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8 May 1986 ... Michelle Freier. Benjamin. Gambee Timothy Harrnacker, Jef- frey Hauf, Molly Mahoney, David. Manzari, Krista Olufsen, Suzanne. Praszkowicz ...


Finger Lakes T i m e s

SENECA FALLS Mynderse Academy has announced the following honor students for the third marking period: HICH HONOR Ninth grade — Jennifer Aicher, Frederick Amidon, Wendy Barber. Elizabeth Becker, Brian Bishop, Kenneth Bogart, John Brady. Brooke Brown, Kellie Burlew, Bary Cruz. Michelle Freier. Benjamin Gambee Timothy Harrnacker, Jeffrey Hauf, Molly Mahoney, David Manzari, Krista Olufsen, Suzanne Praszkowicz, Steven Rutz. Christine Schooley, Mary Carol Skordy, Edward Smith. Melanie Smith, Kevin Vandervort, David White— Tenth grade — Jacqueline Amidon, Michele Andreas, Eric Canfield, John Cole, Andrea Giovannetti, Gregory Giugliano,

Thursday, M a y 8,1986

Mynderse Sr. High lists honor roll Tabitha Hanslick, Krista Meid, Peter Heid, Jennifer Kuplinski, Kimberly Marshall, Christopher Paradise, Stacey Paradise, Jon Vorreuter, Jennifer Willower Eleventh grade — Kristine Chadwick, James DiCesare, Sean Fama, Ernest Foulkrod, David Fraser, Nicole Hanslick, Yvonne Hauf, Glen Helmer, Wilbur Holden, Tod Hubbard, Kelly Jackson, Kathleen Kuney, William Larrabee, Maria Manzari, Robert Martin, Sherry Miller, Darry! Praul, Joseph Shaw, ^iTTrberiTTTOTsrTwelfth grade — John Becker II, Karen Bergamo, Kathy Bleiler, Kristen Brown, Marco Brown, Mar-

Mynderse Jr. High lists honor roll SENECA FALLS Mynderse Academy has announced the following honor students for the third marking period HICH HONOR Sixth grade — Jennifer Bennett, Bryce Corsner, Joseph Decker, Paul Flanigan, Nicole Calligan, Karl Nies, Christina Parish, Susan ,Pettrone, Sarah Sinha, Matthew Verkey, Christy Willower. Seventh grade — Jonathan Barber, Bennett Becker, Joelle Carbone, Deborah Dellefave, Peter Flanigan, Daniel Holden, Judith Jarrett, Tina Leone, Jennifer LoTurco, Dane Lopez, TriciaMorey, Eric Mundt, Gavn Noble, Scott Rogers, Elise Sinha, Kelly Wigsten. Eighth grade — Valerie Bennett, Christina Buck, Michael Carr, Bradley Conner, Noel Cruz, Andrew Davis, Mark Giugliano, Elizabeth Iriand, Shelley Jones, Robert Miller, Scott Rogers, Dana Scalzo, Thomas Shane.

HONOR Sixth grade — Denise Bishop, Jeffrey Bishop, John Bonacci, Jessie Brignall, Adam Christensen, Brandi Cook, Michael Faiola, Michele Griggs, Michelle Hurlburt, Aaron Isaacs, Kristi Levis, Stacy Monti, Rebecca Neu, Heather Otis, Patricia Peterman, Thad Phillips, Tracie Shane, Emily Wheeler. Seventh grade — Tracy Bardo, Michele Borys, Scott Buck, Thomas Cimochowski, Christopher Derby, Lisa Freier, Katherine Lemcke, Daryl Losaw, Skeeter Luffman, Jami Mack, Heidi Reed, Stephen Scowcroft. Eighth grade — lennifer Baker, Jason Brown, Kelly Carbone, Heather Cayward, Tricia Faiola, Noelle Fronefield, John Garee, Holly Hartman, Jennifer Ingandello, Sarah Hoster, Victoria Miller, John Partee, Kathleen Perrotto, Cina Scesny, James Sinicropi.

