reek, was released today for dis- ribution among the S.009 ... ing the George F. Foley Dog Show ... started listing the
Page 2
Wednesday, Aug; 22. 1934
1 H riHHIHini'
^ H o w D o N e w U . S PoKaeS
I nniiiimnTiir
D By M A R G E
Two carloads of canned roaat if, held u p by health authorities rhen i t s purity was questioned last reek, w a s released today for d i s ribution among t h e S.009 families l a welfare lists. Br. M. J . Doolin*. head of tell inspection divisio nof t h e lealth d e p a r t m e n t , sent a letter t o Welfare Commissioner Leon H. A b bott, authorizing distrlbutlo nof all beef, which shows no signs of d e * fects. Action followed receipt by Dr. H . D. Doust, actin ^commissioner of health, of a report from ohn JKopp, * inspector of t h e federal agricultural f department, a n d William Goff. i n k spetor for the health department. * T h e t w o officials looked over t h e whole supply of canned beef yea" t e r d a y afternoon. They found only r -a small part of it showing signs of • decomposition a n d advised t h a t t h e * balance appeared fit for h u m a n I consumption. No report h a s been received from • c i t y laboratories on t h e analysis I being made of samples of t h e beef t a k e n from cans t h a t burst. I t is expected a t least another week will be required for this analysis. T h a t f investigation is for t h e purpose of determining w h a t caused beef in t h e spoiled cans t o decay •Thomas Baliantyne. acting head [ of t h e welfare department, will take steps kite this afternoon to notify j those in charge of distribution to m a k e t h e balance of t h e supply available a s soon a s possble for families desiring t h e beef, which supplements their regular budget orders. When t h e order of t h e health department w a s issued last week. halting distribution of t h e beef, supplies in 75 grocery stores were picked up. This will be turned back t o t h e stores, where welfare clients with proper vouchers may obtain it.
Arrect V an Without Withoutaa Cent (.enr ifect aaMan
rnn unnnr
In World? R.W. Child Asks
By RICHARD WASHBURN CHILD, oted Author and Diplomat and Former U. S. Ambassador to Italy.
Many romantic tales of old have been woven around t h e beautiful young girl who fell in love with the handsome young m a n and then learned t h a t he was really a prince. The romantic story w a s founded on fact, it w a s disclosed today by the former Norma AUewelt, wellknown dancing instructor of this city, who returned home with her prince—Prince Michale Kildischeff —following a short wedding trip. Miss AUewelt and the prince were married in a civil ceremony in New York last Wednesday, and returned to t h e home of h e r father, E. M. AUewelt, 1206 Harrison st., yesterday, where another ceremony will be performed within two weeks.
At this moment the national government has a tremendous interest to us all. It is possible to interpret that interest as it affects one man. He may be one of many. He is the man WITHOUT A CENT IN THE WORLD. He wants to know whether Ave are to go on with our Amerie§n civilization or try a new one. He wants to know from the leaders of our destiny a clear wer to this question—WHICH? Which course are we gcing to pursue? Arc we going to bulwark our old system, which produced amazing human energy unparalleled in history? a Are we going to preserve a constitution that has been the ole backbone of our record of unchanged democracy and rsonal freedom for individual development—a record that i continued longer than any other organized society has ever + 1_ ted ?
