New York NY World 1872-1874 Grayscale - Fulton History

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lia.hJk, caah or September; $18.50 December. Lara ste-atly at 7T ,c. Balk Meata and Bacon quiet and ntohanged. Wmatey quiet, weak, aod tower: sales at 15c. a  ...



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Genevana have gone fairly craay. The D u e of this evil system bas drawn within its cmtroi a foi a musical locomotive whistle which imitates tbe Sheep, ae a fa: choice Iota a shade higher, sale* TlIE DUC D'AUMALE. lowing which, in turn, projects ooaaci >u« *«d v>«. Brunswick, wbo had been leading a very qnte: itfa In 1, i n bead Canada Lambs, ranging from . V i a Continued from Fir ft Page. Ible Influence into the ranks of both uo uical par- sounds of sixteen differeot instrn*aeots, such as the bSiba., atts.S7k ate.eo; 188 head MleaiganSbeoB>. the Hotel du Beau Rlvage, Geneva, where be took ap ties, so that it la unrentable tbat tbev bogle, fife, piano, melodeon, A c , and gives vent averaging u 10.., at u. sa. Hoge-Recelpts to-day v u a veritable provocation against tbe parliament, h is abode when war waa declared between Germany ILUNOIS-COCNTY CONVENTIONS-TUB GER- have botb, measured by thn depth of their to then all at once, if desveu. Including reported arrivals, 4,90o head, making the i.srecihe responsibility, forielted the C U T . or above ah behind tne curtains where by an In- and France, haa bequeathed hla whole eatate to the total supply for the week thus far (1,900 head, MAN REVOLT IN CHICAGO. deuce of the peop.e. Your Committee, agaioatss.000 bead for tbe aanie time last week. credible pride be refused all concession, be broke city of oeneva. Hla income waa $1,000,000, but a bavlug observed indication* of a popular uprising It is understood In sporting circles tbat a series I ••mm o c a OWN cOKaasroMOBjrr.) I b e market was doll, sad the pans a n crowded amidst these outrages, deemed it uuwtae to call a down and go completely that till (all waa at the considerable portion of tbls capital is In forests, wltb rough Michigan Hoes; prices rule for lllloou CHICAGO, September s.—While there are no State State convention of the DeR'oeraev, rather pce'ei- of races between llgbtotug caricaturists has been same time tbe downfall of the republic in France. quarries, and other eimtlar proper... crown dorina to await tbe fuaing of elements in aa lode, srranged, for which aererai eminent artists are en. Dogs, $4.18 a | 4 . 9 0 ; Ohio HogB, §4.49 a 84.65, e ectlona bare to attract general interest, the progBut we uo not want to go back to the causes of mains, of which he waa tenant In tall, bat pecueut conveuiion before lt should communi- tered. There will be a purse tor caricaturist* wbo Michigan Hogs, 14.86 a H a s . those days, all the curloaa details of which have which, as you will presently see, he appar- iess of tbe grange movement all over the state, aa cate with its constituency. The tree Conven- have ao public record of having squarely drawn a at Dea Moines has been held. It apChicago. sot been yet made public; we only want to show ently considered his property in fee simple, Nev- in> tanced by tbe action of tne various counties in tion peal* to as to promise a strong following, which fall length figure tn leas than, another for tbe CHICAGO, September 8,—Cattle doll ana weak; what waa the part played by the Due d'Aumale on ertheless he leaves tl,000,000 of diamonda, $100,900 iecui again, ia watched with the close attention It will more aearly equalize tbe political forces 9,18 class, aod a third "free to all"purse, for receipts n,*00 bead, with several thousand stale la dati rv -. -> he two existing political parties, in of tbe State. There must be an opposition tbe 88d May to understand hla part in the fusion. worth of silver plate, fiO0,ooo worth of pictures, pets. The quality oCerlng is poor. Bulk sales te which i ouodioD and Regamey are both entered, aod party in Iowa. If this be not the Democratic party The council of the combat ia compoaed of the 1800,000 to worth of English, American and the absence of any general Issue, are