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home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Hammond of W. Onondaga st, will be ... been taken by Mrs, Robert F. Wright of

Tuesday, April 14, 1936



"ITH T H E A R R I V A L of spring, t h e number of aocial attain has increased and several parties are being planned. Mrs. Earle C, Drake will entertain members of the Gamma Phi Beta bridge club and their husbands at a supper party at her home in Harrington * rd. next Saturday evening. University Club members will attend the spring dance, to be given at the elub on that evening. A small luncheon will be given tomorrow by Miss Geneviere Hammond for Mrs. Harold Phillips of Buffalo, who with her daughter, Suzanne, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Henry P. Warner of Wilson a t Bridge will be played in the afternoon. Miai Hammond's guests, who will be entertained at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Hammond of W. Onondaga s t , will be Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. Alvin J. Orabau and Miss Carol Gregory.




TUX opening" dinner dance o£ *e Onondaga Golf and Country will be given a weak from Saturday evening. The elub will open officially on Saturday of this week -whan member* may rooorvo for luncheon and dinner. A testimonial dinner for Carl Suavely, new football coach s t Cornell University,, wlfl be given a« toe elub tomorrow evening by Cornell Club of Syracuse.

Return Horn* After Visile SEVERAL weeks In Syracuse have been spent by Mrs. John Gould Buggies of Kingston. Pa* has been the guest of her Mr, and Mrs, Alfred M. Cady of E. Genesee st. She was Joined Saturday by Mr. Rug-glee, who accompanied her to their homo. Another former Syracusan, who has boon the guest of nor parents, has boon Mrs. Howard XL Sehuomann of Shaker Heights, O, who has gone to her home after spending some time with her h parents, Mr. snd Mrs W. C. R. Williamson of Maryland a v. ' a s * AN ALL-DAY sewing mooting of the Genetaaka Club will take place tomorrow s t the home of Mrs. Paul I* Hopkins Iff Hasttngn pL AB members are invited




Luncheon for Mrs. Hoyt


The annual bridge tea of the S t Joseph Hospital Guild will bo conducted April 21 in the afternoon at Hotel Syracuse. Miss Eloise Frey Is general chairman. Ths committee looking after arrangements consist of the following: Tickets c h a i r m a n , Mary O'Brien; co-chairman. Sue McClusky; Mary Smith. Rose MeGauley, Margaret Nangle and Margaret Hennessey. Patronesses, chairman, Kathleen Colbert; assisted by Margaret Lacey, Mary Mayer and Josephine Sanson*. Entertainment chairman, Kay Hueber; cochairman, Margaret Richardson; assisted by Helen Young, Mary Toole and Dorothy Barron. Prise chairman, Elisabeth Kohlbrenner; co-chairman, Peggy Leach; assisted by Frances Poohey, Katharine Kegel and Marjorie Brown. Ballroom chairman, Sara Lawior; assisted by Vers Fisks Hasal Fleas. Hostesses snd card chairman, Mary Margaret Brown; sochairman, Katherine O'ConnOll; assisted by Doris LeFever, Bmmerenea Zink, Frances and Florence Dixon.

Croup to Present Missionary Play The World Wide Guild of Calvary Baptist Church will have charge of the service at T:*5 o'clock Wednesday evening-. A three-act missionary play, "Two Masters'* will be presented by s young* people's group from South Presbyterian Church. Special group singing will be S feature. A silver offering will bo taken, the proceeds to be need for sending delegates to Keuha summer conference. All friends of the church snd community are welcome.

