Newsette - De La Salle University

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cided to be a full-time wife and mother. Having realized that .... of the PowerPoint presentation, is also ...... Maxim Gorky; salin ni Bienvenido Lumbera. PG3463.
De La Salle University Library

Newsette Balitang Aklatan

Vol. XL - Nos. 7-8 July-August 2009

Information Literacy Program of the DLSU Library The De La Salle University Library’s information literacy program has been in place for more than three decades. The program is being offered to students, both graduate and undergraduate, faculty members, and to a certain extent, visitors/visiting users. Faculty librarians serve as facilitators and a program coordinator (usually the head of the Readers’ Services Unit) is assigned to handle the scheduling, assigning of facilitators, and reservation of venues. Through the years, the program has undergone significant changes and revisions in response to the changing needs of the learners.

Information Literacy Program for Undergraduate Students For undergraduate students, the program is being carried out in coordination with the Department of English and Applied Linguistics because information literacy classes are conducted in place of one English Language class

inside 2

Faculty Librarians Recognize ... Br. Rolly Dizon FSC launches ...


The Birth of LORA


Ignite the Imagination ... F. Bongalos on Records ...


Visitors Donors Recent Acquisitions

Ms. Marita Valerio during an information literacy session with Bangladesh students session which takes about one and a half hours. The program coordinator requests for the lists of freshmen English language classes at the beginning of each term and based on the list prepares the schedule indicating the time, the class, the venue, the professor and the librarian facilitator. At the beginning of the session, the librarian facilitator introduces oneself and states the objectives of the activity. After which, a short film is shown providing background information on the library, its resources, facilities, services, programs, policies and procedures and briefing them on the use of search tools, particularly the OPAC, and

the different online resources. A discussion coupled with demonstrations on how to use the OPAC, formulate search strategies, conduct searches, view their library account, login to MyLibrary to register and create pin/password, and renew and reserve materials online follow. Students are also taught how to access online resources both in and off-campus and to use other search tools such as pathfinders and webliographies. To check if the students understood the lesson, the facilitator gives sample assignments and asks volunteers to formulate search strategies and conduct actual searching using the OPAC and /or online resources. Information Literacy ... see page 3

Faculty Librarians Recognize for their Service to the University This academic year’s annual recognition for faculty members was held on July 3, 2009 at the William Shaw Theater where three (3) faculty librarians, namely Ms. Marita Valerio, Ms. Yolanda Odsinada and Ms. Jocelyn Balangue were among the awardees.

was promoted as Assistant Librarian in 1982 and assumed the position of Acquisitions Librarian in 1995. Ms. Balangue holds a Master of Arts degree in Library Science which she earned from Centro Escolar University in 2000. She is also presently the Treasurer of the Philippine Association of Academic and Research Librarians. Despite Ms. Balangue’s occupied schedule, she was able to share her expertise to other librarians by serving as resource speaker in seminars and conferences. Ms. Yolanda Odsinada, anoth M s . er 30-year service Marita Valawardee, started erio received a her career in Faculty Medal DLSU as an Asaward which sistant Librarian Ms. Marita Velerio as Br. Bernie is given to faculty Oca FSC, VCLMER, presents her at the Circulationmembers who were Reserve Section. Faculty Medal Award promoted to Rank II She was profor having completed moted as Perioditheir master’s degree. Ms. Valerio startcals Librarian in source speaked her career as a librarian in the Do1981 and became er in various minican School. She also worked with the Informationseminars/fora La Consolacion University in Caloocan Reference Librarorganized and the Philippine Human Development ian in 1989. For by different Center. In 1989, she was hired as Assisprofessional Dr. Julius Mardable (extreme left), VCAR, 15 years (1992 to tant Librarian at the Periodicals Section associations/ and Br. Armin Luistro FSC (extreme right), 2007) Ms. Odsinaof the De La Salle University. Three organizations. President and Chancellor, with the 30-year da served as Head years after, she was hired as the Direc M s . service awardees (l-r) Judge Jose Reyes of of the Readers’ tor of the Learning Resource Center of Jocelyn Ba- Commercial Law Department, Ms. Yolanda Services Unit. She De La Salle College of Saint Benilde. In is an active memlangue, 30Odsinada and Ms. Jocelyn Balangue 1996 she decided to take time out from ber of professional year service the busy life of a library director and deorganizations such awardee, on cided to be a full-time wife and mother. as the Philippine Librarians Association, the other hand, started her career in Having realized that she can continue to Inc and the Philippines Association of DLSU as a library clerk in 1978. She be a good wife and a loving mother to 3 while at the same time practicing the profession, she came back to the academe as an instructor in Bulacan State University. In 2001, she went back to DLSU as Bibliographic Control Librarian, a position she holds up to the present. Ms. Valerio has also served as re-

Br. Rolly Dizon FSC Launches Chess Book at the University Library

Br. Rolly with former Rep. Prospero Pichay

Believing that chess holds the key to the intellectual development of today’s young generation, Br. Rolly Dizon FSC, former DLSU Presi-

dent, wrote a book entitled “Chess for Filipino Children.” The launching of the said book was held at the University Library lobby last July 15, 2009. As part of the launching, 20 chess players, including himself and Dr. Isagani Cruz, editor of the book, played chess simultaneously against, John Paul Gomez, one of the Philippine’s grandmasters.

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Information Literacy ... from page 1 Major policies specifically those concerning undergraduate students such as borrowing privileges, settlement of lost/damaged books, charging of fines and penalties, etc. are also given emphasis. Students are also given orientation on the different services provided by the Library which may be helpful to them like issuance of referrals, interlibrary loan, document delivery service and individualized instruction, and encourages them to avail of the services. Likewise, they are also informed of the different facilities and how they can make use of such. Self-help tools such as library guides and lists of online subscriptions

Information Literacy for Graduate Students The information literacy program for graduate students is conducted in coordination with the Office of the Student Leadership Involvement, Formation and Empowerment and forms part of the graduate orientation program which is held three times a year before each term begins. The Library is given only 15 minutes to discuss on library matters concerning graduate students. The presentation is conducted using a video presentation highlighting the mission-vision of the library, its location, library hours, resources, major policies concerning graduate students, facilities and services. Briefly, graduate students are also taught how to make use of search tools like the online public access

The Library Director, M s. Ana Mari gives library a Fresnido orientation , as she to new facu lty members are also distributed towards the end of catalog (OPAC), pathfinders, webliograthe session. phies, and the Philippine University LiFinally, students are asked to brary Search Engine (PULSE) and how accomplish the evaluation form which to access online resources/electronic intends to solicit feedback particularly subscriptions/e-books. on the organization, clarity, and pacing Given that the time allotted for the of the presentation, the competency of graduate information literacy session is the librarian facilitator, the usefulness of very limited, the Library also offers on the topics discussed, and the relevance demand information literacy training. of the program as a whole.

Regular requesters are faculty members who are teaching Methods of Research classes. The faculty requester actually requests for the whole class to be given training during their class time. The session focuses on the use of search tools and provides extensive training on accessing electronic databases discussing in detail features of selected databases. Information Literacy for Faculty Members Similar with the program for graduate students, information literacy for faculty members is also conducted as part of the new faculty orientation program, held before each term begins, in coordination with the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academics and Research. The presentation is in PowerPoint, but the content is very similar to that prepared for the graduate students except that the focus is on the needs of faculty members. Since the time is also very limited (15 minutes), faculty members are usually given individualized instruction upon request. The same is also offered to some who encounter difficulties looking for materials and accessing the OPAC and/or electronic databases. Information Literacy for Distance Learners Since the Library is not open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, information literacy is also offered through the Library’s homepage by providing the following: (1) online tutorials particularly on the use of selected databases and procedures on how to renew borrowed library materials online; (2) online copies of pathfinders; (3) video streaming, which is the same as the one being shown to undergraduate students; and (4) e-reference service, through the Ask LORA or Chat with LORA facilites which serves as virtual reference desk allowing patrons to ask questions or send inquiries through e-mail or chat. Information Literacy for Visiting Users/Visitors Visiting users are given individualized instructions on the use of the Information Literacy ... see page 4

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Information Literacy ... from page 3 OPAC and electronic databases considering that they are not familiar with the library system/databases. Guided library tours are also provided to visitors, upon request, which are usually received from groups of librarians coming from the different parts of the country. Self help tools such as brochures, guides, pathfinders, etc. are also made available for free. On-going Projects/Future Plans More online tutorials are being prepared in response to the growing need of distance learners. To make the presentation for faculty members more interesting, a video presentation, in place of the PowerPoint presentation, is also being considered. To reach out to more number of patrons an online registration facility for those interested to avail of the service is also being developed. Issues and Concerns • Scheduling - Strictly observing the schedule has always been a problem. Faculty members, at times, forget to send their classes on the scheduled date and time of the information literacy class resulting to re-scheduling.

• Absenteeism - Librarian facilitators who are scheduled to conduct information literacy classes, for some reasons, sometimes fail to report for work or fail to inform the program coordinator ahead of time that they cannot make it to class. Thus, the program coordinator is burdened with the task of looking for replacement or conducting the training herself. • Negative work attitude – Some librarian facilitators consider the task as additional burden rather than an opportunity to share and learn, thus, resulting to avoidance from doing the task through absenteeism, giving excuses, or passing on the job to others. • Marketing the program – It has been observed, specifically with faculty members requesting information literacy training for their graduate class, that requests come from the same set of people. Although faculty members are informed of the availability of such program, not everybody seems to recognize the importance of being an information literate person. • The changing library policies and introduction of new services/resources – In response to the changing

LORA Comes Into Being (first of two parts) “Ask a Librarian” is a common service among today’s libraries. It is far reaching for it serves not only members of a particular community but the global nation as a whole. The DLSU Library sets sight to provide a different twist to this service by creating an image avatar of the librarian who takes charge of attending to the queries sent through e-mails and the chat facility and named it LORA (Library Online Reference Assistant). LORA is a virtual icon specializing in responding to queries and concerns fast and accurate. She has a high level of information literacy and is able to research and investigate on needed information. She evaluates the sources of information armed with deep knowledge and makes sure that the information provided is of high quality and authentic. LORA possesses a very

pleasing personality, and is resourceful, pretty, and is an open communicator. She doesn’t discriminate and accepts queries from anyone. She respects everyone and gives importance even to simple and ordinary comments and concerns. As such, LORA is always open and ready to respond to clients in need of precise information the shortest possible time; she provides direction to clients who are lost and can’t find solutions from the wide array of information available; she can be reached anytime and anywhere, and lastly, she is always enthusiastic to attend to the clients’ needs The University Library will launch the service, facility and the image avatar on September 1, 2009 at 3:00 p.m. Everybody is invited to witness and celebrate with LORA as she comes into being to face the world of information.

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needs and expectations of library users, the need for policies to be changed or revised and new services/resources to be introduced are inevitable. Considering that several materials such as videos, guides, brochures, PowerPoint presentations, etc. are used and prepared for the program, the need to change and revise such as often as changes and revision in the policies are made or as new services and resources are introduced, become a must. Reshooting, reprinting and revising these materials not only require time, expertise, and man hours but also budget. The more often changes occur, the more costly it will be. Conclusion In coming up with an information literacy program, the needs of the community being served should always be the prime consideration. Since developing information competencies is a lifelong process, it is important for the program to be dynamic and be offered on a continuing basis. Institutional commitment, good marketing strategies, collaboration, and staff development are key areas which should be given emphasis to ensure success of the program.