shaping 1 11 muat be another party, and It It be not another lt lo which remarkable time may be expected. The shippers at fa. 30 a $6.73 for good to realty oeoiae corn-fed; Texans, IS a $4.60. Live Hosjs active Due ii A mi, me, the Due de Nemoura, and the French public and railway securities, $190,000 to their coarse < rum,.. • to the complexion or iocs mnst be tbe Democratic party. We deem it wise latter tact- is to t>e play or pay, as tbe backers or and higher; advanced se. to 10c; aaiea at%*.4* a Where tbe Republicans have a ma- counsel, then, when we advise the Democracy of Prince de Jolnville. The real leader, the acting his credit In a German bank, 'and a bouse in affairs. iowa that the auii-monopoly platform couietua the Regamey insist that Collodion a friends shall either t4.oo for heavy; a ft,90 for light; all sold. man In that memorable struggle, waa Mr. rarls worth from 9*0.000 to $80,000. Geneva may jority ~ i h * Democrats indorse in* fanners; germinal theortea of democracy, and promises rem- pot up or shut up. B««tea Cattle Market. Buffet, the President of the Assembly and in - get these, leaa the legacy bequeathed and the lega- where the Democrata mutter the stronger the edlea for the evils herein named, which tbe DemoK- 1 t.niicin- support the anti-monopolists, at cratic party has proven powerless to correc", npiur of tbe journal Lt Francaia. The Duke de cies announced aa to be bequeathed in a codicil, WATMTOWN, Mass., September «.—Beef CatWhether the new organization ahall render necesCATTLJK M A R K E T * YEMTEUDAY. tle—Receipts, 1,880 bead. The market baa latBroglle was but a simple combatant, the orator which codicil seems to have never been made. It they n tend to do in Montgomery Cou ty, where a sary the continued existence of tbe Democratic ino veil on Cattle, and good stock baa been selling of tbls monarchical coalition, exclusively directed Is going to rain lawsuits. He had with htm when s'raigbt Democratic Convention met and nominated party depends upon the sttength it can develop. The dally receipts a* Beeves, Sheep and Lamb*, at lull priors; sales ot choice at tlO;extra, t e a Believing that Its purposes are rlgbt, and tbat Ha by tbe urleantats, wbo hoped on the morrow i> he died a woman, the mother of his daughter, a candidates yesterday. Court-houses are probably triumph will secure tor the people every good de- and Swiue at the teveral market-places from Tuea> $9.50; first quality, $8 a $8.50; aeoond do , $6 a as follows: }; thud oo., | i a $a.eo. Sheepaad Lamoe— make It a day of deceit for tbe Bonapartlata, bat 1 mm eleven years old. They are said to be ibe nio-n Important Issue before the people In the sired by a patriot, we counsel its active aupport t>y day to Thuisday Inclusive were Beetm. Sheep, Smine. Receipts, 7,985 head: market fairly active and bustDemocrats who see In the partnership of the Tuesday •Hove all for the Legitimists. Tbe Legitimism and totally unprovided for, and, Indeed, to have been local elections here. Almost every county, no mat- all — 1...S B.94T neat good; some of the beat lots sold at wc. adleaders of tbe two parti.* In Congreaa, in measures Wednesday ter what Its political complexion, has a court-house 1,480 1,418 vatce, bat mom of the trenaactions were made at xtruded already from the lodgings they occupied Bonapartlats wanted as much as the Urleanlata to a, via of fraud and plunder, an indication tbat tbe* 8.9SJ last week's quotations; ssles in lota at $8 a $4 eaeh; 8,304 oven brow Thiers and kill tbe rt public; bat the with blm. There is a woman in Paris who pre- • to be built, or some similar local improve- less principles of Jefferson may reach the people Thursosy extra, $4.59 a $5,60; spring Lambs, tc. a TVe. orleanists, after having commanded the battle, tends to have been married to him, and whose ment, which la managed after the manner of New through a purer channel and cleaner bands. Jotala g.asi u . o i s i « , m per lb. Yoik's, ao that In every county there t< a tight becounted to take all the plunder to themselves daughter (bis child) has married a pertinacious mm How the address will be received by the Dcmoc- Totais same time last week. 3,1ST 11,093 ia,4l« BKBVES.