1st edition, March 2014 RisiAlbania is a youth employment project that focuses on achieving systemic changes in the Albanian labour market in order to improve access to employment and income opportunities for young women and men. Project duration: November 2013 – October 2017
RisiAlbania wants to make the labour market work for young women and men in Albania, by promoting job creation and effective job intermediation. In order to achieve our goal, RisiAlbania works with a wide range of partners from the private and public sector as well as civil society.
Our address & contact details: Rr. Ismail Qemali, P18, H.3, Apt. 15 Tirana, Albania Tel : +355 (0) 422 48 52 Email:
[email protected]
Visit our website :
A successful project launch RisiAlbania officially started on 1st of November 2013. The project launching event took place on 11th of December with the participation of the Minister of Social Welfare and Youth, Mr. Erion Veliaj, the Ambassador of Switzerland in Albania Mr. Alexander Wittwer and many partners from business, youth organizations, civil society, vocational schools and universities and key experts in other ministries. The launching event received broad media coverage and successfully presented to all our partners the project goals, activities and approach. Our Advisory Board composed of high profile business, public sector and youth organizations, met for the first time on January 22nd and approved our plans for 2014.
In-depth research is the foundation of our interventions on agro-processing To further refine our intervention in the agro-processing sector (the first of three sectors targeted by the project), in-depth research has been conducted in 3 areas. The results and interventions strategies deriving from the findings will be discussed with our partners in April. Marketing services Developing adequate services for agro-processors to improve sales and access new markets is at the core of our strategy. RisiAlbania will work with a diverse April 2014range of service providers to support Round tableable with agroagro-processors in tapping processors BSP, business the domestic and export associations and government market potentialtoofpresent Albanian representatives the products. findings of the sectors service researches.
Financial services Improving access to financial services is essential to support business growth. We are developing partnerships with banks and other financial institutions to May 2014 offer adequate investment Round table with media outlets, and credits products to agroyouth, LMI as providers, processors well as to businesses, etc. tostreamline present the facilitate and findings of procedures the research and application “Disseminating their evaluation. LMI via media”
Policy issues & Business enabling environment Risi supports businesses and their associations to contribute to a conducive business enabling environment. Participatory processes with relevant government will April-Mayinstitutions 2014 ensure the needssector and wishes Participatory research of onagro-processors the Tourism sector are addressed in an appropriate manner in public policies and regulations.
Upcoming events! April 2014 Round table with agro-processors BSP, business associations and government representatives to present the findings of the agroprocessing research and strategies.
May 2014 Round table with media outlets, youth, LMI providers, businesses, etc. to present the findings of the research “Disseminating Labour Market Information by media”
April – May 2014 Participatory research on the Tourism sector as well as on skills required in gro-processing, tourism and ICT. Check our website for our calls for proposals!
First successful public debate on internships and apprenticeships Jointly organized by RisiAlbania, GIZ and the Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth, this debate on Internships and Apprenticeships, held on March 11th, brought together for the first time the Minister of Social Welfare and Youth, Mr. Erion Veliaj, deputy-minister Ms. Genta Sula and other officials of MoSWY, students and Youth Organizations, VET schools and training providers, universities, business and public sector institutions. During this open and lively debate, experiences were shared and suggestions and recommendations discussed on how to institutionalize and implement a functional model for internships and apprenticeships, as both are considered paths that can lead to long-term employment and contribute to alleviating youth unemployment. The main recommendations from the debate include: Exploration and documentation of “champion cases“, and definition of the benefits and interest of businesses towards internships and apprenticeships Definition of the occupational areas to pilot and test the “dual education system” (combining apprenticeships in a company and education at a vocational school), based on the champions cases and business profiles. Identification of barriers that impede the cooperation between educational providers and businesses for organizing internships and apprenticeships. Stock taking and evaluation of different internship methodologies. Identification and assessment of the necessary capacities and resources of educational providers to establish cooperation with businesses (playing the interlocutor role).
For more information about Risialbania, please contact:
[email protected] Or have a look at our website for more details about the project and our partners: