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ejaa at oat honea."-*. 8- Ctrtahaw. QaMen. .... I believe Dr. Hand's Remedies would have saved the life of ...... be«Ki such as to cull out tho unqualified admiration ...



Insanity Last Year.

at toeanity last year over ifct ITEMS OF INTEREST. « a a startling! Think a l % from nervous troubles, •*•> — R e v . W . H . Waahburne g a v e t h e d nervous headache, nervoaaaejg) people of Scotch B u s h aa interesting adMuralgia. apoplexy, drees at their picnic, l a s t w e e k . paralysis, aatfwia i T * e outlook weald — R. S . Herring, w h o h a s been visiti « r for you « « • there no ing In California tor the past two months, Ml j&y • * the »«»*• • returned t o h i s home in t h i s village remore, a n advance ay . 5 J T o V 2 a » i i k « . ^ a i l y d e p k « b t o « J . cently. a ending u* aoiwW « prematura aaata, —George W. Greene, of Herkimer, Rranklia Sl'dee, tha noted tpecMm, well k n o w n In t h i s section, has recently •a* iataatd over » rears to die inveatajn. at nervous afjctiaoa, and in the M M become t h e ^ w er and proprietor of t h e Darrow house, Richfield Springs.


—The human race i s divided into t w o •Ha* SerruM is a noaittve maanaof i w T e l h a v a e n y n e r v o o . aflectioo * * • " * » c l a s s e s - those who hustle e n d accomplish tdl your intaOaolkJ something and those w h o sit still and $ l a n e T 0 ? o a t wait - of suicide off— kick because i t w a s not done the other way. • R M , V wtli^Over, —Mohawk Valley Democrat: Miss of tr»T^, «^a*wnasl jjat, aaa eat and for t h e occasion. ^ M V M afllWMed _ m l Oils ifl innilnH my business laeauao u n a a u alao •oflsrtog ftomuervouepro*. MtioaTtad be. too. reeelved wondarW banaat ejaa at oat honea."-*. 8- Ctrtahaw. QaMen. Wefcj '**%

—The Louisville Post raises t h e question of Congressman Breckinridge's eligibility, and s h o w s him to b e a non-resident, because Mr. Breckinridge himself s a y s that h e " h a s been living in h e l l for ten years.'*


•orootUe, or * t bower 8>rftVezpramPjepaid-j bTpeeWrelr nea from all oobuaaaad «ajjaan» fcpok at drowUav a* by mail.

JOB: 4 * u « i A a. *A« Hwra;

—The constitutional convention h a s under discussion a plan for new representation in boards of supervisors. I t provides for o n e supervisor from a town, and for incorporated villages one supervisor for every 1,500 of population. — N e w England i s n o t the only part of the country containing abandoned farms. I t i s said that western Kansas, embracing an area stretching clear across the state, north a n d south, a distance of 200 miles and more than 100 m i l e s eastward of the Colorado line, i s suffering depopulation a s the result of repeated drouths.

—Edward O'Neil of t h i s village, i s the proud owner of s beautiful fourteen months' old c o l t , w h i c h i s being broken and trained b y 8. V . H o l m e s , trainer ; experience, ana our anuamer sale from the Prindle stock farm. T h i s colt pleasant bat a l s o * i s of good stock, being sired by Excel, h e buyers. This money toe people ta on now ana by Mambrino K i n g . Mr. O'Neil will e x • is »foot about a ^ O f ^ * * 0 ™ * * 0 0 » catch bargains- We've treated Prion. hibit the colt at the county fair this fall. uTooBytet-a hair, clipped them; ami tbla - A N o r w i c h woman fell head first out f c i t t e a s e t t h e stock moving. Weare T I B that have aat b u e r s i a o v f c b of a window s i her h o m e a few d a y s a g o jtwo»2 ¥ *" "ffiav-lett of the •ow offering as there was of the to the ground, a distance of fifteen feet. « MthingTett to fact, hot the She strack an e i g h t inch pipe which v- a s eeenpy. Step to the beat of the bar(trwa. and aeeure a mortgage on cheap- standing on end, her h e a d entering A n ex-sheriff released her ! S * > a ^ S w t n g Heel Shoe, patent Up... 80 t h e pipe. dies' Pis* Oxford Ties, plain and tipped from her peculiar predicament. T h e o n l y • . T p w a i Leather Oxfords . . . . . . . . . . ISO injury s h e h . d sustained was a bruised - die** Ptae » d Button Shoes, all style nose.

