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De La Salle University-Manila Library

Newsette Balitang Aklatan

Vol. XXXVIII - No. 9 - September - 2007

Online Pathfinder Usage by Yolanda F. Odsinada, Information-Reference

Pathfinder in PDF format

Pathfinders in print format

The pathfinder which was introduced in the early part of 1970 and pioneered by the Massachussetts Institute of Technology, is a valuable research tool in the sense that it provides library users a step-by-step guide in locating sources of information on a given topic.

inside 2

- e-Brary on trial - IMS Technicians Attend Technical Training ... - Seminar on “Copyright Issues in the Academe”


- Librarians Join Lasallian Spirituality 101 - Overdue Fines for CAP - Visitors - Donors


-Recent Acquisitions

In the De La Salle University-Manila L i b r a r y, t h e Pathfinder Project was conceived by Ms. Gretchen Hammerstein who was the project development librarian. The first pathfinder created by the Library was on Biology and was made available in print format in 1988. Through the years, several changes had been introduced in the development of pathfinders. From the original single sheets formatted in two columns it was modified and changed into booklet form and from print format, it was made available online in PDF format accessible on the Library homepage through this link: ph/library/pathfinder/default.asp Now pathfinders take an even new form, that is, these are now web-based or are

Web-based pathfinder

linked to resources available on the Net. Some of the very first web-based pathfinders are on: Web site design, Highway construction, Earthquake engineering, Religion and science, and Dreams. In 2004, an evaluative study on the pathfinder’s development and usefulness was conducted and findings of the study revealed that a total of 99 titles on various topics/subject areas were prepared from 1988 to 2004. Online ... see page 3

eBrary on Trial The Library is participating in the ebrary’s trial program from September 10 to November 30, 2007. eBrary provides the content and technology that make research experience richer and more productive. It has more than 60,000 online, full-text books and other authoritative content in its repository from more than 200 of the world’s leading academic, STM, and professional publishers. All ebrary products are delivered via the ebrary Dynamic Content Platform (DCP)(tm) featuring the ebrary Reader(tm) and InfoTools(tm). To get started, please take note of the following: 1. The URL to the site is 2. Library patrons are encouraged to review the user’s guide before getting started. It highlights all

the powerful research technologyand functionalities that ebrary DCP provides and may be viewed/ downloaded at: http://www.ebrary. com/corp/collateral/ en/User_Guide/ ebrary_ Patron_User_ Guide.pdf. 3. The quick guide, which includes easy, step-by-step instructions on how to get started with ebrary may also be downloaded. It also includes an overview of the ebrary interface and ebrary Reader(tm) toolbar. The quick guide is available at http://www. Guides/007.01-quick_guideGeneric. pdf.

IMS Technicians Attend Technical Training and Video Conferencing Familiarization Workshop by Gregorio Guinto On September 5, 2007, the technicians of the Instructional Media Services (IMS) attended a technical training and videoconferencing familiarization workshop in view of providing the academic community with a more efficient and professional videoconferencing service. The objectives of the workshopp were as follows: (1) to identify and familiarize technicians with the different equipment

used in videoconferencing; (2) to devise an efficient system of setting up videoconferencing equipment; (3) to formulate guidelines and procedures in the use of designated facilities for videoconferencing; and (4) to provide a venue for IMS technicians to practice and improve on their videoconferencing skills. Arturo Manongsong, a senior technician of the IMS, facilitated the

workshop and did an actual demonstration of setting up videoconferencing equipment. A simulated videoconferencing between technicians stationed at Miguel 306 and the EDRC Multi-Purpose Room was held to give the technicians a feel of how videoconferencing is done and how technical problems arising during a conference may be efficiently handled.

Seminar on “Copyright Issues in the Academe” by Marita G. Valerio Together with the other members of the academic community, Ana Maria Fresnido, the DLSU-M Library Director, Annabel Aliwalas, Filipiniana Librarian, Purisima Fernando, Head of the Cataloging Section and Marita Valerio, Bibliographic Control Librarian, attended a seminar on “Copyright Issues in the Academe” on September 26 held

at the Tereso Lara Seminar Room, LS Building, DLSU-M. Atty. Vicente B. Amador, a senior partner of SyCip, Salazar, Hernandez & Gatmaitan and Head of the Intellectual Property Practice Group, conducted the seminar. Atty. Amador identified works that can be copyrighted and those that cannot be copyrighted. He enumerated

2 - DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 38 No. 9 September 2007

the right in copyright and explained the process of obtaining a certificate of registration and talked about the Fair Use factors. The speaker deliberately answered all questions raised during the open forum.

Online ... from page 1 Seven (7) out of the 99 titles had been updated and only 53 were circulated. A total of 20,375 copies of the different pathfinders had been printed within the 16-year period. Out of the total number, more than 17, 000 copies had been distributed and circulated. The study also revealed that the most sought after pathfinders were on the topics,

Strategic Management, Gays, Lesbians and Homosexual Studies, Total Quality Management, Knowledge Management and Extrasensory Perception. From 2004 to 2007, additional 60 pathfinders had been created, bringing to a total of 159 pathfinders produced for the last 19 years. Currently, 87 pathfinders, covering a wide array of materials on different topics are made

available online 24/7 through the library homepage. The web usage statistics of the pathfinders spanning the period November 2003 to September 21, 2007 affirms that the pathfinder is regarded by library users as an indispensable research tool. The data gathered from the DLSU website log statistics revealed a Online ... see page 4

Table 1-Usage Statistics of Online Pathfinders, November 2003 to September 2007

DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 38 No. 9 September 2007 - 3

Librarians Join Lasallian Spirituality 101 by Annabelle F. Aliwalas, Filipiniana Librarian Four faculty librarians namely, Annabelle F. Aliwalas, Jocelyn T. Balangue, Ana Maria B. Fresnido and Marita G. Valerio attended Lasallian Spirituality 101 (LS101), organized by the Lasallian Pastoral Office, held on September 4-5, 2007 at the Betania Retreat House, Quezon City. The said activity aims to help the members of the Lasallian Family to deepen their understanding of what it means to be a Lasallian and to better appreciate its rich heritage. Mr. Voltaire M. Mistades, Dean of Student Affairs, served as one of the facilitators and handled the first session. He shared with the participants the core Lasallian values of faith, zeal for service, and communion in mission. On the other hand,Mr. Andylyn M. Simeon, Online ... from page 3 total of 49, 138 registered access to the different pathfinders. Logging the most number of access are the following: Poverty in the Philippines created in 2004, which was accessed 10,010 times since it was uploaded; Natural Products which was created in 2003 and updated in 2007 follows having already been accessed 4,635 times; Curriculum Planning and Development produced in 2004 logged 4,124 access; English as a Second Language with 2,497 logs; and Commercial Law which was accessed 1,732 times. Table 1 (on page 3) presents the statistics of usage of online pathfinders.

Overdue Fines for CAP As approved by the University Library Council (ULC), overdue fines for CAP beginning second term of SY2007-2008 will be Php3.00 per book per day.

Coordinator of the Pastoral Formation and Action Ministry, conducted the second session which discussed on the life of Saint John Baptist De La Salle. A t the end of the a c t i v i t y, t h e participants were given neck ornaments with Lasallian star pendants to remind everybody to share the light and bring hope and joy to those

who are in need of assistance, guidance, and love.

Visitors September 26

-Lourdes F. Rodriguez, Library consultant, Palawan State University -Marilyn Nicodemus, Librarian, St. Scholastica’s College

“Libraries are not made; they grow”

— Augustine Birrell

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The DLSU Library would like to acknowledge with great appreciation the following donors:

Acelajado, Maxima Aklatang Emilio Aguinaldo Asian Development Bank Balayon, Encarnita Carandang, Nonoy Villaruz The Citizen’s Movement for a Federal Philippines Discipline Office Embassy of Switzerland Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Gonzales, Raymond Ibon Foundation Inc. The Korean Overseas Information Service Luistro, Armin FSC Philippine Christian Library Quevada, Nikko

BP – Islam



The Moro rebellion and the search for peace : a study on ChristianMuslim relations in the Philippines. Hilario M. Gomez. BP 172 G65 2000. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

B – Philosophy (General)

BR – Christianity

Adorno on popular culture. Robert W. Witkin. B3199.A34 W57 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation.

Inter-religious stories and experiences. compiled and edited by Leonardo N. Mercado ; with a foreword by Archbishop Fernando R. Capalla. BR127. I57 2000. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

BD – Speculative philosophy Philosophy of the human person : a phenomenological approach (for college students). Francisco C. Castro. BD450 .C375 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Transforming society : reflections on the kingdom and politics. Melba Padilla Maggay. BR115.W6 M29 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. BX – Christian denominations

Understanding Davaoeño values of Southern Mindanao : Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, & Davao Oriental. Tomas D. Andres. BD435 .U5 v.22. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Understanding Ilonggo values. Tomas D. Andres. BD435 .U5 v.19. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Understanding the values of Central Mindanao : Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, Maguindanao, North Cotabato, & Sultan Kudarat. Tomas D. Andres. BD435 .U5 v.24-A. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Understanding the values of Eastern Visayas : Leyte & Samar. Tomas D. Andres. BD435.U5 v. 20. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Guided by God : the legacy of the Catholic Church in Philippine politics. Steven Shirley. BX1658.2 .S54 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Inquirer moments : reflections on the Sunday Gospel published in the Philippine Daily Inquirer : cycle c. Jerry M. Orbos. BX2170. C55 O7 2003. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Journeys for the spirit. Alice Colet Villadolid ; foreword by Dennis T. Gonzalez. BX2320.5P6 V54 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. On the road with San Lorenzo. Erno Diaz. BX4705.R72859 D54 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Understanding the values of the people of Cebu and Central Visayas. Tomas D. Andres. BD435 .U5 v.18. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Missionaries and development. Carlos R. Medina. BX3482.P6 M45 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Understanding the values of Western Mindanao : Zamboanga, Sulu, Basilan & Tawi-tawi. Tomas D. Andres. BD435 .U5 v.23-A. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

To love and to suffer : the development of the religious congregations for women in the Spanish Philippines, 15651898. Luciano P. R. Santiago. BX4200 .S26 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

BF – Psychology D – History (General) Back to the basics : fundamental principles and values for nation building. Oliver M. Tuazon, editor. BF723.P4 B34 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. BJ – Ethics 12 little things every Filipino can do to help our country. Alexander L. Lacson. BJ1581.2 .L29 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

The battle of Leyte Gulf : the last fleet action. H.P. Willmott. D774.P6 W54 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Introduction to global military history : 1775 to the present day. Jeremy Black. D295 .B58 2005. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre.

The moral theology of Pope John Paul II. Charles E. Curran. BJ1249 .C778 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation.

Themes in modern European history since 1945. Edited by Rosemary Wakeman. D840 .T44 2003. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre.