Ignite the Imagination with Worlds Woven into Existence Through Words! Bobby and Sherry Norfolk. The first day sions of the workshop on storytelling. Storytelling is a recognized of the workshop was held at the Asian The seminar workshop aimed to provide art form that plays a significant part in Institute of Management in Makati City participants with the needed knowledge lifelong learning. A good story not only while day two was held in De La Salleand skills in the art of storytelling which entertains but is capable of imparting Zobel, Muntinlupa City. can be used in various environments important concepts, attitudes and skills. and situations. It offered a diverse range Stories are very influential, especially of half-day seminars for personal and to children. With stories, values and professional development targeted at morals can be easily taught and reparents, educators, librarians, social membered. Characters in stories workers and other professionals. are admired and emulated by chilTopics include (1) Helping Strugdren as they give clearer pictures of gling Readers: How Storytelling the consequences of their actions. Can Make a Difference; (2) Reach In line with the celebration ing and Teaching Children with of the Manila International Storytell- Mr. Randel McGee with his puppet Groark ing Festival, workshops in storytellThe participants in Tell it! special Needs with Stories; (3) Using Asian Music, Mask and Myth ing and performances were organized Move it! session in the Classroom; (4) Tell it! Move by OIC Events Asia. The workshop it!: Adding Fun and Movements to To learn how to composed of six topics, where three Your Storytelling; (5) Character Educamake storytelling move and be more eftopics were simultaneously facilitated tion through Storytelling; and (6) Storyfective, Karen Cecille Victoria, Public by world-renowned storytellers such telling with Paper and Scissors! Programs Librarian, attended two sesas Randel McGee, Eth-Noh-Tec and

F. Bongalos on Genealogies Records Digitization by Florbella S. Bongalos

A seminar-workshop on “DigiManual to Digital. The seminar aims digitizing them. The seminar-workshop tization of Religious Archival Docuto enlighten the participants about geincludes tour to John B. Lacson Founments: From the Western-Visayas Point nealogy and its uses and importance. dation Museum, Santo Tomas de Villanof View” was held at the University of Emphasiss was also given to the naueva Church, also known as the Miagao San Agustin, Iloilo City on August 5-8, ture, preservation and access to SacraChurch and the Roman Catholic Church 2009. It was sponsored by the National of San Joaquin Commission for Culture and the Arts which contrib(NCCA), in cooperation with utes to the large the Society of Ecsum of canonical clesiastical records in Iloilo Archivists City. The Santo of the PhilTomas de Vilippines, lanueva Church Inc. (SEAP), (Miagao Church) the Alliance in Iloilo, comof Western pleted in 1787 is Visayas Arincluded in the chivists and Unesco World Records EnthuThe Roman Catholic Church a Heritage List, as a v e siasts (AWARE), illanu ) of San Joaquin V World Heritage Site in h e d rc and the Catholic mas gao Chu 1993, the only one in o T Bishops’ ConferSto. rch (Mia the Visayas and Mindanao. The facade u Ch ence of the Philipmental records. Arranging of the Roman Catholic Church of San pines (CBCP). Ms. F. Bongalos and describing canonical records using Joaquin has a bas relief of the Battle of the Archives served as a rethe General International Standards Arof Tetuan, South Africa. It was built in source speaker on Genealogies as ‘Comchival Description (ISAD G) was also 1869 and considered a National Cultural munity of Records and Arrangement and discussed as well as the process, pros Treasure by the National Commission Description of Canonical Records from and cons and the issues and concerns in for Culture and the Arts (NCCA). DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. XL Nos. 7-8 July-August 2009 - 5

Visitors July 07- 14- 23-

Scott Moseley, BDM, Swets Kang Kyeong Kyan, IBL, Hideeled Harasawa, Professor/Accreditor, JWES

August 06- 11-

4 Librarians of South Western University, headed by Dr. Virginia Mollaneda Annie S. Almeda, Librarian, Manila Science High School

BD – Speculative philosophy Values: stories for Filipino children. Fe Aida Lacsamana- Reyes. BD430 .R49 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana. BF- Psychology Brilliant life coach: ten inspirational steps to transform your life. Annie Lionnet. BF637 .S4 L56 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. Talent abounds: profiles of master teachers and peak performers. Robert F. Arnove. BF724.3 .C73 A76 2009. Br. Benedict Learning Resource Center BL – Religions. Mythology. Rationalism Give Jesus a hand!: charismatic Christians: populist religion and politics in the Philippines. Christl Kessler and Jurgen Ruland. BL65 .P7 .K47 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

The DLSU-M Library would like to acknowledge with great appreciation the following donors: Belino, Manuel Canceran, Delfo Colegio de San Juan de Letran College of Business & Economics Garcia, Perla Gaspillo, Pag-asa Go, Stella Imme, Sheila Inting, Andres Japan Information & Cultural Center Korean Culture & Information Service Mistades, Voltaire Palaganas, Jerome Razon, Luis Scheiter, Joseph Tanhueco, Renan Tebtebba Manila Liaison Office Teehankee, Benito Teehankee, Julio Teodoro, John Iremil University of Baguio

Patriots, masonry and the Filipino religious pscyhe. R. L. de los Santos. BL53 .D4 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Various religious beliefs and practices in the Philippines. Teodora T. Battad ... [et al.]. BL2130 .V37 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. BJ – Ethics A Handbook of wisdom: psychological perspectives. Edited by Robert J. Sternberg, Jennifer Jordan. BJ1595 .H36 2005. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. BR – Christianity The history of the church: a complete course. Peter V. Armenio, general editor, James Socias. BR145 .A75 2007. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. BS – The Bible "Sing, o barren one-- and other essays on Biblical themes. Helen R. Graham; compiled and edited by Ma. Rosario K. Garcia. BS531 .G7 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana. BX – Christian denominations

1. Books AG – Dictionaries and other general reference works Guinness world records. AG243 .G8c. 2009. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.

Journey of a pilgrim: a personal account of the life of Msgr. Brigido U. Arroyo. Dometila B. Aquilizan, Carlos S. Vila; edited by Marian Therese U. Arroyo, Florentino H. Hornedo. BX4705 .A77 .A68 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Tongue in cheek: a Jesuit's whimsical view of life. Renato L. Puentevella. BX4705 .P84 A3 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

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D – History (General) Encyclopedia of world history. Edited by Marsha E. Ackermann ... [et al.]. D21 .E54 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. DS – History (Asia) 60 years and bon vivant!: Philippine-French relations. Ambeth R. Ocampo, editor. DS673 .F8 S59 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Coronel Sr. Eustacio Maloles De Chavez: Jefe Superior militar Del Batallon Banajaw, Tayabas Province, 1898-1901. Leonidas R. Maloles. DS676.8 .M334 M34 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Cory: an intimate portrait. Margie Penson-Juico, editor. DS686.6A64 .C67 2009. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Dr. Jose Rizal and the writing of his story. Maria Stella Sibal Valdez; Angelita Geronimo Gonzales, coordinator. DS675.8 .R5 V334 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana, Br. Andrew Gonzalez Library. Iloilo, the most noble city: history and development, 15661898. Policarpio F. Hernandez. DS689 .I44 H47 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Inside the mass movement: a political memoir. Raul E. Segovia. DS686.614 .S44 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Iraq, terror, and the Philippines' will to war. James A. Tyner. DS686.614 .T96 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Junctions between Filipinos & Japanese: transborder insights & reminiscences. Editors, Arnold M. Azurin, Sylvano D. Mahiwo. DS673 .J3 J86 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Leyte-Samar shadows: essays on the history of Eastern Visayas. Rolando O. Borrinaga. DS688 .L4 B67 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Rizal : the greatest Filipino hero. Anacoreta P. Purino. DS675.8 R5 P8713 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Rizal without the overcoat. Ambeth R. Ocampo. DS675.8 .R5 O3 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Selected writings of Jose Ma. Sison, 1991-2009. Jose Maria Sison. DS686.5 .S566 2009. 4th floor, Filipiniana. E – History (America) Home bound: Filipino American lives across cultures, communities, and countries. Yen Le Espiritu. E184 .F4 E86 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. F – History (America) American empire and the politics of meaning: elite political cultures in the Philippines and Puerto Rico during U.S. colonialism. Julian Go. F970 .G6 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Kasaysayan ang magpapawalang-sala sa akin.isinalin sa Filipino ni Carl C. Ala ; paunang salita ni George Aseniero ; introduksyon ni Satur Ocampo. F1787.5 .K3719 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. GE – Environmental Sciences Lecture notes in environmental science: the economy of nature and ecology of man. Sergio J. Lee and Myrna L. Anes. GE140 .L44 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. GN – Anthropology Good practices on indigenous peoples' development. [Edited by Victoria Tauli-Corpuz]. GN671.P6 .G66 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. GV – Recreation. Leisure

A nation aborted: Rizal, American hegemony, and Philippine nationalism. Floro C. Quibuyen. DS675.8 .R5 Q4 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Adapted aquatics programming: a professional guide. Monica Lepore, G. William Gayle, Shawn Stevens. GV837.4 .L46 2007. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.

Once a hunter, always a hunter: Jaime N. Ferrer as public servant. Isagani R. Cruz; with a foreword by Corazon C. Aquino. DS686.6 .F47 C78 1994. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Build up your chess: the fundamentals. Artur Yusupov ; [translated from the German edition Tigersprung auf]. GV1446 .Y8713 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.

Once upon a time in Dulawan. [Putri Gonong Lidang T. Piang]. DS666 .M23 P5 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Chess explained: the English opening. Zenon Franco; translated by Manuel Perez Carballo. GV1450.2 .E5 F713 2006. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.

Regional outlook, Southeast Asia. DS 520 R44. 2nd floor, Information-Reference; 3rd floor, Circulation.. Rizal and other Philippine heroes & heroines: a primer and teaching strategies. Dionesio Rivas, Michael Nael. DS675.8 .R5 R576 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Chess explained: the French defense. Viacheslav Eingorn and Valentin Bogdanov ; translated by Steve Giddins. GV1450.2 F7 .E4613 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. Dangerous weapons: the Benoni and Benko.Richard Palliser

DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. XL Nos. 7-8 July-August 2009 - 7

... [et al.]. GV1450.2 .B37 D36 2008. 2nd floor, InformationReference. Dangerous weapons: the Nimzo-Indian.John Emms, Chris Ward, Richard Palliser. GV1450.2 .N55 E45 2006. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. The Olympics for beginners. Brandon Toropov; illustrated by Joe Lee; researcher, Stephen Toropov. GV721.5 .T67 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. Physical fitness for college freshmen.Virginia D. Oyco. GV303. P6 O9 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Start your own personal training business: your step-by-step guide to success. Entrepreneur Press and Tom Weede. GV428.7 .S7 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. H – Social Sciences Constructing grounded theory. Kathy Charmaz. H61.24 .C45 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation HA – Statistics The Philippines in figures. HA4611 .P458. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Principles of economics: a beginner's guide.[written by Georgina Jordan; cover design, layout and illustrations by Nonoy F. Rodriguez]. HB61 .J67 2005. 4th floor, Filipinaina. Understanding financial crises. Franklin Allen and Douglas Gale .HB3722 .A434 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation. HC – Economic history and condition Development management: progress and challenges in the People's Republic of China. HC427.95 .D48 2003. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. A Future within reach: reshaping institutions in a region of disparities to meet the millennium development goals in Asia and the Pacific. HC415 .P6 F87 2005. 2nd floor, InformationReference. Globalisation, governance reforms and development in India. Edited by Kameshwar Choudhary. HC435.3 .G56 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation. A handbook for integrated economic and environmental planning at the subnational level in Asia. Peter King. HC415 .E5 K56 2001. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.

HB – Economic theory. Demography

Handbook of technology management in public administration. Edited by David S. Greisler, Ronald J. Stupak. HC79.I55 .H36 2007. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.

Applied econometrics: a modern approach using EViews and Microfit.Dimitrios Asteriou and Stephen G. Hall. HB139 .A87 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.

Hands on or hands off?: the nature and process of economic policy in Hong Kong. Tony Latter. HC470.3. Z9 S9 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation

The entrepreneurship research challenge. Per Davidsson. HB615 .D386 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation

Lessons from Cambodia's entry into the World Trade Organization. Sok Siphana. HC442 .S64 2005. 2nd floor, InformationReference.