A Summer Sail

—There will be n o N e w York and N e w » England fair tl Is year. T h e cutting off 180 iuSTsSmTZ 1» of t h e state appropi iatlon had the s a m e a Gray Ooee Oxford Ties, regustt-Wnow. 1 * effect as the »

a^Aetiva,™ Jjfat.ear w»i

The Doctors Endorse It. / * i * i 2 R l * ' , I n * e t i B « o r t l l e Genesee County (H. X.) Medical Society, the physicians of the county passed a vote of thanks far samples of Hilmore's Aromatic Wine which Imd been preeentea to the society, and said that they recognised the remedy as being adapted to a large class of summer diseases, physicians everywhere recommend this excellent medicine, especially to their lady patients- Sold by all druggists for $1.00 per bottle. Junll A


Dr H e a d ' s m a r r h w a Mixture. **My baby Is subject to severe attacks of diarrhoea. During the lastslcknessDr.Ha d'« diarrhasa Mixture was freely given and an immecure resulted. It would have repaired a ta iwuctt diate dozen visits of a physician as on former occaftons. I believe Dr. Hand's Remedies would have saved the life of the child I lost, had they beea within my reach at the time of its sicknese."-Mra. F. H. Bennett, 758 New St., Camden K. J. inc. At aVng stores. Jnn U Price


Use PonwUB* Co sisaBBo.

