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Next Tuesday we will be sending a team to Kamo for the league. festival finals. Leaving at 9:15 returning at 2:15. The c
NEWSLETTER Week 10, Term 2, 2015. Tena tatou katoa, Wow! If we’re feeling the cold up this way, I wonder what our southern cousins with the wind, the rain, the snow etc are feeling. We here in Whau Valley send our best thoughts to those communities that experienced heavy floods and all of the associated effects. Kia kaha koutou. Todays’ notices… REPORTS Reports are out on Monday. You could use these in discussions during the parent teacher interviews on Wednesday. PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS These are to be held next Wednesday. School CLOSES at 12pm, you can pick your children up then. Minder is still running but is fully booked. You can bring your children with you to the interviews but DO NOT leave them here all day until you get here, the school is closed from 12pm. Thank you. RUGBY LEAGUE Next Tuesday we will be sending a team to Kamo for the league festival finals. Leaving at 9:15 returning at 2:15. The competition starts at 10am finishing 2pm. This will be an opportunity for our team to defend their 2014 title. Please ensure permission slips are returned to school promptly. JUNIOR SYNDICATE WHANAU / CONSTRUCTION DAY Next Tuesday the Junior Syndicate will be holding a whanau / construction day with a soup lunch for Matariki. Parents will be invited in to join in the construction session from 9.00am with our junior kapa haka group giving their very first performance for whanau at 10.30 followed by lunch. SAUSAGE SIZZLE Kapa Haka sausage sizzle fundraiser next Thursday. Cost $2. The last day for ordering will be next Wednesday, orders will be collected from your class next week. The sausage sizzle notices will come out to you all next Monday. MUFTI DAY We will be holding a mufti day next Friday, what a great way to end the term! The cost will be a gold coin donation. All money collected will go towards our kapa haka fundraising. The kids will be enjoying the sweet sounds of the Whangarei Intermediate School band at 10am that day so drop by if you’re able to.

THE MATARIKI FESTIVAL Our kapa haka roopu is a part of the Matariki Festival at the Town Basin THIS SATURDAY 27th June. We will be on stage at 3.10 pm. Can the Performance Group please be there by 2.30pm. There will be huge amounts of food, some demonstrations and a full afternoon of entertainment from 1- 4pm. This could be a great event for the whole family after a morning of Saturday sports. Come and join the fun! THROAT SWABBING Reminder to all pupils /students during the school holidays if you have a “Sore Throat” and need a throat swab. 1. Please tell your parents. They may need to take you to see your doctor. 2. You are welcome to come to Ki A Ora Ngatiwai located at 420 Kamo Road, Kamo. Ph 09 453 4586 Monday-Friday 8:30am-5pm. Please phone to make an appointment if you choose this option to be seen by the Rheumatic Fever Team. 3. Ki A Ora Ngatiwai also have an outreach Clinic based at Hikurangi Primary School, Thursday 9:30am-1pm and Hora Hora Primary School, Friday 8:30am-12pm 4. Kensington and Otaika Pharmacies also provide a free “throat swabbing” service available during business hours. The Antibiotic if required is also “Free”. The options listed are available to support you with accessing services available should a throat swab be required during the school holidays. A throat swab is the only way to identify “Strep A”. Treating “Strep A” immediately, once it has been identified is also important. Taking the Antibiotic every day for 10 days prevents further risk of the bug developing in to Rheumatic Fever Heart Disease. PRESCHOOLERS

If you have any under 5 year olds in your house that are likely to be attending Whau Valley School in the future can you please fill out the form below and return it to the school office as soon as possible. This is to help us with planning for the future and making important decisions. ——————————————————————————————————————

Name of eldest child currently at Whau Valley School: Preschooler’s name:

Date of birth:

Preschooler’s name:

Date of birth:

Preschooler’s name:

Date of birth: