county welfare departments has. | been an .... Born In Wayne County, he had| been a .... of the entire school system and
Page 6
ALBANY, J a n . 8.—Senator George • t R . Fearon, minority leader of the te Senate, is t o have his troubles * again this •winter with • S e n a t o r VT h O m a s KC. Desmond | | * f Newbixrgh, | » Republican III i t h pub|| c i t y amotions that Ijirershad o w KIBMATOR FEAKO.N
his p a r t y leader. The fact t h a t Sthe Republicans are in the minority I in the Senate leaves Desmond in h position where he can't seriously 1 h a m per his leader, but it becomes nece s s a r y now and then for Fearon to apply t h e paddle. They h a d their first battle of the season yesterday and quite a crowd SENATOR DESMOND s a t around the Senate chamber t o s**e th** • r r a c u s a n do a nice job on Desnd. The Newt man enga=»d a personal disput e with Maty l e a d e r J o h n J. Dunnlgan. rhich became iter They told h other f rankl y oght. E'When F e a r o n rose t o say someH f a g in support of the bill before t h e house, a m e a s u r e authorizing ?4be City of New Tork t o accept |»#00,000 from W P A for a new idge, Desmond aimed his .shafts jftt the Syracuse man. Fearon said fthat, while he is opposed to the 'policies of WPA and other alphaiual agencies of the New 'Deal. • s could not stand in, the way of •acceptance of a .Wg appropriation icoming into New York State. Des• o n d then asailed him, but the wd 'was with Fearon.
G I N 90 DAIS WEDJ57 YEARS, ° l mnllinnnr
i L
City Requests $59,000 to Build \ BeHelphl,RuhofMt.a«dMTS.J.H.CoontolnsureHappiness $59,000tOBlli j Fence at Creek After many years' delay, during' which a number of drownings a n d ^ j near-drownings have been added > to the toll taken by Onondaga j Creek, city officials have finally dec i d e d to take action to check furt h e r loss of life by applying t o ! WPA for a project to erect a fence I along the crock b a n k s at a cost of $59,220. Plans for the four and one-half mile fence have been prepared by engineers of the city and will be filed a t once with William P . Lynch, local director of W P A . T h e city will pay 25 per cent, of t h e cost, but material actuall> will cost ^ about half the a m o u n t of the p r o j ect. Engineers plan to erect a c h a i t link fence, six feet two inches h i g r . topped by three strands ^f barbed wire. The fence would be erected on both creek banks from Ballantyne rd. on the south to a point n e a r the barge canal terminal.
A particularly stiff blow w a s s t r u c k a t t h o s e who seek welfare relief by J u s t i c e of t h e P e a c e E d w a r d F . J o n e s of P i t c h e r Hill who meted out a 90-day sentence with t h e w a r n i n g t h a t future cases will get t h e limit of 180 days. Wallace W e n t w o r t h , 37, of 411 F i r s t st., Liverpool, w a s t h e u n lucky man to feel Justice Jones" w r a t h . H e a d m i t t e d receiving aid from welfare while also receiving W P A checks. J u s t i c e J o n e s said all convicted of t h i s form of l a r ceny in h i s court would spend time behind b a r s of t h e penitentiary. ADVERTISEMENT I n t h e city t h e drive resulted in t h e a r r e s t of J o h n Zacura, 49, of 308 Wilkinson s t , w h o pleaded guilty In police court t o violating t h e welfare laws. I n v e s t i g a t o r s of t h e w e l fare d e p a r t m e n t said Zacura, a l t h o u g h working a t t h e Crucible Steel Company, w a s receiving welfare aid. H e will be sentenced t o morrow. Home-Mixed I No Cooking! Easy! A t h i r d investigation resulted in Millions of housewives have found( t h e a r r e s t of H e r b e r t J. Wilson, 30, that, by mixing their own cough medi-' Negro, of 828 S. Townsend st. Wil-^ cine, they get a much more effective son's case w a s held over pending a remedy. They use a recipe which costs complete Investigation. only one-fourth as much as ready-made Claiming t h a t It h a s saved t h e medicine, but which really has no equal city a total of $136,120 by uncoverfor breaking up distressing coughs. From any druggist, get 2 % ounce* ing fraudulent applicants and of Pinex. Pour this into a pint bottle, , clients in t h o welfare department, I and add granulated sugar syrup to fill th© payroll division of t h e d e p a r t j up the pint. The syrup is easily