and PERI participated in the kick off activity of the Sight. Saving Month 2014. The Department of Health (DOH), in. coor
National Committee for Sight Preservation
Year That Was (2014) March 2015 | Issue No. 3
The prime mover in facilitating an enabled environment, conducive to providing quality and affordable eye care services, so that no Filipino goes needlessly blind.
A national coalition of organizations committed to the preservation of sight through building partnerships, sharing of our technical expertise, and contributing significantly to national & local program development and strategic resource investments.
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Policy and Program
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Vision 2020 Advocacy for Local Eye Care Services NCSP Internal Affairs Enlarge Local, Global and Regional Network
Policy and Program NCSP provided support to DOH on the following: • Development of the PEC Training Modules. The three modules are targeted for Program Managers/Service Providers and Community health Workers. • NCSP continued it’s technical assistance in the DOH Modeling Project “Local Eye Health project an Inter-local Health Zone Approach in District 4, Nueva Ecija”.
• Finalization of the Administrative Order on Financing Scheme “Increasing Access of Operative Cataract services among the poor in Government Hospitals.”
• NCSP participated in the development of E-NCD Monitoring indicators and Plan.
• NCSP members acted as resource persons in the PEC Training for Program Managers from all Regional Offices on March 26-28 at Ciudad Cristia, San Mateo, Rizal. • NCSP provided support at the organization meeting of the PBP program management committee held last May 29, 2014. Four subcommittees on Cataract, EOR, Childhood Blindness and Emerging Eye Diseases were organized.
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• NCSP and IAPB provided technical and coordination support for ROP guideline development. The first consultative meeting was held on May 9, 2014.
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• August Sight Saving Month: Members of NCSP, IPAO, Lions, and PERI participated in the kick off activity of the Sight Saving Month 2014. The Department of Health (DOH), in coordination with the Department of Education (DepEd), spearheaded vision screening for the pupils of Cecilio Apostol Elementary school in Manila using a new vision screening tool to detect “amblyopia” or lazy eye as part of the observance of August Sight Saving Month.
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• Director Enrique Tayag, NCSP chair Dr Noel Chua, members of NCSP and Presidents/head of the various Lions districts participated in the Walk for Sight and wreath laying at the Rizal monument during the Sight Saving Month held last August 31. The event was parti-cipated by delegates from schools, hospitals, PAO, NCSP members. The largest contingent was from the Lions. The walk was followed by a breakfast forum at the City State Hotel organized by DOH.
• Held World Sight Day Event on October 9, 2014 at Quirino Memorial Medical Center. Two highlights of the WSD were: a.) inauguration of the Eye Center of QMMC and b.) the signing of commitment between DOH and PERI on the conduct of Philippine Eye Disease Study. Undersecretary Nemesio Gako, Andreas Mueller of WHO, Secretary of Health in ARMM Dr. Kadil Sinolinding. Former Secretary of Health Manolet Dayrit were among the special guest who graced the event.
Vision 2020 Advocacy for Local Eye Care Services
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1. Technical and Financial Support in scale up of Community Eye Health in Iloilo Province (integrated with E-NCD). • Gapan Pilot Project was formally launched in August 26, 2014, with the presence of Local Chief Executives. NCSP facilitated availability of medical equipments for the San Antonio District Hospital to initiate the start-up of cataract eye surgeries.
Year That Was (2014) March 2015 | Issue No. 3
2. NCSP participated in a monitoring activity of the Physicians for Peace Project. • The Save the Sight of a Child Project of the Physicians for Peace covered a total of 1,756 students screened,1,276 students provided with prescription eye frames and 5,618 adults in the community have been screened and 5,132 were given prescribed eye frames. The project covered 15 schools from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. 3. NCSP facilitated meeting with FHF and DDO Program staff for future collaboration.