Evaluating econometric forecasts of economic and financial variables. Michael P. Clements. HB3730 .C55 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation. Macro economics. Charles I. Jones. HB172.5 .J66 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation Macroeconomic theory: a dynamic general equilibrium approach. Michael Wickens. HB172.5 .W54 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. Macroeconomics: theories and policies. Richard T. Froyen. HB172.5 .F76 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation. Markets, games, & strategic behavior. Charles A. Holt. HB74.5 .H65 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation The moral ecology of markets: assessing claims about markets and justice. Daniel K. Finn. HB501 .F496 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation

Toward a new Pacific regionalism: an Asian Development Bank- Commonwealth Secretariat joint report to the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat. HC681 .G79 2005. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. Specificity and the macroeconomics of restructuring. Ricardo J. Caballero. HC79.T4 C3 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation. Voices of Asia: news stories on growth and poverty by awardwinning journalists. [writers, Massoud Ansari ... et al.] ; Edited by Greg Mettam; with an introduction from Anthony Rowley. HC415 .P6 V64 2005. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. HD – Industries. Land use. Labor Asian brand strategy: how Asia builds strong brands. Martin Roll. HD69.B7 R64 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation The banana export industry and agrarian reform. Teresita O. De

8 - DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. XL Nos. 7-8 July-August 2009

Leon, Gema Maria O. Escobido. HD9259. B3 P64 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana; Br. Andrew Gonzalez Hall.

zations. Edited by Carsten K.W. De Dreu, Michele J. Gelfland. HD42 .P79 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation

Becoming a conflict competent leader: how you and your organization can manage conflict effectively. Craig E. Runde, Tim A. Flanagan. HD57.7 .R86 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation

Responding to emergent global challenges: global business leaders show the way. Niceto S. Poblador, editor. HD60.5 .P6 R47 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Becoming a strategic leader: your role in your organization's enduring success. Richard L. Hughes, Katherine Colarelli Beatty. HD57.7 .H84 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation

San Francisco's International Hotel: mobilizing the Filipino American community in the anti-eviction movement. Estella Habal. HD7287.92 .U52 H34 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana

Boards that deliver: advancing corporate governance from compliance to competitive advantage. Ram Charan. HD2745 .C4 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation

Smartsourcing: driving innovation and growth through outsourcing. Thomas M. Koulopoulos and Tom Roloff. HD2365 .K68 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation

Checklists for due diligence. Peter Howson. HD1393.25 .H68 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.

Successful decision making: a systematic approach to complex problems. Rudolf Grunig, Richard Kuhn ; translated from German by Anthony Clark and Claire O'Dea. HD30.23 .G7813 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation

Creating masculinity in Los Angeles's Little Manila: workingclass Filipinos and popular culture, 1920s-1950s. Linda EspanaMaram. HD8085 .L73 E86 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Curbing corruption in public procurement in Asia and the Pacific: progress and challenges in 25 countries: thematic review. ADB/OECD Anti-Corruption Initiative for Asia and the Pacific. HD3861.A78 C87 2006. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. Distheseabled. Erlinda Tinbreza-Valerio; editors, Edward Gerlock, Liz Davies. HD7255.6 .V34 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Handbook for Filipinos overseas. HD6305 .F55 H36 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. ILeading your business to the next level: the six core disciplines of sustained profitable growth. Rodney Page and Pete Tosh. HD2746 .P34 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation Managing group risk attitude. Ruth Murray-Webster and David Hillson. HD61 .M87 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. Managing organizational change: a multiple perspectives approach. Ian Palmer, Richard Dunford, Gib Akin. HD58.8 .P34 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation The People make the place: dynamic linkages between individuals and organizations. Edited by D. Brent Smith. HD58.7 .P46 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. The power of governance: enhancing the performance of state- owned enterprises. Reuel J. Khoza and Mohamed Adam. HD2741 .K49 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation Private label strategy: how to meet the store brand challenge. Nirmalya Kumar, Jan-Benedict E.M. Steenkamp. HD69 .B7 K85 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation The Psychology of conflict and conflict management in organi-

Swarm creativity: competitive advantage through collaborative innovation networks. Peter A. Gloor. HD69.S8 .G58 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation The true "balikbayan”: return to native land. Ronaldo Mariano Velasco. HD8717 .V44 A3 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. You're in charge, now what?: the 8 point plan. Thomas J. Neff & James M. Citrin, with Catherine Fredman. HD38.2 .N34 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation HF – Commerce Advanced accounting. Nenita A. Deano Mejorada. HF5635 .M4534 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Applied statistics in business and economics. David P. Doane, Lori E. Seward. HF1017 .D6 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation Bookkeeping: textbook.Nenita D. Mejorada. HF5636 .M44 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana Bookkeeping for servicing and merchandising firms: an introduction to accounting. Saturnino Yadao Ebusca, Jaime Rodriguez Lopez. HF5636 .E28 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Cost accounting. Nenita A. Deano-Mejorada. HF5686.C8 M44 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana Don't just relate-- advocate!: a blueprint for profit in the era of customer power. Glen Urban. HF5415.5 .U74 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation Elementary accounting: partnership and corporation. Solita A. Frias, Consolacion L. Fajardo. HF5635 .F739 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. XL Nos. 7-8 July-August 2009 - 9

Essentials of marketing: a marketing strategy planning approach. William D. Perreault, Jr., Joseph P. Cannon, E. Jerome McCarthy. HF5415 .M2 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation Financial accounting: an introduction to concepts, methods, and uses. Clyde P. Stickney, Roman L. Weil. HF5635 .S74 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation

2006. 3rd floor, Circulation Japan & China in East Asian integration. Lim Hua Sing. HF1583 .Z4 L55 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation Management accounting. Catherine Gowthorpe. HF5657.4 .G69 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation

From globalization to national liberation: essays of three decades. E. San Juan, Jr. HF1359 .S26 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Management advisory services: [a comprehensive guide]. Franklin T. Agamata. HF5661 .A34 2007. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.

Fundamental accounting principles. Kermit D. Larson, John J. Wild, Barbara Chiappetta. HF5635 .P9 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation

Management advisory services: CPA reviewer. Ma. Elenita Balatbat Cabrera. HF5661 .C26 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Fundamental financial accounting concepts. Thomas P. Edmonds ... [et al.]. HF5636 .F85 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation. Fundamentals of advanced accounting. Joe B. Hoyle, Thomas F. Schaefer, Timothy S. Doupnik. HF5635 .H695 2009. 3rd floor, Circulation The future of relationship marketing. David Bejou, Adrian Palmer, Editors. HF5415.55 .F88 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation Getting action from organizational surveys: new concepts, technologies, and applications. Allen I. Kraut, editor ; foreword by Allan H. Church and Janine Waclawski. HF5549.5 .A83 G48 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation

Management advisory services: for business planning, control and decision. Ricardo M. Harina. HF5661 .H367 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Marketing ethics. George G. Brenkert. HF5415 .B737 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. The new global history. Bruce Mazlish .HF1359 .M39 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation. Overview of franchising. Armando O. HF5429.235P6 B37 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana.


Reviewer in management advisory services. Franklin T. Agamata. HF5661 .A38 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.

The global diffusion of markets and democracy. Edited by Beth A. Simmons, Frank Dobbin, and Geoffrey Garrett. HF1359 .G55376 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.

Sales management: building customer relationships and partnerships. Joseph F. Hair ... [et al.]. HF5438.4 .S247 2009. 3rd floor, Circulation.

Guerrilla marketing on the Internet: the definitive guide from the father of guerrilla marketing. Jay Conrad Levinson, Mitch Meyerson, and Mary Eule Scarborough. HF5415.1265 .L446 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.

Strategies for business and technical writing. Kevin J. Harty. HF5721 .H37 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation

Halo-halo, hardware, and others: the story of the Japanese commercial community of Manila, 1900-1945. Augusto V. de Viana. HF3818 .J3 D4 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Happy at work: ten steps to ultimate job satisfaction. Sophie Rowan. HF5549.5 .J63 R68 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. International political economy. Edited by Angus Cameron, Anastasia Nesvetailova and Ronen Palan. HF1359 .I56 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. International political economy: contrasting world views. Raymond C. Miller. HF1359 .M54 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. The invisible employee: realizing the hidden potential in everyone. Adrian Gostick & Chester Elton. HF5549.5 .M63 G67

Textbook in auditing theory: assurance and related services. Solita A. Frias, Consolacion L. Fajardo. HF5667 .F75 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Theory of accounts. Conrado T. Valix. HF5661 .V347 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Warriors, workers, whiners, & weasels: understanding and using the four personality types to your advantage. Tim O'Leary. HF5548.8 .O4 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation. Wiley IFRS: interpretation and application of international accounting and financial reporting standards. Barry J. Epstein, Abbas Ali Mirza. HF5616.U5 .E67. 2nd floor, InformationReference. HG – Finance Financial modeling. Simon Benninga ; with a section on Visual

10 - DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. XL Nos. 7-8 July-August 2009

Basic for applications by Benjamim Czaczkes. HG173 .B46 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation The financial system and the economy: principles of money & banking. Maureen Burton, Ray Lombra. HG173 .B87 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation. Fundamentals of futures and options markets. John C. Hull. HG6024 .A3 H834 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation Insurance principles and practices. Zacarias M. Ronquillo, Emiliana P. Evia. HG8704.8 R66 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Introduction to financial management. Scott B. Smart, William L. Megginson. HG4026 .M457 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation Profiting with Forex: the most effective tools and techniques for trading currencies. John Jagerson, S. Wade Hansen. HG3853 .J35 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation Research, standard setting, and global financial reporting. Mary E. Barth. HG5681.B2 B37 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation. HN – Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reforms The dynamics of accountability. [Honorio B. De Dios, Ma. Cecilia Alarcon, Leonard G. Reyes]. HN49 .C6 D385 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Engaging ODA: lessons in civil society participation. HN720 .Z9 C645 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. HQ – The family. Marriage. Women 100 ulat [sa] family planning ni Angelo B. Palmones. HQ763.6 P6 P34 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Our sexuality. Robert Crooks, Karla Baur. HQ21 .C74 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. Pwede na!: the complete pinoy guide to retirement & estate planning. Efren L. Cruz and Carlos T. Ocampo. HQ1064 .P6 C78 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Sexuality and the Filipina. Lilia Quindoza Santiago. HQ1075.5 P6 S26 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana. JA – Political Science (General) Handbook of research methods in public administration. Edited by Kaifeng Yang, Gerald J. Miller. JF1338 .A2 H36 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. International dictionary of public management and governance. Gambhir Bhatta ; foreword by Des Gasper. JA61 .B36 2006. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.

JC – Political theory Brokering a revolution: cadres in a Philippine insurgency. Edited by Rosanne Rutten. JC328.5 .B76 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. JQ – Political institution and public administration (Asia, Africa, Australia, Pacific area, etc.) Assembly of the nation: a centennial history of the House of Representatives of the Philippines, 1907-2007.Quezon ... [et al.]. JQ1413.8 .A87 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Philippine democracy assessment: free and fair elections and the democratic role of political parties. Edna E. A. Co ... [et al.]. JQ1418 .P44 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana; Br. Andrew Gonzalez Hall. Techniques and strategies in taking the Civil Service Commission (CSC) eligibility examinations: career executive officer examination (CEOE), professional, subprofessional.Orlando O. Yebra, Jr. JQ1412 .Z13 E879 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. KPM – Philippine Law Basic taxation with the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997: in the Tax Reform Act of 1997, R. A. 8424, as amended up to R. A. 9337. Reynaldo B. Aralar. KPM2790 .A7 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana The chief justices of the Supreme Court of the Philippines: an update. Corazon L. Paras, Oscar L. Paras, Jr., Ma. Corazon P. Villanueva. KPM63 .P37 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana; Br. Andrew Gonzalez Library. Comments on the Cooperative Code of the Philippines: with chapters on electric and transport service cooperatives. Reynaldo B. Aralar. KPM961 .A31990 A7 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Current practices in the implementation of child-related laws and programmes and the impact on children in conflict with the law: a case study of three barangays in Davao City, Philippines. KPM517 .C87 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana; Br. Andrew Gonzalez Library. The expanded senior citizens act of 2003 (Republic Act No. 9257) and implementing regulations. Mercedita S. Nolledo. KPM1464 .N64 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana; Br. Andrew Gonzalez Library. Fundamentals of Philippine income taxation. Indalicio P. Conti. KPM2832 .C66 2009. 4th floor, Filipiniana Guidebook for journalists covering the courts. Edited by Florangel Rosario Braid, Ramon R. Tuazon, Ann Lourdes C. Lopez. KPM3492 .G84 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana; Br. Andrew

DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. XL Nos. 7-8 July-August 2009 - 11

Gonzalez Library.

