New York NY Evening Post 1877 Grayscale - Fulton History

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Boi how oaa a decent cMiso vobs for a prira flghtar and ganiMlag .... here a dooetd tine feliow, U the nlghtlngle . boi ..... settan ot golper* tneea tn Uank, rery.


Great Bargains. 1000



of tan Bant at M focda« ttMlX forYmid went tt to do sa oc » of Ue aaool. who will rant i u> morrow. Im P M r f l r M k u d la tbe old partytakck»ow both » d « « • twaolowi » d te W I M H ( dombt Mto taw ****** on u^ttcexeetat* in which, **en if | | aaonld dtodoaa Be eipected «trcwcth, may only « m the food eatd of f of dag ih« tnxpa-ere Into ckmr a i m u d brtnf, home to then tint latere* which each of them la •ooaomtcei r^Ternrneea, At to our owa etata, tad aapecUUj la that cuy, U hi goo ei-aDy coaceded that the taxpayers In their aooparUaaa capacity are going to the poll* tomorrow m anaaaal number*. It aooh • aaaatble cheafo aa tnia hea boon -wrought by the preaiore of political economy oa men who leae thaa aao year ago oaat thetr Tolas onder the moat extreme and energetic of petty paarione, what mar we not hope that two or three rear** predominance of economic fxmatdereuons will bring forth In OUT political life •

• cwspnaer The Art UO!


' Yai 1 Are y o u r When Oineml Sherman got baek home tram kawing alt thoee Oregon girls the family rule rd aawuat wee eearpeatnad tor about ton e n — I"" j•"'- aaiietea. Oonelaarva-lAjdgar. " 1 grteahle aeaeil In tbe kouse, Mrs Joeea Ar* you s o n the drains—" Welsh landlady. k d v : "Oh. " l tt can't be the drains, etr, wl There a n



UJKDKJC8, aaooMD .. raahlAlJS PKIKGBaSJS LONDKK CBIOO . uPETLsJj .. : tony then I on* box apwaro*. Brery made by Cabana of tha I




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snoot art tht Putest aid lb* Cheapentothe l*r 1.800

