Marie O Sullivan at 086-0798069. RECENT BAPTISMS. The Parish Community warmly. welcomes Baby Erin Ward and. Baby Bobby H
Church of the Assumption Howth, Co. Dublin Sunday 18th June 2017 CORPUS CHRISTI
MASS TIMES Sunday Vigil Saturday 5.30pm (Family Mass) 8.30am, 11.30am Holy Days 8.00am, 10.00am (Variable—see church notices) Monday—Friday 8.00am, 10.00am Saturday 10.00am PARISH STAFF Fr. Gerry Tanham, Co-PP Presbytery No. 1 Thormanby Road, Howth Tel. 01-816 7599 Fr. Raymond Molony Presbytery No. 2 Thormanby Road, Howth Tel. 01-832 2029 Barbara Farrell Parish Secretary Tel. 01-839 7398 E:
[email protected] Website: OFFICE HOURS 9.30am—1.30pm Mon Tues Weds & Fri (The Parish Office is located in the Sacristy)
HOWTH SUMMER PROJECT 3rd - 14th July 2017 for 4 to 13 year olds Enrolments and bookings for this year’s Summer Project will take place today, Sunday 18th June from 9.00am to 1.00pm in the Parish Hall (St. Columbanus). It’s €5 to enrol and €4 with last year’s badge. The Summer Project will take place from 3rd to 14th July in Scoil Mhuire School Hall for all boys & girls, 4 -13 year olds.
OUR DEAD Please remember in your prayers Eleanor Kelly who died recently. We also pray for JAMES Mc CANN from Baldoyle who has died . We offer our sympathy to their families. May they rest in peace.
MASS TIMES & INTENTIONS 18th - 25th June 2017
Sun 18 Deut 8: 2-3,14-16. Ps 147:12-15, 19-20, R/ v12. 1 Cor10: 16-17. Jn 6:51-58 Vigil (5.30pm Sat. 17th June) Joseph Reid (2nd Anv) 8.30am Jack Mc Kenna (14th Anv) 11.30am Paddy O’Connor (3rd Anv); also The O’Halloran Family (Deceased) Mon 19th 2 Cor 6: 1-10. Ps 97: 1-4, R/ v2. Mt 5: 38-42 8.00am 10.00am A Special Intention Tues 20th The Irish Martyrs 2 Cor 8: 1-9. Ps 145: 2, 5-9, R/ v2. Mt 5: 43-48 8.00am 10.00am Weds 21st St Aloysius Gonzaga 2 Cor 9: 6-11. Ps 111: 1-4, 9, R/ v1. Mt 6: 1-6, 16-18 8.00am 10.00am Thurs 22nd 2 Cor 11: 1-11. Ps 110: 1-4, 7-8, R/ v7. Mt 6: 7-15 8.00am Jim Mc Laughlin (First Anv) 10.00am Fri 23rd The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Deut 7: 6-11. Ps 102: 1-4, 6-8, 10, R/ v17. 1 Jn 4: 7-16. Mt 11: 25-30 8.00am Frank Matthews 10.00am Sat 24th Is 49: 1-6. Ps 138: 1-3,13-15, R/ v14. Acts 13: 22-26. Lk 1:57-66, 80 10.00am Anne Mc Kenna Sun 25th Jer 20: 10-13. Ps 68: 8-10, 14, 17,33-35, R/ v14. Rm 5:12-15. Mt 10: 26-33 Vigil (5.30pm Sat. 24th June) Peter Wright 8.30am Richard Martin, Lena Martin & Tony Martin 11.30am Sean Mac Mahon (12th Anv)
D O Cathasaigh/V. Duffy
E. Stewart
J. Morton T. Boyle K. Burke U. Kane J. Cantwell J. Stewart B. Milton M. Connaughton K. Nolan J. Clarke M. Connaughton N. Vaughan D O Cathasaigh/U. Kane
A. Ffrench
Eucharistic Adoration A representative from the Parish EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Group, will speak to us today about silent adoration before the Blessed Sacrament and how newcomers can participate. WEEKLY EUCHARISTIC ADORATION has been part of our parish life in Howth since 2011. Participants spend a set hour each week in silent adoration. Other than starting and finishing on the hour and observing a prayerful silence, there is no structure. Participants pray, meditate, read Scripture or spiritual books or any combination of these as they choose. It is a time to quietly unwind in Our Lord’s presence away from the busyness of life and open our hearts to him in whatever way we find natural.
FAMILY MASS CELEBRATION, SATURDAY 24th JUNE We invite you to stay a while after 5.30pm Mass next weekend when we will celebrate the Family Mass year, especially our First Holy Communion and Confirmation classes. Everyone is invited to join us for tea, coffee and treats to be held at the back of the Church directly after Mass. We look forward to meeting everyone there! HOWTH PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL The next meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council is at 7.30pm on Monday, 19th June in Stella Maris Convent.
Bible Study continues on Friday 23rd June in St. Columbanus Hall at 10.45am. All welcome.
This year’s Parish Pilgrimage to Knock has been arranged for SUNDAY 27th August. Cost - €50 – which includes Coach, Lunch (Tea/Coffee/Sandwich) and Evening Dinner at the Abbey Hotel, Roscommon. Bookings may be made in the Parish Office weekday mornings.
Mindfulness Meditation with Joe Clarke
The Howth Conference of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society will hold
today, after all the Masses.
Do you want to make our church more beautiful, be creative and work with nature? The flower team in the church are looking for new people to help out. You don't need any previous experience, just enthusiasm, friendliness and a love of flowers. For more information contact Marie O Sullivan at 086-0798069 RECENT BAPTISMS The Parish Community warmly welcomes Baby Erin Ward and Baby Bobby Hamilton Cowap who were baptised recently in Congratulations
and every joy to their proud parents,
Meditation will take place in the Hall from 11.00am until 12 noon. Meditation at Stella Maris Retreat Centre is now on a summer break and will resume in September.
our Church.
Meditation will take place tomorrow evening (Mon. 19th June) at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall (St. Columbanus). On Tuesday 20th June,
Parents and extended family.
FUND-RAISING CONCERT The Roscommon Solstice Choir will present a concert in the Church of Our Lady Mother of Divine Grace, Station Road, Raheny, on Sunday 25th June at 7.15 pm. Featuring Emer Reynolds & guest Sharon Lyons. All proceeds in aid of MSD Action Foundation / Tickets €10 (available in advance or at the door) Tel. Alan Finglas 086-826 5747, Linda Darbey 086-306 0218 Autumn Holy Land Pilgrimages
This is a unique opportunity to visit the Holy Land staying in Bethlehem, Jerusalem and Tiberias and visiting all of the sacred places associated with the life of Our Lord. MAP Travel have pilgrimages throughout the year and have a small number of places left on 13 September and 11 October this year, each accompanied by a Spiritual Director. Full details from MAP Travel (01) 8783111 or FINGAL AND BALGRIFFIN CEMETERIES 2017 The Annual Cemetery Mass in Fingal takes place today, Sunday 18th June at 12noon. The Annual Cemetery Mass in Balgriffin takes place on Sunday 2nd July at 12noon.
Anam Cara Parent Evening Anam Cara, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding its next monthly Parent Evening on Wednesday 21st of June from 19:30 to 21:00 in B.A.S.E Brackenstown Road, Swords, Co. Dublin. This event is open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether the death was recent or not.