LB – Theory and practices of education

Labor laws: notes and cases. Efren B. Tienzo. KPM1220 .T54 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana; Br. Andrew Gonzalez Library.

75 e-learning activities: making online learning interactive. Ryan Watkins. LB1044.87 .W367 2005. Br. Benedict Learning Resource Center.

Much I do about nothing: zany interviews of an annulment laywer with spouses of superheroes. Onnie Martin. KPM572 .M37 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana; Br. Andrew Gonzalez Library. National Internal Revenue Code of 1997. KPM2784.31997 A52 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana; Br. Andrew Gonzalez Library. National Internal Revenue Code of 1997. KPM2784.3 1997 P486 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana; Br. Andrew Gonzalez Library. The National Internal Revenue code of 1997 (Republic Act No. 8424), as further amended.compiled with annotations by Juancho S. Ong. KPM2784.3 1997 P486 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana; Br. Andrew Gonzalez Library. The new quizzer in taxation: for CPA examination reviewees. Virgilio D. Reyes. KPM2790 .R495 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana; Br. Andrew Gonzalez Library. Notes and cases on the Revised Penal Code: Act no. 3815, as amended and special penal laws. Leonor D. Boado. KPM3800 .B6 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana; Br. Andrew Gonzalez Library.

Agent-based tutoring systems by cognitive and affective modeling. [edited by] Rosa Maria Viccari, Patricia Augustin Jaques, Regina Verdin. LB1028.73 .A34 2008. Br. Benedict Learning Resource Center. The authentic dissertation: alternative ways of knowing, research, and representation. Four Arrows, aka Don Trent Jacobs. LB2369 .J34 2008. Br. Benedict Learning Resource Center. Beginnings and beyond: foundations in early childhood education. Ann Miles Gordon, Kathryn Williams Browne ; voices of experience, Josue Cruz, Jr. ... [et al.]. LB1139.23 G67 2008. Br. Benedict Learning Resource Center. Changing practices of doctoral education. Edited by David Boud and Alison Lee. LB2386 .C47 2009. Br. Benedict Learning Resource Center Creating graphics for learning and performance: lessons in visual literacy. Linda L. Lohr.LB1068 .L65 2008. Br. Benedict Learning Resource Center.

Nothing but the truth. Antonio Meer y Malvar. KPM110 .M44 .A34 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana; Br. Andrew Gonzalez Library.

Designing successful e-learning: forget what you know about instructional design and do something interesting. Michael W. Allen ; [foreword by Nick van Dam]. LB1028.38 .A44 2007. Br. Benedict Learning Resource Center.

Philippine tourism laws: a comprehensive guide to studying laws relevant to the Philippine tourism industry. Danny Araneta Cabulay, Christine Palafox Carpio. KPM1030.3. .T67 C3 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana; Br. Andrew Gonzalez Library.

Educational research, the national agenda, and educational reform: a history. by Erwin V. Johanningmeier and Theresa Richardson. LB1028.25.U6 J64 2008. Br. Benedict Learning Resource Center.

Tax Reform Act of 1997: National Internal Revenue Code as amended up to RA no. 9337.Compiled & edited by CBSI editorial staff. KPM2784.3 1997 A52 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana; Br. Andrew Gonzalez Library.

Developing comprehension in young readers: lesson plans from RAP conventions. Reading Association of the Philippines ; Dina Ocampo, editor. LB1525.7 R4 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana; Br. Benedict Learning Resource Center; Br. Andrew Gonzalez Library

KZ – Law of nations Encyclopedia of the United Nations. John Allphin Moore, Jr., Jerry Pubantz. KZ4968 .M66 2008. 2nd floor, InformationReference. LA – History of education Social dimensions of education. Violeta A. Vega, Nelia G. Prieto, Myrna L. Carreon. LA1292 .V44 2006. 4th floor, Filipinaina; Br. Benedict Learning Resource Center.

Graphics for learning: proven guidelines for planning, designing, and evaluating visuals in training materials. Ruth Colvin Clark, Chopeta Lyons. LB1043.5 .C5 2004. Br. Benedict Learning Resource Center. A Handbook for teaching & learning in higher education: enhancing academic practice. [edited by] Heather Fry, Steve Ketteridge, Stephanie Marshall.LB2331 .H356 2009. Br. Benedict Learning Resource Center. Preschool appropriate practices. Janice J. Beaty. LB1140.4 .B4 2009. Br. Benedict Learning Resource Center

12 - DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. XL Nos. 7-8 July-August 2009

Professional board examination for teachers. Arellano V. Busto. LB1765 .P6 B87 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

LG – Individual institutions- Asia, Africa, Indian Ocean islands, Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands

The research-ready classroom: differentiating instruction across content areas. Mike Anderson and Andy Dousis ; [foreword by Ruth Charney].LB1047.3 .A5 2006. Br. Benedict Learning Resource Center.

Icons and institutions: essays on the history of the University of the Philippines, 1952-2000. Oscar L. Evangelista. LG215 .E9 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

A student's guide to methodology: justifying enquiry. Peter Clough, Cathy Nutbrown. LB1028 .C56 2007. Br. Benedict Learning Resource Center.

In transition: the University of Santo Tomas during the American colonial period, 1898-1935. Jose Victor Z. Torres ; with a foreword by Fidel Villaroel. LG205 .T67 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Teacher evaluation: a strategic perspective for learning excellence. Betsy Joy B. Tan, Rosalinda R. Diao. LB2838 .T36 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Reinventing U.P. as the national university: learning for truth, leadership and social transformation. Jose V. Abueva. LG215 .A28 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Teachers doing research: an introductory guidebook. R. Murray Thomas.LB1028 .T448 2005. Br. Benedict Learning Resource Center.

ML – Literature on music

Teacher evaluation: a strategic perspective for learning excellence. Betsy Joy B. Tan, Rosalinda R. Diao.LB2838 .T36 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana, Br. Benedict Learning Resource Center TechTactics: technology for teachers. Carolyn Thorsen. LB1028.5 .T46 2009. Br. Benedict Learning Resource Center. Using technology in the classroom. Gary G. Bitter, Jane M. Legacy.LB1028.5 .B57 2008. Br. Benedict Learning Resource Center. LC – Special aspects of education Assessing students with special needs. James A. McLoughlin, Rena B. Lewis. LC4031 .M34 2008. Br. Benedict Learning Resource Center. Catholic higher education: a culture in crisis. Melanie M. Morey, John J. Piderit. LC501 .M67 2006. Br. Benedict Learning Resource Center.

Beatles for sale: how everything they touched turned to gold. John Blaney. ML421 .B4 B6 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference Diego Cera: biographical impressions. Francisco Salamero Reymundo; translation from Spanish by Helen Samson-Lauterwald. ML424 .C37 S3513 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. iPod & iTunes for dummies. Tony Bove and Cheryl Rhodes. ML74.4.I49 B68 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. N – Visual arts Allure: an intimate look at the Filipina.Lydia Velasco, Jack Teotico; Edited by Tara FT Sering. N7629.2 P6 V44 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana. LUZ: a light in the museum.[text by Roberto G. Paulino ; edited and translated by May Lyn L. Cruz and Gari Apolonio]. N7329 .L89 P3813 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana. NC – Drawing. Design. Illustration

Don't teach the canaries not to sing: creating a school culture that boosts achievement. Robert D. Ramsey. LC210 .R35 2008. Br. Benedict Learning Resource Center.

Cartoon cool: how to draw new retro-style characters. Christopher Hart. NC1764 .H37 2005. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.

Education and social inequality in the global culture. Joseph Zajda, Karen Biraimah, William Gaudelli, editors. LC213 .E39 2008. Br. Benedict Learning Resource Center.

Creating characters with personality.Tom Bancroft; introduction by Glen Keane. NC825.C43 B36 2006. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.

On ethnography: approaches to language and literacy research. Shirley Brice Heath and Brian V. Street with Molly Mills. LC149 .H4 2008. Br. Benedict Learning Resource Center.

Prepare to board! Creating story and characters for animated features and shorts. Nancy Beiman. NC1765 .B34 2007. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.

Globalizations and education: collected essays on class, race, gender, and the state. Carlos Alberto Torres ; foreword by Michael W. Apple ; afterword by Pedro Demo. LC191 .T67 2009. Br. Benedict Learning Resource Center.

Secrets of Oscar-winning animation: behind the scenes of 13 classic short animations. Olivier Cotte. NC1765 .C6713 2006. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.

DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. XL Nos. 7-8 July-August 2009 - 13

Simplified anatomy for the comic book artist: how to draw the new streamlined look of action-adventure comics! Christopher Hart. NC1764.8 .H84 H37 2007. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. ND – Painting Pioneers of Philippine art: Luna, Amorsolo, Zobel: transnationalism in the late 19th-20th century. Florina H. Capistrano-Baker; with Edward J. Sullivan, Peter Soriano. ND1027 .B34 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. P – Philology. Linguistics

[i.e. V.S. Almario]. PL6165.4.A473 H39 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana Kalinangan. Domingo Goan Landicho. PL5531 .L36 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Kapulongan: conversations with Cebuano writers. Edited by Hope S. Yu. PL5649.74 K36 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Lagalag sa Nanyang = Nanyang Piaoliuji. Bai Ren, may-akda ; Joaquin Sy, tagasalin. PL5544.5 .C54 R46 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

A dictionary of linguistics and phonetics. David Crystal. P29 .C794 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.

Pagbasa at pagsulat: sa iba't ibang disiplina sa antas tersarya. Zenaida M. Mendoza, Marcela L. Romero.PL6055 .M46 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

The international encyclopedia of communication. Edited by Wolfgang Donsbach. P87.5 .I58 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.

Pagbasa at pagsulat tungo sa pananaliksik. Teresita T. Galang ... [et al.]. PL6055 .P24 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Sining ng kasanayan sa pakikipagtalastasan. Clarita G. Javier, Josefina A. Decena, Angelina P. Resurreccion. P95 .J38 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Pagmuni-muni at pagtatalak ng sirenang nagpapanggap na prinsesa: mga piling maikling sanaysay. J.I.E. Teodoro ; may introduksiyon ni Yasmin D. Arquiza. PL6165.4T46 P34 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

PE – English language The generation of ideas: a thematic reader. Quentin Miller. PE1417 .M54 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation. How to ask questions. Betty Kirkpatrick. PE1139.5 K57 2007. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. Simon & Schuster workbook for writers Lynn Quitman Troyka and Douglas Hesse; updated by Peggy Jolly, Dorothy Minor and Cy Strom. PE1408 .S57 2006. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. PG – Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language Kaaway. Maxim Gorky; salin ni Bienvenido Lumbera. PG3463. V7 .L8519 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana. PL – Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania Akademikong Filipino sa komunikasyon: Filipino I : pangkolehiyo. Zorayda L. Alejo ; kasangguni Lita L. Ignacio, Prudencia I. Lalimarmo. PL6051 .A55 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Awit ni Kadunung. Abdon M. Balde, Jr. PL6165.4B164 A94 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Palalim nang palalim, padilim nang padilim: at iba pang kuwento ng lagim.tinipon at pinamatnugutan ni Beverly Siy ; mga guhit ni Josel Nicolas. PL6164.4 .P34 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Philippine literatures: texts, themes, approaches. Augusto Antonio A. Aguila, Joyce L. Arriola, John Jack G. Wigley. PL5538 .A48 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Mga piling dulang Mindanao. Arthur P. Casanova, manunulateditor ; tampok ang mga dula nina Frank G. Rivera ... [et al.]. PL6164.3 .P5 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Responde. Norman Wilwayco. PL6165.4 .W54 R47 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Talambuhay ng mga manunulat. Carmelita Siazon-Lorenzo. PL5534 .L67 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Talambuhay ng mga manunulat. Carmelita Siazon-Lorenzo. PL5534 .L67 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Walong diwata ng pagkahulog. Edgar Calabia Samar. PL6165.4S2235 W34 2009. 4th floor, Filipiniana. PN – Literature (General)

The collected works of Tony Perez. Tony Perez. PL6165.4P48 C64 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

A companion to digital literary studies. Edited by Ray Siemens and Susan Schreibman. PN56 .I65 C65 2007. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.

