... producers and other stakeholders interested in the service of pre- ... the best of Beratâ
Newsletter 10th edition - July 2016
Working together with partners from the private, public and the civil society sectors in promoting job creation and effective job intermediation, RisiAlbania intends to make the labour market work for the young people in Albania Project duration: November 2013 – October 2017 Contact details: Rr. Ismail Qemali, P18, H.3, Apt. 15 Tirana, Albania Tel: +355 (0) 422 48 52 Email:
[email protected]
Pre-evaluation, a „key‟ for organic certification Three open consultancy sessions with more than 20 organic producers and other stakeholders interested in the service of preevaluation, have been conducted with RisiAlbania‟s support by Albinspekt, - the only accredited Albanian Organic Certification body. Such sessions served as a great opportunity for agro-processors to receive important Information about pre-evaluation, an innovative procedure that supports the certification of organic producers, reducing time and costs, improves business performance ultimately increasing employment generation. The sessions were held in Tirana, during May 9 – 10, 2016, where organic operators, quality managers, administrators of companies and specialist from different organizations reached a common language with Albinspekt regarding the importance of pre-evaluation. From December 2015 till March 2016, well over 20 companies have received the pre-evaluation, while the goal is to see even more organic producers getting certified. Organic certification is a guaranty for the export market demand, giving more protection for the organic growers, more guarantees for the customers and more value to the product.
AOA – a true representative of Albanian BPOs The annual National Work Fair, organized by the Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth (MSWY) and the Municipality of Tirana on 28-30 April 2016, carved the name of Albanian Outsourcing Association (AOA) as a true representative of the interests of Business Process Outsourcing companies in Albania.
The event brought together on a round table the AOA representatives with the Minister of Economic Development, Tourism, Trade and Entrepreneurship (METTE) and the Minister of Social Welfare and Youth, in relevant discussions on issues of concern to AOA members. Those concerns were later forwarded as a draft-proposal to METTE, regarding possible improvements on the fiscal package for the year 2017 - as part of the regulatory framework for the BPO sector in Albania. The participation in this Fare was made possible with RisiAlbania‟s support, and it served as a wonderful opportunity for AOA to get recognised and promoted further, among important labour market players and other participants of the annual National Work Fair.
Become an entrepreneur by listening to the radio! The weekly broadcast “Të reja punësimi” (News on employment”) on Radio Club FM – continues to be a „hook‟ for young and talented men and women, giving tips on how to get a good job, be successful in job interviews and even become a successful entrepreneur. The Kadiu brothers are an example for that. They run for more than a year now, the Electronic Line shop at the Wilson square in Tirana. They say that: “We got the impetus for starting up our business by listening regularly to the radio program; at some point we did the math and decided to open our shop”. Having been present for more than a year in the market, their business has proven to be successful and sustainable; in the same way as the weekly broadcast “Të reja punësimi” continues to attract a growing audience of young men and women in search of way. good employment opportunities. There are quite a few people who got inspired by the radio program in opening up their own business. The weekly broadcast is being aired for a second season on Club FM, with support from the RisiAlbania project.
Berat steps ahead in Tourism In May 18th 2016, the city of Berat – one of UNESCO‟s worldwide heritage protected cities – kicked off the start of its tourism season with the inauguration of a brand new Tourist Interpretation Center. Located in the heart of the city, the center showcases to all visitors the best of Berat‟s tourism, through attractive and innovative services and products, providing not just important and useful information, but also a range of hand-made souvenirs from Berat‟s diverse artisanal traditions. The center is has several sections, illustrating some of the great values of Berat‟s heritage, such as the religious harmony and the artisanal handicrafts. Visitors can also enjoy videos and documentaries in the Multimedia Corner. The Center also offers the „Visit Berat‟ mobile application which contains detailed information on on the city, and audio files on the monuments and the main attractions of the area. Tourists can download the application for free, guide themselves through the city and once near the attractions, they can listen to the audio guide. This project was one of the winners of the RisiTuristike Award, initiated by RisiAlbania and the Ministry of Economic Development, Tourism, Trade and Entrepreneurship, and was made possible by the joints efforts of Berat‟s municipality and BID Berati, with support by RisiAlbania and the Albanian-American Development Foundation.
Upcoming events Albanian IT Association - AITA Training on SCRUM - IT standard September 2016
AGIS Official Launch October 2016
Hotel Standardization Training & coaching event September 2016
BPO new investment Attracting FDIs September 2016
Organic producing companies Certification event October 2016
Media Case Study Sharing Experiences September 2016
Agricultural Info & Intelligence System