Representatives of all Syracuse banks will meet with Secretary F . E. Norton of t h e Chamber of Commerce at t h e chamber Wednesday afternoon to approve plans for launching of t h e Federal Government's housing program in Syracuse. Secretary Norton a t this meeting will outline his scheme for naming a special chamber committee in charge of t h e drive. These plans call for establishment of headquarters at the chamber a n d a systematic canvass of t h e entire city t o find property owners who will agree to make repairs or improvements to their homes with money loaned them by t h e banks. The Syracuse Clearing House Association h a s indorsed t h e plan, and representatives of all the banks have assured t h e chamber a n d others interested in t h e project of their willingness to aid. . Ralph E. Haven, vice president of the First T r u s t a n d Deposit Company, in announcing his bank's cooperation in t h e campaign, explained t h e procedure to be followed in securing credit. H e said:
re we going to stick to a policy question a t all—realize, there is t, depression or no depression, wisdom in weighing w h a t a change produced t h e fatest dish ever from our tough-fibred civilization is going to mean—not to t h e rich, b u t sed around for mankind? DISCLOSED I D E N T I T Y . to those of u s who haven't a cent r a r e w e going to imitate t h e in t h e world. According to Miss AUewelt, t h e prince, who goes by t h e pen name er desperate foreign experiments The theory of change is a theory of Leonid Severny, forgot to menich, in a word or two, amount based upon t h e idea t h a t distribution to her t h a t he w a s of Russian this—the natural impulses of tion h a s been unfair, t h a t profitnobility, and it w a s not until after making h a s been a n evil, t h a t t h e m a n energy, t h e natural hunger poor can, by change, get something she h a d said "yes" a n d set t h e date t h a t h e disclosed h i s real identity. for freedom for safe development, from t h e rich. "And then t h e Syracuse girl the n a t u r a l course of dealing beThe theory h a s been t h a t what is said, "it w a s too late t o do any"Any property owner, individon t h e platter should be divided thing about it, so I promised to tween m a n and man, a r e all turned more equitably. ual, partnership or corporation, marry him in spite of t h e fact over to a government? And with t h a t theory there is no with a regular income fiom salFRANK JEMOLA \ S1GMUND t h a t he w a s a prince." It makes little difference t h a t t h e trouble except one: ary, commissions, business or T i r e d of b e i n * confined i n a r o o m w i t h o t h e r d o g s a t t h e S.P.C.A. animal s h e l t e r S i g m u n d , And a real prince charming he other assured source, may apply T H E MAIN P O I N T IS T H A T process is t h a t of revolutions, such p r i z e G e r m a n S h e p h e r d police dog, a t t e m p t e d t o escape e a r l y this m o r n i n g b y p r y i n g t h e b a r s o i h i s is. Good-looking, brilliant, with a T H E R E MUST B E SOMETHING for a loan to improve property a s those w e have seen in Europe, w i n d o w a p a r t , b u t t h e w a r i n e s s of Chief Cadin, woo d i s c o v e r e d w h a t w o u l d h a v e b e e n a wholesale noble air, Prince Kildischeff does ON T H E PLATTER. owned. It is not necessary to be j a i l d e l i v e r y , " a w o k e J e m o l a , a t t e n d a n t , a n d f r u s t r a t e d t h e escape. J e m o l a is s h o w n h e r e w i t h t h e not need his title t o recommend or a sly, quiet nibbling a t our No civilization h a s equaled our a depositor of the bank cond o g a t t h e b a r r e d w i n d o w . P i c t u r e b y J o u r n a l staff p h o t o g r a p h e r . him. Under h i s pen name he h a s foundations until t h e old structure own in putting meat on t h e plat- sulted. written books in Russian, F r e n c h falls a n d there is nothing left b u t ter. "Sums from $100 to $2,000 will and Italian, a n d is now working on blue prints imported from Germany be loaned for improvements on PROGRESS O F M A N K I N D G R E A T his first English book, " T h e R u s - or Russia. any one property. Notes may run A part of the reason is t h a t we sian and American Ballet of T o from one month to three years, had isolation a n d resources, a p