Dec 19, 2009 ... Estleman, Loren D. Alone. Gash, Jonathan. Faces in the Pool. Hamilton, Laurell
K. Divine Misdemeanors. Havill, Steven. Red, Green or Murder.
New Titles Austin, Lynn Barbieri, Maggie Bell, Madison Smartt Brett, Simon Brokaw, Charles Bruen, Ken Challis, Joanna Clark, Cassandra Coggins, Mark Coyle, Cleo Crawford, Isis Doss, James D. Dunne, Dominick Estleman, Loren D. Gash, Jonathan Hamilton, Laurell K. Havill, Steven Jance, J. A. Jin, Ha Karpyshyn, Drew Madsen, Diane Gilber Marcinko, Richard McCall Smith, Alexander McCullough, Colleen McFadyen, Cody McLean, Russel D. Michaels, Fern Myers, Tamar Nikitas, Derek Robbins, David L. Roby, Kimberla Lawson Roker, Al Teran, Boston Washburn, Livia J. Webb, Betty Yarbro, Chelsea Q.
December 19, 2009 Fiction
Through Waters Roar Final Exam Devil’s Dream Poisoning in the Pub Atlantis Code London Boulevard Murder on the Cliffs Red Velvet Turnshoe Big Wake Up Holiday Grind Catered Birthday Party Widow’s Revenge Too Much Money Alone Faces in the Pool Divine Misdemeanors Red, Green or Murder Trial by Fire Good Fall Darth Bane Dynasty of Evil Cadgers Curse Rogue Warrior: Seize the Day La’s Orchestra Saves the World Too Many Murders Abandoned Good Son Deadly Deals Poison Ivory Long Division Broken Jewel Deep Dark Secret Morning Show Murders Creed of Violence Huckleberry Finished Desert Lost Burning Shadows
Large Print Evans, R. Hogan, Ray Jacobs, Kate Paine, Lauran
Adams, William D. Allardice, Bruce S. Allen, Thomas J. Antoine, Rebeca (ed.) Bailey, Diane Carol Buhlmann, Kurt Devinsky, Orrin Farmer, John Ferris, William (ed.) Fogle, Bruce Folsom, Burton W. Hodgson, Larry House, Silas Jones, Howard Lakshmi, Padma Lufkin, Elise Madigan, Carleen McGinty, Brian Offit, Paul A. Ondra, Nancy J. Prose, Francine
The Christmas List Scorpion Killers Knit the Season Longhorn Trail
The Southern Kitchen Garden: Vegetable, Fruits, Herbs and Flowers Confederate Colonels: A Biographical Register Caterpillars in the Field and Garden Voices Rising: Stories from the Braiding: Easy Styles for Everyone Turtles of the Southeast Epilepsy: Patient and Family Guide Ground Truth: the Untold Story of America under Attack on 9/11 Give My Poor Heart Ease: Voices of the Mississippi Blues New Dog: Choosing Wisely and Ensuring a Happily Ever After New Deal or Raw Deal Making the Most of Shade: How to Plan, Plant, and Grow Something’s Rising: Appalachians Fighting Mountaintop Removal The Bay of Pigs Katrina Narrative Project Top Chef: the Quickfire Cookbook To the Rescue: Found Dogs with a Mission The Backyard Homestead: Produce All the Food You Need John Brown’s Trial Autism’s False Prophets Taylor’s Guide to Roses Anne Frank: the Book, the Life, the Afterlife
Ratnesar, Romesh Schenk, George Sundquist, Eric Underhill, Roy
Tear Down This Wall: A City, A President and the Speech That Ended the Cold War The Complete Shade Gardener King’s Dream: the Legacy of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” The Woodwright’s Guide: Working Wood with Wedge and Edge
Biography Albright, Madeleine Brown, Rita Mae Cleland, Max Cooper, John Milton Leigh, Mickey Mandel, Howie Scherman, Tony Spitz, Marc Teachout, Terry West, Cornel
Read My Pins: Stories from a Diplomat’s Jewel Box Animal Magnetism: My Life with Creatures Great and Small Heart of a Patriot Woodrow Wilson: a Biography I Slept with Joey Ramone Here’s the Deal: Don’t Touch Me Pop: the Genius of Andy Warhol Bowie: a Biography Pops: A Life of Louis Armstrong Brother West: Living and Loving Outloud