of amoatag thrmaaivas. reseat hla failan HJklNA VICTORIA CONCHAS. FIRDT to keep tbeen aw osteal ly awaaaad M a at l>ONT)rU» lajary, and are apttoeoaahaar the whole affair « taw-nly, (•OMUCTAh ae a aort of wymUaed t winds* dsrrtatd wita the ia *. rwbtal In eptotai laetat at tay bag 'alee a r i l i a i n . The goad wth of aa aaUaooe W Paine, of Boeton, rvaeartaailly,tatb* In this way ts soareely ever Ootjrt, wa* tahttrupted from jrltleal en regained, and the ssehnrer who nodi (a prir Jag* Bupreaee wtm tha soeneweal abrupt eosnaanat ; " Mr. Sard. aeeorded, w* bellstr, to old Homer and olalmtd Patna, thai laa't She law." Mr Pains laseeatly " R. Blab ala* * for D*eember wUI bare among by ererybodi at to all tntsnfcs aad p eposes lo*'. replied " I think, your Honor, tl wai the law B e t w e e n M n a a a u a n d W i l l i a m S t a . The drees coat, the Sable, tbe chain, etc . wart until thl* moment" iboton Mr. Bryaat, who wrtSss a powm " How lovely ta tb* oalm e*41 loses of me evea Bird aad aba Donkey ;" Mr. aba only aeeaaaortea employed by Mr Heroli lag to lateen to the nightingale e aoas " " Ye'ah. Power ta the tint part of hie " A l Home to aiborl t . aqairav of Sha Firti Ufan here a dooetd tine feliow, U the nlghtlngle . boi : oogfallow. who ooxthTibntao " The Tnews tiog*. ChJekertng Hail on Baturday tvanlog. but tt U 1 thay bright Idea, he moat bt a beasthly try, U. a A., aged sttghliio. as aha youagatt a carttaraa* poeaa, Or. Holland, Lonam M. Ar- tolerably ear*toany that ao mem her af the rather aoo'ibaaoa to all the othar 11 Mis birdth that want omoar la the a n a y EVa bad bean al Waehlngton 6 0 OeLte B a c h . a n fiiialata of aaaas talniiiiia The aambor •nsnll bol rory aeaeet asdoaaee aaasmbied to greet to go to ihleep. — [ London Pun. alaaeat two yoare \ eat tag ala earn eaaaa aad ap A young aaaa of Bast Pryaburg. Ma, over pry tag la rain far an apyolaasnaal al Waal Point win be aoeabaa aieotorUa aew ao - w awatgsaad by him we* oppreetad by any aeons of the banneet when* bend t w e n t y s u m m e d b a r * petted, re ot hit eerrotntdtegn. Mr. Power at e ascot wel 78 C e n t s , 9 6 Oaota, f 1 OO, S I 1 3 . I I 3 V W altar Crane. ennsly married a t i m n eC forty, a l—diag N a arte* for an e i amtoajleav He paanod eeeaata l oa* una* the aaaoaglog editor He cam*tothis j Kirk Krearh Flewera. Katrv s s * (l.trl. k jndar our praeans (1aaaer 1Itaaooai at aae oaty's liahaua«s oaa be readily aaB i t e a l * t>e>slsiie»ei* a s * I r i u asaator naailtag-t organ, the Uatea KepstN Icon, ' writer oa tbe l>iot*ne, where ha reoiataed for a Ia version of a Prenob ptr-e that tt beet Known full of 'em. Many a time have 1 teen 'em wbln Onaxperoiiar Kaily objaetad U aas waetrrer iijtappolntmeat Use election* n of p >.itica thron^hout Ta* telered atttaan* of Kay W*at bav* formed | ecd one of Its proprieton. Hla WOT k in oonnectioo aeiakso lo lb* heart of hla daughter, who ba* ool tnrr, I d aay a matter of flv* or t l x te«L" oaa dabs" oa aae 1st of taet Aagaat was t».707. J A l i ' i N l S H U ) v a e g t i srui l t » I I T « - e - • in seen htm aino* her Infancy, tome memory of him " Wbat rive or *tx feet, how do tb*y g e l around the country—oaring partly to toe biuo.lers jf a Cuban aboilUoalat elob, the ob]*cl b*log tb* with the Harold ot this city Oagau In IK7J To* { W.T.&J.PwIERSEREAU, !• S 16, a raanil waich aa arrived al oy tabaraes r o tr I ' T t U l l P l t U l l l l l o ' . ' . l l a tpecis.. self Mr Power (or nther Mr.W B UUbert bat tn thoee oreekt'" " Bed ad, t o ' , tae oreekt to htTS S'0 l .T«i ine t r e e s and mem-..uor.t Bd'.eeou-.i pohocal leader*, partly to tOeir j.-'r'.t&aeaa tag | M Ate,*«U r> o< aaataa, aaada a^ of j«*e, g aad tueeeeafal comedy, " 7 J X aad iU>*ratsoo of aha khraa bandied tbonaaad atave* lrelaod a n flfly or t l x t y feel wtde." satd tbe "N . . :f^.