a r t and the only security required i« day," which will be published in G I V E N H I D D E N A D V I C E . September, a n d which he is dediThe only difference is t h a t those is t h a t we had great variety of that the person applying for cating t o h i s bride, w h o h e claims, who whisper advice t o t h e a d m i n - brains, a part is t h a t we h a d a funds shall have a good charAn a t t e m p t e d wholesale jail d e - aroused F r a n k Jemola, attendant. was h i s real inspiration. istration a r e n o t known, n o t in t h e sense of fair play, so t h a t : acter and means of livelihood, and livery w a s frustrated early Wednes- Jemola. w e n t t o investigate a n d on Prince Kildischeff came to this Open. N o t quite frank. N o t quite a definite plan for repaying the AMERICAN BUSINESS AND entering t h e room found Sigmund country six months ago a s press exposed. AMERICAN INDUSTRY H A V E loan. All loans granted by the day morning b y Chief of Police had spread a p a r t several thin iron representative of t h e Monte Carlo But, a s numerous senators a n d DONE MORE F O R M A N K I N D bank are insured up to 20 per Martin L. Cadin when h e discovered bora covering t h e window. Ballet Russe, which opens i t s seccongressmen—and Democrats who T H A N A L L T H E POLITICAL cent, by the United States GevA one-half r a t e admission for the ringleader a s he w a s about t o T h e dog w a s still on t h e window ond season in New York City in know t h a t this is not a partisan T H E O R I S T S EVER. ernment. everybody for Syracuse d a y a t t h e sill while o n t h e floor below were October. Previous to t h a t time h e "Home owners, landlords and New York state fair Saturday, m a k e h i s dash for freedom. We t a u g h t t h e world to MAKE had been residing in Paris, where Sept. 1, w a s announced Wednesday T h e sensational escape, occurred t h e rest of t h e dogs waiting for he had adopted t h e pen n a m e of in Paris, although they refused to wealth a s distinguished rrom TAK- tenants holding leases running their chance t o "escape." six months beyond the time of the by Director J. Dan Ackerman. j a t 6:30 o'clock this morning a t t h e Sigmund h a d worked his head and Severny. When he came to t h e tell anything further about the first ING wealth. loan are eligible to borrow for The fair director explained this meeting. W e taught t h e world t h a t a car- any of the following improveI S.P.C.A. animal shelter in W. Bel- forefeet through t h e b a r s a n d it United States he continued using w a s in line with t h e policy of other penter could go to work in a sedan. ments: took Jemola better t h a n a half hour h i s pen name and few of his friends L A S T O F F A M I L Y . Reroofing, repainting, "special days" a t t h e fair, a n d was | d e n a v in New York knew t h a t he w a 3 We taught t h e world that remoledinp. new heating systems, to get h i m back inside. L a s t of a noble family, which was being done in a n effort t o eliminate Several weeks ago a Cleveland Syracuse service t r a d e s represenNow a t t e n d a n t s a t the shelter a r e really a prince. wiped out in t h e civil w a r and in EVERYBODY could go t o school. new plumbing, new flooring, rea s far a s possible t h e monetary farmer appeared a t t h e shelter with This is not boasting. It is a fact. deeoratina, new kitchen equipBut the meeting of the prince and wondering w h a t will come u p next tatives m e t a t t h e Onondaga Hotel consideration in any person's d e Sigmund, a 2-year-old German and if Sigmund may think u p some t h e young dancing instructor a t t h e t h e revolution, Prince Kildischeff is And now there a r e those w h o ment, refriperators and stoves, filled with ambitions for a career in l a s t night and created a temporary jcision to attend. Shepherd police dog. Unable to h a r - other plan of escape. T h e b a r s national convention of Dancing this country. H e w a s graduated whisper in Washington—who con- laundry equipment and washing The program arranged for t h e bor t h e animal a n y longer, t h e have been repaired and the window, Masters of America Association two organization t o further legislative from Moscow University with a d e - spire t o whisper there—that we a r e machines. ' action to p u t an end t o "chiseling" opening