If you would like to have a family group photograph then you will. need to ... Mon 20 Mar BoT meeting 6.30pm in the staf
Taita Central School Newsletter 17 March 2017
Number 7
Term 1: Week 7
17 Poututerangi 2017
Nama 7
Wahanga 1: Wiki 7
Kia ora, Talofa lava, Kia Orana, Bula Vinaka, Malo e lelei, Talofa ni, Mafola, Namaste, Mingalaba, Saan ka pupunta, Ni hao, Jom reep sooa, Nabad, Muli bwanji, Hallo, Greetings! Principal’s Award last week went to: Stanley Taeatu Area 9 Jaya Fairbrother Area 7 May Myint Area 4 A Huge THANK YOU Last weekend was Tu Meke Taita, two of our girls stepped last minute into the role of Karanga at the Powhiri. A huge thank you to Natahle Te Kira and Shalom Seeti who represented Taita Central School with confidence and pride in this role. A huge thank you also to the Kapa Haka group who performed with passion and pride and also to Mabel Tokona and Bertie Rigby who helped prepare this group for the stage. Well done everyone!
Kowhai Trip to Expressions Kowhai Block (Areas 1, 3 and 4) will be going to see the Healing Pools exhibition at Expressions in Upper Hutt next week. This light display links well with our maths work on patterns. If the weather is good we will then go to Maidstone Max Park in the afternoon or the Upper Hutt Library if it's wet. When: Thursday 23 March leaving school at 9.30am and returning by 3pm What to bring: sensible shoes for outdoor play, a jacket, a healthy lunch for a busy day, a drink of water (no fizzy please), a big smile!
Tel: 5677214
Taita Central School – Te Kura O Nga Hau E Wha Developing independent life-long learners
Fax: 5677699
There is no cost to parents for this trip as the bus has been sponsored by a community member (we are very grateful for this). Friday’s Special Powhiri This Friday there will be no afternoon assembly. Instead we are having a powhiri at 10.00 a.m. to welcome some special visitors to our school. To make our special visitors feel welcome, we are going to dress in yellow and black if we can. A hint to who may be visiting: a very strong wind! Please feel free to join us.
Parent-Teacher Goal-Setting Interviews – Tuesday 21 March On Tuesday 21 March you have the opportunity to meet with your child’s teacher to jointly set goals for your child. School will close at 2pm on Tuesday 21 March to allow time to conduct all interviews. Interview times will be between 2.10pm – 5.20pm and resume after tea at 6.20pm – 7.30pm. Your child’s teacher will be contacting you if you have not made an appointment.
School Photographs: Our annual school photographs – class and individual – will be taken on TUESDAY 4 APRIL AT 9.00 A.M. Today all children will have brought home an envelope from the photographer for you to choose what pack you would like and to enclose the money. Please enclose cash or cheques only – we do not have Eftpos. These envelopes along with the money must be returned to the school office no later than FRIDAY 31 MARCH. If you would like to have a family group photograph then you will need to collect an envelope from the office. Lucky Book Club – Offer 2 All students have been given a brochure for Book Club Issue 2. If you wish to order, please complete the form and enclose it with the money and return to the school office by Friday 31 March 2017. Found: A lovely piece of Pounamu has been handed in to the office. If you have lost one and can identify it we would love to return it to its owner. Please call in to the school office. National Standard Achievement Data for 2016 Each year we report to the Ministry of Education how Taita Central School is tracking and achieving against the National Standards in Reading, Writing and Mathematics. The detailed achievement of Taita Central School in these areas, by year group and by ethnic group can be found on the website: www.educationcounts.govt.nz Truancy and Lateness It is really important that your children attend school and on a regular basis. Each day away from school affects your child’s learning. The more days away the further they fall behind and the harder it is to close achievement gaps. It is also important that the children are here to begin the day when the first bell rings at 8.55 a.m. If your child is constantly late, they miss the same subject every morning and therefore fall behind in their learning. As a school, we have to report attendance and truancy to the Ministry of Education for them to follow up.
Tel: 5677214
Taita Central School – Te Kura O Nga Hau E Wha Developing independent life-long learners
Fax: 5677699
Coming Events Mon 20 Mar BoT meeting 6.30pm in the staffroom Tues 21 Mar 2 p.m. finish, Parent-Teacher Goal Setting Thur 23 Mar Kowhai trip to Expressions Mon 27 Mar 1.30 pm Duffy Books Role Model Assembly Fri 31 Mar Matai trip to Te Papa Tues 4 Apr School photos
To Action Make an appointment for your Parent-Teacher Goal Setting Dress in yellow and black for Friday. Return your photo envelopes before Friday 31 March
Engaging our Boys - Nga Tama Toa Mau rakau, leadership, fitness, discipline, manners, respect! These are just some of things that our Taita Central School, Year 5 and 6 boys are learning and practicing through Nga Tama Toa. The programme is a mix of tikanga Maori and life skills taught through various forms: mau rakau (Maori martial art), fitness and skills around how to manage yourself in a variety of everyday situations. Nga Tama Toa is programme run in schools by Matua Whaiteri Poutawa. We are extremely lucky that Barnados Social Workers in Schools, funds this programme for us and other schools in the Hutt Valley. Matua Whaiteri is a great communicator, confidence builder and has a knack of building relationships and guidance through Te Reo, (language), movement and role play. This year he has been joined by Matua Vinnie who also has these fantastic qualities. Taita Central School is their second year of having Matua Whaiteri teaching his programme. Because of the success of last year and his continued work this year, we hope the relationship between him and school can carry on for many more years. Mauri Ora!
Tel: 5677214
Tai ta Central School – Te Kura O Nga Hau E Wha Developing independent life-long learners
Fax: 5677699
Absence TXT Line: 022 351 2655 Text child’s first & last name, area, absence reason, sender’s name. Nga mihi nui (With best wishes) – Tania Cohen and Staff
Tel: 5677214
Tai ta Central School – Te Kura O Nga Hau E Wha Developing independent life-long learners
Fax: 5677699