Ang hayop na ito! at iba pang ibon, kulisap, at isda. Rio Alma

Die! die, evil! die! ahrrrgh!. Manix Abrera. PN6790 .P6 A25

14 - DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. XL Nos. 7-8 July-August 2009

2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Ideas for the animated short: finding and building stories. Karen Sullivan, Gary Schumer and Kate Alexander. PN1997.5 .S85 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.

by Brian W. Shaffer. PR881 .C65 2007. 2nd floor, InformationReference. Julio Cesar .William Shakespeare ; salin ni Bienvenido Lumbera. PR2796 .T32 L85 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Jomike Tejido’s mikrokosmos.story. Art and book design by Jose Miguel “Jomike” Tejido]. PN6790. P6 T44 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Shakespeare's philosophy: discovering the meaning behind the plays. Colin McGinn. PR3001 .M3 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.

Justices to journalists, journalists to justices: a reader on judiciary-media relations. Edited by Florangel Rosario Braid, Ramon R. Tuazon, Ann Lourdes C. Lopez. PN4784.C88 J87 2005. 4th floor, Filipinaina; Br. Andrew Gonzalez Library.

Studying English literature: a practical guide. Tory Young. PR33 .Y68 2008. Br. Benedict Learning Resource Center.

Lies my yaya should have told me: RJ Ledesma’s imaginary guide to whine and women. [by R.J. Ledesma]. PN6231.W6 L44 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. O kaligayahang walang hanggan yeh!. Manix Abrera. PN6790 .P6 A26 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Philosophy of literature: contemporary and classic readings: an anthology. Edited by Eileen John and Dominic McIver Lopes. PN501 .P44 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation. Postmodern filming of literature: sources, contexts and adaptations. Joyce L. Arriola. PN1997.85 A77 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation. Sinegabay: a film study guide. Nick Deocampo and the Center for New Cinema ; with contributions by Patrick Flores, Mike Rapatan and Roland Tolentino. PN1993.5 .P6 D466 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Swimming upstream: a lifesaving guide to short film distribution.[edited by] Sharon Badal. PN1995.9 .M29 S94 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. The TV writer's workbook: a creative approach to television scripts. Ellen Sandler. PN1992.7 .S35 2007. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. PQ – French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature Kasal sa dugo. Federico Garcia Lorca ; salin ni Bienvenido Lumbera. PQ6613 .A763 B619 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Spain in our hearts: hymn to the glories of the people at war = Espana en el corazon: himno a las glorias del pueblo en la guerra.Pablo Neruda ; translated by Donald D. Walsh. PQ8097 .N4 S613 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation. PR – English literature A companion to the British and Irish novel 1945-2000. Edited

The terrorist at my table. Imtiaz Dharker. PR9499.3 .D4867 T47 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation. The view from castle rock: stories. Alice Munro. PR9199.3 .M8 V54 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation. PS – American literature Amazing grace. Danielle Steel. PS3569 .T33828 A4 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. Bungalow 2 .Danielle Steel. PS3569 .T33828 B86 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. Chicken soup for the soul: teens talk relationships: stories about family, friends, and love. Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Amy Newmark. PS508 .Y68 C36 2008. 2nd floor, InformationReference. The choice. Nicholas Sparks. PS3569 .P363 C56 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. A Companion to Henry James. Edited by Greg W. Zacharias. PS2124 .C54 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. The Gods we worship live next door. Bino A. Realuyo. PS3568 .E263 .G64 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. The good guy. Dean Koontz. PS3561 .O55 G66 2008. 3rd floor. Circulation. The quickie: a novel. James Patterson and Michael Ledwidge. PS3566 .A822 Q5 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. The rising tide: a novel of World War II. Jeff Shaara. PS3569 .H18 R57 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. Saving the world and other extreme sports: a Maximum Ride novel. James Patterson. PS3566 .A822 S28 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. Sisters. Danielle Steel. PS3569 .T33828 S57 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.

DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. XL Nos. 7-8 July-August 2009 - 15

A thousand splendid suns. Khaled Hosseini. PS3608 .O832 T46 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.

QA – Mathematics

Twilight. Stephenie Meyer. PS3613 .E979 T84 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation.

About teaching mathematics: a K-8 resource. Marilyn Burns ; [editor, Toby Gordon]. QA135.5 B85 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation

The velvet chair. Jennifer Stevenson. PS3619. T4925 V44 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.

Advanced real analysis. Anthony W. Knapp. QA300 .K59 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation

The Venetian betrayal: a novel. Steve Berry. PS3602 .E764 V46 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.

Computer organization and design: the hardware/software interface. David A. Paterson, John L. Hennessy ; with contributions by Peter J. Ashenden ... [et al.]. QA76.9 .C643 H46 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.

You've been warned. James Patterson & Howard Roughan. PS3566 .A822 Y68 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. PS - Philippine Literature in English Between tears and laughter: a novel. Rick Aquino Henson. PS9993 .H49 B47 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Children of the ever-changing moon: essays. Young Moro Writers ; Gutierrez Mangansakan II, editor. PS9992.5 .C54 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Girl trouble. Alan Navarra ; [foreword by Peque Gallaga]. PS9993 .N36 G57 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana. I saw the master in my dream and other poems. Felicidad C. Lipio. PS9993 .L447 I8 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Into the country of standing men. Rey Ventura. PS9993 .V3986 I57 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Leaf and shadow: stories about some friendly creatures. Cyan Abad-Jugo ; illustrations by Frances C. Alcaraz. PS9993 .J84 L4 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Retrato ng artista bilang Filipino: isang elehiya na may tatlong tagpo. Nick Joaquin ; salin ni Bienvenido Lumbera. PS9993.J62 P6719 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Spooky mo: horror stories. Marivi Soliven Blanco. PS9993 .B56 S66 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Trese: story. Budjette Tan; art Kajo Baldisimo. PS9993 .T1544 T74 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Winning peace: FEU ACP3 essays, 2004-2007. [editors, Noel B. Bejo, Ariel R. Valeza, Danny T. Vibas]. PS9991.6 .W56 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Q – Science (General) The craft of research. Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams. Q180.55 .M4 B66 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.

A concise introduction to MATLAB. William J. Palm, III. QA297 .P35 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation Data lifecycles: managing data for strategic advantage. Roger Reid, Gareth Fraser-King, W. David Schwaderer. QA76.9 .D3 R438 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation. The heart of mathematics: an invitation to effective thinking. Edward B. Burger, Michael Starbird. QA36 .B87 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation MATLAB programming for engineers. Stephan J. Chapman. QA297 .C465 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation Simulation and modeling: current technologies and applications. Asim Abdel Rahman El Sheikh, Abid Al Ajeeli, Evon M.O. AbuTaieh [editors]. QA76.9.C65 S55 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. Software engineering of fault tolerant systems. Editors, P. Pelliccione ... [et al.]. QA76.9.F38 S638 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation. Statistical methods: a guide to statistical analysis for professional and scientists. Salil K. Chaudhari, Ashis K. Chakraborty. QA276.18 C537 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation Systems analysis and design for the global enterprise. Lonnie D. Bentley, Jeffrey L. Whitten ; with contributions by Gary Randolph. QA76.9.S88 B46 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation Teaching math to people with Down Syndrome and other handson learners. by DeAnna Horstmeier. QA11.2 .H67 2004. Br. Benedict Learning Resource Center. The theory of linear prediction. P.P. Vaidyanathan. QA279.2 .V34 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. Windows server 2008 for dummies. Ed Tittel and Justin Korelc. QA76.76.O63 T57 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. QC – Physics The atlas of climate change: mapping the world's greatest challenge. Kirstin Dow and Thomas E. Downing. QC981.8 .C5 D69

16 - DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. XL Nos. 7-8 July-August 2009

2007. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.

QL – Zoology

The classical mechanics. Chinmoy Taraphdar. QC125.2 .T37 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation

Developmental biology. Scott F. Gilbert ; with a chapter on plant development by Susan R. Singer.QL955 .G49 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation

Information-based inversion and processing with applications. by Tadeusz J. Ulrych, Mauricio D. Sacchi. QC808.5 .U47 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation International A/AS level physics. Chris Mee ... [et al.]. QC23.2 .I57 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation QD – Chemistry Chemical thermodynamics: basic concepts and methods. Irving M. Klotz, Robert M. Rosenberg. QD504 .K55 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. Chemistry: the molecular nature of matter and change. Martin S. Silberberg ; consultants, Randy Duran ... [et al.]. QD33 .S54 2006b. 3rd floor, Circulation Introduction to organic and biochemistry. Frederick A. Bettelheim ... [et al.]. QD253 .B47 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation Introductory chemistry. Nivaldo J. Tro. QD33.2 .T76 2009. 3rd floor, Circulation QE – Geology Biostratigraphy: microfossils and geological time. Brian McGowran. QE651 .M3 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. QH – Natural history. Biology Machine learning in bioinformatics. Edited by Yan-Qing Zhang, Jagath C. Rajapakse. QH324.2 .M3 2009. 3rd floor, Circulation. Molecular biology of the cell. Bruce Alberts ... [et al. ; with problems by John Wilson, Tim Hunt]. QH581.2 M65 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation Upland ecosystem management. Teodoro R. Villanueva. QH77 .P6 V54 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Wetlands: monitoring, modelling and management: proceedings of the international Conference W3M "Wetlands--Modelling, Monitoring, Management, Wierzba, Poland, 22-25 September 2005 . edited by Tomasz Okruszko...[et al.]. QH87.3 .I58 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation QK – Botany Flowering plant families of the world. V.H. Heywood ... [et al.]. QK495 .A1 F56 2007. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. Lichen biology. Edited by Thomas H. Nash III. QK581 .L5 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.

The emotional lives of animals: a leading scientist explores animal joy, sorrow, and empathy, and why they matter.Marc Bekoff ; foreword by Jane Goodall. QL785.27 .B44 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation. Key marine habitat sites for migratory birds in Nunavut and the Northwest Territories. Mark L. Mallory, Alain J. Fontaine. QL676.57.C2 M35 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation QP – Physiology Anatomy & physiology. Rod R. Seeley, Trent D. Stephens, Philip Tate ; contributions by Shylaja R. Akkaraju ... [et al.]. QP34.5 S44 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation Essentials of human physiology for pharmacy.Laurie Kelly McCorry. QP34.5 .M3 2009. 3rd floor, Circulation. Human body composition. Steven B. Heymsfield ... [et al.], editors. QP33.5 .H85 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation. R – Medicine (General) Biomedical optics: principles and imaging. Lihong V. Wang, Hsin-i Wu.R857.O6 W36 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation. Electronic health records: an audit and internal control guide. Rebecca S. Busch. R864 .B87 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. Searching skills toolkit: finding the evidence. Caroline De Brun, Nicola Pearce-Smith ; edited by Carl Heneghan, Rafael Perera, Douglas Badenoch. R853.S94 D4 2009. 2nd floor, InformationReference. Two sides of a coin. Esteban P. Pineda ; [foreword by Jovito R. Salonga]. R733 .P56 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. RA – Public aspects of medicine Cultural competence in health education and health promotion. editors, Miguel A. Perez, Raffy R. Luquis. RA418.5.T73 C84 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. Revisiting usog, pasma, kulam.Michael L. Tan. RA418.3P6 T36 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. RB – Pathology Gene and cell therapy: therapeutic mechanisms and strategies. edited by Nancy Smyth Templeton. RB155.8 .G46 2009. 3rd

DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. XL Nos. 7-8 July-August 2009 - 17

floor, Circulation RC – Internal medicine Behavioral case formulation and intervention: a functional analytic approach. Peter Sturmey. RC467 .S78 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.

Technology leadership: a revolution in the making. A. Sivathanu Pillai.T173.5.I4 S58 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation A writer's handbook for engineers. David A. McMurrey, Joanne Buckley. T11 .M34 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. TA – Engineering (General). Civil enegineering

Handbook of MRI technique. Catherine Westbrook. RC78.7.N83 W47 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.

Engineering ethics: peace, justice, and the earth. George D. Catalano. TA157 .C37 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation.

Professional guide to signs & symptoms. RC69 .P76 2007. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.