day, he said, w a s t h e finest owner t u r n e d it over t o J. Henry instead of being opened from t h e weeks ago w a s not their first gree of law, b u t decided upon a all WRONG! "Signers of notes must own and best he had seen in many years. Cassidy, m a n a g i n g director. They ask us to imitate Germany. bottom, will be opened from t h e t o p meeting. Both Miss AUewelt a n d writing career a n d soon after his within t h e service industries. their property, have an income at This has been under t h e direction of Sigmund w a s placed i n a b a r r e d in t h e future t o prevent a recur- the prince disclosed this morning Germany is a couple of jumps Temporary officers named a r e graduation, began translating books least five times the amount of the the Junior Chamber of Commerce. room with a number of other dogs, rence of today's episode. ahead of starvation. t h a t they h a d m e t four years ago from Russian into Italian. M r s Grace Backer, president; Arannual payments on the note, P r a n k E. Miller, in charge for t h a t Sigmund is a high class dog, having They ask u s to imitate Russia. t h u r Boff. first vice president Always interested i n dancing and have no past due encumbrances a pedigree "a yard long" a n d disorganization, h a s listed 30 special Russia, with all h e r limitless r e H a r r y Dow die, second vice presithe a r t s , Prince Kildischeff h a s against their property, and agree sources, is broke. d e n t ; William Victor, secretary, events ranging all t h e w a y from playing a keen mind. spent t h e past several years studyto use the proceeds of the note Early t h i s morning Chief Cadin They ask u s t o centralize in gova n d Mrs. Claire Seamans. t r e a s - a wheelbarrow race t o a circus for ing t h e various types of dances. solely for the property improvej t h e entertainment of t h e visitors. started from h i s home in W. BelPRINCE MICHAEL KILDISCHEFF And, he claims, h i s young wife's ernment t h e power of m a n and ment. No cosigners or indorsers urer. Committees of three representing ; Miss Elizabeth McKee, represent- den av. for t h e public m a r k e t . A s studio is t h e nearest thing to t h e God, of individual enterprise, of of the note are required, except business and of freedom. each service trade were named. ing t h e George F . Foley Dog Show he w a s passing over t h e bridge in the case of husband and wife, Russian ideal he h a s seen in this T H I S B E L I E S T H E T E R M - when both must sign. They will meet with t h e officers a t I organization, opened offices a t fair spanning Onondaga Creek in B e l country. Together they plan t o orS o'clock Monday night t o plan j headquarters W e d n e s d a y a n d den av. h e heard t h e barking of Sigganize a national American ballet, DEMOCRAT. "Notes are to be repaid in regThey a s k u s t o imitate those exp e r m a n e n t organization of the serv- started listing t h e long line of e n - mund a n d looking a t t h e .wall of featuring t h e folk lore of this count h e shelter building, s a w the animal ular, equal monthly payments ext r i e s already received. T h e dog periments which in Europe, in t h e ice trades. try, with music by t h e best known j show is scheduled for Wednesday half w a y through t h e barred w i n n a m e of EQUITY, have reduced t h e cept in the case of farmers, who American composers. dow a n d ready t i leap t h e 20 feet and Thursday, Sept. 5 a n d 6. m a n without a cent in t h e world may repay on a seasonal basis. t o t h e creek bank. to T H E MAN W I T H O U T A CRUST The interest or discount rate will not exceed 5 per cent, per year Losing n o time. Chief Cadin r a n g O F BREAD. on the original amount of the the night bell a t t h e shelter a n d And Uncle Sam is no such note." jackass! Members of t h e D u m p Truckers 1 M v Association^ will hold a field day i E d w a r d M. Herley, 31, of 119 OnMrs. Amelia Bronner Keppler, 74, \iUOtOriSt 10 t ( I C € Keppli and clambake a t Hinerwadel's ondaga av., arrested yesterday b y widow of Frederick Keppler, died at Grove. F a y road. N o r t h Syracuse, , Syracuse police a n d t u r n e d over t o Sunday afternoon. Members of t h e her home. 31* Hillsdale av., TuesAlbert Whitaker, acting chief of t h e association will meet a t t h e old day night following a