'up for Throat and surest I safest I t l

A MATTER OF,CENERAL INTEREST— F i v e shares of the Johnstown bank stock, were sold on Saturday, by ConuAt the last session of the legislature an selor F a y e t t e Moyer on the court house act w a s passed relating to Inspectors of Steps. T h e y wW« sold for #200 50 p*-r elections, poll-olerks and ballot-clerks share. in all tho t o w n s and cities of the state, — Amsterdam Democrat: C. T o m w h i c h went into effect on the first day of Brown, one of Amsterdam's aspiring J u l y l a s t Antony t h e provisions of this pugilists, and one w h o has displayed con- act are the following: 8KOTION I. Section nineteen of the siderable skill in this line on numerous occasions, Is a n x i o u s to g e t on a match town law is amended to read a s follows: § 19. Inspectors of towns. - T h e preWith Chauncey Chase, Johnstowu's colsiding officer of each annual town meetored favorite. ing shall, Immedlately after the votes are — J u d g e Stover transacted the follow canvassed, appoiut by writing, t w o ading business of local interest at his cham- dltlonal Inspectors of election for each election district, t o be associated with bers, at Amsterdam: Eliaha 8. King v s . the two inspectors w h o shall have been Sarah King, action for divorce—order of elected, and w h i c h inspectors) s o to be reference. T h i s Is a Gloversville case. appointed, shall be those t w o persons In K a t e M. Christie Vs. Duncan C h r i s t i e - each election district w h o shall havo received the hlgliest number of v o t e s next order of reference. Aotion for divorce. to the two persons who shall h a v e been —Professor B e n j . H. Ripton of Union elected Inspectors, and which Inspectors, s o to be appointed, s h a l l belong to and c o l l e g e , a dlstinguised mathematician, be of the same political faith and opinion h a s been chosen dean of t h e Harvard fac- o n state and national Issues as one or the ulty. H e h a s been six years a t Union. other of the t w o political p a i t i c s which, Mr. Ripton is of the family of that n a m e at the la t preceding general election for in J o h n s t o w n , being a brother of Messrs s t a l e officers, shall cast t h e greatest and n e x t t o t h e greatest number of v o t e s In Henry, John C , J a m e s H., Walter N . , said t o w n , but they shall not belong to and William A. Ripton. the s a m e political party nor be of the —Contractor D . A. H a y e s and his m e n s a m e political faith and opinion on s l a t e and national i s s u e s a s the Inspectors w h o are busily a t work remodeling Choral shall h a v e been f/ected. If she t w o InUnion hall for t h e use of the Odd F e l l o w s , spectoiB elected belong to differ- ut pow h o have leased the rooms for a term of litical parties, the inspectors appointed years. W h e n the work Is completed the shall be the t w o candidates for Inspectors hot elected and r< eclving t h e highest anil Odd F e l l o w s congratulate themselves next to the highest number of votes ret h a t they will h a v e t h e finest l o d g e r o o m s spectively, and belonging to different political parties. N o ballot shall be in the city.—Gloversville Leader. counted upon w h i c h more than t w o — T h e town of Florida produces more names for Inspector for any one election The various elec' rult than any other town in Montgomery district shall appear. c o u n t y . N o other town in the county tion Inspectors elected, or elected and appointed, for towns, under the provishas such large and well kept orchards ion of existing l a w s , shall continue to and so many of thorn, a s Florida. J u s t serve a s such Inspectors u; til January a t present t h e apple, plum and peat trees flrat, e i g h t e e n hundred and ninety-five. are laden with fruit, t h e crop being par- On or before t h e second T u e s d a y iu September n t x t the several election inspecticularly large and promising. Pie apples tors in the various towns, appointed un have already b e c o m e a drug in the mar- der t h e provisions of existing l a w s , shall e a c h appoint one additional o e c t i o n inket. spector, w h o shall serve w i t h the other — T h e following death claims h a v e three election inspectors during their b e e n paid in t h i s Tillage and vicinity by term of office; s u c h appointment shall be the Metropolitan Life Insurance c o m made In writing and flkd in the office of pany during t h e m o n t h s of J u n e and t h e town clerk. S u c h additional inspector shall belong to and b e o f the s a m e poJuly: Gloversville, W i l l i e Plrchard, t 2 0 ; litical faith on state and national Issues Anna M. Tooker, S176; R o s e MoKegney, as the political party w h i c h at the last $26.66. Fultonyille— Catherine Hallen- pr ceding town meeting shall have cast beck, | 6 5 . J o h n s t o w n — H a n n a h Pur- next to the highest number of votes, and when possible shall be one of the persons cell, $104. Sammonsville— Matilda who, a t t h e said town meeting, received Brown, $ 2 3 2 next to the h i g h e s t number of v o t e s for —Mr. J. Irwin France, w h o h i s been election i'-spei, tor. T h e additional inspec