Dennis Reardon, Battery C, 2nd N. Y. ... Oriskany spent the week-end and La- ... PaintsâVarnishesâStainsâEnamelsâ
JN. X.. t K l U A l
fAGfc, M V &
bl^fiiinVlt5£rt », li)2i5.
Rathbunville. 1746, died March 3, 1839. aged 93. David Ayers. 157th Reg., War of Asa Webster, Capt., Ed. Fuller's 1812, Capt. Rudd's Co., born 1780, died Co., War of 1812, born 1775, died September 21. 1S57. aged 82. February 26, 1866. aged 86. Jonathan Waldo jr., 16th Reg., N. Hiram H. Bacon, Co. E, 117th N The sooner you and your family get member of your family! Each Y. Militia. Revolution, born 1763, Y. Vol., born 1826, died August 15, to eating Kellogg'• Bran, cooked and should eat at least two tablespoonf ula died February 5, 1833, aged 70. 1903, aged 77. krombled, the quicker you'll ail nave a daily; chronio cases, as much as to IN T H E V A R I O U S CEMETERIES George Derrick, Co. K, 189th N. Y. •lean bill of health! necessary. Carmichael Hill. OF O N E I D A C O U N T Y . Vol., born 1845, died January 7, 1883, Kellogg'• Bran, cooked and krumJohn Hawkins jr., Sergt., Co. 1, aged 38. Because, Kellogg's Bran relieves bled, is not only nature's food bat i t 94th N. Y. Vol.. born 1826, died SepNo. X V I . constipation permanently if it is eaten is delicious to eat as a cereal! Or, on Timothy J. Derrick, U. S. Navv, tember 14. 1862, aged 35. Lowell. regularly! It keeps the intestinal tract Cruiser Columbia, born 1881, died Edmund Fuller, Capt., War of 1812. free from congestion—it sweeps and it your favorite cereal each morning I Ebenezer Benjamin, Col. Willet's August 1, 1902, aged 21. 157th Reg., born 1795, died December purifies without any discomfort or ir- Its nut-like flavor is delightful! William Edwards, Batterv A. 1st25, 1873, aged 78. Levies, Revolution, born 1765, died Use Kellogg's Bran in raisin bread, ritation ! And, it frees you from habitJanuary 25, 1855, aged 89. muffins, pancakes—in a hundred dif.,!; Y;,! j t - A r t - b o r n IMI. d ^ d April Hezekiah Mowers, Co. I. 117th N. forming pills and cathartics which -6, 1915, aged 84. Thomas Humlbacht, Co. K, 97th N. Y. Vol., born 1825, died June 16, •ever eould and never will give perma- ferent and appetizing ways! Keep a Goorge A. Groen, Batterv A, 2n.iISS4, aged 39. Y. Vol., born 1841, died Jan. 9, 1864, nent relief I Do not confuse Kellogg's dish of Kellogg's Bran on the dining N'. Y., Heavy Art., born 1811, dfe29, died June 14, 1896. T1874, aged 30. July 1, 1917, aged 37. ideal way to correct this trouble— bodies! Another thing: Kellogg'* aged 67. Hubert L. Greenhill, Co. L, 50th N . James S. Hawkins, Co. K. 97th N through the food you eat! Kellogg's Bran at the same time will clear up a George Rogers, Co. D . 117th N. Y. V. Vol., born 1822, died February 16 Y. Engra.. died City Point Hospital, Bran, if eaten regularly each day, will pimply complexion and sweeten the Vol., bora 1838. died June 15, 1911. Holidays In the Jungle. Civilizing the Eskimos. October 23, 1864, born 1842, aged 22. 1903, aged 81. work wonders for the health of every breath! aged 73. Jesse Irons, 2nd Serst. Co. H, 117th At the equator In Africa there are The bureau of education for the naH. Kimball, Co. B, 133rd N. Y. Vol., John Smith, War of 1812. born born 1819, died November 5, 1896, aged N. Y. Vol., born 1818, died October 30 June 30, 1780, died December 1, 1858, only two Masons —wet and dry. The lives of Alaska points out that In a 1887, aged 69. former amkes eight months of .summer single generation the reindeer Indus77. John Lea, Battery C, 3rd N. Y T,t aged 78. Christian Stahl. Co. F. 146th N. Y. averaging 117 degrees Fahrenheit. try has raised the Eskimos one entire Albert D. Patterson, Troop B, 3rdArt, born 1813, died March 26, 1878, and Vol.. born 1824. died July 22, 1889, During the dry season the thermom- stage In th^scale of civilization—from N. Y. Prov. Cav., born 1840, died Feb- aged 65. ruary 12, 1884, aged 44. nomadic hunters to pastoral people. ASK FOR eter rarely gaet beLuw 70. Robert P. Munney, Co. D. 2mTN. aped 64. Alfred F. Weaver, Co. E, 117th N. Gustave Puis, 12th N . Y. Ind. Bat- Y. Mtd. Rifles, born 1847. died Mav tery, born 1844, died March 28, 186», 10, 1886, aged 39. • *' Y. Vol., born 1S3S, died September 14, aged 21. POLITICAL A D V E R T I S E M E N T George C. Oatman, 2nd N. Y. H e a w 1915, aped 77. Alonza C. Lewis. Co. . 