New York State Digital Library - Fulton NY Post Cards

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80-82 Milton Arcane. BALLSTON SPA ... Miss Nellie Devlin of Schenectady spent Sunday in town. ... Miss Nellie Rogan left Monday to spend two weeks at Glens ...


Body Recovered From Reservoir. Coorner Small was notified Monday that the body of Alfred Fairbanks of Amsterdam was recovered Monday morning from the reservoir at West Galway, where he was drowned Friday night. The Coroner concluded that Fairbanks, who had been camping with his wife at the lake, was seized with hear* disease, to which he waa subject, and fell from the boat. Accidental drowning was the verdict.


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Depositing your money in bank makes It absolutely safe from loss by robbers, fire or accident. 8. With a bank account you. can pay your bMIs by check. The cancelled check is a legal receipt for payment. You cannot be made to pay the bill twice. 3 . A check book makes all your money available at any moment and you are ne^tr bothered about making change. 4. The bank keeps your books. Every deposit and the amount of the cheeks you draw are carefully entered in your pass book by expert bookkeepers, so that you know where you stand at the end of the month. 5. Nearly tvtry mitt heeds to borrow money at sometime. If you are well known at the bank, through your bank account, it Is easy to get accommodation. • t . Every cheek you write is an advertisement of your good business habits and solid worth, which has the effect of raising you in the general esteem of your neighbors. Any one of the above reasons is of itself sufficient to influence you to open a bank account. It will only take a snort acquaintance with this bank, and the facilities it offers, to convince you that six reasons are only a few of many more why you should make it your financial home. , Now Is the time to begin the practice of these most approved business methods, and to make this bank what we want it to be—



ALL SUITS 1-4 off the former price *••**§


We still have a large assortment for you to select from and it will be to your advantage to visit our


Mechanicville, N. Y.



It* Y. Telephone 7F3 Baaton Exchamr


that fit so well, feel so well and make you see so well that if is a pleasure to wear them "TRY SHUR-ON EYE GLASSES" y i f p i | r u n TROY'S LEAPING OPTICIAM T D A V H . t l . I L U I T 1 D 2 Tmt* BuiUbf, ftrwdway I I W l , GLASSES HADE SAME DAY AS ORDERED

Fine Commercial AT THIS OFFICE

M W.

V I*

Fojlojwing is the batting average (j>f team to date not including Sunday, Aug. $:, A. B. Runs Hits Name 5 10 22 Hudson 0 8 Lauson 7 19 Wiley 3 11 Kiley 1., 11 3 Kelley . 3 Lazott . 21 5 Pecor 4 14 Goetz, |»,. 7 39 Poole 10 51 Casey 1 11 Cunningham 2 12 Welch ... 1 12 Vadness 29 9 Ryan . 4 . . 45 Austin . . « 20 Davis . . 2 15 Scott . . . 4 8 Larkins . i . . .

Untitled Document

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069


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All we ask you to do is to furnish the owner






We'll refund your money if you are not satisfied at the values in our Hart Schaffner & Marx, $18, $20 and $25 Summer Suits, 1913 Models at