BL – Religion

DA – History. Great Britain

Pagsubok sa ilang : ikaapat na mukha ni satanas. Tony Perez ; pinatnugutan at may huling salita ni Dennis T. Gonzalez. BL53 .P38 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

George III. Christopher Wright. DA506.A2 W74 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation. DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 38 No. 9 September 2007 - 5

DD – History. Germany A history of modern Germany : 1871 to present. Dietrich Orlow. DD220 .O74 2002. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre.

Governance matters : selected writings & speeches. Jejomar C. Binay. DS689.M34 B56 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Healing the past, building the future (soundings from Mindanao). Antonio J. Ledesma. DS688 .M2 L44 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

DK – History. Soviet Union A history of Russia. Walter G. Moss. DK40 .M67 2002. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre. DL – History. Sweden World heritage sites in Sweden. Leif Anker, Gunilla Litzell, Bengt A. Lundberg. DL621 .A5513 2002. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre.

Hinubog sa batong buhay : mga natatanging Bulakenyo sa kasaysayan. Ray S. Naguit, Victor C. Ramos. DS688.B8 N34 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. The history of Mindanao. Reuben R. Canoy. DS688.M2 .C34 2003. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

DS – Philippine history

The I stories : the Philippine revolution and the Filipino-American war as told by its eyewitnesses and participants. Augusto V. De Viana, editor and compiler. DS679 .I4 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Adios, patria adorada : the Filipino as ilustrado, the ilustrado as Filipino. Alfredo R. Roces. DS675 .R64 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

The Ibatan : a genealogy of the people of Babuyan Claro island. compiled by Judith Y.M. Maree. DS666.B36 I24 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

As I see it : Filipinos and the Philippines. Pura Santillan-Castrense. DS655 .C37 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Iconography of the new empire : race and gender images and the American colonization of the Philippines. Servando D. Halili, Jr. DS685 .H35 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Authentic though not exotic : essays on Filipino identity. Fernando Nakpil Zalciata. DS663 .Z5 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Mga bagong bayani : modern Filipino heroes. [Asuncion David Maramba, editor]. DS686.615 B34 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Bayani ng iba’t ibang panahon. [tinipon ni] Francis Jay-R Campus. DS653.7 B39 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. The blood of government : race, empire, the United States, & the Philippines. Paul A. Kramer. DS685 .K7 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Ciudad murada : a walk through historic Intramuros. Jose Victor Z. Torres ; foreword by Augusto F. Villalon ; afterword by Jaime C. Laya. DS689.I5 T67 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Davao del Norte : banana capital of the Philippines. Amada T. Valino. DS688.D3 V25 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. The diorama experience : a visual history of the Philippines. Reynaldo C. Ileto. DS668 I39 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Dynamics and directions of the GRP-MILF peace negotiations. Soliman M. Santos, Jr. DS666.M7 S25 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Espanya : kasaysayan, kalinangan at mga gunita ng paglalakbay. Jaime B. Veneracion. DS673.S7 V46 2003. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

6 - DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 38 No. 9 September 2007

Insight pocket guide : Manila. [written by Julie Gaw ; updated by Patrick Lucero]. DS689.M2 G38 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. John F. Hurley, S.J. : wartime superior, 1941-1945 in the Philippines. John F. Hurley ; annotated by Jose S. Arcilla. DS686.4 .H87 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Jose Rizal : iba’t ibang pagtanaw. Frank G. Rivera ; introduksyon ni Rolando C. Esteban ; pinamatnugutan ni Arthur P. Casanova. DS675.8R5 R58245 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Jose Rizal : over his dead body. Victor C. Ramos, Erlinda D. Lalic. DS675.8.R5 R34 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Kapwa : the self in the other worldviews and lifestyles of Filipino culture-bearers. Katrin De Guia. DS663 .D39 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Kasaysayan ng Filipinas at mga institusyong Filipino. Eden M. Gripaldo ... [et al.]. DS673.8 K36 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Leaves on the water : the struggle for survival of Pinatubo Aetas. Rufino G. Tima. DS666.A3 T55 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Light a fire II : confessions of a Jesuit terrorist-son. Eduardo B. Olaguer. DS686.6.O4 .A3 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Masay : the untold story of a Japanese woman’s heroic compassion towards her fellowmen circa World War II, Philippine arena. Celia Hernando Tobia-Bulan. DS686.6A45 B84 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Monografias de los pueblos de la isla de Pan-ay =Monographs of the towns in Panay. Juan Fernandez ; translated by Jose G. Espinosa, Jr. ; with an introduction by Policarpo Hernandez. DS688.P2 F4713 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Mga natatanging anak ng Paete. Cornelio T. Africano ; illustrasyon ni Manuel D. Baldemor ; pinamatnugutan at introduksyon ni Arthur P. Casanova. DS689.P3 A34 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Noli Me Tangere 2 “Where to now, my country?. Roger P. Olivares. DS675.8R47 A85156 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

of the West Bank. Daniel Dor. DS119.76 .D68 2005. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre. Through the eye of the storm : random notes of Danilo P. Vizmanos. DS686.6.V59 A3 2000. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Through the eyes of the law : an account of the legal consequence of People Power 2. Narciso M. Aguilar. DS686.62.A37 2003. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Pangulong Erap : biograpiyang sosyopulitikal at pangkalinangan ni Joseph Ejercito Estrada. Zeus A. Salazar. DS686.616.E87 S34 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Transcending Rizal : Margarita Ventenilla Hamada’s collected articles, letters and speeches on the controversial Jose Rizal and on the even more controversial cure she offers for the social ills he saw. DS675.8.R49 .H35 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Patterns of continuity and change : imaging the Japanese in Philippine editorial cartoons, 1930-1941 and 1946-1956. Helen Yu-Rivera. DS685 .R58 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Trapo governance and the cha cha conspiracy : more power to those in power, none for the people. Manuel E. Valdehuesa, Jr. DS686.614 .V34 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Pestilence in the Philippines : a social history of the Filipino people, 1571-1800. Luis Camara Dery. DS674 .D49 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

The trial of Andres Bonifacio : the appeal. Abraham F. Sarmiento. DS675.8.B7 S27 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Philippine society and revolution. Amado Guerrero [i.e. Jose Maria Sison]. DS668 .S57 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

When the world loved the Filipinos and other essays on Philippine history. Luis Camara Dery. DS668 .D49 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Philippines in crisis : U.S. power versus local revolt. Donald Kirk. DS686.614 K574 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

World trends and new directions for Philippine foreign policy, 2004-2010. DS686.614 W67 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

The promise of the foreign : nationalism and the technics of translation in the Spanish Philippines. Vicente L. Rafael. DS675 .R34 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

E – History. America (General)

Rights-based Philippine governance review. Edited by Josefina N. Natividad. DS686.614 R54 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Rizal and heroic traditions : a sense of national destiny. Pablo S. Trillana, III. DS675.8.R5 T76 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Rizal through a glass darkly : a spiritual biography. Javier De Pedro. DS675.8.R5 D4436 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Rizal, the scientist : proceedings of a seminar in commemoration of the Rizal death centennial (1896), June 20, 1997. Edited by Ambeth R. Ocampo and Andrew Gonzalez. DS675.8.R5 R6 2002. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Positively no Filipinos allowed : building communities and discourse. Edited by Antonio T. Tiongson, Jr., Edgardo V. Gutierrez, and Ricardo V. Gutierrez ; foreword by Lisa Lowe. E184.F4 P674 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. G – Geography (General). Voyages and travels (General) The archipelago sanctuaries. [Amadis Ma. Guerrero]. G155.P6 G84 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Sustainable tourism : challenges for the Philippines. Edited by Ramon Benedicto A. Alampay.G156.5E6 S87 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. GN – Anthropology

The Samals in history and legend. Margarita Delos Reyes Cojuangco. DS666.S3 C67 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Gabay sa fildwurk. Consuelo Joaquin-Paz.GN346 .P39 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Significant change stories : Caraga region 13 Mindanao, Philippines. [photography and cover design by Jimmy A. Domingo]. DS688.M2 S54 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Indigenous peoples & the convention on biological diversity. GN671.P6 I4 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

The study of Philippine history. Rebecca R. Ongsotto, Reena R. Ongsotto, Rowena Maria Ongsotto. DS667.2 .O67 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

The minoritization of the indigenous communities of Mindanao and the Sulu archipelago. B.R. Rodil. GN671.P6 R64 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

We, indigenous peoples : a compilation of indigenous peoples’ The suppression of guilt : the Israeli media and the reoccupation DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 38 No. 9 September 2007 - 7

declarations. GN671.P6 W4 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. GR – Folklore Mga alamat, pabula, epiko at kuwentong bayan. [Zynna Gonzaga]. GR325 .G66 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Folk narratives from our forefathers. collected and edited by Gaudencio V. Aquino. GR325 .F654 2000. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Circulation. Economics and the theory of games. Fernando Vega-Redondo. HB144 .V44 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation. Entrepreneurship, investment and spatial dynamics : lessons and implications for an enlarged EU. Edited by Peter Nijkamp, Ronald L. Moomaw, Iulia Traistaru-Siedschlag. HB615 .E5875 2006. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre. Further mathematics for economic analysis. Knut Sydster ...[et al.]. HB135 .F87 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation.

Myths & legends of the Philippines. stories [written] by Marlene Aguilar ; editor, Michael Cassey ; artworks, Jun A. Martinez ; design and layout, Alexander V. Pascual ; photography, Demetrio. GR325 .M97 2007. 4th floor,

The possibility of politics : a study in the political economy of the welfare state. Stein Ringen ; with a new introduction by the author. HB846.8 .R56 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation.

Mga panibagong kulam sa pag-ibig. Tony Perez ; Susie BaclagonBorrero, editor. GR460 .P47 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Quantitative techniques. Satish Chandra Srivastava, S. Srivastava. HB135 .S64 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation.

Twelve stories for twelve stamps & words of wisdom : a cultural anthology of traditional literature from the Philippines. compiled by Jean Lieffers, editor, Austina McFarland, Mafe Quimba. GR325 .T84 2003. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

The ties that bind : population and development in the Philippines. [Luningning Achacoso-Sevilla, editor]. HB3649 .T54 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. HC – Economic history and conditions

GV – Physical education and training. Dance Designing resistance training programs. Steven J. Fleck, William J. Kraemer. GV505 .F54 2004. Andrew Gonzalez Hall Library. Filipino world champions. Juan dela Cruz. GV697.A1 .D44 2005. Andrew Gonzalez Hall Library, 4th floor, Filipiniana. Modern teaching of physical education : [strictly according to the UGC syllabus for B.Ed. Course]. M.U. Qureshi. GV361 .Q74 2004. Andrew Gonzalez Hall Library. Teaching children gymnastics. Peter H. Werner. GV464.5 .W47 2004. Andrew Gonzalez Hall Library. Treading through : 45 years of Philippine dance. Basilio Esteban S. Villaruz. GV1703.P6 V56 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. H – Social sciences (General) Systematic qualitative data research : an introduction for Filipino practitioners. Wilfredo F. Arce. H62 .A69 2001. 4th floor, Filipiniana. HA – Statistics NCR, National Capital Region. HA4612 .I26 2002 v.15. 4th floor, Filipiniana. HB – Economic theory. Demography Behavioral game theory : experiments in strategic interaction. Colin F. Camerer. HB144 .C35 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation.