tin Burgie, Christopher Caraccilo, Lisa Caraccilo, David Carfora, Brennan Copp, Robin Fox, Michael Harrnacker, Regina Jackson, Jeffrey Jarrett, William Leonard, H. John Manzari, Amy Jo Marrapese, Timothy Parker, Jennifer Same. Tammie Schooley, Mark Sha/, Henry Simolo, Dina StephaTrtfAmy Young. HONOR Ninth grade - John Biha, Mary Ann Bonacci, Timothy Buckingham,—Jonathan- --Caraccilo,Trinya Cimochowski, Cynthia Calletti. Diana Gee, Stephen Giovannetti, Tammy Goodman, Michael Gould, Robert Grabbatin, Christina H o l d e n , Phillip Hollenbeck, Charles Hoster, Steven Howe, Robert Lapp. Also, Virginia Lay, Melinda Marble, Mary O'Connor, Craig Partee, Jennifer Passifione, Nathan Peckham, Michael Pratt, Thomas Prayne, John Schnebly, Anil Shah. Stephen Simolo, Joleene Uticone, Jon VanDelinder, Jessica Webster Tamara Wheeler, Suzanne Wormuth, Kristine Westfall.

MichaefDellefave, Barbara Crant. John Joyce, Tracie LaBour, Tracey Larrabee, Kristy Lux, Kristin Parker, Christian Praszkowicz, Jeffery Rook, Kimberly Scheltz, Timothy Souhan, DarleneWerth. Eleventh grade — Stacey Alessio, Sean Anglim, Lynette Bakke, Stephen Blaisdell, Noreen Brady, Lisa Camelio, Michael Covell, Laurie Delia, David Fahrenholz,

To Colleg e

plans book review CLYDE - The Galen Make Today Count support group will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Galen Free Library. James Saylor of Newark will review My Friend is Dying, by Betsy Burnham and share his experience with life-threatening illness. A time of sharing will follow. Additional information is available by calling the United Cancer Council office in Newark at 331-4147.


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Pick Quick Winner

Tenth grade — Michelle Bradshaw, Betty Brink, Dario Caban, Marisa China, Lisa Cosentino,

Support group

Stephanie Hopkins, Julie Hoster, David Kemak, John King, Dionne Marr, Allen McLoud, Akira Natsuho, Leslie Rescorl, Michael Rogers, Meera Shah, Brian Somerville, Ronald Stuck, LuAnn Toni, Heather Vicente, Michelle Wagner, Samantha Wagner, Lori Weeks, Tammie We§tfall, Tracy Wigsten. Twelfth gride - Sally Alcorn. Milissa Avveduti, Mary Ann Belle, Amber Booth, Kurt Brewer, Kip

Burlew, Mark Cirone, Carolyn DeChick, Deanna DiSanto, Shelley Dickey, Melissa Dressing, Loraine Faina, Cecilia Feola, Debra Hannah, Bryan Hardison, Maurice Hawthorne, Melissa Hurlburt, Steven King. Also, Lee Ann Loucks, Scott Mansell. William Mclntyre, Karen Messmer, Susanne Pluretti, Quinton Putney, Amy Ritter, Dianna Russell, Richard Sarratori, Kelly Schweitz, Maria Scialdone, Jovanna Sinicropi, Wendy Skinner. Ann Marie Skordy, Elizabeth Souhan, Cynthia St. Germaine, Dina Storto, Susan VanSickle, Amy Yarmolinsky.

Tom Lightfoote GORHAM - Tom Lightfoote, son of Eleanor Lightfoote of 4686 Dewey Ave., has been accepted for fall admission at Syracuse University, Syracuse, where he plans to major in political science. A member of the Class of 1986 at Marcus Whitman High School, Ruchville, he has been a member of the baseball, basketball and soccer teams, National Honor Society, and the junior prom and senior ball courts. He was vice president of his sophomore class, received a Regents' scholarship, and is listed in Who's Who Among American fligh School Students.

Les Excel of Geneva is the winner of the Turco outdoor gas grill that was given away in the May 1 drawing at Pick Quick Food Mart, East North St., Geneva. Bob Kerr, owner, invites you to register for the June 1 drawing of a Snark sailboat. Sign the back of your losing Lotto or Lottery ticket with your name, address and phone number and drop them off at Pick Quick. Then, get ready to drop anchor.