—The fresh offerings were !M cars, ar Frenchman, who haa already instituted one salt tween the Ins and outs, complicated by the particialone, and when tbey fonnd tnat tbe conatltu H I A U h l T s BY TELEURAPrj. rscy at large lt Is hard to say for a few days, but l.sea hesd—a care at Coanmuntpaw, ss ears at tlonai monarchy of tbe Count de Paris could not be sgalnsthlm. His family In Germany will likewise pation of tne honest tax-payers, who object to should the whole party strength be cast wtth the JJ eehawken, and 11 cars at One Hundredth street, seeing their money spent, the whole Anally made Earopeaa Moaty asd I'redar-e Msrksta. forthwiui established, they invented the Idea of the probably bring suit to set aside the will, or, at all w tin warm, wet weather, and more Beevesou sale aatf-monopolists it will undoubtedly secure the tban LONDON, September 4—11:80 p. u . - A t Of teen butchers actually needed, tbe buyers had bota stadtbolderate of the Due d'Aomale, or, as lt has events, to have themselves declared to be pos- more confused by the farmers' movement. i in disposition and the opportunity to crowd prlcoa minutes past twelve r. a. the Bank of Bug-land (mi.of such a chaoa nothing valuable to thoae who deft at of Carpenter. been currently called, the princely republic under sessors of a considerable portion of his German The Radical press has for some time past been downward. iNot a tew sales of good butchers' directors posted their card sta tug that the e x take an Interest In or desire to judge of the movetbe Presidency of the Due d'Aumale. Tbls property. The persons whom he announced as to Meers were made at i o v . per lb., to change m the rate of dts. ount had not ueen abusing Jacob G. Vale, the anti-monopoly candi- drees r>7 lbs. to tbe gross cwt., a decline pected made. I niu d States ten-forty bonds, to*,. Kris roject was fondled up to tbe evening of May 23; be provided for in a codicil, but who seem to have ment In Its national aspect can be deduced from of atont s e. per lb. since Monday last; and obotoe date for Governor, as a hank president and monopoRan say aaaree, 48 *». tut Legitimists, Bonapartlats, and neophytes of the been forgotten, will perhaps bring suit. Here is the tight for a county treasurerahlp here, or the Steers of, live weight average, were oo14VKKPOOL. September 4—1 p. a.—Cotton—The fusion on a school superintendent there. The only list. They have just now discovered that tbe bank tsiued at lie. a 11 s , c per in. Quality considered, Left Centre demanded persistently wbo was to be the will: market but not qoo'ablv higher; middling president Is quite another Vale, and now confine the range ot pries waa close to wo, per lb. lower uplands,Is 8flnrur points of Interest are the resoluttoua of these conk d . ; mldUlleg Orleans, 7>,d. Bales tbe successor of M. Thiern, and tbe other two moThe holographic will of M. Charles Frederle t&an on Monday, and at leaat to car-loads remained ventions on general suijects. Their voice contin- themselves to puns about Vale-dlctortes, Vale- unsold at tbe close. Fair to good Texaaa were sold 14,too bales. narchical groupa refused to make this legal revolu- Augustus William, Sovereign Duke of BrunswloK, LONDON, September 4—l:8er. «.—consols for ues unchanged, demanding economical admloietra- tudinarians, aod the like. Mr. Vale has accepted at se. a »•-. per lb.; ordinary to choioe Illinois and money, »*\ a 99k: for the accouut, Ms, a w*,. tion In direct favor of the Orleanists, who had to who died m Hotel Beau Rlvaice, August 18, l»73, Mr. Frederick O'Donnell, the Missouri Steers, at io.-. a \t^c.; oruered to be admitted of record by Presiding Judge tlonot public affairs In every department, censur- 'he nomination. and a fair drove Erie Railway tihaien, 48k. their sorrow to jontent themselves with having Chaulmontet, the l»th dav of the aforesaid monta of Colorado Steers, atsfeo. LONDON, September 4—l:4Br. at.