Chinese traders in a Philippine town : from daily competition to urban transformation. Norbert Dannhaeuser. HC453 .D36 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. The economic potential of a larger Europe. Edited by Klaus Liebscher ... [et al.]. HC241 .E24 2004. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre. The economics of European integration : limits and prospects. Miroslav N. Jovanoviac. HC241 .J678 2005. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre. Emerging market economies and European economic integration. Edited by R. Scott Hacker, Borje Johansson, Charlie Karlsson. HC241 .E874 2002. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre. Environmental regulation in the new global economy : the impact on industry and competitiveness. Rhys Jenkins ... [et al.]. HC240.9.E5 E58 2002. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre. European political economy : political science perspectives. Leila Simona Talani. HC240 .T34 2004. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre. Gaining insights on the CBMS application : the case of the Philippines : proceedings of the 2004 National Conference on CBMS, September 23-24, 2004, Makati City, Philippines. HC451 .N37 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Globalizing Europe : deepening integration, alliance capitalism, and structural statecraft. Edited by Thomas L. Brewer, Paul A. Econometrics. Stephen J. Schmidt. HB139 .S34 3rd floor,2007 Brenton, Gavin Boyd. HC241 .G57 2002. Ground floor, European 8 - DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 38 No.2005. 9 September

Documentation and Research Centre. Hunger, corruption and betrayal : a primer on U.S. neocolonialism and the Philippine crisis. Alejandro Lichauco. HC455 .L5 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

of work and personal life. Edited by Bram Peper, Anneke van Doorne-Huiskes, Laura den Dulk. HD4904.25 .F54 2005. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre. Gender, information technology, and health. Jinky Leilani Del Prado-Lu. HD6195 .L8 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Knowledge spillovers and knowledge management. Edited by Charlie Karlsson, Per Flensburg, Sven-Ake Horte. HC79.T4 K56 2004. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre.

Leadership for sustainable futures : achieving success in a competitive world. Gayle C. Avery. HD57.7 .A85 2005. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre.

Poverty and subsidiarity in Europe : minimum protection from an economic perspective. Didier Fouarge. HC240.9.P54 F68 2004. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre.

A project feasibility study guidebook for Filipino students—and entrepreneurs. Jorge H. Cuyugan. HD30.24 C88 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

The Road Beyond EDSA : the Post-Estrada Reform Agenda : [a conference], Manila Galleria Suites, 02 July 2001. HC79.P6 R6 2001. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Older women and private pensions in the United Kingdom. James H. Schulz. HD7105.35.G7 S38 2000. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre.

Satanic mills or silicon islands? : the politics of high-tech production in the Philippines. Steven C. McKay. HC460.H53 M34 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

On creating competition and strategic restructuring : regulatory reform in public utilities. Edited by Emiel F.M. Wubben and Willem Hulsink. HD2768.E8514 O5 2003. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre.

Second Philippines progress report on the millennium development goals. HC460.P6 S4 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. War and social change in modern Europe : the great transformation revisisted. Sandra Halperin. HC240 .H256 2004. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre. HD – Economic history and conditions. Industrial management. Production Agricultural trade liberalization in the Philippines : policy history and competing perspectives. Leland Joseph R. de la Cruz, Marissa Maricosa A. Paderon. HD9016.P62 D4 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Cancellation of land titles : pulling the rug from under agrarian reform. Frances Theresa C. Lo ; [edited by Nina Iszatt and Lia Esquillo]. HD1333.P6 L59 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Corporate governance : concepts, values and practices. [by Emmanuel Tiu Santos]. HD2741 .S26 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

‘Paalis ka na pala’ : gabay para sa OFW. Susan V. Ople. HD6300 .O64 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Supply response to agricultural trade liberalization in Mindanao. Georgina Jordan. HD9016.P6 J67 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Trust and entrepreneurship : a West-East perspective. Edited by Hans-Hermann Hohmann, Friederike Welter. HD2346.E9 T78 2005. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre. Water privatization : corporate control versus people’s control. Ibon Databank and Research Center. HD1698.P6 W37 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. HE – Cellular telephone system. Internet Transforming technologies, altered selves : mobile phone and internet use in the Philippines. Raul Pertierra. HE9715.P6 T87 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. HF – Commerce

Corporation : a global business simulation. Jerald R. Smith, Peggy A. Golden ; Vive Patel, technical consultant. HD30.28 .S576 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation. Due diligence : the critical stage in mergers and acquisitions. Peter Howson. HD2746.55.G7 H68 2003. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre. Exit strategy planning : grooming your business for sale or succession. John Hawkey. HD1393.4.G7 H38 2002. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre.

Accounting for partnership corporation. Ma. Violeta Viray Vicente, Violeta M. Calanog. HF5686.P225 V48 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. The fall of advertising and the rise of PR. Al Ries and Laura Ries. HF5823 .R54 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation. Financial accounting. Conrado T. Valix, Jose F. Peralta. HF5635 .V34 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Financial accounting and reporting : theory and practice. Flexible working and organisational change : the integration DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 38 No. 9 September 2007 - 9

Ma. Elenita Balatbat Cabrera. HF5635 .C247 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Fundamentals of accounting. Mercedes Bartolome-Kimwell. HF5635 .K554 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Human resources management Philippine industrial setting : with suggested activities, exercises, and case problems. Lourdes Landicho-Evangelista, Tomas Quintin Donato Andres, Elmer G. de Jose. HF5549 .E9 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

HQ – The family. Marriage. Woman Global divas : Filipino gay men in the diaspora. Martin F. Manalansan, IV. HQ76.2.P6 M36 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Love, desire, children, etc. : reflections of a young wife. Rica Bolipata-Santos. HQ759 .S36 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. HT – Communities. Classes. Races

Management accounting : concepts and applications. Ma. Elenita Balatbat Cabrera. HF5657.4 C3 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Practical accounting. Conrado O. Uberita. HF5635 .U24 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Principles of auditing and other assurance services. Ma. Elenita Balatbat Cabrera. HF5667 .C2545 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Statements of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) and International Accounting Standards (IAS) : a compilation ; Board of Accountancy resolutions. [Compiled and edited by Iwag Printing and Publishing Editorial Board]. HF5616.P6 S74 2003. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Theory of accounts. Conrado T. Valix. HF5661 .V347 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. HG – Finance The Bangko Sentral & the Philippine economy. [overview by Rafael Carlos B. Buenaventura ; edited by Vicente B. Valdepenas, Jr.]. HG3316 .B36 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Banking theory and practice. Mercedes M. Leuterio, Consuelo B. Estepa. HG1601 .L48 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Elements of the euro area : integrating financial markets. Edited by Jesper Berg, Mauro Grande, Francesco Paolo Mongelli. HG5422 .E44 2005. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre.

European cities in the knowledge economy : the cases of Amsterdam, Dortmund, Eindhoven, Helsinki, Manchester, Munich, Meunster, Rotterdam, and Zaragpza. Leo van Berg ... [et al.]. HT169. E8 E97 2005. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre. HV – Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology Back on track : making community-based diversion work for children in conflict with the law : a documentation of FREELAVA’s experience in Cebu City, Philippines. HV9205.C5 B34 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Invisible realities, forgotten voices : the women on death row from a gender and rights-based perspective. [research by] Philippine Human Rights Information Center (PhilRights) and Women’s Education, Development Productivity & Research Organization (WEDPRO). HV9806 .I58 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. JC – Theory of state The modern principalia : the historical evolution of the Philippine ruling oligarchy. Dante C. Simbulan. JC419 .S55 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. JF – Political science. General works How to win an election : lessons from the experts. Edited by Chay Florentino Hofilena. JF2112.C3 H68 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

HJ – Public finance JN – Political science. Europe Analysis of the President’s budget for 2002 : accounting for new modes of financing the fiscal deficit. Rosario G. Manasan. HJ2167 .M36 2002. 4th floor, Filipiniana. HM – Sociology

Decentralizing the civil service : from unitary state to differentiated polity in the United Kingdom. R.A.W. Rhodes ... [et al.]. JN425 .D44 2003. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre.

Organizing for social change : a dialectic journey of theory and praxis. Michael J. Papa, Arvind Singhal, Wendy H. Papa. HM766 .P36 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation.

Democracy in modern Spain. Richard Gunther, Jose Ramon Montero and Joan Botella. JN8341 .G86 2004. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre.

HN – Social problems

The European dream. Walter Gerhard Schwimmer ; [foreword by Chris Patten]. JN15 .S34 2004. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre.

Views from the Pampang and other scenes. Alex R. Castro. HN720.P28 .C37 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

10 - DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 38 No. 9 September 2007The evolution of green politics : development and change within European Green Parties. Jon Burchell. JN94.A979 B87 2002.

Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre. French politics and society. Alistair Cole. JN2594.2 .C64 2005. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre.

Perspectives in politics : public and foreign : rationalizing the irrationalities of politics. Jose David Lapuz. JQ1410 .L37 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

The French presidential and legislative elections of 2002. Edited by John Gaffney. JN2959 .F74 2004. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre.

Philippine democracy assessment : free and fair elections and the democratic role of political parties. Edna E. A. Co ... [et al.]. JQ1418 .P44 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

The German polity. David P. Conradt. JN3971.A58 C66 2005. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre.

Separation of powers and impeachment. Reynaldo B. Aralar. JQ1405 .A7 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Informal governance in the European union. Edited by Thomas Christiansen, Simona Piattoni. JN30 .I54 2003. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre.

The vote of the poor : modernity and tradition in people’s views of leadership and elections. JQ1418 .V67 2005. Andrew Gonzalez Hall Library, 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Managing complexity in the public services. Philip Haynes. JN318 H39 2003. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre.

JS – Local government

The new British politics. Ian Budge ... [et al.]. JN231 .N48 2004. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre. Politics UK. Bill Jones, editor ... [et al.] ; with additional material by Barrie Axford ... [et al.] ; and concluding comments by Simon Heffer ... [et al.]. JN231 .P65 2004. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre. Post-communist EU member states : parties and party systems. [edited by] Susanne Jungerstam-Mulders. JN96.A979 P66 2006. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre. Public sector information in the digital age : between markets, public management and citizens’ rights. Edited by Georg Aichholzer, Herbert Burkert. JN30 .P84 2004. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre. Recovering power : the Conservatives in opposition since 1867. Edited by Stuart Ball and Anthony Seldon. JN1129.C7 R44 2005. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre. Regionalism contested : institution, society and governance. Edited by Iwona Sagan, Henrik Halkier. JN94.A38 R4387 2005. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre. JQ – Political science. Asia. Africa. Latin America Cockfight, horserace, boxing match : why elections are covered as sport : lessons learned from the 2004 campaign coverage. Sheila S. Coronel, Yvonne T. Chua, Isagani de Castro, Jr. JQ1418 .C67 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Decentralization, democratic governance, and civil society in comparative perspective : Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Edited by Philip Oxhorn, Joseph S. Tulchin, and Andrew D. Selee. JQ1875.A55 D44 2004. Andrew Gonzalez Hall Library.