short illness. Arrested t w o w e e k s ago on a United States secret cervice in t h e Crouse stables in S. S t a t e st.. a n d A member of a well k n o w n Syra- j charge of assault, third degree, p r e Syracuse district, w a s arraigned t o cuse family, Mrs. Keppler was born go to t h e grove in a group. I ferred by John C. Stucker, 436 O s day before United States CommisCommittee members include Roy ; in Germany a n d h a d resided in j t r a n d e r av., a N e w York Central sioner George M. Haight. H e w a s Santola. Ralph B c e b e, Joseph j Syracuse 55 years. [trainman, E Gordon Cronk of 2349 charged with passing a $5 counterMichaels, Thomas Kennedy. L . L. j Surviving a r e four sons, Fred H. Bellevue av., will go t o trial before feit bill a t a wholesale grocery Weeks, Raymond Cole, Kenneth Keppler of Newark, N . J.. Henry Justice of t h e P e a c e T h o m a s Davis establishment. Fidler, Gene Wuetchenbach, John B., F r a n k J . a n d George K. K e p - of Fayetteville, F r i d a y night. H e Herley pleaded n o t guilty and w a s Pallotta, John Horton, J o h n D. pler; t w o daughters. Mrs. Charles will be represented b y Senator released under $1,000 bail until Sept. Wood. Michael Costanzo, F r a n k Smith a n d Mrs. David A, Stevens; George R. Fearon. Stucker h a s r e 7, when a hearing is tentatively Ponto. Robert Greenway. Wesley a brother, H e r m a n Bronner; t w o tained Clifford H . Searl. scheduled. Harrington. John Alexander, P a t - sisters, Mrs. F a n n y Benz a n d Mrs. Stucker claims t h a t after h i s c a r rick Galuppi, William Daugard, A u g u s t a Weil: 1* grandchildren and one driven by Cronk had nearly and eight great-grandchildren. PATROLMAN TO HAVE Earl White and H. Duane Clark. collided in High Bridge st., F a y e t t e Funeral services will take place ville, t h a t Cronk followed him, HEARING THURSDAY a t t h e home a t 9 o'clock Friday forced h i s c a r t o t h e side of t h e P a t r o l m a n William Maroney, u n morning a n d in t h e Church of t h e r o a d a n d concluded a n a r g u m e n t der suspension for a month for Blessed S a c r a m e n t a half hour by striking him in the face. drinking while on duty, will b e later. Burial will be in Assumption .303 SOUTH .JALINA STREET {Continued from Page 1.) given a hearing tomorrow morning cemetery. says: "I can't account for it." b e f o r e Commissioner of Public Offers a Complete No accounting Is necessary. Every Safety William E. Rapp. I t w a s baby, big or little, is a marvel, and reported today he h a d engaged , weight a t birth makes little differ counsel a n d intended to fight for , ence. One sickly little baby called reinstatement. Recently t h e comMercer V. White, vice president "Voltaire started a work t h a t overmissioner dismissed two officers of the First T r u s t and Deposit Comthrew a long line of fat French Awarded judgment for $637.63 for pany, w a s today appointed p e r m a who h a d admitted drinking while kings. personal injuries suffered in a n nent receiver of t h e Pierce, Butler on duty. automobile accident three years & Pierce Manufacturing Co., Inc., New York presents to your a t ago when s h e w a s 19, Mrs. Anna by United S t a t e s District J u d g e tention an interesting robbery in Marko Nendza of Lakeland, will r e ! Frederick H. B r y a n t in Malone. Mr. the borough of Brooklyn. A well- ceive $235-92 of t h e a m o u n t under organized band of eleven highway- a n order entered by J u d g e N a t h a n j White h a s been temporary receiver manufacturing men surrounded a h armoured car Abelson directing t h e Salt Springs | of t h e Syracuse with machine g u n a carefully National Bank to make t h e pay- \ company. planted in a peddler's cart a n d in ment. parked cars, held up t h e armed As she w a s a minor a t the time guards, stole four hundred and Although laying of concrete on the judgment was recorded, t h e twenty-seven thousand dollars. •• » " • • > the last link of t h e new Cherry money w a s deposited in t h e Salt The difference between day and Valley turnpike between Cazenovia Springs Bank and could not be The robbers escaped in three withdrawn until she reached her and Pompey will be completed in a night . . . between a frown and a h i g h-p o w e r e d automobiles, the majority except by court order. day or two, t