Gifts for Mom

Pyramid Mall Association Stores, Routes 5 & 20 and 14A, Geneva, are fitted with exciting gifts for Mom. An Arts & Crafts Show is now in progress for extra gift ideas. Mall hours are 10a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and noon to 5 p.m. on Sunday. * * *

Plaza's 29th Birthday It's the Town & Country Plaza's 29th birthday and you have reason to celebrate. There are three big days left of sales and specials at participating Town & Country merchant stores. Shop and save at Town & Country Plaza, Routes 5 & 20, Geneva. • v



• * •

• * *

Aidon Expands Services Along with sales, repairs and rental of major appliances, Aldon Appliance, 100 Castle St., Geneva, now includes fiimto-tape transfers. Realizing the need for this service, Don | Guerrieri, purchased special equipment with this capability. ; Preserving, old and precious super 8 and 8mm films by • transforming them into VHS or Beta is done at your con: venience. For more information, phone 789-8343.

Lynch's Showcase Anniversary

Another ReasonWhy We reThe ONE Fbr \bur Money

Lynch Furniture, 485 Exchange St., Geneva, is celebrating the 1st anniversary of the opening of its Broyhill Showcase Gallery with a storewide sale. Early last year, Lynch's opened its doors to 31 room settings with all the touches. Everything is there, from major pieces to the perfect accents, from country ruffles to traditional and period pieces to contemporary drama. "The response to our Broyhill Gallery has been overwhelming and we wanted to thank our customers with a storewide anniversary sale," said gallery manager, Michael Lynch. Stop in at Lynch Furniture during this sale for savings of up to 40 percent. * * *

Harvest Hill's Open House

They Got Results

Now you can have the convenience of a credit card accepted at thousands of locations worldwide from Savings Bank of the Finger Lakes. Choose one, or both, for purchases, cash advances^ just to carryL for those special financial ej^rgencies^ StorrHby Savings Bank of the Finger Lakes today for your easy, one-step application and carry the convenience of a major credit card in your purse or pocket.


Harvest Hill Gardens' annual open house continues now through Sunday, May 11, just right for Mother's Day gift giving. Choose a beautiful hanging basket, dish garden, combination pot or let Mom pick her own favorite with a Harvest Hill Gardens gift certificate. During the open house, save on Jackson & Perkins roses, geraniums, potting soil, top soil and more. Don't forget to register to win one of six Harvest Hill gift certificates, ranging from $10 to $50 to be given away.


Teresa Dendis of Realty World Dendis Real Estate, announces and congratulates Gail Lohr and Emily Pagano for being her top producers for the month of April. Obviously, they get results. For all your real estate needs, contact Gail Lohr at 588-2329 or Emily Pagano at 539-3452.

I Vacation Guide Time

MasterCard andVISA from your Savings Bank of the Finger Lakes. One more way to prove—We're the ONE for all your financial needs.

Savincs Bank Of IHI fINK


This column Is for and exclusively about our advertisers. Lot u» know when you have on inHrmtting news Item you think our readers would be mtmrottod In. ftules ore few. Presenffy we ore not accepting any pictures and we reserve the right to odlt and to limit the number of requests, because of space limitations. Give the Information to your odvortlslng roprmtontatlvm or send It to AO NEWS % the Flngor Lakes Times.

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WfcrcThe O N E For\bur Money

~AclvertrseTs,The Finger La1?e^Tlrnevt7trranmrat Vacatti -:•: Guide wilt be published Friday, May 23, just in time for the Memorial Day weekend trade. The guide will be filled with things to do, places to go and sights to see. In addition to the 20,000 Finger Lakes Times subscribers who will receive the Vacation Guide that day, an additional 30,000 issues wilf be available free Of Charge to tourists during the summer months at area motels, information booths, marinas, restaurants and other places of interest. Advertisers, let these vacationers know you are here. •v. For more information on how you can be a part of this exciting special section, contact our advertising departmental 789-3333 or any of these toll-free numbers: Seneca Falls, Fayette, 539-5088; Phelps, Clifton Springs, 548-9540; Penn Yan 536-8776; Newark, Lyons, 331-0573.



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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069