Decentralized capacity-building. JS7303.A3 D4 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Propelling growth, managing costs : a challenge to local governments. Letty C. Tumbaga, Marilou M. Sabado. JS7307.3 .T8 2003. 4th floor, Filipiniana. JZ – International relations The Atlantic alliance under stress : US-European relations after Iraq. Edited by David M. Andrews. JZ1480.A54 A85 2005. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre. Beyond the silencing of the guns. Edited by Chandra K. Roy, Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, Amanda Romero-Medina. JZ5574 .B48 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation. Diplomatic interventions : conflict and change in a globalizing world. K.M. Fierke. JZ6368 .F54 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation. International relations in Europe : traditions, perspectives and destinations. Edited by Knud Erik Jorgensen and Tonny Brems Knudsen. JZ1570 .I57 2006. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre. The new world architecture : the role of the European Union in the making of global governance. Jose M. Magone. JZ1570 .M34 2006. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre. KF – Common and collective state law Ejectment and rent control : law and jurisprudence. Reynaldo B. Aralar. KF5625.33.R33 A74 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Textbook on the Philippine Constitution. Hector S. de Leon. KF5624.1 D38 2005. Andrew Gonzalez Hall Library, 4th floor, Filipiniana.

In the name of civil society : from free election movements to KJC – Law. Europe people power in the Philippines. Eva-Lotta E. Hedman. JQ1416 DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 38 No. 9 September 2007 - 11 .H44 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

KPM1004 .H37 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Energy law and the environment. Patricia D. Park. KJC6848. A42002 P37 2002. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre.

Handbook on probation and parole systems in the Philippines. Levi Mallari Regoso. KPM4830 .A74 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

KJE – Law. Europe. Regional comparative and uniform law

How to file and pay the capital gains tax. [Raineer Q. Chu]. KPM2790 .C48 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Cases and materials on EU law. Stephen Weatherill. KJE945 .W4 2006. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre.

Katarungang pambarangay. Norman Chionglo-Sia. KPM3755 .S5 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

EC competition law. D.G. Goyder. KJE6456 .G69 2003. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre. EU law. Josephine Steiner, Lorna Woods and Christian TwiggFlesner. KJE947 .S7 2006. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre. EU law : text, cases, and materials. Paul Craig and Grainne de Burca. KJE945 .C7 2003. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre. European Union law. Margot Horspool ... [et al.]. KJE947 .E865 2006. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre. The evolution of labour law (1992-2003). Silvana Sciarra. KJE2855 .S35 2005. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre. KPM – Philippine law Agency, sales, bailments and/or credit transactions law and jurisprudence. Reynaldo B. Aralar. KPM863 .A7 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Comprehensive agrarian reform law : annotated. Rufus B. Rodriguez. KPM985.7 R6 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Conflicting laws, overlapping claims : the politics of indigenous people’s land rights in Mindanao. Aida T. Vidal. KPM2315.M55 V54 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. e-VAT : the law and regulations : R.A. 9337, the VAT Reform Act. compiled by eAsia Outsourcing & Marketing Services. KPM3147 .E8 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

The law on annulment of marriage : rules of disengagement : how to regain your freedom to remarry in the Philippines. Jim V. Lopez. KPM572 .L66 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Laws on education in the Philippines. Romeo B. Natino. KPM1610 .N37 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Mass media laws and regulations in the Philippines. annotated compilation, with commentaries, and other background material by Luis V. Teodoro Jr. and Rosalinda V. Kabatay. KPM1065 .M37 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Negotiable instruments law and jurisprudence. Reynaldo B. Aralar. KPM880 .A9 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Philippine taxation handbook : a simplified course with easy matrix guide to all internal revenue taxes based on the internal revenue code as amended by Republic Act No. 9337, E-VAT Law : tax forms and tax deadlines, list of relevant/latest BIR issuances, tips to reduce the tax burden, quick guide on Philippine taxation. Danilo A. Duncano. KPM2790 .D84 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Tax principles and remedies. Japar B. Dimaampao. KPM2790 .D56 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. LA – History of education The Filipinos : their education yesterday and today. author, editor, Yolanda V. Javier ; editor, consultant, Martha Alegre Mogol ; consultants, Erlinda C. Pefianco, Nilo S. Rosas, Teresita G. Inciong. LA205 .J38 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Pilosopiya ng edukasyon. Angel S. Recto. LA1292 .R4 2004. Andrew Gonzalez Hall Library, 4th floor, Filipiniana. LB – Theory and practice of education

Gender sensitivity in the family courts. Myrna S. Feliciano .. [et al.]. KPM3441 .G46 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. A guide to investigation of common procurement fraud and irregularities. Heidi L. Mendoza. KPM850 .M46 2002. 4th floor, Filipiniana. A handbook on fishery law enforcement team training. [edited by Josefina Ma. Ferriols-Pauico and Sahlee C. Bugna-Barrer].


Educational research, policymaking and practice. Martyn Hammersley.LB1028.25.G7 H35 2002. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre. Professional board examination for teachers : a reviewer. Adela E. Pena.LB1765.P6 P45 2006. Andrew Gonzalez Hall Library, 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Skills for preschool teachers. Janice J. Beaty.LB1115 .B4 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation. - DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 38 No. 9 September 2007

P – Philology and linguistics (General) A sourcebook to the museum of the Filipino people. [text, Sandra Castro].LB1047 .S68 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Teaching science in the primary classroom : a practical guide. Hellen Ward ... [et al.].LB1585.5.G7 T4 2005. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre. LC – Special aspects of education American education. Joel Spring.LC191.4 S68 2004. Ground floor, American Studies Resource Center.

Citizens’ media monitor : a report on the campaign and elections coverage in the Philippines, 2004. [editors, Melinda Quintos de Jesus and Luis V. Teodoro]. P96.C76 C57 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Current issues in Philippine linguistics and anthropology : parangal kay Lawrence A. Reid. Edited by Hsiu-chuan Liao, Carl R. Galvez Rubino. P19 .C87 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Media production. Edited by David Hesmondhalgh. P90 .M39 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Edukasyong pampubliko : ang karanasan ng Kabite, 1898-1913. Emmanuel Franco Calairo.LC67.58.P6 C34 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

PL – Philippine literature. Collections

LG – Education. Philippines

Affirming the Filipino : an anthology of Philippine literature. Edited by Ma. Teresa Martinez-Sicat and Naida U. Rivera. PL6153 .A44 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Culture of excellence, culture of conscience : the first five Filipino Dominican rectors of the University of Santo Tomas : essays. the following, Lourd Ernest de Veyra ... [et al.]. LG204.A3 C84 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Agnoia. Liza C. Magtoto. PL6153 .U26 v.20. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Down from the hill : Ateneo de Manila in the first ten years under martial law, 1972-1982. Edited by Cristina Jayme Montiel, Susan Evangelista. LG221.Q4 D68 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Ang aktibistang GI-syphilis. Januar Ereno Yap. PL6153 .U26 v.39. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Alamat ng ating tag-araw at iba pang mga tula. Soselyn A. Floresca. PL6153 .U26 v.11. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

M – Folk music Mga katutubong awiting Pangasinan = Cancansion na Pangasinan. M1822 .K37 2002. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Ali*bang+bang at iba pang kwento. Rolando B. Tolentino. PL6165.4.T67 A44 2003. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Almario. PL6165.4.C348 .B37 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

ML – National music Myth, mimesis and magic in the music of the T’boli, Philippines. Manolete Mora. ML3758.P6 M67 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Tunugan : four essays on Filipino music. Ramon Pagayon Santos. ML3758.P6 S35 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. NC – Caricature. Pictorial humor and satire Huling ptyk : da art of Nonoy Marcelo. [Edited by] Pandy Aviado, sylvia Mayuga and Dario Marcelo. NC1729.M37 H84 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

At nabulag ang tagapagsalaysay. Alvin B. Yapan. PL6153 .U26 v.40. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Balikas na Caboloan. Santiago B. Villafania. PL6153 .U26 v.38. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Bathaluman at ibang kuwento. Domingo C. Landicho. PL6165.4.L34 B37 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Ang batang nangarap maging isda : mga tula. Ronaldo Carcamo ; may introduksiyon ni Virgilio S. PL6165.4.C348 .B37 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

ND – Painting Ani : the life and art of Hermogena Borja Lungay, Boholano painter. Marjorie Evasco. ND1029.L85 E9 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Dangal ng Angono. Ligaya G. Tiamson Rubin ; mga patnugot, Lilibeth R. Oblena, Patnubay B. Tiamson. ND1029.B63 R8 2006. L4th floor, Filipiniana. Discovering Manansala. Isabel A. Nazareno. ND1029.M35 .N39 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Bayan at lipunan : ang kritisismo ni Bienvenido L. Lumbera. Rosario Torrres-Yu, editor. PL6141 .L85 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Bedtime stories : mga dula sa relasyong sexual. Rene O. Villanueva. PL6165.4 .V719 B44 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Ang buhay ay pelikula : isang dula. Dennis N. Marasigan. PL6153 .U26 v.23. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Bulaklak sa city jail. Lualhati Bautista. PL6165.4.B35 .B79 2006. DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 38 No. 9 September 2007 - 13

4th floor, Filipiniana. Bunton-buntong hininga. Jema M. Pamintuan. PL6153 .U26 v.29. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Calvary road : mga kuwento sa balighong panahon. Abdon M. Balde, Jr. PL6165.4B164 C34 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Fr. Francisco Coronel’s Arte y reglas : Kapampangan grammar and rules, circa 1621. transcription, translation and annotation by Edilberto V. Santos. PL5992 .C6713 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

City driving and other essays. Ma. Georgina J. Verdolaga. PL6153 U26 v.37. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Frank G. Rivera’s halik sa kampilan (dulang-kambayoka). Frank G. Rivera ; edited by Arthur P. Casanova, Felix P. Tapongot & Louela B. Floresca ; introduction by Romeo Narvaez. PL6165.4.R58 F69 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Collection of poems, quotations and verses. Compiled by Zynna Gonzaga. PL6148 .C64 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Frog leap and other stories. Anna Felicia Sanchez. PL6153 .U26 v.33. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Dalawang Villanueva : dulang ganap ang haba at maikling nobelang pangkabataan. Rene O. Villanueva. PL6165.4.V719 D34 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Gagamba sa uhay = [Spider on a stalk] : kalipunan ng mga Haiku. Rogelio G. Mangahas ; [may salin sa Ingles ni Marne L. Kilates ; may introduksiyon ni Virgilio S. Almario]. PL6165.4M35 .G34 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

