Newsletter #2 - October 2013.pdf

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ASME Newsletter. France Section. Number: 2. October, 2013. English. Welcome from the President. The main activities of the ASME French during the last few ...

ASME Newsletter France Section


Number: 2 October, 2013


will be the ASME Codes use and the PED requirements ( elcome from the President

The main activities of the ASME French during the last few months consisted in promotion and support of different events with large ASME contributions: "Pressure Vessel and Piping conference (PVP 2013)", "12th EDF PPrime Workshop" and "ESOPE 2013", an ASME training course in Lyon ("Piping Codes & Standards: Design rules and Specific Topics" and a direct participation to ASME-PED 2013 conference in Genova-Italy. The French Section General Assembly will take place end of November 2013 and will be a perfect occasion to modernize and adapt the performance of our section with national and international changes in engineering, training, education and research in Mechanical domain and in connection with ASME orientations. See you soon, in particular at the General Assembly ! Chairman ASME Section France Guy BAYLAC

For more detailed information, join us in Paris for our Annual General Assembly of ASME Section France (refer to next paragraph) that will take place last week of November (agenda, place and date will be available in the next few days…).

ASME New Standards BPVC 2013 new edition The 2013 edition of the ASME Boilers and Pressure Vessels Code (12 Sections) is available since last summer…

ASME Section France Activities The Section looks to increase the scientific and technical knowledge of its members, taking their needs into consideration. In France, the Section organizes Conferences, educational Seminars and events. These activities are aimed at confirmed engineers, early career engineers, as well as students. The Section assists the Society for : - "Pressure Vessel & Piping" conference organization in Paris from July 14 to 18 which was great success with more than 1200 participants from more than 25 countries ( - the "12th EDF-PPRIME Workshop", in Poitiers, Futuroscope, September 17 & 18, 2013 These two days of conferences on the annual topic: "Solution for performance improvement and friction reduction of journal and thrust bearings" was very successful. More than 130 satisfied participants attended the event this year, which is a record in attendance so far. ( The Section France will contribute to the ASME-PED 2013 conference in Genova on November 14 and 15, 2013, organized by the ASME-Section Italy. The topic

2013 Edition — No Addenda Service Changes to the 2013 Edition of the BPVC are incorporated into the appropriate page and each affected area is identified with a designator corresponding to the new Edition. Each Section of the 2013 Edition includes a Summary of Changes that lists the material affected by the change, plus the nature of the change. All Sections and Code Case Supplements are issued in loose-leaf format. Interpretations ASME issues written replies to inquiries concerning interpretation of technical aspects of the BPVC. The Interpretations for each individual Section will be published separately and will be included with the update service to that Section. Interpretations of Section III, Divisions 1 and 2 will be included with the update service to Subsection NCA. Interpretations of the BPVC are posted in January and July at:

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Code Case Supplements Code Cases clarify the intent of existing requirements or provide, when the need is urgent, rules for materials or constructions not covered by existing BPVC rules. Cases will appear in the applicable Code Cases book: "(1)" Boilers and Pressure Vessels or "(2)" Nuclear Components. Supplements will be sent automatically four times per year to the purchasers of the Code Cases books up to the publication of the 2015 BPVC.

Other standards - B30.29 - 2012 Self-Erecting Tower Cranes - B30.3 - 2012 Tower Cranes - AG-1 - 2012 Code on Nuclear Air and Gas Treatment - NQA-1 - 2012 Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facility Applications - Y14.100 - 2013 Engineering Drawing Practices - B89.3.7 - 2013 Granite Surface Plates - B16.5 - 2013 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings: NPS ½ through NPS 24 Metric/Inch Standard - B31.5 - 2013 Refrigeration Piping and Heat Transfer Components - B31J_ES - 2008 Método de prueba estándar para determinar factores de intensificación de esfuerzo (Factores i) para componentes de tuberías metálicas (Spanish) - CA-1 - 2013 Conformity Assessment Requirements

Future Events Join us for future events:

ESOPE 2013 ESOPE 2013 – "European Symposium on Pressure Equipment"

ASME Piping Codes Seminar

The Seminar "ASME Piping Codes & Standards, Design Rules and Current Developments" (Presentation in French, Slides in English), Lyon, September 24-26, 2013 postponed 21 to 23 January 2014 (same place and same program) :

Assemblée Générale Section Française The ASME Section France General Assembly will be held in Paris, last week of November, between November 25 and 29, 2013 (final agenda, precise place and date will be available in the next few days), the proposed agenda, open for any additional proposal, is: - General Information on ASME in the world and in Europe (European ASME Bureau - Brussels) - ASME Section France activities (Chairman Guy BAYLAC) o Last year summary/ Next year proposals (chairman) o End of October 2013 count balance / 2014 prediction (treasurer) o Round table on member expectations for the future of ASME Section France o Remarks and approved of new status o Bureau Election - Technical presentation on "Energy trends in Europe and in France" (speaker to be confirmed)

Major Links

ESOPE is the opportunity to discover recent changes in regulations and standards and the latest pressure equipment techniques ESOPE 2013 will be placed under the theme: "Feedback after more than 10 years of application of European directives on fixed and transportable pressure equipment; regulation in the different European countries for in-service equipment" It was organized by the French Pressure Equipment Association (AFIAP), with ASME Section France and ASME European Bureau supports.

How to contact us? [email protected] ASME Section France chairman

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