149th N . the O r i g i n a l Samuel Pratt, 10th Albany Co. Mi-Art. and V. R. C , born 1837, died Y. Vol., bonu-1843, died May 8, 1821, litia, Revolution, born 1767, died No- January 21, 1917, aged 80. Avoid Imitations Georpre Roser, Battery H, 3rd N. Y. aged 77. vember 2, 1844, aged 77. •ad Substitutes J. Calvin Skinner, born January 10, Lt, Art., horn 1S44, died February 1836, died January 26, 1894, aged 58. 1862, aged 18. ?orlnfaBt»,Invalld8«ntf QrowingChlldrsD lRlchmttk,malted grain extract in Powd«i Joseph S. Swan, U. S. Navy, boru Benjamin F. Skinner, Co. B, 57th N . rito OrigUial Food-Driok Vox AH AgcoJNo Cooting—Nourishing - Digestible p died August 4. 1917. Y. Vol., born 1837, died April 7, 1864, J Mostly Personal. William H. Sylyea, Co. L. 1st N. "J. aged 27. Coonrod, Sept 8.—Edward Tyler. Mtd. Rifles, born 1840, died November Candidate for Republican Nomination John R> Skinner, Co. L, 15th N. Y. Harold Hyde, Harold Eychner, MissWhat Stevenson Thought of Music. A Friendly Tip. Engrs., born 1842, died 1914. aged 72. 1, 1917, apod 77. es Ella Kanwischer Ethel Waterman Svlvrstcr \Vhite,»Co. E, 193rd N. Y. and Mabel Eychner are Robert Louis Stevenson said: "To A young woman tells of dining out Benjamin Shaver, Troop E, 22nd N. attending make a home out of a household, given and being seated next to the six-year- Y. Vol. Cav., died rebel pri§on, Salis- Vol., born 1844, died Octobe- 2, 1911, school in Rome. apod 67. the raw materiul—to wit: a wife, chil- old daughter of the house. When her bury, N. C , December 8, 1864, born Miss Anna Schnelble spent the Ephriam Larkin, U. S. Arsenal at dren, a friend or two, and a houses- mother left the table for a moment week-end with friends in Forestport Reuben Mudge, 10th Albany Co.*Mi- Rome, (Armorer), born 178S, died De- and Boonville. v two things are necessary. These are the little one leaned toward their rember 1859, aped 71. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Hall of Tx>well a good fire and good music. And in- guest and said in a low, admonitory litia, Revolution, born 1745, died March Edwin S. Greene, born , died have moved on Mrs. Rachel White's asmuch as w e enn do without the fire tone: "Now do be careful, 'causo 26, 1815, aged 70. 1921. George Smith, Co. I, 146th N. Y. farm. All are pleased to welcome for half the year, I may say music is these are our best table glasses,"— Frenchville. First Name in S h e r i f f * Group them t o this neighborhood. Vol.. born May 7, 1828, died April 13, the one essential." 'Boston Transcript. Michael Gilbuoy Co. K, 97th N. Y. Charles Tyler and John Soboleskl 1920, aged 92. Vol., born 1808, died December 29, are erecting new silos. 1S96, aged 88. Mrs. Helen Jones and family of Ebonezer Gillette, 157th Rop. WarClinton spent Sunday with relatives of 1812, Capt. Rudd's Co., horn 1792, here. died February 20,,3855, ap*ul (,?,. Miss Ethel Waterman recently enEvan ErGTiffltll, Serpt". Corf; 117th tertained Miss Fiorenee-Waterman of —-J0—i •—4 \ W jft xte very grateful f o r your support N. Y. Vol., born 1840, died March Camden and Miss Florenea JElersall 23:1874, aped 31. L ^ " * ^ of New Jersey. Daniel Kennoy^jCo. R, 47th N. V. Miss Alberta Eychner has gone to Tomorrow will be another big shoe event with us. School Shoes that satisfy