A day in a poet’s life and other poems. Raul G. Moldez. PL6153 .U26 v.26. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Desisyon. Lualhati Bautista. PL6165.4.B35 D48 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Diaspora at iba pang mga kwento. Genoveva Edroza Matute ; introduksyon ni Bienvenido L. Lumbera. PL6165.4 M4 D5 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Diksyunaryong English-Maguindanaon-Filipino. [proyekto ng] Panrehiyong Sentro sa Wikang Filipino, Cotabato City State Polytechnic College. PL6056 .D55 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Dila ng bayan. Isagani R. Medina. PL6057 .M44 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Disturbing the universive : poems. Gabriela Lee. PL6153 .U26 v.19. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Mga dulang may isang yugto : batay sa Noli at Fili ni Dr. Jose Rizal. Genoveva Edroza Matute, Arthur P. Casanova. PL6163.2 M37 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Early Philippine literature : from ancient times to 1940. Edited by Asuncion David Maramba. PL6153 .E2 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Enkant(aw)o ag iba pa nga matag-ud nga istorya. John E. Barrios. PL6153 .U26 v.3. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Intellectual mass starvation at iba pang mga kuwento. Vladimeir B. Gonzales. PL6153 .U26 v.14. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Iring-iring sa Tingbitay sa Iro. Michael Obenieta. PL6153 .U26 v.28. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Isa na namang pagtingala sa buwan. Edgar Calabia Samar. PL6153 .U26 v.32. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Jungle planet and other stories. Lakambini A. Sitoy. PL6165.4.S67 J86 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Katulong sa pugad ng dayuhan : ang kuwento ng isang OFW. Zenaida S. Magno. PL6165.4.M22344 K37 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Kilates : panunuring pampanitikan ng Pilipinas. Rosario TorresYu. PL6141 .T67 2006. Andrew Gonzalez Hall Library, 4th floor, Filipiniana. Koleksiyon ng mga retrato : mga tula. Mayet C. Culibao. PL6153 .U26 v.9. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Kung ang tula ay pwedeng pambili ng lalaki : mga tula. John Iremil E. Teodoro. PL6165.4T46 K86 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Kuwadro numero uno : mga tula. Benilda S. Santos. PL6165.4.S2366 K88 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Estranghero at iba pang mga tula. Enrico C. Torralba. PL6153 .U26 v.35. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Mga kuwentong lagalag . Nonon Villaluz Carandang. PL6153 .U26 v.7. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Fate’s line. Debbie Ann L. Tan. PL6153 .U26 v.34. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Filipino at pagpaplanong pangwika : ikalawang sourcebook ng SANGFIL. Pamela C. Constantino, patnugot. PL6051 .F555 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Last words and other poems. Rosendo M. Makabali. PL6153 .U26 v.21. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Laugh trip : dalawang komedya. Chris Martinez. PL6165.4.M38 L38 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Florante at Laura ni Francisco Balagtas. Virgilio S. Almario, editor. PL6165.3.B35 F67 2003. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Little freedoms. Maryanne Moll. PL6153 .U26 v.27. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

14 - DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 38 No. 9 September 2007Luto, linis, laba : isang dula: tatlong yugto. Alfred A. Yuson.

PL6165.4Y87 L87 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Makata sa cellphone : mga dalit, diona, tanaga, at iba pang tulang sari-sari’t mga bersong sala-salabid—. Frank G. Rivera ; introduksyon ni Hermie Beltran ; pinamatnugutan nina Arthur P. Casanova at Rolando S. Esteban. PL6165.4.R58 M35 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Mangyan treasures : the Ambahan : a poetic expression of the Mangyans of Southern Mindoro, Philippines. collected, arranged, and explained by Antoon Postma. PL5946.A3 P6 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Philippine literature : a regional approach. Delia B. CariagaEnriquez. PL6153 .E5 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Mga piling dulang pambata. Arthur P. Casanova, manunulat-editor ; tampok ang mga dulang pambata nina Tony Perez ... [et al.]. PL6164.3 .P54 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Mga piling dulang pantinedyer. Arthur P. Casanova, manunulat -editor ; tampok ang mga dulang pantinedyer nina Paul A. Dumol ... [et al.]. PL6164.3 C37 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Mirage and other stories. Peter Mayshle. PL6153 .U26 v.25. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Pinoy odyssey 2049. Mario Ignacio Miclat ; [with an introduction by Virgilio S. Almario]. PL6165.4.M53 P5 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Ms. Philippines. Isagani R. Cruz. PL6165.4C93 M57 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Pocket English-Filipino-English dictionary. Renato Perdon. PL6056 .P46 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Mula. Rosmon Tuazon. PL6165.4.T84 M84 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Pram Saudi wit lab : Brigoli ken dua pay a sarita. Julio V. Belmes. PL6153 .U26 v.4. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Mula sa mga pakpak ng entablado : poetika ng dulaang kababaihan. Joi Barrios. PL6165.4.B345 M84 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Puera biro at iba pang katha. Ben Villar Condino. PL6165.4.C6975 P84 2003. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Ang mundong ito ay lupa. Edgardo M. Reyes. PL6165.4R396 M86 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Pulot-gata/sa huling pahina : mga dula. Chris Martinez. PL6153 .U26 v.24. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Ngalang Pinoy : a primer on Filipino wordplay. selected and edited by Neni Sta. Romana-Cruz ; photographed by Dindo Llana & Dindin Najera ; illustrated by Dino Llana. PL6059.4 .N4 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Puntong Batangan. Marian Pastor Roces, kasama ang mga litratong kuha ni Neal Oshima/with photographs by Neal Oshima. PL6059.2B37 R6 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Mga nirukitdikit : mga rawit-dawit sa Bikol. Estelito B. Jacob. PL6153 .U26 v.17. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Old movies and other stories. Ian Casocot. PL6153 .U26 v.8. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Pagbasa at pagsulat sa iba’t ibang disiplina. [Carmelita S. Lorenzo ... et al]. PL5517 P3 2001. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Pagbasa at pagsulat sa iba’t ibang disiplina : para sa antas tersyaryo. Consolacion P. Sauco, Nenita P. Papa, Eunice F. Dueñas. PL5517 .S38 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Ang pagsulat— bayi = Writing is— woman : poetry in Kinaray-a. Maria Milagros Geremia-Lachica with English translation. PL6188.K46 L29 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Pandesal at iba pang kuwento. Ireneo Perez Catilo. PL6165.4C37 P36 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Ang panitikan ng Pilipinas sa bawat rehiyon. Teody C. San Andres ; Elisa C. Mendoza, Eleuterio C. Lopez, mga editor. PL6141 .S124 2003. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Pure stone is the source of light. Christopher Q. Gozum. PL6153 .U26 v.15. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Regarding space. Sid Gomez Hildawa. PL6153 .U26 v.16. 4th floor, Filipiniana. The reluctant firewalker : poems. Naya S. Valdellon. PL6153 .U26 v.36. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Retorika : Filipino 3, para sa antas tersyarya. sinulat nina Teresita Suarez-Buensuceso, Jose Dakila Espiritu. PL6059 .B84 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Sa kabila ng ritmo = Beyond rhymes : mga piling tula ng mga bagong makata. PL6164 .K29 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Sakit ng kalingkingan : 100 dagli sa edad ng krisis. Rolando B. Tolentino. PL6165.4 .T67 S24 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Sala sa saysay. Richard R. Gappi. PL6153 .U26 v.13. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Sansiglong mahigit ng makabagong tula sa Filipinas : mga piling tula sa Bikol, Binisaya, Espanyol, Iluko, Ingles, Filipino, at Kapampangan mulang 1900 hanggang kasalukuyan. Virgilio S. Almario, editor ; Romulo P. Baquiran, Jr. ... [et al.], mga katuwang

Philippine literature : a Mindanao reader. Edited by Pamela R. Castrillo, Don Pagusara, Macario D. Tiu. PL6153 .P46 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 38 No. 9 September 2007 - 15

na editor. PL6154 .S26 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. PL – Korean literature Saulado : mga tula. Rebecca T. Anonuevo. PL6165.4 .A5819 S3 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Semi-kalbo at iba pang kuwento. Alwin C. Aguerre. PL6153 .U26 v.1. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Sikami’n lumad : bagong panitikan ng katutubong Mindanaw. Mindanawon Initiatives for Cultural Dialogue. PL6141 .S54 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Silakbo. Rose Torres-Yu. PL6165.4 .T7 S54 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Sining ng komunikasyon : para sa antas Consolacion P. Sauco, Obdulia L. Atienza, Nenita P. Papa. PL6054 .S38 2004. Andrew Gonzalez Hall Library, 4th floor, Filipiniana. Sining ng komunikasyon : wikang Filipino, lingua franca ng Luzon, Bisaya at Mindanaw. Victor Cabigting Ramos. PL6054 .R37 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. The southern cross and other poems. Ralph Semino Galan. PL6153 .U26 v.12. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Taga-uma@Manila kag iba pa nga pakigsapalaran. Genevieve L. Asenjo. PL6153 .U26 v.2. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Taguan-pung (koleksyon ng dagling kathang di pambata) at manwal ng mga napapagal (kopi teybol dedbol buk). Eros S. Atalia ; editor at paunang salita, Jun Cruz Reyes. PL6165.4.A84 T3 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Mga talinghaga sa laylayan : ang mapagpalayang pedagohiya ng malikhaing pagsulat at antolohiya ng mga tula ng bukalsining. Elizabeth Morales-Nuncio. PL6165.4.N86 T34 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Tsubibo : maiikling kuwento sa malaking palaruan. Maricris S. Calilung. PL6153 .U26 v.5. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Unang dalaw : isang dula. Edward Perez. PL6153 .U26 v.30. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Unang tikim at iba pang mga tula. Joseph T. Salazar. PL6153 .U26 v.31. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Vicassan’s Pilipino-English dictionary. PL6056 .S32 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Weaving worlds and other stories. Tatara M.J. Malaki. PL6153 .U26 v.22. 4th floor, Filipiniana. The women from the lake. Arifah Macacua Jamil. PL6153 .U26 v.18. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Easy way to learn Korean. Mahmood S. Tajar. PL6055 .T34 2004. Andrew Gonzalez Hall Library. PN – Literary history and collections (General) Classical forms of theater in Asia. Natividad Crame Rogers. PN2860 .R64 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Mga Gintong salita. tinipon ni Rosario P. Nem Singh. PN6409. T3 G45 2003. Andrew Gonzalez Hall Library, 4th floor, Filipiniana. Ang kagila-gilalas na pakikipagsapalaran ni Zsazsa Zaturnnah. Gawa-gawa ni Carlo Vergara ; compilation editor, Nida Gatus ; original series editor, Reby Gaw, David Hontiveros. PN6790.P6 V47 2003. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Kasaysayan at pag-unlad ng dulaang pambata sa Pilipinas. Arthur P. Casanova ; introduksyon ni Nanding Josef. PN3159.P6 C37 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. The knowing is in the writing : notes on the practice of fiction . Yose Y. Dalisay, Jr. PN3355 .D34 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Mythopoeic Poe : understanding the masa as audience through the films of Fernando Poe, Jr.. Alfonso B. Deza. PN2918.P64 D49 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. News for sale : the corruption & commercialization of the Philippine media. Chay Florentino-Hofileana. PN5424 .H64 2004. Press freedom in the Philippines : a study in contradictions. PN4748.P6 P74 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Prize journalism : a collection of Jaime V. Ongpin award winners. Rachel E. Khan, editor. PN5427.A87 P75 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Rizal/Bayaning 3rd World : 2 dulang Clodualdo de Mundo, Jr., at Mike de Leon. PN1997.D44 R57 2000. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Sa bagwis ng sining : mga nangaunang manunulat ng Cavite. Efren R. Abueg. PN466 A28 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Staying alive : a safety manual for journalists. PN5422 .S78 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Still from the heart. Tamerlana R. Lana. PN6122 .L36 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. The woman without a face : the life story of Pilar Pilapil. Pilar V. Pilapil. PN2918.P54 P54 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Wordbook : English-Filipino, Filipino-English. Renato Perdon. Worse than free : esays on journalism ethics and other media issues. PL6056 .P47Newsette 2003. 4thBalitang floor, Filipiniana. 16 - DLSU Aklatan Vol. 38 No. 9 September 2007