tor so appointed shall be subject to the taking a special advanced course of study provisions of e s i s t t n g laws, and of this In Biology under eminent scientists at the act. § 2. S e c t i o n t w e l v e of t h e election Marine Biological Laboratory a t " W o o d s H o l l , " Cape Cod, Massachusetts, re- law i s amended t o read as f dlows: § 12 Poll clerks and ballot c l i r k s for turned t o J o h n s t o w n on W e d n e s d a y , towns—There shall be t w o poll clerks and i s n o w a t t h e Presbyterian Cottage and t w o ballot c l e r k s In each election d l s Canada L a k e enjoying a well earned rest trlot of the various t o w n s , w h o shall be of a few w e e k s before resuming his voters thoreln, and s u c h clerks m u s t b e of good character and able t o r-ad and s t u d i e s a t H a m i l t o n college. write the E n g l i s h language. One of such — H o n . Francis E . Baldwin and H o n poll clerks and one of s u c h ballot c l e r k s J u s t u s Mllk-r will address the prohlbl shall belong t o and be of t h e s a m e political faith and opinion on state and nation, picnic a n d mass meeting a t t h e fair tional iasue.i a s the political party pollgrounds on Monday, A u g u s t 27, at 2 and i n g t h e highest number of v o t e s for 7:30 P . M. T h e Beverldges, of N e b r a s k a , state officers at the last preceding g e n will sing and the occasion w i l l be both eral election at w h i c h state offloers were elected, and one poll-clerk and one ballot interesting and enjoyable-. T h e Prohibi- clerk shall belong t o and b e of t h e s a m e tionists of Johnstown held a meeting political faith and opinion on state and Thursday evening, a t w h i c h c o m m i t t e e s national Issues a s the political party pollw e r e appointed t o m a k e necessary ar- ing t h e next h i g h e s t number of v o l e s for s u c h state officers a t t h e said last precedrangements for the picnic. ing general election. At the first meet* ing of t h e iuspeetors of election in every district in which t h e law provides for the election of inspectors, the inspectors elected shall appoint one of the poll clerks and one of the ballot clerks, and the inspectors appointed s h a l l appoiut t h e other poll clerk and ballot clerk. Such appointment shall be in writing signed by the Inspectors m a k i n g the appointments respectively, and shall be filed by them with t h e town clerk of t h e t o w n in which s u c h election district Is situated. T h e poll clerks and ballot clerks so appointed shall hold their offices during t h e term of office of t h e inspectors appointing them. T h e term, Inspectors of election, as used In this section, shall i n c l u d e iuspeetors authorized L be elected. If at ihe t i m e of any election at which poll clerks and ballot clerks —The picnic at t'ayadutta park, Wed are required to bo present at t h e polling ut'sday, g i v e n by the b >ys of the G >M . l a c e In an- election district, the office Cure c l u b , was n o t a s liberally patron- of a poll c h * k or of a ballot clerk of s u c h district shall brf vacant, or a poll clerk ized as the b o y s had reason to e x p e c t it oi a ballot clerk o f ; he district shall be would be. T h e "crowd" in the after- absent, tiiC inspectors of election of such noon w a s small and composed m o s t l y of district snail forthwith appoint a person the b o y s and their families. T h e dance to fill such vacancy, or d e s i g n a t e a person to a c t in the place of such absent i n the evening w a s w e l l attended and t h e poll clerk or ballot clerk until he shall best of order prevailed, o w i n g no doubt appear. Sut h person so appointed or t o t h e absence of the chief cause of every designated shall, before he acts as such disturbance. T h e picnic, o n t h e w h o l e , poll clerk or b a l l t clerk, take the constitutional oath of office. was a s u c c e s s , e n o u g h being realized to $ 15. Organization of boards of Inpay expenses, l e a v e a balance of tea dollars in t h e treasury b e s i d e s irivl'ig t h e spectors; supplying vacancies and absences. - Before otherwise entering upon boy's a day's solid pleasure without the their duties, the inspectors of e a c h district shall meet and appoint one of their aid of rum. number chairman; or, if •: majority shall . » . — My boy w a s taken with a disease re- n o t a g i e e in s u c h appointment, they sbail s e m b l i n g bloody flux. T h e first t h i n g I draw loi s for that position. If at t h e time thought of w a s Chamberlain's Colic, of any meeting of tho inspectors there Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. T w o shall bo a vacaucy in the otll ••> of any d o s e s of It settled t h e matter and cured Inspector, or If iny inspector shall lie him sound and well. 1 heartily recom- absent fioui any such meeting, the in mend t h i s remedy to all persons suffering spector or liiHpccturs piee-eut shall apfrom a l i k e complaint I w i l l answer any point a qualified elec'or of the district Inquiries regarding it when s t a m p is in- w h o shall be a member of the t a m e politi closed. I refer to any county official as c