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Susan Seeti Area 6 ... It is not a place where you can get food and water, ... Hi my name is Karen Elliott and I am the
Taita Central School Newsletter 30 March 2017

Number 9

Term 1: Week 9

30 Poututerangi 2017

Nama 9

Wahanga 1: Wiki 9

Kia ora, Talofa lava, Kia Orana, Bula Vinaka, Malo e lelei, Talofa ni, Mafola, Namaste, Mingalaba, Saan ka pupunta, Ni hao, Jom reep sooa, Nabad, Muli bwanji, Hallo, Greetings! Principal’s Award last week went to: Grace Larsen Area 3 Susan Seeti Area 6 Roseanna Sione Area 8 Term Dates Term 1 ends on Thursday 13 April at 3 p.m. Term 2 starts Monday 1 May at 8.55 a.m. School Photos  School Photos – class, individual, family – will be taken next Tuesday 4 April.  If you want a family group portrait please collect an envelope from the school office.  To order: put correct money or cheque in envelope (which we pass on directly to the photographers) and return to school by tomorrow: Friday 31 March. Student Attendance  We have noticed a slip in attendance and punctuality for some of our students. Unless there is a genuine reason for absence, students must attend every school day, and arrive on time.  We must be informed of any absences by note, phone call, absence TXT line, or in person. If we do not receive this, your child is recorded as ‘truant’ (as required by the Ministry of Education).  There is overwhelming evidence through professional research, and our own evidence within the School, that absences have a negative impact on student learning and achievement. Staff Update From tomorrow, Mr Taylor is on sick leave until the beginning of term two. We wish him all the best and a speedy recovery. We have managed to get the same reliever for this period of time to ensure stability for the children of Area 9. In Mr Taylor’s absence, Ms Powell will be Acting Deputy Principal and Mrs Luga will be Acting Assistant Principal. Trainee Teacher We welcome Miss Meridian Moemua who is working alongside Mrs Luga from Monday 3 April until Friday 26 April as part of her training to become a teacher. After School Care Survey Forms Last week, we sent home a survey about whether or not the community would use or want an after school care programme set up at Taita Central School. Please return these forms if you are interested. They are going to be collated and a decision made as to whether or not, one will be set up. Tel: 5677214

Taita Central School – Te Kura O Nga Hau E Wha Developing independent life-long learners

Fax: 5677699

Coming Events Fri 31 Mar Matai trip to Te Papa Tues 4 Apr School photos Thurs 6 Apr Matai trip to Expressions Thurs 13 Apr Last day term one, school ends at 3 p.m.

Absence TXT Line: 022 351 2655

To Action  Return photo envelopes – last day tomorrow  Last day Lucky Book orders tomorrow  Return after school care survey  Return photo permission form

Text child’s first & last name, area, absence reason, sender’s name.

Community Hub Taita Central School is no longer a Civil Defence Centre, rather it is a Community Hub. This means that in an event of an emergency it is a place where the community gather to help each other during an emergency. It is run by people in the community. It is not a place where you can get food and water, rather it is a place of support and problem solving as a community. Today we have attached a flyer about getting prepared for an emergency from Wellington Region Emergency Management. Please take some time to read this. Don’t forget there is a community meeting to support this next week. Taita and Pomare Disaster Response Plan Workshop This important workshop is for everyone in our community – groups, organisations, families and individuals  Put a plan in place for helping each other after a significant earthquake  Develop ideas to strengthen and build resilience in Taita and Pomare Come along and join the discussion. BBQ and drinks provided. Please invite everyone you know in the community – friends, neighbours, work colleagues Wednesday 5 April 6 p.m. Pomare Community Centre SOCIAL WORKER IN SCHOOL SERVICE Hi my name is Karen Elliott and I am the social worker working in partnership with the school. My role is to work one to one with children and their families, support families to access community services, and provide group programmes to help children. This is a free service available to families within the school community. I can be contacted on 027 609 1920 or through the school.

Tel: 5677214

Taita Central School – Te Kura O Nga Hau E Wha Developing independent life-long learners

Fax: 5677699

Kowhai Block’s Trip to Healing Pools Last Thursday Kowhai Block went to Expressions in Upper Hutt to see the Healing Pools exhibit. This is an interactive light display which the children were able to walk through to change the patterns. They created some artwork using paint as well. In the afternoon we went to Maidstone Max Park to play. The following stories will tell you more about our fun-filled day! We went on the bus to go to the Healing Pools and I ran around the colours. Israel - Area 4 I went to the Healing Pools on the bus. I put a pattern with every colour then we went to the park then I went on the slide. Mapihi - Area 4 We went to Maidstone Park and we ate all of our food and Jorjah and me played on the big slide and after that we both played on the house in the little park. Georgia-Rose - Area 4 Yesterday I went on the bus to the Healing Pool. I went in the light and it turned red and yellow. Skyler - Area 1 Yesterday we went to the Healing Pools and we went to the park. I went on the flying fox because the flying fox is fun. The Healing Pools and the lights were yellow patterns they were green. Keisha - Area 1 Yesterday I jumped on the green light and it went yellow and it followed me. Raynesh - Area 1 Kowhai got to go on a trip to the Healing Pools exhibit. We had morning tea then we got to go into the Healing Pools. We made the Healing Pools all yellow, all of us. We played on the park too. I played on the climbing frame, the swings, the bridge, the slide and everything! I really liked both of them (the exhibit and the park). Anthony – Area 3 Yesterday we went on a trip to the Healing Pools. To get there we went on a bus to Upper Hutt. When we got there we had morning tea. After that we went into a room that had patterns on the floor. It was because of a projector and a mirror. The projector was shining on to the mirror and the mirror was reflecting the light onto the floor. That is why on the floor there were patterns. If you walked on it the patterns changed. After that we did painting. Then we walked to Maidstone Max park. At Maidstone Max park I went on the cupcake, the slide, the swing, and a ropey thing. Then we had lunch there. Scarlet – Area 3 We went on a trip. We went on the bus for an hour. Then we got to the Healing Pools exhibit. When we got off the bus we saw some pictures first. Then we saw red and orange patterns. It was made with a mirror and light. It was colourful. It changed when we moved in it. Isabella – Area 3

Tel: 5677214

Taita Central School – Te Kura O Nga Hau E Wha Developing independent life-long learners

Fax: 5677699

Nga mihi nui (With best wishes) – Tania Cohen and Staff Sharing our Learning: We love sharing our learning with our friends, our whanau/fono, our families. As part of our learning we take photos to show what we are doing. Attached below is a permission slip that we need returned to the school office please, so we can continue to share our learning with you through photos. ___________________________________________________________________________________ PARENT / CAREGIVER PERMISSION FOR THE PUBLICATION OF STUDENT WRITTEN WORK / ART WORK / PHOTOS I understand that from time-to-time Taita Central School may wish to publish examples of student projects, photographs of students and other work on an Internet accessible worldwide web server. Except for a student’s first name, no other personal details will be published. Photographs will be group shots. Parent/Caregiver permission will be sought for close up or individual shots. My child’s Written work and Art work can be published on the Internet,

Yes / No

and Photographs of my child can be published in local publications i.e Hutt News, Taita Times etc.

Yes / No

Name of Child…………………………………………………………………. Name of Parent / Caregiver …………………………………………………………………. Parent / Caregiver Signature ……………………………………………………………….. Date: …………………………………………………….

Tel: 5677214

Taita Central School – Te Kura O Nga Hau E Wha Developing independent life-long learners

Fax: 5677699