made ment, headed b y Bion E. Roosa. h a s | with.2 cups sugar and one cup water, filed Its a n n u a l r e p o r t w i t h Mayor • stirred a few moments until dissolved. Marvin. T h i s Is a n increase over j No cooking needed. It's no trouble a t t h e s u m claimed last y e a r w h e n the I1 all, and makes the most effective remedy that money could buy. Keeps perfigures given w a s $119,820. ' fectly, and children love its taste. T h e division, w i t h the assistance Its quick action in loosening the of employers, m a k e s s a c o n s t a n t ! phlegm, helping clear the air passages, check on payrolls of m a n u f a c t u r i n g ! and soothing away the irritation, has and business houses to determine if MR. AND MRS. JOHN H. COON | caused it to be used in more homes a n y persons receiving assistance M a r r i e d 67 y e a r s ago at the age of 17 y e a r s , M r s . J o h n H . Coon, 248 F i t c h st., h a s only one rule ; than any other cough remedy. from t h e city h a s other income. It t o i n s u r e h a p p y m a r r i a g e s : B e helpful. M a r r i e d J a n . 8, 1869, at C i c e r o b y R e v . J. L o o m i s , M r . and Pinex is a concentrated compound also makes a thorough check on all M r s . C o o n h a v e lived in S y r a c u s e m o r e t h a n 50 y e a r s . T h e y c e l e b r a t e d t h e i r w e d d i n g a n n i v e r s a r y ! of Norway Pine, famous for its soothnew applications. t o d a y w i t h a family dinner at home. M r . C o o n o b s e r v e d h i s n i n e t y - f i r s t b i r t h d a y last A u g u s t . T h e | ing effect on throat membranes. Money Of t h e n u m b e r of new applicants c o u p l e h a v e four sons, t w o of w h o m , F r a n k D. a n d F r e d D. Coon, a r e t w i n s a n d 61 y e a r s old. I n refunded if it doesn't please you in ' every way. for relief d u r i n g t h e year, 1,033 were t e r n a t i o n a l N e w s p h o t o by J o u r n a l staff p h o t o g r a p h e r . found Ineligible for a n estimated — saving of $28,924. I n addition 1,873 cases were closed for a saving of $52,444; 917 were held tip for a saving of $2$876; 2,771 budgets w e r e reduced for a saving of $22,168; 199 w e r e placed in p e r m a n e n t positions, reducing t h e welfare load b y $5,572. a n d 167 w e r e placed in temporary positions, saving $1,336. L a c k of projects to assure w o r k ! Albany t h a t the federal authorities for the 7,500 men now employed oiJ hud authorized projects in this W P A projects in Syracuse and On-] county which will permit employondaga County lead to expression n i ment of about 120 workers a s the fear by Wrillla m P. Lynch, r e g i o n a l first unit of the class not available director of W P A t h a t some cliffi-i for ordinary labor. The. projects approved include culty may be experienced in k e e p J ing the men at work through thej making of surveys and preparing winter months unless the city a n d of plans for projects, employing 14; Regular $1.69 • sq. yd. county speed up the task of p r e | sorting and binding of Solvay village records, employing five; cleriparing new projects. As result of the situation, Eugen a cal work in city departments, emBehind-the-scenes maneuvering Rago, projects director, and A. Rafl ploying 35; clerical work in the county farm bureau, two; work in to secure a county position for Wil- Holmes, engineer of the county! libraries and welfare departments of liam C. Ladd, former Manliua su- works bureau, conferred today to the towns, 53. line u p a s m a n y contracts a s possil Tt was pointed out that there are While It Lasts pervisor, held the attention of ble feasible for completion durlnj j 2,500 persons in the county eligible *- tion building was the pivot point Mrs. Stanley S. Swatski — Mrp. brother, Wesley Jones of Marcellus. Carl R, Zinsmetster—Funeral serv- Burial will be in Lakeview ceme- Julia A. Swatski, 38, of 588 Dela- of the entire school system and a p ware st., died Wednesday morniriig pealed to persons who work there, ices for Carl R. Zinsmelster, who tery. Skaneateles. . in Buffalo, where she had been un- from office boys to the highest died Sunday, w^ere conducted this dergoing t r e a t m e n t for some time. ranking, to bear in mind they a r e morning at the Welter funeral home Martin Welch—Martin Welch, r e - The body w a s removed to t|ie important cogs in the school wheel by Rev. Luther Wesley Smith, p a s - tired fireman and lifelong resident home in Syracuse by John Giminski. and to do their work efficiently and tor of F i r s t Baptist Church. B e a r e r s of Syracuse, died Tuesday night at funeral director. Surviving are h | r with proper professional dignity. were Fred Jerome, Louis, Walter, his home, 1515 W. Onondaga st. He husband; a daughter, Miss Irei|e Elden, Howard and Nelson Zlnsmeister. Burial was in Oak wood w a s a fireman 25 years and was Swatski; two sons, Stanley fS. a t the home a t 8:45 o'clock Saturstationed with Combination 2 more Swatski Jr. and Robert Swatski; day morning and in St. John the cemetery. t h a n 20 years. Surviving are a son, three sisters, Miss Cecelia Korzuch. Evangelist Church at 9:30 o'clock. John Shepherd—Funeral services F r a n c i s E. Welch; a daughter, Mrs. Mrs. Charles Mack of Camlllus a | d Burial will be in St. Agnes' ceme24-lb. QttdUdt for John Shepherd, employe of t h e Ralph O. E m m e r t h ; three sisters, Mrs. Joseph Banach of Mount C a | - tery. sack Family Onondaga County Sanatorium, who Mrs. J o h n O'Reilly, Mrs. Bernard mel, Pa., and four brothers, Re|r. Mrs. Jacob Lyon—Mrs. Nettie Du(led Monday, will be conducted a t Kerrigan and Mrs. Leonard Monnat; H er r m a n Korzuch, O.M.C, and Jol the rooms of T. William O'Xeill, four grandchildr«n and several W alter a n d Albert Korzuch. Bois Lyon, 68, died Tuesday mornfuneral director, at 9:1a o'clock F r i - nieces and nephews, one of whom Pillsbury's or 24y2-lb. John J. Stack—Stricken with l a ing at her home in Van Buren after day morning and at 10 o'clock at St, i Is Rev. John A. McCarthy, pastor heart attack. John J. Stack, lifelong a long illness. She had been a resiHeckers' sack Michael** Church, Onondaga Hill. of St. Agnes' Church, Canastota. resident of Syracuse, died suddenly dent of Van Buren for 23 years, Mr. Shepherd was a member of the j a t his home, 208 Leavenworth air., Loyal Order of Moose. Burial will having moved there from Newark. Fr nk C . * * Kraus—Funeral services j Wednesday morning. He was | n be in St. Agnes' cemetery. a .lb. for F r a n k C. Kraus, 61, who died | employe of the Syracuse Lighting She is survived by her husband, Gold Medal 24i/ sack Sunday, took place from the home, Company for 30 years, working | t s Jacob Lyon; two sons, William J. Victor Tuchewicz—Victor Tuche- 2401 Court s t , at 8:30 o'clock this a pipe fitter. Lyon of Newark and Raymond D. wicz, a World W a r veteran of 514 morning and a t 9 o'clock a t the Surviving are three daughters, Lyon of Kenmore; two daughters, Hamilton st., died Tuesday night in Church of t h e Assumption. Solemn Mrs. Catherine Young, Mrs. H e l p Miss Carrie M. Lyon of Van Buren University Hospital after an illness high m a s s of requiem w a s cele- E n r i g h t and Miss Mary Stack; a and Mrs. Leon Windlow of this city; of a few days. Surviving are three b r a t e d by Rev. Paul Zollrath of son, Peter G. Stack; three brothers, one sister, Mrs. Maria Libbert of brothers, George Tuchewicz of Carey, O., a b r o t h e r - i n - l a w of Mr. F r a n k R. and Vincent M. Stack (of Lyons and one brother, Jacob DuSyracuse, W a l t e r Tuchewicz of De- K r a u s . Rev. F a t h e r Engelbert w a s Syracuse, and T h o m a s L. Stack pt \ Bols of Newark. These Price* Effective In Our Store* and troit, Mich., and Zygmunt T u c h e - deacon and Rev. F a t h e r E d m u n d San Francisco, Calif., and three ; Funeral services will be held from Meat Market* in Syracuse and Vicinity wicz of Poland, and a sister, Mrs. subdeacon. Rev. F r a n c i s W a l t e r s grandchildren. the home at 1:30 o'clock Friday Sophia Cachowskl of Syracuse. a n d Rev. E d w a r d Goulet were in F u n e r a l services will take place , afternoon.
End Bad Cough Quickly, at One Fourththe Cost
ELEANOR MAGEE R o m a n c e w a s t h e t o p i c of the d a y on t h e S y r a c u s e U n i versity campus Wednesday as students returned f r o m the Christmas holidays. Among the e n g a g e m e n t s to he a n n o u n c e d w a s t h a t of M i s s M a g e e , j u n i o r in t h e College of F i n e A r t s , a n d R o b e r t C. D o d g e , sopho m o r e in t h e College of B u s i ness a d m i n i s t r a t i o n .
