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Clarence A Bissell and wife, Geni. The W & T Smith Co and ano to ence A Bissell and wife, Genera, fL. MORTGAGES. Her
miUus and Coramon School Dtst No 3, Camillus. In favor of Anna C Tierney, 1339.10.

S Bank to Carrie K Sehuyler. L . B Kirchner 106 Dorothy st, eonMar 4, 1910. fSOO. crete garage, f500, «4 jraam ! Lestie M Goetteł to Harriet C Saiła, lot | M J ' a»d Kathariue Ginkel to Ralph L E Lawson, Buckingham rd, frame Nellie Błue, 1122 J o\u\DAGA OOUNTY a n i Ada Genetti, $6W0. Dated Jan 18, garage, f«0© 77. błk 11, Sweeting Tr, f500. 58 yeare. Felice and Filomena DelNero to John iyfo. L E Lawson, 212 Broad st, frame gar­ Caroline G Hedden, 308 Roscinl, pt lot 16, blk 168. f 500. The Syr Co-Operative SaV & Loan Assn age, 8908. 4 years. Michaeł and Anna E Kehoe to The O C S u> Myrta tó Merchant. Dated Dec 21, J E Macomber, 858 Sumner ave, frame Wilhelmina F Doetseh, 70 ( Bank, lot 15, blk 428, f3900. i!*82. garage, $250. aged 88 years. S U P R K U B COURT Thos H Williamson to Ethelwyn Mc­ Arthur B Rider, as«exr estate of J a s $ H Isaacs, 315 Burt st, frame garage, Anna Slive, 886 Almond Teram Justtoe C h e n e y preMartin. pts lots 17 and 18. blk 16, Fair- Gordon to Jas and Antonio Sardełła f20q. years. O S O \ 1 M U A COiiS T V . view Tr, f S00. *kling Dated Nov 8, 1918. Fred Hepfner, 1848 Be1levue ave, frame Earnest Wellington, Otisco. X Reginald T and Iva R Clayton to Richard ida May Mason, a s exrx estate of El- garage, 8484. No 4—Samuel Weta* toto, et al, y AdB and W m A Ferris, Onon, p t s lots i;.er E Mason to Frank H Goodwater. C A Haffen, 257 Reed ave, frame gar­ Vernon L Miles, 888 8 Warroa « K U l i l ' ICATfe: TO U*» ftlL!SlMld&» du*o« John Paul Kennedy, et al—Mandei 18 13 and 14, blk 2. Perry Tr, f 2250. Hąted Nov 5, 1914. age, $500. 18 years. Woisberg for plff - J o s e p h R Horigan tor t M > K K AN ASSUMHIJ \ A M H yde L LaCroix to Nellie M Hosłey, Francesco and Carmela Colavlta to Thos L Guamier, 715 N Geddes st, frame John O Lemke,- 860 8 Clinton deft. . .. . Dated Feb 26, 1921. S and Bridget C Lundy, lots 18 and J&aac Saul—The Boston Bargain Storę, garage, $800. 72 years. No 5—Samuel Weinstein, et ano, V Ad* 486 N Salina st. Howard and A Huntington L e w i s to 19. blk 84, Geddes. flfOO. W m Schweitzer. 358 Whittier «ve, J a s H Higging, 111 Palmer ai Mfrgaret W Ward. Dated Sept 16, 1921. frame garage, f200. dision John Paul Ksnnody. et a n o ~ M a n Theo and Ida Rosenthał to Jess B Ber54 years. Robt Dun Douglasa. Archibald W FerJfonn H Craig and W m P Kanar, Soldel Waisberg for plff—Joseph R Horigan Kuson and C h a s F Tuttle—R G Duli & son, part blk 860, f5000. Frank Webber, 1226 Grant blvd, frame Gaetano Greco, 822 N Salina va'jr, to Harry J and Anna E Hunt. Dated garage, f50. Wm R Aitken to Nora E Egan, Dewitt, for deft. 65 years. Co. New York state and elsewhere. lot 21, blk 2070, Eastwood Heights, Aillr 5, 1920. No 17—John Angiolible j Grafton Mrs C Delo, 711 Burnet a v a frame Lucy A Perkins, 306 Otisco st, f4050. Johnson, et ano—Ernest G Berger for garage, $200. years. John B and Kathryn Uhle to Emma E p:łf—John W Reynolds for delt. Robert C Langler, 208 Grłfflth DUUus AsSIU&MUNT OF