h e new highway will smile . . . is the difference between armored truck pursuing, one ma- The payment represents 37 per cent, not be opened for traffic until about neglected, faulty vision, and CORchine g u n t h a t t h e robbers had of t h e judgment. the middle of September, Guy W. Taken in custody for questioning overlooked spitting futile bullets. RECTED vision. Consult our RegisPinck, division state engineer, a n j in connection with a n alleged a t That appears t o be t h e record nounced today. tered Optometrist, and let h i m j tack upon a woman in t h e yard a t PLANNED AT for robbery in t h e public streets. JAMBOREE He said: - - -, - , l l i r . i Seymour School last night, William prescribe scientifically for your eyes. The eleven bandits will regret t o "We a r e not going to take a L I M L t TUnlS. L A r \ t V/AMr i McCall. 22, of 214 Tennyson av.. We present a complete selection of hear that, in addition to overlookchance on opening t h e new road Campers of former years, their pleaded not guilty t o a third degree ing one machine g u n . they overmodern frames at moderate prices. before t h e concrete is thoroughly parents a n d friends a r e invited to assault charge in police court Wedlooked 129.000 in cash. set or before t h e shoulder work attend a jam»>oree a t Morningstar nesday, a n d w a s released in $500 is completed. T h a t will bring t h e Gordon R. McKenney, Registered Optometrist • Manor Camp on Little York Lake bail for a hearing on t h e twentyA big diamond is coming to t h e I Thursday evening and take part in thirid. opening date some time in t h e United States, fourth largest in t h e ceremonies which will mark t h e middle of September." McCall w a s placed under arrest world, called t h e J o n k e r gem. The closing of the camp for the season. after Mrs. Catherine Ribble, 20, of Pinck indicated t h a t i t h a s been "pebble" was found in South Africa , For t h e occasion a minstrel show 206 Shonnard st., told P a t r o l m a n PRINCESS NORMA KILDISCHEFF definitely decided to designate t h e by a farmer, and sold to t h e dia- will be staged a n d a professional Lesickl and Shepaxd she w a s walknew highway from Cazenovia t o B e c o m i n g a p r i n c e s s b y v i r t u e of h e r m a r r i a g e t o P r i n mond corporation for $315,000. The iorchestra w i l l present a musical ing through t h e school yard t o her Kildischeff, former R u s s i a n n o b l e m a n , M i s s N o r m a E . AUewelt, Skaneattles via Pompey and L a corporation refused $500,000 for t h e program. T h e program is scheduled j home when a m a n grabbed her. She Syracuse dancing teacher, r e t u r n e d t o Syracuse y e s t e r d a y after- fayette a s Route 20, despite some stone, now coming here t o be c u t to start a t 7:30 o'clock. T h e camp, j screamed for assistance, and when protests and requests t o designate n o o n v i a airplane w i t h h e r husband. T h e y w e r e m a r r i e d last week t o best advantage. Ladies will wear which for the last four weeks has J persons living near t h e school cam the present Riute 20 from Cazein N e w Y o r k City and came t o this city y e s t e r d a y afternoon v i a diamonds a s big a s pigeons' eggs. been g i v e n over to t i l l s of th» ! to h e r aid t h e m a n fled. McCaii novia to Skaneateles via J a m e s 3o3 S O U T H £ A L I N A S T R E E T A m e r i c a n Airlines. T h e prince a n d p r i n c e s s w e r e m e t a t t h e but hardly a s big a s a t u r k e y ' s ^ Syracuse diocese, w i l l close offi-[ ! was ville and Marcellus a s alternate UP in s. West st. by the m u i v c i t a l a i r p o r t by t h e l a t t e r ' s father, E m i l M . Allcwelt. Photjo was picked picked up egg. T h a t would be conspicuous. ( cially Saturday. Ruote 20. I officers. by j o u r n a l staff p h o t o g r a p h e r .
Dog Spreads Iron Bars in ADMISSION Attempt to Escape
Service Trades fight Chiseling
Damp Truckers to Enjoy Field Day \Mrs. Amelia Keppler Dead; Funeral Friday \
Pleads Not Guilty To Bad Bill Charge
Charge of Assault
Yes Sir! Correctly
Make a Whale of a Difference ^ ( T )
Woman Gets Cash, Awarded 3 Years Ago
Appoint M. V. White Permanent Receiver
Delay Opening New Highway
Young Man Denies Attacking Woman
Untitled Document
( Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069