* 1 i l l - . m i l M a t i irtfert by njnl lave'*s tpaoim ners. tu reed the old prompter of tb* original, who was ' whleb wee piayed more thaa three | and TiaJ'.clireneai, partly to t&e hr-? up caxsa lavtad aTtar Sae Ana at Aaaraaa, Ls77, oa ' la th* attend of Uaba. I' net'sted fHtsI' unee w t h prioe Int. ITS e1 '-^» r. Mike. " Hut " aaid Ih* p e n l s t e o l In made to famous ta London by Bar Jamie Webster, onabaahad ft. Dltotuii •• ii w r u i r n D e s s * n»ei ti< B Kveniri P" «t juirer, " y o n said y o e had seen teem wbeo y o a of old party aaaocteti^nt end the form a*; >f eeUaaSsd iieaawinrita, ale., troaa aoSal lU^iUttsa ttattatiaa of traffle om all lb* oaoaia of this abata cuontb* In N*w York, and aboal tea mootha la | into an old Preach mmUeiao, aad that proTidre were T I I K 1 ' I U I K I I M F I . O W K K HIS., leaping over the teres ait, a n d lobsters hers L* odoo. wa* written by Mr Btooktoa for Mr J*> K. 1 l i b Wa . fosr d o rt wsat f U ' • " l l l ' » « new d i v a i o m - u tuea that tiers U * re.airi" iianTiaiaaa to »130,oi5,*47 aa, Mr. Morrail o( ap to the a m day of NoT*mbar show aolaoraata " Deed, 1 did, ear , we rs p >m blmetlf with an opportunity ot a*reia exhibiting Uve In tn* sea i 1AI1W ElirTat-N 1-T i John B. Clark. Mr Stoetrton wa* a scholarly j « a s s de Cier? Pane . able etbibiu-'Q >f popular indirterence or in the CommlSaea of fifty laiaka thai Mr. K«Uy a ! of 333,5*0 toe* In tonnage aad adtaraaaeof 1407, hie power* cf mimicry, this Urn* In tbe matter erfnl l e p p e n In Ireland. Ae tor the aay, ear. aod able writer, and aa even tempsred, pleaaans I've teen it r*d wld '•m." " Bui look here, my cerUtude. Many v oten wt'.l .unit to TO'.*, aa ! ttaStmaaS as laaaiasfainnry, aad tae aaxpeyara | r la tolas ta ejcnpared trim las* year. ct biokan KaglUh. Hi* dialect waa ad nlnble. Qae fellow," said the guest, thinking be bad mas Hla Judgment as a j lumallat Is said to will oarealely H T M wiaa aim. Bvary aazpayar's and hla acting waa alwaya careful a i d ln'-> It m»jontiaa either way w.'.l be AepriTed of The frtandi of Mr. Pandtateo are ooafliaai a* »* bene aaeommoaly trut* worthy Hla (antra oorasred the Hibernian, at last, " lobaten art a o i h a u t 1 know much of tae i>irnirt'-»Qoe wnica >uidrwia al «y Maaahawi baa aaol to Kx Bsorslary Chandler ta tb* ecTort so seooxe aa Immediate redoetloo of ./ raodidate of tha people as against all rings and ouraise t'i t n e SSIKOBI of t a i i t t e " in ' T t s rsrmere tha " aoseal net debt '' ta oaly |Vr> TU7,i»5 15, h ) Mr. Powertolb* son of Tyrone Power, ooe of I.. *r. si-. 1 I rust * eapttir f< r ibe ur>Q tbe.r end 1 u s i i ln»sr»LOS ODHJP*OV of k ;,s No aaxpayar oacas to be aa Hart ad wiaa a S u a oida Ittooertatn that hb present eatartalomsni ttif OUR PATE5TKD THADE-MAEZ ' Muiitts'y, to thia inttanee, r*prattatagoodgor seiir b o i l and B o t s a s s s oa ree- ettsve t l t u s t e d in Ubk" of tb* ally. elected U -marrow r o e to ju'jaiit the a;uend ell raform w bate vtr— ihmmany U * u . - i , r v The t j re phony Oaaeeru. a aa-ki •• la IA* e s t tsid fteas ar d e l s s w b e i s amoot.ilns s i t>*r veJue W l b s -raaxna, whatever his eandldacy la othar times riwira • sea of not less t k s s l a - •• menu to the peoo'.e ' Tbat n the w j j.e The two grand symphony concerto in Stela l b s esJd dep*e>t is u s e e bt tea J o >mpe.i » tor uie f aa* stood for. His aatetton trill be s attogleg re" • ! « . ' I , aa S s C I X h T i n c ITBCULATIOh / i »r Ink. M, Tb* eoeieet re aot between Mori tasty aad Mr way Hall on Baturday offered abundant oppor qoeeUoa Tbere are f\-eilent rvaaoni way tsct'i a of h udere of po"ctst thsretn m l w s hs'Sbv oerufy tbst sstd teeerVies ere t o w hsta »? eeld Troet o Sabarhmy aaes rtaeur* and Man aboox bafc*toTammany, and ll la a poo thai ground b* Aogatloa Bebell. Mr. Bo hell ta aaarely the tuolly for Irataalag to good motto, aod aleo tot tV theee anieaduiecu ihou.d L>e ao » >ved for 'a 8 H E P A R D &. A L L E N ' S " m o t ] r on QI oos.t s o d to i ' u»t for tbe benent 'if all tbe win be laataliiiJ by rapoiabst OIJ«ntend that a i baad*, so ao l a i a l . aad to-day a avwaaaaj; aawi c iiJi'i.'tt end iletttMi'TB. v o . r t « . i , i i i M r ti * rs'er r W HI I I M. I I I I l>. < .