MOICTOACiKS l o lleiuodel— McDermott, lot 25, blk 543, Durston Tr, No 61—Genevievo Parfltt v Stephen B 1 year. J E Forney, 1415 W Onon st, frame 88000. Parfitt—Oscar J Brown for plff—Highee Florence Dean Wilson and Esther Sarah lty Bank Tr Co to Orville H Greene. dwg, $75. Soł Berman to J a s and Anna Mackey. lot "e by Geo J and Augusta C Ruston. Dean to Martin and Nellie Rudy, Ly* No 6 6 ^ F r a n k A Little v Maggie A LitJohn Fragola, 317 N Beach st, frame 26, blk C Tallman Park Tr, f4250. ttilio G Lorenzo to Virgil H Clymer sander, part lot 42, $1, . ti,— Jones Higgins & Tormey for plff. Margaret E Planer to Frank Lader and Geo Alston Smith, $556.25. Madę by dwg, $1-00. D Elmer and Fannie M Munro. Elbridge, L J Potter. 111 Huron st, frame dwg, F r a n c e s S Lader, Spafford, parts łoi eppe and Gerolama Peppone. t o Theo Palmer, Elbridge, pt lot 83, $1. $100. 77, fBOOO. rville H Greene to City Bank Tr Co, DEEDS M IHHIGA'1'E'S COIK1 Fred W and Córa Margaret Cornell, Alexander and John and Mary Wiśniew­ S&I00. E H Baldwin, 827 Euclid ave, frame Madę by Bert S and S Elenora Bville, to Horace B and Henrietta G dwg, $200. Harry H Spencer and wife t o ski to Stanley a n d Stanisława Tymiń­ HPton, f2500. Dated Apr 12 y a i , 240 Shonnard s t tour car, $1441.06 ; erty s t a son. riven. to l a w to all M Lewis, Y M C A, Syr, tour car, Will proved s a d letters testamentary is- Jessle A Sharpe to Coral G Wilshere, Mr and Mrs Henry L Bouchard, 408 harlng accordlng claims or demands F e d k M ofi,mer D l t l o t a 9. Trący st, a son, sned to Chauncey E Gollands—Stilwell , ,j? » Auburn. to Harry E «S?J t »»** » ** »* «»d 85, blk 0 * I Erujrman. lato of the city Yiall Ł Skerritt for p e t e Third National Bank of Syr—AnStajford, f 1J00. Dated Mar 8, 1 9 Ó t T ^ Mr and Mrs Wm Thorne, 2022 South county of Monroe, state aOM, Eastwood H e i g h t s Tr, f i . o f New ave, a son. y J Prill, coupe, $144.17. E a s a d m r x Ernest C and Florence Schisser, S a l i n a H n£?lf }£*' estate of L deceased. to present the Co M Cornwell—Paul Squlto, 704 W BelJennl A Pł8h Mr and Mrs Bekhp Salsman, 308 Fabius JJJJJJJJ thtrorbr, to the to Haseł Margaret Knlse, Salina, part SATWFACTIOBr OF JUDOM EN TS o\p st son. n ave ave. car, $1050. F a r m iot 17, f i . Frank, at hto płaoe Elofi G Preston in favor of Clarence L P W Edwarda A Son—Citłsens Hotel Mr and Mrs Ray M Henderson, 721 entłno Nora W m R Alta et łon of Tempłar, 370. k M E , E Egan. w > o dEastwood, l o t 21 b lto k w Euclid ave, a son. Corp, furnishings, $100,314.76. *f i » .f L » * ® . Hast880 Powe wood^ ^Heights, Mr and Mrs Harold V Boggs, 326 Roose B a d B York. on «r before the l a g day 'ef J P B d Mar r evelt ave, a son. ™S»Łffi% ^ted °Ap rił S9 . %>?? * S r » * , 3 Doyl«. Auburn, to Peter t€ł ASSlOilBfBMT OF JUT>GMRlfT9 Za r 8 1 l o t s 80 Mr and'Mr g Geo F Lindemer, 212 High2**Ł. ' J J f 2L i ' V** Robt Branand, Jr, C * i c a « i 111 u L r Dated Fon. ł t o t l i i i . 8W, £* Ostrom Heights, f i . »»« «» WM land ave, a son. extatę of Martha S t i c k J S y t o C l w t S i B Mr and Mrs Paul C Dunning, 228 RoosThe Syracuse newspapers In whlch ave. a son. v,mń Con,: Arthur D and Abble J Woods, Lysander, DaTed1 A u g T ' 1 ^ 9 ^ B CaPr