The digital designer's bible: the ultimate route map to stress -free best working practice for print and web designers. [consultant editors] Alistair Dabbs, Alastair Campbell.TA1637 .D5 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation

RD – Surgery Foundations of athletic training: prevention, assessment, and management. Marcia K. Anderson, Gail P. Parr, Susan J. Hall. RD97 .A5 2009. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. RM – Therapeutics. Pharmacology Aklat sa paghihilot = Book of remedial massage. Victor T. Jauco. RM721 .J38 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Drugs, society, and human behavior. Carl Hart, Charles Ksir, Oakley Ray. RM315 .R37 2009. 3rd floor, Circulation SH – Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling Regional guidelines for responsible fisheries in Southeast Asia: responsible aquaculture. prepared by T.U. Bagarinao. SH117.S8 S68 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. T – Technology (General) Adobe illustrator CS4 how-tos: 100 essential techniques. David Karlins. T385 .K38 2009. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. AutoCAD 2009 & AutoCAD LT 2009 bible. Ellen Finkelstein. T385 .F566 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. Developing technical training: a structured approach for developing classroom and computer-based instructional materials. Ruth Colvin Clark. T65 .C58 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. The future of technology. [edited by Tom Standage].T173.8 .F88 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation Operations research and management science handbook. Edited by A. Ravi Ravindran. T57.6 .O58 2008. 2nd floor, InformationReference. Principles of information systems: a managerial approach. Ralph M. Stair, George W. Reynolds.T58.6 S7 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation, GSB-RCBC.

Don't ever tell me you can't. Celia Ruiz Tomlison. TA140 .T65 A3 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Fundamentals of materials science and engineering: an integrated approach. William D. Callister, Jr., David G. Rethwisch.TA403 .C337 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation Nanomechanics of materials and structures. edited by T.- J. Chuang ... [et al.]. TA418.9 .N35 I57 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation. Probability & statistics for engineers & scientists. Ronald E. Walpole ... [et al.]. TA340 .W3 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation. Sensors for ranging and imaging. Graham Brooker. TA165 .B76 2009. 3rd floor, Circulation. System dynamics and response. S. Graham Kelly.TA342 .K45 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation TC – Hydraulic engineering Principles of water resources: history, development, management, and policy. Thomas V. Cech. TC405 .C39 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation. TD – Environmental technology. Sanitary engimeering Solid waste management principles and practices: an introduction to the basic functional elements of solid waste management, with special emphasis on the needs of developing countries. Filemon A. Uriarte, Jr. TD789.P6 U74 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Water wells and pumps. A.M. Michael, S.D. Khepar, S.K. Sondhi. TD407 .M5 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation TH – Building construction Construction planning and scheduling. Jimmie W. Hinze. TH438.4 .H56 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation Modern protective structures. Theodor Krauthammer. TH9025

18 - DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. XL Nos. 7-8 July-August 2009

.K7 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation


Residential construction academy: facilities maintenance. Kevin Standiford. TH4817 .S7 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.

Human factors and voice interactive systems. Daryle GardnerBonneau, Harry E. Blanchard, [eds.]. TK7882.S65 H86 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation

TJ – Mechanical engineering and machinery The 8051 microcontroller. I. Scott MacKenzie, Raphael C.-W. Phan.TJ223.M53 M34 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation Renewable energy in power systems. Leon Freris, David Infield. TJ808 .F74 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. Robotics: principles and systems modeling. K.H. Low. TJ211 .L68 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.

Indoor radio planning: a practical guide for GSM, DCS, UMTS and HSPA.Morten Tolstrup. TK5105.78 .T64 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. Introduction to microsystem technology: a guide for students. Gerald Gerlach, Wolfram Dotzel ; translated by Dorte Muller. TK7875 .G4713 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.

TK – Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering.

IPTV and Internet video: new markets in television broadcasting: [expanding the reach of television broadcasting].Wes Simpson & Howard Greenfield. TK5105.887 .S55 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.

Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 how-tos: 100 essential techniques. David Karlins. TK5105.8885.D74 K37 2009. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.

Network processors: architecture, programming, and implementation. Ran Giladi. TK5105.543 .G54 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.

Advances in digital speech transmission. edited by Rainer Martin, Ulrich Heute, Christiane Antweiler.TK7882.S65 .A386 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation

Physics of semiconductor devices. S.M. Sze and Kwok K. Ng. TK612.S4 S9 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation

Analog integrated circuits for communication: principles, simulation, and design. Donald O. Pederson, Kartikeya Mayaram. TK7874 .P44 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation Behavioral biometrics: a remote access approach.KennethRevett. TK7882 .B56 R48 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. Communication technology update and fundamentals. Editors, August E. Grant, Jennifer H. Meadows. TK5101 .C64 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. CSS: the missing manual. David Sawyer McFarland. TK5105.888 .M336 2006. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. Digital communications: a discrete-time approach. Michael Rice. TK5103.7 .R5 2009. 3rd floor, Circulation. Embedded computing: a VLIW approach to architecture, compilers and tools. Joseph A. Fisher, Paolo Faraboschi and Cliff Young. TK7895.E42 F57 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation HD radio implementation: the field guide for facility conversion. Thomas R. Ray, III. TK6562.D54 R39 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. High-speed digital system design. Justin Davis. TK7874.7 .D38 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation. How video works: [from analog to high definition].Marcus Weise, Diana Weynand. TK9961 .W44 2007. 2nd floor, Informa-

PSpice for analog communications engineering. Paul Tobin. TK5102.5 .T6 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation. PSpice for circuit theory and electronic devices. Paul Tobin. TK454 .T57 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation. RF measurements for cellular phones and wireless data systems. Allan W. Scott, Rex Frobenius.TK7874 .S36 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation Signal processing for wireless communications. Joseph Boccuzzi. TK5102.9 .B6 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. Smart card applications: design models for using and programming smart cards. Wolfgang Rankl; translated by Kenneth Cox. TK7895 .S62 R3613 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation. Stallcup's electrical design: based on the NEC and related standards. James G. Stallcup, with James W. Stallcup. TK3201 .S7 2009. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. TL – Motor vehicles. Aeronautics. Astronautics Safety, comfort and convenience systems: [function, regulation and components with communication systems]. Robert Bosch GmbH.TL242 .R6 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation TP – Chemical technology Industrial chemical processes. Cecilia V. Bayquen. TP369 .P6 B39 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. XL Nos. 7-8 July-August 2009 - 19

TR – Phtography Adobe Flash CS4 professional how-tos: 100 essential techniques. Mark Schaeffer. TR897.7 .S386 2009. 2nd floor, InformationReference.

The little rice book. Gene Gonzalez. TX724.5 P6 P56 v.14. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Z – Books (General). Writing. Paleography. Book industries and trade. Libraries. Bibliography

After Effects CS3 professional for Windows and Macintosh. Antony Bolante. TR858 .B64 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.

Adobe InDesign CS4 how-tos: 100 essential techniques. John Cruise, Kelly Kordes Anton. Z253.532 .A34 C78 2009. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.

The book of alternative photographic processes. Christopher James ; [edited by] James Gish, Nicole Calisi, Sarah Timm. TR350 .J35 2009. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.

2. Periodicals •

Batis ng Kasaysayan Batis ng Kasaysayan, is a semi-annually published journal of history containing documents (either in their entirely or as segments of documents) which are not always readily accessible. These documents could be in the form of official papers such as decrees, proclamations, and reports on the Philippines; documents on the establishment of towns, cities, and provinces; or materials on local and oral history. It is published by the National Commision of Culture and the Arts (NCCA).

The Cordillera Review This multidisciplinary journal published by the Cordillera Studies Center, is the official research journal of the University of the Philippines Baguio. It is devoted to studies on Philippine culture and society. Given the geographical location and research thrust of UP-Baguio, The Cordillera Review puts an emphasis on research pertaining to the Cordillera region and other parts of Northern Luzon.

Journal of Nature Studies This journal is formerly known as the Nature’s Bulletin and is the official scientific peer-reviewed journal of the Philippine Society for the Study of Nature, Inc. It deals with nature studies such as biodiversity, ecology, environmental studies, basic and applied plant and animal biology and human nature studies.

Capturing colour. Phil Malpas. TR510 .M34 2007. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. The essential digital manipulation manual for photographies. Mike Crawford. TR267 .C7 2006. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. Foundation Flash CS4 for designers. Tom Green and David Stiller.TR897.7 .G74 2009. 3rd floor, Circulation Lighting. David Prakel. TR590 .P7 2007. 2nd floor, InformationReference. TS – Manufacturers Creative design of products and systems. Saeed Benjamin Niku. TS171 .N55 2009. 3rd floor, Circulation Introduction to materials management. J.R. Tony Arnold, Stephen N. Chapman, Lloyd M. Clive. TS161 .A76 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation TX – Home economics Chicken soup for the tea lover's soul: stories steeped in comfort. Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Patricia Lorenz. TX817 .T3 C36 2007. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. Filipino cooking and entertaining here & abroad. Eleanor R. Laquian ; foreword by Larry J. Cruz. TX725.P6 L35 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana The little coconut book. Gene Gonzalez. TX724.5 P6 P56 v.13. 4th floor, Filipiniana. The little egg book. Gene Gonzalez. TX724.5P6 P56 v.15. 4th floor, Filipiniana. The little lumpia book. Gene Gonzalez. TX724.5 P6 P56 v.12. 4th floor, Filipiniana. The little Philippine bar: book 2. Gene Gonzalez. TX724.5 P6 P56b v.5. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

3. Faculty Papers • -

Abe, Lesley Explanation patterns of knowledge level errors in novice Prolog programming

• -

Abella, Leonila C. Determination of light intensity using potassium fer- rioxalate chemical actinometry for photodegradation study of 2,2,4,4,5,5 hexachlorobiphenyl

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Abergos, Gerald S. Sources of stress among selected private universities in Manila: towards a responsive faculty stress manage- ment program

20 - DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. XL Nos. 7-8 July-August 2009

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The strategic role of the academe towards capability- building for good governance : a case study Student holistic development : beyond curriculum

• - - - -

Africa, Aaron Don A. Internal evaluation model using logic scoring prefer- ence for open source e-commerce system An optimization model of an internet evaluation model using logic scoring of preference Qualitative evaluation of open source content manage- ment systems Wally : a fuzzy controlled mobile robot for soccer competition

• - • - - • - - • - - • - • - • - - - - - - • - -

• - - - - - - - - - - Alcuaz, Manuel A., Jr. - Mapping the future : automated election fraud - - Alontaga, Jasper Vincent Q. - A computer-assisted instruction (CAI) module on en- - hancing numeracy skills of preschoolers with attention- - deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADH ) - Parent and teacher training program on students with - special learning needs in Jaime Hilario Integrated School in Bagac, Bataan • - Ambat, Jenalene A. Procedure for new deliveries of IT equipment Procedure for repairs - Apolega, Dennis - Common sense about knowledge and truth : Richard Rorty’s epistemological behaviorism Pragmatism and neo-pragmatism: philosophy as the in- - between of science and literature Aquino, Nimpha M. - An evaluation of financial and non-financial environ- mental disclosures of ten publicly-listed mining com- - panies in the Philippines - - Arada, Gerald P. - Endurance test device for microwave oven door system and interlocks at the Bureau of Product Standards • Testing Center (BPSTC) - Aranda, Ma. Rita Dakilang nilalang • Komunikasyon sa akademikong Filipino - Mabisang pagpapahayag (retorika) Pagbabalik Sining ng komunikasyon : modyular na pagdulog • Tunay na kaligayahan - - Balane, Madeleine V. Central Bank independence and macroeconomics • performance : a simultaneous equations approach - The impact of corporate governance mechanisms on

the market valuation and agency costs of listed non-financial firms for the period 2002-2006 Balita, Anna Loraine Banamos en Los Baños Beijing and my pseudo sign language skills Beyond chocolates and cuckoo clocks CAV Wine Shop & Cafe Expat’s guide to driving in the Philippines Expat’s guide to driving in the Philippines Part 2 Federalism : will it solve RP’s problems? For a taste of authentic Italian cuisine A foreigner’s survival guide to the Metro Mall of Asia’s sunset strip: San Miguel by the bay Merdeka in Manila Not just glorified telephone operators Punta Fuego’s 150-minute gustatory tour Taal’s old world appeal A taste of Kapampangan country life What I want for Christmas : holiday 2008 hot list What lies beyond a bar of chocolate What’s on & expat 24th Anniversary Celebration Bañez, George Analysis of the cognitive structure of nature of Tsukuba University (Japan) and De La Salle University (Philippines) students using the word association method Extinction is forever Low light intensity, inorganic fertilizer application and the leaf life span of quercus acutissima and Q. serrata seedlings (Fagacene) Plasticity in the branching characteristics of four year old quercus acutissima and Q. serrata seedling in re- sponse to low light intensity and additional fertilizer Plasticity in the morphological response of tree seed- lings to changes in the light environment A review of the Danish policies on forests The road to Selby Gardens Training tomorrows conservation leaders Where are they now? Baring, Rito Theological reflections about adult Filipino notions of suffering today Barrios, Maria Nenette G. Mirror image. Encouraging participation in ISO26000 social responsibility Barrot, Jessie S. How to read and write effectively Technical writing : a practical approach Bautista, Ma. Lourdes Preparing the formal report : procedure and mechanics

DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. XL Nos. 7-8 July-August 2009 - 21

• - - • - • - - • - - • - • - - • - - • - - - • - - • - - - -

Bela-Ong, Dennis B. Isolation and characterization of the oil bodies and oleo sin of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) Molecular detection of whitefly-transmissible gemini viruses (Family Geminiviridae, Genus Begomovirus) in the Philippines

- - - Bernal, Fr. Melchor, SVD - Spirituality as a means for coping for Filipinos - Bernardo, Renee Rose The notion of fear of the Lord in moral conversion - The road to conversion : application of Lonergan’s tran scendal method - Biana, Hazel T. On performatives : a comparative analysis of John L. - Austin and John R. Searle’s notions of the - performative Witch ethics? : an analysis of the ethics of Wicca - Borja, Warlito Heresy and hereties-enemy or friend of inculturation? - Buban, Raquel Sison - Ang lenggwaheng makalalaki sa babaeng misteryosa : ilang pakahulugan sa imahen at salita - Sa isang pagdalaw - Bugador, Roderick C. Member participation in co-operatives : antecedents, research propositions, consequences and managerial implications - University co-operatives in Japan : building bridges for the future of their member and the co-operative movement - Calara, Alvaro N. The face of labor migration - Filipino overseas in the era of globalization : transna- - tional dynamics of labor migration towards social change and development - The impact of social integration of Filipino workers in Madrid Caldo, Randy B. - Corrupted Windows operating system (System32 error) Primaveral installation : a step by step procedure - Camacho, Draxel H. - Anti-wacker-type hydroalkoxylation of diynes cata- lyzed by palladium(O) Application of screen printable, UV curable, B-stage • able folding adhesive for folded stacked chip scale - package (FSCSP) Constructivism in chemistry teaching - Cyclophane-based highly active late-transition-metal

22 - DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. XL Nos. 7-8 July-August 2009

catalysts for ethylene polymerization Design for manufacturability: package bulging solution path on folded stacked chip scale packages (FSCSP) high volume manufacturing Design of cyclophane-based late transition metal cata lyst for polymerization of olefins Film bake process : driving the blister out Incorporating TRIZ methods of inventive thinking in the academe : an initial attempt Layered polymeric composite spacer for stacked chip scale packages Living polymerization of a-olefins at elevated tempera- tures catalyzed by a highly active and robust cyclo phane-based nickel catalyst Macrocyclic metal complexes and their uses as poly merization catylysts Module on intermolecular forces for basic chemistry New C-O and C-C bond forming reactions catalyzed by palladium Nickel(II) and Palladium(II) complexes with an alkane-bridged macrocyclic ligand : Synthesis, characterization, and polymerization tests Novel cyclophane-based a-diimine ligand for transition metal ethylene polymerization catalysis Palladium-catalyzed addition of alcohol pronucleo- philes to alkylidenecyclopropanes Palladium-catalyzed addition of ketones to alkylidenecy clopropanes Palladium-catalyzed dimerization of conjugated diynes : a novel reaction for the synthesis of new chromophore for possible use in non-linear optical (NLO) ma- terials Palladium-catalyzed dimerization of conjugated diynes : synthesis of (E)-1,2-divinyldiethynylethenes having donor and acceptor chromophores at the terminus of alkyne Palladium-catalyzed hydroalkoxylation of methylenecy clopropanes Science & technology : innovation for progress Synthesis and structure of m-Terphenyl-based cyclo- phanes with nitrogen intra-annular functional groups Synthesis of (E)-1,2-divinyl-1,2-diethynylethene (DVDEE) via the palladium-catalyzed reaction of con- jugated diynes : a new building block for molecular scaffolding Synthesis of new materials through metal catalyzed re- actions of C-C multiple bonds Theory of inventive problem solving TRIZ : amazing tool for inventive thinking Trends and issues on science laboratory safety management Canon, Kristine V. Developing reading comprehension of hard-of-hearing children using I-HEAR Program Meeting children’s needs through literature

• - -

Capuno, Aaron B. Digital voice recorder : comparative research and recommendation paper LCD vs. CRT monitor : a comparative research over two technologies

sonalism: its logic, development, and promise

• -

De La Cruz, Rena O. The view from Taft. Recurring crises in business De Los Reyes, Joy Cortes Malacañang : the arrested transition from sovereign power to disciplinarity Rationalism and democracy Tokenism at the global level

• -

• Cardenas, Melissa May F. - Importation of used electronic appliances : a Philippine inventory - - Casanova, Philip Enterprise systems management (availability, • continuity, integrity) - Security vs. usability : Finding the right balance Web application security - Castillon, Gwen B. Growth in Indium (III) oxide nanomaterials by • horizontal vapor phase crystal growth technique -

• - -

Cauilan, Bob P. Procedures in ordering and processing invoices using the acquisition mode of the Millennium Integrated Li- brary System Procedures in sending budget performance report to the different colleges using the INNOPAC Millenium Li- brary Integrated System

• -

Dianzon, Bernardita Sr. Prov31:10-31: a laudatio funebris?

• - - -

Dimaala, Fernando M. Communication systems analysis and design Layer 3 fundamentals : routed and routing protocols SDH fundamental & concepts

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Chu, Shirley Question answering using evolving networks

• - - - -

Chua, George Business options. Before you retire Business options. Increasing manufacturing production Free enterprise: buy Pinoy, buy local Greenlight. Unsustainable compensation model.

• -

Chua, Michael Charlestone B. Ang Imeldific : representasyon at kapangyarihan sa Sto. Niño Shrine sa Lungsod ng Tacloban.

• - - -

Flores, Eden Regala An examination of the patterns of Tagalog-English code-switching in two oral-discussion Thinking skills reflected in the argumentative essays of first year-students of De La Salle University-Manila : a descriptive analysis The typological characteristics of the grammatic/ semantic structures of the Bikol language : an explor- atory study

• -

Clemeña, Rose Marie S. Nurturing a research culture in the counseling practice

• - -

Franco, Harold T. Alchemy 101 : procedure on how to access De La Salle University’s digital theses collection Preservation and conservation 101 : encapsulation

• - - -

Cruz, Elfren S. Framework. Laissez-faire economics Framework. Managing conflict in family firms Framework. The fall of mighty companies

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Gamayo, Delford S. Repair on motion analysis server PC Tests, repairs, install or configure computer units and other IT related peripherals

• - - - - -

Cruz, Isagani R. Mini critique. Auschwitz and the Philippines Mini critique. Education president Mini critique. English in high school Mini critique. Learning from flu Mini critique. The new curriculum

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Garcia, Emmanuel It’s the Archer not the arrow (that really matters)

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Garcia, Laurene Chua Communication skills [module 3]

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Dacela, Mark Anthony L. Book review. Peter H. Spader : Scheler’s ethical per-

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Garcia, Leonardo, Jr. Brand personification of selected personal products College students’ attitudes on globalization comparing

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Demeterior, Feorillo A comparative study on the theme of human existence in the novels of Albert Camus and F. Sionil Jose Ang mga Filipinong intelektuwal at ang teoryang post kolonyal : ang kaso ni E. San Juan, Jr. Dy, Regina C. The view from Taf. Factors of pay rate

DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. XL Nos. 7-8 July-August 2009 - 23

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views from the Philippines and South Korea Consumer attitudes towards economic and cultural glo- balization among Filipino college students Creative marketing Holiday decor quarterly report, quarter 1 2007 Jollibee Foods Corporation Malling as a way of life in the Philippines emerging malling trends Malling habits of Metro Manilans Marketing in a non-price competitive economy Mobile marketing using SMS as a form of advertisement Public perceptions on direct selling : an international perspective Public perceptions on direct selling : Metro Manila versus selected places in the world SM Prime Holdings, Inc. : malling as a way of life The viewing habits and advertising preferences of the Koreanovela audience

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Garing, Arnel Roland T. HP printer internal test Super lab pro installation procedure

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Gavino, Albert Anthony D. Digital Filipino web awards service marketing Flash web banners administration Online queries on the web site DLSU Manila site Sharepoint 2003 : administration and standards

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strategies associated with screen-based writing.

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Herrera, Gizella Marie External debt and economic growth : proving the causal relationship in the Philippines from 19831999 using the Granger’s causality test Foreign aid and export performance of aid-recipient countries-a panel data analysis

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Ignacio, Khristine N. The development of the DLSU Graduate Student Council

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Joaquin, Jeremiah Joven Moral talk exposed : an introduction to the problems of metaethics The phenomenon called religion : reflecting on the essence of religion from man’s viewpoint Theorice, quastio, and disputatio in medieval metaphysics

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Juan, Ma. Florina Yamsuan Orillos Ang proyektong Chico River hydroelectric dam : hamon ng kaunlaran at reaksyong bayan 1965-1986

• - - - - Go, Kathleen L. - Template extraction for a bidirectional English-Filipino machine translation system • Gobaco, Bryan O. - An airline yield management simulation model for a single leg flight with multiple fare classes allowing cancellations, no-shows and chance passengers with • an assessment of different booking policies - - Gocheco, Paulina Code-switching in television-mediated political • campaign advertisements in the Philippines - Discourse analysis of mediated political advertisement campaigns - English language skills for medical transcription Legal provisions in the Philippine real estate industry : a genre-based analysis for ESP training The use of politeness marker ‘po’ in televised political • campaign ads in the Philippines - Gustilo, Leah Language and self-presentation : a linguistic analysis • of Filipino personal home pages. - Online self-presentation : an analysis of contextual di- - mensions, multimodal features, and self-presentation

Juico, Philip Ella Sports for all. Amend PSC law, be more visionary Sports for all. House bill focuses on grassroots program Sports for all. Like MJ, sports kids lose their childhood Sports for all. Masters swimming the next big thing Sports for all. With further amendments, new PSC law is welcome

24 - DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. XL Nos. 7-8 July-August 2009

Kho, Rex Marcus T. Teacher, student, and counselor beliefs about the causes and solutions of mathematics anxiety Lagman, Oscar P., Jr. To take a stand. Baseball making a comeback? To take a stand. The end is near Lajom, Jennifer Ann Developing a deep approach and attitude to learning through project-based learning Self-regulation, self-efficacy, metacognition, and achievement goals in high school and college adolescents Lara, Xavier E. LFAT leadership program for SC, CSO and special groups Lazaro, Jose B., Jr. 16-Bit carry select adder Developing algorithms using C++psuedoche

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Metin, Christian Voltaire Kingdom of God in the beatitudes Towards a theology of the Cup : insights about the Cup of Blood of the (New) Covenant in the Synoptic Gospels’narrative of the passover meal

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Monroy, Teddy G. Comparative study between Ni/MgO and Ni/MgO- ZrO2 as catalyst for the dry reforming of methane Preparation and characterization of nickel catalyst on various support materials for the dry reforming of methane

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Ortega, Manuel L. Greenlight. The right to reply

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Pabiton, Carmelita Filipino adolescent students’ problems, concerns and coping strategies : an exploratory survey

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Pantig, Paolo V. Inventory management monitoring and provide service units

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Paringit, Maria Cecilia R. Complementarity of sensor-based measurements and community perception for monitoring and management of seawater quality On-street parking inventory in the City of Manila