will be Vol., born 184 i, died . Bridgewater, where s h e has a posifeatured. You can shoe the whole family a t our low prices. Every pair is quality at the Adam Xeiss. Co. D, 140th N. Y. Vol.. tion in the graded school. price you like. horn 1821, died October 17, 1875, aged Mrs. Benjamin Hyde had Miss 31. Florence Bates of New London a s Dennis Reardon, Battery C, 2nd N. Y. her guest last week. Boys' Stubproof Brown Or Black School o r Dress Shoes, 9 t o 13 V-i size. Sale, pair $1.98 Heavy Art., born — , died April Boys' Chrome Sole Black School Shoes or Solid Wear Hike Shoes. Sale, pair - $1.98 Archie Ferguson of Rome has re1886. turned home after spending some Boys' Brown or Black Sturdy Wear Shoes for school or dress. Saturday, pair $2.50 John Roadhouse, Battery B, Sixth time with Mr. and Mrs. Forest Hall. G o t o y o u r work with a spring i n y o u r s t e p "Boys' Rubber Heel Black or Brown English or Round Toe Dress Shoes. Pair $2.98 N. Y. Heavy Art., born 1825, died end a sons in your heart. Getridof that morning Edward Warner of White Plains January S, 1895, aped 70. i grouch. You feel "headachy." grumpy and irritable has been visiting relatives here. E x t r a — 9 to 13V& Size Boys' Brown Shoes, school or dress, oak soles. Pair $1.79 John J. Suits, Revoluiion, born ! because your liver or stomach is out or order. The sympathy of many friends Is Girls' Solid Leather Brown or Black School Shoes that wear. Pair $1.98 1759, died June 20, ISIS, aped 59; extended to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Madison Wilcox, Co. G, 117th X. Girls' Fine Black Kid Shoes for dress. Special Saturday, pair $2.50 Hubbard on the death of their only Vol, born 1824, died November child, Everett. Mrs. Hubbard's girlwill rouse your liver, cleanse and sweeten Girls' Brown Kid or Black Shoes for best dress wear. P a i r $2.50 and $2.69 i908, aped 84. hood days were spent here. your stomach and put your whole digesGrowing Girls, 2i/> to 7 size, Brown or Black School Shoes. Pair .- - $2.50 Robert Wells Co. B, 140th N. Y. Miss Gladys Ernst of Syracuse, tive system in tune again. died November Vol., born 1810, 26, who has been visiting relatives here, Growing Girls' Special Brown English School and Dress Shoes. Pair $2.69 Take one or two CHAMBERLAIN'S 1872, aged 62. has pone to Stokes. Children's Brown or Black School or Dress Shoes, solid wear. Pair J $1.98 TABLETS tonight. You'll « t up in the Hozekiah Willes, 13th* Albany Co. Glenn Dennison and son, Marlin, of morning with a n appetite tor breakiMt Militia, Revolution, born 1701, died Oriskany spent the week-end and LaLittle Folks* Free Toe Brown or Black Shoes, all leather. Pair *™...$1.69 and the feeling that you are going to do a June 21 1842, aged 77. bor Day with Mr. and Mrs. Scott Men's Semi-Dress Shoes, oak sole, black or brown. Pair . — $2.98 real day's work. Lawrence Van Buskirk, War of Cackett. Men's Fine Dress Shoes latest lasts and color. Saturday, pair „—_._....$3.85 1812, born - , died . TRY THEM BUYTHEM Abram Van Buskirk, War of 1812, Special—Women's Black Silk Hose on sale Saturday, pair 50c A generous sampls 25 cents at all True Friendship Scarce. born 1798, died June 7. 1880, aped 82. on request druggists' T H E STORE OF RIGHT PRICES ALWAYS Calvin C. Winchell, 12th N. Y. Cav., Parents we can have but once; but CHAMBERLAIN MEDICINE COMPANY 2 D o m st born 1842, died December 13, 1920,he promises himself too much who enENTERPRISE SHOE STORE £ 0 Mk N Y DES MOINES. IOWA aped 78. ters life with the expectation of findJohn Webster, Revolution, born ing many friends.—Samuel J o h r y ^
Eat Bran RECULARLY and You'll Relievo Constipation PERMANENTLY!
Over a Qviarter of a Century of Pviblic Service
of the highest order, stands behind every packet sold.
BUch-Mixed-Green-Sealed PacKet Only.