•^•r aaacnnoaa to a das patch from Monareii gx Otitraai talaet ot Maaencnatatta. whoa* KeUy. of Mr. Ihomas't and Dr. Damroseh'i orchestra snee u th« t e e d cf t-tut. wr.irb o s s be • > tn Ined b? i n • member if the 1 •-•? ala*. ire, erea .f be baa psri » i s s t s r s ' l s t t h e uWos jf tr is w n jsn» 2^ > . t* t . ' i k U t | i i i l , s i . N I I I I U S t . — bat " aavaral ttqoor dealara on opaalag aa* r davoston to the pruhlbitloo aaaa* 1* ool loabt^d. ll ia Mr e paraooal appeal to voter* for and Uaderahlp Kaoh one of thee* rival organ! r»» .! i»u.'»ii wee m s d s o tbe i birtr tl'tt I n of doubu ab aw H ' T i . l '• '. N 1 S : ut the i i u e < the aiten n--rata. laiooa* this icsaadayi mora tea; fauad i w j - ha* written a tabtar aay lag. " l bellav* U ivernor an endorsement of his refusal of practical raform tobsr A I) utr sataoee of musicians has lie owa dtotlooetvs fsa hae a r.t i c k i m i t. M t C x O et l b s 117 ut *.> SW l o . X . Ml K sr.a i ' H I :• u.e I C "1 - TS tarn paraaee Bepatoiloaa*. wall* ool agrcatng with t< ,jmp*4 to tb* seecloatoe thai people. Tbe eviia mun'.iipa. •• **, vera • g-r«j »a >piaMr. Thomas t prcgram w* hat* already dt Commissioner of J arose from $i" «« to ~«rei) Mieet will, in my }a4gmeot, tecar* th* tltcUoo. " laece, bei from a aoian osher plaoae, from H< 1.1 • I. . K I' r i T t ' H Re.-reisM ion npon any carefully aad intei.: rote ae # i y r the >'.ner s-n I'.tlttl t i e u v i A i at * Keealvsd, That w* eersr oar oooasosloa with then, a tantihss taxpayer ooghe nu* to vote tor itstsd l a « A * ' s C ' 'I K a r 1 0 "a.;. OS tiy veioea, aad those Iwo were oeraaloly aot of a bol oo* shook, la—inc aboet lw*aly th* BapeMioan party, with waion w* a». , t».r* It is in c.Uea e»pec.a..y tbat a Jec.arali >a : R A l l 'r f - r * , -< » t t Mr. Soneti. who as mtrtly Mr KaUy't pernaal acrt to oa use th* classic aodaly to predominate II W tofore bean ld*ntlh*d, and w* ber>or proo.aim "Vim tn.K-e t i j h u * . * S 0 ' r I r ;m..C i t . e a this ttlect ^u^ttt to 1« made It :u*y be mvie ••eooOa la N*w Koalaod p*opl* war* awakaoad oorealvaa, aa ooiond olUasna ot POSUTUI*. (r*a renreaeotntlve ta this personal tight he la mektug oter tbe popelar. Th* •parkttog " O r a r t e n a ~ l j ' U w . a-i..» r ...* r- 11!' 1 0*}7 t i t J •: l . a \ H N i'cf» for indorsement on these tery points, la hit : y lataral loooaaalva aaoekt, laaalng al Maoap* ilb «s H ' M f i . T i m s t ( 1 0 . ) per vsrd P r T ">l H P 1 I S i m J l f ' yonr rtwifp H lair an.: , and tad*p*ndatjt Toaari %•• axrrels* Ibt l i g b a ot bom* dJaarteh by Totia< to-m .""W ft men.'vr* : lo Webet e " Obaron ' wa* after all oaly an liar, aa Varnaonl, aome nfteaa maaolaa. Tha t ranee la* aa oar oooaolane** dlcaata.'' H*jt I a.. & ? t» • tu* c ru. at t.Kosta AttwisTi* a > *sjio rt* who W..1 • ^u;'. i .bm.'. U.c- am,- : kiil l b un.iJi.ei I ' I M L Boi how oaa a decent cMiso vobs for a prira overture while the selection trom BihoberYi .ilbi of aha blending of the raya of Man aad Th* peat pobatoal aoodlStoe of thaa* maleoot*aat ^ v» t i g t u i Ssoreia-i tympboey was merely an allegro trom men ta "1 ^S rtaUuro wa* a v*ry i>e*atr sigbt, bat oa ah* wbol* meat have been rather degraded It ibsy bars *n flghtar and ganiMlag hoaeo keeper, avea it be a. ,f BtUu' I t f l • ay ii'iree. but teiltci yiior tioocl- from ttiia*p la advaao*, aad ahaa a taw brokao Han** la an aboUMooist aa Paiilip* or Uarrlaon, bat writ- tnamereeedly and by ataaim weal to lb* polla, ta Ireniei k i t sr J a- K*vsi I -aw e l * s t e ' b e r , tbe partly loetrumeoeal music of a symphony L a H>. Kr • a l . U K , N ;a I I r - u h i i t k i .'' . i i r l U ' I t - - . rant in th •» trite pbraJe of ;ae jrertbroe >f « s klsj-ai.a.. U i a IM t . s v e . . . . • B r a«s UM t ui a irtmog loai whaa w* oanaiitir aha valoaola ten a letter in which ha aayt th* tame of Mantra pal Keform, with Mofcete tor ooonert. A oentala ilk* tirteg't "At th* Ctoitter . n i l ai.rt t i i I K • A i N.-» «vrr .