— Erie Railway ing impartially the President and the Congressmen candidate tor Llenteuant-Governor, has been com(M. Bluet, notary): "This, the 8th day of March. i verthrown Thiers without elevating their prince. Toe droves at Commuuipsw since Monday were shares, sepf, 1871, Hotel de ia Metropole, in Geneva. Tbls Is our who took part in tbe salary steal, and either calling pelled to resign his place on'the ticket on account 118 cars for M. Morrta.lS cars for J. R. McPhersou, LONDON, September 4—9 r. M.—Erie Balrwaf The election of MacMahon as President If not will or testament. We, Charles Frederic Augustus tor Free Trade or revenue ret01 m. These utter- ot hta ineligibility. The constitution requires that 9 cars for Fuller A Co., and l car each for J. Hon. shares, 48k. princely and monarchical, waa at least military and William, by the grace or God, sovereign uuke of^ man and J. Moaes. Livaarooi, September 4—1:30 p. k.—Bread. Brunswick and of Lunenburg, A c , being in good" ances on these vital questions are not dictated by the Lieutenant-Governor be thirty years of age, aristocratic, with a tacit mandate to occupy the po- health of body ana mind, declare: 1. To revoke by Coney A McPberson Bold oo their own account stuffs—The market la buoyant. Wheat, lta. l i d . a considerations of court-houses or county roads, and while Mr. O'Donnell Is only twenty-eight. 3s. per ewt. for average California white; Its, Id. 231 Illinois SteerB, 7 w cwt. average, at l i e , a 18*c. ltion without fulfilling lta lunctlons, and to leave lt Hit se presents all wills or writings antecedent to per lb. a IBs. 4d. for club do., aud Us. 9d. a i t s . ad. far 2. Wewish that afierourdeatushall havebeen cannot be Ignored. Yesterday tbe anti-monopolists lsputed among the monarchical pretenders. The this. ied Western spring. Corn, 80s. 6ei. per quarter, THE BODY OF "BEAU " HICKMAN EXHUMED verified, our hereinafter mentioned executors shall of Bureau County (Grant, 8,833; Greeley, 1,8)0), Fuller, Martin * Co. on their own account as Stthot May thus passed over without any advantage nave our body examined by live of the most eminent LONDON, September 4—8:80 r. a.—Erie Railway Missouri steers, 6x a6»i cwt., at 1 0 \ c per lb., to AND HORRIBLY MUTILATED. after nominating a strong mixed ticket, adopted the physician* and surgeons 10 satisfy themselves that we dress &6 lbs. to the gross owt.; and no utile Chero- shares. 48**. the Due d'Aumale. LONDON, September 4—4 p. a.— Erie Railway not have been poisoned, and to make true re- following: WASHINGTON. September *.—Efforts are being kee*, 4\ cwt., at T k c , todress at lbs. Tbe Due d'Aumale believed on tbat day that shall port, in writing and signed by them, wherein uuall F. Samuels, lor N. Morris, «s coarse, fat Mis- shares, 48. Revived, That we demand the immediate repeal made to-day by the chief of Police to dlscuver the there was but one obstacle io remove to get hold of be set iortli the cause of our death. 3. We desire of tbe tariff, not only on iron, salt, and lumber, but ANTWERP. September 4. -Petroleum, 89vf. far souri Steers, 7* cwt., at Ufie, alHu a 6^ cwt., ai io*e. a l i e . ; 38 Texas tine pale American. the supreme power, and that It would suffice to (bat our body shad be embalmed, and (If such be on all articles except those taxed for revenue only. considered toe best mode to preserve it) petrified LohibuN, September 4—4:80 p. a.—Tbe bullion and Illinois, mixed. 6 cwt., at 9^c per lb., to overthrow the democratic republic in order to in tne manner of the process described lu the On the same day the anti-mooopolis:s of Will which soon after Interment In potter's field was ex- dress t6 lbs.; an-, 34 do , S cwt., at 10c. per lb., tn tbe Bank of Kuguml has decreased xlh.oepiwiiiru g tne psst week. The amount wlthdrawsmata establish tbe princely republic under his presi- printed memoir which is herein enclosed. We wisa County (Grant, 4,818; Greeley, 8,937) adopted a 'turned, the legs disjointed at the hips, the head with f l per bead off. our funeral snail take place with all the pomp tbe Bank on balance la £100,000. severed from the trunk and skinned, the viscera dency. The red flag waa held up to tbe eyes of the that ll. lueyers, lor Morris, Tl common Missouri platform containing the following plank: iMi ceremony due to our rank of sovereign dake. PAHIH, September 4.