SUIT SETTLED EOR 115,111 On trial for the last two days, a $15,000 settlement of the suit, brought by Mrs. A n n a Walsh, 323 Whittier av., against Clarence Dewitt of Batavia, and the Standard Oil Company of New York, to recover for t h e death of her husband, Roger Walsh, was announced by attorneys, and Justice F r a n k J. Cregg excused the jury. Walsh, employed as a foreman on construction work at Stafford, near Batavia, was fatally injured when a truck owned by Dewitt and left parked a t the top of a n incline, rolled backward down the hill and pinned him a g a i n s t a parked car owned by the oil company. It is said t h a t the oil company did not participate in t h e settlement, a t torneys for both sides stipulating t h a t it was free from blame.
Lack of WPA Projects Fjor Winter Feared
Special Sale
Inlaid Linoleum
Mr». Jacob Lyon— Funeral iwerv• •'• t for Mrs. Nettle DuBols Lyon. Hi who ( ib d Tuesday morning In Th« only-way you* Body can clean ma VanBuren. will take place a t the Aorta and poisonous waste* from your home at 1:30 o'clock Friday afterblood is through » million tiny, delicate Xltoey tubes or fiiwra, DM beware of noon. Rev. ..In; n EL Miles, pastor cheap, drastic. Irritating drugs. » func- of Tabernacle Baptist Church, will , tional Kidney m Bladder disorder* make officiate. Surviving besides her you suffer from Getting Up Nights. Nervouanesa. L*g Pains Backache, Clixlea husband are two sons, William J. Under Eyes. Dixxineaa. Rheumatic Pains, Lyon of Xewark and Raymond D. acidity, Burning. Smarting or Itching, #on't take chance*, (jet th* Doctor's guar- I ^ J ' 0 " of Kenmore; two daughters, anteed J ^ r t p U o B ^aUod_Cy.t« t o provide |1CJMM of the : $22,8*0 died Tuesday in St. Joseph H o s needed, mil) .owners along t h e line pital, will | a k e place at the home of of the proposed •sewer are said to his sistey, Mrs-. W. J. Wright of Ion a (Tomer s, at 2 o'clock T h u r s d a y be opposed to the project. Wit! t h e i r co-operation it is regarded as afternoon. Born In Wayne County, Impossible to carry through the he had| been a resident of Jordan 20 ,year»r"^ Surviving besides his sister plans. are two brothers, William Salisbury ADVKVriSE MENT^ of Memphis and Lee Salisbury of Warners. Rev. E. F, Hable, pastor of the Memphis Baptist Church, will of:H late. 'Burial will be at Warners.
Kidneys Must Clean Out Acids
Wednesday, Jan. 8, 103(5
Telephone 2-3111
Chiseling from the city and , county welfare departments has | been a n increasingly difficult and j h a z a r d o u s method of existence a s city a n d county officials with a s sistance of t h e courts and private employers press forward a drive to weed o u t u n w o r t h y persons receiving aid.
H a r r y L. Bill h a s resigned a s vie* president and general m a n a g e r of Owen-Dyneto Corporation, hia tesignation t o become effective Feb. | | » when he will become associated j'ln a n official capacity with t h e *Bendix Aviation Corporation. In the meantime tt w a s explained, "he will complete the job of removing the electric welder division of the U-S.I* Battery Company from J H i p t r a Falls to tha Owen-Dyneto j * p a n t and get this new line of p r o 'Auction in smooth working order, 4 One hundred persons will be added t h e factory payroll as a result of this la addition to the Syracuse comBptny's products, which was excluialvely announced by The Journal a .,.|oonth ago. r>Mr. Bill has also brought to t h e O w e n - D y n e t o plant, from N i a g a r a §*alls still another product, a patented hose clamp for automobiles, the manufacture of which will further increase the working force here by 25 or 30 persons. The Bcnedix Aviation Corporaj tion, with which l l r . Bill will become affiliated, is a holding comp a n y which, through subsidiaries, m a n u f a c t u r e * an extensive line of automobile, aviation, marine a n d Industrial products. Mr. Bill h a s been the active head Of Owen-Dyneto since 1923, r e organizing the industry and placing i t on a firm looting after R. M. J O w e n of New York had purchased 'Control. Assets and business of the company were. J u n e 1, 1934, a c red by Electric-Auto Lite ComK a n y of Toledo, O., which also owns L S L Battery, whose electric welder .business is now being shifted here. As an official of Bendix Aviation, Jdr. Bill will have Ms h e a d q u a r t e r s j n the East and will retain his summ e r home a t Woodchuck Hill. . Mr. Bill is a director of the Syra c u s e T r u s t Company.
o y a 1 t. y
Girls Who
, , . . „ . J A r P E n S - a S - e d tO W e d
Fearon Victor in Desmond Skirmish
ARRY BILL Universit
Prim Pastry
24-lb. sack
75 $lio
Untitled Document
Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069