-xblhi'-d tu thl? cr. y, J o b s J Vat A i n J. he Br a c t t . t j A aer 7 I t K l l l l t I A i l . Jimmy" OBrtaa, oaa wail afford oow to Tammany, but the phraje jt as aeoeasuy aa .t aJOlUoo to j or kaowtsOg* of aaraacioakaa Waao N t. cxjrovr ABI. inn tt'i '%m eire^is, " The moat cowardly of all waa It, attar the irate," with IM seal and ononis, with lit tweet aufl Live ' n, m mm s up Ui m«esiir« at lt>e turn- p . . o t . rebel states were netored to tha Uatoo, t* mil marea ep with flying colon, and aba bead play M tnte Whererer you encounter a municipal • on apoas *(p*ar, look ool for famine ta lodia Norwegian poetry aad Its pretty Nerwegtaa mo I where ft p,-rf«-A tit la ^usisiitoed. tog, to cast tbair ballot* tor John Morrtseey — t»*p them onder military ooatrol fur in* pre abuse you run agaiuat Tammany I'nck ta.s waaa iwo aaare gal aaoaaauly sattmate tab* o a n t*ed*d TV vvtOai'ie.. tic, la, whoa wall rendered, a r e lo trio tb* favor rteaon that tbair former aiavea uf yoor aroebary. fester of adminisiraure corruption, or that would not ba aaft If left to their oar*. of most aodteeoee, who cannot be suppoaad to be Ua the ahowtag of republican* tbemaalvai how Kt-lorm in City T a x a t i o n t h r o u g h the tumor jf ettraragance aad waite and the b e eertbquako. by the way, according to t ira troubltag themselves wlto remembetiag woal has n been onder the policy pursued la the past LIFB ISSUKAwCE C0MPAIY. eperlae ot ooncert It Is to whioh they b a n bouet>t K KKP'S. I k b K K l I AS • 45, OU 000 end K. Urlehs, did taamaalva* great credit, and I l l U b ^ i-7 •••: Bt- Ptet 1 1 v w S V P : B v o s Pre* est Ulrtftsoi P s t « it Protscvsd K b . I t a c i ruentiooir.< that. If a disease ann >t be and tha rartb^ iaka accounts for ah* acioateroa inoola, naarty, if not jolt*, the last time ha *v%r : 'etc. ot I a l l o c 01*1**, 1*00 o.i A*. wLciL arc \J.'. or no si . o » , . n c « t j 1. H A I ^ I V "«• ? e v e i K P H t r xn j vet s.ik Pmrmson frscos* a< s s r b (he orchestra handled wtth taodarnaaa aad skit asarcst Now York rtty * M 000 iiJO It ^ W l k l ' i . t Sl.d 11 B FT, • r. Be AM 1 IVM ' • cured with'.'Ut remonng i u cuuae, municipal .loa whaoh prevailed khara. W* ar* lanHail lo •poke apoa lb* aaojeet. 'Let a* all J in, h* : v i s i tKxcees W7 e u i . T ' >N » f e » el> fit a t K < H v o o of N e w i e r k city IH'« f «,(1T0 000 aaid, ' ta doing aha aalag* aniiaaary to restoring tae maatc ot the " Mldsuumer Right < Dream" B K " " K I TN iWi I I I ' \ I l W t f i " abuses cannot be cut o f without destroying bereav*, hows *«r, that ah* giaaral dt*snrt> icos of tbe praetteal reeattoo* baiweea tb* abate* end lb* : sis.iuo or t'uiiae ataiee, tseu J4.0UUJ00 Mr*. Brown aaaily oompelled aa encore attar her The Bortlarlee a t Newbnrrk wooid all their aoorce. From whatever side we ap- ih* aarth kad a pollUeal maanlag. Karbap* it wa< ' olon.' Military tntoaow war* ao p a n of tuob fSJ.000.iOj IMffareoce only — •aloeteooa trom Kauai. Dr. Damroach does h s v s been p r t t e o t e t bed t b s b . u e e t bt-eo pr,.iei s o a pelley. The Booth hae oarer yea oeea fairly f l U 0' proach the iub|cct we iae»:Uu.y c jme to the a mot* pro I eat agatnaS lb* oooatpoad itoeilaatlo > trusted or triad till now ho 1 tht tu '\U as i rsuooo l be r e rioullgny will take place tn Ohtekertag Hall 0*1! trgavaa, Mary land, Kansa* aad Ssbraaka. 11 tatM* retail of aalag 11 one day would be aha re- t'tiiit t.OM.000 s Ml > /ae. * i. 4i li.cL. u tua,ou) 1 .>"i A moderate aaeeaeinent a poo ta s *\x a Wllbor'a Ood Xalrer Oil and Zalm*. - P e r rjetorday eTsalog N i * York m y **v*ral of thaa* rbahsa U wilt ba aaaa that than U frr so ,uuemeat of oaa at three hi mas He valoe and rnK M 1 . 8 BY eons wbo h s v s beer l e t l a s O"^ Liter i in win be piessed nay flte p«r centum would produce $.•" .'•'•• i -[.Doily HvUetm The Tosal •eetety of New York will gir* tar • tu issrn ibssi Ur Wiibjr b s s t u o e s e d s d Ir m eirso a t a aarge namber *< Bckest la th* rl»U. th* lab r s s v s r s i pr< feeetoBSi g s o t i s a i s n tb sombintog the Tai* is a considerable fuud to be used for raform, graaaback aad prohlbiatos advooate* i'jauUiy on lb* tueeaadlag day. Aa abb laataoct ooucerta Ibis teaaoti. 