WOOLSEY'S Park Avenue

Two Doors from Post Office

Gotham Shirts Ralston Shoes II Stetson and Young's Hats i


'-' .,


W < S '.+


Brown & Sherwood,

Make Glasses

• ••



Address. Stillwater. N . T


A. BUCHDAHL Opera ^House Block

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Timothy Morrissey has been visiting at Lake George. Thomas Kane of Saratoga Springs spent Sunday in town. Miss Nellie Devlin of Schenectady spent Sunday in town. Mrs. George Slingerland has returned form Lake George. Irving Rhodes of Pittsfield, Mass., — mmm is visiting friends in town. FARM FOR SALE. Miss Annf, Crosby of New York city Twenty-five acres of good tillable soil wth two or three acres of wood is the guest of friends here. land with small apple and fruit [orWilliam M. Archibald, Jr., has been chard, two and one-half miles from Me- in New York city on business. chanicville in the Town of Stillwater Miss Mamie Wilcox has returned on R. F . D . , mail route and good from a viaif at New York city. highway. Can have telephone conArthur Hiyner of the U. S. Navy, nections. Two good wells on place is spending a few days in town. with good house, barn and* hen houses. Well adapted for fruit, vegetable and Miss Nellie Rogan left Monday to chicken farm. Must be sold on ac- spend two weeks at Glens Falls. count of ill health. Alvin Farr, R. F . Miss Bernice Hoyt left Monday to D. 3, Mechanicvllle, N . Y. spend a fortnight at Castleton, Vt. Mr. and . » « . . Robert Moore are the • mm guests of friends at Poughkeepsie. James jfesbitt of Schuylerville spent Sunday With friendsin town. A game which was very interesting Mrs. James Connelly has returned to witness was played at the Polo from a visit with friends at Green grounds Sunday afternoon between the Schuylerville A. C , and West Vir- Island. ginia A. C , and resulted in a victory Officer Thomas J. Dore was "called for the home team by the score of 17 to Hudson Saturday by the death of a relative. to I". Schuylerville A. C Howard Baker of Springfield, Mass., AB R H E has been visiting friends and relatives in town. J O'Brien, 3 b • » • • • • • • 0 i-o Myers, l i . . . . . . . . . . . . o 1 John Waters of New York is visitCrowley, p . . . 4 1 01 1 ing his mother, Mrs. M. J". Waters of 4 Sheehan, 1 " b 0 1 Broadway. 4 Joyce, s s . . . 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. John N . Burke of 4 Hewitt, r f/.. 0 0 Ballston **#ere the guests of relatives 3 Johnson, 2 b. • • • » 1 1 on Sunday. 3 1 0 Jackson, c . . . Miss Laura Powell of the state of 3 1 0 Connery, c f. • •• • Washington, is visiting her uncle, Ell Total 31 5 4 I 7 H. Leighton. Miss Leah Van Nostrand of Albany I *_•; | West Virginia A. C. was the ovf? Sunday guest of Miss Poole, 1 f " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 1 Lotta Baker; Ryan, 3 b . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 , 2 & Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mayo left Mon Lazott, 2 b 6 ,1* t day morning for a two weeks' visit with relatival in Canada. Austin, c f. ....*..••*.^ 5 i 2 v/oS&ji% B 8 • . • * • • • • • • * * O o X Miss Florib.ce O'Neil of New York Pecor, c j . . . . > . . . . . . . . . 3 " $ ,1 is visiting Mr- and Mrs. James ConSchenek, r f . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 3 nelly of Greenwood street. Fehiry, p....-»... i^l. U/: 4 : f"% ;($£ Mr. and Mrs. John N. Gibson and Scott, 1 b . . t . . . I . . . . i- 3 1 1 daughter have returned from a two weeks' sojourn at Asbury Park; Total . 35 17 15 its—Austin and Three A false alarm of fire was sounded base Schenek. from box-47j| at-Warsaw and Leonard Poole, streets, at 4 | | 0 o'clock Sunday mornTwo base hiife—Austin, ing. E Pecor, Schenek, Ryan Double play—La|ott, to Casey ^> Edward A, Baker of Springfield, Scott. MasS., is visiting his sister, Miss Attendance, 300. Umpire, llarify Clara B. Baker of South Second aveCarder. Scorer, Bert Welch. nue. I; , ,. .. ; : .,.;'•'; Fielding Average. Parker Hogan left Friday to join a party, of friends from Albany, who will Player Pos PO A E spend two #eeks camping near Aur . P 2 4 0 Vadness,!;.. burn. I Gill, . . . . . . . .. P 2 13 0 . P 13 9 0 Kileyt . .j..