Party at Home Of Jane Demong

Jane Demong; SOS Onondaga a v., entertained a party of friends BEFORE bar depart are for nor s t her home last Saturday eveborne in Detroit Mich, Mrs Doug- > ning. Attending1 were: Virginia las G. Hoyt was entertained at a Woodruff. Kay C*>hn, Mary Gantnneheon and bridge by Mrs Floyd sert, Mary Rita Larkin, Clara SI Coursen at her homo In CrawGreene, Kay Revelle, and Jane Demong. Also, Paul H a d l e y , ford sv. Mrs Hoyt was the guest Tommy Byrne, Bud Dwyer, Frano/ nor mother, Mrs. Fred Wyker cis Mahan, James Tormoy Jr* ttf Liverpool. Those I n v i t e d Bob Connors snd Thomas Dafiey. I s s i i l g Mrs Hoyt wore Mrs Alfred C Niehola Mrs Charles D. Miller, Mrs Gilbert Hildebrandt, Mrs Leonard Fulmer, Mrs* William C. Jordan, Mrs Donald M. Mawhinney, Mrs. Harold L The Women's Guild of First Kimmey and Mrs Hsrry Swettser. Presbyterian Church will moot in Mrs. Coursen and Mrs. Nichols the parish house on Wednesday wiH leave Sunday night for New at 1:30 p. m. The midweek dinYork, where they will remain ner will bo served at «:15 p. m. nutll Tharsday night The annual meeting will be held o » • at Tt45 p. nv

Guild Supper, Then Election

• TRIP to Richmond, V s , baa been taken by Mrs, Robert F. Wright of Ostrom sv. snd Mrs Charles S. Marrian of Dewittshlro rd* N , who accompanied Mrs Albert B. Slower* of Lynacrea blvd. boms Mrs. Siewers had been spending several weeks there. • o o

Host at Party

Rehearsal Tonight F$w Entertainment

f *•

A REHEARSAL of the cast for the entortaniment to bo given at Empire theater Thursday t .the . evening- by the Syracuse Day Nursery will bo held at the theater tonight. Making* arrangements for the production, composed entirely of Syracuse persons are Mrs Raymond L. Marsh and Paul A. Hadley. o * * VISITING Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clarke of W. Genesee s t are Mrs. Clarke's parents Dr. snd Mrs Ernest Clement of Floral Park. L. I. They expect to remain for several weeks * * 9 LEAVING yesterday for a week's stay in Now York are Mrs J* John B. Grant of Buckingham av. and her sister. Mrs Msrgsretts of W. Genesee s t UPON her way to nor home In Toronto, Ont., Canada, Miss Nsscy Lindsay spent the week-end with Mr. snd Mrs E Gordon Cronk of Bellevue sv. Miss Lindsay has been spending; two months in the West Indies * n o A FEW DAYS In Rochester are being spent by Mrs Robert C Clark and her daughter. Priscllla, of E Cheltenham rd, who are guests of Mrs Clark's sister, Mrs Jfcarl Pennington.

One Bride Is! ATTRACTIVE ASSISTANT j Patrons fori Guild's Alumna of I Dance A smart band has been engaged by the Crouse-Irving Hospital Flower Guild for its annual spring benefit dance Friday evening at Drumlins. Dancing will begin at • o'clock and end at 1 o'clock the next morning. The patrons for the event include Dr. and Mrs. Carl E. Muench, Dr. and Mrs. H. O. Brust, Dr. and Mrs. Carlton F. Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Norbert C. H. Muench, Mr. and Mrs. George C. Worthley, Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Walser, Mr. and Mrs. Leon M. Bristol, Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Guilfoil, Dr. and Mrs. Wilbur S. Newell, Dr. and Mrs. James D. Wands, Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. Plnck, Dr. and Mrs. P. J. Byrne, Miss Dorothy Pellenz. Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Mahoney, Dr. and Mrs. Scott R. Fisher, Dr. and Mrs. William A. Hinsdale, Dr. and Mrs. LeRoy F. Garrison, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Cahill, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Cooney, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. G. Frank Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Grove L. Higgins, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zimmerman, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hurdman, Victor Quiri, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schlindwein, Mr. and Mrs. John Hennigen, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh O'Brien, Miss Elsie Hillen, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Walser, Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Barth and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Coursen.

By THE CHAPERON. Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Jean SwingBertram, daughter of Mrs. James Bertram of New Rochelle and the late Mr. Bertram, and James Larue Burke, son of Mrs. James Lawrence Burke of Willlamsport, Pa., and the late Mr. Burke, which took place on the afternoon of March 11, at the residence of the brides mother. Mr. Burke is a brother of Mrs. Pearl Tucker of this city and is an uncle of William, Dan and James Tucker of Syracuse. The bride's late father was private aecretary to Andrew Carnegie and was secretary and life trustee of the Carnegie Corporation. The bride is a graduate of Brown school in New York, and spent two years in research work at Cornell Medical Center. The ceremony was performed at S o'clock by Rer. Dr. Robert Gardner McGregor, pastor of North ATe nue Presbyterian Church, in the nreeence of members of the two families The bride and bridegroom will make their home in California, Mrs. Tucker returned to her home in Park av. at the beginning- of the week, after attending: the wedding and visiting relatives. The wedding- of a University Hospital graduate took place in Fulton at 9 o'clock last Sunday morning, when Miss Glenyth Lenore Holbert of that city became the bride of Fred Lyman Gibbons, member of the Fairgrieve Junior High School faculty. Rev. Allen Hackett pastor of the Presbyterian Church, performed the ceremony at the church. Miss Ruth Gibbons and Attorney James Fanning: were the attendants. After a week's trip, the bride and bridegroom will make their homo at 607 Highland s t , Fulton. Mr. Gibbons is a graduate of Colgate University and is the son of Mr. and Mrs Samuel Gibbons. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Holbert and is nurse at the Peter Cailler Kohler Swiss Chocolate Company. Miss Lillian Mary Stephenson of Almond, N, Y., daughter of Sheldon C Stephenson of 2*1 Woodbine av„ and the late Mrs Stephenson, and Truman Daley Luak o£ Hill at, Hornell, were married last Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the First Presbyterian Church. Hev. W. W. McCall performed the ceremony. The church was decorated with palms Easter lilies and hyacinths Four seven "branched oandlebra were nt either side of the priediea. Mies M i l d r e d Brastod of Hornell played the wedding music and Cecil Lapo of that city sang "O Promise Ms" Music was sung by the Presbyterian choir. The bride was given in marriage by her father. She wore a white satin Grecian stylo dress with s short train. Her floor length tulle veil was caught with orange blossoms which were sent from California, She carried n shower bouquet of oalla lilies. Miss Julis Stewart was maid of honor and Miss Ina Laiak and Miss Kathleen Baker were bridesmaids Audrey Brown, niece of the bridegroom, acted as flower girl, and John Stephenson, brother of the bride, was ringbearer. Frederick I>eer was best man and the ushers wore Carl Baker snd Russell WestphaL One hundred guests attended the reception s t the church following the ceremony. The bride is s graduate of Central High School, and of Syracuse Normal School, this eity, and is a member of Alethean sorority. She has boon s teacher at the Almond High School for the past two years. Mr. Lnsk is a graduate of Hornell High School and is employed hi the Erie accounting bureau. The bride was honored st many pre-nuptial events including several showers Among the out-of-town guests were Miss Arline Reagan, Mr. Stephenson snd Sheldon Stephenson Jr., of Syracuse, The bride and bridegroom are taking a motor trip to New York City and will make their home upon their return in Almond rd., Hornell.

Miss Lorraine Barzee is one of the committee which insures the financial and social success of the annual Easter dance at Drumlins Friday night for the benefit of the Crouse-Irving Hospital Flower Guild.—Bachrach studio.

Calendar Luncheon Aids Episcopal Parish Auxiliary To make the calendar luncheon s record financial event is the plan of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church women's auxiliary, the affair to be staged April 15 at Reed Memorial hall. Service will commence at 1 o'clock. Members and their friends patronizing the event will be seated at tables named for the month in which their birthday takes place. Mjjfe. Henry E. Mills, guest speaker, and a member of the Onondaga Orphans" Home in Salt Springs rd., will tell of the work being accomplished for the children at the Home. Mrs. C. J. Olm stead is general chairman of the event Mrs. R. I* Moore, president of the women's auxiliary heading the reception committee, assisted by Mrs. J. C. King and Mrs. Anna M. Snell. The entertainment and reservations are in charge of Mrs F. L. Slocum and Mrs. Clarence Cols Mrs. J. C. Peddie has charge of the decorations, each table representing a month In the year's calendar, with the heads as follows: January, Mrs. R o b e r t

The Home Interest Club of Taunton will conduct its regular business meeting Thursday afternoon at the community house, Mrs, Larose Hoag and Mrs. Margaret Rogers will be hostesses. The regular monthly meeting of S t Alban's Service Guild will be held at 7:45 o'clock Wednesday night with Mrs. George Salter, 408 Crawford a v. Lend-a-Hand Circle, will meet this Tuesday evening at Geddes Congregational Church parlors. The midweek meeting service Wednesday at the Centenary M. E- Church will be in charge of the Women's Missionary Society, the guest speaker being Mrs. L. J. Munson, recording