00 tbe T—mlaga of Ueoeuibsr of e a v s UII end lime in eeeb s m s n s e r thst it te p e a w o i to ^ oaieoiatad to mltlaad the opinion* ot tb* very doubtful purposes in a single Aasemb.y d u tbs t e s t s s o d t u effvete IB l u n t cseaplsisle sre irniy 15, ttaxoh 7 aod April IS. T b e Reporter a a d t h e N e w s p a p e r . thia off yaar I* a good aim* to tea .situa* 1 aava triad to halo, 1 bag yoa to afford . e u a o s r r a i . Vsry B U T persons w b . e s oeeei were pre149 Broadway. .")S If fl I TE STREET. tnct. When U ia renaem jered that Ta.uruaay Tae efTsot apoo oar oewrpapert of ta* tmp'oy hopeleee end wbo l e d t a s e n t b s cleat oil 'or la Virginia aad la Miaaaatppl me rpeoe for the following an*war to it. Mia* .Ueaaae Mtda will aot lo The Lady sB l oareed B W c.-r l.'be-f St'ssi l«lw M H r e time wttBout m e r t s d effeev, h s v s l-e»n e a f r e i y holds i's ofRoen in baud as Srm'.y as a b 'usehave the held to Shaoiaalvat. If b«for* making utk'od eomrnenks apon tht msni ot toeocapsteal write*i Is one that ba* bean Rlaaeha," a traBalattoe of Aogtet't play, to the ouisd bv uslDg tble prepsrsti. 0 B e s s r e sod s e t i t s a-eooiae s l a n t f * OB'y b» \ B W u i n ' i i Cbsm.ei. Oaefc C a p i t a l 1200,000 la rata shahs tne atarmttoa aaada oe farther ex kotpex ho.ds the scullions of her a.u.uen, it book, whleb I wrote la the most friendly spirit to moeb dleeeaaad, aad we will only allude, la pass- Thsahre Frar tit thto steolog Boeton Boll bf nil dru*»teu. CRUbS ASSIT1 l i M . O J j 2 Will be plain enough that a rrf irm jf tb-' ?ity p*r•»***•»- la Saw Jersey the Kapoblloana n*v* show tery poor people bow to make the beat and In*, te one of its aspaosa. Rsesaes tae aort or Made tae Jenaaaehek will make her appearaoo* Maanfaetaren aad D*alars la Toetfa K e p t Clean w i l l Mot D e c a y H l l . l i l N i . B H i t . H t M i l n l ai.1 in - Kk f i t most of the date* they have, my eommaniaijrt labor we bete Jeteribed le cheap and aboedent, before a N*w York aodlenee thto erealog la the gorexnment is u&poasdoie e i . e p t up had 00 them. If Tammany is lefeated the way will hfdged, have moeb it fiaaeee on aha ratals, bol tag*. La doing to I hare only carried out my aad Intasasolnal order tto tot Vt eat tad su. ovuomtu. trraud u.«rs Uooec B e most not onls- be BAfiT 81U* be opened to ref irm. H o w i r w our c m x t n s uatahar tb* Rapebltnaat aer the Lisaaeerata ara coatiettoa abas the peer aaenri beat friend as not laatlbcetat antt capable In ate and aaderetaavl. he " jpeolag," hat they are cuoseaaaly la reoatpl of A>n IMPBOVRD wfsksb party wUI ooffar aaoat from It, aad the one who makes him iasajatealii with the lot T80 td i v - n o t corner 47Ui street pretty notalttes thear aallalaary dsparttueat may recard pol.tics generally, they cannot Opea froat 8 A a to 8 r a shows tweet-el tasty hats tn the ardtta. sultana. already aiaaaat too hardtobear, bat tbe one wao porttne; of any mtaairst or erenl rtqoiree talent adoid to bo indirterent to pontics in this city BBOtTtl B PUT.VERMAN. Ijetrt bso to-morrow will deans- teles bins hew to do the heat wtm has beta* be ben, aad jadgmeot aad ben est/. Bert bow la this ootaage, sUse, polo and other shapes Tbe trea^casreaa, traits aad berrtaa, aad the brecaed, newspaper depaituisat asoellr eondoetad I At a 120 Broadway, cor. Cfednr ItreeL Me thilxstj off aa eompared if she awdahs noseree any end aas* eg the g*n*ral thiag ahn04b thar* are asnapaoan, aad >w a Taxarioa a i o pounca slivered and faaey wlagt seed are all exoeaslveJy (anions aad taattnga of stork logmen ta regard to we hope " • tan the vobs of I PorLitnexl to Bercnaxta, HaDBfsctarera. l^wytre end (.auil*. pal< la In rash Iton.OOO 0 4 Soojewbeie la one of oar old American aew. The aewset shapes, trlrasalaaa aad mini my baek, I sen pah rath hand red* of lateen from utlM«a. and