Vergel O. Santos. PN4756 .S256 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. PS – Philippine literature in English

Nine supernatural stories. April Timbol Yap and Lara Saguisag, editors. PS9992.4 N5 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Afraid : the best Philippine ghost stories. Danton Remoto, Editor. PS9992.4 A34 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Only if you can find me. Patricia Laurel. PS9993 .L39 O54 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Bad kings. Gilda Cordero-Fernando ; Gilbert R. Perez, art director ; Dennis L. Espiritu, assistant art director. PS9993.F4 B29 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Our people’s story : Philippine literature in English. Gemino H. Abad and Cristina Pantoja Hidalgo. PS9991.A4 A24 2003. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Banana heart summer : a novel. Merlinda Bobis. PS9993.B63 B36 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Out of doors. Ernesto Superal Yee. PS9993.Y44 O97 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Chic happens : an explosive celebrity and fashion insider account. Kitty Go. PS9993.G616 C45 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Parman. David Hontiveros ; cover art by Oliver Pulumbarit. PS9993.H66 P37 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Craving. David Hontiveros ; jacket artwork by Carlo Vergara. PS9993.H66 C7 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Poems for children : English & Filipino. [C. Torrenueva]. PS9993. T6756 P64 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Curacao cure and other stories. Paulino Lim, Jr. PS9993.L4449 C87 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

The poverty of memory : essays on history and empire. Renato Redentor Constantino. PS9993.C7126 P68 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Damaged people : tales of the Gothic-punk. Karl D. De Mesa. PS9993.D33775 D35 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Dark hours. Conchitina Cruz. PS9993.C784 D37 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. A dark tinge to the world : selected essays (1987-2005). Soledad S. Reyes. PS9993.R4655 D37 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Disappear. Conchitina Cruz. PS9993.C784 D4 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Reproductions of the empty flagpole. Eileen R. Tabios. PS9993. T138 R46 2002. 4th floor, Filipiniana. River with no name. Aida Verde. PS9993.V399 R58 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Salamanca. Francis Alfar. PS9993.A387 S24 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Selected stories. Jose Y. Dalisay, Jr. PS9992.4 .D25 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Fat, cranky, and full of it : funny essays with delusions of grandeur. Sonni M. Viudez. PS9993.V767 F37 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Sky rose and other stories. Macario D. Tiu. PS9993.T58 S54 2003. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

A feast of origins. Dinah Roma. PS9993.R65 F4 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Spooked! : scary stories for young and old. Rosario P. Nem Singh. PS9993.N45 S66 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

The garden of wordlessness : selected poems. J. Neil C. Garcia. PS9993.G22 G37 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Sugar and salt. Ninotchka Rosca ; illustrated by Christina Quisumbing Ramilo. PS9993.R794 S94 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

The king of nothing to do : essays on nothing & everything. Luis Joaquin M. Katigbak. PS9993.K37 K57 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. The last full moon : lessons on my life. Gilda Cordero Fernando. PS9993.F4 L37 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. A literary journey with Gilda Cordero-Fernando. Sylvia Mendez Ventura. PS9991.4 V46 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. The lovely Bienvenido N. Santos. Isagani R. Cruz. PS9993.S238 .Z84 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Tandoz and other stories. Delfin Fresnosa ; edited and with an introduction by Teresita E. Erestain. PS9993.F777 T36 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Termites in the sala, heroes in the attic : why we are poor. F. Sionil Jose ; edited by Alejandro D. Padilla. PS9993.J68 T47 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. This I believe : gleanings from a life in literature. F. Sionil Jose. PS9993.J68 Z826 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

The true and the plain : a collection of personal essays. Kerima Polotan. PS9993.P64 T78 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Misterios and other poems. J. Neil C. Garcia. PS9993.G22 M57 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 38 No. 9 September 2007 - 17

Twisted. Jessica Zafra. PS9993.Z34 A16 bk.7. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Bioethics for students. Angeles Tan Alora. R724 .A46 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Unto thee. Mabi David. PS9993 .D327 U57 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Biomedical imaging. Edited by Karen M. Mudry, Robert Plonsey, Joseph D. Bronzino. R857.O6 B55 2003. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre.

Whisper of the bamboo : an anthology of Philippine American writers and artists. Edited by Penelope V. Flores, Allen Gaborro. PS9992 W49 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Women in the house : a novel. Erma M. Cuizon. PS9993.C855 W65 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Q – Science (General) Feminism and philosophy of science : an introduction. Elizabeth Potter. Q130 .P67 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation. One hundred years of science and mathematics education in the Philippines. [writers, Josefina G. Belen] ... [et al.]. Q183.4.P6 O64 2001. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Science : teaching school subjects 11-19. Vanessa Kind & Keith Taber. Q181 .K56 2005. Andrew Gonzalez Hall Library.

Diksyunaryo ng mga terminolohiya sa kalusugan at medikal = Dictionary of health and medical terms. R121 .D54 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. RA – Public aspects of medicine Forever young = Kabataan habambuhay : ang gabay ni Cory Quirino tungo sa kagandahan at kalusugan. [Cory Quirino ; isinalin sa Filipino ni Sinag De Leon-Amado]. RA778 .Q5719 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. RC – Practice of medicine Biomedical image analysis. Rangaraj M. Rangayyan. RC78.7.D53 R35 2005. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre. RG – Gynecology and obstetrics

Science, technology and society. Arnaldo Privado Mosteiro. Q175.5 .M674 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

The road I travelled : a memoir. Gloria T. Aragon. RG510.A7 A3 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

QA – Mathematics RM – Therapeutics. Pharmacology Terminolohiyang pangmatematika : tapatang Ingles-Filipino ng mga piling salita. Maxima J. Acelajado, Lakangiting C. Garcia. QA41.3 A24 2001. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Principles and practices of herbal garden. B.C. Mazumdar and Paramita Mitra Mukhopadhyay. RM666.H33 M39 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation.

QK – Botany S – Agriculture Mga halamang gamot : tuklasin ang kagalingang maidudulot nito. Angie Domingo Perello, Rosalyn Ocampo Domingo. QK99.P6 P45 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

The farmer’s way of life : a book. Jan Hoekstra. S471.P6 H64 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

QP – Physiology

SB – Plant culture

Concept development in Filipino children : the circulatory system. [Lourdes R. Carale, Pia C. Campo]. QP104 .C37 2003. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Barako : the big bean. Chit Juan, Alejandro Mojica. SB270.P6 J8 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Physiological control systems : analysis, simulation, and estimation. Michael C.K. Khoo. QP33.6.M36 K46 2000. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre. R – Medicine (General) 3D image processing : techniques and clinical applications. D. Caramella, C. Bartolozzi, eds. ; with contributions by W. Backfrieder ... [et al.] ; foreword by A.L. Baert. R857.T47 T39 2002. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre.

Coconut : the Philippines’ money tree. Renato M. Labadan. SB401.C6 L29 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. T – Technology (General) Social learning in technological innovation : experimenting with information and communication technologies. Robin Williams, James Stewart, Roger Slack. T173.8 .W54 2005. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre. TA – Engineering (General)

18 - DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 38 No. 9 September 2007Digital image processing using MATLAB. Rafael C. Gonzalez,

Richard E. Woods, Steven L. Eddins.TA1632 .G68 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation, Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre.


Instructional Media Resources



TD – Sanitary engineering

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2 units PA System 12 units speaker

Waste treatment and disposal. Paul T. Williams.TD789.G7 W54 2005. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre.


Archives Resources

A. Faculty Papers TF – Railroad engineering and operation On the fast track : French railway modernization and the origins of the TGV, 1944-1983. Jacob Meunier ; foreword by Michael S. Dukakis. TF1450 .M48 2002. Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre. TJ – Mechanical engineering and machinery Trailblazing : the quest for energy self-reliance. Geronimo Z. Velasco.TJ163.3 .V457 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. TK – Electrical engineering. Electronics Adaptive blind signal and image processing : learning algorithms and applications. Andrzej Cichocki, Shun-ichi Amari.TK5102.9 C495 2002. 3rd floor, Circulation, Ground floor, European Documentation and Research Centre. TX – Cookery The adobo book : traditional & jazzed-up recipes, plus essays, trivia & cooking techniques. Reynaldo G. Alejandro, Nancy Reyes-Lumen. TX724.5.P6 A445 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Assumption High School Class of ’79 : cookbook. compiled & edited by Marivic Puyat-Limcaoco & Annie Lim-Kawpeng. TX724.5.P6 A87 2003. 4th floor, Filipiniana. The Governor-General’s kitchen : Philippine culinary vignettes and period recipes, 1521-1935. Felice Prudente Sta. Maria. TX7245.P6 S36 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

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Abad, Jose Ramon Globalization and the educational needs of the 21st century

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Abatayo, Junifer English 20 strategies in college instruction English freshman workbook (study and thinking skills) English grammar proficiency of the first year education students of Misamis University, Ozamiz City : basis for a proposed remedial program

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Alcantara, Norberto Open laboratory systems : scheduling of activity in laboratory

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Alcuaz, Manuel A., Jr. Map insights. Back-end retail applications Map insights. Good procurement : why, what, who? Map insights. Inventory management Map insights. IT applications for retailers Strategy and IT for small and medium retailers

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Ambata, Leonard Analyzing sensitivity in electric circuits

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Asenjo, Genevieve Bakit nag-enjoy ako sa pagbasa ng Chicklit : ang profesoriskolar sa tsika (mood) mode Buhay ang musa at walang paumanhin ang makata Trahedya ng isang birhen

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Baluran, Fe Managing for society. Managing valuable support personnel

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Bautista, Cirilo F. Breaking signs. A refuge in literature Breaking signs. Post-workshop dialogues

Captain Herman Leopold Schuck : the saga of a German sea captain in 19th century Sulu-Sulawesi seas. Michael Schuck Montemayor.VK140.S38 M66 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

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Bautista, Harold Paulo Human Resource Information System (HRIS) - customer requirements checklist (final version)