— The specie in the Bank of aken cat and removed, with the exception of tbe Steers, 6 ewt., at He. per lo., to dress &6 lbs., aud Blghi, tbe coalition formed Itself, and the republic 4. We wisn that our body shall be placed la a 4. Opposition to any legislation that shall pro80c. per head; and 84 Illinois Steers, 6^ cwt., at France bas decreased l,000,00uf. during tbe past mote or foster one branch of industry at the ex- heart, which was found In the bushes Dear by scant lie. per lb, succumbed under tbe fear, of radicalism. But at mausoleum above ground, which shall be balk by week. ex< enters in Geneva, and In a conspicuous pense of anotber. Livkurooi.. September 4-8 r. at.—Cotton—Of wrapped lo a newspaper. An ivory-bandied distne moment of accomplishing the end, he fonnd hi n- our S. Motes, for Morris, 100 Illinois Steera, ex a 7 and suitable position. Tne monument shall be ihe salea to-day 7.too balee were Amaricen. Sales So lt goea oo daily, tin, if there is a Republican secting knife waa lound in the vicinity. From ap- cwt., at i o v - . a liVjC. per lb. eelf in the presence of the coaleaaed who exacted surmounted bv our equestrian statue and surLanttrbaif, for Morris, at Illinois Steers, flyi of uplands on the basis of good ordinary, dean aLonymous government; the Orleanists and cue rouuded by those of our father and grandfather party in the West, lt is committed, either directly pearances it is thought the parties were frightened c mM. liverable November and December, at 8 k d . ; ae. , at io,;vc. a lie. per lb., io drees at lbs. ana of glorious memory, In conformity with the draw- or tacitly, to opposition to the cause of Protection. from their work before they had completed their 01 lbs. to the groM cwt. siios, delivery of ibe uew crop oo the basis of good Due d'Aumale ran against an obstacle Improvised ing annexed to this will, which U drawn after toe Tbe Imbroglio in this city between the Hermans t>!ans. Seme benevolent gentlemen had made arW, Siege-i, for Morris, 97 Illinois Steers, t \ cwt., ordinary, at8*,d. by tbe party of the Right; It waa the monarchy. monument of the Scaglieri at Verona. Oar executors LONDON, September 4—Eveoiog.—Calcutta Ltaat l i e . ; 83 do., 7 cwt., at l i ^ c . ; and bad at ou The idea of the monarchy was in effect caressed win have money ad libitum of the millions of our and the Republican party la over, and the high con- rangements to give the body a deceot burial lo the sale. seed, 68s. Spirits Turpentine, 38a, per ewt. estate lor the construction of this monument 10 tracting parties—Mr. Heelng, of tne StatUt-Zeitunrj, Congressional Cemetery. The necessary permit by all tbe coalessed, bat to establish .It required to bronze and marble by the most eminent artists, George Toffey, for Morns, n Illinois Steera, 0 cwt,, at 10c. per l b . ; and u Texans, as* cwt., 11 at v a n s K x c b u s w e . break up their anion, and outside that there waa no s. We prescribe for a condition precedent to ail tbe of the first part, and Messrs. C. B. Farwell and having been given by the health officer, Dr. Keene, •evlscs and bequests of this will that our executors John A. Logan of the second part—have signed a the undertaker called at the asylum, and on show- atsc. HAVANA, September 4.-Exchange arm; oa majority against the Republicans. The council of shall W. E. Dudley, for Morris. 38 Illinois Steers, 7 United states, aixty days, currency, 8 4 * a 8a preenter into no sort of compromise with oar un- treaty of alliance, offensive and defensive. Pre- iug bis luthorlty was directed to tbe grave of Beau, the princes then made up their mind tbat the 24th natural kindred, Prince William of Brunswick, the cwt., at 11 Jic.; aud 09 Texaua, • cwt., at 8 c a 9c. mium; short sight, 86k a"87 premium: sixty da#i, cisely who lt la that authorized Mr. Ilesing to and on going there to remove tbe body the mutilaM. Goldsmith, for Morris, 78 prime Illinois void, 54 V a 55 premium; abort sight, 56k a 57 preof May had no doubt distanced 'he ©n