kept u. war kin*- o Oet si u t raies, oy o.e to htarjarlaaosil J l i « l aasan antt to Haaerves fur aL ilatiLiaea IXJUCLUI eaa ba pnriibaeia by ladles wao bchool itradera ihere u a clever LUUe poem •v^nsttranoe «J3 t t t 41 know what to do • wires, lilaasg aas to the pt atenet HlaTaaT DBMOChiTt, " The heart of her hutlxirui doth safely thaw do ant ear* tnhal abey ate ; their eaToet tt make thetr owa bona eta. Tha silk department la LAW T E L I C R A P H CO , which depicts two ountrr lads the one a PIKT Bifkrt.1 a to»,t»a 14 i heap I hare gteen f jr wheen wooid Seaator Bayard aad 3*oator trust in her." make _ filled wtth Belloa'e bast tperfmettt le blaok silks. Whig and the other a I>emocrat, who en1*0 F u l t o n B t . of thear cleat vote to- ' t i tllis tetaiani at net asm si sal. 1 eordlaUy We taasT the W, Total Assets $ 1 , 6 4 2 , 8 8 2 69 r aad ail aha aew aad aetraetirs oososed aUks are of the Hew Teeh iage with youthful dogmatism in a poltti- morraw tt they stare i Itwretothas oity I 11 may Invtbt say >-Wa A CUII.Oe, M i Mnetery a n d g s o v e s a t Aat JO* wao wtsttea too* imtotjxml to wheah they ebj*et eookad hi the free ssshons to B B WALCOTT, Prtaideat. ^1 diepute which ends abruptly by the ha aafaey aaM ahaS khey vraani ao* rata tbe Tarn ef the troah of aay reported e*-*tst speetalty; In has farmer theretoa aew aad ohotes i of aiiikanamta whaeh l 1. B I K I 1 I LABB. aeeretary. as OemocraUc boy falling to answer the atft ba rery low prtoea Amoea; «as laee* CKAB L. BOB, Aaal*veal Secret*-'7 ad eh i f i a « h t luiutuils of rsporta, antt aatatt beside know ad are a parable for s good many roters who in arnty sent are wholly anhniitsered %T**1 regard to twelre at alee will oaat their rotas to-morrow is » settan ot golper* tneea tn Uank, rery . \ ,U HO IO( UI 1 H- I W OaaKKHV B o c a e / W M l » l ( . ' latatMoito the On'.v a f l o w e r Taere " Hart for the "•g'St^a*— w h o sre before the people. Joauaala era snath ar szampsa ot thia ewtl; aaaallr wd tn prtoe, althoogh tbey are to beta- V kmoCti.i. Letsare," toeI U U whtoh rafaraa as Ins Stsleay at e a s t s S o a s * ef they ar* apielosaae of ralgar wrlMoa; aad ataaate But fcrtanateiy the present situattoa of po^. : efeeeu -oie L*«s t u r t e t ' w t a i i u e t e l . Trsneet. mmm_ isntt* hlsreh ' t i ' i . i n u SO o e - t e . " s r n t r end N s v j raaua uuNaTKUOTiuti A t^nuLaxri of aanwafuraaaiiutV Th* patosa) dap aad apsa hae of eaueevhas, litical attain and the uoeation of the pertoaa^ MerebUe«te* Warren *> cents • (tenet Lee Creasa1 thasap siasoa. rjoeaw atbed-spread* the hae) 14*1 aad laee 1 tJr»od the-weetak •X PstHlsWOa OF M TBAAaV stsp ' tOeaete. ' Oeeeaot D e n s e ' Wlls « B e a u arttolee to exeaastTaly n*w motive of the voters do not end with a para, BBirPtH) TO I L L PAaTTS VT TUB OOTJaTTirf uiTtAia a 00 Not TU aad an kaprtee. bio or a metaphor. V .iters are easing themfor Uraatrated CArcsJat ate Jest aoer an arttoaa reach la iHKipter BOOKBroa* IBnoooH-r TUB woaLix serres why they are Republicans or Deov uanAKina ANO nookj oe eeaseert traar, have nateral C A T * COO ocrau and are not ashing in ram. r i - M t u n t i l A W l rtaor ncTKi" ron pearl letokt aad aalm tope edged with marabout ,t UTnnAwunB r_Kia C A T A U H i D B o r WBrlBHA With the relatione sonaharn question, which N « rRKSL ssatn-*a%rs> thickly tar*we with flaoka of eolor; the tan la iTTtaftan an Be tana, Bew Terfc.»AT anoav. 1 Bee* at, for eome years has been the only real drridtng ef hae seea tressi teas here line of part** sealed and settled forever by the aagactooe policy of Preatdent IIarea, •""kelsiaee o m e n or T U B WILL 8BLL AT ArCTlON people are already begtaomg to ignore party Bf O A T a a d T T J M t t D A T , M o w . S a n d 6 , traditions aad to recognise that there ara one no o. at tr AJLX t*ntaa«, narw TOBX. J C B B i.nri _ or two facts of vital inawreat o a which all AT 4 P M. A V U ABLK (XJ'uLECTIOSI OF fw A t aa sleatlo* aeld oa the t u taeatat tb* followl ej |aj«^Biaj«»t cit sens can suoatanUally rHaVSCTOB

