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On November 27, 2015, Milt Patton, long-time friend to the Planning Office, passed. away. Milt was a committed community

December 2015

The SKINNY Happy Holidays! November New building permits City 39 County 8 Subdivision plats reviewed and recorded 6 LOC sureties $ 4.6M Cash sureties $ 605K

Construction Progress

Inside views and news

South Court Alley Ribbon Cutting! The mural is done, the arch is up, and, like Santa, the lights are on the way! Please join us for the official ribbon cutting at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, December 18. A huge thank you to all the sponsors who made this project come to life in such a short time. And watch for more happenings at the Alley come spring and summer!

“The only qualified planner in Scott County” On November 27, 2015, Milt Patton, long-time friend to the Planning Office, passed away. Milt was a committed community activist who wanted to improve the quality of life for everyone. He would come into the office to talk about a particular issue, or any issue, and would leave with my admiration for his wider world view and never-ending enthusiasm to make a difference. For an old timer like me - and this is Mary speaking Milt was one of those constants that make life comfortable, like unpacking your favorite The Windsor Gardens Christmas bulbs year after year, or sometimes uncomfortable, like that crick in your back expansion will provide the that seems to hit every few months. only Memory Care Unit in With each new Director, Milt would come in the office and introduce himself. As Georgetown/Scott County. Kelley Klepper remembers, “My first interaction with Milt was on my first day in the The anticipated completion office as the Planning Director. To this day, I still remember his comment, “I’m Milt Patton and I’m the only qualified planner in Scott County.” Throughout my time in date is late summer of Georgetown-Scott County, I interacted with Milt and the evolving vision of The Colony, 2016. and we established a mutual professional respect for each other and would often swap about various development approaches. While aspects of The Colony may have Mapping Your World ideas shifted over time, Milt did his best to hold true to the original vision and the basic building blocks of a mixed-use community. Milt’s passion for The Colony and the communiThe GIS department rety never wavered. We may not have always agreed, but we could shake hands at the end cently created a map book for the Georgetown Fire De- of the day.” Another former Director, Steve Austin, says, “Perhaps one of the greatest complipartment that will aid rements I’ve had in my life was when Milt asked me to design Yuko En on the Elkhorn. sponders during calls that He was an “exacting” person to say the least, and for him to entrust me with the design venture off road into unchartof his vision was just an enormous honor. And further, Milt, despite his reputation for ed territory. Each page of cantankerousness, let me proceed in the design without interference. That was remarkathe book shows a one square ble! We never had a serious disagreement over the design and implementation, and we mile area of Scott County. worked well together to achieve something that will live far beyond all of us. Milt wantIncluded GIS layers are ed to make the world a better place, and in doing so, was a great teacher to me. While streets, streams, topographic our mutual trust and respect was mostly unspoken, I do wish I had taken the opportunity contour lines, and most imto express these thoughts directly to him.” portantly, aerial imagery. Milt, you made quite a mark. I know your kids are proud!