Members of Auxiliary 16, Sons of Union War Veterans will serve a covered dish supper at I o'clock Wednesday evening in the Larned building. A regular meeting will follow at S o'clock. All officers will report for practice at 4 o'clock. The ladies of the Spiritual Science Church will hold a social Wednesday evening at their hall, 336 W. Onondaga s t Games and refreshments will be featured. There will be a supper Sunday at 6 p. m. in honor of Mrs. Ethel Bodenburg and Mrs. Gilder of Rochester. The Ladies' Aid Society of Broome Memorial M. E Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Glen Robinson, 312 Putnam s t Tuesday evening. Assisting the hostess will be Mrs J. A. Van Skiver, Mrs. Robert Busby and Mrs. James Warfle-

Miss Margaret Long snd Miss Mildred Bodley of 608 Willis av., Syracuse, have been registered at the Beekman Tower hotel, New York City, for the Easter vacation.

Amaranth Sale Set for Wednesday The officers* circle of Syracuse Court, Order of the Amaranth, will hold a food sale at B. W. Edwards* store Wednesday. Mrs Edith Pindle and Mrs- Lena Smith are in charge. Members finding themselves unable to deliver their contributions may notify Mrs. Cora Welter or Mrs. Florence Shoger, who will collect them.

Elect Officers of Friendship Club Officers of the Friendship Club were elected recently at a meeting at the home of Mrs John Yates, 112 Burt s t Mrs. Myrtle Damon was elected president; Mrs. Betty Brock, vice president; Mrs May Livingston, secretary and treasurer, and Mrs Fredericks B. Rogers publicity.

The Helping Hand branch of International Sunshine will sponsor a covered dish luncheon and miscellaneous shower at noon, Thursday, at the home of Mrs Stanford Jones. 112 Delray av.

secretary, of the New York State branch.

Mr. and Mrs Jsok W, Mothersell of 1217 Stolp av. and daughter, Virginia, spent JBaster in New York.

Fort Browerton Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, will entertain Onondaga district grand officers April 11. Dinner will be served at 6: SO p. m. at the M. E. Church. Dorothy Ladd snd A. J. Strever will preside- Reservations should be made with Mrs. A. J. Strever before April 10.


Wicks; February, Mrs. Kenneth Gross; March, Mrs. Guy Jackson; April, Mrs. George Gurr; May, Mrs. Howard Faulkner; June, Mrs. Roy Davison; July, Mrs. Henry Schwarting; August, Mrs George Weaver; September, Mrs. Marvin Voss; October, Mrs. Anna Snell; November, Mrs. James Peddle; December, Mrs Leon Stebbins Assisting with sewing will be the Misses Betty Moore, Deane Hayes Alta Peck, Beatrice Olmstead, Helen Hammond, Elisabeth Peddie, Reta Cols Sally Lewis, Mary Davison, Jean Davison, Hilda Marsh field, Martha Schwarting, Shirley Skinner and Marian Kiesinger. The hostesses consist of Mrs A. C. Muller, Mrs. Mae Barbar, Mrs. George Ritzier, Mrs. C. S. Peck, Mrs. Anson Ruston, Mrs. Charles Kiesinger, Mrs. A l e x Brown, Mrs. Ray Dutcher, Mrs. Edward Worth, Mrs Anna Alsever, Mrs W. J, Hayes Mrs. George Marshfield, Mrs. Robert Siring, Mrs. Frank Wildrldge, Mrs. Rolf Skinner and Mrs Stuart Smith.

Chaperon Notebook

District Officers O.E.S. Guests

James Owens, 2-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Owens of Buckingham av., was host at a birthday party last Saturday afternoon. He is shown with an automobile and a mouth organ* two of his gifts.




Guild S e t s Bridge for April 25


With Letty Long-street





• * .