INVALIDS Horlick's
Republican Primaries Sept 19
XTRA School S h o e PRICES
buFeel Like Going to Work ? CHAMBERLAIN'S TABLETS
"sm/M/jsm^mm^si^m^ffti^^m^mkfs^^^tfa^mm^smmB^mm Red and Grey Barn a n d
Red and Grey Barn and]
Store Will Be Open All Day Wednesdays Hereafter
Roof Paint, $1.65 gallon.
Roof Paint, $1.65 gallon. f
ECONOMY WALL Greatest Bargain Event o f t h e Season—Tomorrow at Will's and All Next W e e k a Great Sale that Will Spread Like Wildfire Today—this very moment—hundreds of eager, thrifty eyes will be scanning this ad, reading the wonderful news event! And tomorrow Wills' Wall Paper and Paint Store will be crowded. Every item will fully demonstrate the value-giving of our stores* made possible only by skillful buying, and being content with a normal amount of profit. Those who have not profited before had better hurry and get here tomorrow. •^r
3 P a t t e r n s of Kitchen Block and Granite Papers, Per Roll _ —
Living Room, Dining Room and Bed Room Papers, gold stripes and floral designs. P e r roll
12 c ITc 25c Vi
All 50c Papers, such as Tapestries, Tiffany Blends, Grass Cloths, Mottled Jaspe's will go at, per roll „
37; c 60c 6 P a t t e r n s of Dining Room and Hall Papers, 30-inch Plain Oatmeal Papers, all colors, 3 rolls in bolt, in stripes and all-over designs. P e r roll . 10c 15c per roll or, per bolt 45c Paints—Varnishes—Stains—Enamels—White Lead—Linseed Oil—Turpentine
Beautiful Bedroom Stripe and Cretonne Papers, Per Roll „. „
Royal Paint, Sure to Satisfy Colors, gallon $2.95 Wh ite, gallon _.. $3.25 Rpyal Paint is a First Grade, none better h
25c Tapestry Papers, suitable for all rooms, with band borders to match. P e r roll .„,„„_„„ 25c and 37V^C Tapestry and Plain Blend Papers. Per roll _ „..._........._ „...
Flo-Flat Flo-Flat A Washable Flat Paint .for Walls and Ceilings—all colors and white. Pints . 50c r ^ Quarts . 95c Half Gallon £ $1.65 Gallon* $2.95
Royal Inside Gloss Paint An Interior Paint with an Enamel-like Finish. Pints —™»™ s « _ 50c Quarts ™,„. 95c Royal Utility Varnish Half Gallon f} fig A Varnish for All Interior Wood Work Gallon _—_„$2.95 Gallons „ $2.50 All Colors Except White Half Gallons $1.35 Pure White Lead Quarts ,, . _ ™ _ _ - ™ , . - 75c Per 100 lbs. .„ ..$11.9; Pints 40c
Japalac or Royalcote Varnish Stains—oak, light oak, dark oak, mahogany, cherry, walnut. Pints . . ,„.„:. 65c Quarts „._ $1.25 Half Gallon „ $2.25 Gallon . . ^ $4.25 Royal Lustre Indoor Floor Bnamel A Floor Paint with an enamel finish, all colors. Pints ........ . 50c Quarts .„.„.. —, „ 95c Half Gallon $1,65 Gallon _.... $2.95
30rinch Harmonella or so-called Mottled Oatmeal, 20c per roll or, per bolt
Alabastine. Barreled Sunlight Ukalo and Calcomines—All colors and The New White Enamel „ white. Pints , _..._ . .....80c „.... _„..$1.40 5 lb. package „ 65c Quarts Half Gallon $2.65 Gallon $4.85 "Willsealite" Floor Brite A floor varnish that will stand hot or "Watershed" cold water. Will not mar white. Will dry The New Auto Top Dressing and Waterover night. Can be rubbed and polished. proofing—in black and clear for leather, Bints „ 7,-)C mohair, pantasote canvas, shoes—can be Quarts , $i.4o used on anything and everything. Half Gallon ._ ___._„__„..$2.50 Pin ta 95c Gallon ..._ m , _ , _ $4„-,o Quarts $1.75 Pure Raw Linseed Oil. Per Gallon
$1.15 Per Gallon
t'ure Turpentine.
WILL'S WALL PAPER AND PAINT ST0R£ mnJames Tonawanda, N. Tonawanda, Niagara Falls, Lockport, Medina. Batavia, Dunkirk, Rome Untitled Document
Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069