a l ; a i t y as the absent inspector, to till to m y reliability. W M . ROACH, J. P . , such vacancy or to a t a s inspector, in Primroy. Campbell Co., Tenn. For s a l e t h e place of s u c h absent inspectoi, until by W m . B. V a n V l i e t and Sutliff & Liv- s u c h absent inspector s h a l l appear. If. at "any tuch time, t h e offices of all iningston. s p e c t o r s arc vacant, or no inspector shall • ei • " I k n o w an o l d soldier w h o had chronic appear within an hour after the time fixed dia rhoea of l o n g standiug to h a v e been by law for t h e opening of such meetlne, permanently cur.jd by t a k i n g Chamber- the qualified voters of the district present, lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea R e m - not l e s s than ten, may designate four edy, " saye Edward Shumptk, a promt- ent qualified voters of the district to til! s u c h druggist of Minneapolis, Minn. " I h a v e vacancies, or to act iu the place of such sold tne re m e d y in t h i s city for over Inspectors respectively umll the nbaeut s e v e n y e a r s and consider i t superior to inspectors respectively appear. If, at any other medicine now on the market any time, there shall be a vacancy in the for bowel complaints." 25 and 50 c e n t office of any poll clerk or ballot clerk, or bottles of this remedy for sale by W m . B. If any poll clerk or ballot clerk shall be absent fr< m s u c h meeting, the Inspector V a n V l i e t and Sutliff & Livingston. or inspectors present shall appoint a Kenneth B t z e m o r e had t h e good for- qualified elector of t h e district, v< ho shall tune to receive a small bottle of Cham be a member of the sam-i political party berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea a s t h e absent poll clerk or b a l l i t c h r k , Remedy when three m e m b e r s of h i s to fill buch vacancy, t o act a. S'.ich poll family were s i c k with dysentery. T h i s clerk or ballot clerk, as the case may be, one small bottle cured t h e m all and he in t h e p l a c e of s u c h absent poll elert or had some left w h i c h he g a v e to Geo. W . ballot clerk until each absent poll cK-rl Raker, a prominent merchant of the or ballot clerk shall appear. Such a | uoiutplace, Lewlston, N . C , and it cured h i m ments and designations shall bo made of the same c o m p l a i n t W h e n troubled from the political parties p«-lli' g the with dj s e n t e i y , dlai ihcea, colic or cholera highest and next highest number f vote? morbus, give this remedy a trial and y o u for s l a t e officers at the n e x t preceding will be more than p h a s e d with the re- general election for such offic rs, end s o s u l t T h e praise t h a t naturally follows that not more than two of s u c h ID^P-HV Its Introduction and u s e b a s made it very tors shall belong to the s \ m po'liieal popular. 25 and 50 c e n t bottles for s a l e party. Every person so appointed or by W m . B . V a n V l i e t and Sutliff and Liv- designated to act a s lnrpector shall take ngston. the oath of office retiult* d of Inspeolo s of election. T h i s section shall not app y W h a t Will Do I t ? to the city of Brooklyn. MKDKJAL writers claim that the successful remedy for nasal catarrh must be non-irritating, e a s y of api lication, and TO CLKANSK THK SYM'KM o n e that w i l l reach t h e remote fcoresaml Effectually y e t gently, when costive n't anything that will help regular trains until August 27 will be her but organization." s o l d at $ 4 . 5 0 each. Thes< t i c k e t s perHow Repulsive m i t of stopover a t Buffalo on the return Is bad breath, and y e t how m a i y otherwithin t me limit and the accommodawise attractive, polite, and parii-ular tions on this e x c u r s i o n wl 1 be first c l a s s pe-.plo afllct their friends with the foul In every particular. W a g n e r palace cars odor of their breath If there w a s no will be attached t o train for t h o s e desir- remedy for this, it might excite our symi n g sleeping accommodation?. Niagara pathy, b u t a s there is no need of having a foul breath, It Is an unpardonable breach F a l l s w i t h Its countless attractions appeals of g o o d maimers to obtrude such an of. t o y o u in considering an outing and the fence on g o o d society. l o w rate m a k e s it possible for y o u to e n Foul breath a r i s e s from disordered dijoy this trip. Call o n ticket a g e n t s for gestion w h i c h can be corrected by using Sulphur Bitters, and tho result wl'l be a circulars giving full information. pure, s w e e t breath. — T h e D o l g e v i l l e Telephone c o m p a n y , a stock corporation w i t h a capital oi 95,000 has just been organized in Dolgeville. T h e objtct of t h e c o m p a n y i s t o construct and maintain telephone lines b e t w e e n D o l g e v i l l e , Little F a l l s , St. Johnsvlllo, J o h n s t o w n , Canada L a k e s , and other v i l l a g e s i n F u l t o n , Montgomery and Herkimer counties. T h e incorporators are Alfred D o l g e , W . S. Armstrong, Theo. H. R o t h , N a t h a n A. Snell, Julins B r e c k w o l d t , Edward A . Brown, E-neet Polscher, Calvin Bro< kett •V heeler Kuapp, Charles Dedicke, Mary H White.