Lonely sentinels of the sea : the Spanish lighthouses in the Philippines. text & photographs, Manuel Maximo Lopez del Castillo Noche ; editor, Stephanie Cruz ; art direction, Antonio Zamora ; layout & design, Wilson Alba ; panoramic photo-editing, Wil Lam.VK1099 .N6 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

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Begonia, Vincent Network switch deployment procedures AVG update procedure documentation

Belino, Manuel

Slow food : Philippine culinary traditions. [Erlinda Enriques Panlilio, Felice Prudente Sta. Maria, editors ; art by Manuel Baldemor].TX724.5P6 S56 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. VK – Navigation. Merchant marine

DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 38 No. 9 September 2007 - 19



Assessment of chemical contaminants and particulate matter and improvement of air quality in air-conditioned urban buses Redesigning the Philippine mechanical engineering program to promote regional development

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Berino, Dennis Managing for society. The skyway as a maximal-flow application

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Cabegin, Emily Christi The effect of Filipino overseas migration on the non-migrant spouse’s labor supply behavior

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Callueng, Carmelo M. Validity and dimensionality of the multidimensional aptitude battery : evidence from a Philippine study

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Clerigo, Mely Managing for society. The math of credit cards

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Concepcion, Antonio Greenlight. Family survival Opinion. Collecting wristwatches : a profitable hobby

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Concepcion, Rene The view from Taft. Making movie mavericks mainstream

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Cruz, Elfren Framework. Books Framework. Non-family managers for family firms Framework. The rise and fall of corporations Framework. Terrorism in Basilan Framework. Transforming the HR function

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Cruz, Isagani Critic-at-large. Adios, Patria Adorada Critic-at-large. Best Philippine books of 2004 Critic-at-large. Brother Andrew Gonzalez, FSC Critic-at-large. Creative solutions to Philippine education problems Critic-at-large. Critical practice in the language classroom Critic-at-large. Filipino identity Critic-at-large. Largest English-speaking countries Critic-at-large. Literature in language teaching Critic-at-large. Makabayan Critic-at-large. More questions from teachers Critic-at-large. National Book Award winners Critic-at-large. National Book Awards for 2005 books Critic-at-large. An offence of poetry Critic-at-large. On poison PEN letters Critic-at-large. Philippine National Book awards Critic-at-large. Philippine PEN in Iloilo City Critic-at-large. Quality assurance : the Randall scandal Critic-at-large. Questions teachers ask Critic-at-large. Sonia Roco on language Critic-at-large. Split-level Americanization : a case study of




McDonaldized Philippines Critic-at-large. The Belly of the business beast Critic-at-large. A thousand years of filitude Critic-at-large. UNESCO-ITI world Congress Critic-at-large. Who I am Mini critique. Harmonizing DepEd, CHED, and TESDA Mini critique. How could she? Mini critique. National book award finalists Mini critique. Readers react Mini critique. The law on CHED, once again Mini critique. Why NCCE was scrapped N.V.M. Gonzalez Filipino writer

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De Castro, Renato The triad of twenty-first century counter-terrorism

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Dimamay, Mariel Grace Varying transition of Bi2Sr2CaCu208+8 films with applied current proceedings of the 19th SPP Philippine Physics Congress 2001, Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas

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Edralin, Divina Assessing the situation of women working in Calabarzon

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Espiritu, Benjamin Greenlight. Economic scorecard

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Fabian, Miriam Managing for society. GMOs : milestone or menace?

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Fernandez, Rene Lessons from forefront : rethinking engineering education in view of real industry

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Gaite, Maribel The view from Taft. A lesson in compassion

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Gonzalez, Andrew B. FSC Language planning in multilingual countries : the case of the Philippines Student magna carta results in Philippine private higher protest Systems and structures of higher education : East Asian perspective

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Gripaldo, Rolando M. The persona as individual and social being

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Inamarga, Harold Microsoft Office 2003 and OpenOffice.Org 2.0 comparison RIS hostname checker Shutdown gate

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Joseph, Mike, Jr. Greenlight. When teams work

• - DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 38 No. 9 September 2007

Juico, Philip Ella Sports for all. Boom boom to be back in action Sports for all. Game-fixing and point-shaving


Sports for all. Le Meridien-Kathmandu’s spectacular golf resort Sports for all. Malaysia-Singapore co-hosting Olympics? Sports for all. Tony Aldeguer takes responsibility The view from Taft. Ninoy and the fight for human rights

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Katigbak, Ramon The view from Taft. Why development plans fail

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Lagman, Oscar P., Jr. To take a stand. A hollow holiday

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Lagua, Benel The view from Taft. Master strokes for SMEs

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Lee, Romeo B. Delivering maternal health care services in Maguindanao, Southern Philippines : some organizational accounts


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Macalalad, Ernest Development of a low-cost sunphotometer tracking and data acquisition system

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Maningas, Ruel IT applications in agriculture and natural resources research and development management : Philippine experience

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Marasigan, Rubenrico Leadership Development Training (LDT)

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Maridable, Julius The general education curriculum of De La Salle UniversityManila in a transformative learning environment

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Moreno, Dickerson A study on the contralateral breast dosimetry of tangential beam radiotherapy using of MV linear accelerator beams

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Ortega, Manuel Greenlight. Credit card blues

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Pascasio, Arlene The Pseudo cosine sequences of a distance-regular graph [Abstract] Tight graphs and their primitive idempotents [Abstract]

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Patalinghug, Wyonna C. Synthesis and structure of copper(I), silver(I) and zinc(II) amides [Cu2(mpsa)2], [Cu6X2(mpsa)4]X=CI or Br), [Ag4(mpsa)4] and [ZnEt)2(mpsa)2][mpsa=2-N(SiMe3) C5H3N-6Me] (Abstract)

Quiroga, Reuben Low-loss single-mode terahertz waveguiding using Cytop [abstract] Magnetic-field-induced fourfold azimuthal angle dependence in the terahertz radiation power of (100) InAs [abstract] Rapatan, Miguel The design of technology-supported learner-centered learning environments : the La Salle Greenhills Grade School experience Development of problem-solving skills for nonroutine problems with the use of a web-based resource : a case study of constructivist learning Understanding children’s collaboration and conflicts during a group design of a multimedia presentation

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Razon, Luis F. Effect of reactor heat capacity on the stability and start-up time of a diabetic controlled-cycled stirred tank reactor [abstract]

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Robles, Julita C. Syntheses and structures of Vanadium (111) complexes containing 1,3-Diaminopropane-N,N,N’,N’-tetraacetate ([V(trdta)]-) and 1,3-Diamino-2-propanol-N,N,N’,Nte’t-r aacetate ([V2(dpot)212-)

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Santiago, Maria Andrea L. Cross-border transactions in higher education : Philippine competitiveness (abstract)

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Su, Glenn Sia Impact on drinking water sources in close proximity to the Payatas dumpsite, Philippines

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Suleik, Mercedes B. Business options. Workshop on Police Ethics Capital view. Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, 1 Capital view. Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, 2 Capital view. On pyramids (Not the pharaoh’s) Capital view. A pro-life constitution Capital view. Taxing mint, dill, and cummin

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Tamangan, Ronald The need to reform the domestic customs

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Tan, Raymond Star science : fuels, energy carriers and the thermodynamics of sustainable development

• Teehankee, Benito - Greenlight. Manipulating consumer desires Po, Gerley - Managing for society. Ethical corporate cultures, 0art 2 A marketing plan for Sun Life prosperity funds A paper on Johnson & Johnson • Trajano, Alexander Strategic information systems plan for Sykes Asia - The view from Taft. Maid in Hong Kong Incorporated A strategic management plan for Sunlife Asset Management Company Inc. (SLAMC) DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 38 No. 9 September 2007 - 21

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Valenzuela, Jayson Ensures PC and network security : domain implementation Installs and maintains campus network infrastructure : deployment of new network switches

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Villacorta, Wilfrido Commentary. Making ASEAN more relevant to its people

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Zafra, Galileo Ang awit ni Balagtas sa bibig ng mangmang : Isang paglalandas sa Florante at Laura bilang panitikang oral Ang estandardisasyon ng Filipino : tungo sa pagpapalaganap ng wikang pambansa bilang wikang akademiko Ang Executive Order 210 at House bill 5814 : implikasyon sa pagtuturo at gamit ng wikang Filipino sa edukasyon Ang UP Sentro ng Wikang Filipino : tungkulin, gawain, at tunguhin Balagtasan : kasaysayan at antolohiya Bangon : antolohiya ng mga dulang mapanghimagsik Benedicto R. Cabrera : ulayaw sa lahi = romance with the race Ilang tala sa estado at direksiyon ng intelektuwalisasyon ng wikang Filipino Kasanayan sa komunikasyon, 11 Modyul 10 : lohikal at mapanghikayat na pagsulat Modyul 11 : pagsulat ng borador Modyul 12 : gamit at sistema ng dokumentasyon Modyul 13 : sistemang talababa-bibliograpiya Modyul 14 : sistemang talang parentetikal : sanggunian Modyul 15 : presentasyon ng sulating pananaliksik Modyul 2 : tungkulin at responsibilidad ng mananaliksik Modyul 4 : pagbuo ng konseptong paper Modyul 5 : inisyal na paghahanda ng mga datos Modyul 6 : pagbuo ng pansamantalang balangkas Modyul 7 : pagkuha, paggamit, at pagsasaayos ng mga tala Modyul 8 : ang interbyu bilang instrumento sa pananaliksik Primer on the Southern Philippines Council for Peace and Development (SPCPD) Pushing the national language development through translation Ramon A. Obusan : ritwal na buhay = a life into rite Sawikaan 2004 : mga salita ng taon Yunit 1 : pananaliksik at lipunan Yunit 11 : proseso ng pagsulat ng sulating pananaliksik I : eksplorasyon sa paksa Yunit 111 : proseso ng pananaliksik, 2 : paglinang sa paksa Yunit IV : proseso ng pananaliksik, 3 : pagsulat ng pananaliksik


1984-2004. Dizon, Ramoncito Emmanuelle. Li, Shanez Berdine. Pineda, Lourdes Angela. Serna, Abigail. 2006. TU13505. -

Social Security System : a study of the financial performance of the Social Security System. Chua, Jaymie Ross. Miguel, Shervin. Retuya, An Anne. Veluz, Elvin John. 2006. TU13516.


A study of the determinants of corporate environmental disclosures of Philippine corporations. Casas, Lourdes Marie C. Cerujano, Evrille C. Escalante, Melissa A. Mahinay, Ivy Joyce A. 2005. TU13518.

BS-Computer Science


Automatic text summarization. Diola, Almira Mae V. Ong Lopez, Joan Tiffany T. So, Sherwin C. Torraba, Phoebus Ferdiel L. 2005. TU13616.


BAN : bluetooth ad-hoc network. Lim, Kenneth S. Nocom, Nicholas John C. Suratos, Calvin Jay S. Tolentino, John Arthur Russell R. 2005. TU13635.


Bruise detection in mangoes using wavelet packetsCruz, Edgardo Jose P. Flores, Katrina R. Uy, Winnie C. 2003. TU13645.


