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May 8, 2007 ... Dead Witch Walking. Fistful of Charms. Kingsbury, Karen. Sunrise. Leonard, Elmore. Up in Honey's Room. MacHale, D. J.. Pilgrims of Rayne.
NEW TITLES May 8, 2007 FICTION Armstrong, Kelley Berenson, Laurien Berg, Elizabeth Britton, Andrew Brown, Dale Butcher, Jim Butcher, Jim Butcher, Jim Butcher, Jim Butcher, Jim Butcher, Jim Butcher, Jim Butcher, Jim Butcher, Jim Chabon, Michael Clark, Mary Higgins Edwards, Ruth Dudley Flint, Eric Haeger, Diane Hancock, Karen Hancock, Karen Harrison, Kim Kingsbury, Karen Leonard, Elmore MacHale, D. J. Miscione, Lisa Patterson, James Scalzi, John Theis, Leona Waldman, Ayelet White, Stephen

No Humans Involved Jingle Bark: A Melanie Travis Mystery Dream When You’re Feeling Blue Assassin Strike Force White Knight Blood Rites Dead Beat: A Novel of the Dresden Files Eath Masks: Dresden Files Fool Moon Grave Peril Proven Guilty Storm Front Summer Knight: Book 4 Dresden Files Yiddish Policeman’s Union I Heard That Song Before (Large Print) Murdering Americans 1634: the Baltic War For a Few Demons More Perfect Royal Mistress Return of the Guardian King Shadow over Keriath Dates from Hell Dead Witch Walking Fistful of Charms Sunrise Up in Honey’s Room Pilgrims of Rayne Twice 6th Target Last Colony Art of Salvage Bye Bye Black Sheep Dry Ice (Large Print)


NON-FICTION Basch, Harry Beres, D. B. Fodor’s Travel Fodor’s Travel Fodor’s Travel Fodor’s Travel Foster, Jeanette Geller, Tamar Gott, Peter, H. Harmsen, Debbie Heim, Susan M. Herczog, Mary Kerry, John Laine, Don Lerner, harriet Gold McDonald, George Nolen, Stephanie O’Halloran, Jacinta Porter, Darwin Porter, Darwin Shawn, Allen Showalter, Dennis Stark, Rodney Stein, R. Conrad Thoreau, Henry David Timm, Uwe Tolstaya. Tatyana Walter, Philippe

Frommer’s 2007 California Dusted and Busted The Science of Fingerprinting Fodor’s 2007 Bermuda Fodor’s 2007 Toronto with Niagara Falls Fodor’s Switzerland Fodor’s Turkey Frommer’s 2007 Hawaii Loved Dog: The Playful Non-aggressive Way to Teach Your Dog Dr. Gott’s No Flour No Sugar Diet Fodor”s 2007 Spain It’s Twins: Parent to Parent Frommer’s 2007 Las Vegas This Moment on Earth: Today’s New Environmentalists Frommer’s Utah Fear and Other Uninvited Guests Frommer’s Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg 28 Stories of AIDS in Africa Fodor’s 2007 Boston Frommer’s Austria Frommer’s Sicily Wish I Could Be There: Notes from a Phobic Life Patton and Rommel: Men of War in the 20th Century Victory of Reason: How Christianity Led to Freedom, Capitalism and Western Success US Marine Corps and Military Career Guide Walden: the 150th Anniversary Illustrated Edition In My Brother’s Shadow White Walls: Collected Stories Christianity: the Origins of a Pagan Religion


Yingling, Julie Zimbardo, Philip

Final Conversations: Helping the Living and Dying Talk to Each Other Lucifer Effect

BIOGRAPHY Hammond, Jeff Poitier, Sidney

Real Men Work in the Pits: A Life in NASCAR Racing Measure of a Man: A Spiritual Autobiography