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4. The Department of Education awarded NCSP member Lions’ MD 301 Philippines for their successful SFK Project held at the Meralco Multi Purpose Hall, Pasig City, Oct. 14, 2014. Deped Secretary Bro. Armin Luistro and Under Secretary Mario Deriquito gave the award and SFK Grant Administrator PCC George Yuquico, SFK Project Chair PDG Valentine Tio received the award in behalf of the MD 301 Philippines for the Sight for Kids project, now on its ninth year.
5. Cataract Foundation continued to support local eye care services covering over 25,000 adult and pediatric surgeries, spectacle distribution, training of front line health workers and others.
6. The Vision2020 - Surigao del Sur under the auspices of MMM- EyeSight2020 and the Provincial Eyesight Board of Surigao del Sur covered over 500 patients medical and eye health services in December 2014. 7. OAP and IPAO continue to provide services at the local level and as resource persons during trainings of health workers with the Department of Health.
Research • NCSP Established a Data Base of eye doctors . • PERI completed the School Screening research and recommendation was submitted to DDO. Planning for scale-up of the PERI school screening module is on-going. • PERI was officially granted the contract to conduct the Philippine Eye Disease Study. The study was funded by DOH, and was officially launched at the World Sight Day in October 9, 2014. |page 6
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NCSP Internal Affairs • DOH-NCSP MOA signed. • Consolidation of NCSP member organizations’s accomplishments. • NCSP Meeting: Meeting held April 8, June 9 and September 29, 2014. • Financial documents of NCSP required for the SEC registration completed. • Drafted a Concept Paper for Fund raising project. • NCSP website upgraded.
8. The Fred Hollows Foundation turned-over eye care equipment to Dr. Lemuel Gatchalian in Tacloban last December 2014. The solicitation of the equipment was initiated by Dr. Noel Chua to help Tacloban eye doctors and the health facility who were affected by typhoon Haiyan. Dr. Phuc Huynh Tan, FHF Associate Director for East Asia personally turned-over the equipment to the Eye Center doctors and nurses led by Dr. Lemuel Gatchalian.
Enlarge Local, Global and Regional Network Meeting with Partners: • Cooperation meetings were held between NCSP and International partners with HKI’s Dr. Ame Stormer last February 24 and with Dr Manfred Moerchen, new Regional Adviser on Inclusive Eye Health of CBM last October 16, 2014. • Meeting with International NGO Compassion International a faith based NGO and works through their local churches nationwide. Almost 70,000 recipients aged 0-21 years old, with
their mothers and families are covered in the program. • Attendance to the 15th National Health Research Forum for Action on October 22 at Marriot hotel. The theme of the forum was “Bridging Theory and Practice to achieve KP”. This was organized by the Health Systems Research Management of DOH. • Participation in the WHO regional meeting on eye health November 4-5, 2014.
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• Dr. Noel was a resource person at the technical consultation on Models of Innovative Financing for Eye Health on 2-3 December 2014 at WHO/WPRO, Manila, Philippines. • NCSP Teambuilding and Planning Workshop held on December 12, 2014, attended by almost 40 representatives of all NCSP member organizations together with the PBP technical team of DDO-DOH headed by Dr. Ernie Vera.
Contact NCSP Telefax: (02) 781-8618 E-mail:
[email protected]|
[email protected] Address: G/F Bldg. 12 DOH, San Lazaro Compound, Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz, Manila
NCSP Members The Fred Hollows Foundation (FHF) Physicians for Peace Department of Education (DepEd) Philippine Information Agency (PIA) UP Manila - Institute of Ophthalmology Christoffel Blindenmission (CBM) Helen Keller International (HKI)
Optometric Association of the Philippines (OAP) Integrated Philippine Association of Optometrists, Inc. (IPAO) Cataract Foundation Philippines, Inc. (CFP) Lions Sight First Philippines Tanggal Katarata Foundation, Inc. (TKF)
DOH & NCSP Working Together to Ensure the Right to Sight and Eye Health of All Filipinos