newsletter-2016-january.pdf - Google Drive

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Page 1 of 1. Inside views and news. The SKINNY. GEORGETOWN - SCOTT COUNTY. PLANNING COMMISSION January 2016. December. C

The ribbon-cutting for South Court Alley was a success. Watch for string lights soon!

December New building permits City 31 County 15 Subdivision plats reviewed and recorded 8 LOC sureties $ 4.5M Cash sureties $ 572K

The SKINNY Inside views and news 2016 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN KICK-OFF MEETING It’s time to plan! Tomorrow is only a day away!

Construction Progress GSCPC

COCK-A-DOODLE DOO!! Roosters restaurant has begun construction adjacent to the Kroger Marketplace.

Mapping Your World Winter is upon us, and with it the promise of snow, ice, and dangerous road conditions. The GIS department has completed its work with the City Engineer to prioritize snow removal routes in Georgetown. During the process, we created an interactive map to help you plan your day when winter weather strikes. It can be found at:

We hope you find this tool helpful during these colder months!

January 2016

Tuesday, January 26, 2016 6:00-8:00 pm Scott County Extension Office 1130 Cincinnati Road

Be part of the planning and visioning for the future of our county. This is the first of a series of public meetings to update the GeorgetownScott County Comprehensive Plan. This plan is the guiding document for growth and development within our county. At this public meeting, you will help create the vision statement for the plan, as well as participate in several break-out groups. You will have an option for continued involvement with these groups as they transition into working committees. These committees are: Land Use Agriculture & Environment Heritage & Urban Form Growth & Economic Development Infrastructure & Community Facilities Human Services & Community Building For more information, visit

In the Pipeline Scariot Equipment Co. - 15,167 sq. ft. industrial building on Corporate Blvd. MVH Industrial Piping - 10,500 sq. ft. building expansion on Endeavor Dr. Lloyd Road Cell Tower - 195’ selfsupporting cell tower accessed from Stamping Ground Rd. Lena Wise Property - 7,521 sq. ft. kennel and 4,530 sq. ft. future expansion on 4.81 acres at 1364 Lexington Rd.