CAuse : a computer automated use case diagram generator system. Cayaba, Christobal T. Rodil, Joseph Astropil E. 2005. TU13615.


Caw, Aldrich C. Lee, Benedict Alvin. Obiles, Richard C. Zheng, Lian Jie. 2005. TU13628.


Centralized security manager. Adriano, Adrian Joseph A. Sanchez, Nathanielle L. Trogo, Jethro S. Villamayor, Ryan Dexter M. 2004. TU13643.


Comparative study of pattern recognition algorithms in scoliosis detection : technical manual. Bihis, Earl Christopher G. Kampana, Kathereen Celeste J. See, Wayne Steven D. Serviano, Bettina L. 2005. TU13634.


DIGMA : a role-playing game with agent plan reformulation and situational reassessment. De Guzman, Deryk Ysidore S. Dellosa, Stephen N. Inventado, Paul Salvador B. Lao, Paul Elton T. 2005. TU13624. TU13625.


Exfilm : extensible file manager for Linux. Chan, Oliver L. Ison, Jennifer M. Lim, John A. Wee, Bradford Y. Chua, 2005. TU13613.

B. Theses (Undergraduate) •




Measuring the effectiveness of the Light Rail Transit Authority (LRTA) in fulfilling its mandate through corporate governance and public expenditure management for the years

Hand pose interpolation. Abola, Jeremiah Jerome L. Benedicto, Miguel Angelo G. Chiu, Li J. Sarain, Issah M. 2004. TU13588.


Integrated Development Environment and Testing System for JAVA. Dy, Vina Zerlin T. Lim, Aeson M. Martin, Jamie-Lyn

22 - DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 38 No. 9 September 2007

L. Nepomuceno, Aldrin James T. 2004. TU13688. -

MACO : MIPS64 assembly code optimizer. Benedict G. Lao, Rachelle N. Ng, Louis Marvin T. Tan, Jowell C. Uy, 2005. TU13618.


MaPa Linux : manage Pane for Linux. Cruz, Yvette Kyla C. Liceralde, Rebecca S. Tia, Jennifer K. 2005. TU13619.


MIPS64RTE. Concepcion, Nicole Marie D. Gabutero, Ma. Ellaine D. Lee, Donna Marie T. 2005. TU13620.


Mussymo : multimedia streaming system for mobile devices. Ang, Jeffrey L. Co, Jeline Alexandra T. Santos, Roland-Paul C. Yae, Certino C. 2005. TU13622.


Network monitoring system using the remote monitoring standard. Chua, Christoferson S. Hontiveros, Brian Marcus T. Nomorosa, Karen Joy P. Tiu, Stephanie S. 2003. TU13644.


POL : the pole climbing robot. Antonio, Jim Patrick S. Bides, Sarabeth T. Carreon, Patrick G. Fuentes, Jim Bo B. 2003. TU13642.


Programmer’s object -oriented collaborative learning environment (POOLE IIChan, Litz Mitchell S. Flores, Patrick K. Lin, Karen. Sy, Vicky L. 2005. TU13617.


PROSPEC : specification for emulating x86 hardware with prototype. Abrogena, Alvin Aldrich C. Ng, Beverly Joy C. Ramos, Sally V. Turiana, Mae Isabelle T. 2005. TU13629.


Real-time global illumination using photon mappingCruz, Emir M. Ringol, Mark Andrew R. Uy, Mark Kerwin O. Yu, Miles Christian J. 2004. TU13631.


Salinwika : an English-Filipino example-based machine translation system. Bautista, Marcenino V. Fule, Melissa Gay U. Gaw, Kathlenn Joyce. Hernandez, Kathy Lee B. 2005. TU13614.





Simulator/assembler for the MIPS64 architecture (SAM64). Calope, Carlo Jose D. Gabion, Paul Bernard R. Go, Louie Andrew V. Pendoza, Ramon Antonio C. 2005. TU13611. TU13612. SoftPADS : software package and asset deployment system (asset installation module). Cabanlig, Michael Ned B. Marable, Marc Danwyn E. Segubre, Charles Jefferson S. Chua, 2005. TU13626. TU13627. Software Package and Asset Deployment System (SoftPADS) : repository and distribution modules. SPEC : specification for emulating x86 hardware.Abrogena, Alvin Aldrich C. Ng, Beverly Joy C. Ramos, Sally V. Turiana, Mae Isabelle T. 2005. TU13630.


Vision-based vehicle tracking : ViVet. Dang, Mong Tuyet Trinh L. Daquioag, Alvin Paul D. Ramos, Timothy Joseph R. See, Franz Allan V. 2006. TU13580.


Wavelet-based edge detection. Dimla, Celine Angela G. Reyes,Jocelyn T. Vallejo, Kristine N. Martinez, Glenn Paul S. TU13646.

BSC-Financial Research Course


An In-depth study on the factors (interest rates, inflation rates, domestic liquidity, and foreign exchange rates) affecting the level of reserve requirement on statutory reserves from 1991-2005. Berjamin, Ivan B. Kern, Renee M. Kilayko, Liza Angela Patrice S. Tiu, Fredrich Ellinburgh U. 2006. TU13584.

BSC - Management of Financial Institutions


An analysis of risk management, capital structure, liquidity, lending and profitability in bank’s net purchases and sales of loans for all securities and exchange commission registered banks of the Philippines for the years 1998 to 2002. Chua, Xavier Patrick L. Lao, Richmond O. Robins, Ronald Robinson K. Tan, Patrick John T. 2006. TU13574.


Analyzing the effect of capital regulation on bank capital and bank lending of Philippine domestic universal banks for the year 2000-2004. Chua, James Michael. Co, 2006. TU13576.


An applied research on the financial ratios as predictors of failure by beaver (1996) in predicting bankruptcy in selected Philippine manufacturing firms. Ortiz, Cheryl Anne M. San Gabriel, Denise Julienn R. Villanueva, Katrina Anna C. 2006. TU13569.


An applied research on the profit and cost efficiency determinants of domestic commercial banks, 2000-2004. Gloria, Dea Joseinn M. Lee, Marilyn C. Wong, Christin Dianne H. Yap, Christy June S. 2006. TU13564. TU13565. TU13566.


The effects of the risk-based capital adequacy framework to the profitability of the Philippine expanded private domestic banks from 2000-2004. Cosme, Arnel Ian E. Gabaldon, Nicole Diane A. Gatmaitan, Timothy John Arthur D. Serrano, Revie-Anne M. TU13571.


Herding behavior among mutual fund managers of BPI, Philam, and Sunlife in the Philippines during the period 20002005. Bolivar, Leslie Ann C. Dizon, Marie Paz B. Mendoza, Melody G. 2006. TU13586.

- An investigation into linear relationship between perceived TWIRL : translation with rule learning. Ang, Raymond customer satisfaction with electronic banking services and Joseph O. Bautista, Natasja Gail R. Cai, Ya Rong. Tanlo, Bianca Grace G. 2005. TU13621. DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 38 No. 9 September 2007 - 23

bank profitability.Adrias, Mark Vincent C. Cantor, Arthur R. Lopez, Rafael C. 2006. TU13561. -

A profit maximizing model for the investment portfolio of the top three (3) life insurance companies in the Philippines for the period 1995-2004.Capulong, Yves Kryss L. Kalalo, Marian Grace C. Sese, Kristina Rae Rosa S. 2006. TU13579.


A study on information perception anomalies in the development of traders’ quantifying decision rules as applied to the Philippine foreign exchange market for the years 2000-2004. Co, Gladys C. Go, Nona Chriselle L. 2006. TU13572.


A study on the determinants of capital structure that affect profitability of the selected publicly listed companies in the property sector in the Philippines for the period 1996-2004. Co, Nikki Rose C. Lim, Catherine Jane C. Pahilanga, Jobelle F. Tiu, Wilburt Noel S. 2006. TU13573.


A study on the effect of inflation rates on the profitability and the solvency of the top ten life insurance companies in the Philippines for the years 1995-2004. Mateo, Rois Jennifer I. Roxas, Josana Nina G. Vasquez, James Benedict C. 2006. TU13582.


A study on the effects of capital adequacy ratios and specific credit policies on the intermediation activities of selected private domestic commercial banks in the Philippines for the period 1999-2004. Arellano, Juan Alfonso U. Lee, Jeremy Adam A. Sayas, Ramcky S. Si, Jocelyn D. TU13570.


A study on the effects of capital requirements and economic activity to bank loans in the Philippines from 1998-2003. Capili, Diane Dominique O. Certeza, Roanne Mae O. Dy, Dianne C. Fajardo, James Charis Q. 2006. TU13568.


2005 : a comparison of the periods before, during and after the Asian financial crisis. Merzo, Edgyn T. Mesiona, April Charisse U. Reyes, Marissa E. 2006. TU13583. -

A study on the presence of random walk in the Philippine stock market from the years 2000-2005Chua, Kenneth U. Ngo, Scott Chester K. Timbalopez, Judie Ann D. 2006. TU13575.


A study on the relationship of deregulation of bank entry and branching on the efficiency and competition of Philippine private domestic commercial banks for the period 19952004. Capistrano, Chester Jerome K. Cotio, Julievette S. Quiat, Mark Emmanuel P. Yee, Edward Anthony M. 2006. TU13567.


Synergy effects of bank mergers : a comparative case study on the mergers and acquisitions after the Asian financial crisis of the current top three banking institutions. Chua, Chris Jane S. Reyes, Edwin T. Uy, Marie Arrianne Gold L. Yu, Katherine U. 2006. TU13577.

Course Methods of Financial Research


A case study on the benefits gained by Ionics Inc. from Investment and Capital Corporation of the Philippines (ICCP) for the years 1995-2003. Bautista, Jerome S. Go Yanko, Jerome DS. Uy, Jerald Whalen A. 2006. TU13563.

A study on the factors affecting the efficiency and profitability of selected foreign universal and commercial banks after liberalization. Bongco, Michelle Celina L. Cafranca, Jessi Ann G. Cochon, Patricia Anne S. Salonga, Maria Angela P. 2006. TU13587.


A study on the impact of corruption on foreign direct investment in the Philippines from 1996-2005. Diampuan, Jihan D. Escaro, Crysalline Chrysalis C. Fetalvero, Rhea Mailene F. Masanga, Rouel Andrew L. 2006. TU13581.


A study on the living trust accounts offered by universal banks, commercial banks and thrift banks for the period of September 1998 to December 2005. Ang, Arlene Abigail C. Araneta, Gretchen S. Dabbay, Ma. Fe Carmen L. Ong, Evangeline C. 2006. TU13562.


A study on the performance of the Philippine stock market in terms of market return and stock volume from years 1994-

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The Library Newsette/ BalitangAklatan is published by the DLSU-Manila University Library 2401 Taft Avenue, Malate, Manila 1004 Ana Maria B. Fresnido ([email protected]) Editor Marita G. Valerio ([email protected]) Associate Editor Melton E. Jo ([email protected]) Web Editor Gregorio Guinto ([email protected]) Photographer Wilfredo A. Frias ([email protected]) Proof Reader