should Know by Danielle Cavallucci , Yvonne K. Fulbright, M.S. Ed., Ph.D. Get ready for the inside scoop about sex during pregnancy: It can be passionate, painless and completely safe! During these magical nine months, women develop luscious new curves and boast a heightened libido and an increased ability to orgasm. So don’t be misled by old taboos and myths: Sex while you’re pregnant can be the best you ever had. Danielle Cavallucci, a pregnancy fitness specialist, has partnered with noted sexologist Yvonne K. Fulbright, PhD, to bring preggies and their partners this potent brew of tips and techniques for intimacy and great sex. PUBLICATION DATE: 2008 October, PAGES: 176 … SIZE: 5.25 X 6.5, ILLUSTRATIONS: 30 B&W RIGHTS SOLD: Page 25/25 … Sexuality / Self-Help