Manalastas, Pia T. Greenlight. Carbon footprints

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Pariña, Jose Cristina M. The four anaphoric repairs of the new-gricean prag- matic approach in the distant conversation register of ICE-Philippines

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Mangahis, Josefina Ang kahirapan sa Pilipinas : sa sosyo-kultural na pananaw Wika mo, Wikang Filipino : wika ng mundo, mahalaga

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Pedregosa, Lawrence S. A case of (mis) representation of the marginalized : the challenge of postmodernity to the Catholic social teaching of preferential option for the poor

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Mante, Joahna S. Reflecting on miscues in context area readings : a case of two learners

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Pedro, Ana Marian M. Two symbol finite state machines

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Manu, Maximus Enhancing emotional intelligence and interpersonal relationships among S.V.D. seminarians in Flores, Indonesia

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Penacerrada, Neil T. Assessment of risk exposure of GE Money Bank (A savings bank)


VHDL verilog research

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Lugtu, Reynaldo C., Jr. Greenlight. Smarter health care The view from Taft. Future of outsourcing and offshoring

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Luistro, Armin Cory, the heart of the Saint [homily delivered on August 2, 2009 at the La Salle Greenhills Gymnasium]

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Magana, Roderick L. How to fix automatic log-in, log-out error using ultimate boot CD (UBCD)

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Magno, Carlo Assessing the self-disclosure of clients and length of conversation with a counselor in a gender dyad

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Malbarosa, Jose Ma. Arcadio From empire to enterprise : coercion, subversion and compromise in Philippine Tobacco Society

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Mallari, Noriel C. PicoDuo : 8-Bit microcontroller development platform implemented on FPGA using IP cores Research on inkjet printers

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Manalansan, Mylene A. Cineography : proffered methodology towards literary appreciation

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• - -

• - Mariano, Janet S. Lesson plan : basketball - Selected personal and professional factors as predictors - of teaching competency of the Polytechnic Universi- ty of the Philippines physical education faculty : a - correlation study -

Peracullo, Jeane Eros in everyday living : sensuousness can heal ecological destruction Human stewardship and its critics Hunger, gender, nature : exploring the nexus of body, sexuality and nature in ecofeminism I am angry because you are unjust : a Filipino woman’s awakening to feminism On the two-language approach to language of faith : an exploration of a hermeneutical problem

DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. XL Nos. 7-8 July-August 2009 - 25


When I look into the mirror, what do I see? DLSU stu - dents’ creative reflection on the “Levinasian other”

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Perlas, Ernesto R., Jr. The view from Taft. The economy and health of citizens

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Pineda, J. LLoyd Ivan The global family planning revolution : three decades of population What young people need to learn about the electoral process

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Pingul, Ferdinand The effects of procedural justice and distributive justice criteria on secondary school teachers’ fitness appraisal Optimizing service learning : lessons from other disciplines

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Puno, Ricardo Catholic social teachings on the environment Images and religion : friends or foes?

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Purpura, Jeanne F. English links (V) Runaways for English (IV)

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Que, Jemie Recognizing syntactic errors in written Philippine English

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Quesea, Alexander R. Creating backup for installed driver (driverMax) Web OPAC configuration for library

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Radoc, Benjamin E., Jr. Welfare effects of the deregulation of the downstream oil industry in the Philippines

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Ramos, Anne Marie R. Accidental exposure to sexual images on the Internet among Filipino adolescents : an exploratory study

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Ramos, Roderick B. Clarification awareness/knowledge of undergraduate college readers in their choice for L or education infor- mation resources Congent facts on PNU library utilization and orientation of college freshmen, SY 2007-2008 Congent facts on PNU library utilization and orientation of college Information literacy : customer competencies in information Library Chronicle, vol. 1, no. 1 Library Chronicle, vol. 4, issue 3 Library Chronicle, volume 2, issue 1

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Library Chronicle, volume 3, issue 1 Library Chronicle, volume 5, issue 1 Library instruction for teachers librarians Marketing : the library on wheels at Bacoor crossroads National Seminar-Workshop on Collection Management in a Digital Environment : a paper report Perspetibo sa mga pagbabago ng PNU library PNU-LISAA Newsletter, January-June 2005 Productive librarianship Suggested/recommended list of reader services libra rians’ activities and duties of the Philippine Normal University while faced by Library 2.0 Super librando, bagong mukha ng laybraryan To be gentle librarians

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Resurreccion, Mark Gil F. Basic troubleshooting procedure for computer monitor Smart card reader system configuration

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Reyes, Enrique Antonio B. Managing for society. Measure, manage, monitor

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Reyes, Rachel C. Input-output analysis of the key sectors in Philippine carbon dioxide emissions from a production perspective

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Romero, Segundo Joaquin Eclar, Jr. Managing security challenges in Southeast Asia Philippines : country report Political dimension of local policy making Project democratic accountability and citizen politician linkage (Philippine portion)

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Rosal, Joseph Seed takes root : establishing a DLSU Manila nursery of indigenous tree species

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Rubio, Kristina Paula M. Assertiveness skills : module for Lasallian ambassadors

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Salanga, Maria Guadalupe Filipino students’ and counselors beliefs on the etiology and treatment of depression

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San Diego, Ryan Jim S. Dream works with children : a clinical approach

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Sanchez, Audrey Marie Power sharing in Mindanao : prospects in RA 7160 and RA 9054 The role of the state in corporate governance : corporate disclosure regulations and corruption in the Philippines

26 - DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. XL Nos. 7-8 July-August 2009

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Santiago, Anna Theresa A. Aedes sp. surveillance using ovitap technique in Bgy. Sta. Cruz, Makati City, Philippines Larval mosquito fauna (Family Culicidae) of Sta. Ignacia, Tarlac Province, Philippines

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Santiago, Fernando Isang maikling kasaysayan ng Pandacan, Maynila, 1589-1898

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Sarza, Beverly Lorenzo M. Tañada’s axiological nationalism To the cave and back : an invitation to the philosophy of education

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Simeon, Andylyn M. Conversations that matter on the Lasallian guiding principles : a proposed learning module

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Solano, Geoffrey A. Embedding the ith graph Johnson scheme into the graph of the Hamming scheme - Embedding the ith Johnson networks into the hamming network - On the k-subgraphs of the generalized n-cubes • Suleik, Mercedes B. - Capital view. Closing the Pauline Jubilee Capital view. The ICD scorecard-Year 5 - Capital view. Moving forward in corporate reforms - Suquila, Jasper T. - My Daddy’s pasalubong - Tan, Mike Anthony A comparison of learners’ affect and behaviors while using an intelligent tutor and an educational game • An investigation of selected high school students’ - geometric understanding using the Van Hiele model : in a computer-aided instruction - Tanhueco, Renan Ma. T. Exploring the use of Geographical Information System (GIS) as an organizing tool for studying the • environment - Fluid mechanics, hydraulics and hydrology Quantifying the social aspects of disaster vulnerability Quantifying the 4 social aspects of disaster vulnera• bility : a case study in Metro Manila - Social risk and disaster assessment Socio economic developments and infrastructure - surrounding Manila Bay Understanding flood vulnerability and impacts to • Dagupan City, Lingayen Gulf - - Tapales, Maria Rita V. - Executive functions of Filipino children and adoles- -

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cents with AD/HD

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Teehankee, Benito L. Goal and objective setting [module 1] Managing for society. Accentuate the positive Managing for society. Protecting the body from computer work-Part 2 Managing for society. Socially responsible marketing communications

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Teodoro, John Iremil E. Balangaw sa Tingadlaw (a collection of short stories in Hiligaynon) Kung ang tula ay pwedeng pambili ng lalaki (mga Tula) Maybato, Iloilo, Taft Avenue, Baguio, Puerto (mga tula) Mga binalaybay kang paghigugma Pagmumuni-muni at pagtatalak ng sirenang nagpa- panggap na prinsesa (mga piling maikling sanaysay) Pett Regno Candido (1947-2004) Sangka aga sa Seminaryo kang San Agustin : Isang umaga sa Seminaryo ng San Agustin Ang Santo Niño na walang ulo Tirol, DJ Rean D. Challenges of folded flex substrates : fold blister on stacked The qualification of a C4 bump rework process The rationalization of cyanate Ester die attach adhe- sives for hermetic packages The selection of die blackside metalization for solder thermal interface materials packages Solder splash control through seal profile optimization & materials loading management Toledano, Lemuel S. The neglected dimension of service learning pedagogy developing projects from the perspective of rural com- munity stakeholders Towards a framework for service learning projects in high education Tolentino, Laramie Pre-licensure issues and concerns of Filipino public school guidance counselors Tor, Rodolfo A. China-Taiwan standoff : its implication to Asia Pacific Region security Problem of corruption in the PNP ogranization Torralba, John Enrico Diona sa gabi ng paglikha Ang fountain sa harap ng Post-office building Hindi na katulad noon (para kina Dennis at Vheng) Isang recess

DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. XL Nos. 7-8 July-August 2009 - 27

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Mundo ng bata ayon sa mga print ad Ang mga naratibong kinapapalooban ng bata sa mga print ad Pagkilala Pagninilay Panimulang pagsipat sa Nanang na 1 Taguwasi Anna I Innawagan Parang supling tayong nananahan sa dilim Sa dalampasigan Sa oras ng alitaptap Videoke at tiis : kulturang popular bilang anestisya sa krisis

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Torres, Jose Victor Ciudad Murada : a walk through historic Intramuros Ghost of the past : a review of Mr. White : a Thomasite history of Tarlac Province, 1901-1913 by Lino L. Dizon In transition : the University of Santo Tomas in the early American period (1898-1916) : changes for an American colonial education (a preliminary study) Karugtong (ilang paglalaro sa kathang isip ni Pepe Rizal) On an elephant : historical essays and others Pananaw : viewing points on Philippine history and culture

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Ubaldo, Lars Raymund C. Kamalayan sa kamatayan ng mga Tagalog : pananaw mula sa kasaysayan Ang tradisyong pasalita sa pagtuturo ng pangkasay- sayang pananaliksik (isang pagpapahalaga sa pagsasalaysay ng pinagdaanang buhay ng namatay)

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Umali, Khristine U. Lasallian Action Week Social Engagement Awards

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Uy, Arnel Onesimo O. A preliminary explorations of generational similari- ties and differences in values between the United States, United Kingdom, Iceland, Japan, Korea, Colombia and the Philippines

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Valdez, Paolo Niño An analysis of written jokes in Filipino by selected first year high school students A discourse analysis on the preferred English terms of endearment of female third year AB Communication Arts students of DLSU-Dasmariñas, SY 2001-2002 He says, she says : “Generlect” styles in Filipino comic strips in English The realities of the OFW in Bienvenido Santos’ short stories : the Filipino diaspora Student empowerment in the light of the foxfire approach : a case study

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Valerio, Elvin Amerigo D.G. Isip bitaw : maningning na pulang tala Kung bakit salimpusa ang ating wika : panawagan sa paggamit ng Wikang Filipino bilang pagtalikod sa ating kolonyal na kahapon The Other “Other” cinema : national and cultural iden- tity in Filipino alternative films Palugid Post modern kundiman Sine kontra : tungo sa teorya ng alternatibong pelikula sa Filipinas

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Velasco, Robin L. Greenlight. Our life’s purpose

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Vilog, Ron Bridget T. Institutional response of Philippine caregiver and nurs- ing schools to the opening of Japan’s healthcare market

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Yabut, Homer J. The phenomenology of forgiving another person

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Yu, Dennis Superbio : high-speed organic waste decomposition system

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Zaragoza, Zach Adopt-a-site : resident of critical watersheds are made partners in responsible stewardsip

28 - DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. XL Nos. 7-8 July-August 2009

The Library Newsette/ BalitangAklatan is published by the DLSU-Manila University Library 2401 Taft Avenue, Malate, Manila 1004 Ana Maria B. Fresnido ([email protected]) Editor Karen Cecille C. Victoria ([email protected]) Associate Editor Avelino E. Dancalan ([email protected]) Melton E. Jo ([email protected]) Web Editors Gregorio Guinto ([email protected]) Photographer Wilfredo A. Frias ([email protected]) Proof Reader