Hlt.t-k i.t-l.svb Sitv^ MM'-


Arcniois SAI>:S.

George Sloane,


No. 55 Cedar Street,

787 and 7 8 9 Broadway.




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.'T -nrr •



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* , a



.a' >


M a u n i l i i • < n f I'r.•> 1 'i (

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Cornice Poles'


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Lace, Gape, and Num^a


[ O M f E i III I0U&1D SHIMS


Lyons Silks,

"N." < > T 1 C ' .

FRENCH AND GERMAN ( loak. H n ^ and > l ; i i i i j l i n


!.^l» \ 1 1 • •

AT f^~

I -A ,t etel •>





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W" Tt GOO! S f v - - ' . ••

Arnold.CoDstable&Co. BROkDWiY, CORNER 19th ST.





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>\ f i l l , 1 - t l . i t ^ 7

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l.NSI KANt '!•„

Lower Prices


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American Silks,

I h






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A. T. Stewart & Co..





7-:c r

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Scarlet a n d Clouded











awaw^ti E N G L I S H

T h e drat and snoot important of those facta p honest aad eqoitabae taxatioo. L e t a a g U n o a for a Dsomnat at the broad and direct bearing


lBTartfM firpsrawevttof LirhR*TUBK eoar» kaag ovrr 1 loo Vot.l MBS an* Urlort s wsay aaoumtsna Honks ehicn sr« aaefal la a P I B J i ur P H I V A T B l.lBHABY Wadaeeday,

TbxatkM la the henna In iraicli we


aad rridey,


taBB B M K e bOUtVleld by taw qOeatkal trf


aajajf, eA>4 (she pnf tB( of h onrtaln ntBaH }cnx 10 wto cwinxtor. It InroiTen


Mew York Equ itable I nunranptj CB .,

Printing, Stationery, LlthogTaphy, Blank Book ttEnTalcptMrvmfacturera, C«.Pearl ud PliiaStawt^nJ-wYoA

Hick * 1 % S 5 a Bearr. sfcDwktaat, Oereaet A tasa, BarvetWead.






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r^si-*-*' A - V -

£ k- >' i•a|.-"•• riaVawan


* -•> * ' ^ T > 'r^C-




Untitled Document

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069


Posters. 8how Cards, CLrculaxa,

OF I I I 1

Inquire a t tlw«> BookaUrea.

? * ^ | P « S r loatfflff " * aar-aeC Bait err, Bteeken trrar. wUkan • asetr t e e ^ ~ ( ) a i m a t i i a l a t ssfaea. Kaat B. Jtnaa.

SaaVaaarCS: S s ^ V X

I S f f f ^




& Globe

Insurance Co., 45 William St.






Liverpool &



1F ES i S T ? 17-3> TS. T i 77

$2,226,552 97. Hettrvt for Cnearne-t: Premiumt 8 19C 3 0 S i t Other lalabll'tirt 7 8 3 3 8 0C C a p i t a l p a m I n . \n O a s t 1 O O O . f O O OC Wet Burplne 631.837 3 3 I S . 2 2 1 " 3 J on

0fflc»?, > o . 17«J






Graperies. Etc.

wwaviattpwedwith BANGS & CO., 656 Broadway,


H e e .-I 11 u s II * uses*, fci r . It u t i d l n c a II e a t s . 1. i t l i t , A i . l u i t i r r e i i y a . u / . able H a l . .








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273 ('anal through to 1 Howard st., N.Y. F I R E


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PlaAlBl AKD OOlsVBfttn.

Oorner af Broadway aad f l i t s * ttrsst.


1RANCR COMPANY, IBS BROADWAY. " O l d i R e l l a t o l e > . " fta»re*%*We>-|eB*raeo*. k e e i r - v s tar aaseUd leeeee a n * e t k r i

ai'lt-%1-* . • . - . - • . • T a t a l A s e e t e . J a a . 1 . 'TT.

leellal U a » S « > r « l SB

CBOtcB anocaiTT AT caensjsrr


Ur'iTutktlM. V ft J I HsLSTBU."" T i . WaiTixJca t e e r


A Y.

TRANSATLANTIC H K K l « « l I M i i I i n»ii t >| i ' ' A M 1- h . I n y . > ii I I It I N .I i I . . . I . I. • . t ' . \ t i s i ' K^ h • ' N v • T I T l . T l l ^ l J t M t h i I ^ - > I tt»' k . n l i . 1 1 | A 1 , a o.tfj f v * i s e^ a - f a (I K»a> < a '.,! a a i a d . Ke . * . , n» • a, rt. . *t, - k I i t

T i l l ' a e ' ' -aet« i>stMje ts*a wua . . . . '


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