ROCKWOOD. T h e Itov. W. P. Omans i s expected to return from h i s vacation A u g u s t 25. Rev. C. M. Tower of Oneida will preach in t h e Baptist church, Sunday, A u g u s t 26, both morning and evening. T h e Baptist parsonage Is completed, and ready for t h e preamher wh«a he returns from hi* vacation;




Local fishermen may tell of the wonderful catches they h a v e made In the waters of our northern l a k e s in the wilds of Hamilton, Warren, Clinton and St. Lawrence counties and In the classic Mohawk aud the roaring bacandaga, but they m u s t tip t h e hat to t h e fishermen of Brock vllle, O itnrio, w h j are In the habit of landing t w e n t y and thirty pounders T h e following wil! be of interest: T h e record for t h e largest muscalonge c a u g h t in this section the present season g o e s to Mr. E. F. Kohl, inamtger of the Molson Bank, who, on Saturday evening last, captured a 33 pounder near American Island. T h e fish, which was 4 feet 6 inches in length, and very handsomely marked aud proportioned, made a terrific fight for liberty, but was finally landed after half an hour's careful work. Mr. Kohl was accompanied by U. 8. Consul Demarest and Mr. P. Malette acted as oarsman. After being admired by many citizens the n>h was this morning handed over to Mr. T o o ley, w h o will m o u n t iL — B-rockville Recorder. A w e e k a g o to-day Mr. J a m e s Moore, THE PROCTER * GAMBLE OO, 0»TTL of t h e firm of Moore & Mowat, hooked a monster muscalonge near Refuge Island. RACING AT PASTIME PARKAfter playing w i t h him for s o m e time Mr. Moore brought him to the side of the T h e races a t this park last Wednesday, b. at. H e plunged the gaff i n t o h i s side proved i h e fact t h a t Fulton county h a s whereupon the fish struggled and the line s o m e fast h o r s e s . T h e races were well becoming c a u g h t on the corner of one of attended. R a c e N o . 4, W e d n e s d a y was t h e seats, snapped asunder. T h e water between J. Mouahan's H e w i t t Benton, B . being very rough at the time and to avoid D . Brown's Bulger B . , J. W . Ftlmer's t h e possibility of capsizing the boat, Mr. Brlgham and 8. 8. Gross' I d l e w l l d . It Moore let fish,gaff, h o o k s , e t c . , g o . On w a s won In three s t r a i g h t heats by Saturday Mr. William King while rowing Urigham, with Bulger B. second and across the river to Morristown, found this Idlewlld third, t h e t i m e w a s 2:39J, s a m e fish dead, floating w i t h t h e h o o k s 2:39£, 2:39$. I t w a s a horse race in every and gaff still In him. Mr. King removed s e n s e of the word and furnished great them and returning to Bi ockvlllc learned sport for the crowd. that the tackle belonged t o Mr. Moore, t o T h e s i x t h e v e n t of t h e series w a s a whom he delivered the same. Mr. King race, In half-mile h e a t s , b e t w e e n George s a y s the fish, judging from Its length, Banker's P h y l l i s , F . Benedict's Harry L . woulc h a v e weighed thirty-five pounds. and C. F . A l l e n ' s N e c o m a s , t h e latter — Brockville Times. winning In three straight heats after o n e of the most Interesting c o n t e s t s of the THE SARATOGA MONUMENTseries. T h e t i m e w a s 1:19], 1:201 and A o n e heat race between V a n At the annual meeting of the Saratoga 1:24. Monument association yesterday, t h e sec- Auken's horse, Skiff's George B . and retary, W i l l i a m L. Stone, of Mouut Ver- Luther, a J o h n s t o w n ! orse; w a s w o n by Skiff. non, presented h i s report. A n Interesting feature of the day was a H e said that o w i n g to the protracted tariff legislation in congress, t h e appro- trial t r o t by Tricotrln. H e first trotter priation for t h e dedication of the Sara- a mile in 2:28. After going to t h e stable toga m o n u m e n t a t Schuylerville had not he returned to t h e track and in a splenbeen obtained, and that consequently the did c x h l ltion made a new record for himself and g a v e P a s t i m e park track a c e r e m o n y w o u l d h a v e t o be postponed. T h e following officers were e l e c t e d : record that m a n y an older track h a s y e t President, J o h n H . Starin of N e w Y o r k to reach. T h e m i l e w a s m a d e in 2:24, city; v i c e presidents, J a m e s M. Marvin of t h e first half being t i o t t e d In 1:12;J and Saratoga Springs, and Warner Miller of the second in 1:11]. T h e f a m o u s horse H e r k i m e r ; treasurer, D. S. Potter of was cheered a s h e passed t h e judges' Glens F a l l s ; secretary, William M. Stone stand and Captain Getman w a s congratulated on all sides. of Mount Vernon. C o m o a l s o g a v e an exhibition trot, b u t Comuiittee on design—William L. Stone, J o h n H. Starin, D. F . Ritchie, E . no attempt was made t o drive her hard F. Bnllard, George S. Batcheller, Elliott and the horse finished a m i l e in 2:29, afNalr, John M. Read, Edward W e m p l e , ter showing s o m e e x c e l l e n t racing qualities. J o h n F ley.