April Bride

M u s i c a l at Women's Club A musical program will feature, the monthly meeting of the Onondaga County Women's Republican Club In the clubroom, Denison bldg., Wednesday, at 1:15 p. m. Miss Frances Eckett, president, will preside. The program will include vocal selections by Mrs Fred S, DoU bear, accompanied on the piano by Miss Florence Goettel. Kelt! Coggen, 10-year-old boy front Skaneatles Falls, will play the accordion. Miss Mildred Brastow is chairman of the program committee. All members are urged t o be present. Refreshments will bo served.

M'Guires Attend Wedding in West The marriage of Miss Betty Jane Cusick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cusick, 207 Clarence av., and Harold G. Hayden, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Hayden of South Onondaga road, will take place later this month. Mr. Hayden is connected with the Atlantic Refining Company, Manlius.

Mrs. George H. MeGnire am her son, Arthur B. MoGuire, 1 by motor on Monday for Chlcag to attend the wedding of Mm McGuire's nephew, August* Babize Jr., to Miss Eliza-be Babcock of Glencoe, BL, Wfalcl win occur at Glencoe, a aubn of Chicago, next Saturday. Mr. Babize Jr. is a son of Mr and Mrs. Augusts C. Babize Glencoe and is a graduate of i llama College, class *S0, and one of the claim attorneys of Hartford Indemnity & Insure Company in the Chicago dfsti Mr. Babise Sr. Is a former i of the Chicago Tribune and pub* lisher of the Chicago News.

Sodality to Stage Dance Miss Clause to Become Bride Scragglyc Shrubs A dance will be held at S t Cecilia's Sodality of S t Daniel's Church Saturday evening at Lyncourt School gymnasium. Miss Marie Allard is chairman of the oommittee. Assisting are Miss Jane Moriarity, Miss Dorothy Scharoun, Miss Eileen Henessey, Miss Virginia Brogle, tickets and publicity; Miss Anna Matrone, orchestra; Miss Marlon Mathews, Miss Theodora Sehr and Miss Rosemary Mueller checking.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Clause of, East Syrcause announce the engagement of their daughter, Grace, to Walter League of Baltimore, M£., son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert League of that city. Miss Clause is a graduate of Syracuse University in the class of 1926 and is a member of Theta Phi Alpha sorority. She is now making her home in Kew Gardens, L. I. Mr. League attended Western Maryland University. The wedding will take place in July. The betrothal was announced at a large bridge party last evening at the home of the bride-to-be's parents. Guests Included Mrs. Louis Fournier, Mrs. Richard E. Welch, Miss Dorothy Neary, Mrs. William Steele, Mrs. Carl J. Stelgerwald, Mrs. Laurence Sovik. Also Mrs. Evefett Whipple, Mrs. Ernest Crook, Mrs John McMorran, Mrs. James Carroll, Mrs Joseph Rizzo, Mrs. Richard Engron, Mrs. Francis Harba'ch, Mrs William Keller, all of Syracuse, Mrs. M. J. Stillane, Mrs. H. M Nowmiller, Mrs Frank Dugan, Mrs Charles Sly. Also Miss Marie Hair, Miss Irma Atkinson, Mrs. James Kanaley, Mrs. Harold Kanaley, Mrs. Edward Shepp and Miss June Clause, all of East Syracuse, Mrs. Edward Kily of Cortland, Miss Marjorie Carr of Union Springs, Miss Ruth Abrams of Vernon Center. Also Miss Kay Koerber of Plattsburg, Mrs. Donnelly Hansen of Teacneck, N. J.; Mrs. Paul Buckley of Bogoda, N. J., and Mrs. John McDermott of Kew Gardens, L. I. Miss Clause returned to Kew Gardens this afternoon.


Gardener's Fault Lots of folks think that shrubs grow,' say gardening authorise accounting for the prevalence of raj stunted hedges. They say shrubs are no exception the number one rule of gardi Growing things must have ejaaam ent food elements from the soileven one of these elements is results will be disappointing. Ordinary fertilizers—bone meal, s mires, sewage products—supply two or three of these vital elemen Hence in using them yourana heavy risk that several foods will be lad That's why so many thousands < home gardeners prefer VIGORO, complete plant food. Vlgoro suppli eleven essential dements m ooionc proportions. It's a square meal for y shrubs—and for your grata, your fie ers, your vegetables; your trees. Vlgoro is sanitary, easy t o app| economical. Instructionsfor