-. Alexander C. Smith is enjoying his . IB 31 I s 1 Ronin, . . . . . annual vacation at Cayuga Lake and . C 19 5 1 Cunningham, Will visit Watertown and the Thous. CF 14 2 1 Hudson, . . . and Islands. ^ ' * Pecor, . w.,.. a C 47 9 4 Mrs. Willifm Archibald Jr., Mrs. . IB 50 S 4 Davis, . . . . . Q. S. Archibald and Miss Elsie ArchiKelley, ">i.,«. ,. IB -20 1 2 bald left Friday for a week's stay'at . CF 7 3 1 Scott, . . . . . Atlantic City,. . RP 12 1 2 Austin, . . . . The local Republican club held a . SS 9 9 3 Ryan," .'.i..,. meeting at thiair headquarters on Park . SS 2 7 2 Larkins. ].>, avenue Friday evening and accepted .. 2B 8 7 4 Goetz, twenty-six new members. . LF 13 1 4 t-oole, A^eison T. i Porter of Portersvi lie, .". 3B 10 24 11 Casey, Cal., has returned to Mechanicville . RF {7 2 4 Wiley, for a time anji win travel in "the inter. 2B„ 22 2 4 Welch, e s t s of severp brick companies. Lanson, . 2B 1 - 2 3 1 1 Dust of Diamond. The town hoard of Stillwater met O'Brien made some stop when he Saturday afternoon at the office of gathered in,Ryan's fly just over thirfl Town Clerk John W. Hamilton and base in the first inning. transacted only routine business. Schenek carried off the honors for Mrs. Normjgn MacAllister of Sarathe home team making three hits. toga Springs, and Miss Margaret (Austin was sure there with old time Force of New York city, have been form, making a three base hit and | visiting friends and relatives in town. two base hit. 80-82 Milton Arcane Edward W« Hines, Thomas J. Fini The game was delayed a little on ac- gan, and Dr.*W. J. Maby of the local count of the Schuylerville boys misi- council of thf Knights of Columbus, BALLSTON SPA sing the car. left Sunday for Boston to attend the Edward Boucher was one of the .fans supreme convention of the order. who enjoyed the game very much Mrs. Anna Safford has received a Sunday. decree of absolute divorce from Wal\ Schenek has sure got that moist ball ter J. Safford, with alimony and the down to perfection. Whenever he gets custody of the living children. The two strikes on a batter, (good night decree was entered July 14. Her athim.) torney was Wm. T. Moore, John R. Brown E. N. Sherwoor forThe game was called at the end M The Cripple track baseball team of the fifth inning as the scorer ran oiit Calls answered promptly d w l s of paper and couldn't keep track qf the car repairing department defeated the nine of the Railroad Office runs, |(17 to 5.) Some score. night Com. Phone 34. Night •* thePehily bnly toyed with the visitors Clerks in a five inning game at the 219—B. Lady attendant after his team mates gave him a four Polo grounds at the south end Friday afternoon by a score of 4 to 3. The run lead in the first inning. The fans all hope they will book ja "Cripple Track" battery was Sipperly and Scott and the Clerks battery, more experienced team for next Su Austin and Barton. day At the Polo grounds Tuesday eve F U N E R A L DIRECTORS. ing the Clerks from the D. & H. o Adopt Flak System. fice defeated the Retail Clerks of thfe ao§ Park Avenue, The North Adams Savings bank and village by the score of 3 to 2. It was the Hoosac Sayings bank decided that a warm contest and the boys fought Meffianlcvllle, N. > they would adopt the celebrated Fla very hard" to win. finger print system of identification 1 2 3 4 5 6 R. H. E Box Score for the protection of depositors. 002001 3 4 o D. & H..L The plan w a | devised by P . A. Flak Retail Clerks... , 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 1 a New York expert, and has been inBatterijes—D. & H. Clerks, Moak and W. Hogan. Retail Clerks, Lazott dorsed by the |avings bank section of and Purinel. Umpire Tatro. Attend- the American Bankers' association. Print sare taken simultaneously of the ance, 20Q. Scorer, Buchdahl. first three fingfrs of the right hand. The D f & H. Clerks were defeatei The system!has of late come into Thursda^ evening by the Cripple track general use in banking circles and is team at fhe Polo grounds by the close considered omf of the greatest safe4 to 3. The Clerks are disscore of guards against forgers that has yet with the showing they made ouraged and would like to arrange another been devised. The ink used resembles printers' ink and dries very quickgame. ly when placed! upon the card. It is 1 2 3 4 5 6 R. H. easiiy removed from ti*c fingers and 011100 3 5 Clerks no objection ffom depositors on ac110101 4 6 Cripple Track count of soiling their hands has yet Attendance, 150. Umpire, Ahearn been made. Scorer, Davis. i