E x e c u t i v e committee—J. M. Marvin, C. W Mayhew, D . F. Ritchie, E d w a i d W t m p l e , J o h n H . Starin, ex-offlcio chairman. Cot- m l t t e e on Speakers—William L S l o n e , Mrs. E. II. Walworth t.nd J o h n H. Statin. C o m m i t t e e on proper c o n d u c t of the dedication of m o n u m e n t — D . S. Potter, D . A . Dullard, C. W. M a y h e w , J a m e s M. Marvin, W. A. Sackett, D . F . Ritchie, Charles S. Lester, J o h n H. Starin, A . deR. McNalr, Elliott T . S l o c u m , 8. D . Kirk, Horatio Rogers, J o h n Meredith Read, W i l l i a m L. Stone, L e m o n T h o m p son, J o h n Foley, Warner Miller, James Grant Wilson and John Sanford. ELOPED W I T H A BARBERHerman Rothelm, a tabble cutter e m ployed a t Ltttauer's aud Mrs V. W. Seetuan, the wife of a barber, were callers at police headquarters, Friday morn lnSLOOP I»TT«B8; the ..ui» OK TITMitltS, WUITK FOR Uiildaclies are Piilnfnl;) |1MII'-line Head louble-atreiurth Sarsa^arlll In the worla, •»'• ache Powders lift the load ,in l* minutes « ! ;tOOK AND MODK OF TUB ATMBNT TO DB for largestIUM. McMirHAKL,7» W. Tl!PV«HttT.,»l'*VAIads. IN THE RING* F i v e huudred sports assembled a t Quackenbush's resort, on the F o n d a road last Thursday a t 11 P . M. , t h e o c c a s i o n b e ing an exhibition of the "manly art" In t w o contests, In which J o h n s t o w n figured c o n s p i c u o u s l y and carried off t h e honors. T h e first contest w a s a s i x round fight, between George Loretta of A m s t e r d a m and Ralph Barter of J o h n s t o w n . T h e fight Is said to h a v e been " a n Intensely aud decidedly hot one" and w a s declared a draw. T h e n e x t e v e n t w a s a fight t o a finish, in which both m e n w e n t in t o win. T h e principals w e r e P e t e r Flnnegan, of F o n d a , ind T o m m y D e v l n e , of Johnstown Science and brute strength told t h e story. D e v l n e w a s t h e victor a t t h e e n d of t w o rounds, Mr. F l n n e g a n h a v i n g be n k n o c k e d c o m p l e t e l y o u t and rendered incapable of doing business. T h e third eyent was a general k n o c k down and alltake-a-hand-iu-set to, and a busy t i m e t h e y had of It. A general row In which bloody n o s e s and black e y e s figured conspicuously c l o s e d up t h e night's fun and all returned to their h o m e s n o doubt well pleased a t t h e time and m o n e y t h e y had squandered in witnessing t h e beautl ful e x h i b i t i o n s of scientific prize fighting. REAL ESTATE. T h e following real estate transfers h a v e been recorded in the c o u n t y clerk's office since our last r e p o r t : H i r a m A l l e n and w i f e t o G e o r g e Snell, lot in Ephratah; consideration $2,600. Willard DeGolyer a n d E m m a E . D e Golyer to W i l l i a m H. Selmser, l o t i n Bleecker; consideration $80.



"Have you noticed," olMtrrod a horsemantoUndelegate, ' t ^ " * * ? ©ur streete have been improved wttn • • • £ « B M S I S f i ! l » S . « r » K h K granite and asphalt all the hotiw* have acquired a new gait! Yes, w y wmmanKaun :um** have lost the graeeful carnage- UfX i r-. M n t e a t i w Johnstown in said county, onerfjefore tbe6tb

&tE&S£3E!£ s^^p^se"'

41mo1l Administrators; ?• OTiOTTOCBBplTOL given, according to having claims against the Perkins hue OfThe town of the vWeherVfheTWf, • administrators of the credits of said deeensed L. McLaughlin, No. MS Johnstown in said, ooun day of October next. 23rd day of April, 1894. JENNIE F__ ETJflBNBUM 46mot
